Political Government

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Retail style politics would be most feasible in which type(s) of election?


Political scientists argue that political parties today are more internally ______ and ideologically ______ than they have been in over a century.

unified; distinct

Which are the two major political parties in the United States?

Democratic and Republican

All states except Maine and ______ award all of their electors to the plurality winner of the state's popular vote.


Which of the following statements is true regarding a single-member district electoral system?

The candidate with more votes than any opponent wins the election in the district

Current election laws in the United States favor?

a two-party system.

In today's political arena, candidates?

carry a substantial burden of campaigning on themselves

Which of the following alternative parties ran candidates for president in 1948 and 1968, appealing to southern whites who felt disaffected by the Democratic Party?

American Independent Party States' Rights Party

True or false: Local party organizations are stronger today than they were in the days of the political machines.

False Reason: Local organizations were much stronger in the past.

True or false: Parties were created because our Constitution said they must be.

False Reason: Parties are not mandated by the Constitution but aren't forbidden, either.

True or false: In the American system of government, political parties do not need to work together in order for government to function.

False Reason: The U.S. system requires parties to work closely together for anything to get done.

Which of the following statements about partisan polarization is true?

Periodic polarization is not a new phenomenon

In a proportional representation system, which of the following is most likely true?

Political parties win a number of seats in the legislature equal to the percent of the vote each party receives

True or false: Political parties in the United States have become more polarized over time, leading some to worry that if compromise is not possible, the business of government may come to a halt.

True Reason: If compromise is not possible, the business of government may come to a halt.

Which party formed during the 1830s as a response to the Democratic Party's policies but eventually died due to internal divisions?

Whig Party

A candidate's advertisement in a newspaper that compares her voting record on gun legislation with her opponent's is best characterized as?

a contrast ad.

As compared to typical large cash donors, Internet campaign donors are more likely to represent?

a diverse array of interests.

While political parties have always been a part of the American political landscape, the parties in competition have risen and fallen due to?

a failure to adapt. internal struggles. competition.

Which of the following are functions of the national party chair?

acts as a referee in contested primaries helps set party agenda and rules monitors electoral races oversees operations at national headquarters

Which of the following "best" describes contemporary political campaigns?

candidate centered

In the modern era, ______ have taken a much more active role in running campaigns, although parties remain a major electoral force.


A state that prevents members of one political party from voting for another party's nominees has which type of primary?


Which of the following types of ads draw attention to differences that clearly distinguish each candidate?

contrast advertising

Despite the Framers' views on the dangers of political parties, they themselves formed ________________ that quickly assumed the functions of parties.

factions or factional groups

Despite the Framers' views on the dangers of political parties, they themselves formed __________________ that quickly assumed the functions of parties.

factions or factional groups

In general, turnout for non-presidential elections is ______ in presidential election years.

much lower than

Which of the following are advantages of incumbents?

name recognition free publicity

A(n) _________________ election is one in which voters choose candidates to represent the parties in the general election.


Which of the following sources of funding is a candidate for office "least likely" to rely on?

public funding

Critics complain that single-member districts?

reduce voter turnout. discourage third party candidates.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 banned parties from spending and raising _________________ money but increased contribution limits on ____________________ money.

soft; hard

America's single-member district, or winner-take-all, system of electing candidates works to the disadvantage of?

third parties

Which of the following elections were described as critical and were responsible for major realignments that brought Democrats to power?

1932 1936

The first mass political party was created by Andrew Jackson and was named the ______ Party.


Which of the following is considered a function of a political party?

Parties run candidates under their own label or affiliation

A(n) __________________ election is one in which voters choose candidates to represent the parties in the general election.


Beginning with Richard Nixon's campaign in 1968, Republicans employed a campaign strategy known as the ______________ _______________that appealed to social conservatives.

Southern strategy

When a realignment in the electorate occurs, what is expected to take place in the United States?

Supporters re-assort themselves

Which of the following are positive side effects of single-member districts?

There is more stability in government. They simplify leadership in government.

