psy 1

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Regarding operant conditioning, which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

A student loses earned free time for playing with lab equipment

The sensitivity of our sensory abilities and systems is demonstrated in our ___ thresholds.


A soldier stationed at a base in northern Alaska is dressed in his all-white camouflage. He wants to know the exact distance another person can perceive him as NOT part of the snow bank he is hiding in. The soldier is concerned with the...?

Absolute threshold

Mark believed that all red go-carts were fast until he drove a very slow one at the fair after which he no longer viewed all red go-carts as fast. Marks' revised view about red go-carts illustrates?


This type of neural transmission involves changes in electrical charge and occurs because of the exchange of potassium and sodium ions along an axon

Action potential

An early view of intelligence proposed by Sir Francis Galton suggests that intelligence is?

A byproduct of sensory capacity

_____Describes a hypothetical account of how and why a phenomenon occurs

A hypothesis

A psychologist is often skeptical of clams suggesting that

A particular behavior is the result of a single casual factor

The discipline of psychology is best thought of as

A science of the mind, brain, and behavior

Visual sensations that persist after the initial stimulus has been removed are called?


Which of the following is an example of a nonverbal expression of emotion?

All of the above (gesture, body posture, facial expression

John and Allison have been married for 10 years. Which of the following is the best description of how the two would likely describe their honeymoon

Allison would remember more details, but john would remember more themes

Language experiments with Kanzi the chimp showed that____

Animals can recognize some words and follow some instructions

Patient H.M. had the majority of his hippocampus removed in order to treat severe epilepsy. As a result he was no longer able to form new memories. This is an example of?

Anterograde amnesia

Evolutionary psychology

Applies Darwin's theory of natural selection

The major advantage of self-report measures like surveys is that they are

Are easy to administer

The yerkes-dodson law describes an inverted U-shaped relationship between___ and ___.

Arousal; performance

The strange situation procedure, in which researchers unobtrusively watch an infant in the presence or absence of several combination of child caretaker and stranger is used to study___.


The ___ heuristic involves estimating the likelihood of an occurrence based on the ease with witch it comes to our minds


Despite the fact that scientific research as found no support or basis for the belief in "the hot hand" in baseball, basketball, or golf, the idea still persists among athletes, sports commentators, and fans. This is a classic example of

Belief perseverance

An important danger of heuristics and cognitive bases is that they lead us to

Believe in observations about our world that are not true

A ball of identical cells that haven't yet begun to take on a specific function during early pregnancy is called a (n)?


The trichromatic theory of color vision proposes these as the 3 primary colors of color vision

Blue, green, red

Which of the following is true?

Both positive and negative reinforcement of a desired behavior

In ___ processing, we construct a whole stimulus from its parts


Composed of the brain and spinal cord, this part of the nervous system receives processes, and coordinates information and responses

Central nervous system

Carol is at the football game and watching the half-time show. Which gestalt principle best explains her ability to reconize her schools letters as the band members spell them out on the field?


When a child is learning how to speak, ____

Comprehension precedes production

Unbeknownst to the researchers, some participants in a study see a fight as they enter a lab while other participants encounter an individual playing with a puppy. Participants who saw the fight may behave more aggressively than those who see a puppy. In this case the fight may be an example of a ______


Dr. James advises that if you study for you next psychology exam in the same room where you take the exam your score will improve. He is basing this advice on?

Context-dependent learning

The split-brain procedure involves damage to which part of the brain?

Corpus callosum

Mentally changing some aspect of the past by imagining what might have been is known as____.

Counter factional thinking

Which area of psychology would have the most interest in how shared values, traditions, and beliefs shape an individual's behavior?

Cultural psychology

Color blindness results from?

Defective cones

___Receive information and ___transmit information within a neuron

Dendrites; axons

Cultural guidelines that can regulate expression of emotion are called?

Display rules

According to Gardner, there are ___ types of intelligence.


___ Is the first process of getting information into memory


Depression is often treated by a class of drugs that inhibits the reuptake of which neurotransmitter


Remembering that your father used to read the cat in the hat to you every night best illustrates which type of memory?


The term learning refers to a change in human behavior as a result of?


For this we extract key features and fill-in from context memory

Face recognition

The idea that muscles in the face send information to the brain, affecting the emotion we feel is known as the?

Facial feedback hypothesis

Researchers asked students about their initial recollections a few days after September 11th and then 2 ½ to 3 years later. The results showed that?

Few students showed significant changes in their memories with the passage of time and their initial recollection were largely accurate

When taking a picture, photographers attempt to draw purple's attention toward a particular image. This is one example of the gestalt principle of?


