PRAXIS part 2

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Which of the following developmental theories describes basic conflicts one must face and resolve as one moves through various life stages? A. Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development B. John Bowlby's attachment theory C. Albert Bandura's social learning theory D. Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development

Option (A) is correct. Erik Erikson's eight-stage theory of psychosocial development describes growth and change throughout life, focusing on social interaction and conflicts that arise during different stages of development.

Which TWO of the following describe ways in which school counselors can directly collaborate with stakeholders to create learning environments that support success for all students? equity and opportunities B. Helping students and families navigate postsecondary education options and financial aid processes C. Identifying and involving appropriate school and community professionals as well as the family in a crisis situation D. Reviewing, disaggregating, and interpreting student achievement, attendance, and discipline data E. Developing student outcome goals aligned with school improvement plans

Correct Answer: A, C Options (A) and (C) are correct. Partnering with others to advocate for student equity and achievement and identifying and involving parents and other stakeholders in a crisis situation are ASCA standards for school counselor competency related to collaboration with stakeholders to support student success.

Children in Jean Piaget's stage of preoperational thought have difficulty understanding that another person's thoughts and opinions are different from their own. This type of thinking is referred to as A. egocentrism B. animism C. artificialism D. magical thinking

Option (A) is correct. Egocentrism is the inability to understand that a person's thoughts or opinions are different from one's own.

Ms. Khan, a school counselor, is preparing to conduct individual advisement sessions with middle school students. As she reviews the students' cumulative records, she notices that many of them have results from a formal assessment that she is not familiar with, so she researches the assessment to determine whether it consistently produces the same responses over time. Ms. Khan is looking for the assessment's A. reliability B. internal consistency C. face validity D. content validity

Option (A) is correct. Assessment reliability refers to the assessment's ability to produce consistent responses over time. The school counselor can better interpret the results of the assessment if she knows that the assessment has been shown to be reliable.

In an individual student planning session, a student failing math and science expresses interest in becoming a professional athlete. How might a school counselor best advise this student for postsecondary success? Assisting the student in making the connection between passing classes and playing sports B. Explaining that the student would be more suited to a career in another field C. Bringing awareness to the benefit that playing sports has on the student's social skills D. Engaging the student in a mock interview for a career in the sports field

Option (A) is correct. Assisting the student in making the connection between passing classes and playing sports best enables the student to see the relationship between academics and both playing sports in high school and pursuing a postsecondary athletic career.

Which of the following interventions should a school counselor use to help as many students as possible reduce anxiety? A. Designing and facilitating a classroom lesson on coping skills B. Facilitating a small-group curriculum called stress busters C. Using brief solution-focused individual counseling techniques D. Using motivational-interviewing techniques for crisis counseling

Option (A) is correct. Coping skills will address stress and emotional regulation necessary to reducing anxiety, while a classroom lesson includes the most students out of all the choices provided.

Which of the following techniques is most developmentally appropriate to help elementary school students reduce stress and improve their overall emotional health? Grounding B. Cognitive restructuring and reframing C. Behavioral rehearsal D. Academic goal setting

Option (A) is correct. Grounding involves teaching children appropriate techniques to become mentally present by being attentive to what they can hear, feel, see, taste, and touch.

Which of the following strategies best illustrates prevention of crisis situations in trauma-informed care? Helping students identify triggers and creating coping plans B. Working with students to minimize self-blame C. Ensuring that students have a "safe person" to turn to in crisis D. Encouraging intrinsic motivation in students

Option (A) is correct. Helping students identify triggers and create coping plans may help to prevent the onset of a crisis situation.

Assessing one's school counseling program best allows counselors to do which of the following? Demonstrate effective planning and programming B. Share systemic failures with administration C. Contact other counselors to consult and collaborate D. Eliminate nonschool counseling related duties from their workload

Option (A) is correct. Proving worth and effectiveness is the most important reason to assess one's program.

By serving on committees involved in making school-based decisions, the school counselor is acting in which of the following roles? A. Leader B. Teacher C. Advocate D. Consultant

Option (A) is correct. School counselors participate in the school improvement process as a leader in bringing the school counseling perspective to the development of school goals.

