possible ECE questions

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social modernization

. horizontal mobilization - freedom of movement You can move from point a to point b because you are not someone else's property Slave Sef Debt Credit card debt Company stores - wages Indentured servant Be able to make the best use of your skills and labor to advance yourself. Taking advantage of opportunities in other geographic locations B. vertical mobilization Move up the social class system because you are adequately compensated for your skills and labor - through the acquisition of knowledge and skills you make money Are you making the full value of what you are creating Are you adequately compensated for your contribution to the profits - wage slave

First attempt at modernization among the countries of ece

1 political modernization A. state building - effective government B. nation building - creating civic nationalism . - why this failed? 1. Countries of ECE were under the control of empires who deliberately created and manipulated ethnic tensions in order to remain in power and control the different minorities - moved populations around started the ancient hatreds 2. The countries of ECE broke away from the empires - based on creating an ethnic homeland - ethnic nationalism came to be the default national identity - no attempt was made to foster civic nationalism 2. Economic modernization - why did it fail? Not be able to move from stage 1 to stage 2 A. the economic behavior of the empires used these countries as colonies taking the natural resources, food, recruiting labor investment in physical infrastructure or physical plant in these countries B. de-nationalized their countries ancient hatreds Drove out the germans and the jews - middle class professionals and small business owners who went to germany and north america Loss in skill and income Inability to create a surplus C. most incorporate different contracts, banking systems, harmonize pensions, work out property ownership, create new currencies (worthless), and it is more expensive to buy anything now D. Reconnect international supply chains - international market reduced to national market in order to produce your goods You have to now cross national borders to get Natural resources Capital money - investment purposes Places to sell your products Economic nationalism ban the selling of natural resources or movement of capital to other countries Or selling of foreign goods in their countries Economies stagnate No goods are produced But people what the few products that are produced prices price - inflation kicks in Causing great depression - great disorder Nazis come to power Weak and divided the countries of ECE are a pushover 1. No internal solidarity - split by ancient hatred and current conflicts - do not unit to oppose either germany or russians 2. Smaller ethnic minorities on the land and rural areas distrust the larger ethnic majority in urban areas, so no national front or cohesion - nazis play the ethnic group's off each other and establish fascist parties in each of the countries of ECE 3. Great depression - nazis lent money to the individual country's and the loan conditions required the country's of ECE to pay loans back by selling nazis natural resources at below market prices and buy german finished products at inflated prices - not all allowed to trade with each other in effect re-colonizing them 4. No hep from the west

responses to conflict

1) Migration - people leave - emigrate to other countries 2) Confederation - more power to the state and local governments and less power to central government 3) Interest group politics in great power countries - ethnic interest group's petition governments of which they are now citizens. To influence in the homeland and safeguard ethnic group's 4) separatist revolts - breaking away from the country to establish a new country for the ethnic group using violence 5) ethnic cleansing - using terrorism and state sponsored terrorism To force people to leave Or genocide - simple eliminate them as a group So you can have access to the land and create nation - state consisting of just your ethnic group You can't advance economically with population loss

Types of conflict

1) ancient hatred theory Ethnic groups have a long history of conflict and violence Historically there are periods of relative peace and calm because a strong leader or an effective government maintains law and order - if the strong leader weakens or dies, or is removed, or gov fails, - violence breaks out between the groups . 2) Relative deprivation theory Conflict arises when a smaller ethnic group feels/perceives that a majority ethnic group is using control of the government to deprive them of government benefits. That tax dollars are being used to advance educational, opportunities, employment opportunities, availability of economic infrastructure (roads) for the larger ethnic group at the expense of smaller ethnic group Smaller ethnic group = higher unemployment, shorter living spans, lower graduation rates, lower GDP, higher infant mortality. Living standard is lower Reverse relative deprivation "I am getting tired of paying for these losers" ex) belgium ex) spain ex) yugoslavia ex) canada - french vs english 3) internal colonialism Larger ethnic group uses the legal system to systematically discriminate against a smaller ethnic group depriving them of basic rights and thus lack the opportunity to advance socially and economically Basic rights = freedom of movement, vote, education, and property, hold office

Geographic characteristics Economic growth - what geographic characteristics contribute to the ability of a country to produce a continuous surplus?

