Programming week 2

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(random access memory), memory that is available for your programs to use

Example of good code

//player just leveled up, so we need to increase their health by a factor relative to their level! health = health + (level*1.2) //player just got hit by poisoned dart/ poisoned = true;

_________ is the output stream operator indicating data that will be displayed on the console when used in collaboration with std::cout


assignment opeator in C++


translation unit

A code file with translations applied to it


A phase that happens before code is compiled


A single piece of data, stored in memory somewhere

A name declared in a namespace may still be mistaken for an identical name declared in another scope


For C++, you can start a new line ANYWHERE in a line of code


In C++ the objects refer to a variable, data structure in memory, or function


Preprocessor macro directives are still commonly used in modern program.


a variable is ALWAYS unitialized if it was not given a value at definition (initialized)


a variable is always uninitialized if it was no given a value at definition (initializated)


comments remain in code, unchanged after compilation


every c++ program must have an int main() though some compilers allow a void main() function


using directives such as "using namespace std;" are preprocessor directives


when creating multiple variables on the same line, in one command, it is possible to create variables of differing types


What are some debugging tools built into Visual Studio that allow you to "watch" the values stored in a variable when a program is running in debug mode and execution is paused:

Hover mouse over the variable


The variables currently being "acted upon"


The variables that exist within the current code block. That is, within the current set of { }

reasons to comment out code

To find the source of an error. You're working on a new piece of code that won't compile yet, and you need to run the program. You want to replace one piece of code with another piece of code. You've written new code that compiles but doesn't work correctly, and you don't have time to fix it until later

A good strategy for writing code is add one piece at a time, make sure it compiles, and test it. WHen your sure its working, move to next piece


ALL lines are ignored by the compiler that are between the /* symbol and the */ symbol, as these denote a multi-line comment.


It is possible to define multiple variables of the same type in a single statement by separating the names with a comma


Some operators can unary or binary, depending on how they are being used


There can be only ONE function called "main" in your program


Unless you have an explicit reason to do otherwise, you should always initialize your variables upon creation.


Variable initialization can ONLY happen when a variable is defined


You should favor list (uniform) initialization over copy and direct initialization.


a function always has () after it's name, though there may be things between the ( and the )


a function is a named collection of statements that executes sequentially


blank lines are ignored by the compiler


curly braces {} are often used to indicate a block of code which groups multiple statements such as for function bodies


operations can be chained together such that the output of one operator can be used as the input for another operator


there can only be one function called main in your program


when you use an identifier that is defined inside a namespace, you have to tell the compiler what the identifier lives inside the namespace



Variables the programmer manually added to the window

What is best practice for naming an identifier?

When working in an existing program, use the conventions of that program (even if they don't conform to modern best practices). Use modern best practices when you're writing new programs. avoid naming your identifiers starting with an underscore, as these names are typically reserved for OS, library, and/or compiler use. Third, your identifiers should make clear what the value they are holding means (particularly if the units aren't obvious). Identifiers should be named in a way that would help someone who has no idea what your code does be able to figure it out as quickly as possible. In 3 months, when you look at your program again, you'll have forgotten how it works, and you'll thank yourself for picking variable names that make sense. However, giving a trivial variable an overly complex name impedes overall understanding of what the program is doing almost as much as giving a widely used identifier an inadequate name. Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to make the length of an identifier proportional to how widely it is used. An identifier with a trivial use can have a short name (e.g. such as i). An identifier that is used more broadly (e.g. a function that is called from many different places in a program) should have a longer and more descriptive name (e.g. instead of open, try openFileOnDisk) In any case, avoid abbreviations. Although they reduce the time you need to write your code, they make your code harder to read. Even if the abbreviation is unambiguous, it takes the reader a moment to figure out what you meant. Code is read more often than it is written, the time you saved while writing the code is time that every reader, including the future you, wastes when reading it. If you're looking to write code faster, use your editor's auto-complete feature.

Code implementing undefined behavior may exhibit any of the following symptoms:

Your program produces different results every time it is run. Your program consistently produces the same incorrect result. Your program behaves inconsistently (sometimes produces the correct result, sometimes not). Your program seems like its working but produces incorrect results later in the program. Your program crashes, either immediately or later. Your program works on some compilers but not others. Your program works until you change some other seemingly unrelated code.


a combination of literals, variables, operators, and explicit function calls that produce a single output value.


a fixed value that has been inserted directly into the source code


a mathematical calculation involving zero or more input values


a named object


a phase of translation

expression statement

a statement that consists of an expression followed by a semicolon. When the statement is executed, the expression will be evaluated (and the result of the expression will be discarded).


act of creating an object and assigning a memory address

conditional compilation preprocessor directives

allow you to specify under what conditions something will or won't compile. There are quite a few different conditional compilation directives, the three that are used by far the most are: #ifdef, #ifndef, and #endif


an instantiated object


any info that can be moved, processed, or stored by a compiler

#define directive

can be used to create a macro. In C++, a macro is a rule that defines how input text is converted into replacement output text.


collection of instructions that manipulate data to produce a desired result


input values in a mathematical operation

Preprocessor directives

instructions that start with a # symbol and end with a newline (NOT a semicolon).

_______ have a special meaning within the C++ language



name of the object

integer (int)

number that can be written without fractional component (2, 0, -25)


operators that act on one operand


operators that act on two operands (known as left and right)


operators that cat on three operands, only one of these in C++

#include <iostream> is a special instruction called a:

preprocessor directive

the process of making structural changes to your code without changing its behavior (to make it more maintainable) is called ________



region of storage (memory) that has a value and other associated properties


single value after evaluation

Which commands can be used to move the cursor to the next line

std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << '\n';

data type (type)

tells compiler what type of value (number, letter, text, etc.) the variable will store


the object has not been given a known value yet


the object is given a known value at the point of definition


the object is given a known value beyond the point of definition

#include directive

the preprocessor replaces the this directive with the contents of the included file. The included contents are then preprocessed (along with the rest of the file), and then compiled.


the process where each of the terms in the expression is evaluated until a single value remains


the specific operation to be performed, denoted by a construct (symbol or pair of symbols)

it is possible to grab multiple words of input on a single line using std::cin


Programming statements:

type of instruction that causes program to perform some action, most common instruction in C++, smallest independent unit of computation in C++ language, act like a sentence in natural language, most end in a semicolon, a single statment may compile into many machine language instructions

Mark all that are true about a programming statement

type of instruction that causes the program to perform some action most common type of instruction in a C++ program smallest independent unit of computation in the C++ language act much like sentences do in natural language Most (but not all) statements in C++ end in a semicolon a single statement may compile into many machine language instructions

______ _______is the result of executing code whose behavior is not well defined by the C++ language

undefined behavior

A variable that has not been given a known value (usually through initialization or assignment) is called

uninitialized variable

uninitialized variable

variable that has not been given a known value through initialization or assignment

hat are some debugging tools built into Visual Studio that allow you to "watch" the values stored in a variable when a program is running in debug mode and execution is paused

watch window


when a program is run


when the program is compiled

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