Industrial Revolution

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By 1850, ___% of the British population lives in towns or cities.


How was Frederich List able to be successful?

A German advocated for growth in industry by tariffs.

What did Germany discover in 1850?

A treasure of coal in the Ruhr valley.

How did the Irish system for owning land work for poor men?

Absentee British landlords rented land to Irish peasants. The landlords only cared for money, not the conditions of their tenants.

Factory Acts

Acts passed in Britain around the years 1833 ad 1844 that prohibited child and women work hours.

What disadvantages and advantages were felt by countries that industrialized after Great Britain?

Advantages- other countries were able to steal British ideas and industrialists Disadvantages- Britain dominated the goods market, led in tech, dominated in making machinery

What else did the rest of not industrialized Europe focus on?

Agriculture and raw good manufacturing.

David Ricardo

An economist that theorized that wages would only be as high as to keep workers from starving.

Cartwright's power loom

An invention by Cartwright to spin w/o manual use

To which three European countries did the BIR mostly spread to?

Belgium, France, and Germany. It wasn't until around 1900 until the BIR spread elsewhere.

Out of France, Belgium and Germany, which took the lead for second place in per capita industry?

Belgium, they got on board with the steam engine early.

Which country was the first to investigate food laws? Why did countries previously shy away from doing so?

France, the government saw food laws as blocking free trade and competition.

James Watt

Imported Newcomen's steam engine by greatly improving the efficiency. The Scotsman sold his engine in Britain.

What's the Great Famine?

In 1845, potatoes in Ireland are infected with fungus for the next six years. This kills 41-45 million Irish and causes another two million to emigrate.

George Stephenson

Invented the Rocket, the first locomotive.

James Hargreaves

Invented the cotton spinning jenny.

Of all the European nations, only ________ has a decreasing population.


How did Britain's banking system contribute to the BIR?

It loaned to more people liberality, also many merchants were willing to push innovation.

Describe the metaphor of comparing a early industrialized city to a Russian dolls.

On the inside of these early industrialized cities, the poorest of the poor lived in row houses and worked act factories. The middle class artisans lived in the middle and the rich towards the outskirts.

How did coal get its start?

Originally, a horse pulled a mine cart at coal mines . Finally, people started using them for transportation around 1830.

Who were the members of the new middle class?

The factory owners and capitalists were the new middle class.

What change was made in banks during the I.R?

They became public and more willing to take risks.

What strides did the continent finally make towards industry?

They eventually improved or changed technical schools, school funding, grants, tariff exemptions for machine parts, and money into industry.

What about Britain's transportation was beneficial to the BIR?

They had lots of canals and waterways which made travel easier, lots or railroads for faster transit, lots of roads and bridges, and there were no customs and tolls.

Britain's government ________ the voice's of its people, who called for innovation.


The most important factor in promoting change and innovation was the _______.


The _______ is the chief means of organizing labor because?

the factory, the factory meant that peopled had to show up at ceriten times with standardized clocks and organized shifts.

The train industry was a revolution in ________.


People moved from the countryside to the _______.

urban areas surrounding factories

Coal and Steam replaced ______ and _______ as the new sources of energy during the Industrial Revolution.

wind, water

What was the subcontract system? Did it have a positive effect or negative effect on the lower class of Britain.

The subcontract system was giving work to individuals to do at their own facility. Positive- increased efficiency Negative- workers became more specialized and received less pay

What was meant by the term sexual division of labor? What are various theories about its emergence?

The term sexual division of labor refers to the roles of father as money maker and provider and mother as domestic caretaker. This could have arisen from the Factory Acts that prohibited women from working in the mines, where they could receive a man's pay.

How would agricultural help people live longer?

There was more of an excess of food which meant that people could pack on more belly fat.

Describe the factory owners.

They were creative entrepreneurs who were often exploitative of their financial lessers. They took risks and were trail blazers.

What was the reaction of the artisans to the I.R.

They were scared and rightfully so, machines were stealing their jobs.

What was Edwine Chadwick's main goal? What did he end up accomplishing.

To get rid of poverty and to improve the poor's living conditions. He founded the Board of Public Health in Britain and improved sanitary conditions through the first public health act.

Thomas Malthus

Wrote an "essay on the principles of Population" wanted to put population checks on Britain.

Was the adulteration of food in the I.R a problem? How?

Yes. Their were no laws on producers of products, so things like allon was added to bread. Milk and beer was watered down and even pepper was often replaced with red lead.

What was the purpose of the Zollverein? Of the Credit Mobiler?

