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set up and run their own campaign organizations

Today, political candidates tend to

regulatory agencies

capture theory argues that ____ sometimes focus more on the needs of industries than on the public interest

third parties that break off from one of the two dominant parties are known as

factional parties

-much longer, and complex than they were historically

modern campaigns for high office

politcal system is made up of at least three parties



An election in which voters chose the party's nominees is call a ___ election

since the great depression which partys agenda has included a strong commitment to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable members of society?


-election of U.S. Senators -voter registration

State parties are involved with which of the following activities

T/F: voter turnout decreased in the United States once states enacted registration laws around 1900


main opposition to the democratic party in the 1830s and the 1840s was the ___ party, which eventually died out


free rider

a free rider derives a benefit without contributing to its achievement

differences in which of the following are factors that influence voter participation

age, education, sense of duty

build support among voters

all party organizations have a responsibility to

candidates must consistently work to raise funds

because of the increasing cost of political campaigns

the limit on corporate and union spending in federal elections

citizens united v. federal election commission involved which issue affecting interest groups

-congressional committees -executive agencies -interest groups

components of an iron triangle

what were the two competitive political parties during the first party system?

democratic-republicans, federalists

which of the following groups are currently most likely part of the deomcratic coalition

elderly african americans union members

-primary elections -candidate centered campaigns

factors contributed to the weakening of party organizations

following factors are said to adversely affect voter turnout in the United States

frequent elections, voter registration laws

the fact that more white women than white men vote for the democratic party is an example of a ___ gap

gender gap

The national organization for women

groups is an example of a citizens group

citizens who are party identifiers have __ levels of voter turnout rates than those who identify as independents


although some people believe it is insignificant, which of the following may result if IDs were not required for voting

increased fraud

political action committee

interest group whose main goal is to raise and spend money to influence the outcome of elections

-faced legislative hurdles -a low chance of achieving their goals through elected officials

interest groups tend to rely on the courts to advance their policy goals when they have

-engaging in public relations -lobbying -making campaign contributions

legal tactics used by interest groups to influence policymakers

which of the following groups has the highest rate of voter turnout

middle aged people from the upper class

what law did congress enact in 1993 to allow people to register to vote when applying for a drivers license

motor voter

interest group

organization that seeks to influence government decision making is referred to as an

-using televised advertising to promote a groups position -grassroots letter writing campaigns

outside stategy

functions of a political party

parties endeavor to represent a majority -parties seek to govern

open primary system

permits all registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, to vote in a primary election


political parties and their ability to control politics in the United states have been weakened by ______-centered campaigns

information that supports the groups policy positions

rather than using threats, interest groups tend to influence lawmakers by providing them with

a permanent shift in party allegiances or electoral support is known as a party


television ads

single expenditure accounts for the most spending on U.S. political campaigns

third parties formed to promote a stance on a particular issue are known as

single issue parties

Which of the following voting blocs was largey notable for its migration to the republican party during the 1980s

southern whites

-gathering voter opinions -advising on how to run a successful campaign -production of promotional materials

statements sum up the various functions of political consultants?

Which of the following are true of the hispanic voters in the United States

they lean heavily toward the democratic party -Hispanics tend to be liberal on economic issues and conservative on social issues

economic interest groups

to secure material benefits for their members

-media producers -campaign strategists -polisters

today's political campaigns rely on which of the following to be succesful

which of these groups vote at above average rates

upper income americans, college educated individuals

suffrage is the right to



voting for a candidate's past performance rather than future promises is an example of what is called ___ voting

-pursuing wealthy patrons -raising funds

which of the following are part of the money chase of politics

trade association

which type of interest group represents business firms of a particular kind, such as insurance companies

-national chair

who oversees the day-to-day operations of the political partys national organization?

what are the major political parties in the United States?

-democratic party -republican party

Which of the following are true of grassroots parties

They are open to all citizens They operate at the local level

which of the following statements describe how U.S campaigns are both party centered and candidate centered

candidates organize their own campaigns -the same parties are represented nationwide

since the 1980s, which group has voted most strongly for the republican party

fundamentalist christians

corporate interests

interest group system tends to work primarily in favor of


labor group political action committees typically favor contributing to which of the following groups

citizens interest group

the type of interest group that addresses issues of concern to the general public and not just the groups members is called a ____ interest group

government workers

type of workers make up an increasing share of union workers

even if a third party candidate fails to win an election, the candidate has still done which of the following to help the third party succeed?

