Principles of Coaching Test 1

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what is the command style?

the coach makes all the decisions

what are the three dimensions of communication

sending and receiving messages- being able to read athletes verbal and nonverbal messages content and emotion

What are components of team culture?

team tradition, basic operating procedures, management of information, nature of the sport, power influence and statues structure within the team, and leadership style of the coach

what is the submissive style?

the coach makes as few decisions as possible- the "we are here to have a fun time" approach

what is the appropriate perspective to winning, according to this book?

the emphasis of a coach should not be on the winning itself but on striving to win

What do we feel when we reach an optimal level of activation?

the flow experience - which occurs when we are totally immersed in an activity. the individual looses their sense of time, feeling everything is going right because they are not bored or anxious.

what is your public self?

the image you believe others have of you. yo want others to believe certain things about you so they love and respect you

what does philosophy mean?

the means to the pursuit of wisdom

what is your ideal self?

the person you would like to be - it represents your values, your sense of right and wrong

how do success-oriented athletes thing?

the see winning as a consequence of their ability, which gives the confidence in their ability to succeed and take risks. failures are blamed on insufficient effort not ability

what is your real self?

the sum of the subjective thoughts, feelings, and needs that you see as being the authentic you. it is constantly changing.

what is a team culture?

the way things are done on a team - the social architecture that nurtures the team psych which creates a climate for success

how do failure oriented athletes thing?

they attribute this failures to a lack of ability, and infrequent successes are attributed to luck or weak and incompetent opponents. they blame self for failure and take little or no credit for successes

why do communication problems occur?

they occur more when people are under stress, when they are passionate about the subject, or when the outcome is very important to them.

what does making an ethical decision help an individual develop?

it helps they develop their character

What are the three coaching styles?

command, submissive, cooperative

What are the two main taks to develop a useful coaching philosophy?

1 - develop greater self-awareness, and to decide what your objectives are in coaching

qualities of successful coaches

1. knowledge of the sport 2. motivation 3. empathy

how old is early adolescence?


middle adolescence age range

15-17 years old

late adolescence age range?


how many 6th graders reported being bullied?

42%, with 14% being injured from bullying

how many high school students reported hazing?

48%, but much more expected

what percent of communication is nonverbal?


Whats the difference between recreational and competitive sports?

recreational sports have the short term objectives of having fun and learning the game, with winning being a secondary objective. competitive sports have short term objectives of wining and performing well, with fun as a secondary objective

What is the definition of bullying?

an act of aggression by someone or a group with the intent of harming a person physically or psychologically

whats the motto that this book supports about winning?

athletes first, winning second

markers of early adolescence?

awkward bc growing a lot girls level off at 12-13 with improvements in sports while boys continue to get better physical appearance exceptionally important bc they compare to their peers

how are bullying and hazing different?

bullying excludes the victim from a group whereas hazing is a ritual imposed on a person who wants to join the group, bullies often act alone or in small grouse but hazing commonly involves an entire group or team

difference in choronolical age and anatomical age

chronological age is the actual years they have been alive, while anatomical age is the biological age of the skeleton, which would be younger or older than their actual chronological age depending on how quickly they are developing

how much tolerance should a coach have for hazing?

zero tolerance

what is the cooperative style?

coaches share decision making with their athletes. they want to provide leadership while allowing the players to make decisions. this is the best

difference between content and emotion?

content is the substance of the message, and emotion is how you feel about it

what is important about self disclosure with coaching?

deciding how much of yourself you will share with your athletes. Some coaches want to remain etched to be good taskmasters, others disagree and think this detachment hurts the team.

why evaluate decisions about your principles?

favorable evaluations strengthen principles, while unfavorable evaluations indicate that you need to search for different principles

what is the key to developing a philosophy of coaching?

getting to know yourself

ages that kids grow quickest?

girls - 11.5 years boys - 13.5 years

how does a coach successfully motivate

great motivating coaches know they do not motivate athletes, they create the conditions or the climate in which athletes motivate themselves - intrinsic best

what are intrinsic rewards?

internally satisfying feelings when athletes participate in the sport - having fun and feeling competent and successful

What does a coaching philosophy consist of?

major objectives and your beliefs or principles that help you achieve your objectives

age markers of late adolescence

most capable of abstract thinking, so can make long term plans willing to seek advice from family and adults set goals based on feelings of needs and priorities, reject goals set by others

whats different about societies objectives and coaches objectives in sports?

one may place a more important value on winning, or development of character may be more important to the coach. its important for the program and coach to have the same objectives

what is the difference between active listening and passive listening?

passive listening = what we typically think of as listening, being silent when another person speaks active listening - involves interacting with athletes by providing them with proof that you understand, reading between the lines to help them

markers of middle adolescence?

physical growth ends for girls at 14.5 and boys at 16.5, males gain muscle, girls gain fat teens demand independence, but show poor judgment peer group strongly influences life choices

What is societies main objectives in sports?

primarily to help young people develop physically, psychologically, and socially. society expects the coach to accept development as the number one objective. but evidence supports that society really values winning the most.

Coaches main objectives in sports?

to win, to help the young have fun, to help them develop physically, psychologically, and socially

what is extrinsic rewards?

trophies, medals, money are examples - things provided to athets by others, externally

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