PSY 120 - Human Development - Final

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In our current technology explosion, adolescents can be described as:

"digital natives."

What percentage of those over age 65 can see well without eyeglasses?


Maximum height is reached by age ____ for girls and _____ for boys.

16; 18

According to research on adults, most of them reported feeling __________ than their chronological age.

5 to 10 years younger

Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the slippery slope arguments against physician-assisted suicide?

Allowing terminally ill people to hasten their own death will lead to society killing people to who are not ready to die.

What is most commonly the source of infertility?

Both sexes are equally likely to be the source.

Which of the following statements is true about adolescent anger?

Bouts of anger are common during adolescence.

Who proposed the existence of fluid and crystallized intelligences?

Cattell and Horn

___________ thinking, which gives children the ability to observe and use logic, propels them to think about morality.

Concrete operational

Which of the following statements is true about video game addiction in adolescents?

Even though overuse of technology was not included as an addiction in the DSM-5, it is considered problematic for some adolescents.

How did Spearman measure general intelligence (g)?

He inferred g from tests of various abilities, such as vocabulary, memory, and reasoning.

Young adults can rapidly adjust to any stress and bounce back quickly after running a marathon or missing sleep. ________ is quick and efficient during young adulthood.


________ is when a married couple has similar attitudes, interests, goals, and religious background.


Which of the following is a genetic condition that provides evidence for genetic aging?


The difference between activities of daily life (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily life (IADLs) is that:

IADL ability is more critical to independent living than is ADL ability.

The theorist associated with the six stages of moral reasoning is:


The Seattle Longitudinal Study came to what conclusion?

Most of people's mental abilities improve during adulthood.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Mourners may be helped by strangers who have experienced a similar loss. Mourners may be helped by placing a memorial at the site where the loss occurred. Mourners may be helped by starting an organization to honor the dead.

Which of the following statements about the brain in adulthood is true?

New neurons form and new dendrites grow throughout adulthood.

Which of the following statements about teen friendships is true?

Peers are typically more helpful than harmful. Friends can help each other avoid self-destructive behavior. Teens often have close, non-sexual friendships with teens from the other gender.

What is the relationship between primary aging and disease?

Primary aging makes disease more likely.

_________ grandparents demand respect and obedience and instill traditional values, whereas _________ grandparents strive for love and friendship with their grandchildren.

Remote; companionate

____________ cause(s) some late adults to have difficulty deciphering emotional cues.

Sensory-input problems

Troy, because of his intellectual detachment from cultural values and from the approval of those around him, is displaying which stage of faith?

Stage 4: individual-reflective faith

In what way does stress affect puberty?

Stress increases the hormones that start puberty

Which of the following statements about diversity on college campuses is TRUE?

The increased diversity of the student body on campuses leads to increased intellectual challenge and deeper thought.

According to the text, what explains why many teenagers are thrill seekers?

The prefrontal cortex is not yet mature.

Which of the following is a characteristic of both aggressive-rejected and withdrawn-rejected children?

They tend to misinterpret social situations.

Which country has the fewest number of emerging adults living at home?

United States

According to the text, advocates who have suggested that designers and engineers should create more universal designs have posed which of the following questions?

Why is smell still the typical way to detect a gas leak? Why do buses require a big step-up to enter the bus? Why do most homes have entry stairs?

Pitskhelauri found that long-lived people share all of the following characteristics except:

a commitment to retirement from work.

The relatively sudden and rapid physical growth that occurs during puberty is referred to as:

a growth spurt

Researchers have found that morbidity and disability have ________________ correlation to _______________.

a negative; SES

"Compression of morbidity" refers to:

a shortening of the time spent ill or infirmed.

In high-stakes testing situations, students are typically given:

a single test to determine success or failure.

Which of the following adults could have an impact on an adolescent's identity development?

a soccer coach a youth group leader an aunt

A beanpole family is:

a span of generations of a family that has only a few members in each generation.

