PSY 120 Exam 4 Review

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Mr. Rogers thinks that all teenagers are reckless, promiscuous, irresponsible delinquents. Mr. Rogers appears to be associating qualities that are unrelated to the objective evidence that define all members of this particular age group. Mr. Rogers is demonstrating:

a stereotype.

Selma participated in a research project in college, and she was identified as being less happy than average. During a follow-up study 20 years later, researchers found all of these EXCEPT Selma was:

less likely to have met all of her life goals than her happy peers.

_____ are cells that identify, pursue, and attack harmful invaders in the body.


A large pharmaceutical company is conducting a clinical trial for a new antidepressant to treat major depressive disorder. They are concerned with the efficacy and safety of the new drug. Their perspective is most in line with the _____ model.


Gena believes that people with psychological disorders are suffering from diseases that have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and sometimes even cured. Gena believes in the _____ model of psychological disorders.


Helena believes that people with psychological disorders are suffering from diseases that have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and sometimes even cured. Helena believes in the _____ model of psychological disorders.


Sandy participated in a research project in college, and she was identified as being happier than average. During a follow-up study 20 years later, researchers found all of these EXCEPT Sandy was:

more likely to have met all of her life goals than less happy peers.

Seventy-five-year-old Walter lost his wife to a heart attack two years ago, and most of his friends have passed away. His children live in other states and he has no pets. In terms of risk factors for suicide, Walter is _____ likely to attempt suicide _____.

more; because the suicide rate surges among older men

Therapies dealing with psychological disorders can be classified into two main categories. In the first, _____, a trained professional talks to clients to help them overcome difficulties, while _____ influences the brain directly through drugs or other treatments.

psychotherapy; biomedical therapy

As Arlette walks through a shopping mall, she happens to pass an older woman who is sitting on a bench, clutching her arm and moaning in pain. The presence of many other shoppers in the mall will MOST likely increase the probability that Arlette will:

fail to notice the older woman's problem.

In a follow-up to his original obedience experiment, Milgram used 40 new teachers to determine whether participants obeyed because the learners' protests were not convincing. The new teachers complied fully _____ percent of the time.


_____ was originally trained in Freudian techniques but invented his own therapy to try to reverse clients' catastrophizing beliefs about themselves.

Aaron Beck

_____ is any act intended to harm someone physically or emotionally.


Which psychologist is MOST likely to agree with the idea that dreams offer valuable clues to the unconscious mind?

Dr. Dominguez, a psychoanalytic therapist

_____ levels of the hormone _____ are related to delinquency, hard drug use, and aggressive-bullying responses to frustration.

High; testosterone

_____ therapists aim to boost self-fulfillment by helping people grow in self-awareness and self-acceptance.


_____ love is an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a love relationship.


A magazine publisher asks readers to commit to a brief trial subscription. Having committed to the trial subscription, readers may be more likely to buy a yearlong subscription. This exemplifies the _____ compliance technique.


After giving in to her friends' request that she drink alcohol with them, 16-year-old Jessica found that she could not resist the pressure they exerted on her to try cocaine. Her experience BEST illustrates the:

foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

Cheryl's father-in-law had a serious heart attack several weeks ago. She is concerned because he lives alone. After his heart attack, which acquisition would increase his odds of survival?

a dog

Julia is awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of breaking glass. Her increased heart rate and respiration can BEST be explained as:

a fight-or-flight reaction

According to the DSM-5, which symptom would NOT be required to be diagnosed with insomnia disorder?

a lack of distress or impairment in everyday functioning

Health psychology

a sub-field of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine

While Justin's therapist attends to what he has to say without judgment, she also seeks understanding by paraphrasing as well as asking for clarification and then reflecting Justin's feelings. Justin's therapist is using a therapeutic technique known as:

active listening.

A(n) _____ is a learned tendency to evaluate some object, person, or issue in a particular way that may be positive, negative, or ambivalent.


A student's statement that his professor gave him a bad grade because she does not like him is a(n):


People develop _____ when they generate an explanation for their own or others' behavior.