1) fresh water 2) fertile soil 3) moderate climate 4) presence of natural resources 5) water for transport 6) perfect food pyramid

no surplus

1) no fresh water 2) no fertile soil 3) natural resources 4) landlocked No sea for transportation ex) bolivia 5) extreme climates Stress on plants and animals 6) no perfect food pyramid 7) prone to natural disasters Wipe out surplus

Ottomon empire

Albania Macedonia Serbia Bosnia Bulgaria Greece Rolmania Montenegro Hercegovina Was an attempt to convert to islam Least econ and political modernism


Areas created by earthquakes and volcanos Fertile soil increases agricultural production The lighter materials stay on surface and heavier material stays on bottom like steel Volcanoes bring up the heavy material Creating mineral resources Creating wealth Ex) brazil and india - a lot of mineral wealth Attacked for wealth Largest shield - midwest - mineral wealth

clash of civilization

Conflict today will be for the most part caused by a clash of religious principles and not economic political or social differences. Who? (8) 1) Western civilization CBS ( christianity, greek/roman philosophy) Europe - western europe - canada and USA - Australia and New Zealand - South Africa 2) Muslim - CBS ( Islam) Iran, libya, egypt, turkey, pakistan, 3) Japanese - CBS (Shinto) 4) Chinese - CBS (Confucian, Daoism) 5) Slavic - CBS (Orthodox) Russia - romania - bulgaria - greece 6) Latin America - CBS = catholicism, aztec, inca, maya Mexico, central america 7) Indian - CBS ( Hindu) 8) Co-Chain - CBS (Buddhism) Vietnamese - south asia Tibet MONOTHEISTIC VS POLY

Austria - hungary empire -ended 1919

Czech republic Slovakia Slovenia Croatia Hungry Parts of poland All are mainly catholic bc of the empire

Economic modernization

Define - increase in the per capita output of the average worker because of increased use of technology The worker generates more product due to use of machines Increased knowledge to control physical environment results in larger surplus - more money b) indicators of economic modernization - how does one know if a country is economically modern- how does one measure economic development? 1) HDI - human development index 2) stages of economic growth

Gateway region

Fertile soil - Gateway Regions ⅓ of earth = land ⅓ of that ⅓ is fertile soil Low lying areas with fertile soil and freshwater produce a surplus of food which is sold for profit - profit used to start manufacturing - which are sold for more profit - gateways= wealthy regions. ex) netherlands, luxembourg, and belgium Germany and france invaded to get food Ex) poland Russian and germans invade to get food Ex) china Invaded by mongolians and japanese Ex) Iraq Midwest of america - enough food to provide to the world LARGEST GATEWAY MAKES US SUPERPOWER


Geopolitics - the relationship between a country's geographic characteristics and the potential for conflict and violence with other countries Topographic features that limit or promotes the flow of trade goods and military Whichever country controls that feature controls its and other's economic growth and national security Choke points Straits of water help flow of goods Whoever owns it controls it Detroit Mountain passes Greece Rivers Mississippi river Canal

Geo Characteristics

Hot tropic regions (jungles) Humid Cannot create a surplus 1) little fresh water Run off 2) little soil Decaying vegetable matter + rocks pebbles = soil Jungles don't really die so they never decay to create soil 3) bacteria, fungus, bugs, attack surplus (plants) and eat them Bugs don't die 4) same bugs ^^^^ attack producers of surplus and stored surplus (children) Cannot keep a surplus Same bacteria eat the stored surplus Competition from vermin (insects, rats) Desert No soil No fresh water

Prisoner of geography

If you have 3 or more you cannot have a surplus so you are economically stuck They are poor because they are prisoners of geography

social identity theory

Information overload - too much info - spend most of my time processing info attempting to decide what to do One of the easiest ways to deal with this info is to categorize or label events and individuals and groups to stereotype based on past experiences Ethnicity is a long standing stereotype - once i have labeled you as a member of this group i begin to process all info about you based on the stereotype Human being tend to view their group always in a positive light Tend to believe that friends and family do not do anything wrong Human beings tend to view outside group in a negative light My group my friends would never do anything wrong Them vs us Leads to ethnocentrism

Russian empire

Lithuania Estoma Latuia (baltic states ^) Parts of poland Ukraine Moldavia Belarus (white russia) NO same religion or values

marxism graph

Marxism graph: 1)Technological change (a new tolld is invented and or new process is developed) -----> 2) change in social relations (rules as to how people work together and divide profits) ----> 3) social discontent (some people win with new relations some people lose) ------> 4) those who lose will resort to social violence to either push back changes or redistribute the profits OR adaptation/ compromise

