Praxis II-5002 (READING-LITERATURE AND INFORMATIONAL TEXTS Part 6- Understands the concept of point of view using evidence from the text)

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Identifies how point of view impacts the overal structure of a literary or informational text

depending what point of view it is, the tone of the point of view, such as humor.

Identifies author's point of view in various genres and supports conclusions with evidence from the text

-Point of View: -4 viewpoints: *first person viewpoint -tells story through eyes of one character using the first -person pronoun I. -readers experience as narrator tells it -usually the main character -speaks as eyewitness and a participant to events. *Second-person point of view -in which the author uses you and your, is rare; authors seldom speak directly to the reader. When you encounter this point of view, pay attention. Why? The author has made a daring choice, probably with a specific purpose in mind. Most times, second-person point of view draws the reader into the story, almost making the reader a participant in the action. *omniscient viewpoint -the author is godlike- know it all -The author tells readers about the thought processes of each character without worrying about the information being obtained -most are novels -makes story longer -is third person *limited omniscient viewpoint -limited to know thoughts of one character -Story is told in third person(she, he, it, they) and the author concentrates on the thoughts and feelings of the main character or another important character. *Objective viewpoint -readers are eyewitnesses and confined to the immediate scene. they learn only what they can see or hear, without knowing what any other character thinks. Many folktales told in this viewpoint. -simply says what they did -Most teachers postpone introducing the four viewpoint until the upper grades, but younger children can experiment point of view is to contrast. -can use big charts

Compares multiple accounts of the same event or topic to identify similarities or differences in point of view

Big Idea: An author's point of view affects the readers's involvement in the story line presented. Authors can change how readers visualize and feel about events by the perspectives and emotions they add to their writing. -Analyze Multiple Accounts Informational text can be written from different perspectives A firsthand account of an event or topic is based on an author's personal experience. Diaries, autobiographies, and letters are considered to be firsthand accounts. The author's perspective with regard to the event or topic may be influenced by his or her feelings about it. A secondhand account of an event or topic is based on an author's research, rather than personal experience. Encyclopedia entries, biographies, and textbooks are considered to be secondhand accounts. The author's perspective with regard to the event or topic is usually neutral. The author simply states facts about it.

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