Praxis 2: Health Education Study Guide

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What is maintenance?

Person work shard to maintain changes and gains confidence that he/she will not relapse

What is Asset development?

-Focuses on identifying and developing these in children and adolescent sinned in order to become physically and emotionally healthy. Traits that indicate good development include good grades, good health, diverse friends, leadership roles, avoidance of risk taking behavior s and the ability to delay gratification and deal with adversity. Children and adolescents need external as well as internal.

While not being _ may ultimately relate of having low self esteem, _ may be functionally defined as using _

Assertive, Non-Assertiveness, inefficient communication skills

What are the 3 beliefs related to theory of planned behavior?

Behavioral: Lead to attitudes toward behavior/action Normative: Lead to subjective norms Control: lead to perceived behavioral control *All beliefs interact to influence intention and action*

What is susceptibility?

Belief that person may get negative condition

What is health literacy?

CDC defines this as being able to acquire, process, understand and communicate fundamental health information and services for making prober health decisions

What does standard 4 expect?

Easy students are expected to show they can promote health and decrease or avert health risks by using interpersonal communication skills

What does standard 8 expect?

Expects students to demonstrate personal, family and community health advocacy capacity.

What does standard 5 expect?

Expects students to show they can improve health by applying decision making skills

What is escalating assertion?

Increases firmness including informing other s of consequences for continued noncompliance

How does individual behavior change framework?

Model that has similar elements to precede-proceed in that it considers the predisposing, reinforcing and enabling factors that influence knowledge skill sand attitudes that lead to behavior change. Nonlinear model as all of these factors interact.

What is pre-contemplation?

Person is either unaware or under informed about consequence of a problem behavior and has no intention of changing behavior in next 6 months

What is the teen dilemma?

The need to make critical decisions having lifelong consequences, yet lacking ample life experience to inform those decisions

What is decision making in relation to approaches to stress management?

-Early childhood: pets death- helping child discuss pros and cons of each alternative for dipping of pets remain is this type of oriented way to cope with loss -Adolensce: unwanted pregnancy- Carful consideration and evaluation of such alternatives as abortion, carrying baby to term and keeping baby , or adotopion etc... are all necessary decisions to make and cop proactively with. Decision about future birth control methods may also be indicated Middle adulthood: divorce- considering alternatives, risks and consequences in making choices among carrers, life roles and future social relationships have major impacts on post divorce living -Later adulthood: retirement- Enables retiree to consider alternatives and advantages/disadvantages not retiring, pursuing leisure activities, embarking on second career, volunteering, realizing long deferred dream.

What are the elements recommended for difficult subjects?

1. Aim for productive quality conversations 2. "I" statments 3. Take others points of view 4. Stick to subject 5. Lighten up

What is Visual -spatial intelligence?

Aware of environments and conceptualize in terms of physical space.Enjoy reading maps, drawing, completing jigsaw puzzles and daydreaming. Teaching materials and methods may include TV, picture books, videoconferencing and multimedia

What is benefit?

Belief hat action will reduce risk of getting condition

What are the symptoms of stimulants?

Cause restlessness, insomnia, irritability, agitation, high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, weight loss and impulsivity.

What is the maintenance stage?

Clinicians should help clients identify and trine non substance reinforcers, affirm client self efficacy and determination, support lifestyle modifications, help clients practice and apply new coping skills to prevent relapse, and maintain supportive contact

What is the immune system?

Composed of parts of many other systems including parts of lymphatic and cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal etc. works to protect and defend body against disease and other foreign elements

Both _ and _ variables affect how teens ascribe subjective value to consequences and how they use info for decision making...

Contextual and developmental

What does this symbol mean?

Corrosion: Includes substances that can cause skin burns, metal corrosion and eye damage

What are some stress management techniques?

Cut back: When overextended, examine duties and delegate, eliminate or limit some. Prepare: Set realistic goals for major and minor tasks; improve scheduling; allow time for unexpected events like traffic jams, car trouble, minor medical emergencies, extra work etc. to prevent accumulation Reach Out: Revisit lapsed relationships, form new ones, volunteer. Surrounding oneself with supportive friends, relatives, colleagues and spiritual leaders enhances psychological well being boosting capacity for coping. Hobbies: enjoyable activités that do not stimulate competitiveness or anxiety are soothing. These vary individually. Some includes crafts, music, reading, dance, gardening, woodworking and carpentry etc.. Relaxation techniques: Include meditation, yoga, massage therapy, PA. Technique selected less important than increasing body awareness and refocusing attention onto calmness Adequate sleep: Lack of sleep exacerbates stress. Insufficient sleep impairs judgement and immune system. Sleep deprived ind. more prone to overacting to minor irritants. Must require eight hours of sleep nightly. Interrupted or irregular sleep impedes REM sleep, dreaming and deep sleep enabling physical and neurological repairs Professional Help: If the are insufficient, see physical before uncontrolled, ongoing stress causes health problems

What is emotional health?

Describes ind. overall psychological well being. Incorporates person self esteem, ability to cope with stress and problems in life, and quality of relationships. Mental and emotional health are analogous to physical health as just as we make conscious efforts to maintain or build up physical health, we must equally make conscious efforts to sustain or establish mental and emotional health.

What is mental and emotional health?

Describes ind. overall psychological wellbeing and incorporates person self esteem, ability to manage emotions and ability to cope with stress/problems in life as well as quality of relationships. The are analogous to physical health as just as we must make efforts to build up physical health, we must equally make efforts to sustain or establish mental and emotional. This can be improved through the presence of feeling good.

What is Attitude related to influencing health decisions and behaviors?

Despite knowledge, some people may feel they are invincible and that problems that arise for others will not occur with themselves. Some may have difficulty accepting cause and effect relationships and some may feel resentful fo those in authority and purposefully make poor decisions.

How can one promote good mental health?

Do things applying to senses, looking at beautiful scenes of nature, savoring flavor snd temps of foods and beverages, massaging ones hands adopting pet, finding new places and people, creative meaningful work, engender feelings of productivity, prioritizing leisure time, playing and doing enjoyable things, talking with friends, meditating etc...

What are the Dos and Donts?

Do: do say no assertively, do abstain from drinking alcohol, do propose some alternative activities;ty, do stand up for others while being pressured who don't want to drink, do walk away form situation, so look for something els to do with friends Don't: Don't go to party without being prepared to resist alcohol use, don't be afraid to say no, don't mumble, don't say no in aggressive way, don't behave like know it all when refusing

What is domestic abuse?

Domestic violence is this including physical violence. Physical abuse is physical force that injures or endangers someone. Sexual abuse is aggressive violent act and type of physical abuse which involves forced sex even by partner with whom one has consensual sex. Victims of physical and sexual abuse are at greater risk of injury or death. Even when no physical violence exists, victims may suffer from verbal and emotional assault and abuse.

What are the Dos and Donts in trying to help a victim of domestic abuse?

Dos: Express concern, ask whether something is wrong, listen, validate person communications, offer help and support ind. decisions Don't: wait for person to approach you, blame or judge ind., give advice, pressure person or attach conditions to your support

What is the EPA source for reducing, reusing and recycling to help environment?

EPA website offers info. on how to donate products to protect environment and save national resources and money, how to donate used electronics, how to compost and reduce wasted food, how to perform these actions at home, school, work or in community, and on the go. Recycling reduces waste going into incinerates and landfills, conserves water, wood, mineral snd other natural resources, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions involved in world climate change, sustains environment for posterity and creates new well paid jobs in American manufacturing and recycling industries.

What are the elements of effective lesson plans?

Effective teachers are defined as those who teach to learning objective at right difficulty level, then monitor student progress and adjust his/her instruction for max student learning. Category 1: Preparing students for learning (Review, Focus student attention, use hook to get interest and connect new info to what students already know, tell students what learning objective is Category 2: Instruction(Give students instructional input and provide modeling for them Category 3: Monitoring for comprehension(Check to determine whether students understand material, and have students practice with what they have learned while giving feedback on practice without gradin performance Category 4: Independent practice (Typically give students assignment using what they have learned and grade completed work

What are electronic personal health records?

Eliminates problems with paper records like disorganization, losing and misplacing individual papers and not having papers available when needed.

What are the guidelines for calling 9-1-1?

Emergencyies requiring this type of call are defined as any situation that needs immediate help from ambulance, fire department or police. Officials recommend if a person is unsure of whether situation is emergency or not, call 9-1-1 and let call taker help determine this. Caller should be prepared to answer questions from dispatcher like street address and location of emergency, phone # calling from, nature of emergency and details such as description of symptoms or injuries. callers should also be prepared to follow instruction given by call takers, including step by step CPRE or Heimlich maneuver directions and should not hang up until instructed by call taker. 9-1-1 can be dialed using landline or wireless. Enabling text messages to 9-1-1 is expected in near future.

What is character?

Encompassing wider range of attitudes, motivations, skills and behaviors including wanting to do ones best, caring about others, welfare, committed and contributing to community and society etc... To have a good one of these, one may also break the rules in order to promote this in a stronger manner.

What is disclosing uncomfortable topics in interpersonal communication?

Even in healthy relationships some topics are avoided for conversation strategically. Constantly expressing every little criticism and stressor can destroy relationship. Instead thresholds of privacy are implemented through motivations for topic avoidance which identifies self protection or protecting relationship. People avoiding topics for self protection feel less satisfaction than those who do it to protect relationship. In romantic relationship, balance is necessary between avoidance and direct sharing. Overly repressing feeling and thoughts is also found detrimental to health. Habitually avoiding difficult subjects correlates with exacerbation of IBS.

What is logical mathematical intelligence?

Excel at calculations and resounding, thinking abstractly and conceptually. Detect and explore patterns and relationships, ask cosmic questions, enjoys solving puzzles and conducing experiments. Before addressing details of problem, must learn and formulate concepts. Compatible teaching strategies include mysteries, investigations, and logic skills

What does standard 3 expect?

Expects students to show they can obtain valid health improving information, services and products.

What does standard 1 expect?

Expects students to understand ideas about promoting health and preventing disease to improve health?

What is assertiveness?

Expressing our personal rights, feelings needs and wants honestly, directly, clearly and apporopiratley and instilling that others recognize these while still always respecting the beliefs, thoughts and feeling of other people. Balanced response as it is neither aggressive nor passive

What is a fad diet?

Extreme unbalanced and unhealthy. Some of these fail to provide all necessary nutrients. Some contain insufficient calories to support normal life functions. Some eliminate certain food groups, causing unbalanced nutrition. Some may cause weight loss initially but won't last as these diets are impossible to maintain long term. These types of diets also do not establish healthy eating habits for maintaining ongoing health weight and nutrition.

What is the FITT principle of exercise science?

FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time and type. Frequency represents how often we exercise; Intensity how hard; Time how long and type the kind of exercise. When our bodies adapt to current FITT levels we can manipulate one or more variables every 4-6 weeks for ongoing training effects. When one works out often enough, hard enough, long enough and using exercise types appropriate for ind. makeup, body comp, fitness levels, skill levels, mental and psychological dispositions and preferences we begin seeing changes in our aerobic capacity, CV endurance, strength, body fat %, and weight.

What does FERPA stand for and what does it do?

Family Educaiotn Rights and Privacy Act. This is any educational agency or institution that receives federal funding under any program adminsterd by the department of education is subject to these regulations protect the privacy of student educational records.

What can students access in relation to valid healthcare information, products and services?

First identify info, product and services they need by contacting healthcare providers for info and product recommendations, then find identified info, services and product. Students can find reliable information from websites including CDC, AHA, ACS, AMA, and AAHE. They can also obtain health products from healthcare providers, pharmacies and supermarket and parental help accessing prescription and over the counter medication.

What school health fairs may be seen planned as means of health ed. advocacy?

Fuel up to play 60, Play 60, NFL movement for active generation supported by national dairy council, offers tips to educators and parents, works with School nurse and other health professionals to produce list of potential health fair presenters. Collaborates with school nutrition professionals to choose healthy foods and physical educators to choose and organize fun physical activities.

What are some financial and budgeting issues for implementing comp. school health ed. program?

Generally these are state supported often with funds form federal grants or general fund so duding sources may vary from year to year and a health ed. program may have multiple streams of financial support. One of the roles of the health educator is often to research and apply for special grants available for health ed. State and federal grants may be available. Grants often fro a time limited period, such as one school year.

What is the GSHS?

Global School Health based Student Health Survey: developed in joint efforts by WHO, UNAIDS, UNESCO and UNICEF with technical assistance from CDC is school based survey of health behaviors and health protective factors in students 13-17 in over 120 countries. GSH core questionnaire modules cover hygiene diet, alcohol, drug and tobacco use, physical activity, mental health, protective facts, sexual behaviors, unintentional injury and violence.

What does the USDA suggest the plate should be cut into?

Half the plate should be fruits and vegetables. A quarter of whole grains and a quarter of proteins all with a glass of milk of course. USDA advises that half the grains we eat be whole and recommends a variety of lean proteins as well as fat free or low fat milk.

What is HPPA?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Protects security and privacy of individually identifiable health information and improves effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare system by setting national requirements and standards for electronic healthcare transactions.

What are some possible strategies in effectively communicating?

Home-school liaisons to teach parents educational language, current classroom characteristics and how to talk with teachers and children about school experiences, parent community and parent teacher meetings, newsletters, websites, emails tests and assemblies. etc...

What is HIV/AIDS?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome which imparts or destroys infected individuals immune system, raising inferno risk and ruining infection defenses. As this advances its final stage is AIDS. Anti retroviral therapy (ART) drugs have enabled many HIV patients to survive 15+ years before developing AIDS symptoms. One significantly helpful program in making efforts to stop this virus can be seen as the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Modes of transmissions include oral, anal and vaginal sex as well as sharing of needles and contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk

What are the basic principals of genetics?

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus of body cells with have half of each pair coming from each parent. The chromosomes in each cell contain 35,000 or more genes which carry instructions for producing proteins. Chromosomes carry blueprint for ind. including traits inherent from parents

What are the stages of prevention and intervention along the continuum of care?

Includes all aspects of care the influence outcomes. Primary components are prevention, intervention and recovery/maintenance during white the person is monitored for compliance.

What are smoking cessation programs?

Includes support groups, online programs and nicotine replacement

Influence of socio economic and health variables on parental adult child relationships?

Intergenerational exchanges were characterized by strong reciprocity in both US and Great Britain. Contrary to stereotypical views of elders adults becoming burdens on adult children, researchers have seen instead that married partner who gave help and support to at least one adult child were twice as likely to receive support from another adult child as parents who did not provide such support.. Parentlay disability and advanced age correlated positively with adult children response to parent needs. Investigators inferred socioeconomic variations in support exchange balances between parents and adult children.

What is adolescent decision making influenced by variable wise?

Internal variables (Personal self concep, and control) and External variables (Relationships with family and friends)

What is dysfunction in one spouse?

Involves one partner pressuring the other to behave in certain ways and other acceding to that pressure. While both partners accommodate for maintaining harmony, eventually one does more than other. Both are comfortable with this interaction for some time, however if family tensions increase, subordinate partner gives up enough self control, yielding to dominant partner to become significantly more anxious. Combined with other factors this anxiety contributes to psychiatric, social or medical problem.

What is health related decision making?

Knowledge to understand health information and skills to identify barriers to good decision making, understandcing when to use problem solving approach, justify reaching decision in collaboration with others or ind., recognize alternative solutions to health related problems/issues, defining choices made, and asses outcomes of decisions

What does the aging process look like from mid childhood to adolescence?

Mid childhood (6-8): Child loses baby teeth and begins to mature physically. Child relies on concrete experiences but makes improvements at problem solving. Child begins to enjoy cooperating with others and team sports. Childs temperament remains relatively unchanged but communication skills improve. Late childhood (8-12): Girls undertow growth spurt at age 9 and boys start a year or so later with maturing of inter organs and lengthening of long bones. Child understands concept of conservation (matter rains unchanged when form changes) and continues to enjoy gourd actives and sports. Child may become interest in sexuality and gender differences Adolescence (12-18): Sexual maturation occurs, and adolescent is concerned with identity. Can reason abstractly and may begin to act and to rebel. Peer interactions are especially important. Adolescent may undergo period of stress before developing strong identity.

What are some medial and health myths?

Misconceptions: "Milk causes more secretion of body, One can develop arthritis from repeatedly cracking ones knuckles"

What is type 2 diabetes?

More cases of this are occurring in childhood and adolescence, evidence from contributions of lifestyle factors proves this. When people consume large amounts of refined carbs. with no fiber slowing digestion these enter bloodstream rapidly causing sudden spike in blood d sugar experienced with energy rush. However with quick metabolism and pancreas secretion of insulin to neutralize excessive blood sugar, sugars exit as fast as enter causing precipitous blood sugar drop or crash and cycle perpetuating cravings for more sugar/starch. Metabolic syndrome eventually develops in which insulin resistance to pancreas attempts t neutralize repeated artificial blood sugar elevation. In the first type the pancreas fails to produce insulin, but in the second the body becomes immune to insulin causing chronically high unstable blood sugar.

What do hispanics view the aspect of death as?

Most are Christian and Catholic and may want priest present to administer sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Communion (last rites). Males especially often believe that admitting to pain is sign of weakness. Care is often provided by female family members. Family members commonly grieve openly and hold wake after death to celebrate persons life ad to talk about memories. Funeral includes processional and mass.

What does character education reduce and what does it promote?

Reduces youth risk for engaging in detrimental behaviors and also has positive effects of helping students develop proactive attitudes;des and skills.

What is the urinary system?

Regulates balances of fluids, electrolytes, and pH and removes nitrogenous wastes from blood.

What ist he endocrine system?

Secretes hormones that regulate the body growth metabolism and general functionality

What is detoxification?

Should be carried out under medical supervision as the potential for life threatening complications is higher. Adolescent should not attempt his by themselves but under supervision of friends

How can one identify measurable learning objectives when planning health instruction?

Smart: Specific measurable, attainable, relevant and targeted to learning and learning level. Mesurable means objective can be quantified or measured. But ion order to measure something it must be observable. Objections should generally avoid emotional terms and instead use action verbs.

What are the risks from smoking tobacco?

Smoking causes more mortalities than drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs, auto accidents, gunshots, and HIV combined. Smoking cigarettes has killed over 10 times asm any citizens. Of all lung cancer deaths in women and men 90% are caused by smoking. 80% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) deaths are form smoking.

What is the interpersonal intelligence?

Social, interactive, empathetic and street smart. Group actives, dialogues, seminars, telephones, audio and video conferencing as well as meaning are all good teaching methods and tools

What is SOPHE? and what is its purpose/what does it include?

Society for Public Health Education. National nonprofit organization dedicated to proving continuing education for health and education professionals. Includes affiliate membership program with local chapters

What dos choice and self control have to do with abusive partners?

Some victims assume that abusers cannot control behavior. But Abusive behaviors and violence are deliberate choices that abusers make to control victims.

What are action cues?

Strategies used to encourage action

What is risk communication?

Targets ind., institutions and public. Credible respected official is spokesperson. Pace is rapid outcomes are ind. awareness and compliance with health recomendations.

What is evaluation in health ed?

The systematic collection, analysis and reporting of information about health education activities. This means finding out how well you are doing in your health education work in your community, and making a judgment about your achievements.

What is policy in health ed?

These are important because they help a school establish rules and procedures in order to function effectively and ensure everyone is connected. Schools are highly complex and create standards of quality for learning and safety, as well as expectations and accountability.

What is decision making during adolescence and what are decision making skills?

This can powerfully affect adult futures and aware ness of possible impacts of decisions informs teen motivation to learn effective ones of these. These incorporate identifying avaliable options and potential consequences, evaluating relative desirability or underiabiltiy of each consequence, estimating each consequences probability and using. decision rule to choose among options

What is sexual harassment, abuse and rape?

This can take many forms including making unwanted personal comments about appearance, lifestyle, pressing person to date, promoting offensive material, making unwanted physical contact, and behaving inappropriately. This can include all types of harassment as well as inappropriate and unwanted sexual contact. This next topic involves coerced or violent sexual contact as well as sexual contact with person who is impaired or unable to give consent. Prevention of these requires education about what constitutes harassment, abuse and rape, prompt response to reports, having support systems in place, bystander intervention, enlisting others to assist, contacting authorities, avoiding alcohol and drugs and using distraction. Adolescents and adults should have clear understating of date rape and repercussions for both perp and victim and should keep social media sites private/avoid tagging people.

What is a portfolio assessment?

This collects students work products over period of time to provide concrete evidence of students learning experiences and accomplishments. Teachers can use these for formative assessment by exampling changes form one product to next and overall change to assess progress achieved to date. They can also use the contents to inform their future instruction of student to focus on which elements of subject student needs to improve, and in which areas students work shows especial aptitude and interest where they can offer enrichment activities and advanced projects. This can also be used as a summative assessment by reviewing all students cumulative owrok products over unit, semester or school year to evaluate what student has learned and achieved in class, subject or year. This completed may be used to contribute to students final grade

What are the responsibilities of effective parenting?

This ensures safety and well being of ones children by providing adequate shelter and food as well as: Helping child build self esteem: Encouraging child to become self sufficient and demonstrate skills Providing positive reinforcement: Recognizing and rewarding child for doing something right rather than focusing on negatives Setting limits: Establishing reasonable rules and discipline Providing consistent discipline: Following through by providing consequences Spending quality time with child: Engaging one on one with child. Scheduling activities and time together and being available when child wants tot all or interact Providing a good role model: Modeling the type of behavior expects of child Communicating with the child: Being open, honest, and willing to listen and stating expectations driectly Exhibiting flexibility in parenting role: Recognizing children have different needs at different times in lives and allowing child to have increasing autonomy with age Providing unconditional love and support: Being nurturing and kind

What is rubric vs norm referenced test vs criterion referenced test?

This first type of assessment specifies certain learning objectives student should be able to demonstrate and in what ways. Teachers should first review rubric with students to inform them of what they are expected to learn. Then they have students use the rubric to guide their learning experiences and work. Finally they use the rubric to assess whether students have met learning objectives The second test compares the students cores to previously established norm. Standardized tests commonly obtain samples of scores from student they have identified as rep. of given national or state pop. They then calculate the average score to east students. Whenever other students take these tests their scores are then compared to averages. The test authors and publishers provide statistical computations and tables whereby educators can determine how many standard deviations from norm a students score falls, and in what percentile of pop. student ranks. The last test does not compare students scores to norm, but against predetermined criteria of what learning they should demonstrate, determined by test authors, publishers, school districts, ind. teachers. They do not determine student rank but whether or not to what degree student meets lesson, unit, class, course or subj. requirements.

What is cocaine and crack cocaine?

This is either injected or snorted. The bi product of this can be seen by processing the powder of this altering chemical composition. This comes in rock for which are smoked. The first is usually expensive while the second one is fairly cheap. Either form of these is a stimulant drug and is extremely addictive.

What is evaluation and what are 3 types of it?

This is essential to development of robust school health ed program, but this can be costly and time consuming so planning for this must be included infall phases of program planning -Monitoring: ongoing process involving observation and assessment of some outcomes. Monitoring may also include satisfaction surveys and assessments of implementation in terms of timeline -Formal evaluation: This requires collect of data on all applicable student and program outcomes and analysis of data, including processes such as incident reports, nurse visits, behavioral problems, attendance, family involvement, and suicide clusters -Applied research: Requires planning an experimental design and carrying out research, such as research comparing 2 different teaching approaches for same health info and analysis of data.

What is the cause and effect of air pollution?

This is primarily cause by use of fossil fuels, these fuels release carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and other pollutants into atmosphere when burned Motor vehicles are primary polluters but industrial emissions from factories and manufacturing plants also are implicated because many depend on fossil fuels as well. This can also result from agricultural chemicals and household chemicals. This is considered one of the causes of global warming and can have serious impact on health by impairing lung functions and resulting in increase incidence of caner and respiratory diseases.

What is the three component model and full services model?

This is seen as a traditional program and has been used since beginning of 1900s but has largely been replaced with more complex modes in most schools. This model compromises health ed. classes, services and health y school environment. The full services model is newer model that is being used in some schools. With this model in addition to offering traditional health education services, school serves as center for wide range of health services, including medical clinics, birth control services, psychological and social services aimed at students and family.

What is emotional and financial domestic abuse?

This is seen intentional and resulting from erosion of the victims indolence, control, and feelings of self worth. Victims come to feel that they have nothing without abusive partner or have no way to escape relationship. This includes verbal abuse like blaming, shaming, name calling, insulting, yelling. Also includes controlling behaviors, intimidation and isolation of victim. Emotional scars are less visible than physical ones but are equally more damaging. This second one is another way to control victim including withholding money, checkbooks, credit or diet cards, shelter, food, clothing medications or other necessities making victims account for every cent they spend rigidly controlling victims finances, restricting victim to allowance, sabotaging victims job by calling and or causing victim to miss work frequently, preventing victim working or career choices and stealing or taking victims money

What are the effects of stress?

This may impede on ability to understand other peoples nonverbal communications. This interferes with people ability to hear what other person is saying, to be aware of and in touch with own emotions, and to connect with deepest personal needs. This makes a person much less able to communicate his/her own needs clearly. When this interferes it also interferes with conflict resolution. This also interferes with emotional awareness which interferes with communicating problems and resolving conflicts

What are two indications of child abuse?

This occurs across all socioeconomic levels Physical: Unexplained bruises and burns, frequent injuries, unkempt appearance, and delayed medical treatment. Sexual abuse may result in difficulty sitting or walking, frequent urination, and pain in genital rea Emotional/psychological: Aggressive behavior towards others, she withdrawn behavior, fearful of parents and other adults, low self esteem, poor school performance, marked depression, and anxiety. Child experiencing sexual abuse may refuse to participate in exercises or gym class and may show precious interest in sex or sexualized behavior. Child may run away from home, be truant, and show sudden decline in academic performance. Adolescents who are abused often turn to substance abuse.

What is intrapersonal intelligence?

