Pre and Post Zygotic Barriers
Individuals from different species do not come in contact with each other EX: Polar and Grizzly Bears
What is Spatial Isolation? Example?
separated by physical barriers
What is allopatric?
ritual behaviors that prepare partners for mating example : birds with songs or dances
What is behavioral isolation? example?
proteins in eggs can only bond with sperm with other species example: external reproduction (sponges)
What is gametic isolation? example?
odd number of chromosomes prevent reproduction EX: mules (horse and donkey)
What is hybrid infertility? example?
incomplete genetic instructions that cannot complete zygote EX: sheep crossed with goat
What is hybrid inviability? example?
sex organs are incompatible between different species example : lock and key insects
What is mechanical isolation? example?
separated by by other factors besides physical
What is sympatric?
Timing of readiness Example: different flowering periods for flowers
What is temporal isolation? example?
allopatric and sympatric
What are the two types of speciation?
Hybrid inviability and infertility
What are the 2 post zygotic barriers?
Spatial, Behavioral, Mechanical, Temporal, and Gametic
What are the 5 prezygotic barriers?