Which of the following were ideas associated with Alexander Hamilton and his vision for the new nation?

a strong commercial force in the world a strong national government with broad authority

In a system that uses proportional representation, small parties?

are assured legislative seats even if they only receive a small number of votes overall

What "two" major factors in the American political system today reduce the ability of lawmakers to reach consensus?

big money in politics partisan polarization

How do congressional members from safe seats often assist candidates in more competitive races?

by making donations to leadership PACs

An independent candidate is generally excluded from voting in which type of primary?

closed primary

Which of the following "best" characterizes earned media?


Local party officials, such as mayors, can assist national party candidates in which of the following ways?

getting out the vote securing special projects

The Electoral College in the United States has the effect of?

limiting the number of competitive parties in the United States

Which of the following best defines third parties?

minor parties that run a slate of their own candidates in opposition to the major-party organization

Parties have begun experimenting with new technologies to both identify and ______ potential voters at the national and local levels.


While contrast ads draw distinctions between candidates with regard to issues, _________________ ads are more personal, attacking opponents with the intent of angering voters.


Which of the following can political parties do, given their nature in the United States?

organize elections identify potential candidates campaign for candidates

Campaigns and political parties have utilized the Internet and social media for which of the following initiatives?

organizing party activities connecting with supporters fundraising

The lowest level of party organization and the one closest to voters is the ______ level.


Which of the following refers to now-banned contributions raised by political parties that were used for "party-building" activities, such as voter registration?

soft money

Which of the following is made up of members of smaller units of government like municipalities and legislative districts?

state parties

Which of the following issues divided the Democrats and Whigs during the second party system?

tariffs federal government size

Candidates rely more on their own organizations because?

they have more control over them.

The United States government functions as a ______-party system.


True or false: National party organizations can contribute more to individual Senate candidates than to House candidates.

True Reason: This statement is true. The caps are $47,400 and $5,000 respectively.

Which of the following are reasons why parties sometimes rise or fall?

internal struggles among factions competition failure to adapt policies or positions to changing times

The party system in the United States differs from that in other nations because of?

our election rules. voters' tendency to shy away from ideological extremes. the way in which our elections are financed.

During the first half of the twentieth century, ______ were solely responsible for running political campaigns, including selecting and grooming candidates for office.


______ media refers to media coverage that a candidate receives for free because of some action or position that he or she has taken.


True or false: Political parties have played a vital role in the expansion of the voting franchise to new voters.

True Reason: Parties have played a vital role in reaching out to new voters and expanding the voting franchise.

True or false: A candidate's party identification alone is usually not enough to win a general election.

True Reason: Party identification alone is often not enough to carry most candidates to victory.

The primary role of the national party committee is to?

elect their party's candidate for president

Current officeholders, or ______, have greater name recognition among voters and will garner greater publicity because of the offices they hold.


While contrast ads draw distinctions between candidates with regard to issues, _______________ ads are more personal, attacking opponents with the intent of angering voters.


In which of the following ways has the political landscape changed over the last several years?

new technologies used in reaching voters increased political polarization higher than average turnout rates

The idea behind the closed primary is that?

only party members should chose who should lead them in the general election.

Those who donate to political campaigns via the Internet resemble large donors in some demographic characteristics—for instance, in?

race and income

Advertising in political campaigns includes which of the following media?

radio advertisements direct mail television commercials

When an incumbent faces only limited or token opposition, it is called a(n) _________________ seat.


The "primary" focus for the state party officers and their staffs is?

statewide elective offices such as governor

Which of the following are true of third parties in American political life?

They are attractive to those who don't perceive a genuine difference between the two major parties. They tend to attract many who have not previously voted. They usually arise in periods of great change or crisis.

Before entering the primary election, candidates must?

demonstrate that they have enough financial resources to be viable. show that they have the backing of key constituent groups.

The amount of money that a candidate spends on mass media advertising depends on?

the size of the media market.

In a primary election, candidates for office run against challengers from?

within their party.

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