-encouraged the major parties to address issues introduced by the third party -drawn attention to an issue previously ignored by the other two major candidates

In terms of percentage of the presidential popular vote, the most successful twentieth century third parties was the __party

Bull Moose Party

which president was elected under his promise that he would do something about the great depression

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which party benefitted from the 1896 realignment, which was triggered by an economic depression following a banking crisis under President Grover Cleveland

Republican Party

countries with multiparty system tend to have what kind of electoral system

a proportional-representation system

current election laws in the United States favor

a two-party system

which of the following refers to a total lack of interest, such as a total lack of interest in politics



compared with europeans, americans are ____ likely to belong to a voluntary group or association

-increased the importance of money in political campaigns -made it easier for political newcomers to win high office

the rise of candidate centered campaigns has

which amendment to the US constitution extended voting rights to eighteen-years-old?

the twenty-sixth amendment


true/false: local party organizations are stronger today than they were in the days of the political machines

american farm bureau

which group represents the largest agricultural interest group in the US today?

-to raise money for congressional campaigns -to seek media coverage of party positions and activities -to raise money for presidential campaigns

which of the following are roles that national political parties have?

-focus of the campaign -amount of money required -length of the campaign

which of the following characteristics of political campaigns have undergone change?

interest groups are important to bringing the concerns of groups of individuals to the attention of government

which of the following represents a shared view of pluralists and their critics


which type of interest group is not classified as an economic interest group


who typically benefits the most from interest group

because contributing to candidates campaigns can help gain access for interest group lobbyists

why do many interest groups form political action committees (PACs)

which of the following are considered ways in which third parties can impact the american political process?

-they draw attention to issues that are not getting much attention from the two major parties -they give voters who are dissatisfied with the candidates from the two major parties a third option to vote for -they can influence electoral outcomes in a closely contested election between the two dominant party candidates

which amendment to the constitution granted women the right to vote

19th amendment

issue network

A __________ is comprised of various actors that all have interest and expertise in a particular policy issue even though they may disagree on what the outcome should be

-lobbying a politician -giving policy-relevant information to a politician

Inside strategy

How did many of the founders of the United States view politcal parties?

They viewed parties with suspicsion

-contact prospective voters on Election day -rely on organizations to spread the word

how do candidates encourage people to vote on election day

what type of third party is highly organized around a framework concerning the nature and role of government in society

idealogically oriented parties

the condition of the economy

in-party chances of staying in power has historically depended primarily on

interest group strategy that includes face-to-face meetings with legislators

inside lobbying

what purpose does party competition serve in american politics

it allows groups of voters to act in unison -it narrows down options for voters

what tactics were used to disenfranchise african american voters in the post-civil way south despite the passage of the fifteenth amendment

literacy tests, publicized lists of voters

senior citizens in the United States have a ___ rate of voter turnout than the voters under the age of 30 do

much higher

providing a form of representation for organized groups

one of the positive contributions that interest groups make is


outside lobbying is aimed at bringing ____ pressure to bear on policymakers

a reason politcal parties have emerged whenever democracy has been established is that

politcal parties provide individuals a way to join together in order to exercise their collective influence

James Madison

political leader wrote that the government must dilute the influence of the factions and interest groups by filtering their views through properly structured governing instittuitions

many voters cast a ____, where they only vote for candidates of one party

straight ticket

-the separation of powers provides numerous points of access for interest groups to try to influence policy makers -the tradition of people joining together encourages them to look to interest groups as a way of influencing policy makers, -free speech ad association means for few legal barriers to interest groups

the US provides a favorable environment for interest groups because


the highlighting of candidates attributes is called

members of congress - electoral support interest group - beneficial policy decisions federal agency - support for their administrative programs

triangle members benefit

which of the following voting restrictions increases the burden on citizens who move frequently

voter registration requirements

The proportion of eligible adult citizens who actually vote in a given election is known as

voter turnout

forming a political action committee (PAC)

which of the following would be considered an electoral action strategy

-having group members send letters to their legislators -creating public service announcements to be aired on television -organizing a protest on the steps of congress

would be considered outside lobbying activities used by interest groups?

which of the following groups has the highest rate of voter turnout

young people with college experience

primary elections

contributed to the decline of the old system of party organizations

as a means of getting campaign contributions from small donors

the internet has proven itself to be superior to televised political advertising

relatively independent, that is each level does not have much control over the others

the national, state, and location organizations of the republican and Democratic parties are

-it is money given directly to a candidate -it can be spent as the recipient chooses -it is subject to legal limits

true about political contributions called hard money

an independent expenditure only committee

what is a super PAC


which type of interest group is classified as an economic type

-the importance of religion -the prominence of public education -a tradition of free association

which of the following are considered reasons for Americans broad participation in groups, such as volunteer organization?

-they can support controversial issues that lawmakers often avoid -they broaden the range of issues that lawmaking address

which of the following statements are true concerning interest groups

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