POM Chapter 6

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A Six Sigma program has how many defects per million?


One study found that companies with the highest levels of quality are how many times more productive than their competitors with the lowest quality levels?


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Feigenbaum's work in how people learn from each other's successes led to the field of cross-functional teamwork.

What is a set of quality standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization?

ISO 9000

A fish-bone chart is also known as a(n):

Ishikawa diagram.

The process improvement technique that sorts the vital few from the trivial many is:

Pareto analysis.

"Quality Is Free," meaning that the costs of poor quality have been understated, is the work of:

Philip B. Crosby.

PDCA, developed by Shewhart, stands for which of the following?


What is a popular measurement scale for service quality that compares service expectations with service performance?


A manager tells her production employees, "It's no longer good enough that your work falls anywhere within the specification limits. I need your work to be as close to the target value as possible." Her thinking is reflective of:

Taguchi concepts.

"The employee cannot produce products that on average exceed the quality of what the process is capable of producing" expresses a basic philosophy in the writings of:

W. Edwards Deming.

Total quality management emphasizes:

a commitment to quality that goes beyond internal company issues to suppliers and customers.

"Making it right the first time" is:

a manufacturing-based definition of quality.

"Quality lies in the eyes of the beholder" is:

a user-based definition of quality.

Stakeholders who are affected by the production and marketing of poor quality products include:

all of these

The process of identifying other organizations that are best at some facet of your operations and then modeling your organization after them is known as:


A customer service manager at a retail clothing store has collected numerous customer complaints from the forms they fill out on merchandise returns. To analyze trends or patterns in these returns, she has organized these complaints into a small number of sources or factors. This is most closely related to the ________ tool of TQM.

cause-and-effect diagram

The philosophy of zero defects is:

consistent with the commitment to continuous improvement.

PDCA is most often applied with regard to which aspect of TQM?

continuous improvement

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning:

continuous improvement.

Which of the determinants of service quality involves having the customer's best interests at heart?


The goal of inspection is to:

detect a bad process immediately.

Regarding the quality of design, production, and distribution of products, an ethical requirement for management is to:

determine whether any of the organization's stakeholders are being wronged by poor quality products.

Building high-morale organizations and building communication networks that include employees are both elements of:

employee empowerment

Which of the four major categories of quality costs is particularly hard to quantify?

external failure costs

Among the tools of TQM, the tool ordinarily used to aid in understanding the sequence of events through which a product travels is a:


Poka-yoke is the Japanese term for:


All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality EXCEPT:

maintenance costs

Pareto charts are used to:

organize errors, problems, or defects.

According to the manufacturing-based definition of quality:

quality is the degree to which a specific product conforms to standards.

Costs of dissatisfaction, repair costs, and decreased future demand are elements of cost in the:

quality loss function.

Which of the determinants of service quality involves performing the service right the first time?


What refers to training and empowering frontline workers to solve a problem immediately?

service recovery

Marketing issues such as advertising, image, and promotion are important to quality because:

the intangible attributes of a product (including any accompanying service) may not be defined by the consumer.

Based on his 14 Points, Deming is a strong proponent of:

training and knowledge

Three broad categories of definitions of quality are:

user based, manufacturing based, and product based.

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