Tune into their own feelings and are loners avoiding social interaction. Independent confident, strong willed, motivated, opinionated, intuitive and wise. Introspective reflection and independent study, journals , diaries, books,cretive materials, time and privacy are useful instructional methods.

What are the motivations in accepting pressure from others?

Want to be liked, don't want to alienate friends, are afraid others will reject, do not want others to make fun of them, don't want to hurt feelings, afraid of how others will perceive them and their refusal as rejection, are not sure what they want or do not know how to extricate themselves form the situation

Who/what are personal health records available to?

Where health data and other information related to the care of a patient is maintained by the patient. Accessible to patients.

How can one make student referrals to health care providers?

health educator should have plans in place for this for different types of services which must also comply with state and federal regulations. The job of the health educator is not that of nurse, so health educator should do this with health problems to nurse or other health care provider with expertise in diagnosing and treating. But, the health educator can be valuable resource in being able to listen to student concerns. The health educator should also maintain lists of these including those willing to see students at reduced fees and should help students who seek assistance to make appointments

What are service obstacles?

include lack of insurance coverage, lack of of available services and providers and expenses and consequences of these obstacles include lack of preventive services, delayed care, unmet health needs, and avoidable hospitalizations

What is the definition of individual and population health determinants?

interrelationships among genetics, biology, physical environment, socioeconomic status, ind behavior, literacy levels, discrimination, racism, legislative policies, health and health services

What is health equity?

"Health equity" or "equity in health" implies that ideally everyone should have a fair opportunity to attain their full health potential and that no one should be disadvantaged from achieving this potential.

What is resiliency development?

-Ability to cope with risk factors such s poverty and to remain emotionally healthy. one current trend is to aid student sin developing this by providing safe and supportive environment. By promoting this it also includes identifying problems early and taking steps to deal with them before being ingrained as well as provision aid for severe or long term problems. *Holding students to high expectations and supporting them in attaining goals helps to build self-confidence and coping skills*

What are some approaches to conflict resolution to teach students conflict management?

-Accommodating: One party ceding to other, usually when other has more power -Avoiding: Talking steps to avoid dealing w/ conflict -Collaborating: Trying to find solution that pleases both parties -Competing: One party trying to win at all costs -Compromising: Each party ceding something in return for harmony -Confronting: Using "I" messages and assertive problem solving -Forcing: One party issuing orders to force solution -Negotiating: Similar to collaborating with back and forth bargaining -Reassuring: Attempting to make everyone ahppy -Problem solving: Trying to find solution working for everyone using step by step approach -Withdrawing: One party withdrawing from conflict leaving conflict unresolved

What are the steps to conflict resolution?

-Allow both sides to present their side of conflict without bias, maintaining focus on opinions rather than ind. -Encourage cooperation through negotiation and compromise -Maintain focus, providing guidance to keep discussion on track and avoid argument -Evaluate need for renegotiation, formal resolution process, or third party help. -Use humor and empathy to diffuse escalating rensions -Summarize issues, outlining key arguments -Avoid forcing resolution

What are some professional associations within health ed?

-American Academy of Health Behavior. --American Association for Health Education. American College Health Association. -APHA - American Public Health Association. -ASHA - American School Health Organization.

What is included in the CDCs 8 Component coordinated school health model?

-Health ed.: core of program needed to convey info and skills -Health services: may very widen y but can include first aid services, screening services, vaccinations, birth control and medication administration, usually provided by school nurse and services for the disabled students are also included -Heathy school environment: Physical and emotional safety must be addressed including programs to prevent bullying and violence as well as environmental issues, including adequate heal thing/air conditions, air quality, noise protection and lighting --Physical education classes: To promote good health and stable weight Nutrition services: provide model for nutritious meals Wellness program for staff: enables school staff to be role models for healthy living -Counseling, psychological and social services: Essential to provide for student needs* Family/Community involvement: Input is essential to develop program meeting community needs

What are 5 nonverbal communication skills in relation to EQ?

-Quick stress control -Emotion recognizing and management -Nonverbal communication for relating to others -Using play and humor to preserve relationships under stress -Confidence and positivity in resolving conflicts. *To interact well with others, nonverbal signals can be more important than words. This includes body posture, muscle tension, physical gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, vocal tone etc. Nonverbal cues convey many different emotions and requires both conveying what you intend and reading others subtle nonverbal signals. Making eye contact with other person is just one way of positive nonverbal communication*

What are 5 playful communication skills in relation to EQ?

-Rapid stress reduction during interaction -Knowing and regulating feelings -Interacting with others through nonverbal comm. -Managing stressed interactions through humor and play -Confident, positive conflict resolution *Being able to laugh can relieve stress, improve mood, rebalance nervous systems, lighten mental loads, place things in perspective and increase EQ.Humor also soothes interpersonal differences*

What are 5 skills to develop EQ?

-Relieving stress rapidly in different situaitons -Identifying ones feelings and keep from being overwhelming -Using nonverbal communication to make motional connection with others -Sustaining interaction under stress via humor and play -Resolving conflicts positively and confidently *To recognize emotions and stay focused and clam during stressful interactions, ask yourself about quality of relationship with emotions. Many epos do this in reaction to negative childhood experiences as reconnecting with/becoming comfortable with and accessing core emotions are necessary to emotional intelligence and health*

What are the COR theory principles?

-Resource loss disproportionately more impactful than resource gain -To prevent resource loss, recover from loss and gain resources people must invest resources *Proactive coping and positive stress outcomes are also aspects considered in this theory*

What are promising practices in health ed?

-This is a collection of locally inspired models and ideas that have been implemented and evaluated to varying degrees in programs and communities. -This helps spread the reach of the campaign and has the potential to positively impact families with young children and the organizations, health care professionals, and early care and education providers who serve them.

Risk behaviors?

-critical: public or private criticism, purposefully humiliating person Irresponsible/Immature: Constant problems and discord Non-communicative: Difficulty expressing feeling and being open with others Self centered: thinks only in terms of personal needs.

What are the three basic concepts to the theory of reasoned action?

1. Attitudes: there are all of attitudes about action and my be weighted 2. Subjective norms: People influenced by those in social realm and attitudes toward particular actions. Influence may be weighted 3. Behavioral intention: Intention to take action based on weighting attitudes and subjective norms resulting in choice to either take action or avoid it

What are the 3 steps to recycling?

1. Collection and processing 2. Manufacturing 3. Purchasing products made form recycled materials.

What can be seen as the comprehensive approach to character education?

1. Comprehensively defining character as encompassing thought, emotion and behavior 2. Applying proactive, intentional, effective, comp. approach 3. Furthering core ethical values as foundations of good character 4. Establishing caring learning communities in schools 5. Cultivating internal student motivation to be good persons and to learn 6. Giving opportunities for students to act morally 7. Engaging school staff as professional members of moral learning communities 8. Supplying student with a challenging, relevant curriculum assisting all of them in success 9. Cultivating long term support for character education and shared moral leadership 10. Engaging students families and members of community as partners in character education 11. Informing the endeavor of character education by evaluating character of students, employees and school itself.

What are the 7 steps in the responsible decision making model for 6-12 graders?

1. Describe situation requiring one to make decision 2. List all decisions possibly made 3. Share list of potential decisions with adult 4. Evaluate what the consequences of each decision could be 5. Determine which of the decisions identified as the most appropriate responsible 6. Take action on decision chosen 7. Evaluate outcomes of made decision

What are the 5 methods of data collection procedures?

1. Direct observation: Observers must be selected and trained as to how to observe and when and how to record observation 2. Interviews: These questions must be developed and validated and the interviewers given practice time 3. Questionnaires: Type of questionnaire, questions and likert scale must be determined as well as method of distribution 4. Record Review: Form or checklist should be developed to guide record review and records selected based on criteria established fo research 5. Secondary analysis: Databases to be mined should be selected and criteria for the research should be established, including keywords, timeframes, and pop.

What are the components of coordinated school health program?

1. Family and community involvement: Schools should partner with families and ind. and group members of community to amen best use of all available expertise and resources for child, youth and family healthy development 2. Comp. school health ed.: To motivate and help students decrease risk behaviors and improve health, educators should design classroom instruction to tailor teaching to every developmental and age level; further health attitudes, knowledge, and skills; and cover physical, cognitive, affective and social domains of health 3. Physical education: Designed to develop cognitive, affective and social skills as well as physical fitness and basic movement and sports skills, PE should promote lifelong PA through sequential, planned instruction 4. School health services: To promote student health, prevent and detect injury and health problems and assure proper student care, schools should provide education, preventative services, referral, management of chronic and acute health conditions and emergency care 5. School nutrition services: To optimize every students lifelong health potential and education these should e designed to integrate environments that promote all students health eating habits; nutritional education; and appealing, affordable nutritions meals 6. Counseling, Psychological and social services: To enable healthy behavior, positive learning, improve healthful development and prevent and solve problems these should include activities that concentrate on ind. family and group cognitive, affective, behavioral and social needs. 7. Healthy school environment: Learning environments should be designed to furnish safety through physical plans and setting that support and encourage landing through healthy physical, emotional and social school climates 8. Health promotion or school personnel: Schools hold provide fitness actives, education and assessment for faculty and staff members, These service should be designed for preserving and enhancing the well being and health of school employees who influence students as role models

What are necessary components?

1. Positive interdependence: for students to believe they must succeed or fail as team, teachers must give them group goal and clear task. Group members realize each of efforts benefit themselves and all other members 2. INd. and group accountability: every member is responsible to contribute his/her share of work nobody rides on others back. Groups must clarify goals and measurable both group progress and ind. member efforts. Cooperative of these strengthen each ind. member 3. Promotive interaction: members are resources and encourage, support , help and praise one another learning efforts. Cooperative groups are both academic and personal support systems. Face to face interaction enables significant unique interpersonal dynamics and cognitive processes. 4. Teaching interpersonal and small groups kills: Cooperative groups require task work to learn academic material and teamwork to learning groups social skills. Engaging in both makes cooperative learning more complex than ind. or competitive learning. Student must demonstrate communication, decision making, struts building, leadership and conflict management skills and motivation to use them 5.. Group processing: Discussing and analyzing helpful or unhelpful member actions, woking relationship effectiveness, goal achievement and decision making about changing or contenting behaviors continuously improves learning processes.

What are the 8 NHES?

1. Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health 2. Students will analyze the influence of family, peer, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors 3. Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health 4. Students will demonstrate ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid/reduce health risks 5. Students will demonstrate ability to use decision making skills to enhance health 6. Student swill demonstrate ability to use goal setting skills to enhance health 7. Student swill demonstrate ability to practice health enhancing behavior sand avoid or reduce health risks 8. Students will demonstrate ability to advocate for personal, family and community health

What is effective interpersonal communication?

1. Why, clarify whether one is sharing to benefit relationship or self. Disclose for the relationships benefit supersedes self interest 2. Affirm deserve to communicate, People concerned it is not their place to raise certain issues. But relationship is not close unless each member speaks up at times 3. Use less personal approach first to test others respond and to determine whether to avoid discussing how topic relates to self and other, mention less personal example 4. Natural openings to discuss something naturally, none must be alert to times when another is willing and able to listen. Waiting for door to open is better than breaking it down. Initiating conversation succeeds more when someone is responsive. 5. Don't raise touch subject when upset. Inconvenient as this is when most want to talk about them but first one must calm down before resuming difficult conversation.

What is rape?

1/3 American women will be assaulted sexually in life. Typical assailants usually choose women of race and at least casually know victims almost hafl the time from living or working near them. Over on third of these involve alcohol. Over ahfl happen in victims homes via break in or entry by false pretenses. Expressed via sex, this is primarily violent not sexual. Prositutes and prisoners with reducesd credibility, those with limited language or disabilities who cannot cal for help and those facing discrimination are more vunerable. Prevention includes locking doors and window in homes and cars, checking care backeseats before entering, parking in well lit open areas, not jogging or walking in isolated or secluded areas at night alone, displaying confidence, security, awareness and strength etc...PTSD is common compilation. Over half of these victims have difficulty re establishing existing relationships or establishing new ones. Treatment includes examining for and addressing STDs, pregnancy, and physical injury with emotional support.

What are procedures to use in reflective teaching process?

1: Diaries: discipline oneself to write regular after each lesson or class what took place, student reactions observed, own reactions and feelings and question as they occur to you based on observations 2: Peer Observation: ask colleague to observe class and focus on such things as how you deal with mistakes, what patterns of interaction take place, and/or which students contribute most 3: Audio recordings: Observe and consider things like how much you talk, what you talk about and how clear your expectations and directions are, How much time allowed for student conversation. and how do you respond to students answers 4: Video Recordings: Where were you standing, did you move around, To whom did you speak, How do you think you came across to students 5: Student feedback: Give students simple questionnaires to fill out or ask them to write down observations and feedback about teaching and learning of class in learning diaries.

What are the 4 corollaries to the principals of the conservation of resources theory?

1: those with more resources are more able to gain and less venerable to lose resources, conversely those with fewer reduces are less able to gain and more likely to loose resources 2: Initial loss causes future loss 3: Initial gain causes additional gain 4: Lacking resources engenders defensive responses of conserving what resources one does possess

What is development, characteristics and components of direct instruction?

2 types of this has developed: 1. Generic instructional model 2. More direct instruction

What are the strategies of the media to advocate for local health departments and for public health?

21st century public health issues: climate change, chronic disease, emerging diseases, disease control encourage local health departments to transcdnet traditional roles as health education and ind. service providers to focus more on environmental, social political and physical factors determining ind. and community health. Can change media approach of ind. responsibility and behavior to establish wider understanding of environmental and social influences on community health.

What are the Risk of drinking and driving?

32% of deadly auto crashes are estimated to involve a driver or pedestrian intoxicated by alcohol. Influence of alcohol slows reaction time and impairs attention, judgement, reactions to environmental changes and executing precise difficult maneuvers while driving. Driving is dangerous and can be deadly under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Most deaths cause by drivers with at least 0.10 blood alcohol concentration (BAC)- common criterion for intoxication.

How can one prepare for and prevent communicable disease outbreaks?

5 commonest causes of morality related to emergency and disaster conditions: malaria, malnutrition, diarrhea, measles, and acute respiratory infections. While not communicable, malnutrition is made significantly worse by these and all others, which are communicable, are related directly to environmental health conditions. When health conditions preceding disasters are unsanitary, disease problems following disasters are more likely. Therefore advance measures to alleviate poverty, raise awareness, improve organization and establish sanitary and health services offer greater community protection in event of disaster. Preparedness includes training outreach and health personnel to identify and manage specific disease threats, stocking equipment and supplies locally for environmental health, diagnosis and treatment for potential disease outbreaks, applying protocols for info. management practices regarding particular diseas, raising local awareness of this diseases and importance of early health facility referral, strengthening health surveillance systems, promoting hygiene and providing clean water supplies, shelter, sanitation facilities and advance vaccination campaigns.

What is cystic fibrosis?

A defective gene that produces a protein causing ht body to secrete mucus that is much thicker and stickier than normal. Mucus clogs up lungs, results ing infections that can use or threaten death. It also blocs pancreas form delivering enzyme that help break down and absorb necessary nutrients from foods. One foundation that has significantly supported this disease is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation whose support has enabled almost all available CF treatment medications.

What are illegal drugs and what is drug abuse?

A drug is a substance that affects the way the body functions. If a drug is classified as this it means that it is forbidden by law. Different kinds of these have different effects on people and these effects are influenced by many factors. This makes them unpredictable and dangerous, especially for young people. The second topic here frequently causes parents to neglect or abuse their children physically and or emotionally.

What is domestic violence?

Abuse where in one relationship partner dominates and control another, incorporates physical violence. Some violent behaviors include having unpredictable temper, harming or threatening harm, or treating to kill partner, trheateingin to hurt or take children, threatening suicicde if partner leaves, forcing sex and destroying partners belongings. Manipulative power tactics include dominance, humiliation, isolation, threats, intimidation, denial and blame. Cycle of this follows pattern: one partner abuses other with violent behavior to exhibit dominance. Partner appears guilty but really fears being caught and punished rather than remorse, Abuser avoids respoinsbiltiy by making excuses for violent behavior, rationalizing or blaming it on partner, Abuser try to keep victim in relationship and regain control, behaves contritely, normally or with affection/charm often falling victim into hoping he/she changed. Abuser plans future abuse to make victim pay for perceived wrongs, abuser then places victim in situation to justify future abuse and cycle repeats.

What are research finding about adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviors?

According to experts, such research demonstrates necessity of considering wide range of sexual attitudes teens consider. Warning of negative consequences is insufficient, adults must provide info. enabling teens to weight positive and negative aspects of both engaging in and abstaining from sec to kmake their own best decisions as they mature and develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. While many models of ten risk behaviors emphasize perceptions of possible consequences in decision making, studies also find positive motivations for having sex. Some investigators found teens valued sexual goals and expectations of intimacy, then social status, then pleasure in that order, but then expected sex to result in pleasure then intimacy then social status.

What is quackery in relation to heath care scams?

Activity of selling unproven remedies. Majority of these victims are above age 65; fraudsters target vulnerable older people. Tow most common fraud. remedies advertised are for arthritis relief and anti aging claims.

What is drug rehab?

Addicted and alcoholic substance abusers may require inpatient or outpatient treatment in this. Many program are covered bu insurance although some may be prohibitively expensive for some students and others may have waiting lists

What are two ways one can improve community and environmental health?

Advocacy: Includes identifying public health problems within community and environment, researching problem and possible solutions then taking steps to educate the public and those in positions of power to help reduce or eliminate problems by influencing political and social policy. Primary goal of this is to increase public awareness in order to generate support for change Volunteerism: Involves providing services in community without financial gain or coercion. Many nonprofit agencies and governmental agencies welcome these people or have these types of programs. This is required part of service learning for students in some ares but students can often be mobilized to do this for causes that interest them and educator can provide good role model through this.

What are the roles of advocates to foster health, wellness and safety of young people?

Advocacy: Involves taking actions to protect ind. who are vunerable and to empower ind. who have lacked voice or are disadvantaged in some way. This is an important part of health promotion and often begins with assessing needs and determining gaps in meeting those needs Health educator should take every opportunity to address needs of students and make efforts to decrease inequalities and should provide at a regarding effects of health on learning to policy makers, school boards and administrators as well as other staff When working with adolescents, it is often best to allow students to reach conclusion about effects health has on learning through discussions, case studies or research rather than to provide info. through lectures because students are likely to be more receptive to conclusions they reach themselves.

Harmful behaviors?

Aggressive/Abusive: any type of hitting, shoving, pushing or physical violence. Controlling/Possessive: Attempts to control another persons life and to isolate the person from others Volatility: Un predictable bouts of anger and rage Manipulative: Pressuring someone to do something or using guilt or threats to get ones way

What influences public policy to improve community health care?

An example of individuals who affect this are nurses, Researchers find nurse can use hands on patient experience to advocate in communities regarding health care and educational systems and economic issues; and in legislative systems for this. Nurses can use real life examples they have experienced to illustrate patient needs and these impacts on patient morbidity and mortality to influence patient access to effective, efficient and appropriate quality of this. Nurses need abilities for analyzing experiences to recommend effective changes and skills for participating in these decisions.

What Is the influence of media messages on adolescent sexuality?

Any age group can be influenced sexual media content, teens can be especially vulnerable to media messages. Teenagers have recently developed the ability to think abstractly and critically, however cognitive skills are still not completely developed for critical analysis of media messages and decision making that takes into account future potential consequences. This places them at higher risk for media influence. Sexual TV messages are found to be nearly always presented in positive terms, with scarce treatment of negative consequences or risk of unprotected sex. High school student have reported substantial access to and viewing of tv and video. Over 80% of teens report peer discovery about sex from entertainment media.

What is patient?

Any recipient of health care services performed by healthcare professionals. This is most often ill or injured and in need of treatment by a physician, nurse, psychologist, dentist, veterinarian, or other health care provider.

What does SOPHE provide?

Approved by National Board of Public Health Examiners as provider of renewal credits for cert. in public health and is one of the largest contenting education providers for CHES. Provers offerings such as attending local chapter events and even earning CD credits via courses/ other activities.

What are chronic, noncommunicable diseases?

Are diseases of long duration and generally slow progression. The four main types of these diseases are cardiovascular diseases (like heart attacks and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and asthma) and diabetes. These four grousps have 4 health risks in common. Tobacco use, Physical inactivity , Harmful alcohol use and poor nutrition

What is a performance indicator?

Associated with the standards is a description of more specific behaviors students should perform to demonstrate that knowledge, understanding and action. These are more specific objectives

What are the 4 conditions required for modeling of the social cognitive theory?

Attention: degree of attention paid to modeling can depend on many variables Retention: People suability to retain models depends on symbolic coding, creating, mental imagery, organization of thought and rehearsing Reproduction: Ability to reproduce model depends on physical and mental capacity Motivation: May derive from past performances, rewards or vicarious modeling

What are the 2 types of chromosomes?

Autosomal: pairs 1-22 ranked in size according to number of base pairs they each contain with 1 being largest and 22 being smallest Allosomal: Pair 23 XX for female, XY for male *Genetic disorders occur whether is a mutation in one or more genes. Diseases are classified as autosomal recessive if both parents must carry out effective autosomal gene in order to pass it to offspring and are classified as autosomal dominant if only one parent must carry defective gene. Disorders may also be X linked recessive or Y linked dominant*

What are Evidence based instructional programs?

Based on-scientific research using objective methods to determine most effective method of instruction. Instructional practices are selected based on success in multiple schools and tests verifying that success that have both reliability and validity as well as replicability. Strongest concluded are based on studies that involve randomized controlled trials, although not always possible in education. Decisions should be based on data and not on previous misconceptions or biases.

What is the history of health ed.?

Became increasingly common during 1800-1900 hundreds. The first academic program for health ed. wasn't begun until 1917 at Georgia state college for women. Health ed. began to be recognized as separate discipline only since mid 1900s. Department of health ed and welfare was established by president Eisenhower in 1953. The head start program was started in 1965 and was charged with education low income parents about their children's health, development and nutrition. The national center for health education carried out role delineation project in 1978 defining roles of entry level health educators. First certified health educator received cert. in 1980s and in the 1990s the National Health Education Standards were published.

What have researches noted as important in adolescent risk taking?

Both cognitive elements of decision making and other aspects beyond cognition

How can one conserve energy for sustainable living and prevention of severe global disruptions from greenhouse gas emissions?

Buildding produce most of the worlds CO2 emissions, around 38% from private homes, shopping malls, warehouses, and offices primarily from using electricity. Transportation can be seen as the second biggest source with industry following in third.

How should one communicate Health Education Information to diverse audiences?

CDC notes that diversity among audiences creates challenges for health communication. Differences preclude one size fits all approach to developing effective materials. Literacy skills and cultures are significant to keep in mind. U.S. department of Education National Assessment of Adult Literacy found basic reading a struggle for 30 million American adults meaning one-third of them have difficulty reading and action upon health-related info. : only 12% of consumer's are proficient in health literacy skills. Thus almost 90% of American adults may be inadequately equipped for managing their own health . Performing self care, managing chronic disease, finding healthcare services and providers, completing health forms and communicating personal health information to providers are all affected by insufficient health literacy. Even consumers with better health literacy skills want easily utilized, understandable and personally relevant health info. CDC advises health educator sot develop overall communication plan with one step contains health communication material.

What are the purposes, genesis and development of national health education standards?

CDC reports that in early 1990's educational leaders across America were developing model standards for various edducational subject areas. Based on these endeavors, authorities in fields of health and education, physical education and health and school health saw a need to create similar standards for subject area of health ed. To do this three major educational groups came together to formulate the national health education standards which were first published in 1995. The health ed field came to embrace standards as reference supplying structure for most US states to adopt health ed standards. IN 2004 authorities began review process, producing revisions that recognized original document s strength and impact and reflected over a decade of nationwide application.

What is the WSCC model?

CSH model was proposed by CDC and has been expanded into WHOle School, WHOle Community , Whole Child model since which can be seen as collaborative approach to health ed. that makes school health primary mission of school. This model stresses health and learning are interdependent and incorporates 8 components for CSH but adds 2 additional components in order to place more emphasis on role of community agencies and families as well as psycholococial and physical environments

What can health educators do with the NCHEC?

Can take self study courses for wellness coaching cert. training and information about other health related topics. for certification, knowledge or credit

What are the relationships among and within disease etiologies?

Certain diseases can be diagnosed according to symptoms. However these diseases can also develop from different etiologies and can co exist with result from or result in various other conditions. For instance, type 1 diabetes includes strong genetic component in etiology, though it appears to involve complex interactions of genetic and environmental influences. IN comparison, type 2 diabetes more often appears to result form environmental influences to a greater extent. Several different diseases can also result form one single etiology. For example one virus can cause an infectious disease and 2 types of cancer but under different conditions.

What are the measures found globally to decrease harmful alcohol consumption?

Changes both in amounts and patterns of use must be implemented. WHO recommends these interventions to reduce harmful alcohol use: raising alcohol beverage taxes, govt. monopolies of retail alcohol sales where applicable, restricting sales times and outlet density, regulating alcoholic beverage available and minimum legal purchasing age, comp. advertising bans and/or effective marketing regulations limiting exposure to alcoholic dink ads, measures to counter drinking and driving including lower BAC, sobriety checkpoints and random breath testing etc. Isolated classroom and public education mass media campaigns and consumer warning messages and labels have not been found effective by research however information and educational campaigns supporting aforementioned effective measures can enhance public acceptance.

What is Eriksons fourth stage in his theory of psychosocial Development?

Characterized school aged (6-12) children as being in stage centered on nuclear conflict of industry vs inferiority. Found that children who successfully resolved conflict experienced outcome of competence. At this time, children focus shifts away from being exclusively on parents, outward to wider world of neighborhood and school, as they amok new friends and learn new academic skills. While printer e still very important to school age children, no longer ultimate authorities they were in early childhood. As they acquire many types of knowledge and skills and create new products, successful children develop sense of industry. Those who fail academically and socially develop feelings of inferiority, comparing themselves unfavorably to peers. Feel incompetent and self esteem suffers. Children who succeed enjoy enhanced self esteem and feel competent to handle increased demands of expanding environments.