Zollverein- a tariff union of German states designed to protect German industry. Credit Mobiler- a public bank involved in a large scandal

What impact did the railroad have on a) the factory system b) the rural workers c) the outlook and values of society?

a) quicker transportation of raw and finished goods b) cottage working poor men had to start working at factories c) people felt as though they were not connected to the rest of Europe quickly

In the first half of the 19th century, the factory workers were the ______ working demographic of the bottom class. a. smallest b. largest c. overwhelmingly dominate d. none of the above

a. smallest, still the majority of the bottom class were rural farmers. Only a 100 years ago, 80% of people in Britain farmed.

The cottage industry was replaced with the ________ industry.


With the factory shift, now the workers don't ______ the goods any more.


Why did the Industrial REvolution begin in England? Name three reasons

1. S.R sponsored modern thinking 2. Institutions like Royal British institutions 3. The Enlightenment 4. Exports of woolen cloth 5. Slave trade 6.south Asian trading 7. Colonies provided cotton 8. British workers earned high wages 9. Britain had high efficiency crops 10. Families had excess wages to consume goods with 11. Aggressive governmental policies protecting industry

Name three effects of the railroads.

1. easier transportation 2. drop of price of goods 3. a more connected country 4. new jobs 5. cheaper and faster transportation 6. larger goods from cheaper products 7. MORE MORE MORE 8. money reinvested back into industry 9. new economy for Europe

Name three things that held the rest of Europe back from the BIR.

1. lack of transit and roads 2. tolls and customs barriers 3. Guild restrictions were prevalent 4. investors didn't take risks 5. the continent was ravaged by the Napoleonic Wars 6. lack of technology and education

Describe some of the problems in the workplace of factories.

1. poor lighting 2. unsafe machinery 3. long hours 4. brutal discipline 5. factories were too hot or cold 6. orphans were taken in forcefully for child labor

What was the Crystal Palace?

A fair held by the British government that exhibited Britain's great technology and machinery. It became a symbol of the BIR.

Andrew Ure

A industrialist that held a contrasting view that cotton factories were not damaging and unfair to their workers.

Iron Law of Wages

A law of economics that stated that real wages, wages based off of inflation, always tended to be moving towards the minimum wages required to feed a worker.

Fredrich List

A strong supporter of industry, the German studied the growing American economy and returned home to Germany and supported tariffs and railroads.

Tariff Protection

A system designed to protect the enacting country by placing taxes on foreign goods

Industrial Revolution

A term to describe a major burst of inventions and economic expansion

Describe the cause and effect of over population seen in rural Europe.

Agricultural revolution caused by better equipment and farming methods which leads to over population in farm lands. This create more poverty; these poor, desperate people move to the city to find a job. Still, the majority of workers were in the countryside.

Describe why India was handicapped.

At this time, they were occupied by Britain and were not allowed to produce goods only sell raw goods.

What were the variations in the timing and extent of industrialization in the United States, Belgium, Germany, and France.

Belgium-rich in ore and coal, grew rapidly from 1830 to 1860 France-slow and steady factory growth, focused more on luxury good production through artisans Germany and U.S-rose rapidly after 1860

What do the careers of Cokcerill, Harkort, and List tell us about the problems and methods of industrialization on the continent?

Both of them were entrepreneurs who sough to increase the rest of Europe's industry and make a shit ton of money. They struggled but were able to import British goods to the Continent but they also had virtually no competition.

Which country had to import food to feed its rapidly expanding population?


Which nation in Europe had the highest standard of living?


Describe the demand and subsequent innovation seen in the inventions of the flying shuttle and Hargreaves's spinning jenny?

Britain had a demand for more cheaply produced cotton, the flying shuttle sped up the process of weaving on a loom. This meant that more yarn was needed, which led to the spinning jenny, which could produce more help spinners produce more yarn in larger quantities.

Which natural resources did Britain have to help the BIR?

Britain had ample supply of coal and iron ore.

How did Britain's navy help the BIR?

Britain had widespread markets and trade networks. A strong navy would connect India to the U.S.

Combination Acts

British laws passed in 1799 that outlawed Unions and Strikes. They were hated and later repealed in 1824.

Describe how Edmund Cartwright's inventions contributed to the BIR.

Cartwright invented the power loom, which let the weaving of cloth to catch up with the yarn spinning. Early power looms were not very efficient. it wasn't until the 1820s that the power-looms were able to make the cottage industry irrelevant

How did the change in textile production affect employment in spinning and wreaking for adults and children?