Which are the three leading causes of death among people age 15 to 25?

accidents, homicide, and suicide

What support do peers provide during adolescence?

adjustment to the physical changes of adolescence the intellectual challenges of high school social changes of leaving childhood

Which characteristic of adolescent thought is demonstrated when a teen fails to recognize that others may neither care about nor share her opinions?

adolescent egocentrism

Which of the following affects moral reasoning and religious beliefs?

adult responsibilities adult experiences education

The kind of intelligence that is most valued depends on:

age and culture

Anxiety is a normal part of emerging adulthood. However, anxiety can become a disorder as a result of:

age and genetic vulnerability. culture context. economic pressure.

A preference of the elderly to remain in the same home and community, adjusting but not leaving when health fades, is called:

aging in place

Whereas Piaget focused on problem solving in child and adolescent cognitive development, post formal thought focuses on:

anticipating problems.

Research shows that, in general, older adults who remain active:

are more intelligent. are more satisfied with their lives. have better quality health.

Couples who cohabitate prior to marriage:

are more likely to divorce

While subjective thought ____________________, objective thought ____________________.

arises from personal experiences; follows abstract, impersonal logic

A common impulse after death is for survivors to:

assess blame

Typically, high school teachers:

assume their students have mastered formal thinking.

Regular exercise protects against serious illness during which stage of development?

at every stage of life

During Erikson's crisis of industry versus inferiority, children:

attempt to master many skills.

Specific contraceptive patterns are influenced by:

availability. national law. local custom.

As individual move into adulthood and become parents, their relationships with their siblings typically:

become closer

During middle school, a child's self-concept:

becomes less imaginary and positive to more realistic and specific.

Which of the following is a symptom of bulimia nervosa?

binging and purging compulsive overeating an overuse of laxatives

When comparing homosexual partners with heterosexual partners, research indicates that:

both types of relationship experience the same advantages and conflicts.

Which of the following refers to a state in which a person is definitively dead?

brain death

Encouraging older adults to engage in creative and intuitive endeavors may help their:

brain health. social skills. resilience.

Repeated, systematic efforts to inflict harm through physical, verbal, or social attack on a weaker person is the definition of:


Researchers have found that cognitive abilities can be improved:

by playing video games

An adult expresses generativity by:

caring for others, such as young children.

Ageism is a form of prejudice in which people:

categorize and judge people only on the basis of their chronological age

The ________________ theory proposes that toxins in the environment and the need of the body to repair the damage they create is responsible for the aging process.

cellular aging

What are some ways of encouraging adolescents to engage in their education?

change scheduling to reduce movement between teachers and classrooms improve extracurricular availability provide programs for students interested in preparing for jobs rather than college

International research on personality supports the general belief that:

characteristics can be clustered into the Big Five personality traits.

Relying on cross-sectional research for conclusions is problematic because:

cohort effects may lead to false conclusions

Most older people:

consider their personalities and attitudes to have remained quite stable over the years

Relying on prior knowledge and general principles in decision making is considered a problem in which step of information processing?

control process

As we age, our _____ intelligence becomes aging-resistant, and our _____ intelligence becomes aging-sensitive.

crystallized; fluid

Some social scientists believe that personality is shaped by __________ and there is support for that view from the study of the Big Five scores in 50 U.S. states.

cultural context

What has the greatest influence on a girl's choice for her first sexual partner?


Moral values are powerfully affected by:

culture and era

Bullying that occurs when one person spreads insults or rumors about another by means of e-mails, text messages, or the Internet is called:


According to the text, early adolescent sexual activity correlates with:

depression and drug abuse.

A key aspect of a child's resilience is the stressed child's ability to:

develop relationships, activities, and skills.

Destructive peer support in which one person shows another how to rebel against authority or social norms is referred to as:

deviancy training.

An adult who recognizes both that relationships continuously change and that he or she is also changed by the relationships is a ________ thinker.


The view that psychological disorders are produced by a genetic vulnerability and stressful environmental factors is the:

diathesis-stress model.

With sexual relationships among emerging adults, which of the following may lead to increased emotional pain and frustration?

different assumptions about the purpose of sex

The workplace is changing. New features include:

diversity among employees. frequent job changes. flexible work hours.


does not describe the majority at any age. does increase for some individuals with age. is a social virtue.