How are Health insurance benefits optimized?

Clear understanding of insurance plan and what it does/does not cover as well as frequency of which certain procedures can be done, such as lab tests. Most cost effective to seek care from those healthcare providers in the insurance plan network as the plan will not likely cover the full cost out of network providers. Preauthorization requirements should be taken into account and it should be verified that health care providers have received prequtorization before providing care.

What is the Action stage?

Clinicians should support realistic approaches to change via small steps; acknowledge early stage change difficulties, engage clients int reactant; emphasize importance of staying in revcovery, help clients use functional analysis to identify high risk situations and develop corresponding suitable coping strategies and help clients find new reinforces for positive change

What is the effect of local community standards and needs on health ed. curriculum?

Community standards, local norms for behavior and beliefs must be considered in planning of health education curriculum as those standards are often represented on board of education as well as in families of students. Schools often establish community standards as guides for behavior of students and staff. These guides usually direct students o respect rights and property and health and safety of others. These types of values often incorporated into health ed. program as parts of developing health environment and having students develop their own community standards fo rate health ed. classroom may be valuable learning experience.

What are National Health Education Standards?

Comprehensive school health education program often is based on these standards which provide the framework for health education and outline what students should know as well as the skills they should have by certain grades.

What is addiction?

Compulsive psychological and physiological dependence on a substance that extends to the individual's lying or breaking the laws to obtain the substance. More likely when potentially addictive drugs are not taken as directed

What is the COR theory?

Conservation of resources theory views main element in stress as resource loss. People lose resources who also gain resources during stress. Hence, thoruout process they accumulate greater susceptibility to negative stress impacts. COR is integrative theory equally incoporating both orientations. Essential premises that people endeavor to get, keep, cultivate and protect things of value. To combat perceived threat they need combination of cultural belonging, social attachment and personal strength. These attributes are resources: energy, condition, personal characteristics and object resources. Both cultural products and cross cultural in nature. When ind. looses resources, resource loss is threatened or ind. invest significant resources without gaining resources stress ensues.

What are the signs of abusive relationships and belittling behaviors?

Consider whether or not in a relationship they feel afraid fo partner often, void mentioning certain subjects for fear of making partner angry, feel they cannot do anything right with partner, believe being mistreated is what they deserve, wonder whether their member of relationship who is crazy and they feel helpless/emotionally numb. To consider whether their partner engages in belittling behavior towards them they should consider whether their partner yells at them often, whether partner says or does things to humiliate them, whether partner insults them or criticizes them regularly, whether partner treats them poorly enough to find embarrassing for friends, family or others to witness, whether partner dismisses, disparages or ignores successes and/or opinions, whether partner blames them for abusive behaviors and whether partner views and/or treats them as sexual object or property.

What is health finder?

Contains directory of health services so ind. can locate health acre provider in their community. Site also contains health topics index, free health content that can be loaded onto websites or printed, health news, and info. about national health observances and health reform

What is the role of health teacher as a role model for students and staff?

Controversy surrounds the expectation that the health educator will be one of these as some argue that this could lead to discrimination. However the reality is that the health educator is considered this for positive or negative whether or not person wants to be. Other staff members often turn to health educators for guidance in incorporating health info. into classes and heath educator may influence the sin making changes to develop healthier school environment, often serving in role of mentor to new faculty and other staff. Students often consider instructors to be these especially if they have established trusting relationships. This provides opportunity for health educator to influence students to avoid risk taking behaviors, considered various options and make informed decisions

What is

Current federal healthy eating guide, formally known as food pyramid. The 5 food groups are fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy

What are formative assessments?

Cyclical and interactive in nature. These in the classroom during instruction enable the teacher to gather info about student learning, adjust teaching accordingly to improve effectiveness then continue collecting more data. Teacher feedback: Teachers can have students use journals, checklists etc for self assessment of own progress and feedback on students work, oral or written is another type of this assessement Self Assessment: teachers may assign this in coordination with present academic and/or behavioral goals, learning contracts or curriculum based measurement CBM: is another form of this and is an example of standardized measures used. Portfolios: These are accumulated of students products over time and are also used to record student progress as skills develop

What are warning signs of domestic abuse, physical violence and isolation?

DA:Person agrees with everything partner does and says, frequently checks in with partner, reporitng what they are doing and where they are, often receives harassing phone calls or texts form partner, appears anxious or afraid to please partner, motions partners jealousy, possessiveness or temper. PV: person often misses school, work or social events without explaining, often has injuries excusing them as accidents or clumsiness, wears sunglasses indoors, long sleeves in summer or other means of hiding injuries IS: person never or seldom goes out in public without partner, unable to see friends or family, has limited access to car, money or credit/debit cards. Being abused: someone who used to be confident displays significant lowered self esteem. Outgoing person becomes withdrawn, or ind. shows other major personality changes. Person appears anxious, depressed or suicidal, verbalizing suicidal ideation's or displaying suicidal behaviors.

How should appropriate health care providers be selected?

Depends n type of insurance coverage that individual has. The individual can also search online to find more info, such as credentials and experience, about potential healthcare providers, including websites that rank these providers.

What are the 6 strategies of prevention use and abuse?

Enlist parents/cargivers: Provide them with info. about the signs of use and abuse of whatever and guildelines about how to soak to their children about these issues as well as lists of community and internet resources Promote self esteem:Identify and recognize ind. talents and skills and encourage them to develop talents Develop critical thinking skills: Focus on problem solving and values in class discussions and assignments Educate regarding risks: Include facts, dangers and laws related to this (However this alone without skills training has not proven to be effective)\ Provide skills training: Focus on specific skills, like assertiveness, refusal methods and methods of withstanding peer pressure Provide alternatives: Engage students in activities such as sports, music and computer clubs. Provide after school programs/for high school students

What is body comp.?

Equals the protoporiosn of fatty and muscular tissue that make up persons body weight. % of body fat an ind. has is significant to health and fitness because people with excessive body fat have higher risks of many chronic diseases. Recommended body fat levels differ by age and sex. Men generally advised to have max of 25% body fat and women 30%. Somewhat higher levels often allowed at older ages as muscle mass decreases with aging. One method of measuring body fat is by using calipers to measure skin fold thickness at triceps, suprailliac, male chest, thigh, abdomen, sub scapular and calf. The sum of these measurements yields body fat percent estimate.

What is reliability coefficient?

Evaluates whether test taken twice produces similar results and determines whether test is completely unreliable, reliable or something in-between. Standardized tests that have undergone rigorous evaluation should have reliability coefficient of 0.9 or greater but classroom tests usually range form 0.7-0.9 with scores below this suggesting that some items should be replaced ore revised. Simple reliability measures include testing /retesting and parallel from (giving same person two different forms of test than correlating scores). Tests must be consistent in measuring attributes. Reliability results in tests that are reproducible and generalizable.

What is empowerment?

Felling of control over ones decisions and behavior resulting in inspiration

What is the development of female reproductive system?

Females are not affected by testosterone to develop male reproductive organs. Without testosterone simulation, reproductive organs develop into ovaries, uterus and other female organs. Most internal organs are formed by end of first trimester. Immature eggs form in ovaries in utero, all female eggs produced before birth. Female infants born with all reproductive organs formed but immature and not functional. Do not grow much in childhood but mature and grow during puberty. Girls begin puberty 1-2 years before boys and take around 4 years to complete. Primary female sex hormone is estrogen. IN the brain the hypothalamus stimulates pituitary gland to secrete LH and FSH which stimulate ovary to produce estrogen.. Estrogen stimulates uterus and breast growth, pubic hair growth, bone development and the adolescent growth spurt which begins and ends earlier than in menarche.

What do the upper and lower limbs contribute to the human skeleton?

First includes clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius and ulna, carpal, metacarpal and phalanges. The second includes os coxa, ilium, pubis, ischium, coccyx, femur, greater trochanter and shaft, patella, apex, tibia, thinner fibula, femur, metatarsal and tarsal bones and calcaneus.

What is MedPage today and science daily?

First is a free online newsletter that provides the latest news in the field of medicine daily with summaries of research articles as well as article about public health, health policy, and legislation. Additionally this provides searches in 30 speciality areas and also has a video information center. Second is an online source of info about latest science news including topics related to health, tech. and environment, society, and quirky (unusual) research. Homepage has list of top science news and latest science related headlines and search option. Articles are summaries of research articles and contain citation for original journal articles ein case the ind. wants to research further.

What is influenza?

Flu, infectious viral respiratory illness. Symptoms can range from mild to fatal. Annual vaccinator is best way to prevent this. International Influenza unit is partnership to enhance global flu identification and response coordinated by HHS personnel and Operation Divisons including NIH, CDC, FDA etc...Influenza pandemics occur when new virus with little or no human immunity emerges.

What are some current philosophies, goals and trends in health ed?

Focus on disease prevention through primary, secondary and tertiary prevention programs rather than on treatment alone. Disease prevention taught at all levels in schools and throughout healthcare practice and preventative measures are supported by affordable care act, centers for medical and Medicaid and many insurance policies. Health promotion relations to disease prevention and is also strong trend with people encouraged to develop healthy living environments and to participate in actives such as exercise and work related wellness programs that promote good health. Interventions in all facets of healthcare are increasingly evidence based with research being don e look gin for best evidence in support of new or revised programs.

Formal, informal and base group cooperative learning characteristics

Formal of this involves more pre instruction planning, structuring and guiding by teacher of groups to which teacher assigns students in a dance, typically or durations across multiple class periods to complete tasks and multiple assignments Informal of this involves teacher assigning students tot temporary groups for one class period or less for specific task purposes, initiating focused discussion before and after lesson and assigning paid discussions intertwined in the lesson Base group of this involves long term groups staying together and meeting regularly across semester, year or several years developing deeper in to group bonding and interdependence. Teacher can integrate all three types of coop. learning into one class session.

What is personal intervention?

Friends and or family may confront person and explain how person substance abuse is affecting them. These are best done with small group rather tang with one ind. confronting the abuser, adolescents should generally include adults in the group and not attempt to handle this without assistance.

What is Peers related to influencing health decisions and behaviors?

Friends and others of these often have profound influence on health decisions and behaviors because of the strong desire for acceptance. This influence can be negative or positive depending on relationship

How can on e manage distracting or disruptive behaviors throughout classroom

Group contract should be put in place with class rules and procedures written by students and teacher. Review these periodically until students succeed in following them. Address misbehavior with private, moderately toned and simple to the point verbal reprimands. If one student constantly displays unacceptable behavior made in individualized contract specifying reinforcing consequences. To prevent misbehavior, intervene as early as possible. Move around classroom regularly to prevent possible behavior problems. use facial expressions to show student misbehavior was not overlooked completely.

What are the provisions related to the HPPA purposes issued by the US Department of Health and Human Survices?

HIPPA administrative SImplifcation Rules including a privacy rule. Covered entitles subject to these rules include health insurance plans; healthcare clearinghouses; and health care providers and any other organization or person that provide, are paid for or bill for healthcare in their normal courses of business and electronically transmit health information associated with covered transactions.

What are health centers and what does the HHS support health centers nationwide through?

HRSA: Health Resources and Services Administration These centers are patient directed organizations serving populations with limited health care access. These provide quality, comprehensive and culturally competent primary healthcare services to vulnerable populations and medically underserved communities.

What are the types and characteristic of health insurance?

Health maintenance organizations (HMO): primary care provider coordinates care and referrals to network fo healthcare providers. INd. has little choice and requires referral from PCP to see specialist. Plans may provide preventative care but also require copayments and deductible Preferred Provider Organziaton (PPO): INd cna choose to see any healthcare provider including specialists in network of health re providers. Ind. is not usually required to select PCP but may have copayments and deductive depending on plan. Ind. may see healthcare provider outside of network but reimbursement is lower so ind. may have to pay part of cost Exclusive provider organization (EPO): Similar to PPO as ind. can see any physician within network except the ind. does not have option of seeing healthcare provider outside network except in emergencies Point of Service Plan (POS): Combined HMO and PPO, Ind. has PCG within network and PCP makes referrals but the ind. can see out of network healthcare providers however ind. must pay part of cost for out of network providers High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP): May be an HMO, PPO or EPO but is cauterized by high deductible before insurance begins to reimburse for care.

How can instructional program evaluation results be used to determine appropriate program improvements?

IF instructional program evaluation results show outcomes less positive than expected, program modification may be necessary with things to consider: - Reliability and validity of assessment mentors/instruments: First consideration is whether outcomes were correctly assessed -Reason for outcomes: IF outcomes are valid, targeted evaluation should b carried out to further assess outcomes as all possible causes should be considered because problem could lie with course content, method of presentation, deliver, environmental facts, or social factors -Resources: Budgetary constraints or inadequate staffing or time availability may affect type of modification that can be done Legislative, regulatory requirements: Modification must be carried out in a way that stat enables federal mandates remain intact

What is the relation between smoking cigarettes and CVD/cancers?

IN addition to CVD and cancers, smoking cigarettes decreases overall health. Researchers questioning smokers find they self report poorer health status. Smokers absent from work more often and require more health care and cost more to themselves, the govt. and American taxpayers in healthcare expenses. Smoking causes type 2 diabetes, raising risk 30-40% and impedes its treatment. In addition to CVD smoking can trigger and exacerbate asthma attacks and damages almost everybody organ and can also accelerate cancerous tumors much faster.

What are some extracurricular actives for students in communities and schools?

If students cannot find these that interest them within schools, they can look at community centers, volunteer for local businesses or nonprofit, or participate inservice programs through youth in action nd similar organizations. In schools, athletically inclined students can join school sports or other activities. Students should consider available time, abilities, skills, interests; trying new things; roles to try; whether actives have physical, fee, grade, and or age requirements. Feeling overextended after joining an activity is a signal to quit, permanently or temporarily.

What is early child hood physical growth and development?

Implications of period from birth to 8 years include its being a critical time for developing many fundamental skills which is why its also a critical time for developmental delays to be identified and to receive early intervention, which has proven more effective than later intervention.

What is reflection?

Important by more systematically collecting, recoring and analyzing teacher and student observation and throughs on making chances accordingly. This is Cyclical: after implementing changes, this and evaluation resume

What is the history behind American dietary guidelines?

In early 1977, The first goal recommended to the average American was to only eat as much energy from food as expended. In which this goal addresses obesity through balanced consumption. Food goals also included eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains and substituting saturated fats with unsaturated. The USDA and HHS (Health and Human Services) jointly issued first nutrition and health brochure in 1980 partly based on surgeon generals 1979 health report on promotion and disease preventing reflecting research findings about relationships between diet and health. Despite straightforward scientific basis the USDG (U.S. Dietary Guidelines) issues in 1980 encountered arguments from industrial and scientific quarters. And by the 1990 edition of the Health Guidelines, reinforcement on numerical targets for saturated and total fat amounts was upheld empazizing that these did not apply single food or meal but eating choices over a few days. The 1990 National Nutrition Monitoring and related Research Act first legally madated Dietary Guidelines report, and established Dietary Guidelines Advisory committee to make sure this act was reported new every 5 years. By 2010 The Nutrition Evidence LIbray was created to support this new committees work with comprehensive, evidence based review process.

What is human labor and childbirth?

In late pregnancy, symptoms can mask labor sings or some contractions can be false labor. If contractions persist, become stronger, last longer and occur close together this usually indicates labor. Labors first stage is typically longest marked by contractions and gradual cervical dilation. First stage has three phases. Early phase: usually comfortable with contractions 20 minutes part progressing to 5 minutes apart. Second active phase: generally involves 1 minute contractions every 4-5 minutes. Third transition phase: Among the shortest (1-2) course but hardest. Contractions are 2-3 minutes apart, some women shake and may vomit. This phase ends with complete dilation. Some push. Can last up to 3 or more hours but often less. Contractions spread out again to around every 4 minutes. This stage culminates in child brith then the mother must push out placenta, nursing newborn aids uterine contractions to expel it. Four stage is postpartum

What are significant aspects of stages of pregnancy?

In the first trimester, a zygote transforms into implanted embryo; organs , hair follicles, nail beds, muscles, white blood cells and vocal cords form and the baby starts moving around eight. While pregnancy does not show externally, mothers awash in pregnancy hormones feel many symptoms. However everywoman and pregnancy are different. No two necessarily have same symptoms but most diminish further into pregnancy. During second trimester, babies grow hair, begin sucking and swallowing and their eyes and ears reposition. They have fingerprints and can hiccup and yawn by week 18. Their limbs are coordinated and their sense develop by week 21. Wight gain, capillary formation and opening eyes occur by 6 months. By 7 months, fetal weight doubles to 2 pounds. Babies perceive light and dark, taste what mothers eat and hear voices by week 31. Transparent skin becomes opaque by week 36. waxy vernix and hairy lanugo shed in week 38. BY week 40, fetal weigh tis 6-9 lbs, length 19-22 inches babies dream, blink and regulate body temps.

What can be seen as the risk factor for abusing prescriptions drugs?

Include: youth or adolescence, pre existing psychiatric disorders, current or past addictions to alcohol and other substances, lack of adequate knowledge or info regarding prescription medications, social environments with drug use, peer pressure and working in healthcare setting or other with easier access to prescription drugs. Older adult use of these is an increasing problem as an aging population includes multiple health problems and multiple medications which creates greater risk for misuse.

What is conflict resolution?

Inevitable product of teamwork and educator must assume responsibility for this. Although these can be disruptive, they can produce positive outcomes by opening dialogue and forcing team members to listen to different perspectives. Team should make plan for dealing with this. Best time for this is when differences emerge but before hardening of positions occur. Leader must pay close attention to people and problems involved, listen carefully and reassure those involved that their point of view are understood.

What is conflict?

Inevitable, but can promote relationship safety, trust, freedom and creativity. When interpersonal ones of these are not viewed as punitive or threatening but managed positively to build trust they can strengthen relationships.

What is Family related to influencing health decisions and behaviors?

Influence that parents or caregivers have varies according to the relationship . I relationship-poor then influence may be minimal.

What is peer pressure?

Influences that individuals exert on others of similar statues or age to engage in certina behavior for decisions. this can be + or -

What factors influence heredity?

Inheritance is complex. In some cases, disorder is directly inherited through transmission of defective genes. Many environmental factors may spur the development of diseases with genetic component or may cause genetic mutation. Most sporadic genetic mutations are harmless but some result in disease.

What is the OHDSI and what is its purpose?

Interdisciplinary collaborative initiative among disciplines including biomedical sciences, physical, informatics, epidemiology, computer science, statistics and multiple stake holders including health care providers, academics, medical product manufactures, payers and government agencies. Uses large scale analytics to demonstrate the value of observational health data.

What is public health surveillance?

Involves collecting, analyzing and distributing health info. for the purpose of taking prompt and appropriate action. During emergency and disaster situations, affected pop. are more susceptible to diseases as instability of circumstances causes sudden changes in health. In order to take action quickly, health workers must share quantitative at a with variety fo partners. Important to designate certain health personnel to conduct public health surveillance. Workers should take patient histories, identify contacts and isolate disease sources. This can be conducted to some degree even in large scale pop. movements worst circumstances. Health workers can extend existing reporting systems to area wide surveillance systems addressing sanitation and water related epidemics and other high priority diseases. Active pop. movement pattern surveillance affords data for predicting future settlement patterns, general disease surveillance and emergency intervention planning.

What is the Heimlich in infants?

Lacking of breathing, gasping, cyanosis and inability to cry. First position infant prone position (face down) along forearm with infants head lower than trunk, supporting head so airway isn't blocked. Then using the heel of hand, deliver five forceful upward blows between shoulder blades. Next sandwich child between two arms, turn infant to supine and drape him/her over thigh with head lower than trunk with head support. Lastly, using 2 fingers give up to 5 thrusts to the lower third of the sternum. Only do finger sweep to remove foreign object if its visible. Repeat 5 back blows, and 5 chest thrusts until foreign body is ejected or until medical personnel arrive. If infant loses consciousness, begin CPR. But if pulse is noted, without spontaneous respirations, continue with ventilation only.

Being able to do this also does what?

Laugh, and make others laugh can relieve stress, improve moods, rebalance nervous systems, lighten mental loads, place things in perspective and increase EQ. This enables us to take setbacks and difficulties in stride. Humor also soothes interpersonal differences. Communicating playfully both energizes and relaxes alleviating fatigue and dissipating physical tension. Loosens rigid thinking enabling creativity with new perspectives.

How to kinesthetic learners learn best?

Learn best by handling, doing and practicing, providing hands on experience throughout teaching, encourage handing of supplies and equipment, allow learners to demonstrate, minimize instruction and allow person toe explore equipment and procedures

How do auditory learners learn?

Learn best by listening and talking, explain procedures while demonstrating and have learner repeat, plan extra time to discuss and answer questions, provide audiotapes

What doe teens with reactive decision making styles let others do?

Lets others make decision for them needing others to like them and being easily influenced yb others also impede self confidence and empowerment

What are the 5 main sources of health relation info?

Libraries: Research librarians available to assist user to find valid info. Health Practitioners: Excellent resources for info. about disease, treatments, and preventative measures Computerized databases: Databases providing access to valid medical articles in journals and health publications Print media: Magazines and newspapers have health related info. but most valid are medical journals Electronic Media: social media have health related info, that may or may not be valid because anyone can write anything online whether true or not, so this type of info. should always be verified with valid source

Decision making is not a _ process but a _ process

Linear but complex

What is the muscular system?

Maintains body posture, Cretes body movement with support of bones, generates heat and consumes energy

What does it mean to report child maltreatment and who is responsible to do so?

Mandated reporters include people in contact with the child such as teachers, principals, administrators and other school employees, Physicians, nurses and other health care employees, social workers, therapists, counselors, psychologists and other mental health professionals. child care providers, coroners and medical examiners and law enforcement officers

What is Prevention vs Intervention?

May be aimed universally at entire pop. at selected groups or at risk individuals and usually involves long term goals Primary: Aims to prevent disease occurrence and may include education campaigns Secondary: Aims to identify and reduce impact Tertiary: Aims to prevent/delay disease progression Aimed at specific groups or individuals and often involves specific treatments to alleviate problem or disorder. Goals may be long term or may be time limited with aim to resolve proem as quick as possible

What are teens influenced by in regards to decision making variable wise?

Motivational variables (Personal values, beliefs, attitudes, goals and emotional states) and Depended variables (Cognitive development, affective development and social development) in addition to coping ability

What is skill based instruction?

Moves focus of instruction from simple acquisition of knowledge to acquisition of skills that promote acquisition of knowledge: reading, writing, speaking and problem solving. Student taught reading, writing and speaking skills in all content areas and provided skill practice along with high expectations. Literacy skills that students master are transferrable to all areas of study. Student assumes an increasing responsibility for learning and learns through analysis and application rather than through rote learning.

What are some examples of mobile health apps?

MyFitnessPal: Monitor and manage how many calories they eat and burn to manage own wellness LactMed: Gives nursing mothers information on how various mediations affect their breast milk and nursing infants Radiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM): offers guidance for diagnosis and treatment of radiation injuries

What is the YRBSS Database? what does it include and what can users access on this website?

National Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System used in National Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted by the CDC. Data from this survey is available online for downloads and usage. The URBSS website also offers SPSS and SAS programs for converting ASC2 data into datasets compatible with SPSS and SAS use. Users may YRBS national high school data files from 1991-2013 online including user manuals. Every year of data has its own format library and the website includes instruction for suing the data files in different formats.

What is the relationship between communicate diseases and emergency and disaster conditions.

Natural disasters and war conditions can break water and swear pipes and sewage treatment mechanisms, as well as disrupt electricity for pumping water. This can lead to waterborne and vector borne diseases. When the survivors of this live in crowded temporary arrangements with inadequate personal hygiene and laundry facilities and poor ventilation, personal contact can spread highly contagious diseases into epidemics. Disaster victims are more susceptible to these diseases as unsanitary living conditions, stress, fatigue, and malnutrition lower resistance. Mass settlement for extended times can cause epidemic outbreaks in refugee camps after disaster. Communicable disease control requires adequate shelter, sanitization, clean water, vector control, health workers trained in early diagnosis and treatment and immunization which combine to produce healthy environments.

What are federal and state regulations regarding immunizations?

No federal level laws of these in the US however, certain vaccinations are required for child to enter public schooling in all 50 states. CDC provides database of state laws of these with results from legislative review of laws in 50 states requiring status assessment of these and administration of these for patients, resents and healthcare workers. CDC also provides data on requirements for school entry by disease and state which includes a tool with state vaccination requirements for school and child care, state exemptions and links to state websites, tools listing diseases preventable by shots and state mandates for these required in prenatal, daycare, childcare kindergarten, elementary, secondary, K-12, college and university and long term care facilities.

What are important in interactions with others?

None verbal signals can be more important than words. Non verbal communication requires both conveying what you intend, and reading others stumble nonverbal signals. TO improve, attend to others rather than planning what to say next, thinking about other things, conversation flow and convey interest. In this type of communication you are sending and receiving. If what you say doesn't reflect what you feel, your body will contradict your words.

What is resilience?

Normal in life to experience changes. While all people encounter these, some cope better than others. This is the ability to bounce back from stress, trauma and other adverse experiences. People with good emotional and mental health have this. One component of this is having personal tools to keep positive perspective and cope with difficulties. These ind. maintain focus, flexibility, and creativity through good and bad times. Stress management and emotional self regulation skills also play into this. Being able to recognize and express feeling prevents dislodgment in negative emotional states. The other component of this is a strong network of supportive people.

How can one address needs and concerns of diverse learners?

Not all students are aware of preferred learning style. Range of age appropriate teaching materials/methods that related to all 3 learning preferences should be available. Part of assessments for teaching involves choosing right approach based on observation and feedback

What does Shape America Offer in terms of resources and what does the AMA database offer interns of licensing and Data Accessing procedures?

