Political Science Exam 2

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Under which of these systems is a party discipline likely to be highest A. Centralized B. Dominant C. Communist D. Republican


which of the following is a reason that the telephone survey is the most common polling method in the united states A. Most Enjoyable B. Easiest C. Cheapest method D. Most Expensive

Cheapest method

Churches, clubs, businesses, and soccer leagues are all elements of __________. A. Politcal Culture b. Groups C. Civil Society D. Memberships

Civil society

Polls and surveys can track public opinion as well as A. Help others B. best candiate C. Political culture D. Manipulate and Shape

manipulate and shape

Countries that use single member districts tend to have A. accountable parties B. center fleeing systems C. new parties D. two party systems

two party systems

Why does public opinion polling provide that election results cannot A. how much money people make B. what opinion is on a specific issue C. what other countries plans are D. insight on certain politicians

what opinion is on a specific issue

What is American voters' general response to ballots A. too many and confused B. not fair C. to far to get to D. rigged elections

too many and confused

political parties differ from interests groups because parties ___ A. Try to take away right to vote B. try to get there people elected into office C. are not able to influence policy D. cant take time for money

try to get there people elected into office

Which of the following is NOT a result of proportional representation electoral systems A. Accountability B. Accuracy C. Fairness D. Simplicity


Interests groups typically approach ____ looking for a favorable interpretation for existing rules and regulations A. Freedom of speech B. Influencing policy C. Administrators D. Face to face voting


Which of these is a practice that interest groups tend not to employ A. Approach lawmaker B. Maintenance worker C. politician D. teacher

Approach lawmaker

Which of the following would you expect to see in a country with routinely higher voter turnout A.less volunteering B. more voter opinion C. rigged elections D. Automatic voter registration

Automatic voter registration

Which of these statements describes the theory of countervailing power regarding interest groups A. Balance and compromise B. Heavily communist C. Authoritarian D. Evil

Balance, compromise

In most democratic countries, major parties attempt to be ____ to win a large number of votes A.Democratic B. Electoral C. Catchall D. Republican


According to Sartori, parties become more moderate when competing in a ____ A. Anarchy B. Democratic C. Center seeking or Centrist voters D. Republican

Center seeking or Centrist voters

____ Details, legally, how elections are run A. Electoral Systems B. Presidents C. Machines D. People

Electoral systems

If a "first-past-the-post" country has three viable political parties, but no one ever reaches 50 percent of the vote, what is the most likely result over time? A. loose interest groups B. plotical culture C. Merge parties to get most votes D. quitting politics

Merge parties to get most votes

In the USA today, cities have ___ turnouts than rural areas because ____ A. rigged elections B. More turnouts, more, more educated and closer to voting polls C. more money D. not a lot of voting polls

More turnouts, more, more educated and closer to voting polls

According to almond and Verba, the ____ political culture is the least democratic and has a population that has neither the desire nor ability to participate in politics A. Democratic B. Republican C. Subject D. Parochial


Almond and Verba argue that the following are the existing general political cultures A. Trust, society, culture B. Parochial, participant, subject C. Democratic, Marxist, Communist D. Anarchy, Republican, Centralized

Parochial, Participant, Subject

In a proportional representation systems that use party lists, what types of individuals can expect to be put at the top of those party lists A. Constitutional representation B. society laws C. Presidents D. Party Chiefs, party loyalists, trusted people,

Party Chiefs, party loyalists, trusted people,

Which term describes a democratic system where all kinds of people with different opinions and values compete to influence government policy A. Pluralists B. Rich people C. Centrists D. Republicans


Single-member districts produce winners based on A. constitutions B. Plurality C. fairness D. republics


Studies of __________ look for basic, general values regarding politics and government. A. Politcal Culture B. Public Opinion C. Public Trust D. Public Pressure

Political Culture

____ looks for individuals views about specific, leaders, events, and issues A. Public Pressure B. Society C. Public Opinion D. Centralized governments