Children were often desperately finding work in harsh factory conditions. The population generally moved in to cities to work in factories. People generally became more urban and less rural.

People not only emigrated from their own countries to other countries, but also to _________.

Cities where they could find work

How was coal helpful to the iron industry?

Coal allowed iron ore to reach a higher temperature. Henry Curt took it to the next level by inventing the puddling system, which allowed pig iron to be purified more to form a better wrought iron.

Describe the demand, innovation, production, and replacement effect of the steam and coal revolutions.

Demand- cotton machinery required a lot of power and owners wanted location variance. Innovation- steam engines, which allowed flexible locations, this created more coal mining. Production- Watt later invented a more effective steam engine that was then used in cotton factories . Replacement- water mills were used much less

Henry Cort

Developed a puddling furnace which allowed pig iron to be refined in turn with coke.

What early laws did Britain have on emigration and exports?

Early on, innovators and skilled workers were not allowed to emigrate from Britain and machine parts were not allowed to leave Britain.

Describe the energy crisis in England. How was it solved?

Europe as whole relied on wood for energy, but Britain did not have enough forests. Britain turned to coal. Sovery and Newcomen then invented the steam engine in Britain.

(T/F) Britain and the Netherlands were main countries that felt the population boom.

F, all of Europe massively increased in population.

James Kay-Shuttlesworth was a crude but effective writer who reported on the I.R.

F, he was eloquent in his writing.

(T/F) The British government sponserd only one type train company to increase efficiency.

F, there were many private rail ways

(T/F) The late coming European nations to the I.R started first producing cotton.

F, they knew they couldn't catch up with Britain in cotton so they started with heavy industry.

(T/F) The middle class was over confident in their own health and protection from disease.

F, they were paranoid of disease which lead to their funding of the first Public Health Act.

Besides Ireland, what other region experienced a famine during the Industrial Revolution?


Which two British cities focused on cotton?

Glasgow and lancshire


Hand craft workers that rioted at factories thinking that machines were stealing their jobs.

Describe how Samuel Compton's inventions helped the BIR.

He invented the combined the spinning jenny and the water frame for a mega ball busters production.

Describe how Richard Arkwright's inventions helped the BIR.

He invented the water frame, which increased spinning capacity.

Describe how Fritz Harkort was able to be successful.

He was a German who initiated engineering in Germany .

Describe how John Cockerill was able to be successful.

He was a business man from Belgium who pirated British innovations to make MASSIVE COCK SIZED profits.

Crystal Palace

Hosted by British royalty, exhibited modern inventions and tech

Where was the first public railroad? What was the train called?

Liverpool to Manchester 30 miles, Rocket.

Which city had the biggest population?


Describe the shift in employment seen in the Industrial Revolution.

Many poor farm workers became factory workers .

Mines Act of 1842

Prohibited females and boys under 10 in Britain from working in coal mines.

Why would protecting private property positively improve BIR?

Protecting private property made for a positive climate and safety for an innovator. They made few restrictions of private enterprise.

Fredrich Engles

Prussian/English man who hated the middle class for taking advantage of the poor working class.

Describe the change in record keeping during the I.R.

Records were now kept by the government instead of the Church. They were much more accurate.

What did countries do to combat food adulteration?

Some countries had spotters who only reported crimes. These spotters were also responsible for other crime like prostitution.

Spinning jenny

Spinned cotton, greatly increased factory output.

Describe Russia's economy.

Still has peasants bound to serfdom and no middle class, content to sell raw goods for produced goods.

(T/F) Population growth was due to a decreased death rate.

T, birth rates actually went down. People died less due to less a) famine b) epidemic c) war.

What effect did the French Revolution and the wars of 1792-1815 have on the economics of the continental states?

The French Revolution caused caused a disruption in production and the economies of all of the Continent's governments. This would have helped Britain get ahead.

How did the agricultural revolution of the 17th century contribute to Britain's industrial revolution (BIR)

The increase in food led to cheaper prices, more people could be fed with less wages. Families could spend more money on goods with their surplus

Why were pre steam engine factories built around rivers?

The machinery required watermill power to properly work, the steam engine gave more location variation.

Over the course of 70 years, the Irish population doubled. Why?

The potato; it was nutritious and easy to grow. Ireland came to depend on the potato.

What was the relationship between the steam Engines and coal mine? The railroad and the coal mine?

The steam engine allowed coal mining to become much more efficient. Coal was burned, heat water to then turn a turnpike. Coal and steam engines could be used to power trains.

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