Offers database and other resources including a database w/ regular updated information about available research and program grants from the NASPE (National Association for Sport and Physical. Ed): a database where research fellows can enter and update their information as well as a database of grassroots contacts through legislative action center tutorial PDF and its library/shared files exchange for lesson plans, assessment tools etc. form which educators can access contribute and share.

What do researchers consider the decision making ability to be?

One component of risk behavior

What does the World Health Organization have in terms of Valid, Reliable Online Databases?

Online database of the survey information from health and human rights organizations, established through collaboration with Harvard School Of Public Healths program fo International Health and Human Rights. Also offers online library catalogue, WHOLIS for searching printed publications collection from 1948 to present international health literature.

What are participants apart of the OHDSI developing?

Open source software tools to analyze characterize and evaluate health data; medical product safety; health care quality; comparative effectiveness; and for predictive patient level modeling. Also, International Data networks to use large scale analytical methods for extracting evidence from observational health data.

What information can be given to students about STDs?

Over half of American contract this during heir lives. Reacting safer sex can include using condoms, having strictly monogamous sex and engaging in sexual activities that do not transmit STDs. Vaginal and anal intercourses are high risk activities. Without condoms, more likely to transmit STDs. Unprotected oral sex is high risk for transmitting STDs as well and skin to skin contact without intercourses is risky for STDs. Many of these STDs are often asymptomatic.

What may be seen as the first step in teaching responsible decision making model to middle and high school students?

Overhead projection and students worksheet with term definitions then discussing the definitions

How can one prevent child abuse and abdcution?

Parent education: includes developmental milestones, positive discipline techniques, age appropriate behaviors and skills, child safety and methods to improve parent child interactions Support groups: Parent gourds to help members discuss problems and develop coping strategies Mental health programs: Support for child and other family member to help manage symptoms and life challenges Respite care: short term childcare to allow parents/caregivers to remove themselves from situation and stress in order to avoid behaving abusively Home rising programs: Provide guidance for parents/caregivers regarding good health practices, positive parenting, home safety and community resources. Family resource centers: provide education and resources for parents/cargiveers including job training, parenting classes, violence prevention, substance abuse prevention, literacy programs. crisis intervention, respite care, and child care

What is parent and family involvement in health ed?

Parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. Parents need to be committed to and involved in actions that can improve students' health and education outcomes.

How should one talk about procreation with children?

Parents frequently fear that discussing sex with preadolescent and adolescent children is akin to giving them permission to engage in it. However research studies fin opposite is true, as teens are more prone to seuxal behaviors when parents have not talked about sex with them. When uninformed of possible consequences, they are more likely to act, not knowing of any disadvantages. Open, receptive attitudes are critical if children Bring up sex and perceive avoidant or shocked parental reactions, they will stop approaching parents shutting down vital conversation.

What does peer pressure play a role in decision making and problem solving in relation to drug use?

Peer pressure to participate in high risk behavior such as this is very strong because the adolescent wants to be accepted as part of the group. Groups that use drugs or alcohol tend to view others as abnormal.

What is Knowledge related to influencing health decisions and behaviors?

People often better able to make decisions if armed with factual knowledge and can use critical thinking skills. Lack of knowledge may lead to confusion about bets health decisions and reliance on anecdotal advice

What is loss spiral in research?

People suffering COPD. Experienced series of increasing resource losses. More resources lost, the angrier they became, the more alienated possible support views, increasing resource loss vulnerability. Lower self esteem, mastery and optimism (personal resources) in lower income, less educated Hispanic others to be, causing greater stress, which cased major infant risk factors of shorter gestation and low brith weights, predicting greater ongoing resource demands and stress.

What is Role Model related to influencing health decisions and behaviors?

People that adolescent look up to may have some influence on behaviors, sometimes in ways that re negative but positive role model who are actually int he person life can have a more direct positive influence if adolescent sees person as model for sucess

What can be seen as the main contributors noticed in adolescent decision making?

Perceptions of and attitudes toward risk, perspectives regarding time, and compliance and conformity relative to parents and peers influence decision making abilities

What is preparation?

Person has plan and intends to instigate change in near future (within 1 month) and is ready for action plans

What is action?

Person is modifying problem behavior and change occurs only if behavior meets a set criterion

What are the long term results of sexual harassment, abuse and rape?

Physical: Victim may experience vaginal or anal tearing which may result in long term painful intercourse. Chronic urinary infections may occur. STDs may be transmitted including HIV and AIDS. Some victims may become pregnant and have to make decision about abortion or carrying child then make another decision about keeping child or placing it up for adoption. Emotional: Victim often engages in self plane and may experience deep guilt. PTSD is common with flashbacks, especially wit violent encounters. The vicim often distrusts others and suffers from unexplained bouts of anger and severe depression. Victim may feel powerless and afraid, feeling as though he or she has lost control of life. Some may become reclusive.

What is Eriksons third stage in his theory of psychosocial Development?

Preschool (ages 3-5) stage for nuclear conflict initiative vs guilt. Its identified that the positive outcome of successfully resolving this conflict as purpose. Children in this stage engage in pretend and make believe play, imitating their parents. Also explore environment wanting to know why things are as they are and happen as they do. Display initivative by taking action, exerting power and control over environments. Successful children realize sense of purpose. Those who exert too much power, causing damage to envriomed and incurring parental disapproval, develop guilt feelings. Instead of purpose they feel frustration abut not able o attain desires or goals. Children most significant relationships during this stage are with there immediate family. Erikson influence by freud, but unlike his psychosexual orientation, eriksons was psychosocial. Freud described oedipal conflict: unconsciously desiring opposite sex parent and wanting to eliminate rival same sex parent, Child resolve theist though identification with aggressor, wanting to be like same sex parent. Erikson saw this psychosocially as child-parent struggle resolved via "social role identification"

What are 6 Different teaching tools health educators can use when presenting materials?

Print materials: Maybe e provided before, during or after class and include books, journals, copies of articles, handouts, reference cards, and posters -Electronics/audiovisual resources: computer assisted learning module tablets, applications and podcasts are especially valuable for ind. study. Video sand audio recordings may be use ind. or to supplement class presentation. -Display: Various types of displays can be used including whiteboard, electronic whiteboards, flipcharts and powerpoint or other side presentations -Internet resources: databases, NIH/CDC sites and meddling can provide excellent reference materials. GOVt. sites often offer brochures and pamphlets or guideline for free download or purchase at low cost. Equipment: Various types of medical equipment, mannequins and stimulations -Guest Speakers Physicians, advance practice nurses, social workers, infection control nurses, administrators, risk managers and substance abuse counselor al may serve as guest speakers

What is the reproductive system?

Produces hormones enabling reproduction and creates, nurtures and delivers offspring

What is a coordinated school health approach?

Program provides a system designed to address the needs of the whole child by effectively connecting health with education. This coordinated approach provides the framework for families, communities, and schoolsto work together to improve students' health and capacity to learn.

What are character education programs?

Programs designed for the purpose of promoting yong peoples development of good character and their overall positive development, but may also result in negative outcomes as well

What is the skeletal system?

Provides boy with structural franmeowrk of bones to support it, protects soft vital organs from harm colabs, with muscles to produce body movement and stores calcium in bones in addition to producing red blood cells in bone marrow

What are characteristics of effective health ed. curriculum?

Provides guidelines for development of comprehensive school health education program -Focuses on health goals and behavioral outcomes -Is researched based, driven by theories, and addresses ind values, attitudes and beliefs -Addresses ind/ and group norms to support health behaviors -Reinforces protective factors and increases perceptions of personal risk in risk taking behaivors -Addresses social pressure and influences and provides adequate time for teaching and learning -Builds skills for personal and social competence and self efficacy -Provides basic and accurate health knowledge that contributes to health promoting behaviors -Uses strategies to engage students and personalize info. -Provides age approirate and developmentally appropriate info. strategies, materials and teaching methods that are equally inclusive -Provides opportunities and skills to enforce positive health behaviors and to make positive connections with others -Includes PD and training for teachers

Ask self about __________________________ to stay calm and focused during stressful interactions.

Quality of relationship with emotions *Reconnecting with, becoming comfortable with, and accessing core emotions are necessary to emotional intelligence and health*

What is Tay-Sachs Disease?

Rare genetic disorder, inherited through autosomal recessive pattern (both parents carry copies of mutated gene and are usually asymptomatic but pass gene to offspring). Genetic defect prevents enzyme from breaking down toxic substance which build sup in brain and spinal cord, progressively destroying neurons. The most common form appears in infancy around 3-6 months. A typical sign of this disease is "cheery red spot" eye abnormality detectable through eye examination. Most children with this disease only survive until early childhood. Later onset of this disease is extremely rare and typically contains milder highly variable symptoms.

What is CPR?

Recommended for nonmusical rescuers for unconscious teens or adults who have no pulse or respirations. Rescuer should call 9-1-1 then place victim supine on hard surface. Place palm of one hand on sternum and place other hand on top of first fingers linked and apply pressure. Rate of compressions is at least 100 per minute. *Staying Alive song* Then with two trained rescuers, rescue breathing may be added at compression to breathing rate.

What are student educational records and what do they include?

Refers to records directly related to a student and maintained by educational institution, agency or a party acting on its behalf. Includes elementary and secondary student health records, immunization records, and records kept by public school nurses. *Special Education student records kept by public schools including records of the services students receive under the IDEA are also included in this definition as education records*

What are the health benefits to PA?

Regular PA affords myriad of benefits from CR heath to life expectancy. PA promotes functional capacity for actives of daily living. Some of these benefits can appear after only a few weeks. Moreover modest amounts and moderate intensity of PA 150 minutes weekly of PA are needed to realize most health benefits. For children and adolescents, research finds strong evidence of better gone health, muscular and cardio respiratory fitness, body comp. and CV and metabolic health biomarkers through regular PA. Studies also show moderate evidence that PA reduces child and teen anxiety and depression symptoms. Basically regular PA lowers risks of many health problems. Studies find both aerobic activity to increase endurance and resistance activity to increase strength beneficial.

What are the 4 phases in the Precede-Proceed model?

Related to planning and diagnosis (Social; epidemiological, behavioral and environmental; educational and ecological; and administrative), one phase for implementation and 3 phases for evaluation (process, impact and outcome)

What is Healthy People 2020?

Released by U.S. department of health and human services is a 10 year guide to national public health practice/ objectives and is based on previous initiatives including health people 1990, 2000, and 2010. This is particularly relevant to the health educators because many funding sources are tied to these objectives and educational material are developed in support of them. One section specifically addresses adolescent health with goal of improving the development, health, safety and well being of adolescents and young adults. Addresses public health and social problems. This can be used to guide the focus of instruction because it includes framework for health promotions and disease prevention as well as measurable objectives.

What is active listening?

Requires more than passively listening to another ind. This includes observing other ind. carefully for nonverbal behaviors, such as posture , eye contact and facial expression as well as undressing and reflection on what the person is saying. Listener should observe carefully for inconsistencies in what the ind. is saying or comments that require clarification. Feedback is critical to this because it shows the speaker that one spaying attention and shown interest and respect. Listing with empathy is especially important because it helps to build connection with speaker.

What are the benefits of smoking cessation?

Risk drops greatly only one year after quitting smoking. Smoking increases risk of stroke 2-4 times a nonsmokers risk, 2-5 years after quitting which can be seen similar to one who has never smoked. As smoking raises an ind. risks for mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder cancer, these risks decrease by one half within five years after quitting smoking. As smoking increases person risk for lung cancer by 25 times more, that risk is cut in half by 10 years after the person has quit smoking. This can extend life expectancy.

What differs between safe, risk and harmful behaviors in relationships?

Safe: the Inds. have mutual respect and maintain appropriate boundaries. Can be difficult to differentiate between risky and harmful behaviors in relationship because risk y behaviors are often precursor to harmful.

What is the effect of legistlation on health ed. curriculum?

Sate laws on health education provide guidance as well as limitations on what can be taught in health education classes and how it must be taught. Sates and local school boards may make decision about role and requirement of physical education, and regulations regarding education. Federal laws hav effect on health education as public law 111-296 regulates nutritional standards for school meal programs promoting healthier school environment. Public law 108-265 requires school districts receiving federal reimbursement for meals to establish wellness policy, which is directly associated with health ed. The national health ed. standards provides framework for educators in designing health ed. that promotes health enhancing behaviors

What is effective communication in schools, students , parents and community?

School health educators should consider whether and how they communicate student progress to parents in relevant, positive, ways whether how they clarify what teachers and parents must discuss, whether they have established language of learning that teachers and parents share for explaining student learning successes, challenges and development, how schools can collaborate with parents and communities to develop shared educational expectations, how parents with language barriers and/or buys work schedules communicate with the school, and how the school communicates with business and industry partners.

What is musical intelligence?

Sensitive to sound and rhythm. Love music and respond to all environment sounds. Playing music in background may help study. Learn well by learning verbal info. as song lyrics, using rhythmic speech and beating or tapping out rhythms. Compatible teaching includes audio recordings, live music, radio and multimedia presentations

What is the first stage in Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development?

Sensorimotor Stage: Occurs from birth to 2 years, infants are in this stage and learn about world through sensory imput and motor output. See, hear, smell, taste and fell and move body parts in rpesone to these perceptions. Learn about environment through looking, listening, sucking and grasping things around them. During this stage babies develop object permanence: realization that thing out of sight still exist 6 Stages: Reflexes (0-1 month): reflexive actions Primary circular reactions (1-4 months): Babies from new schemas/concepts, intentionally repeating accidental actions find rewarding Secondary circular reactions (4-8 months): babies purposefully repeat actions to cause environmental effects Coordination of reactions (8-12 months): Children combine schemas to accomplish goals, irritate others behaviors, act intentionally and understand objects Tertiary circular reactions (12-18 months): Children perform trial and error experiments Early representational thought (18-24 months): Children use symbols to represent other things

What is CSHP and what is its purpose?

Should include comprehensive health education health services, psychological and social services, safety initiatives/safe environment, phys. ed, nutritional services and partnerships w/ local public health, staff, parents and state/community agencies and organizations. Purpose of this organization is to recognize that academic success and physical and emotional health are linked and that all components must be integrated for benefit of students health and well being as well as health promotion of the staff. Helps to focus attention on behaviors that have negative impact on students health and achievement such as risk taking behaviors. Including goals to better attendance, improved academic outcomes, fewer dropouts, fewer behavior problems, better nutrition inc. physical activity and inc. participation in health from parent's Taff, student and community.

What/who are primary care providers?

Significant for good patient-provider relationships and communication, higher patient trust and greater probabilities of receiving needed care. Preventative services include primary prevention (early detection of symptom and signs to prevent illnes) and second prevention (Identifying illness earlier when more treatable)

What are resistance skills? What is the resistance skill model?

Skills enabling individuals to leave situations or say no to actions 1. Student says no in assertive manner to individuals 2. Student tells others his/her reasons for saying no 3. Student uses nonverbal communication matching his/her verbal communication and gestures consistently with what is being said 4. Student avoids getting into situations with peruse that will involve pressure from them to make detrimental decisions 5. Student resists peer pressure to engage in illegal actions 6. Student works to exert influence son his/her peers to make responsible decisions

What have researchers found in terms of personality traits and relationships?

Some researchers evaluating interaction of personality traits with YA social relationships have found that while personality traits predict number and qualities of peer relationships, relationships do not reciprocally predict personality traits. Major relationships changes do not affect personality traits. Extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness affected quality and number of social relationships. Longitudinal study found agreeableness influenced later but not initial peer conflict; and conscientiousness influenced later but not initial family contact.

What is a health disparity?

Specific health difference associated with environmental, economic and social disadvantages *In past endeavors toward health equity and away from this daily concentrated on healthcare services and illnesses/diseases*

What is marital conflict as a relationship patter in Murray Bowens family systems theory?

Spouses project increasing anxiety into martial relationship. Each partner becomes preoccupied with others shortcomings, tries to control him or her, and resists being controlled.

What is the second stage in Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development?

Stage from around 2-7 years, as child cannot yet perform logical, formal mental operations. Children extend symbolic representation began do develop in previous stage, playing adult roles. They develop language. This stage is defined as egocentric as children cannot see others points of view literally and physically as well as abstractly. Children could easily select picture among three showing a scene they had observed but asked to select picture of what people sitting in a different location as they would still select the picture of what they themselves saw. Neither manipulate ideas or information mentally nor comprehend logic coercing concrete objects. Experience with conservation of volume, quantity, number, length, weight and mass showed preparation children who did not understand these properties were conserved regardless of changes in shape, arrangement or appearance. Characterized this thinking as intuitive (non-logical) magical (believing thoughts cause events) and animistic (ascribing human emotion and motivation to inanimate objects)

What is the general content and purpose of national health education standards?

Statements of what students are expected to know and be able to do to further personal, family and community health by grades 2,5,8,12. They are designed to give educators structure for developing and selecting curriculum, planning instruction, and conduction assessment of students in health education.

What are the questions students can ask themselves in fourth step for evaluating potential consequences of a decision?

Steps in responsible decision making model describe the situation wherein they need to make decision, listing all other possible decision to be made, sharing list with parent or responsible adult, evaluating each decision and its ind. consequences, finally making the choice of which decision is the most suitable and responsible and action on chosen decision. Then after acting, one must evaluate the outcomes of that decision. When evaluating potential consequences of each decision students should ask 5 main questions 1. Will making this decision lead to taking actions that are lawful or legal 2. Will making this decision lead to taking actions protects myself another's safety? 3. Will making this decision lead to taking actions that a agree with the guidelines and advice that parents or other responsible adults have givne? 4. Will making this decision lead to taking actions that demonstrate respect for myself and others? 5. Will making this decision lead to taking actions that demonstrate good character?

What is conflict informed by?

Stress Management, Emotional Awareness, Nonverbal communication and playfulness/humor facilitate skillful handling and defusing of emotionally charged interactions

What is relationship between interpersonal communication and stress?

Stress is generated by avoiding discussion of important subjects, damping immune system and personal well being over time. One is all not achieve some control over problem when able to be explained. More often that we benefit from talking about subjects we find difficult to discuss. We expect worse outcomes of disclosing sensitive info. than what occurs. Overestimate how much negative perceptions coincide with those of our family members or significant others as we project our own beliefs onto them. More productive and safer emotionally that we think to bring up touchy topic. But quality supersedes quantity in communication. When discussing important issues, more harmful to discuss in wrong way than not to discuss at all and that more is not necessarily better.

What is social marketing?

Targets ind. Marketing expert is spokesperson. Pace is slow, outcome ind. behavior change. Counter advertising targets policy makers and public. Spokesperson are marking expert and trained program expert. Pace is slow, outcome is behavior change

What is credible source communication strategy?

Targets ind., policy makers, and public. Spokesperson= trained program expert. Pace is medium and outcomes are raising awareness and possible behavior changes

What is information related to pubertal changes for preadolescent and adolescent students?

Teachers can inform preadolescents and adolescent students that around 80% of them do or will experience acne which is caused primarily by hormonal changes, not uncleanliness and usually minimally influenced by diet. They can also explain how sebaceous skin glands secrete increased oil caused sebum in response to elevated hormone levels and how pimples, whiteheads and blackheads come from pores blocked by sebum. Warn students not to squeeze or pick eruptions which can cause permanent scars and reassure them that nearly all acne can be successfully treated. May discuss gentle regular wash gin avoidance of deafly or oil based moisturizers. Teachers can advise students that puberty hormonal changes can make hair oily requiring regular bathing, changing clothes and using antiperspirant and/or deodorant. Discussion should include how oral hygiene becomes more challenging as fresh breath gains importance and many teens wear braces. Teachers should discuss genital hygiene with separate female and male classes.

What are the 4 main ways of comparison shopping?

Telephone: Ind. can make list of needed healthcare products and then call local pharmacies and ask for prices Newspapers: specials on health care products may be printed in weekly flyers for drugstores/other stores Comparison shop: Ind. Amy check prices and avalibilitiy in variety of stores that may not consist of the pharmacy Internet: Online comparison shopping is easy and ind. can often find products less expensive than in local stores. Although Shipping costs may be high possibly including taxation.

How can one write health education materials for clarity, relevance and appeal to diverse audiences?

The CDC offers guidelines fo clear health education materials. Each section or document should limit the number of messages to three or four main ideas, concentrating only on what the audience really needs to know and do, avoiding extraneous material. Developing one idea completely at time before moving on prevents confusing audiences by skipping back and forth among subjects. Lists=short (3-7 items). Audiences with limited literacy skills will forget items on longer lists. Items should be bulleted not separated by commas for visual clarity. Active voice imperative mode and concrete noise are best for stating action instructions. Positive statements are more effective than negative.

How can one decrease their tobacco use?

The Who Framework Convention on tobacco control (FCTC) provides protocols and guidelines for evidence based interventions to decrease tobacco supply and consumption. Raising tobacco prices and taxes is documented cost effective method that substantially increase quitting and decreases staring smoking, particularly among poor and young people. With proper implementation, enforcing smoke free public place and workplace laws obtains high compliance levels. Studies in multiple countries find graphic health warning on cigarette and tobacco packaging and creative media mappings succeed in powerfully decreasing consumer demand. Another cost effective measure is proving smoking cessation assistance, combing pharmaceutical and behavioral therapies through primary medical care and public health providers.

What are carbs, fats, proteins, vitamin and minerals?

The first are starches, fibers and sugars in food from which the body manufactures glucose and uses the blood sugar to fuel activities of the body including the brain. The second are necessary to normal bodily functions but only 35% of human diet needs to be from these and preferably from oils not solid fat (unsaturated not saturated). The next Is needed for digestion into amino acids to rebuild organs, tissues, and cells which contain this that is broken down and replaced. Lastly, these are important to health and can be found in supplements but are preferred to be eaten in a regular diet to provide enough of these.

What are the series of national health initiatives?

The healthy people 2010 initiative managed by HHS office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, had the primary goals increasing life expectancy and quality and eliminating demographic health disparities in US pop. The Healthy people 2020 initiative launched in 2010 and addressing 42 areas of public health has targeted the main goals of achieving longer, high quality lives without premature death, preventable injury, disease and disability, eliminating health disparities, attaining health equity and improving all pop. gourds health creating physical and social environments promoting good health for everyone and furthering healthy development behaviors and quality of life.

What do middle easterners view as the aspect of death?

The sick and dying usually cared for by female member in home although some may be hospitalized. Persons bed should be facing Mecca and person should be assisted within washing prior to prayers as long as he/she is able. Pain management is acceptable. Kroan should be at bedside so visitors may read from it. On death, eyes closed and arms/legs straight. Family will wash and wrap body. Muslims are never created and postmortem exams are usually not allowed. Burial should take place within 24 hours. Females are usually prohibited from attending burial and demonstrations of grief should not be excessive. Family has 3 days of mourning after the burial during which they greet visitors. Grave is visited daily or weekly and prayers are said for 40 days. Grief counseling is often considered to be intrusive.

What is collaboration and partnerships in health ed?

These aim to change the environment in which behaviors and factors that are related to health occur. The premise is that, by changing the environment, these can effect widespread behavioral change and improve population-level health outcomes.

What is a Boolean search?

These allow you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT (known as these operators) to limit, broaden, or define your search.

What are animal proteins vs vegetable proteins?

These are complete sources of this with all essential Amino Acids These are incomplete sources of this but combining them with any other of these may make it complete

What is the big 5 theory of personality traits?

These are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness. Extraversion is characterized by sociability, assertiveness, emotional expressivity, talkativeness and excitability. Agreeableneess features affection, kindness, trust, altruism, and similar prosocial behaviors. Conscientiousness includes organization, detail orientation, goal directed behaviors, good impulse control and thoughtfulness. Neuroticism includes anxiety, irritability, moodiness, emotional instability and sadness. Openness includes broad interests, insight, imagination. Each trait is continuum with ind. demonstrating various degrees of each between 2 extremes.

What is the relationship between Diet and Exercise?

These are independent and only 5% of people losing this only through this maintain the loss. Weight loss requires negative balance of calories which can be attained by either during more calories from doing this, or eating less calories or both. The individuals most successful in losing weight and maintaining weight loss not only do this but also eat fewer calories than pale who cannot lose weigh tor lose it and gain it again.

What is PD and what resources offer it?

These opportunities are offered by National Education Associations (NEA), Educational Support Professionals (ESP) CDC, Division of Scientific education, American Association Health and Physical Education Rec. and Dance (AAHperd), American Public Health Association (APHA), and health/educaiton departments of many state and private universities and colleges.

What is validation?

This ensures that at best actually measures what is intended and has accuracy, utility, and relevance. The bank of a test is determined in relation to reference group. -Content related: Test should be reviewed to ensure it includes questions that represent all content -Criterion related: Scores on test should correlate with other forms of measurement so it can be used to predict success in other measures, such as cert. tests. Scores of test may be assessed in relation to scores of test that is already validated. High chores should correlate with high degree of clinical competence -Construct related: Test should be evaluated to determine degree to which outside variables affect outcomes such as personal experience and IQ.

What is the purpose of pre testing?

This first establishes baseline which determines what students already know about subject. informing were teacher should start instruction. Then the assessment of progress is after . With baseline info the educator can evaluate effectiveness of instruction.. This type of testing also facilitates monitoring student progress

What is harassment and discrimination?

This first issue involves aggressive actions or words or intimidation toward another because of who or what person is. This is often an element in bullying, stereotyping and discrimination and line can be hard to draw The second involves unfair or prejudicial treatment, and this often limits interpersonal and social opportunities available to people as it tends to isolate them from others while fostering resentment and anger

What are the causes and effects of noise pollution and overcrowding?

This is a problem in urban evniorment where ind. are almost constantly surrounded by trans probation noises, people, alarms, sirens, dogs and everyday noise. This first issue is often seen in work environment because of equipment used. This may also result from inadequate urban planning, social events and construction. The reslutsof this can be hearing impairment, stress, fatigue, insomnia and high blood pressure. The second issue is when too many people are in a space and is often associated with this first issue. This can occur in ind. homes or in urban area. This can also result in disease epidemics, metnal health problems and academic problems.