According to Bruce Tuckman's theory of group development, a small group in the storming stage would likely exhibit which of the following behaviors? A. Struggling to determine group goals B. Discussing group rules C. Working cohesively as a group D. Reviewing and evaluating the group's work

Option (A) is correct. Struggling to determine group goals is a major component of the storming group phase. Members may disagree on team goals, and subgroups and cliques may form around strong personalities or areas of agreement. To get through this stage, members must work to overcome obstacles, to accept individual differences, and to work through conflicting ideas on team tasks and goals.

Which of the following is best supported by the Behaviors component of the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success? The learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills students need to achieve academic success B. Students' sense of belonging in the school environment C. The understanding that post-secondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long-term career success D. Students' attitudes or beliefs students have about themselves in relation to academic work

Option (A) is correct. The ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors standards include behaviors commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three subcategories: learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills.

After a school counselor's first year working in the field, the counselor wants to know which activities or interventions made the largest impact on student growth and success. Which of the following data sources should the school counselor review? Annual results report B. School data profile C. School counselor standards and competencies assessment D. School counselor performance appraisal

Option (A) is correct. The annual results report includes participation, Mindsets and Behaviors, and student outcome data and helps to identify effective activities and interventions.

A middle school student struggles to develop positive relationships with peers and reports having few friends. According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the student is having trouble with which of the following? A. Belongingness B. Esteem C. Self-actualization D. Physiological needs

Option (A) is correct. The need for friends and intimate relationships is part of the need for belongingness under Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

A school counselor learns that a student has recently experienced a house fire and that the student might be temporarily homeless as a result. Which of the following is the next best step for the school counselor to take? Referring the student's family to the school social worker for community resources and supports B. Organizing a community drive to donate food and clothes to the student and family C. Explaining the student's situation to the teachers D. Referring the student to the school crisis team

Option (A) is correct. The role of the school counselor in this instance is to connect the student's family to community resources and liaisons available through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to protect the student's access to education during an emergency.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of instruction as part of direct student services within the school counseling curriculum? To assist students in attaining selected ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success B. To assist targeted students who need more intervention C. To monitor the effectiveness of other interventions D. To meet the program goals set annually at the beginning of the school year

Option (A) is correct. The school counseling curriculum is designed from the lens of students meeting the standards in the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success.

A school counselor applying Carl Rogers' approach to individual counseling would most likely employ which of the following techniques? A. Unconditional positive regard B. Dream analysis C. Role-playing scenarios D. Identifying the student's role within the family

Option (A) is correct. Unconditional positive regard is a major component of Carl Rogers' person-centered theory.

A school counselor is trying to transform the school counseling program from a stand-alone service to an integral part of the total educational process. Which of the following should the counselor do first? Align the school counseling program goals to the school improvement goals. B. Survey teachers for topics to present in school counseling classroom lessons. C. Hold meetings to introduce the counseling program to parents. D. Request professional development opportunities from the principal.

Option (A) is correct. When the school counseling program is working toward the same goals as the school, it is better situated to provide services and programs that help all students achieve success.

A school counselor wants to gather feedback on the services provided in the middle school counseling program. Which of the following is the most efficient strategy to collect input from multiple sources? Conducting interviews with a sample group of students B. Administering an electronic survey to students, teachers, and parents C. Facilitating a discussion during a faculty meeting D. Distributing a paper survey to one class per grade level in the school

Option (B) is correct. An electronic survey will provide feedback only from a student perspective about the specific services of the school counseling program. Electronic survey platforms can analyze responses and provide summary data efficiently.

Which of the following behaviors from the ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards and Competencies assessment is encompassed in professional foundation? A. Making referrals to appropriate school and community resources B. Applying legal and ethical principles of the school counseling profession C. Assessing and reporting program results to the school community D. Identifying gaps in achievement, attendance, discipline, opportunity, and resources

Option (B) is correct. Applying legal and ethical principles of the school counseling profession is listed as a "professional foundation" behavior in the ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards and Competencies assessment.

