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Volcanic rocks derived from the Yellowstone hot spot get progressively older to the southwest. Based on this information, in which direction is the North American plate moving? A) southeast B) southwest C) northwest D) northeast


What type of mineral is Calcite (CaCO3)? A) Sulfate B) Carbonate C) Oxide D) Silicate


What type of mineral is gypsum, (CaSO4-2H2O) the primary component of drywall? A) oxide B) sulfate C) carbonate D) silicate


What type of volcano consists of interbedded lava flows and pyroclastic deposits? A) a volcanic neck B) a stratovolcano C) a cinder cone D) a shield volcano


Which of the following carbon fluxes is the GREATEST? A) air-sea gas exchange B) photosynthesis and respiration C) chemical weathering D) volcanism


Which of the following is not associated with convergent plate boundaries? A) deep-sea trenches B) spreading centers C) volcanoes D) earthquakes


Which of the following processes produces ozone? A) absorption of infrared radiation B) ionization by ultraviolet radiation C) chemical weathering D) photosynthesis


Basaltic lava that cools under water forms distinct _________ features. A) aa B) vesicular C) pillow lava D) pahoehoe


Compared to places at lower elevations, highland climates are usually cooler and __________. A) less changeable B) sunny C) wetter D) dryer E) none of these


During which stage of landscape evolution in a mountainous desert is relief greatest? A) late stage B) middle stage C) early stage D) Relief does not change significantly during the evolution of a mountainous desert landscape.


How the surface of a mineral reflects light is referred to as ________. A) Streak B) Habit C) Luster D) Reflectivity


If a magma undergoes fractional crystallization, the remaining magma will be ______. A) exactly the same B) more mafic C) more felsic D) less viscous


Long sand ridges that are oriented more or less parallel to the prevailing wind are called __________ dunes. A) barchan B) transverse C) longitudinal D) parabolic


On a map of the seafloor, the boundaries between normally magnetized oceanic crust and reversely magnetized oceanic crust are called __________. A) isograds B) sutures C) isochrons D) dipoles


The Great Rift Valley of East Africa is an early-stage _________. A) transform boundary B) deep-sea trench C) divergent boundary D) convergent boundary


The ________ is the ice component of the climate system. A) hydrosphere B) glaciosphere C) cryosphere D) stratosphere


The largest forms of igneous intrusions are called __________. A) sills B) plutons C) batholiths D) stocks


The plate tectonic system is driven by _________. A) the climate system B) solar heat C) internal heat D) magnetism


The two most common elements in the Earth's crust are _________. A) iron and sulfur B) chlorine and sodium C) oxygen and silicon D) calcium and carbon


What does the symbol Na+ represent? A) a sodium electron B) a sodium anion C) a sodium cation D) a sodium proton


What type of plate boundary is parallel to the direction of plate movement? A) divergent plate boundary B) convergent plate boundary C) transform plate boundary D) all of the above


Which of the following concepts was developed earliest? A) plate tectonics B) seafloor spreading C) continental drift D) All three concepts were developed at about the same time.


Which of the following energy fluxes is the GREATEST? A) energy flowing out of Earth's interior B) solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere C) solar energy absorbed by Earth's surface D) solar energy reflected by clouds and surface


Which of the following has dramatically changed the carbon cycle over the past 150 years? A) burial of organic carbon B) deposition of carbon-rich sediments C) burning of fossil fuels D) volcanism


Which of the following processes would most likely yield a granitic magma? A) partial melting of the upper mantle B) partial melting of subducted oceanic crust and sediments C) partial melting of the continental crust D) partial melting of the core


The combustion of __________ has added great quantities of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A) paper B) wood C) oxygen D) fossil fuels E) none of these


The geologic record indicates that ice ages start ______ and end _____. A) abruptly; abruptly B) abruptly; gradually C) gradually; gradually D) gradually; abruptly


The magnitude of a temperature increase due to greenhouse warming will probably be smallest in the __________. A) subtropics B) polar regions C) higher middle-latitudes D) tropics E) lower middle-latitudes


The residence time of an element or compound in a given reservoir is controlled by A) influx. B) outflux. C) reservoir size. D) influx, outflux, and reservoir size.