What is methamphetamine?

This is also a stimulant drug and is related to the stimulant amphetamine but affects CNS more powerful. This is available in pills for oral consumption or in power for injecting or snorting. Through "cooking" this it can be crystalized into even stronger form which is smoked. Using this drug produces physiological and psychological effects.

What is emotional distance?

This pattern consistently occurs in relation to other three patterns. When interactions between family members becomes too intense, they develop emotional distance to decrease intensity. However drawbacks of this are that distanced members can become overly isolated and can loose intimacy in relationship. This interacts with other patterns

How can a health educator plan and implement school health program?

This usually involves planning that covers at least 5 years into future so its important to look at current situation s well as to make estimates based on best evidence about future. -Prepare for planning and implementation including time needed, staff and resources -Carry out assessments, including researching evidence based practices as well as conducting local and student surveys and reviewing local data during planning process so that credible data support proposals -Use School health index (CDC) to assess current programs and policies -Develop plan that has input of all stakeholders and is based on evidence based findings -Communicate with others regarding progress during planning and implementation phases -Implement plan beginning with pilot studies or small tests of change if possible before full implementation -Establish measurable goals and monitor progress during implementation -Make modifications as indicated during implementation

What are proactive decision making styles defined as?

Those involving analyzing a necessary decision, identifying and evaluating potential actions, choosing one action and taking responsibly for consequences of that action.

What does the CDC learning connection include?

Thousands of public health learning products and continuing education courses (CE) many free through online educational resources, quick learn lessons and social media posts on public health topics.

What is healthcare system timeliness?

Times waiting in ERs and provider offices, and time between identification and receipt of tests and treatments are both measures of this. Delays increase patient attrition, decrease patient satisfaction and cause clinically significant care delays.

What can be seen as the ways for treatment of cancer?

Treamtne usually involves removing and/or killing cancerous cells, growths or masses. One of the treamtes is surgically removing cancerous tissue. Some inoperable cancers require removing needs healthly tissue as well. IN some cases entire organs bay be surgically replaced by donor transplantation. Surgical removal of cancerous growth is often followed by radiation treatment also known as exposure to radioactive elements to eliminate any remain gin cancer cells/to prevent new regrowth. Last treatment inlaces chemotherapy to kill cancer cells. Various drugs can be seen toxic to cancerous growths. Most treatments toxic enough to kill cancer cells also tend to eat away at patient. Some treatment protocols coming methods such as surgery followed by radiation and chemo, or radiation to shrink tumor followed by surgery etc...

What is severity?

Understanding of how serious condition is

What are some examples of factors that may influence ones health status?

Unpolluted air, clean, water, safe housing, reliable affordable public transportation, nutritious food, high quality education, health insurance coverage and culturally sensitive health care providers

What is the Health Belief Model?

Used to predict health behavior with understanding that people take health action to avoid negative consequences person expects that negative outcome can be avoided and that the/she is able to perform action.Based on 6 perceptions

What are interpersonal conversations about death?

We don't want people we love to decease. Taking advance of less personal examples salable about third parties to test loved ones response and or bring up subject. Rather than introducing subject of living will, it is not as threatening to use relevant third party examples to initiate conversation. General rules for families is not to wait for conversant but to start early and regularly discussing this topic.

What else does shape America offer?

Webinar series covering topics including Adapted Physical Education (APE) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Early Childhood Education (ECE), and the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP)

What are the patients bill of rights?

What should be expected form healthcare organization is outline in standards of The Joint Commission and the National Committee for Quality Assurance. These Include: -Respect for patient including personal dignity and psychosocial, spiritual, and cultural considerations -Response to needs related to access to pain control -Ability to make decision about care including informed consent, advance directives and end of life care -Procedure for registering complaints or greviencae -Protection of confidentiality and privacy -Freedom form abuse or neglect -Protection during research and information related to ethical issues of research -Appraisal of outcomes including unexpected outcomes -Information about organization, saves and practitioners -Appeal procedures for decisions regarding benefits and care quality -organizational code of ethical behavior -Procedures for donating and procuring organs/tissue

How do health educators serve as liaisons between school personnel, students., parents and communities?

When health educators develop processes to integrate health ed into other programs across curriculum, they liaise with school administrators, curriculum coordinators, other school subject teacher and students. By training others to implement health ed, they liaise between school and research community. They are liaisons between support providers and students when requisitions program support and liaisons among all stakeholders when promoting collaboration. They are liaisons communication health info from resources to stakeholders, between existing resources and trainees when providing training, and between other trainer when implement training programs and sessions. As consultants they liaise between or among different personel whom they provide consultive assistance. As advocates they are liaisons between students and parents and families to promote healthy home practices and parental school involvement in health ed and between policy makers and schools/communities when advocating health promotion policies

What are positive personal characteristics?

When people ear healthy, both emotionally and physically they feel and demonstrate these, enabling them to engage in meaningful, productive actives and relationships that promote full participation in life.

How should one implement comprehensive school health ed plan?

While planning curriculum, assess student health cultures, strengths, needs and interests. Form collaborations for developing plans to fund, develop, select, implement, and evaluate this. Regular review and modify school policy and enforcement methods. For implementing curriculum more easily, furnishing enough implementation support is recommended. Also creating a system for assuring prof. development, dist. of materials and student assessment. For assuring adequate teacher prep., choose qualified, academically prepared teachers to apply active instructional and authentic assessment methods. For assessing heatlh ed. incorporate process eval. procedures in curriculum implementation plan and assess student skills and knowledge.

What/when should one tell a responsible adult?

Young people especially often not prepared to confront others who are participating in substance abuse but should seek help from parent, counselor, spiritual advisor or teacher whom they trust and who can help them deal with the problem.

What is the digestive system?

breaks food down into proteins, sugars, amino acid and other building blocks for the body metabolic processes, growth, replenishment and repair

What has the USDA eliminated out of the food pyramid moving into the my plate today?

oils and sugars

What is the role of health education actors in advocating for health school environments? What are the steps a health educator should do to ensure their school has a healthy environment?

Communicating, promoting and advocating for healthy school environment and should take every opportunity to to do beginning with increased awareness within the classroom by panel discussions, guest speakers, demonstrations, project-based learning, debates, experiments and role playing. Assessments/reports may also be carried out to the school board about schools environment hi lighting areas in need of improvement as well as those being performed well in. Establishing close working relationships with administrators whose support is critical, and with teachers/other staff members is really important in stressing how their roles are made easier in healthy school environment and the ways in which they can support taking steps sot improve the situation at school. Always monitor and reporting progress.

What are communication strategies for appropriate expression of needs, wants and feelings?

Communication strategies may involve verbal, nonverbal and visual communication depending on situation. Intra personal: Dialogue with self is used in decision making and aids in comp. of input, planning for output and personal assessment Inter personal: Face to face communication with others may be direct or electronic. Face to face communication facilitates all forms of. communication, so many different types of communication may occur simultaneously, increasing chance of message being correctly received and persuading others. Small group: 3-6 ind. allow number of different relationships to develop and facilitate communication, however if group is too large, cliques may form. Members may be influenced + or - by others depending on degree cohesiveness. Organizational: May include intra perosnal, interpersonal, small group and public communication depending on purpose of communication. Communication is often based on hierarchical structure Public: Info. shared form ind. to large group to inform, persuade or entertain

How can one deal with requests for health info. and services?

Health educator must be alert to types of requests for health info and services that are received. especially from students. Students often reluctant to ask for help directly and may ask for info indirectly. When student broaches subject, health educator should assume that the student wants info. even if student is not asking directly. Many students get primary info. regarding health issues form internet and may ask about specific cites so health educator should become familiar with popular health sites and advise students about reliability of info. on sites and how to evaluate health sites as well as community resources available. Educator should respond to request for info. sent by email because some students find that method less threatening than one on one conversations.

What are the skills and abilities of health educators?

Health educators have these for assessing community as well as ind. needs which enables them to liaise between school and community to promote school and community health.

What is the Transtheoretical Model? and what is its focus?

Focus on changes in behavior based on ind. (not society or others) decisions and is used to develop strategies to promote changes in health behavior. This model outlines stages people go through changing behavior and having a positive attitude about change.

What are conflict resolution skills?

Focus on preset and acknowledge current reality as opportunity to resolve old reactions too conflicts rather than clinging to old resentments and wounds.

What is mandated reporting?

Health educator is this and must report suspected or confirmed child abuse and neglect; this can cause problem when students divulge confidential info. It should be made a point of explaining the state requirement and district policy related to this while assuring student of confidentiality to degree allowed by law. If report required, should be done immediately, and these must be made to correct state agency. These must give their names when giving report but reporters name is kept confidential nd reporter is protected from civil or criminal liability.

What are some life choices to prevent chronic diseases and health conditions, as well as contrasting halt risk behaviors?

Regular aerobic exercise or physical activity can prevent CVD. Not smoking also prevents lung cancer and other respiratory, oral and digestive cancers. Eating vegetables and Fruits accesses antioxidants protecting against many cancers, and fivers protecting against colorectal cancers as does eating whole grains. Avoiding binge drinking prevents deaths.

What is the SHI?

School Health Index, online confidential and easy to use tool available on CDC website, one PDF for elementary and another for middle/high. This helps schools identify health and safety policy and program strength and weaknesses and develops student health enhancing actin plans to incorporate into school improvement plans (SIPs) and involve students , teachers, parents and communities in promoting better health programs at basis. These guidelines identify policies and practices found most effective for decreasing health risk behaviors. SHI covers sexual health topics , cross referential health services, mental health services sniff daily and community involvement modules, as well as updated nutritional info. aligned with institute of medicine recommendations and USDA requirements.

Who may benefit from participating in the OHDSI community?

Scientists exploring large scale data methodologies; clinical researchers using this network for answering clinical questions; members of organizations that have health care data, for more effectively using their data; members of health care systems, improvement of efficiency and quality of health care using these tools; and software designers and developers for contributing to projects to enhance patient health.

What are the 10 primary health indicators investigated by US researchers?

Scientists have studied 10 leading health indicators for 2000-2010 and have continued to assess these since 2010. These health behaviors have strong influences on American health 1. PA: goal is getting more teenagers to engage in vigorous PA 2. Obesity and overweight: glasswork is to decrease #'s of obese and overweight teens and children 3. Tobacco use: Goal is to decrease teen cig smoking 4. Substance Abuse: Goal is to augment the # of teenagers not using alcohol/other drugs 5. Responsible sexual behavior: Goal to encourage more adolescent sot abstain from engaging in sexual intercourse 6. Mental Health: among adults with diagnoses of depression, goal is to raise % of people who receive treatment 7. Injury and violence: Goal is to decrease # of motor vehicle deaths and homicides in pop. 8. Environmental quality: Goal is to decrease non-smoker exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke 9. Immunization: goal is to raise % of young children receiving all recommended vaccinations for minimum of 5 years 10. Health care access: goal to raise % of people covered by health insurance

How should one use I messages and refusal skills?

Using I messages is a method of communication in which the speaker focuses on personal feeling rather than characteristics or actions of listener. These skills are those that help people refuse to participate in activities and to say "no" to situations that are dangerous or unwanted, such as drug taking and sexual contact. Person needs to stand up straight, make eye contact and say "NO" forcefully and support this statement with appropriate body language and facial expression. Person should avoid making excuses but remain firm and repeat same message if necessary.

What are living strategies?

Self care enables better coping when encountering challenges. Endorphins are released not only by physical exercise and activity but also by helping or positively affecting others, practicing self control and discipline, discovering and learning new things, Enjoying nature, which research proves not only released endorphins but also lower blood pressure and dissipates tress, enjoying art, managing stress levels, and consciously avoiding absorption in mental habits like excessive worrying and negative thoughts about world or oneself.

What is the theory of planned behavior?

Successful in predicting behavior in the sense that behavioral intention does not necessarily result in action. Concept of perceived behavior control was added to this basic concept, which relates to the ind. attitudes about self efficacy and outcomes. These beliefs are central. Theory relates to persons confidence based on beliefs and social influence of others that he/she can actually do action and that the outcome of the action will be positive. Looks at the power of emotions when predicting behavior

What is contemplation?

Person is aware of costs and benefits of changing the problem behavior and intends to change in next 6 months but is procrastination and not ready for action

What does the CDC have in relation to valid, reliable online databases?

Interactive database systems on their website for many different health related topics.

What is the Precede-Proceed model?

Model for developing health programs and focuses on outcomes which can be used for analysis and program design. Considers educational and environmental influences on health gbehavior and attempts to diagnose health concerns in aid of planning fo interventions.

What does the NEA offer?

Offers ESP National PD Conference; Leaders for tomorrow program; and tradings in results-oriented job descriptions, crisis action plans, leadership, air quality action plans, collective action, mentoring and school community team building

What are some examples of decision making models and what do they require?

Requires skills of defining necessary decision, gathering info for self education and thinking of alternatives, considering options and choosing one, making a plan to execute decision and evaluating the decision and its results. These enable planned, goal-directed decision making

What is the CORE program?

SOPHES updated Center for Online Resources and Education allowing the student to log in and earn CD credits via courses/other activities

What are the HBM 6 perceptions?

Susceptibility Severity Benefit Barriers Action cues Self-efficacy *Model attempts to encourage people to amok changes or take actions in order to avoid negative consequences, so this model when used for education focus on the negative consequences*

What is the social cognitive theory?

Theory of social learning, learning develops from observation and organizing/rehersing behavior that has Belen modeled. People are more likely to adopt behavior if they valued the outcome s, if the outcomes had function value, and if the person modeling had similarities to learner and was admired because of status. Behavior is result of observation of behavioral, environmental and cognitive interactions

What is Belief related to influencing health decisions and behaviors?

These in terms of health are often culture bound and may influence behavior. Some cultures believe that illness is punishment or means the life is out of balance. While others may believe in karma.

What are effective decisions?

These result from a systematic process, with clearly defined elements, that is handled in a distinct sequence of steps

What are the 5 stages of change?

pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance

What are the 5 skills to develop EQ?

-Ability to reduce stress quickly in various contexts -Ability to recognize emotions and prevent overwhelming -Ability to relate to others emotionally through nonverbal communication -Ability to maintain connections during challenging circumstances through playfulness and humor -Ability for confident, positive conflict resolution *Identify physiological response to stress. Recognition enables regulation.*

How can one incorporate tech and educational media into health ed. process?

-High fidelity simulation: Includes various equipments, such as mannequins, AEDs, blood pressure cuffs and thermometers. These allow students to manipulate equipment and practice in ways that build skills -Computer assisted instruction: Interactive instructional modules available on many health topics to help engage the student -Smartphoen apps: Multiple apps allow students to monitor activity; and diet on ind. basis or as part of group. Other apps support smoking cessation through financial calculators, timers. self hypnosis, virtual smoking and countdown calendars

What are 5 skills in relation to conflict resolution consisting of EQ?

-Quickly decreasing stress -Identify and managing feelings -Effective nonverbal Communication -Using playfulness and humor to dissipate stress in interaction -Resolving conflicts positively and confidently *Conflict is inevitable but when constructively managed, can promote relationship safety, trust, freedom and creativity. To develop positive trust building conflict resolution skills, focus on present and acknowledge current reality as opportunity to resolve old reactions to conflicts rather than clinging to old resentments and wounds.*

What can be seen as the 5 steps in evaluating different sources of health info?

1. Consider source: Medical journals, databases, govt. sources and medical experts provide most valid info. Info. in popular press or social media sites should always be verified by searching more valid sources 2. Check authors credentials: Important to verify authors expertise by doing internet search to confirm authors credentials and experience. Researchers and medical experts are often cited numerous times 3. Do second search: Determine if others have written similar info. that verifies findings in the first 4. Ask reference librarian: if unsure about validity, reference librarian can help int verifying whether or not source is valid 5. Consider the type of research and data: Consider how authors reacher their conclusions and determine whether the conclusions appear to be supported by data.

What are some positive research findings?

1. Powerful benefits of cooperative learning. 2. Relationship quality 3. Psychological Health

What are the 9 main characteristics of these fad diets?

1. Sound too good to be true 2. Promising quick fix results 3. Banning certain regimens and/or products 4. Oversimplifying complex science 5. Making dramatic claims rejected by science 6. Basing claims on isolated testimonials and/or single research study 7. Basing claims on studies lacking independent expert reviews 8. Promoting product sales 9. Eliminating food groups

What are the main goals involved in interpersonal conversations?

1. Task goals: represent official purpose or point of conversation. 2. Identity goals: Tacit methods of preserving both ones own and another sense of self 3. Relationship goals: Directed to maintaining interpersonal connections. Conversations with highest quality entail both or all parties observing these three goals concurrently, which is cognitively challenging and requires taking another perspective then composing messages acknowledging viewpoint while achieving own goals for conversation at same time

What is the American Red Cross certification for First Aid, CPR and AED?

ARC states on website that knowing what to do in event of emergency involving respiratory or cardiac problems or requiring first aid measures could help save life. The Red Cross offers course options among hands on learning of first aid, CPR and AED use. These classes are available in person or blended. Depeding not the option chosen, courses can last from 2-5 hours. Upon completing course successfully, people receive 2 year cert.

Why is access to health care so important and what are the steps in receiving healthcare?

Access to quality, comprehensive healthcare is critical to increasing health and life quality for all. 1. Acquiring health care system entry 2. Accessing locations providing needed services 3. Finding providers hat patients can communicate with and trust

What is empathic assertion?

Acknowledging how other person feels then expressing what one needs

What is the theory of reasoned action?

Actions people take voluntarily can be predicted according to their personal attitude toward action and perception of how others will view doing of action.

What is self assessment of behavioral risk factors?

Begins with identifying risk factors that may be an issue and then assessing degree of risk. Although self reflection may be helpful, in most cases self assessment tool is easier and most effective way to carry out self assessment. Although the results of self assessment may be enlightening, they do not necessarily lead to changes unless person is motivated to change. If self assessment indicates behavioral risk, person should seek help in making changes such as through support group or therapist. Person may also enlist family and friends to help in monitoring and assessing change

What does this symbol mean?

Biohazard: Includes biological substances such as body fluids that pose threat to humans. Appears on shapes container that hold contaminated needles

What is SOPHE designated as?

By the NCHEC as multiple event provider of continuing education contact hours or CECH.

What is the development of logical scope and sequence plan for comp. school health education programs?

CDCs Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool can be used to assess curriculum based on national health education standards and CDCs characteristics of effective health education curriculum because these should correspond with these models as well as specific state education framework. CONsiderations include required knowledge per grade level, health priorities, healthy behaviors, and essential knowledge/skills. These are affected by instructional time so time needed for each issue must be considered. Skills should build on previous knowledge and this should also meet developmental needs of students, coordinate with k-8 programs to ensure continuity, yield measurable outcomes and reflect any local health concerns.

What do teen with inactive decision making styles lack?

Cannot/do not make choices they lack control, accountability and the ensuing self confidence and empowerment

What are the symptoms of Anxiolytics?

Cause confusion. dizziness, drowsiness, unstable gait, Rapid involuntary eye movements, and poor judgement.

What is social context factor of teacher influence of peer relationships among children?

Children typically develop likes and dislikes among school peers. Children's observations of teacher responses contribute to social peer preferences. Some studies found that children with ADHD did not gain better peer acceptance even when improved their behavior because teachers mitigate these bad reputations by directing positive attention to children with ADHD. Children with ADHD behaviors cause many teachers difficulty relating to them. Dislike of children with higher levels of ADHD symptoms tends to progress over school year. teachers who use instructional practices commmunciatng their belief that all children can learn and from positive relationships with all students can change association of peer difficulties with ADHD symptoms. Such outcomes from this may give teachers the opportunity to promote better peer relationships through shaping classroom environment.

What is self-efficacy?

Confidence in ability to take action and achieve positive results

What are mobile health apps?

Consumers, patients and healthcare professionals are included among the users of these types of apps. Gives consumers and healthcare professionals valuable heath information and improves healthcare.

What can mass media campaigns do in regards to promoting health messages?

Delivers message to large groups of people. Can enforce positive health behaviors to achieve large scale positive health changes. These messages can be communicated in print, Digital media, over the radio or even puppet shows which tend to appeal to younger students.

What are barriers?

Direct and psychological costs involved in taking action

What is recognition and regulation?

EQ inlaces self awareness, self regulation, social awareness and relationship management. This affects physical and mental health, school and work performance and relatoinships

What is linguistic intelligence?

Effective with words. Auditory skills are highly developed, often think in words no pictures, feelings, sounds etc. Their enjoy reading, writing and playing word games. Teaching methods include reading books with them, encoring them to seen and pronounce words, lectures, books, computers, voice recorders and spoken work recordings.

How can one support peers and family members in making positive health choices?

Establishing trusting relationship: Peers and family members more likely to be receptive if person has already established open and honest relationship Preparing with research: Whens supporting someones decision making its important to be armed with factual info about issues as well as info about resources available, such as availability of smoking cessation programs. Picking the right time: The best time to influence people is when they are alone, relaxed, and not stressed or impaired in some way. Using "I" Messges: stressing personal effects of someone else's choices is more effective than focusing on other person. Discussing alternatives, advantages and disadvantages: All sides of an issue as well as different choices that may be made should be part of discussion

What does OHDSI Aim to do?

Evaluate the reliability of the evidence it produces by systematically assessing observational analysis methods performance. Whichh can be seen discussed at weekly webinar teleconferences where members present current research including proposals, works in progress and final products for collars in addition to feedback and review. Funding and publication opportunities can also be seen reviewed as well as topics of shared interest.

What do most Americans consume that increases their risk for hypertension, heart disease and cholesterol levels?

Excessive Sodium

What does this symbol mean?

Flame: Includes flammable materials and gasses and those that are self heating or self reactive

What does this symbol mean?

Health Hazard: includes carcinogens, toxic substances and respiratory irritants

What are emergency medical services?

Includes basic and advanced life support.

What are some indications of effective communication?

Indicated when educators acknowledge parents as their children first educators, engage them as partners in children's learning and encourage their close, sincere interest in shchools work. Parents are able to identify the schools primary expectations for student attendance, homework and behavior. School administrators and teachers connect with eery students parents regularly. In addition to a school with mechanizes established for building relationships with pertinent community members.

What does standard 6 expect?

Indicates students are expected to show they can improve health by applying goal setting skills

What are health literacy skills?

Individuals needing health services and or informational need these in or to communicate their need sandy preferences, filing information and services, respond to them, understaidntg their contexts, choices, and consequences, processing meaning and utility and matching them to their pharmacists, public health employees, etc. need these skills for communicating about health care and information. Processing what people are requisition both explicitly and implicitly and matching services and information to vaorus individuals and circumstances to act. Organizations help people find, process, understand and decide about health services and info.

What are some resources for keeping informed about current knowledge in health science?

Internet: providing Government websites devoted to current knowledge such as a valuable online resources as well as major new sites such as have daily health news in addition to Medical news and articles Professional journals: Journal of school health or American journal of health ed. provide health info. of particular interest to health educators Public Health/Local health agencies: Provide updates to community about tissues of current concern, such as outbreaks/emerging infections Professional organizations: Such as American School Health Association (ASHA) and American Association for Health Education (AAHE) carry out research and provide info/support to various members as well as sponsoring state and national conferences, workshops and informative websites

What have students found positive results from in decision making?

Intervention programs: Improve adolescent decision making skills, including decreased anti social socially disordered and self destructive behavior and increased prosocial, positive behavior etc...

Who are reinforcers for clients?

Involvement in self help or 12 step actives and groups, setting goals for educational employment, nutritional and fitness improvements, volunteer work to enhance self efficacy, interact with socially acceptable friends, occupy time and help others, cultural and spiritual actives, interacting more with significant others and families, learning new hobby skill for improving existing ones, and socializing with non substance abusers

What does this symbol mean?

Irritant: Includes material, gases or substances that are irritants to skin, eyes and/or respiratory tract, acutely toxic, or have narcotic effect.

What is conflict in relationships?

Many people try to avoid this at all costs because they find it unpleasant and feel threatened by confrontation. However this is normal and integral to healthy relationships. Its source differences between people whether major or minor, no to or more people can agree about everything 100 percent of the time. Anytime people disagree this results. These in personal relationships an cause discord and even end them when members do not understand each others different needs. This in workplaces can ruin deals, lower profits and end jobs. Acknowledging needs that conflict and willingness to examine them in understanding compassionate environments enables team building and creative problem solving. Both avoiding and mismanaging this can damage relationships but may also improve them if solved the right way.

What does HRSA define population wise?

Medically underserved populations and the elderly populations. Defnies Health Professional Shortage Areas as geographical, demographical, or institutional having shortages of primary medical, dental or mental health care providers.

What are different Medications used for treatment?

Methadone or buprenorphine may be used for maintenance after detoxification for drug addicts. Naloxone is administered in emergent conditions for opioid overdose

What is the NCHEC? and what is its purpose?

National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. Offers workshops, seminars and conferences in various health education topics.

What are the roles of govt. and non govt. agencies in providing reliable health info.?

National Institutes of Health is primary US Govt. agency involved in health research and health ed. NIH supports numerous individual health institutions. The CDC also provides current info. on numerous health topics. Govt. sponsors numbers prevention centers American Medical Association, a Non Govt. agency carry out or support independent research and publish results of research. Prevention research centers are 26 academic research centers in public institutions that carry out preventative research dn influence public health policy.

What is assertiveness?

Occurs when ind. expresses opinions directly and actions correlate with words. These communicators are respectful of others and do not bull, but they are firm and honest about opinions, Frequently use I statements to make point. This usually includes cooperative statements and distinguishes between fact and opinion. These people often engender trust in others because they are consistent, honest and open in communication with others. This communicator feels free to express disagreement and anger but does so in non threatening and respectful manner of others feelings. This requires strong sense of self worth and belief that personal opinions have value. These tend to have good listening skills because they value opinions of others and feel comfortable collaborating.

How can one discus relationship status?