To determine the impact of an antibullying program on students, changes in which of the following would be most useful to evaluate? Attendance rates B. Discipline referrals C. Retention rates D. Academic achievement

Option (B) is correct. Children who bully will often receive discipline referrals. If the number of discipline referrals goes down, the counselor will see the impact of the intervention.

Which of the following represents data separated into component parts by specific variables such as ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status? Outcome data B. Disaggregated data C. Supplemental data D. Participation data

Option (B) is correct. Disaggregated data are data separated into component parts by specific variables such as ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status.

Which of the following pieces of data would be most helpful in identifying an opportunity gap? Percentage of low-socioeconomic students in the school B. Percentage of minority students taking honors-level courses C. Number of students with excessive absences D. Number of students performing below academic reading standards

Option (B) is correct. Disaggregated data showing the percentage of minority students in honors-level courses may indicate an unintended opportunity gap for the students.

According to Donald Super's career theory, a student who is forming a tentative career plan is likely in which of the stages of career development? A. Growth B. Exploration C. Establishment D. Maintenance

Option (B) is correct. During the exploration stage, students begin to understand where they fit in the world of work and to develop a tentative career plan.

Which of the following is an example of a Tier 2 intervention? Creating a lesson for the counselor to present to the whole class B. Engaging select students in a daily check-in/check-out system with the school counselor C. Providing referrals to parents for outside counseling services D. Conducting grade-level meetings to remind students there are consequences for violating school rules

Option (B) is correct. Engaging in a daily check-in/check-out with the school counselor is a targeted intervention for one student to address a specific problem, which is the definition of a Tier 2 intervention.

As a part of a school counselor's year-end evaluation, the counselor is planning to review the ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards & Competencies Assessment. Which of the following areas are assessed in the document? State testing guidelines B. Ethical and legal standards of practice C. School improvement plans D. District IEP training

Option (B) is correct. Ethical practice is just one of the many areas that are highlighted in the assessment.

According to Lev Vygotsky's developmental theory, which of the following provides students with structure to help them master a skill within their zone of proximal development? Process-relational development B. Scaffolding C. Metacognition D. Executive function

Option (B) is correct. In cognitive development theory, scaffolding allows students to gain independence in learning tasks as they reach their goals. The tasks become progressively more difficult as the students gain more knowledge and come closer to reaching their potential level of cognitive development.

According to ASCA, how often should school counselors host advisory council meetings? A. Only in the fall B. Two times per year, once in the fall and once in the spring C. Only at the end of each school year D. Three times each school year: in the fall, at the beginning of spring, and at the end of the school year

Option (B) is correct. It is recommended to have two meetings, one in the fall and one in the spring.

A fifth-grade student struggles to pay attention in class. While meeting with the student's parents, the school counselor learns that the student is taking doctor-prescribed medication to help with focus. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step for the school counselor to take? Referring the student to the school psychologist for special education testing B. Making a child find referral to the Section 504 team for evaluation C. Setting up a parent-teacher conference with the student's teachers D. Requesting that the student's schedule be changed to include resource classes

Option (B) is correct. Once the school counselor learns of the student's prescribed medication to assist with learning and that the student is still struggling, the medical diagnosis is enough to trigger a 504-eligibility evaluation according to the child find mandate.

According to the ASCA National Model, which of the following are the three main types of data school counselors use in assessing program effectiveness? Process, perception, and goal data B. Participation, Mindsets & Behavior, and outcome data C. Disaggregated, ranked, and filtered data D. Socioeconomic, referral, and graduation data

Option (B) is correct. Participation, Mindsets & Behavior, and outcome data are outlined in the ASCA National Model as the most effective types of data to use to demonstrate program effectiveness.

Which of the following is an appropriate responsibility of school counselors when assisting in planning for students with disabilities? Coordinating, writing, or supervising the implementation of the IEP B. Collaborating with other related student support professionals in the delivery of services C. Making singular decisions regarding placement or retention D. Providing long-term therapy

Option (B) is correct. School counselors serve on a student service team whose members collaborate to provide the services students with disabilities need.