First attempt at modernization 1856 - 1919

Mercantilism - econ theory econ nationalism 1) operating principle= gov should further economic growth to ensure national security 2) assumptions - (facts- objectively verifiable) a) military power is necessary and essential for the acquisition of wealth & continued econ growth b) econ wealth is necessary and essential for acquiring military power - rich get richer c) there is a long run harmony between these two goals - they are complementary - however, if you have to choose between econ power and military power - you choose ____? Military power. 3) domestic economic growth - what role does the gov have? Government should help businesses and firms that are important to national security. (some businesses are more essential to national security than others) A. state investment - gov should directly and firmly help them stay in business by lowering operating costs and this raising profits 1) low cost or low interest loans 2) gov ownership of certain industries 3) Research and development taxpayer money used to develop new products and procedures at gov institutions should help private firms by guaranteeing a market for their goods 1) gov buys the products 2) gov encourages citizens consumers to buy the product- tax credits 4) domestic trade policy - protectionism - protect your businesses and firms from foreign competition maximize exports Minimize imports - 1) tariffs (taxes) on foreign goods- 2) non-tariff barriers a) quotas

nation building

Nation building = Nation (group of people) creating a group of people who feel themselves bound together by historic cultural ties 1) ethnic , religion, language, customs 2) civil nationalism - people are bound together by historical political, cultural, and identify with the gov b/c it represents and furthers these values Values about who is able to participate in the creation and distribution of the public goods and have these goods are to be created and distributed Constitution - political ideology

Slavic Civ

Orthodox and islam 1) if dispute arises between two individuals disagreement over the tradition we settle it force (blood feud) 2) peace in the family and the community is most important - not if an individual is right/wrong. personal autonomy and rights are sacrificed for the good of community Leads to communism 3) peasant community a) all property held in common Decisions about economic and political made by male heads of household Patriarchal society No freedom of movement, people are bound to their community Community as a whole is held responsible for breaking of a law or crop failure not an individual aka collective responsibility No individualism


Orthodoxy Religious beliefs - definitions 1) Dogma - eternal unchanging belief 2) Doctrine - plan for living based on these beliefs 3) Discipline - techniques, exercises, rituals, to help one live out the doctrine or plan symphonia - church and state are one and in harmony no head of church Phyletism - religious nationalism All rulers rule by divine right Orthodox is rooted in the idea of correct ritual. Discipline cannot be changed. You have to do the rituals the correct way or they don't work

Aspect of modern gov

State building - does the society have an effective gov - can it create and distribute the public good for most people most of the time @ reasonable costs? How do i know if the gov is effective? 1) Political stability (FSI) Safety of person and property and gov can effectively mediate disputes between individuals( justice) 2) mobilization of resources Can the gov recruit personnel and collect taxes, and turn these funds and these people into gov programs That operate for the benefit of all The national good Or Does this money taxes wind up in someone's pockets and/or gov workers perform their jobs to benefit themselves and families and friends Political corruption index (PCI)

economic growth

The ability to produce a continuous surplus Make or grow more than you use Produce enough to sustain yourself and have something left over - a surplus/profit Basic needs Food Shelter Clothing 2) Take surplus and you invest in your economic infrastructure You build roads, highways, canals, dams, bridges, electric grids communications grids, So you can produce more product with less cost, quicker, better quality, - increase economic efficiency Easier to sustain yourself Easier to make profit 3) invest in your intellectual infrastructure so you can increase your economic efficiency School - education Research and development Create new produce and processes IF you do 1 2 and 3 you have self sustaining automatic growth ex) USA Generates more income than it did the year before


The way geography affects the ability of a country to produce wealth - level of economic development Geography affects what you grow, make, if you trade and who you trade with. ex) antarctica is poor bc you can't grow, or trade with anyone

what does it mean to be modern

Up to date with technology Competition Industrialized You are in control Control your physical environment Control your social environment Because you have knowledge of the ways the world works Enhanced understanding of the world Through this knowledge you can manipulate the world for your benefits You are not at the mercy of the forces of nature or subject to superstition Control yourself - someone else's problems

Second Attempt at Modernization 1917-1992

marxism 1) operating principle -capitalism exploits humans and thus slows econ growth 2) assumptions - 1) capitalism divides people into 2 classes - with each with their own interests. There is no such thing as a national interest. Interactions in the econ world are zero-sum. One person wins, the other loses. LIke in basketball no such thing as win win 2) class is determined by the ownership of production (who owns the land factory not resources, tech) this is the elite - capitalists And then there is the worker who owns their labor 3) mode or system of production. What you make and how you make it, changes over time. Cannot stop tech advances and the effects they have on society 4) the social relationships associated with these tech advances and models of production will also change 5) these changes in social relationships of ten resulted in social discontent & violence as there are people who benefit as a result of these changes and some who lose (the more rapid and intense the change in tech and social relationships) (the more severe the social discontent and violence) NO ROOM FOR CREATIVITY

Types of Cultures

micro -cultures - nationalism Values and beliefs that determine group identity Country = geographic unit State = government Nation = group of people Nation state = a country in which the government of the county and the nation group of people exist together. Macro-culture civilization Theme- importance in religion in determining identity Define - a group of people encompassing many different races and/or ethnic group's spread over a wide geographic area which is able to produce a continuous surplus because you have the following characteristics.