One reason avoid talking about this as when people are involved in relationships established fairly recently, they are frequently not yet determined how they feel about them. They fear binding up where this is head too soon and feel it could sabotage the future of it. The other reason is gender differences. Women want more to evaluate this, men tend to allow these to unfold passively without wanting to talk directly about them. In new relationships partners wanting to assess status should get info. through more indirect means. When these have lasted longer, its normal to know whether they are exclusive. Partners should then more explicitly state own rules so they are not broken, expectations so they are not unmet and questions so they aren't unanswered.

What is the behavior of abusive partner?

Partner behaves overlay possessive or jealous towards them, whether printer controls what they do or where they go, whether partner prevents them from seeing family or friends, whether partner limits access to car, phone and/or money, whether partner continually checking up on what they are doing or where they are going. All behaviors intended to control other person and aren't normal/healthy. Threats of violence or violent behaviors to watch out for include: partner has bad temper and is unpredictable about losing temper, partner threatens to harm or kill them or actually harms them, partner threatens to hurt children, actually hurts them or threatens to take them away, partner threaten if leave, they will commit suicide, partner forces them to engage in sex when do not want to, or partner takes away/destroys belongings.

What is the respiratory system?

Performs gas exchanges buy taking in warming and moistening environmental air delivering oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide

What does this symbol mean?

Poison: Includes materials, gases or substances that are extremely toxic and may result in death or severe illness

What does Proceed stand for?

Policy, regulatory and organizational constructs in educational and environmental development.

How can once conduct effective health ed. needs assessment?

Primary responsibility of health educator as assessment is necessary to determine specific. health issues important to target pop. This may be informal through h observations or conversations but may also be formal through interviews or mail surveys. This should determine capacity that is available in community to solve health problems and promote community empowerment. Curriculum developed should meet needs of students and may include literature research regarding evidence based practices as well as review of local public health, city, county and state secondary data.

What is the nervous system?

Provides sensory import, interprets sensory info, evokes and signals responses and coordinates muscle functions

What is the code of ethics for health ed profession?

Public: Health educators repsonslibe for education people about health and making decisions that are in the best interest of public Profession: Health educators must comport themselves as representatives of profession and exercise professional behavior Employers: Health educators must carry out duties with integrity and within scope of pratice Delivery of health ed: Health educators contribute to profession while respecting rights of ind. and cultural diversity Research and evaluation: Health educators should engage in research while ensuring privacy and informed consent and should evaluate new and existing programs and practice within federal and state regulations, policies and standards Professional prep. : Health educators must show respect for learners by providing quality education and engaging in careful planning for educational programs

What are some strategies for reducing water pollution?

Purification in revoking contaminants from water in order to make it safe for drinking or other purposes. Boiling water does not always remove all contaminants. Drinking water is typically not made sterile whereas water for medical purposes should be sterile through tubing the water from source, screening it to remove debris, pH adjustment, coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, filtering and disinfection

What is character education?

Purposefully using all aspects of school to create learning environments enabling all students optimal character development

What is sexual reproduction?

Reproduction involving 2 parent organisms combining genetic material to create diverse offspring.

What is HIPPAs Privacy Rule?

Requires covered entities to protect privacy of individuals health records and other information by limiting disclosure without patient permission and ensures patient rights to examine, get copies and request corrections of health records. *Schools providing student health care w/ related electronic transactions are covered entities, However when school health records are defined as educational or treatment records under FERPA, they are not subject to HIPAA privacy rule*

What model can teachers introduce to students as a guide for making proactive decisions?

Responsible decision making model

What is the lymphatic system?

Retrieves fluids that leak from capillaries and contains white blood cells.

What are the federal employees and departing responsible for?

Secretary of US department of health and human services is legal responsible to prevent introduction, transmission and spreading of communicable diseases in US> Division of Global Migration and Quarantine is delegated authority for meeting this responsibility via actives that include operating quarantine stations at entry ports, establishing standards for medical exams for people coming into US and administering foreign an interstate quarantine regulations of International and interstate movements of people, animals and cargo. US code 42 Section 264 Regulations to control communicable diseases authorizes surges genera to make and enforce regulations including inspection, fumigation, disinfection, satiation, pest exterminate and destruction of articles or animals contaminated or infect with sources of dangerous infections to humans.

What have researchers discovered about personality traits and relationships in YA particularly?

Some researchers evaluating interaction of personality traits with YA social relationships have found that while personality traits predict number and qualities of peer relationships, relationships do not reciprocally predict personality traits

Personality traits are more _____________ than relationship characteristics...


What is disease etiology?

Study of origins or causes of diseases or pathological conditions. Contains micro organisms which are scientifically proven through evidence to cause infectious diseases, anthrax, cholera and tuberculosis. As in all experimental science in epidemiology, statistical correlation between/among variables does not prove causation. American epidemiologist Alfred Evans proposed Unified Concept of Causation, synthesizing previous thinking. This can also contribute to causal chains including independent co factors and promoters.

What are the effects of negative communication on interpersonal and social relationships?

Teasing is good natured and harmless only when person being teased is in on joke and not threatened in any way by teasing. However there is an element of aggression in teasing with person doing teasing exercising control over one being teased and doing it to make other person feel uncomfortable or draw attention to weakness. This is often used to establish dominance and has negative impact as others tend to shun those who appear weak in case they also become targets Teasing is often one aspect of bullying, which involves unwanted aggressive behavior. this can profoundly affect victims self esteem and result in social withdrawal and depression. Victim often reluctant to admit being bullied to family, authorities or friends because of shame and fear of retaliation

What are Valid, Reliable Online Databases and who provides them?

The US Department of Health and Human Services includes the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which offers a number of public databases that users can search for these kinds of databases Including NIH RePORTER, database of RePORT(Research Portfolio Online Reporting tools); NUDB (Neuroinformatics DataBase) Resources; NCBI (National Center for Biotech. Info), PubMed, Research.Gov, Community of Science: etc...

What do asians view the aspects of death as?

These people often believe that people should not hear bad news about their health nd the family may shield a person from knowledge that he/she is dying. People may be stoic in the face of pain. Buddhists believe in rebirth and may want monks to chant during the dying process to ensure happy rebirth. the spirit is said to linger around body after death so body must be treated respectfully. Grieving usually done privately

What is Piagets preoperational cognitive stage in relation to nutrition class instruction?

These types of children contrite on one propter at a time and are unable to categorize or differ food from snacks. They also lack reversibility and then to think more intuitively not logically.

What is being pressured defined as?

To force (someone) toward a particular end; influence. Many teens and adolescents have a hard time resining this

What are negotiation skills?

This ma be a formal or informal process depeding on who's involved and purpose.

How can technology be used effectively in accessing accurate health info.?

This requires comprehensive evaluation fo current and or historical info. Most literature research beings with internet search fo databases which provide listing of books, journals and other materials on specific topics. Databases vary in content and may only contain reference listing with/without abstract so once listing is obtained researcher must do further search to locate material.

What does a healthy diet contain in preventing and reducing health risks?

To prevent and reduce risks of CVD, Diabetes, and some cancers, these should balance calorie intake and expenditure for health weight maintenance, limit intake form total fats to 30%, eliminate trans fats and subsituttie unsaturated fates, limit consumption of free sugars, increase consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains, make all salt iodized and limit sodium intake from all sources. WHO defines salt reduction for preventing noncommunicable diseases. Major cause of death is HBP frequently caused or exacerbated by excess dietary sodium. WHO estimates decreasing salt to recommend levels could prevent up to 2.5 million deaths anually.

What is cancer?

Unconrolled growth of abnormal cells.

What can family members provide to the adolescent in need?

Valuable guidance as they know the ind. well and may understand the implications of health decisions.

What is a learning standard?

Verbal expression of what students should know, understand, or do. These are more general goals

What measures should one take to prevent self injury or infection?

-Asses safety risks of situation before rendering aid, and do not give aid unless situation is safe -Avoid contact with bodily fluids, and use gloves if avaalibe, otherwise attempt to find some type of barrier to use to prevent direct contact. -Use face bask if possible danger of airborne pathogens is present (severe cough) -Standard precautions: Hand hygiene with soap and water or alcohol scrub should be carried out if possible before touching person but isn't always possible in emergent situation. Hands with any contaminant on them should be washes with soap and water ASAP after contact.

What steps should students take for setting health goals for themselves?

1. Students write long term and short term health goals in brief sentences starting with 'I will' Educators may suggest potential goals *Long term goals: require month, year or even lifetime to attain and may be broken down into more achievable short term goals* 2. Make action plans or detailed descriptions of steps for attaining goals and have teachers review them for realism. Some teachers and students may create health contracts. 3. Identify potential obstacles to realizing actions plan. Prioritize these, brainstorm how to address high priority ones. 4. Establish timelines with specific dates for reaching health goals. Consider whether these re realistic in light of other responsibilities 5. Use chart, graph, journal or diary to track progress. Keeping records makes goals and progress concrete, supporting accountability 6. Develop support system. List people to give advice and encouragement, join support group for example and avoid people who could sabotage health goals 7. Revise timelines and/or action plans allowing additional time and/or requesting help 8. Give yourself healthy rewards for meeting health goals

How can one implement steps involved in reflective process of teaching?

1: Thinking: May have observed behaviors in self and or students that had not noticed before or you may have observed patterns in teaching of which you were previously unaware. Some of the feedback that you got from your student stay have surprised you, you may already have ideas for changes to be made 2: Talking: discuss issues based on scenarios you describe that took place in classroom with colleagues who also want to use reflection as developmental tool in regards to their instructional insight and effectiveness. Make list of teaching belief statements or have students work in pairs. 3: Reading: look online, in libraries and bookstores for more info on specific topics 4: Asking: Use websites and forums and professional association meetings to get other teachers ideas, and request in service trainings in ares of interest to you

What is impairment of one or more children?

Parents project their own anxieties onto their child/children. They view child unrealistically, either rnegatively or idealistically. Child reciprocates excessive parental focus by forcing excessively on parents, overreacting to parental expectations, needs, and attitudes. This undermines child's differentiation of self form family increasing his/her susceptibiltiiyty to either internalizing or satin gout family tensions. Anxiety can disrupt Childs social relatinhships, school progress and health. Parents and child unwittingly conspire in seeing and creating dysfunction in child.

What is the stage of change approach to substance abuse treatment?

These include pre contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and matientence.

What are the roles of health ed. in society?

-Decreasing risk taking behaviors: Studies show that effective health education can alter risk taking behaviors, reducing rates of substance abuse, smoking and unwanted pregnancies -Improving quality of life: Knowledge and healthier lifestyle choices lead to improved quality of life in terms of better health and longevity. People motivated to improve lives and those who lead health lives often have more positive outlook -Improving health literacy: People with health ed. have better knowledge of health issues and are better able to make informed decision about health care and health needs and can better influence family and friends. People tend to have better grasp on options available to them -Reducing health care costs: As risk take-in behaviors decrease, health care costs associated with those behaviors also decrease. Additionally increased healthy literacy also tends to reduce healthcare costs.

What is value clarification in relation to approaches to stress management?

-Early childhood: pets death-according to agues clarification, reviewing pets positive qualities and considering getting another pet can address stressors -Adolescence: unwanted pregnancy-discussing feasible alternatives and their ramifications for the teen, baby, family and society is not only required tome decisions but also provides positive coping -Middle adulthood: divorce- Evaluating impact on couple and relatives/friends and roles played by martial status, social expectations outside home and religion inform values clarification coping mechanisms -Later adulthood: retirement-when people retiring from careers or employment view retirement in terms of value, this can facilitate ability to choose feasible option for post retirement living.

What are 5 educational methods health educator may use when presenting material?

-Educational workshops: usually conducted with small groups, allowing for maximal participation and are especially good for demonstrations and practice sessions -Lectures: Often used for more academic or detailed info. that may include question and answers but limit discussion. Effective lecture should include some audiovisual support -Discussions: best with small groups so that all the people can actively participate. This is good for problem solving exercises -ONe on One instruction: Helpful.for targeted instruction in procedures for ind. or for those who need additional assistance -Computer/Internet modules: Good for ind. learners but may be valuable supplements to traditional classroom presentations, especially if interactive

What are some strategies for involvement of others?

-Gain administrative support by outlining benefits to school and students and cost effectiveness of better school health program because administrator can serve as advocate to school board, which controls funding that is necessary to implement health ed program -Involve all faculty and support staff in planning process -Promote school health advisory council to assist with health planning and development and implementation of policies. Council should include family, rep of community agencies, health care professionals and interested parties -Communicate openly with all stakeholders as well as media in order to ensure the public and stakeholders are informed

Who are 4 important individuals and advocates in history of health ed?

-Horace Mann (1796-1859): Educational reformer who promoted idea that education should be secular, plubic supported and universal and that teachers should be trained. Believed hat education is essential to health and well being of students -D. Thomas Denison Wood (1865-1951): Known as father of health ed. questioning role of physical education in education as early as 1893. Was professor of hygiene and physical training at Stanford university and introduces sports to physical training and gave academic credit for physical education classes -Lemuel Shattuck (1793-1859): HE published report of sanitary commission of Massachusetts, containing recommendations about improving public health -Dr. Mayher Derryberry (1902-1979): He was first chief of health education in the federal government. In 1954 he predicted focus on preventative medication would impact health ed.

What are the methods of selection?

-Networking: Talking to other health educators to determine what effective materials have been found or developed -State and national conference book/material exhibits: Examine textbooks and materials that are on dispaly to determine If they meet needs and requesting free samples, attending product demonstrations and talking to sales reps. -Sales Reps: Discussing products with traveling sales reps at school. Sales reps often have promotional materials and free samples as well as info about materials used in various school districts -Online publishers and materials vendors: Table of contents for books and brief previews are often available as well as order forms for free samples and descriptions of supporting materials and manipulatives

How can a health educator distribute health education info and materials?

-Pamphlets and handouts: Provided as supplements to class discussion and include information about different health issues or health care organizations -Websites: Health educator may maintain website containing health related info. and links to articles of interest on other sites -Social Media: Health educator may use twitter to send reminder or facts of interest and may develop Facebook page to share health info and allow discussion -Email: Health educator may send health info or reminders b email -Bulletin boards: Informational posters, dashboards that show progress toward goals and other health related info may be posted in prominent place -Presentations: Health educator may give presentation to school boards, faculty, school body or family/community

What are the tactics employed by domestic abusers to exert power over and manipulate victims?

1. Dominance: abusers needing to feel in control of victims and relationships, dominate by make decisions for victims and family giving orders and expecting unquestioning compliance. Often treat victims as children, servants, slaves or possessinos 2. Humiliation: to keep victims from leaving, abusers make them feel worthless and that nobody else will want them. To make victims feel inadequate they insult and shame them publicly and privately, making them feel powerless and destroying their sell esteem 3. Isolation: Abusive partners make victims dependent on them by cutting of their contact with others. They may stop victims from visiting with friends and relatives or even going to school/work . Victims may have to ask permission to see anybody, go anywhere or do anything 4. Threats: To frighten victims into dropping charges and/or prevent their leaving, abusers typically threat to harm or kill victim, children other family or pets, commit suicide, report victims to child services and file false charges against them 5. Intimidation: threatening gestures and looks, property destruction, or smashing objects in front of victims, hurting pets or displaying weapons are tactics signaling violent consequences for non compliance to frighten victims into submission 6. Denial and Blame: abusers minimize or deny abuse or blame it on circumstances or commonly the victim. "You made me do it" is frequent accusation used by abusers.

What are the 5 types of evaluations in a health program?

1. Formative: Carried out during development phase as well as during modification prior to full implementation 2. Process: Carried out during implementation of programs and for ongoing monitoring to identify problems early in process and identify problems arise and require further modification 3. Outcomes: Carried out once large pop. is engaged in program to determine if goals and objects were met 4. Financial: Carried out during development and all other phases to determine if program is cost effective. Includes cost effective, cost benefit and cost utility analyses 5. Impact: Carried out periodically during presentations of program and at end to determine if program has bet ultimate general goals and if program has influence beyond what is expected.

What does Precede stand for?

Acronym for predisposing, reinforcing and enabling constructs in educational diagnosis and evaluation

What is historical and regulatory info. regarding pollution problems in US?

Air and water pollution and growing hazardous waste disposal problems in American came to govt. attention in 1970s. EPA developed standards, regulations, and enforced laws emphasizing "end-of-pipe" solutions, measurably improving environmental quality. In 1990s Pollution prevention act declared congress national policy of preventing and reducing pollution, environmentally safe recycling of non preventable pollution, treatment of non preventable and no recyclable pollution and environmentally safe disposal and release only as last resort.

How do Data licenses and the AMA contract together?

Arranges access to variety of databases containing health-related research activities and marketing services to equipment companies, consultants, insurance companies, market research firms of commercial organizations all use this. This review data request form Database Licenses Daily to monitor licensing agreement compliance. Physicians can restrict their prescription information from pharmaceutical sales reps and request no contact and no release restrictions to these.

What is some advice for people who suspect somebody they know is victim of domestic abuse?

Abusers are experts at manipulating and controlling victims. Victims drained, frightened, ashamed, depressed and confused. In need of escape of situation but frequently have been isolated from others. Those suspecting abuse should be alert to warning signs, offer support to victims, getting help and starting healing process. Some may hesitate thinking they could be mistaken, learn victim does not want to discuss it or have them interfere or simply be told that it is none of their business. IN these cases people should speak up regardless, expressing concern not only informs victim somebody cares, it could save their life. Speak with person privately, identifying sings observed and explaining why they are concerned, reassure ind. that they will keep all conversation confidential, that they are there whenever he/she is ready to talk and will help in any way possible.

How should the health educator develop user friendly Evidence based Health Communication Materials?

According to the CDC, Identification of who a health educators intended audience is and the primary health interests definition of the problem as well as addressing it, should then familiarize them with the audience to ascertain their essential characteristics and other knowledge in regards to subjects identified. Next, the health educator should define main message they want to communicate. Before including them in communication materials they should test drafts of these messages with prospective audience to determine if they will be properly received. With that they can then modify their drafts based on audience feedback. Next, they should decide which mode will best serve to communicate with their identified audience and them what methods they will use to distribute their materials to the audience. From their health educators can the publish their materials and distribute/market them. And can follow up by evaluating audience ocmp. and satisfaction w/ materials

What are the measures taken by WHO to prevent NCD?

Action plan of global strategy for prevention and control of NCDS givens member states and international partners steps for preventing and addressing NCDs in world nations. Work to reduce NDC risk factors can also be seen such as: implementing anti tobacco measures identified in convention on tobacco control in world nations to decrease public tobacco exposure, helping world communities lower rates of death and disease from physical inactivity and unhealthy diets through Global strategy on diet, PA and health aims to promote and protect health, identifying action areas with priority and recognizing measures of protection against harmful consumption of alcohol through Global strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol, respond to UN political Declaration on NCDs by developing comprehensive framework for global NCD prevention, monitoring and control which includes group of global voluntary sarges and list of indicators, and responding to world health assembly resolution by developing global NCD action plan with comprehensive guidance for implementing the UN high level meeting political commitments.

What are the symptoms of opiates and opioids?

Cause symptoms including depression, low blood pressure, constipation, lowered respiration, perspiration, incoordination, and confusion

What are the three methods of care for the terminally Ill?

Because of advances in treatment of disease and longer life expectancies, process of dying for the terminally ill is often prolonged. Aggressive treatment: Includes life support, tube feeding, transfusions, IVs and ventilators and it often involves hospitalization in an effort to prolong life as much s possible often regardless of quality of life Comfort care: provides only measures that promote comfort, such as adequate pain management and emotional support, with avoidance of life support and extraordinary measures to prolong life, although curative treatments may be used. Hospice care: One model of comfort care in which person stops curative treatment and remains in home environment with assistance of home health hospice caregivers to support person and family members. Some people may opt for this if their condition is advanced or after aggressive treatment has failed.

What is the health educators role as liaison?

Because the school staff, the school health advisory board and community resource groups are usually composed of different ind. who have little or no contact with each other, in regards to this the health educator may be the bridge that connects these different groups and facilitates access for those in need of services. The health educator may be knowledgable about the different groups and must meet with them on regular basis. Responsibilities include: -Developing good relationships with each group and being privy to interests and priorities -Maintaining communication with all groups and listening actively -Organizing events benefiting one or more groups -Promoting groups through conventional media and social media -Providing data to all groups regarding shared interests -Maintaining records -Writing reports to present to different groups -Serving as resource

What are some disciples strategies?

Behavior modification: Uses positive reinforcement to encourage appropriate behavior and gnoses inappropriate behavior Consequences: Inappropriate behavior results in consequence such as losing privileges or specified punishment Corporal Punishment: Spanks or otherwise inflicts pain on adolescent to force appropriate behavior but may have serous negative impacts on self esteem of adolescent and in some cases may cause injure Scolding:Uses harsh, often loud, language to express unhappiness with adolescents behavior Time out: Uses specified period of time out away from activity or time out from other desired activities. Reasoning: Discusses problem behavior and reason that it is not appropriate

What are warning signals?

Behaviors, thoughts or feeling to pay attention to as singnals to seek professional health include: Unable to sleep, feeling discouraged sad or helpless majority of time, have trouble concentraintg, using food, tobacco, alcohol or other drugs to cope, having negative thoughts or feelings about suicide especially, think more often about death and dying etc... IF consistently working to improve mental or emotional health without success, this is reason to pursue professional help. Natural human social orientation makes us amendable to imputes from caring knowledgeable professionals. Their knowledge/training/experience can help us doing things we could not do on own.

What are strategies to promote good behavior?

Being realistic about what adolescent can do and understand depending on Childs age and maturity level -Modeling appropriate behavior -Discussing Appropriate behavior in new situations such before family event or outing -Attending to inappropriate behavior immediately, including discussion of more appropriate actions -Reprimanding adolescent fo bad behavior and not for being bad person -Anticipating circumstances that may encourage inappropriate behavior, such as when the adolescent is stressed or tired -Proving reminders to help adolescent control his/her behavior -Providing rationale for appropriative behavior in accordance to adolescents ability to understand -Helping adolescent to understand that different situations require different standards of behavior and language.

What is stereotyping?

Belief that all members with specific characteristic are essentially the same and share same attributes, beliefs and abilities. What may be true for group can never be assumed to be true for ind. This is often oblivious in communicative convergence (adapting ones communication style to that of another). Stereotyping may limit interpersonal and social relationships because relationships are based on misunderstandings

What is the main health education program for managing chronic diseases and health conditions?

Better choices, better health workshop. Facilitated by 2 trained leaders, one or both no n health professionals with own chronic diseases, this workshop can be held in a plethora of places and covers object including coping with pain, fatigue, frustration and isolation, exercises appropriate for preserving and enhancing endurance, strength, flexibility, using medication properly, nutrition, decision making, effective communication with health professionals, family and friends and how to evaluate new treatments. Participatns are given a audio CD and Book for better living. Sessions involve high participation levels, mutual success and support. This course itself was developed based on federally and state funded research. This includes researcher Albert Bandura and his instruction in self management skills for managing chronic disease.

What is supportive physical health?

Better of this confers better mental and emotional health. This also practices supporting mental and emotional health through adequate sleep. Also learning about and practicing good nutrition is also important. Exercise not only promotes physical fitness but relieves anxiety, depression and stress.

What is sickle cell anemia?

Blood contains fewer red blood cells than normal in which RBCs transport oxygen in hemoglobin (iron rich protein) through bloodstream and remove waste product CO2. They are produced in the bone marrow normally living 4 months. This is one genetic type of disease inherited when both parents have gene. When one parent has this gene but other is normal, children inherit sickle cell trait, they don't have disease but pass sickle hemoglobin gene to children. Normal RBS are disc shaped and travel beastly through blood vessels. These are crescent shaped, sticky and stiff impeding blood flow causing organ damage, pain, and increased risk of infection. Some patients have chronic fatigue and/or pain. Few patients may receive future cures through test cell transplants but no widespread cure currently exists. Symptoms and complications are manage through treatments. Improved care/treatments enable some patients to live into 40s,50s, or older.

What can be seen as a 5th grade lesson plan in personal hygiene related to puberty?

Boys and girls always separated for classes in health, hygiene and sexuality. Today health educators may teach general lessons on personal hygiene with whole classes then divide sexes for gender specific lessons. Teachers can discuss with classes importance of personal hygiene during adolescence, such s staying health, feeling better about themselves, not offending torahs, avoiding being made fun of, fitting in better, enhancing peer acceptance, projecting best possible self etc.. Learning activity that 5th graders will find fun and informative is to assign students to find pictures provided magazines that illustrate good hygiene practices, including pictures of showering, bathing, soaps, body washes, deodorants, hair products, dental hygiene products, skin care and clean clothing products. With teacher provided construction paper and aluminum foil have students create mirrors and paste or tape good hygiene images onto them reinforcing concept that caring for personal hygiene reflects best selves to others.

What is sarcomere hypertrophy?

Builds muscular strange and requires breaking down muscle fibers to build them up. When tension accumulates in muscle fibers during exercise connections between actin and myosin protein filments damage and muscle cell plasma membranes rupture, leaking calcium between cells. Increased levels of intracellular calcium ions activate cal pains, enzymes that remove damaged tissue. This activates monocytes, neutrophils, macrophages and other immune system less to remove and break down damaged fibers. Satellite cells, type of myogenic stem cells active by damged fiber cells removal and released growth factor, repair damaged muscle fibers and stimulate muscular growth. These active by musclewoman edamage and differentiate into myoblasts and skeletal muscle cells which fuse with existing muscle fibers in damaged areas. This fusion adds satellite cell nuclei to skeletal cell nuclei. Lifting heavier weights with fewer reps stimulates sarcomere hypertrophy which increases muscle strength.

What does Erikson devote the eighth and ninth stage to in his theory of psychosocial Development?

