Poverty in America

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Lower levels of education, employment, and wages, and they are more likely to have chronic health problems--all characteristics associated with higher poverty rates.

Due to Racial and Ethnic Stratification, minorities are more likely than whites to have what?

Economic growth determines the size of the pie, while inequality affects the size of each slice.

Explain economic processes and economic inequality.

Minorities have limited access to the broad range of metropolitan employment opportunities. A significant portion of school funding comes from local taxes, consequentially leading to educational inequalities.

How does Racial Residential Segregation affect black poverty?

Companies and businesses required workers to be more familiar with computers or high-tech equipment and machinery. The demand for these jobs have increased, causing more college graduates to fill these spots than before high-skilled workers were in high demand.

How have technological advancements cause economic inequality?


How many children born to parents at the bottom made it to the top in their lifetime?


How many children born to parents in the bottom fifth of the income distribution remained at the bottom?


How many children born to parents in the top fifth of the income distribution remained at the top?


How much more likely is a black man to be incarcerated than a white man?

About 2/3 of cohabiting couples split up by the time their child is ten, compared with 28% of married couples.

How much more likely is it for a cohabiting couple to split up than a married couple?

Research has shown that there is close to a 50 percent correlation between fathers' and sons' income.

Is family background important?

Children and African Americans.

Rates of extreme poverty are higher among who?

The harder it is for him or her to escape.

The longer that one is in poverty...

Married couple: 7.4% impoverished Female householder family: 34.2% impoverished Male householder family: 16.5% impoverished

What are the rates for poverty of family type? (Official Poverty Measure)

1) relativity - individuals are excluded from a particular reference community or society; 2) agency - people are excluded by an act of people or institutions, such as employers, schools, or government service agencies; and 3) dynamics - exclusion is a function not just of current circumstances but also of future prospects.

What are the three elements of social exclusion?

1) their employment levels and wages are lower, and 2) they are more likely to be the heads of single-parent families.

What are the two main reasons why women tend to have higher poverty rates than men?

They are more likely to act out in school, receive poor grades, and ultimately drop out of school.

What can happen to children due to family stress?

Effective exclusion from the normal life of society.

What do relative poverty rates ultimately measure?

Many of them went overseas, because the wages were not nearly as high and the productivity was much higher.

What happened to the low-skill jobs in America?

Deindustrialization and class segregation.

What has hampered the economic mobility of less-skilled blacks in the labor market?

Minority job applicants were paired with white applicants with similar backgrounds and trained to be as similar as possible in behavior, have shown that minorities, particularly African Americans and foreign sounding Latinos, were less likely to receive job interviews and offers, at least in the low wage job market.

What have paired-test studies relating to contact discrimination shown?

The degree to which the economically deprived suffer from multiple forms of social deprivation, including, for example, consumption of goods, employment, political engagement, and social interaction.

What is Social Exclusion?

Refers to people's knowledge, skills, personality, and experiences that help them do a job well.

What is human capital?

Economic, or income, deprivation.

What is poverty?

It is significant because many problems, such as crime, welfare dependency, drug use, out-of-wedlock births, and unfavorable health and educational outcomes, are most prevalent in high-poverty areas.

What is so important about concentrated poverty?

Black immigrants have higher levels of educational attainment and are much less likely to be in a single-parent family than native-born blacks. Even non-citizen blacks have a lower poverty rate than native born blacks.

What is the difderence between and native-born black and a foreign black?

White households: $113,149 Black households: $5,677

What was the median net worth of households in 2009?

When his or her family income falls below the poverty threshold for a family of that size and composition.

When is a person considered poor? (Absolute measure)

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