Morbidity ____________ mortality.

does not necessarily correlate with

Psychosocial development in contemporary adult life _____________ social clock.

doesn't follow a set

Adolescent-limited offenders who are protected from __________ have a higher likelihood of outgrowing their criminal behavior.

drug addiction early parenthood dropping out of school

The best predictor of later drug abuse is:

drug use before age 18.

Researchers need to consider _________ when measuring memory.

ecological validity

Emerging adulthood is an important stage for the acquisition of resources needed for life-long family and career success. These resources include:

education. skills. experiences.

Which of the following is suggested in the text as a reason that adolescents fail to use their formal operational thinking?

egocentrism is dominate

The sexual-reproductive system is at its strongest during:

emerging adulthood.

Religious faith correlates with reduced risk of illness in the elderly because faith:

encourages people to have a healthier lifestyle.

When researchers used the "grounded theory" method to study sexual activity in the elder population they found that:

everyone reported less frequent sex with age. it was more a social construction than a biological event. more respondents said their sex life had improved than said it deteriorated.

Recent studies have revealed that ________ is the most important nongenetic factor that can actually slow brain deterioration.

exercising more

Family caregivers of the frail elderly:

experience substantial stress. sometimes feel fulfilled. are at risk for depression.

During the fifth stage of psychosocial development, an adolescent who is confused as to which of the many possible roles to adopt is said to be:

experiencing a crisis of identity versus role confusion.

The skill, flexibility, and strategies needed to raise a family most likely require:


"Our most important individual support system" is our:


All of the following are ways that death has changed in the past hundred years EXCEPT:

fewer deaths occur in hospitals.

Which of the following is NOT one of Sternberg's three fundamental forms of intelligence?


What is Piaget's fourth and final stage of cognitive development?

formal operational thought

Members of our social convoy that provide the more reciprocally balanced relationships are:


Which of the following is a factor that many developmentalists think might influence general intelligence?

genes experiences in infancy physical health

Which of the following could contribute to severe brain loss in adulthood?

genes poor circulation drug abuse

Research on personality reveals that it is:

genetically influenced. environmentally influenced. not fixed, but instead a lifelong process.

A major influence on the age of onset of menarche is:


Ageism can prevent depressed elderly people from:

getting medical assistance for treatable conditions

An advantage of having close friends is that they:

give advice and help analyze problems. help one get through personal losses. help with one's physical and psychological health.

The spread of STIs is a result of:

globalization. serial monogamy. not waiting 6 months between partners.

"Secondary education" refers to:

grades 7 through 12

Individuals with Alzheimer disease show ____________ cognitive decline compared to those with vascular dementia who have ________________ decline.

gradual; sudden

Many people keep working long after retirement age because work:

has physical and psychological impacts. provides social support. prevents worry about the cost of not working.

Mark, a middle-aged executive, looks back on the reckless behaviors he engaged in during his college days with pride. Like many adults, Mark:

has probably forgotten about friends who engaged in similar reckless behavior but had bad outcomes.

Neurocognitive impairment is characterized by:

having extreme emotional reactions. mental confusion and forgetfulness. impaired social responses.

According to the text, adolescents are deficient in their intake of necessary vitamins and minerals because:

healthy foods cost more. unhealthy foods are more desirable. they eat from vending machines in schools.

Friends are crucial during emerging adulthood because they:

help with advice concerning his or her lifegoals. defend against stress and provide joy. provide comfort when relationship break-ups occur.

Which of the following affects adult cognition?

historical conditions cultural pressures aging neurons

Puberty begins with a hormonal signal from the __________ to the _________.

hypothalamus; pituitary gland

The term "double effect" refers to:

improving quality of life and hastening death.

Drug abuse and extreme sports are similar in that they both involve:

impulsive behavior.

When is analytic intelligence usually valued?

in high school and college

By definition, in what way do active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide differ?

in who administers the drugs

Child sexual abuse:

increases in early puberty.