Called the nuclear conflict of this stage (55-65-death) as ego integrity vs despair. These people reive their lives reflecting on what they have and have not accomplished. The positive outcome of resolving this conflict is wisdom. These people feel that they have contributed value to society and lived meaningful fives experience fulfillment and contentment including Integrity of self. Have learned and gained insight and perspective from life experiences staining wisdom. Can accept impending death peacefully. Those feeling they have failed to attain goals, did not accomplish anything significant, had no clear purpose and/or did not realize meaning in life instead experience regret. Erikson had decided that old age was the last stage of his theory as the very old revisit all eight previous stages simultaneously but with negative outcomes dominating positive ones as life presents daily new challenges. The elder can lose autonomy as abilities and roles diminish. No longer have luxury of retrospective despair. However positive outcome is "gerotranscendence" or the peaceful readiness to progress to another stage of being.

What is cardio respiratory endurance?

Cario refers to heart and respiratory to breathing. One devotion of this is the ability to perform dynamic exercise using large muscles over long times. This is determined by function of the heart and blood vessels, Pulmonary and skeletal systems. Higher risk of tying prematurely is associated with low CR levels. The leading cause of death in America is coronary artery disease and high cardio respiratory endurance levels protect strongly against this. to evaluate endurance and metabolic cart, a ECG may be preformed. The metabolic cart measures how much oxygen persons body can consume during exercise labeled VO2 max. This is the maximal oxygen consumption during exercise and higher VO2 max indicates higher cardiorespiratory endurance.

What are the 5 types of negotiation skills?

Competition: One party wins and other loses, such when parties state that their positions are nonnegotiable and are unwilling to compromise. To prevail, one remain firm but this can result in conflict Accommodation: one party concedes to other but losing side may gain little or nothing so this approach should be used when there is clear benefit to one choice Avoidance: when both parties dislike conflict, they may put off negotiating and resolve nothing, and problem remains Compromise: Both parties make concessions to reach consensus, this can result in decision that suit no one, compromise is not always solution Collaboration: both parties receive what they want, win win solution often through creative solutions, but collaboration may be ineffective iwht highly competitive parties.

What is cooperative learning in relation to other types of learning?

Competitive learning: Students work against each other to achieve highest academic goals and educators evaluate student performance using norm referenced assessments, comparing it to that of other studetns Individualistic learning: Students work alone to achieve learning goals untreated to other students learning goals and teachers evaluate performance using criterion referenced assessments comparing it against pre established criteria In this type of lerainhgn: students work together interdependently to achieve shared learning goals that benefit all members and theaters evaluate performance using criterion referenced assessment. These types of projects employ small groups of students who collaborate to research info. Conduct experiments and/or complete tasks and assignments Formal Cooperative learning: Teachers make pre instructional decisions including group size, grouping method, member roles, room and materials arrangement and academic/social skill objectives.

What is the third stage in Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development?

Concrete operations stage: This was seen in children 7-11 as developing logical though but only about concrete events and objects. Found that they still had difficulty understanding jyptoheicla and /or abstract ideas. These children are better at inductive logic. Milestone in this stage is developing reversibility: actions and categories can be reversed vs the past staged children which were termed centration. IN this stage, it is believed that children decent rate, conferring multiple components of a problem simultaneously. The egocentrism of other thinking gives way to sociocentrisim: children now realize others have different viewpoints from own. however may not yet know what is included in others perspective, though they know they exist. Children can think logically in this stage if they have concrete objects and events to observe/manipulate

What is Eriksons first stage in his theory of psychosocial Development?

Each stage of this involves nuclear conflict. When this conflict is successfully resolved. Erikson proposed positive outcome that ind. would realize. He called the stage from birth to around 18 months basic trust vs mistrust. Key event during this stage is nursing. When infants needs are fully met the baby developed basic sense of trust in world and feels secure and safe. On other hand if baby's need are not adequately met then the baby delves sense of basic mistrust in world. Positive outcome of infant stages trust vs mistrust is hope. Babies nurtured properly develop confidence and optimism through feeling secure and trusting. Those not well cared for develop feelings of worthlessness through feeling insecure and mistrustful

What does the aging process look like during adulthood?

Early adulthood (18-35): Physical and social changes emerged slowly as adult makes choices about career and sets goals. Person may experiment with lifestyle and sexuality and expands social circles. Prbolem solving skill improve and moral development continues Middle Adulthood (35-50): Period of relative stability and good heath although bad habits may begin to cause impairment. Person has many obligations and responsibilities including family, job and may experience increased stress. Social relationships often stable and rewarding Maturity (50-80): Person experiences gradually physical decline and may have serious illnesses. Some may show cognitive delicate and increased incidence of chronic and acute illnesses. Person may have improved sense of well being, self confidence, and emotional stability. Lade adulthood (80+): Person may have chronic illness and increase dependency on others, such as adult children. Cognition varies with short term memory loss being common. Many live alone or in assisted living

What is communication skills in relation to approaches to stress management?

Early childhood: pets death-When child feels sadness's and anxiety over loss, encouraging child to communicate feelings and thoughts can mediate physic distress Adolescence: unwatned pregnancy- teen mothers need support from various sources including family, friends, counselors, educators and health professionals. Effectively utilizing communication skills enables them to know how, where why and from whom to solicit help and advice to cope with situation Middle Adulthood: Divorce- adults undergoing divorces often have to assume various new life roles, including some art their former spouses may have addressed. As part of process of divorce, adults need to apply communication skills to keep out supportive friends, relatives and professionals as they establish and adjust to new roles and experiences. Later adulthood: Retirement- When older adults retire, may loose some autonomy. Using communication skills assertively can help them maintain independence.

What are the 5 ways one can promote their own individual response to drug/alcohol use?

Education: include facts about drug/alcohol effects, dangers and clearnece as well as laws related to these. Outline effects of mixing these with others of these and review safety measures such as use of designated drivers Assertiveness training: Teach child how to say no and how to handle peer pressure to avid risk taking behaviors Designated driver: One person who uses none of these is designated to drive those using these to prevent accidents Sober/Safe ride Programs: Free rides on request for those using these are available in some communities Sober friend: One person designated to watch over other friends who are using these to prevent them from risk talking behavior and who remains alert to prevent use of date rape.

What are the different types of reaction to stress?

Effective stress management skills and techniques enable healthy coping. Individuals begin stress management by understanding how they currently react to stress and then adopting new stress management techniques or modifying existing ones to keep life stresses from leading to health issues. Pain: Internalized or unresolved stress can trigger headaches, backaches, upset stomach, shortness of breath, insomnia, and muscular pin from unconsciously tensing shoulders and neck and clenching jaws or fists Eating and/or activity: Some people skip eating form stress, thereby losing weight, others overeat or eat when not hungry and skip exercise, gaining weight Anger: some people lose tempers More easily over minor or untreated things when stressed Crying: Some people cry over minor, or unrelated things when stressed; experience unexpected, prolonged crying; and/or feeling isolated/lonely Depression and anxiety: This can contribute to depressive and anxiety disorders including problem avoidance, calling in sick, feeling hopeless or giving up Negativity: Ind. not coping effectively with stress may exaggerate negative qualities of undesired circumstances and/or always expect worst Smoking/substance abuse: People Amy escalate current smoking, drinking or drug use under stress; those who had previously quit may relapse

What are some strategies for reducing air pollution?

Emission control: system used to reduce emissions relating in this from both moblie sources and points ources Toxic emissions pollutants: Includes carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur oxide, organic compounds, nitrogen dioxide, smoke and soot. These are regulated by EPA as well some state regulation agencies.

What is EQ?

Emotional Intelligence and includes self awareness, self regulation, social awareness and relationship management. This effects physical health, mental health, school and work performance and relationships.

What does standard 7 expect?

Expects students show they can limit or avert health risks and practice behavior that improve heath

What does standard 2 expect?

Expects students to analyze how health behaviors are influenced by factors including culture, peers, family , each. and media

How can one advise students on ways unprotected sex can cause unwanted pregnancy and pregnancy prevention?

Few drops of pre ejactualte released before and during sex also cotanins sperm. Though probability of conception from this small amount is lower, it is still possible. Though less common conception can also relate form some on vulva withouth penetration. Males cannot control pre ejaculate release and should be advise to put on condom before and wear it continuously during sex. Point is not to encourage sex among immature students, educators can inform those harboring misunderstandings that kissing, body rubbing, masturbating and oral/anal sex cannot cause pregnancy without vaginal or vulvar contact with sperm. Abstaining from sex, or using both condom and birth control during sex are ways of preventing pregnancy.

Difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness?

First is balanced, second is not as the second involves telling people to do things not asking them

What is the fourth stage in Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development?

Formal Operations: Occurs in children around ages 11-12 and continues into adulthood. Pre adolescents and adolescent develop ability to think logically without needing concrete objects as they did in previous stag, perform deductive reasoning, plan systematically and understand abstract concepts like justice, morality, democracy. In this stage people can manipulate info. mentally, reason through hypothetical situations and determine specific outcomes form general principles. Whereas previous stages children relied on their actual experiences in format operations they develop ability to consider potential consequences of action and possible outcomes with is necessary for long term planning. Rather than solving problems through trial and error, use logic to develop organized methodical approaches. Considering and rejecting ineffective solutions without attempting them enhances efficiency. Thinking abstractly without object and imaginging hypothetical outcomes enables adolescents to engage in systematic decision making and future planning required of them at age.

What is the difference between informal and formal collaboration?

Formal collaboration results from established organization or protocol which may be focused on teams or hierarchy. Informal collaboration includes information and resources shared between members of school staff. *If team was formed for purpose it can be seen as formal*

What is coping skills in relation to approaches to stress management?

Four life skills for coping with stressors are values clarification, decision making, communication skills and coping skills Early childhood: pets death- children can emerge from early loss experiences to discover person abilities and strengths. From this perspective they can prevent normal grief becoming depression through developing aptitudes and interests Adolescence: unwanted pregnancy-Before and after processs of values clarification and decision making, teen moms should examine personal response to pregnancy for tis significance in context of life Middle Adulthood: Divorce- not unusual for adults to experience lowered self concept and better with stressor of divorce through engagncing in behvaivros that enhance self esteem and self concept. Personal and/or professional actives affirming or reaffirming ones skills, talents, abilities, acopmlisments and sense of self facilitate may all help one to cope with divorce. Later adulthood: retirement-retirees often encounter changing responsibility and roles. PA and exercise, hobbies, social actives, traveling are positive behaviors to enhance post retirement life

What Is personal hygiene?

Good concepts of this promote good health by prevuing and limiting exposure to bacterial and viral microorganisms. In addition to physical benefits, this also supports good mental health by promoting psychological well being and feeling good about oneself. When people neglect this they'd elope body odors, bad breath, damaged and lost teeth and unkempt hair and clothing. Other people then view them as unhealthy as result they can encounter social and employment discrimination. Some components of this include bathing, nail care and foot care. not everybody needs to bathe or sower daily as for some people this removes too many body oils exacerbating dry skin. Ind. Should wash their bodies and hair regular as often as necessary. Skin is continually shedding dead cells which must be removed and if accumulated can cause health problems.

What are the benefits of enhancing flexibility?

Having or developing good range of motion and flexibility can greatly improve ind. Functional abilities for many everyday living tasks. The benefits of this are not only functional but they also prevent injuries to joints. This also improves performance in sports and other exercise. Two main sources of lower back pain can be seen as tightness and muscle spasms and can be treated by stretching. Neck and upper back stretching can relieve muscle tension headaches.

What does the NIH *National Institute of Health) maintain website wise?

Health Information website that provides searchable database and links to other sites with health info. Home page contains links to common topics of interest. Additionally site provides links to health info. lines. The site also contains info. about clinical trials, guides to talking to a doctor, science ed. community resources and A to Z health search

What are examples of Health organizations using community and school events to deliver health ed?

Health care system leaders recognize importance of prevention and early detection to sustaining health and reducing illness. Well star may be seen as the leading non profit comprehensive health care system and demonstrates belief in prevention and early detection by providing screenings, health fairs and educational opportunities in diverse range of setting to help people improve ind. and family health and well being. The YMCAs also host screening events throughout the year

What are the 10 components of this WSCC model? and what is the overall goal of this model?

Health ed, Physical. ed., PA, nutrition Kevniroment and nutriton services, health services, counseling, psychological and social services, social and emotional climate , physical environment, employee wellness, family engagement, and community involvement. *Improvement of learning and health through coordinated policy, process and practice leading to healthy safe, engaged, supported and challenged students*

What is the effect of culturally diverse health practices on health ed. curriculum?

Health ed. should include information about the because school pop. are increasing diverse and students re more likely to be receptive to health. if hate town health traditions are recognized and respected. Cultural health info. should be included objectively, citing both benefits and problems, keeping in mind that treatments that cannot be supported through scientific evidence may have psychologically beneficial effect.

What are healthy vs unhealthy was of responding to managing and resolving conflict

Healthy response to this is being able to identify and address things that matter most to another. These involve staying calm not becoming defensive and showing respect for other person. Being willing to forgive other person, forget undesirable reactions, words and deeds, and progress beyond conflict without returning anger or resentment. Being able to compromise instead of punishing other person is healthy. Believing in mutual benefit of confronting conflict head on is healthy. Unhealthy is being unable to recognize and respond to things most important to other person, Emotional reactions resentful, angry, explosive or designed to hurt other persons feelings are unhealthy. When person reacts to conflict by rejecting other, withdrawing his/her affection, isolation, saying/doing thins to shame other, or showing or expressing fears being abandoned are this. Being unable to see other persons viewpoint or make compromises is this. Lastly fearing and avoiding conflict due to expected negative outcomes is unhealthy.

What is bodily-kinesthetic intelligence?

Highly aware of bodies and effectively use them. Like moving, touching things and making things. Communicate effectively via body language and learn well through hands on learning, acting out concepts, physical active, role playing and being taught using real objects and equipment

How can a health educator involve others?

IN regards to planning, implementing and support school health ed program, this is critical to success of program but does not occur without plan to encourage involvement

What are physiological responses to stress? (Regulation)

Identify individual stress response, Individuals should discover which senses (Vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste) and techniques are most energizing and/or soothing personally. Ask self about quality of relationship with emotions to stay calm and focused during stressful interactions.

What is the relationship between personal hygiene and mental/emotional status?

If a friend or acquaintance is neglecting personal hygiene, this can be sign of underlying depression. When people are depressed or feelings ad, tend to neglect taking care of themselves and bodies. This has multiple sources: depression commonly uses Low energy and fatigue making routine hygiene practice seem to require too much effort. Depression also lowers self esteem as people do not feel good enough bout themselves to show their bodies and health the self respect or attention it deserves. Additional depression symptoms are feelings of helplessness, inhibiting motivation to control personal care and heath and hopelessness removing motivation to take positive action fro self care. Preoccupation with other concerns can also make people forget hygiene. One should not always assume depression is cause however some people lack awareness specifically if poor hygiene is habitual. Honest yet sensitive conversations about hygienes importance in disease prevention can help some friends and acquaintances.

What is autosomal recessive and what diseases fall into this category?

If disease is inherited in this pattern, Each parent must be carrier and passion on defective genes to offspring. Cystic fibrosis and Sickle cell Disease

What is autosomal dominant and what diseases fall under this category?

If disease is inherited in this pattern, only one parent must pass on the defective gene. Achondroplasia (dwarfism), Huntington disease, Marfan syndrome, Otosclerosis

How ca one stay informed about medical and health related advances?

Subscribing to free e health related electronic newsletters, Subscribing to print newsletters, Reviewing newspaper and popular press health related articles, using TV and Radio, Using electronic sources and attending lectures or presentations.

How to develop students reading skills to support health ed.?

In order to understand and support health info. students need good basic reading skills that include not only ability to decode words but also to comprehend meaning of texts at eighth grade or higher level. Students lacking in literacy skills are at diadvantage and need alternative strategies. Students must also be able to apply critical thinking skills to help info students in order to apply it to their own situations and make rational decisions which requires practice among the curriculum. Students must be engaged in info. in meaningful ways in order to benefit

What is the influence of social context factors on children's peer relationships?

In studying peer interactions of children with ADHD it has been found that peers dislike children with ADHD within hours of first meeting them across situations and over time, and ADHD plus peer difficulties cumulatively predict adolescent psychopathology. These collected finding indicate serious social problems for ADHD pop. One social context factor being parental influence. Though disruptive ADHD behaviors cause conflict In parent and child relationships, it is questioned whether these parenting problems then also worsened children's peer conflicts, found parents indeed more circle of ADHD children and less likely than other parents to have strong support networks even after controlling for disruptive Childs behaviors. Both parental criticism and praise predicted ADHD children's poorer peer interactions. Possible influences include parental ADHD, peer observations of parent child interactions and effects o parent child relationships on accuracy of Childs self perception of peer competence.

What are the steps related to responsible decision making model in event of incorrect or poor decision?

In the same way teens fear being judges, rejected, disliked or even viewed as different they also fear doing the wrong thing. IN addition to peer pressure and desiring acceptance fear of misusing new responsibilities can motivate inaction to avoid unintentionally doing harm and experiencing guilt. educators can offer 4 steps to take after bad or wrong decision. 1. Admit it, take responsibility for actions done, don't try and hide mistake, blame others or make excuses, 2. Immediately consider things done based on decision, Avoid perpetuating action misguided by wrong choice 3. Parents and guardians responsible for decision making guidance, inform them of decision and discuss corrective action 4. Apologizing is not always adequate, make restitution for any harm, damage or loss by paying, replacing something, volunteering time and or similar appropriate efforts.

What is the integumentary system?

Includes hair, nails, glands, nerves and skin with is body largest sensory organ. Provides tactics sensation from pain, heat, cold, pressure and pleasure, regulates blood loss and other fluids, synthesizes vitamin D and protects deeper tissues.

What does the aging process look like from infancy to early childhood?

Infancy (0-1): INfnatn almost completely dependent on adults for needs. Child grows rapidly and begins to develop both fine and gross motor skills as well as understanding of simple words. Begins to display distinct personality traits Toddlerhood (1-3): Growth slows but cognitive ability increases as child begins to use words and show beginning problem solving skills. Toddler begins to enjoy playing side by side with others and has improved fine and gross motor skills. Shows increasing independence and may react negatively if thwarted Early childhood (3-6): Preschool years characterized by steady physical growth, increased fine and gross motor skills and increased visual acuity. child beings to engage in associative play and interactions with other children. Language skills improve markedly. Personality traits of infancy persist and may be at odds with learning environment.

What is counseling?

Substance abusers often have unresolved problems that require professional intervention so referral for counseling is often indicated

What are the principles of adult learning?

Knowles: adults have wealth of life and or employment experiences. Attitudes towards education may vary considerably. There are though some principles of adult learning (Knowles) and typical characteristic of adult learners that an instructor should consider when planning strategies for teaching parents, family or staff Practical and goal oriented: Provide overviews or summaries and examples, Use collaborative discussions w/ problem solving exercises, remain organized and keep goal in mind Self-directed: Provide active involvement, asking for input, allow different options toward achieving goal, give learners responsibilities Knowledgeable: Show respect for life experiences/education, validate their knowledge and ask for feedback, relate new material to info. with which they are familiar Relevancy-oriented: Explain how info. will be applied, clearly identify obj. Motivated: Provide certificates of achievement or some type of recognition for achievement Pike: Four principles of adult learning believed to be fundamental 1. Adults are babies with big bodies: Adults value hands on learning experience and have gained much experience through living that they can apply towards learning 2. People don't argue own data: Allowing adults to arrive at their own conclusions rather than simply trying to feed then info. increases learning 3. Learning is directly proportional to amt. of fun people have: Humor Is valuable resource in promotion of learning and pleasure of learning 4. Learning has not taken place until behavior has changed: learning is not complete until people are able to apply what they have learned in meaningful way and practice increases retention *Although these 4 principles were developed after observation of adults in learning environments, they can also apply to most learners regardless of age. Adults are often most motivated to learn when topic is of interest*

What is product labeling and what are the 4 main parts to food labels?

Labeling on food products contain info, specific to product, but same type of info is contained for all food products: Serving size, servings per container and calories: Calories based on serving size and also indicates number of calories derived from fat Nutrients: includes art of fat, carbs, and protein preserving as well as cholesterol, sodium, sugar and fiber. Amounts indicated in grams or milligrams but also as percent of daly recommended value. Vitamins and Minerals: Listed as percent of daily recommendations value per serving Footnote: Explains how percent displays based on 2,000 calorie diet

What are some agencies and programs designed to deal with child abuse and abduction?

Law enforcement agencies: arrest and bring criminal charges against those who abuse/abduct children GOvt. Agencies: State and local child protective services. Investigate charges of child abuse and can remove child from home and place in foster care or provide ongoing monitoring of parent. Monitor foster children Children advocacy centers: Investigate and collect evidence regarding child abuse and coordinate with law enforcement and child protective services Non profit organizations: International's society for prevention of child abuse and neglect, child welfare league of America, national children's alliance. Organizations advocate for children, support those working to protect children and increase public awareness. Professional organizations: The American academy of pediatrics provides guidelines for recognizing, reporting and dealing with abuse. National center for missing and exploited children: nonprofit organization established by congress provides hotline and tip line, post s pictures and info., raises awareness and work with all enforcement and families. Serves as clearing house of resources

How do visual learners learn?

Learn best by seeing and reading, being provided written directions, picture guides or demonstrate procedures, use charts and diagrams, provide video and photos

What is physical growth and development in adolescence?

Most salient physical growth and development aspects of adolescents involves puberty. Girls today develop first signs of puberty before adolescence in late middle childhood. Boys begin puberty around a year later than girls. Both girls and boys go through series fo stages that make up puberty. These stages incorporate changes to almost all their body systems including skeletal, muscular and reproductive.

What is Eriksons second stage in his theory of psychosocial Development?

Named the nuclear conflict of toddlerhood (18-36 months) as autonomy vs shame and self doubt. Positive outcome of successfully resolving this conflict is will. The significant event during this stage is toilet training. Toddlers develop autonomy (independence) through developing self control. They develop fine motor skills for manipulating small objects as wells as gross motor skills. Concurrently with physical skills, they learn right vs wrong. Developing independence helps develop self esteem. Properly nurtured children display confidence and pride. Those not well cared for fell ashamed and doubt themselves. This includes the terrible twos when children naturally display stubbornness, defiance, and temper tantrums in process of asserting their individual will. Children who do not develop appropriate autonomy in this stage lack self confidence and may be overly dependent in parents.

What is oral hygiene, hand washing and sleep?

One should brush their teeth after eating. Health professionals recommend brushing and flossing teeth twice a day at min. Brushing teeth removes plaque and reduces mouth bacteria, inhibiting tooth decay and prevents tooth cavities and gum disease. Flossing and gum massage keep gums health and strong. If oral bacteria build up it can cause gum disease which not only causes irreversible bone loss in jaw but the bacteria can travel from gums to heart causing serious heart valve disorders. Unhealthy gums can loosen teeth, causing difficulty chewing, eating and tooth loss. Most people need dentist check ups twice yearly. This prevents bacteria and viruses from spreading. One should do this after using bathroom, preparing food, sneezing or coughing, and after handling garbage. Having alcohol based Hand sanitizer on hand is recommended when this is unavailable. Enough of this and well of this should not be overlooked as component of personal hygiene, insufficient or inadequate amounts oft his imparts immune system inviting illness.

What are occupational positions in healthcare field?

Physicans: Diagnose and treat illnesses, perform order and interpret diagnostic tests and procedures and interpret diagnostic tests and procedures, prescribe mediation, perform surgeries, specialize in specific patient pop. and diseases and treatments and counsel patients. Physician Assistants: Assist with surgical procedures rather than performing surgeries, counsel patients under physician direction, prescribe medication in most US states, Diagnose and treat illnesses and perform, order Registered Nurses: Treat patients, administer medications, execute physician orders and advise and educate patient Medica assistants: obtain medical histories and vital signs, draw blood, collect lab specimens, prepare patient or exams, assist physicians during examinations and perform administrative duties alike filing charges, scheduling appointments, answering phones and medical coding and biling Surgical technologists: Prepare patients for surgery, organize operating room instruments and equipment, assist physicians during surgical operations and procedures. Pharmacists: Fill prescriptions, compound medications, educate patients about medications, advise physicians and other clinical personnel about drug selection and dosages, and conduct drug experiments, tests and research Clinical physiologists: evaluate and treat mental and emotional disorders

What are the educational requirements for these different healthcare professions?

Physicians: Undergrad degree plus 4 years of medial school, 3-8 years of residency or internship and pass national licensure test Physician assistants: 2-4 year PA cert. program and pass national licensure test, carry out many physician type tasks RNs: 1 year diploma or cert. or 2 years associates degree and in some us states pass national cert. test ASN,BSN: Licensure as well as additional trains g for advance partake nurses (APNs) LVN: 18 month to 2 year trying period, licensure, and work under RN supervision Nutritionalists: bachelors or masters degree Certified nurse assistant (aide): 6-8 weeks of trainng work under supervision of RNs and LVNs Surgical technologists: 9 month diploma/cert. or 2 years associates degree and pass national cert. test Pharmacists: must complete 6-8 year doctor of pharmacy degree and pass national licensure test Clinical psychologists: Doctoral (Ph.D or Psy. D)degree and pass national licensure test Audiologists and speech language therapists: Masters degree and pass national line sure tests; in some states audiologists must pass additional licensure test for dispensing healing aids Technicians: Xray, lab, ultrasound, dental, pharmacy, emergency medical, echocardiogram, and phlebotomists. Training series but often approximately for 2 years but phlebotomists may be trained in matter of weeks. Some require licensure Medical assistant: programs vary form 1-2 years and include cert. and associates degree

What is alcohol abuse and what is alcoholism?

Problematic drinking pattern causing social, heath or both types of problems. The other however indicated illness whose symptoms include abnormal behaviors for purpose of obtaining alcohol which causes impairment in ind. control over his/her drinking.

What are some strategies for reducing waste management?

Process by which waste products are collected transported and disposed of. Municipal waste management: involves weekly collection with separate containers sometimes provided for garden waste, recyclables and garbage. This is regulated by EPA through resource conservation and recover act which regulates handing and disposal of hazardous and nonhazardous waste. As this can result in disease, injury or death, special handling is required and these cannot be disposed of with regular trash or in drains.