Public Opinion

Citizens' reactions to current, specific issues and events is called A. Parochial B. Public opinion C. Public Culture D. Voting

Public opinion

Elections rarely show A. Public opinion B. Money and power C. the best candidate D. Politcal culture

Public opinion

The most accurate public opinion polls/surveys utilize which of the following methods A. Random Sampling B. Over the phone C. Face to Face D. Through Mail

Random sampling

"________________ voting" refers to voters choosing whether or not to vote for a candidate based on overall incumbent performance, especially in regard to the economy. A. valued B. rigged C. prospective D. Retrospective


What group or groups do interest groups tend to over-represent A. Young People B. Old people C. Poor people D. Rich people and businesses

Rich people and businesses

Which of the following is true about the average ballot in Europe A. Shorter and Simpler B. Too complicated C. there are non D. rigged elections

Shorter and Simpler

If you were interested in designing a country with moderate, centrist, and pragmatic politics what feature would you be most likely to support A. what opinion is B. Single member district C. parochial systems D. interest groups

Single member district

Which statement helps explain why Sweden has a higher voter turnout rate than the United States A. angry voters B. weak parties C. Strong disciplined political parties D. Face to face polling

Strong disciplined political parties

Why public opinion is an important consideration for both democratic and authoritarian governments A. To stay in power B. To vote C. to be right D. to influence others

To stay in power

When the number of parties is greater than five or six, sartori finds that parties compete in a ____ manner A. unstoppable manner B. Republican manner C. center fleeing-extremists way D. Anarchy manner

center fleeing-extremists way

In a democratic societies, large political parties are typically A. Collection of interest groups B. part of a political culture C. non competing D. corrupt

collection of interest groups

On the left-right ideological spectrum, which types of parties are the farthest left A. Centralized party B. communist party C. Republican party D. democratic party

communist party

Party systems are most easily categorized by the number of parties in them. A system with several parties contesting elections but only one of them ever winning is called a _________ system. A. Intern party B. Weak Party C. Dominant Party D. Communist Party

dominant party

Which method of polling/surveying is best but very expensive and time-intensive A. over the phone B. face to face C. mail D. internet

face to face

to prevent interest groups from influencing politics, it would be necessary to curtail their A. Jobs B. Voting C. Freedom of Speech D. Driving

freedom of speech

Suppose you belong to a single issue interest group with very little funding. Which of these is your best approach to influencing public policy A. Voting B. peaceful protests C. losing interests with others D. going to the streets with demonstrators violent protests

going to the streets with demostraters violent protests

What range below contains the ideal number of survey respondents for an accurate reflection of public opinion in a large population of millions of people A. billions B. Trillions C. Thousands 1,068 D. under 100

in the thousands 1,068

A surveyor/pollster can decrease a survey's/poll's margin of error by A.Decreasing the number of respondents B. Increasing the number of respondents C. Face to face polling D. What opinion is on a specific issue

increasing the number of respondents

___ is a non publicly accountable organization that attempts to promote a shared private interests by influencing public policy outcomes A. interest group B. Parochial C. Political group D. Centralized group

interest group

Which statement explains why the issue of access challenges the pluralist theory A. face to face voting B. interest groups are not good C. interest groups are a great way of doing things in a democracy D. not dealing with politicians

interest groups are a great way of doing things in a democracy

In the united states today which of the following characteristics would make a person less likely to vote A. no interest in politics B. no more friends C. Less education, male, living area D. female, more education

less education, male, living area

People with more ___ and higher ___ are more likely to vote and participate in politics A. More education ; higher income B. more active ; higher authority C. more friends ; less authority D. Less education ; lower income

more Education higher income

More women than men have voted in recent U.S elections, reflecting the fact that A. freedom B. More money C. more active D. more represented in higher education these days

more represented in higher education these days

which is a major shortcoming of a government that is heavily influenced by interest groups A. policy will never be completed B. when people are not influencing there different policies C. when people are not giving there efforts toward a certain goal D. policy will be skewed towards interest groups

policy will be skewed towards interest groups

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