German Empire

parts of poland

leads to crisis

rapid social mobilization - leads to geographic movement on part of population which disrupts traditional social group's (family, community, workplace, religion) A. loss of social safety, network, (you actually become poorer standard of living falls) B. increases the number of people who are not instructed , in the social norms and taboos of society Improperly socialized of ten times traditional social institutions are destroyed before new ones can be created Creation of the marginal man - do you live in the same community with some of the same people for the last seven years? Have you talked, to at least a member of your extended family? Once a week for the last seven years? Have you worked in the same place with some of the same people for seven years? Have you belonged to a fraternal organization - church, team, union- for more than seven years? Bowling alone - putnam ¼ americans can say yes to all these questions ¾ europeans can Kornhauser effect-Cut off from their social safety network - not instructed in proper behavior - discontented individuals - learn from asocial institutions and individuals new "norms" and prone to use violence to achieve their goals ex) hitler C. Rapid social mobilization rise in literacy, rise in education, exposure to mass media - raises expectations. Economic and social aspirations American dream - slow economy falls to deliver them You are disappointed You are unhappy Discontented = social discontent Increases the number of people who perceive that their relative standard of living is declining because the gap between the wealthy and middle class and working class is growing Increases group frustration and possibility of social discontent and violence Aggravation of existing social ethic and religious tensions that exist in the society. Different group's perceive that they are not benefiting as well as other group's, they feel other group's are enjoying special favors from the gov as far as consumption and employment opportunities Feel deprived Social violence between races, ethnicities religions increases In order to replace lost social safety networks and provide funds to build econ physical infrastructure to aid econ growth - gov increases taxes - leads to social discontent - anger at gov Increase is social media allows for the formation of new interest group's (political, econ, and social) which petition the gov to solve society's existing econ problems and resulting social ones (crime, drug, abuse, spousal abuse). Most of the time goc doesn't have the funds or the expertise to solve these problems and move social discontent and violence results Social violence and discontent adversely affects the ability of a society to grow econ and the crisis just gets worse until civil violence or war breaks out

How does one create civil nationalism

rule of law A. process and procedure for creating and distributing public goods is written down B. it is difficult to change the constitution so that majority of the people agree to the change and accept change C. since it is written down, everyone can access it and knows how the system works, so they can attempt to make it work for them No individual will identify with anything they don't understand or changes easily 2) national self determination - gov is not controlled or influenced by another country. It makes its own decisions based on what is good for the majority of people Few will identify with the gov or group if they are reflecting the will of outsiders 3) equality before the law Elected officials and gov workers shouldn't base the creation and distribution of the public goods on citizen's race, religion, ethnicity, gender, but apply to the law to everyone in the same manner Identify with group and the gov bc they treat me like a member Why would i join a group if they dislike me or treat me differently 4) representative democracy Gov is run by the citizens through the elected officials I identify with the go and the group bc i am gov. I hold office - participate- appointed positions

Political modernization

the ability to create and distribute public goods - law and order, justice, gen welfare, net security Is solely the responsibility of the gov, gov doesn't share law making powers wit society with traditional socializing agents (extended family, clan, tribe, large holder of wealth, aristocracy, community) Nation building


theocratic state a) government claims divine will for it's laws and regulations If you argue with gov you argue with god b) gov law must conform to religious teachings c) other religions laws possible (people of the book) share old testament 2) political administration of muslim country - make up of "people's nations of the book" (Ottomon empire) The country is not a collection of "individual" all with the same rights and benefits under the same laws It is rather a collection of religious group's and these group's have different rights and benefits and live under different religious laws


ways and manner in which a group of people adapt to: physical environment and social environment in order to survive and prosper. Religion, parents, figures, life experiences, ----->values, beliefs, religion, ------>language, tools, clothes, food, entertainment, music, traditions/customs, behavior Social science No one sees all of reality ( things as they are) or objective reality We are taught by our society through the socializing agents - family, community, workplace, religion, media- to see only certain things and ignore the rest

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