Cam is seeking help for his alcohol abuse. He lives with his wife at home. Cam consults a behavior therapist, who is MOST likely to recommend:

aversion therapy.

An integrated understanding of psychological disorders in terms of three interactive environments is MOST clearly provided by a _____ approach.


Dr. Cobbs believes that psychological disorders are influenced by genetic predispositions and physiological states. He is also aware that inner psychological dynamics, social dynamics, and culture influence psychological disorders. Dr. Cobbs believes in a _____ model.


Looking for the silver lining in a challenging situation is an example of _____ coping.


Although Regina receives slightly greater rewards from her marriage than her husband, both are satisfied with the relationship because they each benefit in proportion to what they put into it. This BEST illustrates the significance of:


The third phase of the general adaptation syndrome is characterized by _____.


A therapist helps Rebecca overcome her fear of water by getting her to swim in the family's backyard pool three times a day for two consecutive weeks. The therapist's approach to helping Rebecca BEST illustrates:

exposure therapy.

Active listening and unconditional positive regard are key elements of _____ therapy.


Coronary heart disease

illness of the heart caused by a blockage in the coronary arteries

If researchers found that people take longer to identify words such as assertive and bold as strong when the words are associated with female faces, rather than with male faces, this finding would illustrate:

implicit prejudice.

As the amount of time one spends with an individual increases, one's liking for that person:


The results of a large study described in the textbook suggest that workplace stress increases the risk of colon cancer by a factor of:

more than 5.

Social facilitation

occurs when one performs better at a well-practiced task when others are watching.

Those perceived as different or apart from one's group are their:


Happiness does NOT increase with increased wealth because:

people adapt to their current levels and then need more.

Lindsay is writing an essay supporting the notion that people's attitudes are based on their behavior. One topic Lindsay might NOT discuss in the essay is:

peripheral route persuasion.

In determining the causes of others' behavior, people overemphasize _____ factors; this is the _____.

personality; fundamental attribution error

Four people are seen in a psychiatric clinic for treatment with newly acquired mental illness. Their respective diagnoses are obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, phobic disorder, and schizophrenia. The person suffering from _____ is MOST likely to be an adolescent.

phobic disorder

Sara and a colleague are having dinner together. While they wait on their order, a Muslim family enters the restaurant and the woman is wearing a Hijab. Sara's colleague leans closer to her and says "I am not sure how she expects to eat with all of that junk covering her face." Her colleague is demonstrating:


One of the goals of humanistic therapy is to:

promote growth, not cure illness.

Normative social influence

refers to a conformity based on the need for social acceptance.

A _____ is a set of behavioral expectations associated with a social position.


A tendency to overestimate the extent to which a stranger's violent behavior stems from his or her aggressive personality BEST illustrates:

the fundamental attribution error.

The concept of a super-ordinate goal is BEST illustrated by:

the intent of management and labor to produce a fuel-efficient automobile that will outsell any car on the market.


the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

After the events of 9/11, some Americans began boycotting Arab-American stores and lashing out at any Middle Eastern person they saw. This behavior is BEST explained in terms of:

the scapegoat theory.

A client developing an unhealthy dependence on his or her therapist similar to the relationship with his or her domineering parents is MOST likely demonstrating:


At his weekly therapy session, Henry became agitated at his therapist, saying that she was controlling, domineering, and trying to ruin his life with all of her mothering. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


Anders has just received devastating news about the coffee shop he owns. Things seem very bleak because a nationally known competitor is moving in on the same block. Anders has many debts to pay off and his wife is expecting their fourth child. When he hears the bad news, his heart rate zooms and he feels faint, as if he is in shock. According to Selye's general adaptation syndrome, Anders is in Phase:

1, experiencing an alarm reaction.

Sydney is on her way to a meeting with her boss. In response to this anxiety-provoking situation, her:

blood flows to her muscles.

Based on the textbook's discussion, _____ may help people better manage stress, whereas _____ may help them experience less stress in the first place.

building social support; aerobic exercise

People are less likely to give aid if an emergency occurs in the presence of many observers. This is known as the _____ effect.


Helping people identify and replace irrational or illogical beliefs is the cornerstone of _____ therapy.