Teachers have expressed concern over giving up instructional time for school counseling lessons. The principal has asked the school counselor to prepare a presentation to share with faculty about the importance of delivering the school counseling curriculum. Which type of data will be most valuable in showing the positive impact of the school counseling curriculum? A. Participation data B. Student outcome data C. Needs assessment data D. Mindsets and Behaviors data

Option (B) is correct. Student outcome data shows the impact of the counseling service or intervention on student achievement, attendance, or discipline. Student outcome data is most closely associated with school improvement goals.

The miracle question is a technique most used in which model of counseling? A. Psychoanalytic B. Solution-focused C. Existential D. Family systems

Option (B) is correct. The miracle question is a major facet of solution-focused therapy.

During an individual advisement meeting with a twelfth-grade student, the school counselor explains a standardized testing student score report. The student scored a composite of 21 on the standardized test, with a national percentile rank score of 56%. The national percentile rank score means that A. the student earned a 56 on the test B. 56% of the students who took the test scored a 21 or below C. 56% of the students who took the test scored a 56 D. the student got 56% of the questions correct

Option (B) is correct. The percentile rank score shows how many of the students who took the same test scored the same or lower than the composite score.

A student with an IQ score of 100 on the normal curve scores at the 50th percentile on a standardized math assessment. Which of the following is true about the student's IQ and math score in relation to the normal curve? The student's IQ is higher than the math score. B. The IQ and math score match. C. The student's math score is higher than the student's IQ. D. The student answered 50% of the questions correctly on both the math test and the IQ assessment.

Option (B) is correct. The student's IQ and math score both fall into the 50th percentile on the normal curve and are a match.

Which of the following is an appropriate activity for a school counselor with regard to students' Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and/or IEP meetings? Serving as the IEP team coordinator and writing IEPs B. Coordinating schoolwide IEP meetings C. Serving as an advocate during Child Study Team and IEP meetings D. Maintaining IEP records

Option (C) is correct. According to the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), serving as a student advocate during CST and IEP meetings is the only appropriate activity for a school counselor with regard to IEP meetings and IEPs.

Which of the following theorists discusses the importance of self-efficacy and modeling in social cognitive development? A. Jean Piaget B. Erik Erikson C. Albert Bandura D. Mary Ainsworth

Option (C) is correct. Albert Bandura discusses self-efficacy and modeling as part of his theory.

A high school student completed the Holland career assessment and scored high on the social indicator. Which of the following career experiences is the student most likely to benefit from? Sitting in on a company's board of directors meeting B. Interviewing an artist C. Job shadowing an elementary school teacher D. Helping repair a car

Option (C) is correct. Job shadowing an elementary school teacher is the only option with a Holland code that falls into the social area; education/training matches with college professor.

A school counselor sponsored a virtual college fair for high school students. Students logged in using their school-issued student identification. After the event, the counselor was able to download a report that included the students' names, grade levels, and how long they spent participating in the event. This report is an example of A. outcome data B. perception data C. participation data D. Mindsets and Behaviors data

Option (C) is correct. Participation data describes how many students participated in an activity and how long they participated in the activity.

Which of the following is an appropriate role for a school counselor in regard to working with students with Section 504 plans? Coordinating meetings for 504 plans B. Developing 504 plans, including accommodations C. Identifying the strengths and challenges of students with disabilities D. Providing weekly counseling services for students to help them improve social skills

Option (C) is correct. Per ASCA, identifying the strengths of students with disabilities as well as their challenges is the only acceptable school counselor task.

While working with a student who identifies as LGBTQ, the school counselor learns that a teacher has used inappropriate and homophobic language, which made the student uncomfortable. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step for the school counselor to take? Setting up a parent-teacher conference to discuss the issue B. Sending an e-mail to inform the teacher of the student's LGBTQ status C. Consulting with the building-level supervisor about the teacher's comments D. Requesting that the student's schedule be changed to another class to avoid the teacher

Option (C) is correct. School counselors are advocates for their students while also working to maintain their students' confidentiality. This option addresses the situation with the building-level supervisor, but the student's orientation is not divulged.