The slip face of a particular barchan dune is on the southeast side. The prevailing wind in this area is from the _______. A) southeast B) northeast C) southwest D) northwest


Weathering of carbonate and silicate rocks A) adds carbon to the atmosphere and the lithosphere. B) adds carbon to the atmosphere and removes carbon from the lithosphere. C) removes carbon from the atmosphere and adds carbon to the lithosphere. D) removes carbon from the atmosphere and the lithosphere.


What is Earth's albedo? A) the fraction of Earth's surface that is covered by land B) the fraction of Earth's surface that is covered by oceans C) the fraction of solar energy absorbed by Earth's surface D) the fraction of solar energy reflected by Earth's surface


What is the term for atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons? A) polymorphs B) electrons C) ions D) isotopes


What type of rock makes up the Columbia Plateau of Oregon and Washington? A) pyroclastic flows B) composite volcanoes C) cinder cones D) flood basalts


Which of the following is associated with a divergent plate boundary? A) Rifting B) Earthquakes C) Volcanism D) all of the above


Which of the following is the least reliable physical property? A) hardness B) streak C) cleavage D) color


Which of the following locations is least likely to have active volcanoes? A) island arc B) mid-oceanic ridge C) continental rift valley D) transform fault


Which of the following minerals is most likely to settle to the bottom of a magma chamber? A) plagioclase feldspar B) pyroxene C) quartz D) olivine


Why are isochrons on the Pacific seafloor more widely spaced than isochrons on the Atlantic seafloor? A) The Pacific seafloor formed at a slower spreading rate than the Atlantic seafloor. B) The Pacific seafloor is older than the Atlantic seafloor. C) The Pacific seafloor is younger than the Atlantic seafloor. D) The Pacific seafloor formed at a faster spreading rate than the Atlantic seafloor


__________ dunes often form along coasts where strong winds create a blowout. A) Barchan B) Transverse C) Longitudinal D) Parabolic


Which of the following is a wind deposit? A) pediment B) barchan C) loess D) both pediment and loess E) both loess and barchan


Continents "float" high because they are _______. A) less dense than the mantle and oceanic crust B) the same density as the mantle and oceanic crust C) thicker than the mantle and oceanic crust D) denser than the mantle and oceanic crust


Find the correct volcano/volcanic product match. A) cinder cone/unconsolidated pyroclastic ejecta B) dome/basalt C) shield volcano/andesite D) shield volcano/rhyolite


How does wind transport sand grains? A) by saltation as part of the bed load B) primarily as part of the suspended load C) Equal quantities are transported as suspended load and bed load. D) Wind is not capable of moving sand grains.


If Earth's atmosphere did NOT contain greenhouse gases, Earth's surface would be approximately A) 33°C cooler. B) 10°C warmer. C) 10°C cooler. D) 33°C warmer.


Iron and magnesium ions are similar in size and both have a +2 positive charge. Therefore, we would expect iron and magnesium to _______________. A) substitute for each other in minerals B) bond easily C) share electrons D) form polymorphs


Mica is a common example of a ________ silicate. A) sheet B) double-chain C) framework D) single-chain


New oceanic crust is created at ________. A) mid-ocean ridges B) transform boundaries C) deep-sea trenches D) subduction zones


Solar radiation absorbed by Earth's ground surface is reemitted as A) infrared radiation. B) visible radiation. C) ultraviolet radiation. D) x-ray radiation.