Before Rhonda left for college, she told her friend Michelle that she thought sororities were filled with snobs and that she would never consider joining one. However, during Rhonda's first week on campus, she was approached by a sorority member who invited her to a social function and encouraged her to pledge. After Rhonda attended the party, she told Michelle, "Sororities do a lot of good things for the community. They're really service organizations." Rhonda's change in attitude to match her behavior reflects:

cognitive dissonance.

Mark suffers from a great deal of irrational thoughts that affect his social life. He would benefit MOST from _____ therapy.


John and Julie have been happily married for 10 years. Their love is BEST described as _____ love.


An aroused state of intense positive absorption in another is to _____ love as deep affectionate attachment is to companionate love.


Which disorder usually develops in childhood or adolescence.

phobic disorder

Alia and John just met. Which factor will MOST likely affect their first impression of each other?

physical attractiveness

If a person exhibits a disturbance in thought, feeling, or action, they may have a(n) _____ disorder.


Dr. Navarre investigates the link between coping strategies and immune system functioning during stressful situations. Dr. Navarre is BEST described as a:


Joe has been in treatment for lung cancer for the past 11 months, but has described himself as thankful and happy for every day that he has. The personal strength that has helped him to cope can be described as:


Arturo believes that most young women from California are extremely good looking and that extremely good-looking women are usually selfish and egotistical. His beliefs are examples of:


Hillary rates her satisfaction with her life as an 8 out of 10. This score refers to her:

subjective well-being.

A local religious organization has taken an interest in reaching out to community members with AIDS. They were prompted to do this when they learned that religiously active AIDS patients _____ than do their nonreligious counterparts.

survive longer

Suggestibility and mimicry are subtle types of:


Joseph has been experiencing financial problems associated with his recent divorce. He was able to save $300 from his tips, but since he could not pay off his bills, he decided to purchase a flat screen television to help him take his mind off his stress. This is an example of _____ coping.


_____ is the leading cause of death in the United States.

Coronary heart disease

Judith purchased a nice home, whose value depreciated as a result of the housing crash. She was able to have the majority of her remaining mortgage payments forgiven, which eased a huge financial burden for her. She reasoned that the debt she was forgiven would not negatively impact the overall debt of the country. Judith's reasoning is an example of:

a social trap.

Morton suffers from anxiety. His therapist is training him to replace his catastrophizing thinking with more realistic appraisals, and then to gradually engage in activities that normally would be stressful for him. The therapist's approach BEST illustrates:

cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Marlow is suffering from schizophrenia. Marlow sees a therapist once a week to help him improve his social skills and modify his maladaptive behaviors. His therapist uses a combination of behavioral conditioning techniques and more cognitive approaches. Marlow's therapist is MOST likely using which approach?


Attempting to alleviate stress by attending to one's feelings related to the situation is known as _____-focused coping.


The primary aim of this therapy is on relationship healing.


Recently Tanya has been caught in heavy traffic when traveling to and from work. This situation has caused her to arrive to work late and arrive home at a much later time than normal. When she comes home, she slams the front door and tends to yell more at her children and husband over things that are rather insignificant. This behavior can BEST be explained by the:

frustration-aggression principle.

Compared with the explanations one gives for the actions of strangers, one's explanations for one's own behavior are _____ likely to refer to situations or circumstances.



studies our mind-body interactions; Thoughts and emotions affect your brain which controls the stress hormones that influence your disease-fighting immune system.

One's perceived satisfaction with life is called:

subjective well-being.

The _____ model argues that an individual's characteristics interact with environmental events to influence the likelihood of developing a psychological disorder.


Social loafing

refers to the tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when held individually accountable.

Owen and his boyfriend are becoming more serious. "I feel I can tell him absolutely anything," Owen remarks. This example illustrates the contribution of _____ to the growing intimacy Owen and his boyfriend are experiencing.


Clay would get angry very quickly when he was a teenager. Now he is in his fifties and it takes a lot to make him angry. What has changed?

Clay's levels of the hormone testosterone have decreased.

Summer watches as a student stumbles and drops her books in the hall. If she demonstrates the fundamental attribution error, how would Summer explain the student's behavior?

