PR final

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To obtain information or input into a particular task or project by enlisting the services of a number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the internet


Helps public relations people in communicating from the standpoint of their client's values while interpreting their publics' cultures back to the client

Cultural convergence

Strategic planning is a

Cyclical process

Abbie designs a paid message for AT&T that will appear on the giant video display. No specific product or service will be mentioned, only a series of vignettes promoting the company as a whole. Her approach is known as

Corporate advertising

GoPro is a company that makes high-definition waterproof cameras. Their primary communication strategy is letting users provide some of the content and dominate discussions. In this case sharing media means GoPro is

Giving up some control

In the definition of public relations, the term "publics" refers to

Groups of people with shared interests related to organizations

One of the most common PR client requests is

Help us raise awareness

Diana is responsible for monitoring Nike's internal and external operating environments from a PR standpoint. However, a public relations crisis emerged when news broke that their supply chain included child labor and sweatshops. This crisis could have been avoided by applying

Responsible supply chain management

Yahoo, Bing, and Google sell sponsored results that appear when users search for certain keywords. For example, a search for "yogurt" will reveal yogurt ads and links prominently displayed at the top of the results. This is an example of

Search advertising

Alexia develops an app that allows high school students to record, upload, and post a running total of the amount of material they recycle. She is applying what action to her broader strategy?


____ brings together formerly separate technical capabilities and media content

Technological convergence

____ was assembled to create public support for World War I

The Creel Committee

____ was assembled to promote war bonds, food rationing, and growing victory gardens among the other activities during World War II

The Office of War Information

On September 11, 2013 The New York Times published an op-ed letter by the Russian president Vladimir Putin in which he commented on events in Syria and other matters. This was a very unique communication from a foreign leader and is an example of

The free flow of information

Benjamin runs a PR firm in a small Midwest city. The owner of a local BBQ restaurant, The Porkalicious Pig, contacts him to help promote his business. The restaurant is not part of a chain. Benjamin researches the target audience for this restaurant and decides the most effective advertising would be buying an ad in

The local newspaper

Richard Edelman, founder of a PR firm, tweeted about the new American Cancer Society's campaign. News Channel 5 picked up the tweet and reported the campaign in a positive way. The role Channel 5 played is called

Third-party credibility

Julian adds shared/social media to the story telling mix for PR campaign for Dollywood in Tennessee. The story features a one-minute video of a bear that wanders into the park and starts dancing to the music. Stories like this have more of a chance of going viral because readers and users have the opportunity to become part of the storytelling process. This is an example of

Transmedia storytelling

____ include newspapers, TV and radio news, and external websites, as well as blogs and social media that are not produced internally.

Uncontrolled media

PR publics may not love the idea of donating blood or eating more vegetables, but if they are going to be convinced to participate, PR communication must keep them


Researchers at East Tennessee State University wanted to test their prediction that offering incentives would encourage donations. Members of the "treatment group" were offered a lottery ticket if they donated. Members of the "control group" were offered no special incentive. The researchers found that offering lottery ticket increased donations. What method of quantitative research did they use?


Linda prepares a news release about a Russian oil tanker grounding in the North Sea. Along with the story, she includes an attachment that provides accurate information about the accident and other information that editors can click on and check for themselves. What kind of attachment did she provide?

Fact sheet

Rather than plainly reporting facts and information, a ____ digs deeper into some angle of an event, a person's life, an organization, or a place

Feature story

The more carefully public relations strategists design research with clear rules and procedures for the collection and analysis of information, they are applying the principles of

Formal research

At it's core, the practice of public relations in democratic societies is a communication function developed in

Free speech

Starting in the 1980's, public relations educators and practitioners began to turn their focus

From publicity to relationships

Digital marketers, who are focused on sales as a final outcome, sometimes refer to the process outlined in McGuire's hierarchy-of-effects model as a


The PR acronym of RPIE refers to the four-step process of ____, planning, implementing, and evaluating programs


Thomas is the media relations specialist at Bay Area Hospital that is holding a groundbreaking event next month for new wing devoted to joint replacement patients. He invites the editor of the local newspaper, with whom he nurtured a professional relationship, to attend and report on the event. What type of relationship is this?