The _______ approach studies how the brain encodes, stores and retrieves information and the ______ approach evaluates whether a new level of cognition is reached by adults.

information-processing; stage

Older adults seeking to integrate their unique experiences with their vision of community is what happens during:

integrity versus despair

According to Erikson's theory, the crisis that follows identity achievement is called:

intimacy versus isolation

According to Sternberg, _______ involves reciprocal emotional closeness and sharing private thoughts and feelings and _______ involves mutual care giving and forgiveness.

intimacy; commitment

Selective optimization with compensation:

is a theory that proposes that we seek to compensate for losses by getting better at that which we already do well.

According to the text, personality:

is continuously developing. is a mixture of genes, experience and context. can change.

One who takes responsibility for intergenerational care giving and communication is called a:


The fifth of Erik Erikson's eight stages of development (identity versus role confusion) starts in adolescence; but unlike the past, it is completed:

later during adulthood.

What is the hallmark of disability?

limitation of functioning

People everywhere hope for a good death, meaning a:

long life. peaceful death. quick death.

What enabled researchers to finally discover that intelligence does not inevitably decline in early adulthood?

longitudinal research

Erikson's stage of intimacy versus isolation is similar to Maslow's stage of:

love and belonging.

The two factors that interfere with family function in every structure, ethnic group, and nation are:

low income and high conflict.

Which psychoactive drug used during adolescence is known to affect memory, language proficiency and motivation?


Which of the following is a primary sex characteristic?

maturation of the testes

College graduates seem to be:

mature flexible thinkers. more advanced thinkers than other adults. more economically successful.

Developmentalists consider _________________ to be "developmentally regressive."

middle schools

Many cultures expect children to be:

modest, not prideful.

Serious depression among adolescents is:

more common in females than in males.

Which of the following visual skills are impacted by aging?

motion perception and contrast sensitivity slows ability to visually adjust to a glare ability to visually adjust to darkness

The purpose of ___________ is to aid loved ones in moving beyond _____________.

mourning; grief

The ability to change stereotyped assumptions that one made in childhood is:

needed to counter stereotypes. an indication of cognitive flexibility. also a precursor to one's ability to reflect on those childhood assumptions based on current experiences.

An important task for successful aging requires that people:

not be socially isolated.

Parent and adolescent conflicts:

occur when a child's drive for independence clashes with the parent's supervision and control.

All of the following are changes in institutions of higher education EXCEPT:

offering fewer career programs.

Enmeshment refers to:

parents always knowing what their emerging adults are doing.

Recent research on shared and non-shared environmental factors and their influence on children's developing temperaments has found that:

parents' attitudes have a direct effect on children's behavior.

Long-term marriages are generally characterized by:

people who are healthier, wealthier, and happier than unmarried people their age.

A characteristic of second marriages is that:

people who were chronically unhappy in their first marriage often become unhappy in their second one.

Erik Erikson was interested in the ___________ of the elderly.


Erikson described four aspects of identity as being the religious, the sexual, the vocational, and the:


Currently, emerging adulthood is distinguished by:

postponement of marriage. postponement of parenthood. attainment of education.

To predict, plan, and combine objective and subjective mental processes is the cognitive ability to be ________ while the ability to see multiple solutions to a problem is the cognitive ability to be ________.

practical; flexible

The difference in the psychosocial development of preoperational children as compared to that of middle-school children is that:

preoperational children's egocentrism makes them less likely to be affected by other children's opinions and judgments.

The universal and irreversible physical changes that occur to all living creatures as time passes is referred to as:

primary aging

Which of the following is a component of every religion?

providing hope at death

The years of rapid physical growth and sexual maturation that ends childhood is called:


Historically, dramatic increases in average life expectancy around the world has occurred due to:

public health measures that prevented the deaths of many infants and children.

Typically adolescents are ___________ thinkers but adults tend to be ______________ thinkers and both have their pros and cons.

quick; analytical

Which type of information is the most likely to decline with age?

recalling names and new words

Despite striving for independence and achievement, most emerging adults today continue to have "linked lives" with their parents by:

receiving money and gifts of time from their parents.

Fewer births and increased survival rates are changing the shape of the population from a pyramid to a(n):


The slowing down of the brain in primary aging may be attributed to:

reduced production of acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters. decreased total volume of neural fluid. slower cerebral blood flow.