"She is a clumsy person."

Fighting bacterial infections is to _____ as attacking viruses is to _____.

B lymphocytes; T lymphocytes

Jane and Sue leave a building and see a dog running toward them. Jane assumes that the dog wants to play. Sue assumes the dog is going to attack. Which of these is MOST likely? A. Both Sue and Jane will experience a negative stress reaction. B. Sue's stress reaction will be more negative than Jane's. C. Neither Sue nor Jane will experience a negative stress reaction. D. Jane's stress reaction will be more negative than Sue's.

B. Sue's stress reaction will be more negative than Jane's.

Who emphasized the importance of active listening in the process of psychotherapy?

Carl Rogers

Jennifer was driving her car to school when it broke down. Which statement is true?

Jennifer's feelings of frustration are a stress reaction.

_____ coping is to addressing work problems with a colleague as _____ coping is to talking to one's hairstylist about all of the problems at work.

Problem-focused; emotion-focused


Process by which we perceive and respond to certain events that we appraise as threatening or challenging

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

Selye's concept of the body's adaptive response to stress in three phases—alarm, resistance, exhaustion.

Dr. Perez is studying prejudice and discrimination. She is MOST likely a _____ psychologist.



under stress, people (especially women) often provide support to others (tend) and bond with and seek support from others (befriend)

The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health estimates that about 1 in _____ adult Americans suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.


The percentage of Americans who reported suffering from social anxiety disorder in 2015 was:


_____ is the process of prescribing drugs or using procedures that act directly on the person's physiology.

Biomedical therapy

A 14-year-old student slams a 13-year-old into a metal locker. A 15-year-old student spreads a cruel rumor about a classmate. Based on this information, which of these students who is being aggressive?

Both the 14-year-old and the 15-year-old are being aggressive.

Which statement is true regarding trends in Americans' buying power and happiness since 1950?

Buying power has increased since 1950, but happiness has remained constant.

Some people lose self-awareness and self-restraint during a large sporting event or mob action. This is known as:


According to the social facilitation effect, the presence of others:

diminishes performance on difficult or new tasks.

Many people report feeling happier after performing random acts of kindness. This is an example of:

doing good promoting feeling good.

Groupthink is fueled by a desire for:

group harmony.

In a phenomenon called _____, groups make decisions that are more extreme than would the individual members of the group.

group polarization

Josh and Donna are discussing the latest release by their favorite band. "I didn't like it at first, but now that I've played it a few times, I love it!" Donna states. Donna's remark exemplifies the _____ effect.

mere exposure

A person in a group tends to exert more effort when she or he is individually accountable than when she or he is working with others toward a common goal. This is known as:

social loafing

Gregory is an impoverished African-American teen who finds school stressful but performs at a moderate level academically. He has no relationship with his father but a close relationship with his mother and grandmother. Which factor MOST increases his vulnerability to developing a mental disorder?

socioeconomic status

Carl Wilkens was a missionary living in Kigali, Rwanda, in 1994 with his family when militia began killing members of an ethnic minority group, the Tutsi. Wilkens was encouraged to leave the area but refused. After evacuating his family, he stayed and contested the 800,000-person genocide. When the militia came to kill him and his Tutsi servants, Wilkens' Hutu neighbors deterred them. Despite repeated death threats, he spent his days running roadblocks to take food and water to orphanages and to negotiate, plead, and bully his way through the bloodshed, saving lives time and again. Wilkens was exemplifying:


Marjorie is experiencing frequent and intense conflict with her teenage daughter. To heal the dynamic in the household, Marjorie should seek out _____ therapy.


Nancy's therapist is an active listener who often paraphrases what she says. He does not judge her and is quite open to her exploration of her weaknesses. He gives her appropriate validation and encourages her to reflect on her feelings. He wants to deepen her self-understanding. Her therapy is MOST likely:


When compared to someone who views an event as a threat, an individual who views an event as a challenge is likely to feel _____ stressed.


Abdul has just discovered his term paper is due tomorrow when he thought it was due next week. According to Hans Selye, Abdul will likely be experiencing the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


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