A news-driven relationship

Define public relations:

A strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

Paid media space that sponsors use to persuade audiences


Harvard college began fundraising campaigns as early as 1641, when college representatives were sent to England to emphasize how the college was educating ____ as part of a pitch for donations

American Indians

Surfers did not constitute a public to be concerned with for the City of Chicago until 2008, when a surfer was arrested for surfing in Lake Michigan. At that point, surfing in Lake Michigan became a recognized issue. By 2009, a group of local surfers and assorted activists had organized enough to get the attention of city officials. In PR terms, this is an examples of

An emerging public

In the big picture of public relations campaigns and programs, planners may want to account for impact. Impacts are the broadest and farthest reaching results of public relations efforts. They are also the most difficult results to attribute to the specific efforts of a particular program. John must assess which impact of his recycling program will most likely accurately measure the results. Which of the following is most likely to do that?

An estimate is determined of the amount of landfill space saved

Proctor & Gamble's advertising department needed to know how many good reviews were posted about their new toothpaste. This is an example of


Publicly held companies, which are organizations that offer shares for trading in stock exchanges. ____ to file certain reports and to make public certain information that may affect investors' decisions

Are required by laws

Richard is set to research his hand washing campaign in 100 area primary schools. Before he starts the research, he wanted to know how many children washed their hands before eating, which turned out to be 5%. This tactic of ____ is different from measuring the outcome of the campaign


The possibility that one day, all of our media sources might be merged into one device

Black-box fallacy

Samuel Adams staged the ____ to influence public opinion

Boston Tea Party

Lucas is hired by General Motors to set up an internal newsroom and create a narrative about the company. His goal is to produce news content to communicate directly with Ford's publics without going through a third-party news organization. His job is classified as

Brand journalist

Profiting from someone else's work or taking it out of context without permission can be treated as a form of stealing and is legally termed

Copyright infringement

Wall Street journal Elizabeth said, A picture may be worth a thousand words, but on social media you need


Arthur Page established himself as a pioneer in public relations by his insistence on

Closely monitoring public opinion

Bertha knows that buying followers who do not exist may offer a quick and inexpensive way to meet short term social media objectives. She also knows that the consequences likely will not be positive or productive. She must make a decision and that decision-making process is an example of


Dana conducts a study of the age, sex, and race of people whom advertisers use in their ads. She looked at the ads shown in prime time on four major stations. This is an example of

Content analysis

Channels of communication that allow public relations practitioners to write, edit, produce, and distribute messages as they see fit

Controlled media

Internal newsletters or television ads are thought of as ____ because communicators may write and edit, or create and produce, message exactly how they want them

Controlled media

Legally speaking, ____ is a statement that injures someone's reputation


The group of people with the greatest influence in how an organization operates

Dominant coalition

Jackson prepares a PR campaign for the Vanguard Group to encourage people to save for retirement. In this campaign, public relations basically becomes an act of


Olivia spotted a nice outfit on the Loft's Pinterest pin board. She saw the same message on Loft's Facebook page and decided to buy the outfit. What persuasive technique is being used by Loft?

Integrated marketing communication

Elizabeth is a staff writer and media relations specialist for USA Today. She assigned the task of reporting on disastrous flooding in Louisiana. Instead of employing the delayed-lead style of feature stories, she uses the direct-lead format, knowing that even if readers never read past the first paragraph, they will get the gist of the story. This news style of writing is often called the

Inverted pyramid

Chloe is a PR practitioner with a nonprofit organization that addresses environmental concerns. One of her duties is communication to their publics the mission of the organization. This is an example of

Issue-driven relationship

____ is an area of public relations that focuses on proactive monitoring and management to prevent crisis from happening

Issues management

Which public relations practitioner issued a "declaration of principles" that set the standard for public relations to keep the public informed and to provide accurate information to the news media?

Ivy Lee

Edward Bernays actively endorsed and promoted causes and people, an approach that clearly distinguished public relations from


Donald is given the assignment by his PR firm to prepare a news release designed to be distributed through online search engines. Although all search engines operate differently, with different rules for how search results are produced, some common elements that factor into most searches are headlines, meta tags, links, and URLs. What other factor is very important for Donald to optimize the search engine results?


Excellence in the field of public relations is based on

Meaningful action

Jackie is a journalist. She posts an online invitation to public professionals and others with relevant information to expertise to respond with story ideas. This is an example of

Media catching

Tesla Motors is planning the unveiling of their driverless car. The Tesla PR team assembles news releases, fact sheets, and backgrounders, as well as photos, graphics, position papers, and anything else that might be useful for a reporter researching and producing a story. What did the Tesla team create for their big media event?

Media kit

When you show your friends your tweet before posting it, you're

Message testing

A ____ is a formal explanation of an organization's steady, enduring purpose

Mission statement

The combination of any two or more forms of media such as text, graphics, moving images and sounds


Boris, a PR writer, drafts and edits an article, pitches the story to reporters and editors, and hopes that various news media retell the story. What type of PR article did he write?