Solidified fragments of volcanic material ejected into the air are called ______. A) pyroclasts B) phenocrysts C) vesicles D) pillow basalts


Solitary dunes whose tips point downwind are __________ dunes. A) barchan B) transverse C) longitudinal D) parabolic


The __________ sides of mountains are often wet. A) windward B) southern C) steep D) sunny E) leeward


The amount of energy input to Earth's surface is __________ the heat flowing out of Earth's deep interior. A) much greater than B) slightly less than C) slightly greater than D) much less than


The greenhouse effect describes the A) way in which Earth's atmosphere traps heat. B) way in which Earth reflects heat energy. C) way in which Earth's ozone layer reflects heat. D) release of O2 into the atmosphere from plants.


The greenhouse effect is caused by A) carbon dioxide and water vapor that trap heat radiating from Earth's surface. B) heating of homes and businesses, which releases excess heat into the atmosphere. C) oceans that trap heat radiating from Earth's seafloors. D) too many plants on the surface of Earth, which prevents cooling of the surface.


The lowermost layer of Earth's atmosphere is called the A) troposphere. B) mesosphere. C) stratosphere. D) thermosphere.


The main type of plate boundaries are (proper names only): __________. A) convergent, transform, divergent B) divergent, pull-apart, spreading C) transform, sliding-past, sizzor D) convergent, colliding, crumbling


What type of mineral is pyrite (FeS2), also known as "fool's gold"? A) sulfide B) silicate C) carbonate D) oxide


Which of the following gases is the main constituent of volcanic gas? A) water vapor B) carbon dioxide C) nitrogen D) sulfur dioxide


Which of the following lavas will flow downhill slowest? A) rhyolite (felsic) B) andesite (intermediate) C) basalt (mafic) D) Andesite, basalt, and rhyolite lavas all flow at approximately the same speed.


Which of the following minerals crystallizes from a magma at the lowest temperature? A) Quartz B) Pyroxene C) calcium-rich feldspar D) Olivine


Which of the following minerals does not exhibit cleavage (it exhibits conchoidal fracture)? A) quartz B) mica C) amphibole D) calcite


Which of the following processes removes carbon from the atmosphere? A) photosynthesis B) respiration C) volcanism D) all of the above


Which of the following statements about feldspar is false? A) Feldspar is a sheet silicate. B) Feldspar is harder than calcite. C) Feldspar is softer than corundum. D) Feldspar is the most abundant mineral in the Earth's crust.


Which one of the following is NOT a trace gas contributing to a future global increase in temperature? A) water vapor B) methane C) nitrous oxide D) chlorofluorocarbons


A dry wash is __________. A) a type of loess deposit B) a desert stream channel C) a sand-free zone on the floor of a desert D) an accumulation of sand on the lee side of a dune E) none of these


A long and narrow sinuous ridge composed largely of sand and gravel is a(n) __________. A) B) esker C) cirque D) end moraine E) kame terrace


At the last glacial maximum, sea level was approximately ______ lower than today. A) 10 m B) 130 m C) 200 m D) 1000 m


At what type of plate boundary do the deepest earthquakes occur? A) transform B) convergent C) divergent D) All of these plate boundaries have deep earthquakes.


How old are the oldest rocks on the ocean floor? A) about 600 million years old B) about 200 million years old C) about 4.0 billion years old D) about 20 million years old


In Earth's climate system, positive feedbacks tend to ______ changes in the system, and negative feedbacks tend to ________ the system against change. A) stabilize; amplify B) amplify; stabilize C) stabilize; protect D) amplify; destabilize


In a climatological sense, dryness is a function of both annual rainfall and __________. A) altitude B) evaporation C) solar radiation D) wind direction E) slope


Long sand ridges oriented at right angles to the wind are __________ dunes. A) barchan B) transverse C) longitudinal D) parabolic


The ___________ system describes the average surface conditions and their variation as a result of the input of solar energy forces. A) radiation B) climate C) greenhouse D) stratosphere


The classification of igneous rocks is dependent on texture and __________. A) the relative proportion of phenocryst minerals B) the relative proportion of silicate minerals C) the relative proportion of vesicles D) the relative proportion of pyroclastic material


The flux that removes excess calcium from the ocean basins is A) evaporation. B) sedimentation of calcium carbonate. C) subduction. D) reaction with sodium.