Which of the following types of data would best help a school counselor gain understanding about factors that contribute to achievement gaps? Outcome B. Participation C. Supplemental D. Mindset & Behaviors

Option (C) is correct. Supplemental methods solicit additional information from students and relevant stakeholders about the gaps present in school data.

Which of the following is a benefit of ASCA membership that most closely aligns with the Responsibilities to Self standard of the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors? Reduced fees for professional development B. Advocacy for equitable school counseling program practices C. Opportunities to develop and maintain competence in current issues and best practices D. Access to professional liability insurance

Option (C) is correct. The Responsibilities to Self standard refers to maintaining memberships in school counselor professional organizations to stay up-to-date on current research and maintain professional competence in current school counseling issues and topics, which can be accomplished by taking part in workshops and other development opportunities offered by the ASCA as well as attendance at the national conference.

Lev Vygotsky explained that there is a gap between children's ability to solve problems on their own and their potential knowledge if taught through adult instruction. Which of the following terms best describes this gap? Scaffolding B. Transformative learning C. Zone of proximal development D. Potential intellectual ability

Option (C) is correct. The zone of proximal development is defined as the difference between what a student can do and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving with adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.

Which of the following is the most appropriate activity for a school counselor to facilitate to prepare students for the transition from middle school to high school? A. A dinner for students and parents to encourage family engagement B. A parent meeting to promote academic excellence C. A pep rally for school spirit D. A panel discussion between middle and high school students to answer questions

Option (D) is correct. A panel discussion between middle and high school students allows for younger students to have their questions answered by students currently attending the high school.

A teacher asks the school counselor to help design an intervention that would be beneficial for the whole class. In the process of consultation, which of the following roles does the school counselor take? Mediator B. Advisor C. Facilitator D. Collaborator

Option (D) is correct. A school counselor in the collaborator role participates as a team member in defining, designing, and implementing a solution.

According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, a middle-school student who is learning to use abstract reasoning is likely in which of the following stages? Sensorimotor B. Preoperational C. Concrete operational D. Formal operational

Option (D) is correct. Abstract thought is part of the formal operational stage.

School counselors can best support students as they develop personal identities by encouraging students to commit to a career choice early and to stick with it B. discouraging social relationships in which students may experience discomfort C. providing students with experiences that reinforce one viewpoint D. providing students with a wide range of information about of academic, social, and career opportunities

Option (D) is correct. Adolescents are best served when they can experience a wide variety of academic, social/emotional, and career opportunities as they develop their sense of self and personal identity. School counselors can provide these experiences in their school counseling curriculum and in events that give students the opportunity to explore their interactions with others and career choices.

A student's noncustodial parent arrives at an elementary school to talk with the student. The school counselor should do which of the following? Politely ask the parent to leave and inform the custodial parent about the situation. B. Contact the authorities and report the situation. C. Allow the noncustodial parent to talk with the student but report it to the custodial parent. D. Allow the noncustodial parent to talk with the student unless there is legal documentation prohibiting contact.

Option (D) is correct. Allowing the noncustodial parent to talk with the student unless there is legal documentation prohibiting contact is both an ethical and a legal course of action to take.

Which of the following is the most appropriate first step for a school counselor to take in designing a new school counseling program? Reviewing the school data profile B. Discussing activities that should be included in the counseling program with administration C. Developing a closing-the-gap action plan D. Establishing vision and mission statements for the counseling program

Option (D) is correct. Because the vision and mission statements of the school counseling program serve as the foundation for all program activities and services, these statements should be aligned to the school and district vision and mission statements to ensure that the counseling program is an integral part of the educational process.

Which of the following has the greatest potential to create systemic change and a safe school environment? Conducting individual counseling with students who are involved in the highest incidence of conflict B. Providing school counseling curriculum that teaches conflict resolution C. Planning voluntary small-group intervention for specific sets of students D. Engaging in schoolwide collaboration among administration, teachers, staff, and the school counseling program

Option (D) is correct. By engaging in schoolwide collaboration, teachers, staff, school counselors, and other stakeholders have the potential to create systemic change.