News release

Jack is a journalist at the John City Press, a local newspaper. He is handed three different news events ranging from a hit-and-run accident, a cat stranded in a tree, and a new CEO promotion. Jack must apply the principles of ____ to make the decision of which story leads tomorrow's paper


When people scroll and download information from your web page, comment and share your social media posts, its an example of measuring


In traditional media, ____ channels include newsletters, corporate video, brochures, direct mail, and even voicemail messaging systems.


What king of press agentry was labeled a harmless deceiver?

P.T. Barnum

Stuart, a PR practitioner, for his client Target, developed a campaign where Target bought all the ad space in the August issue of The New Yorker. The idea of utilizing this type of ____ media was to attract attention by uncluttering the ad environment.


Writing for search engine optimization has become an important part of

Reputation management

When a public relations person approaches a journalist or editor to suggest a story idea


____ is when public relations practitioners encourage the news media to cover stories involving their organizations


Public relations ____ is preparation for opportunity


When investigating an active E. coli outbreak in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control released a report that linked 53 illnesses in nine states with 47 people who said they had eaten at a Chipotle restaurant. 20 people were hospitalized. Chipotle was then criticized by some for paying more attention to GMO (genetically modified organism) issues than the more immediate issue of restaurant food-safety food procedures. A big part of the "management" in "issues management" is deciding which issues require resources and when. This tactic is known as


PR practitioner Martha disclosed her stock ownership in her client's organization. She consulted the PRSA Code of Ethics, "designed to be a useful guide for PRSA members as they carry out their ethical responsibilities." What is one of the advantages of having a code of ethics?

Provides solid guidelines for decision making and action

Dissemination of information to constituents

Public affairs

Interviews, focus groups, and direct observation are examples of ____ research


Monica is gathering data for a client's blood drive. She collects demographic statistics on blood donors in the area, the number of email accounts that have received an invitation, and the number of people who respond to a Facebook invitation. The data she is gathering are known as ____ research


Allison is assigned the task of getting volunteers for a nonprofit organization. She uses traditional methods like face-to-face visits and events but also the tools of social networking and blogging. This task, known as ____, is one of the major motivations of public relations


Writing is one of the most sought-after skills that employers screen for when hiring public relations talent, and one of the main reasons to write well is to build and maintain


Miley is challenged for sharing someone else's intellectual property on Facebook without permission. Online sharing that may legal implications is known as


____ is a narrative presentation analyzing the internal and external environment of an organization and its publics as it relates to the start of a campaign or program

Situation analysis

Cassandra prepares an online-only campaign for Microsoft. She includes shareable online material such as useful chunks of text, quote, photos, infographics, suggested tweets, hashtags, and embeddable multimedia elements. What kind of campaign is this?

Social media release

____ is a PR relational maintenance strategy that involves an emphasis on common affiliations between the organization and its publics that might take the form of shared Twitter followers, LinkedIn connections, or mutual likes on Facebook

Social networking

What are the competing loyalties involved with corporate social responsibility?

Society and shareholders

Organizational action is the foundation of credible communication. In other words, organizations must "walk the talk." This speaks to the idea that the implementation of solid public relations programs requires the management of organizational action. Communication that is not based on meaningful action is an example of


Deidra is a media specialist for Uber and decides on an approach to her campaign that will get the attention of and engage her publics. She highlights the life of a returning veteran who has difficulty finding a job until he knocked on Uber's door. Her approach is known in PR as


William posts a six-second video on microblogging service Tumblr for his client General Electric that connected the viewer to GE's message of being a science and technology company. This is an example of

Strategic decision making

High schools in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, will compete to see which school logs the most recycled material by the end of the school year, which progress posted online and publicized on social media. The winner will receive a full day off for an eco-fair and picnic at the end of the school year. This is an example of the campaign


____ is when you have reached an end or stopping point in your campaign and you want to answer the questions, "Did it work?"

Summative research

conducted to gather data that describe demographics and what people think, feel, and do


Public relations researcher Ruth and her colleagues explored how and why 21 to 31 year old Americans were using smart phones. They wanted to understand what people do with media, as opposed to what media do to people. This theoretical approach is called

Uses and gratifications

The American Red Cross sent volunteers to the flood areas today. Elizabeth and Emily went to flood zones to help the victims. This is an example of public relations that is based more on

What an organization does than on what it says

Marketing and advertising are primarily concerned with promoting an organization's products. Public relations also promotes the products, but more important, public relations promotes the organization as a


In addition to having a clear conscience, what other benefit will you enjoy if you follow good ethical principles?

You will be better at your job and more important to the organization

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