The loess deposited in many parts of the Midwest __________. A) had its source in desert regions to the west B) had its source as glacial outwash deposits C) is thickest and coarsest on the windward (west) side of many river valleys D) is in the form of transverse dunes E) none of these


The most common chemical element in Earth's atmosphere is A) oxygen. B) nitrogen. C) sulfur. D) carbon dioxide.


The oldest continental rocks are __________ than the oldest oceanic rocks. A) slightly younger B) much older C) much younger D) slightly older


Which of the following statements about lava is true? A) The more gas a lava contains, the less violent the eruption. B) Felsic lavas contain more iron than mafic lava. C) High temperature lavas are less viscous than low-temperature lavas. D) The viscosity of a lava increases as the silica content decreases.


Which of the following types of igneous rocks has the lowest silica content? A) mafic B) felsic C) ultramafic D) intermediate


Which one of the main components of the climate system is the most mobile and changes most rapidly? A) the hydrosphere B) the cryosphere C) the atmosphere D) the lithosphere


A torrential mudflow of wet volcanic debris is called a(n) _________. A) landslide B) eruption cloud C) ash flow tuff D) lahar


Chemical analysis of ice cores demonstrates that as temperature increases, concentrations of atmospheric A) carbon dioxide and methane both decrease. B) carbon dioxide decreases while methane increases. C) carbon dioxide increases while methane decreases. D) carbon dioxide and methane both increase.


Crater Lake, in Oregon, is an example of a __________. A) composite volcano B) shield volcano C) cinder cone D) caldera


Desert pavement is the result of __________. A) intense chemical weathering B) erosion by running water C) abrasion by windblown sand D) deflation E) none of these


Dunes whose tips point into the wind are __________ dunes. A) barchan B) transverse C) longitudinal D) parabolic


During which 100-year period did CO2 atmospheric levels increase the most? A) 1200 to 1300 B) 1400 to 1500 C) 1800 to 1900 D) 1900 to 2000


Earth's low-latitude deserts and steppes coincide with the __________ pressure belts. A) polar high B) equatorial low C) subpolar low D) subtropical high E) both A and C


Felsic igneous rocks contain abundant __________ silicate minerals. A) isolated tetrahedra B) double-chain C) single-chain D) framework


Fluid-induced melting generates magmas in which of the following tectonic settings? Think about the type of plate boundary where this occurs. A) transform faults B) mid-ocean ridges C) mantle plumes D) subduction zones


How has the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changed since the start of the Industrial Revolution? A) Levels have increased by 20 ppm. B) Levels have increased by 40 ppm. C) Levels have increased by 60 ppm. D) Levels have increased by 90 ppm.


If the position between antennas on two plates moving away from each other changes by 10 mm/yr, then each plate is moving at approximately ______. A) 2.5 mm/yr B) 10 mm/yr C) 1 mm/yr D) 5 mm/yr


Isochrons on the seafloor are roughly __________ the ridge axis along which they were created. A) perpendicular to and symmetric about B) parallel to, but not symmetric about C) perpendicular to, but not symmetric about D) parallel to and symmetric about


Shallow focus earthquakes are associated with which type of plate boundary? A) transform B) divergent C) convergent D) all of the above


Small vents on volcanoes that emit gas fumes and steam are called ________. A) lahars B) calderas C) vesicles D) fumaroles


The Milankovitch cycles are dependent on Earth's A) orbital eccentricity. B) precession. C) angle of tilt on the rotation axis. D) orbital eccentricity, precession, and angle of tilt on the rotation axis.


The atomic mass of an element is equal to the number of ______. A) Neutrons B) Protons C) protons plus neutrons plus electrons D) protons plus neutrons


The chemical formula (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 describes which of the following minerals? A) mica B) pyroxene C) feldspar D) olivine


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