Project Management 4-6
General steps for designing and using the WBS (Pt. 5)
1. Extract Information from action plan 2. Process the relative information from action plan to WBS 3. Review the information between team member 4. Detemining the loss and profit of WBS 5. Scheduling the milestone 6. Examine the actual resource usage of WBS 7. Take correction action, adjust the task to a proper way for WBS
Conflict appears to fall into three fundamentally different categories? (Pt. 4)
1. Goal Expectation 2. Authority Making Decision 3. Interpersonal Conflict
The best way to negotiate people by four principle? (Pt. 4)
1. Separate People from problem 2. Focus on interest not position 3. Before trying to reach agreement, invent option for mutual benefit 4. Using objective criteria
Hierarchical Planning System (Pt. 5)
All activities required to complete a project must be precisely delineated, and coordinated - Some activities must be done sequentially, and some simultaneously
As conflicting interests tend to lead both parties to work in an atmosphere of mutual suspicion and antagonism, what is the best way to reduce it? (Pt. 4)
Building Partner project can help reduce this.
Conflicting interests tend to lead both parties to work in an atmosphere of mutual suspicion and antagonism, to reduce this conflict we may use ...... ? (Pt. 4)
Building up partner projects
What is the main concern conflict during the building up size phase of the project? (Pt. 4)
Conflict between Project Manager and Functional Manager (Functional Areas)
What stages of Project Life Cycle considering the most chaotic one to move to the next stages? (Pt. 4)
During Project Formation (Slow Beginning)
What is the main problem of Peak Cycle (Main Program) ? (Pt. 4)
During this phase of the project the many parts must be linked properly, the link is so-called Interface which the more it is the more complex will become.
What is composite plan? (Pt. 5)
Each individual/unit accepting responsibility for a portion of the project
linear responsibility chart is ? (Pt. 5)
Helpful to illustrate the relationship of personnel to project tasks and to identify where coordination is necessary.
Allow decision to be made horizontally across the line of authority? (Pt. 4)
Lateral Relation
The final approved result of this procedure is the project plan? (Pt 5)
Master Plan
3 Project Plan Elements (Pt. 5)
Overview Objectives General Approach Contractual requirements Schedules Budget Cost control procedures Evaluation procedures Potential problems
Approaching intraproject conflicts with a desire to win a victory over the other parties is inappropriate? (Pt. 4)
Pareto-Optimal Solution
Multifunctional Teams can be used for? (Pt. 5)
Plan complex projects their work must be integrated and coordinated. Interface maps are a useful way of identifying the interdependencies that must be managed
What is the main problem during Phase-Out (Begin to decline) ?
Schedule and Personality
To make the Project Formation part run smoothly, less problem, we must identify 4 things (Pt. 4)
The objective Commitment of resources The priority The organization structure
Work Breakdown Structure WBS (Pt. 5)
a hierarchy of the tasks required to complete a project