Which of the following activities would be most appropriate for helping a high school student develop career readiness? A. Participating in take your child to work day B. Taking a career interest inventory C. Crafting a project about various jobs to present on career day D. Engaging in a cooperative work experience

Option (D) is correct. During a cooperative work experience, students are employed in a part-time job and may receive pay, school credit, or both. They are evaluated on performance and job completion. This experience typically occurs in the junior and senior years in high school.

For which of the following situations would peer mediation be the best intervention for a school counselor to recommend? Conflict resolution between a parent and an administrator B. Conflict resolution between the perpetrator and the victim in a bullying situation C. Conflict resolution between a teacher and a student over grades D. Conflict resolution between two friends

Option (D) is correct. Equal student-to-student conflict is the only appropriate model for peer mediation.

A school counselor wants to ensure the counseling program uses evidence-based practices to respond to an increase in student absences. Which of the following is an example of an evidenced-based practice the counselor should utilize? A. Arranging for volunteers to call students who do not come to school B. Asking the school social worker to conduct a home visit after a student misses three days of school C. Conducting a small counseling group for students with more than five school absences D. Implementing a previously validated attendance program

Option (D) is correct. Evidence-based practices are concepts or strategies that are informed by objective evidence or research with metrics for student impact. These programs have been tested and identified as effective interventions.

A school counselor gets a request from a student's family to provide the student with individual counseling because of a traumatic experience. Which of the following is the best action for the school counselor to take? Creating and implementing a small-group curriculum for the student B. Providing brief solution-focused individual counseling C. Referring the student to the school crisis team D. Referring the family to outside mental-health counseling options

Option (D) is correct. Individual counseling around trauma is outside the school counselor's role and scope and is not appropriate for a small-group, in-school intervention. The student should be referred to outside services.

A student scores in the 50th percentile on a standardized reading assessment. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the student's test results? A. The student answered half the questions on the assessment correctly. B. The student scored in the above-average range. C. The student scored in the below-average range. D. The student scored in the average range

Option (D) is correct. The 50th percentile is average and means the student scored as well or better than 50 students out of 100.

Which of the following is a purpose of school counseling program evaluation? To assess whether the school counselor has the necessary competencies to be effective B. To determine how the school counselor makes use of time C. To provide examples of formal and informal leadership D. To quantitatively demonstrate the impact that the school counseling program has on students

Option (D) is correct. The purpose of assessing a school counseling program is to determine the impact the program has on students and to identify areas of improvement.

Which TWO of the following are appropriate activities for school counselors based on the ASCA National Model? A. Poviding counseling to students who have disciplinary problems B. Maintaining student records C. Protecting student records and information per state and federal regulations D. Coordinating cognitive, aptitude, and achievement testing programs

Options (A) and (C) are correct. Providing counseling and addressing attendance gaps are both activities within the scope of the school counselor's role. Additionally, protecting student records per FERPA is within the scope of the school counselor's role and is therefore an appropriate activity.

Which THREE of the following are components of the ASCA National Model (2019) annual administrative conference template? A. Annual student outcome goals B. Assigned duty C. Ratio and caseload D. Materials wish list E. School and district committees and professional work

Options (A), (C), and (E), are correct. Per the ASCA National Model, annual student outcome goals, ratio and caseload, and documenting service on school and district committees and other professional work are all components of the annual administrative conference template.

Which THREE of the following are roles of the school counselor within the framework of multi-tiered systems of support? A. Analyzing disciplinary procedures for effectiveness B. Referring students to school and community services as appropriate C. Developing extracurricular offerings and community support networks D. Evaluating academic and behavioral progress after interventions E. Providing all students with a standards-based school counseling curriculum to address universal academic, career, and social/emotional development

Options (B), (D), and (E) are correct. Based on the ASCA Position Statement on the School Counselor and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (2008, 2014, 2018), this is an appropriate role of the school counselor within an MTSS.

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