What are contraception methods?

Some people assume condoms worn by males are sufficient for contraception. However condoms can break, leak, or slip off during for following intercourse. Ideally foam, gel or other spermicide should accompany condoms. Female contraception includes IUDs, diaphrangms, and birth control pills. IUDs are typically inserted by physicians and are worn continuously. Periodically require removal and replacement. While effective they can have undesirable side effects for some women including irritation, inflammation, cramping, spotting, tissue damage. Diaphragms are typically self inserted by women before intercourse often with spermicidal gel applied to surface and removed afterward. Also effective but some women have difficulty inserting them properly and/or cannot tolerations presence. Sometimes shift position, impeding contraction. Birth control pills are very effective, though small percentage of women using them might still get pregnant. Oral hormones cause some women undesirable side effects like weight gain, and symptoms resembling pregnancy. Lower dose pills have fewer side effects, different stages affect ind. women differently. More extreme measures include tubal ligation, and hysterectomy for women, vasectomy for men.

What is the role of PA in preventing and reducing health risks?

Studies demonstrate that regular PA lowers risks of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, colon cancer, and breast cancer. 30-60 minutes daily of PA decreases great and colon caner risks, 150 minutes weekly of PA commonly reduces cardiovascular disease and diabetes risks. The Who finds media promotion of combined pA and health diet very cost effective, inexpensive and feasible. Schools should include Physical. Ed with strained teachers and parental involvement in supportive neviorments. Successful workplace strategies include fitness spaces and sings encouraging staircase use, engaging employees in plain ing and impoelenmting fitness programs, engaging families and supplying self monitoring and in. behavior change strategies. Effective community interventions inlaced group PA classes and programs, community development campaigns concentrating on shared goals and lifestyle modification advice regarding diet and physical activity which research has proven to prevent diabetes with effectiveness similar to pharamacological therapy in people with impaired glucose tolerance.

What does Erikson devote the middle adult stage to in his theory of psychosocial Development?

The nuclear conflict of this stage (35-55/65) generativitiy vs stagnation. The positive outcome of this conflict is care. Focus in this stage is on work, career, and family. As mature into increased control and responsibility, middle adults endeavor to create stability, and to produce something of value to society (generatively): want to establish legacy that will live beyond them. These should give meaningful contributions to society and will exit even after death. Significant relationships are in families, workplaces, local religious institutions and other community entities. Successful adults feel caring for other and generating valuable products. Unsuccessful ones feel self absorbed and /or stagnant, fearing their lives lack meaning and purposeful activity. Empty nests, careeer changes and other major shifts in life are characteristics of this stage.

What is X linked recessive and what diseases fall under this category?

These disorders usually affect only males as females have only one health X chromosome that can compensate for defective one of these. If father carries defective gene, sons are unaffected but all daughters are carriers. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Fragile X, Hemophilia (A,B Von willebrand)

What is difference between Health belief, Health promotion, integrated and Precede/Procede models?

This model tends to focus mainly on the perceptions of disease threat and net benefit of behavior change to ascertain whether and why ind. will change his/her behavior. This other model has had actual and proposed applications. The second to last model includes public health model and social ecological model as well as the PRECEDE framework. Finally the last model inlaces epidemiological, ecological, environmental, social, behavioral, policy and administrative assessments and evlaitons of process, implementation, outcomes and impacts.

What are the causes and effects of water pollution?

This occurs when pollutants flow into surface water sources. Contamination of surface water can result from sewage, oil spills, industrial wastes and chemical runoffs. Drinking water, even from clean water sources can become contaminated through led erosion. Ground water can also become polluted as pollutants are leached through the ground and enter underground water. This has been implicated in water borne diseases, neurological impairment and cancer.

What are cooperative base groups?

These are long term with heterogeneous stable memberships. And main responsibilities of members are positive goal interdependence, ind. accontablitily, and promotive interaction. Teachers assign 3-4 members per group, schedule regular meeting times, establish specific agendas with concrete tasks, oversee implementation of basic elements of cooperative learning, periodically instruct them in necessary social skills and guide them in assessing effectiveness of functioning. Base groups can include in agendas, academic support tasks: editing each others essays, seeing everybody did and understood homework Personal support tasks: getting acquainted helloing solve non academic problems Routine tasks: Taking attendance Routine tasks: mutually checking ind. test answer comp. w/ind. testing and base group retesting Permenant ones of these increase caring relationships , social support, commitment to mutual success and interpersonal influence to personalize educational experiences, augment achievement and improve School life quality

What are summative assessments?

These are not conducted during instruction, rather they are made after classes, lessons, units and courses are completed to evaluate what students have learned at ind. student, classroom nd school levels. These yield data about whether student has achieved specific learning objectives or not. Standardized tests: Large scale testing platform example of these kinds of tests. Students scores on these tests often used to address state accountability requirements. Can indicate how effective classroom instruction has been, give info about overall student learning, reflect state content and performance standards, and show how many students are meeting grade level expectations. Most useful when combined with other info sources, and when used to inform instructional practices rather than justify or reward them. End of unit tests/Final projects: These reflect identified learning objectives and help to determine whether they were met Course Grades: based on specific criteria and define how well student have met class or course's overall expectations Portfolios: Students products can be used in both formats of assessment. When included in comp. evaluations they can show that students have met learning objectives

What is prescription drug use/what are prescription drugs?

These are opiate and opted painkillers, anxiolytic and anti anxiety/sedative medicaons, hypnotics and stimulates. Popular for their consciousness altering effects.

How do the negative impacts on health care accessibility affect an ind. and their society

These are usually caused by healthcare access disparities in which access limitations impede individuals abilities to realize full potentials diminishing quality of life.

What is formative vs summative assessments?

These assessments are conducted during course of instruction to monitor ongoing student progress and allows teachers to adjust instruction to better meet the needs and strengths of students. Instructors can increase pace if students are learning faster than expected or slow it down if they caretaking longer to grasp concepts and/or skills. If one teaching method or strategy is proving ineffective with some students, then teachers can try others. They can stop spending unnecessary time on elements students have completely mastered, and devote more to areas students are struggling with or do not understand. This informs future instruction These other assessments are conducted at ends of lessons, units, semesters and School years and do not inform ongoing assessment. These measure student achievement of standards determining curriculum and instruction received. In addition to teacher or class specific end of unit tests, prominent types of this assessment include national or state standardized achievement tests. These compare student scores to average scores of rep. samples of students across country or state. They indicate progress of school students relative to large pop. and can be used to measure accountability for Adequate yearly progress.

What does Erikson devote the adolescence stage to in his theory of psychosocial Development?

These being developing sense of personal identity. In his theory he named this stage of development identity vs role confusion. In stages previous, Erikson portrayed development in terms of how parents care for child and how child reacted to care or lack of care. Key change in adolescent is that Erikson depicted stage in terms of what the child does instead. Nuclear conflict in this stage revolves around adolescents efforts to discover his or her own ind. identity. At same time, teenager is learning how to negotiate social interactions and developing abstract concept of morality beyond concrete ideas of right and wrong in earlier childhood. Some teens, withdraw into what Erickson termed moratorium to delay entering adulthood. In experiments with and developing identity, adolescent experience strong ties and dedication to friends, ideals and causes. Successful resolution of this stages conflict as positive outcome of fidelity: unsuccessful teens confused about role and identities.

What is assertiveness training and what are refusal skills?

These can help adolescent deal with peer pressure Burt reality is that the person may need to align with a different group fo peer sin order to make good decisions about avoiding substance abuse

What is Piagets concrete and formal operational stages in relation to nutrition class instruction?

These children follow cause and effect also known as reversibility. They are also present oriented and can start to understand abstract concepts.

What do the Abdomen, Arms Thighs, Hips and lower legs contribute to the major muscles group?

These first muscles include outer to inner external and internal oblique, transverses abdomens and rectus abdomens. The next contain biceps brachia, triceps brachii, forearm, brachioradials, flexing at elbow, forearm flexor carp radials and flexor carpi ulnas, Flexing, abducting and adducting the hand, extensor carpi ulnas, extending and adducting rest and extensor digitorum, controlling middle four fingers. The next two contain recuts femurs, vests medals, vastus laterals and vests intermedius, as well as the four quad muscles, sartorius body longest muscle running form spline along thigh to knee, gracilis running along inner thigh from pubic bone to tibia, adductor longus tip muscle in inner thigh controlling inward and sideways movement, gluteus Maximus, medius and minimus three of four buttocks muscles, gluteus maxis being body largest strongest muscle, Tensor fasciae late, the fourth smallest buttock muscle to from and slide of other in thigh, and biceps femurs, semitendinosis and semimembranosus, hamstring muscles in back thigh. The last contributes gastrocnemius, plantaris and soles in calf and tibias anterior, dorsal foot flexor

What are some Communication strategies regarding controversial health issues?

These include sexual behavior, sexual orientation, birth control, abortion, assisted suicide and legalization of marijuanna. -Present issue, including factual info as well as any legal protections or restrictions -Discuss all slides of controversy, including pros and cons - Facilitate open discussion and sharing of ideas -Refrain from giving personal opinions but remain objective *People often view these through lens of religion or culture so health educator should focus on providing info to students so they can make their own decisions rather than trying to change their minds*

What do parents/guardians have to do with the needs and interest of local culture? What are strategies to include them?

These must be considered as part of development of school health ed program -Review demographics such s age and ethnicity of students as well as members of community to obtain complete picture of student body -Survey local cultures about issues of interest to ensure that their values are respected and incorporated into planning process -Use focus groups within different cultural groups in community to explore specific issues -Establish family/community advisory committee that includes key members of community as well as family members -Provide info. to family members during student teacher conferences, using this opportunity to recruit family members to take active roles in planning and to provide input. Engage students in recruiting family members as well

What do the head, neck and shoulders, and chest contribute to major muscle group?

These nclude epicranius frontal at craniums front:epicranius occipitals at back: orbicularis oculi around eye, orbicular oris around mouth, buccinator in cheek, zygomaticus in cheekbone, platysma in neck, master in side of face connecting and controlling jaws in chewing, temporals In side of head, sternocleidomastoid running from sternum along side of neck to behind ear at base of skull, splenius capitis in back of neck connecting to skills base and semispinalis wapitis in upper back neck between should and head rotating neck. These other two include he trapezius: triangle covering neck, shoulder and back, rhomboideus major, connecting shoulder blade to vertebrae, levator scapulae, serrates anterior, pectorals major and minor in chest, teres major and minor in shoulder connecting upper arm to scapula, latissimus dorsi in outer sides of back connecting to arms,supraspinatus or rotator cuff muscle in shoulder infraspinatus lower shoulder abductor/external rotator, and deltoid on shoulder/top arm

What are some supportive social interactions?

These provide companionship, intellectual stimulation and exchanges, intimacy, humor and laughter, talking to others about problems and feelings can decrease stress. People who are supportive and listen well without criticizing or judging benefit our psycooligcal health. Reciprocally, so do listening well to and supporting others. Real world face to face interaction, direct interior including nonverbal communication. make priority to spend face to face time with friends, co workers, neighbors, relatives, and other people we like and enjoy who have positive attitudes and interest. Make a point to ask about new people met. Volunteering. Joining groups sharing interest.

What is The WHO world health survey?

This began in 2002-2004 partnering with 70 world nations to gather info about adult health pop. and health systems through cross sectional survey studies. Purpose of WHS was to use valid reliable survey instrument to reinforce national capacities for monitoring health systems and critical health outcomes. WHO used statistical probability to select nationally representative samples from countries chosen to represent all of worlds regions in which The Who adjusted weights of sampling according to pop. distribution and corrected for non-response following stratification.

What is selection and organization of educational materials?

This begins with review of course outline which may include state mandated topics or approaches to ensure that materials support this outline. Materials are also organized according to outline

What is the Heimlich maneuver?

This can be done with victim sitting, standing or supine. First one is to wrap arms around victims was it from back and make a fist placing thumb side against victims abdomen slightly above unbicilus. Grasp this hand with other and trust sharply upward to force air out of lungs. Repeat as needed and call 9-1-1 if no response. IF victim losses consciousness, ease him or her into supine position on floor, place hands similar to CPR but over abdomen while sitting astride victims legs and repeat upwards compressions 5 times. If no ventilation occurs, attempt to sweep mouth and ventilate lungs mouth to mouth. Repeat compressions and ventilation until recovery or Medical personnel arrive.

What is diminishing return, variation principle and adaptation/specificity in exercise science?

This means that when unconditional ind. start training their fitness levels improve quickly because they have so far to progress. However as their fitness increases, they improve less as they near genetic limits and fitness levels have plateaued. As peoples fitness levels grow, they must train harder to achieve equal gains. This other one means that athletes should alternate hard with light training every several days. Light days enable bodies to recover. Varying training volume and intensity enables attaining peak fitness levels for competing and prevents over stressing or injuring body parts. This relates to this other topic as routines bust be varied because the body adjusts and adapts to same routines, stoping challenge and progress. Variation and specificity appear to conflict, Sport and activity improvement requires more sport and activity specific training while variation dictates training variety but can be balanced between enough sport and activity specific training for improvement and some variety using same muscle groups.

What is nonverbal communication?

This can convey as much info. as verbal communication on the health educators part and on the students. This is used for number of purposes such as expressing feeling and attitudes and it may be a barrier to communication for a facilitator. Eye contact: Making eye contact provides connection and shows caring and involvement in communication. Avoiding eye contact may indicate that someone is not telling the truth or is uncomfortable, fearful, ashamed, hiding something or showing respect Tone: The manner in which words are spoken affect the listener, and when the message and tone don't match, it can interfere with communication. Touch: Reaching out to touch adolescent's hand or pat a shoulder during communication is reassuring, but hugging or excessive touching can make ind. feel uncomfortable or it can be misconstrued, ind. may touch themselves if they are anxious. Gestures: Using the hands to empahsize meaning is common and may be particularly helpful during explanations but excessive gesturing can be distracting,. Some gestures alone can convey a message, such as a wave goodby or pointing. Tapping of the feet, moving legs or fidgeting may indicate nervousness. Rubbing hands together is sometimes self comforting measure. Some gestures such as handshakes are part of social ritual. Mixed messages such as fidgeting but speaking with clam voice may indicate uncertainty or anxiety. Posture: Slumping can indicate lack of interest or withdrawal. Leaning toward person while talking indicated interest and facilities interaction

Formal vs informal Cooperative learning

This first one involves structured procedures by teacher in assessing a groups and roles, arranging space and materials and creating obj., teaching concepts, strategies, criteria, tasks and behaviors, structuring group cooperation and interdependence and ind. accountability and behaviors, structuring group coop. and interdependence and ind. accountability, observing and monitoring group interaction and gathering data assessing group functioning and learning and guiding groups too self assess cooperative functioning and achieve closure In contrast to the first one this next one involves forming ad-hoc, temporary student groups, lasting several minutes to full class period, collaborating to accomplish shared learning goal. Teachers can use this learning during lectures, demos, films or videos for defining expectations about class material, establishing moods conductive to learning, focusing student attention on learning material, assuring students process cognitively and rehearse learning material, summarize learning preview and following class and giving lesson closure.

What is included in the human skeleton?

This has 206 bones. This includes two parts, axial contains the bones, hyoid bone, spinal vertebrae, ribs and sternum and the appendicular, contain gin the pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle and extremities. The cranial include formal, parental, occipital, sphenoid and ethmoid. The facial includes zygomatic, lacrimal, maxilla and mandible. Vertebral includes atlas, or first certvical vertebrae and the 12 thoracic vertebrae, as well as the five lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum as well as the coccyx.

What are some behavior change theories applicable to heath ed programs for prevuing and controlling injury?

This includes the community organization theory which concentrates on community strengths. Main concepts include community capacity, critical consciousness, empowerment, participation, relevance and issue selection. The diffusions of innovation theory is also applicable and focuses on processes whereby new ideas spread through society. Main concepts include social networks, communication, channels, innovations and time to reach members. Next is the Ecological/social ecological models which emphasize multilevel approaches to sociological and environmental influences on ind. behavior. In addition to this, the extended parallel processing model of behavior have can be seen as a theory of fear apparel and describes how people process messages and respond to them to increase awareness of personal health risk and how health ed. program planners can design methods for overcoming heath risks. The health belief model tends to focus main onlperceptions fo disease threat and net benefit oof behavior change to ascertain whether and why ind. will change his/her behavior. The health promoting models have had actual and proposed applications.

What is physical growth and development during middle childhood?

This is a period of slower physical growth and development. Children continue to grow but at slower and steadier rate than when younger. Strength and coordination in motor skills advance, evidenced by gradually improving skills for tasks. Girls and boys in middle childhood are usually similar in height until puberty which begins near end of middle childhood averaging around 10 years for girls and 11 years for boys.

What are some agencies, programs and regulations in regards to sexual harassment, abuse and rape?

This is covered under Title VII of civil rights act (1964) which prohibits sexual harassment but applies only to employers with 15 or more employees. Complaints are submitted to EEOC. Employers with fewer employees are covered by various state laws and regulatory agencies. Some non govt. agencies have limited programs to assist victims of sexual harassment, including the AAUW. These other two topics are criminal offenses covered by laws against sexual violence and involve law enforcement agencies, usually local police intervene in sex trafficking and online stalking. Many organizations now have workplace violence prevention programs the include strategies to prevent sexual abuse, stalking and rape.

What are the characteristics of conflict people need to know in order to solve them?

This isn't simply a disagreement but situation where both or either party perceives real or imagined threat. Confronting and resolving tis stops them from going on indefinitely or until relationship ends. People do not necessarily respond to these based on objectively considering facts, they react to them based on their personal values, beliefs, backgrounds and life experiences. These prevent opportunities for growth. When members of relationship succeed at resolving interpersonal this, they build trust between themselves and gain direct experience that their relationship can withstand disagreements and challenges. This enables them to feel more secure about relationship existence and future.

What are the steps to designing or selecting appropriate program evaluation techniques?

This often one of the weakest links in a program but without an adequate amount of this it is difficult to determine effectiveness of program and specific interventions. 1. Determine type of evaluation process best measuring outcomes for lesson topic or program 2. Identify sources of data to be used for evaluation process 3. Complete evaluation design to demonstrate how data will be obtained and used -Develop plan for analyzing data and reporting results both internally to key stakeholders and externally -Establish timeline for completion of evaluation that includes necessary tasks and those rersponslibe for carrying out tasks 6. Determine budgetary needs to carry out evaluation and sources of funding

What are the causes and effects of hazardous waste?

This poses threat to health of ind. or environment. EPA classifies these in accordance to Ignitable: Liquids and non liquids that can ignite and use fires Corroseive: Based on pH or ability to corrode steel Reactive: Wastes that are unstable, may react with water or result in toxic gases. May even explode Toxic: Wastes harmful if ingested or absorbed These may also be classified as luted and include wastes from manufacturing and industrial processes. These are often produced in manufacturing, nuclear power plants, and health care facilities. These are classified as mixed waste as they contain radioactive component as well.

How can one promote student participation in school/community based efforts to address high risk behaviors associated with substance abuse?

This process often begins by recruiting student leaders to participate and lead these efforts because the students look to their peers for guidance. PSort coaches are also often role models and can influence athletes to participate and athletes often are admired by other students who may follow tier lead. The school can also include families in prevention methods through such programs as family matters in which parents receive booklets and telephone guidance by health educator.

What is the role of teachers within coordinated school health ed program?

This requires active collaboration with other educators and support staff as well as with families and community agencies. The teachers must review classroom materials to determine if needing revision. They must also work together with others to develop curriculum and lesson plans that reflect health issues across curriculum. In prep, teachers who are not health educators may nee to educate themselves about health issues. The health educator must serve as advocate for health ed as well as school health policies. The educator must also take active role in implementation of new policies and programs, serving as resource person for those who need guidance to participate effectively within this.

What is promoting collaboration in coordinating school health programs?

This requires commitment in terms of time and effort -Coaching others on methods of this can include providing info. in form of handouts about effective communication strategies and in turn modeling type of communication with staff being coached -Team meetings commonly held in schools and provide opportunity to model collaboration and suggest need for outside expertise to help with planning. Mentoring school health educator can initiate discussions about resource available in facility or community. -Selecting diverse group for teams or inviting those with expertise in various ares to join team when needed can help team members appreciate and understand how to use input of other resources.

How can one involve key personnel and agencies in planning of comp. school health ed program.

This requires input from whole staff of school as well as families and community agencies. Strategies for doing this include the following: -Networking: Establishing ongoing relationships with key personnel and those infolvein community agencies, includes both social and business contact. Health educator should maintain regard contact with all key stakeholders -Setting an example: Health educator should serve as role model for health education and maintain healthy school environment _Establishing trust: As trust builds over time, its essential for health educator to be open dh honest in all dealings with others -Communicating effectively: Health educator must articulate goals clearly and keep others updated as to student needs as well as progress -Building teams: Health educator should work collaboratively with others, trying to build consensus about health education plan

What does Erikson devote the young adulthood stage to in his theory of psychosocial Development?

This stage (18-35) is centering on the nuclear conflict of intimacy vs isolation. Primarily occupied with finding love na companionship through development of intimate relationships with others. Erikson identified positive outcome of successfully resolving this conflict as love. Those who do not succeed in finding another ind. with whom they can from satisfying relationship to develop deep intimacy suffer consequence of isolation. Feel isolated and lonely. When formulating the theory Erikson found it was more common for these to marry, have children, and start own families. IN recent years this often occurs later in life as many defer domestic matters to pursue advanced educations and/or build and further careers. Some of these also spend longer times experimenting socially through dating multiple partners without settling in on one, having series of less serious relationships or series of serious intimate relationships which do not progress to lifetime commitments. Another influence of this stage is that more people are living much longer now, extending duration of lifetime commitments.

What does the life stage of adolescence complicate in regards to decision making?

This tends to bring greater pressures on teenagers to solve more difficult problems and make harder decisions about matters like risk behaviors, sexuality, school involvement and career choices

What is a medical emergency and what do these include?

Those in which the person is at severe risk and needs prompt medical attention. For life threatening ones of these, the most appropriate response is to call 9-1-1 but some first aid procedures may be used if necessary. In less acute cases the person may be transported to emergency department directly without calling's 9-1-1 if appears unstable. -Shortness of breath, severe wheezing, difficulty breathing -Sudden onset of dizziness and fainting or unexplained weakness -Sudden changes in vision -Sudden onset of severe pain -Chest pain or pressure/pain radiating to neck, shoulders or arms -Severe GI problems with vomiting and/or diarrhea -Severe uncontrolled hemorrhage -Vomiting or coughing up blood -Difficulty speaking or swallowing -Threats of suicide

What is a community health served offered by the American Red Cross?

Training (From CPR-Caregiving)

What is the cardiovascular system?

Transports nutrients containing oxygenated other necessities throughout bloodstream, transports gaseous wastes for elimination and supports immune functions

What is known as prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS?

Treatment for this disease should should start with diagnosis which includes medication management, mental health counseling, and supportive/social care as needed. The next stem after this is to undergo lab tests to determine viral load and CD4 count which measures CD4 T lymphocytes to determine strength of immune system. Although antiretroviral therapy does not cure this disease, it can slow progression. 6 classes of drugs, 3 drugs from at least 2 different drug classes and several drug regimens are all seen available and in use in combating this disease. This type of prevention includes universal testing, needle exchange programs, sex ed, consistent and correct use of latex condoms, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs.

What is consultive communication and what should be considered when trying to obtain open and genuine conversation among this topic?

Utilizes open-ended questions to get all opinions, to uncover hidden issues, and reveal personal agendas. The leader shows the group that they are willing to consult them and encourages subordinates to present opinions before the decision-making process. Open and honest dialogs should be encouraged, Schools should offer support and training to build parental leadership capacities, When schools make decisions , policy reviews and new policies regarding curriculum (content, assessment etc) they should invite interested community members to consult. Apply strategies such as flexible consulting with rep. cross section of students, parents and community members rather than those who are most assertive. offer opportunities for skill development and/or training to teachers and parents, encourage students to participate in decision making processes and participate actively in school council and/or parent/citizen groups.

What is the growth and devlopemtn of human male reproductive systems?

WHile male fetus develops in utero, testes begin to develop. 2 month before brith testes begin descending into scrotal sacs outside main body cavity, allowing slightly lower temperatures aiding sperm production. Testes additionally produce hormones enabling development of secondary male sex characteristics. Puberty activates increase in brain hormones, triggering the pituitary glands increase reproduction release into blood stream of LH and FSH. In blood, LH stimulates testes cells to produce and relate testosterone which enlarges and develops penis and other sex organs, promotes skeletal and muscular growth and deepens voice. Testosterone and FSH stimulate sperm reproduction in seminiferous tubules within testes. Male urethra releases both sperm and urine. Prostate gland and seminal vesicles produce specialized fluids, mixing with person during transport creating some which exits form urethra through penis during ejaculation.

When might adolescents feel that they need assistance in making decisions about their personal health?

When they are often unprepared to make decisions about personal health because of lack of knowledge and experience. May become uncertain about decisions or unaware of resources and need this.

What are some risk factors?

While genetic and biological influences are involved, these interact with and are affected by environmental experiences. Some of these that can threaten mental and emotional health include: inadequate attachment to ones parent or primary caregiver in infancy or early childhood, feeling unsafe, isolated, lonely, confused or abused in early childhood, negative experiences where ind. develops learned helplessness, series illness, medication side effects, substance abuse.

What is X linked dominate and Y linked and what diseases fall under this category?

X linked disorders can e inherited by males and releases but more common in females. Father with defective gene on X chromosome gives disorder to all daughters but no sons (Who inherit X chromosomes from mother). Rett syndrome, Incontinentia pigmenti Y linked disorders: affect only males and are much less common because they result in male infertility and impaired development of male secondary sexual characteristics, so those affect are rarely able to procreate

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