Baby Marianne enjoys her little toy rattle. Assuming the sound of the rattle is reinforcement, a baby's response of shaking the rattle is reinforced according to a ___ schedule

Fixed ratio

The case of Phineaus Gage indicated the significance of this lobe in personality, decision-making and planning

Frontal lobe

This early psychological school of thought considers the adaptive functions provided by the various psychological systems


Conducting the same experiment with students from the US and Brazil and Australia would evaluate the ______ or the results


These cells are referred to as support cells in the nervous system


Jason just moved to Las Vegas from South Carolina. What concept exemplifies the fact that, initially, he had trouble falling asleep in the noisy city, but now has no problem whatsoever?


If our behaviors and physiological reactions can give rise to our changes in emotion, holding a pan with our teeth would most likely make us feel


Christina believes she can recall every detail of the experience of being held at gunpoint while performing surgery. However, research has shown?

If an individual is performing another task during the stressful situation they completing ignore all aspects of the situation which are not related to the task they are performing

A zookeeper finds that a flock of geese follows her wherever she moves because she is the first object they saw after hatching. What is this situation an example of?


In a study of ways to enhance memory, half of the participants listened to music while studying a word list, and half studied in science. After the study period, both groups took the same recall test. In this case, music was the:

Independent variable

Roseanne claims that she can remember instances of childhood sexual abuse that started at 6 months of age. Most psychologists are likely to be skeptical of this and other such claims because?

Infantile amnesia makes it unlikely that these are true memories from that age

Which attachment style does most U.S. infant possess?

Insecure avoidant

Bob shows up late for class on Friday. You decide that the reason Bob is late is because he is a lazy, careless student. You have just made a ___attribution for bobs behavior


According to the authors, much of the common sensual knowledge from poplar psychology sources

Is consistent with the results of psychological research

Punishment works best when

It is used in conjunction with reinforcement of a desired behavior

____ Was the first person to describe learning as acquired through classical conditioning while studying the digestive process of dogs.

Ivan Pavlov

Which of the following theories states that emotion are from our interpretations of our podily reactions to stimuli?

James-Lange theory of emotions

Who is NOT being driven by extrinsic motivation?

Kip, who is trying to fill his star chart before Mary

A lab rat had part of its hypothalamus destroyed. The rat seems to have lost all interest in food and won't eat even when food is available. It would appear that the part of the____hypothalamus has been destroyed.

Lateral hypothalamus

Change blindness is due to?

Limits of attention

According to __ language defines our thinking.

Linguistic determinism

Keen is especially skilled when it comes to chart reading, map reading, and graph reading tasks. According to Gardner, kens skills reflect____ intelligence.


When attempting to understand developmental transitions that people face throughout their life span, which of the following research designs would be most informative?


According to Sternberg, intelligence can be broken down into three types. Which of the following is NOT one of these types?


When a psychologist is discussing heuristics, he or she is referring to

Mental decision-making strategies

Which problem-solving hurdle is defined as becoming entrenched in a particular problem-solving strategy that inhibits generation of an alternate approach?

Mental sets

Jermaine sees a car accident and initially estimates the offending driver to be traveling at 40-45 miles per hour. However after hearing another witness's report of the cars "bumping" and answering a police officer's questions about the rate of speed when the cars "contacted" he subsequently revises his estimate to 30 miles per hour and his memory of the car accident changes. This is an example of?

Misinformation effect

Studies on the mere exposure effect demonstrate that the more often we see something, the ___likely we will like it.


The smallest units of speech that are meaningful are referred to as?


Which of the following is true concerning the nature-nurture debate?

Most researchers believe that genes and environment interact to influence human behavior

Diseases such a multiple sclerosis usually involve a deterioration of what part of a neuron?

Myelin sheath

____ Refers to the belief that we see the world precisely as it is.

Native realism

The philosophical position that certain knowledge is innate or inborn is:


The ___ account of language acquisition argues that we come into this world knowing how language works.


Watching how people take food from a buffet line without their knowledge and without manipulating anything is an example of

Naturalistic observation

Which of the following is NOT a need that we strive to fulfill?

Need for respect

___Are the cells in the nervous system that communicate with each other


In a study of aggression, Dr. Jones records an instance of aggression when a child's hand makes audible contact with another individual. This description of aggression is an

Operational definition

Dr. McDonald uses only the testimonies of parents and teachers as support for his treatment of ADHD; this illustrates which warning sign of pseudoscience?

Overreliance on anecdotes

Following this event which part of the nervous system helps restore normal heart rate and breathing?


Regarding the two-processes of operant and classical conditioning, which is true?

Phobias are often caused by classical conditioning, maintained by operant conditioning

All of the following are ways neurotransmitters are eliminated from the synapse following a chemical signal except

Postsynaptic elimination

According to Kohlberg, behavior motivated by the avoidance of punishment represents ___morality


In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus (CS) is the?