The Defining Issues Test was developed by ______ to assess moral reasoning through ranking possible solutions to moral dilemmas.


Which disorder is characterized by having irrational thoughts, delusions, and hallucinations?


Physical traits that are not directly involved in reproduction but that indicate sexual maturity are referred to as:

secondary sex characteristics.

The primary reason for attending college is to __________ and the secondary reason for attending college is to _______________.

secure better jobs and learn specific skills; obtain a general education

Psychosocial development in late adulthood is best understood by looking at clusters of theories such as:

self-theories and stratification theories.

The direction of someone's erotic desires is referred to as:

sexual orientation.

What is important for many adolescents in every nation?

size and maturation

Research indicates that married people have:

slightly higher levels of happiness than single persons have.

Sexual arousal and responsiveness tend to _________ with age.

slow down

What is the leading cause of preventable mortality and morbidity in the U.S.?

smoking cigarettes

What may speed up adolescent cognitive advancement, according to the text?

social networking

Customs for usual behavior within a particular society are:

social norms.

The wear-and-tear theory is most likely applicable to:

some body parts that wear due to repeated stress or exposure to elements.

The percentage of adults in the U.S. who are obese has:


Dementia that is more likely to be reversible can be related to all of the following EXCEPT:


Family ____________ refers to the legal and genetic relationships of related people living together, and family ____________ refers to the way a family works to care for its members.

structure; function

Which of the following affect expertise?

talent circumstances practice

To understand some of the illogical responses to death, social scientists have developed TMT, which stands for:

terror management theory.

To some, near-death experiences prove that there is a heaven. Scientists claim:

that there is no evidence that what happens when someone really dies has any relation to near-death experiences.

What do many developmentalists believe is essential for successful aging?

the capacity to accommodate to changes over time

Menopause refers to:

the cessation of menstruation.

The term for the particular habits, styles, and values that reflect the set of rules and rituals that characterize children as distinct from adult society is:

the child culture.

Based on the case study of James, his academic decline may have been influenced by:

the egocentric and intuitive thinking pattern characteristic of adolescents.

Research on grieving informs us that:

the grieving express their grief in many different ways.

Divorce results in:

the loss of financial benefits and income. weakened family ties. severed relationships with friends.

A reason that commitment in partnerships is crucial is:

the need to have someone to share one's goals with. the human need to have someone to listen. assistance with health and physical conditions.

The power of age as it relates to death can be a determinant in:

the reaction of others.

The fact that, currently, most people 20 to 30 years old are not married, that fewer adults marry, and that divorce is more common are all indications that:

the relationship between love and marriage has changed.

A beneficial result of changes in the adolescent brain can be seen in:

the speed of reaction time increasing yet inhibitions remaining slower.

A review of research on successful ways to halt bullying found that:

the whole school must change, not just the identified bullies.

Emerging adults often experience dilemmas that seem to raise moral issues because:

they are in between their family of origin and a family of their own.

Emerging adults who suffer from depression may fail to get help because:

they feel that nothing will help them.

The most prominent change in adolescent thought is the ability to:

think of possibility.

A possible living arrangement for an elderly person who is not self-sufficient is:

to age in place with family help. a skilled nursing facility. an assisted-living facility with some medical supervision.

Reasons for exercise among emerging adults include all of the following EXCEPT:

to increase organ strength.

The elderly are more politically active than younger people in every way EXCEPT:

turning out for massive rallies.

Which of the following age groups has the most motor-vehicle accidents?

under 20

Which of the following is the LEAST effective drug prevention strategy?

using scare tactics and warning teens about the dangers of drinking and driving

Sex education:

varies by nation. varies by state and community. takes place at various grade levels.

The most important measure of health in terms of how healthy and energetic an individual feels is:


Older children tend to choose best friends:

whose interests, values, and backgrounds are similar to their own.

All of the following are trends in Western hospitals that have made a good death more likely EXCEPT:

withholding information.

International research on the importance of communication between two partners found that:

women can be more demanding and men more withdrawing.

Processing information in the conscious mind is to _____________ memory as knowledge base is to _____________ memory.

working; long-term

One of the first visible signs of senescence is/are:


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