Previously neutral stimulus that produces an unconditioned response

Participants in a psychology experiment are asked to study a word list for 45 seconds after which it disappears from the screen. They are then asked to recall as many words as they can. Researchers observe that recall for words at the beginning of the list is better than fro words later in the list. This illustrates?

Primacy effect

The primary difference between the CS and the US is?

Prior to conditioning, one reliably elicits a response, the other doesn't

___ Is generating a cognitive strategy to accomplish a goal.

Problem solving

Which of the following will DECREASE the likelihood of behavior reoccurring?


When a dog sits on the command her owner gives her a treat. This increases the likelihood that the dog will sit on command the next time she is asked, and is an example of what?


A scale that gives you the same reading over and over has high ____


Brittany, softball player, who plays catcher for the local college has thrown out base stealers at a 42, 39, and 41 percent rate over her three years. Her performance could be considered which of the following


The ____ heuristic is one that involves judging the probability of an event by its superficial similarity to a prototype


Following an action potential a new action potential cannot be initiated. This time period is called

Resting period

Billy studies for his French midterm and then for his Spanish midterm. While taking his Spanish midterm he keeps recalling French as opposed to Spanish test information. This is an example of?

Retroactive interference

Who is demonstrating operant conditioning?

Sally pulls her hand off the hot stove

A high school student's organized a set of expectations about how teachers are supposed to act is an example of a?


Categories that organize relations among actions, objects and ideas are known as?


_______ Involves the detection of energy by sense organs whereas ____ involves interpretation sensory inputs

Sensation; Perception

. ___ Is a specialized cell responsible for converting external stimuli into neutral activity for a specific sensory system

Sense receptor

According to Piaget, children in the ___stage lack object permanence


The magic number of short-term memory is?

Seven plus or minus two

Meredith and Derek both work as surgeons at a hospital in Seattle, Washington. What idea suggests that they may find themselves attracted to one another?


According to Occam's razor, evaluation of psychological phenomena demands the most ____ explanation to account for the available data.


Research has demonstrated that there are ___ distinct emotions across cultures

Six or seven

Which facial expression would you be surprised to see you're new born baby exhibit?


____Psychology is refereed to as the study of how people influence others' behaviors


Demonstrating the phenomenon of ____, Zajonic found that cockroaches will run faster and more efficiently when___.

Social facilitation; other are present

Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development focused on?

Social interactions

Simple pathways in the nervous system that rapidly generate muscle contractions are known as

Spinal reflexes

Frank received a series of shots growing up and began to grow anxious whenever he pulled up to the doctor's office. After a series of regular checkups, the anxiety eventually went away. However, yesterday as he pulled in to the doctor's office, that same anxious feeling returned. What may have occurred?

Spontaneous recovery

Menarche refers to?

Start of menstruation

Rodney's dog runs to the door every time he hears Rodney's car pull into the driveway. Yesterday Rodney's friend pulled up and the dog came running to the door. What is Rodney's dog exhibiting?

Stimulus generalization

Authoritarian parents are ___disciplinarians and they are ___with punishment

Strict; quick

The processing of sensory information that occurs below the level of conscious awareness is called

Subliminal perception

Children are especially susceptible to which of the seven sins of memory?


Harlow's study of infant monkeys showed that?

Surrogate mother where soft to the touch but did not provide mild produced the strongest attachment responses

Most research indicates that all of the following emotions have considerable cross-cultural agreement except?


When you are scared by a loud sound and your heart rate increases, this is part of your nervous system is activated


Angela is a pianist who reports that she hears musical tones as colors. This is one example of?


What is not an example of a motor milestone?


The tendency to look for supportive evidence rather than actively seeking out contradictory evidence is known as

The confirmation bias

According to the two-factor theory of emotion?

The emotional experience depends on autonomic arousal and the cognitive interpretation of that arousal

The harder you try suppressing an unwanted thought

The more you will actually think about that thought

Functionalism was interested in _____, while structuralism was interested in ___.

The purpose of mental processes; the basic elements of the mind

Hermann says he is interested in studying consciousness. What might he mean by this?

The study of a person's subjective experiences

What is the purpose of an institutional review board?

To help protect the rights and dignity of the research participants

The process of converting an external energy or substance into neutral activity is called?


True or false: the earlier a child learns two languages the more likely they are to be fluent in both


True or false? High IQ does not guarantee that one does not hold strange believes


Erikson's first psychological crisis is?

Trust mistrust

A test for depression that measures how much soup a person eats in a week may have low ______


Sasha is expected to cut the lawn weekly. Her parents only give her money once in a while after she cuts the lawn. Shash is being conditioned using a ___ schedule of reinforcement.

Variable ratio

A recognition memory task is often easier than a recall memory task because?

We seem to prefer multiple choice memory assessments to those involving self generated recall

In most individuals, mirror neurons activate when

When you watch another perform an action

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