PSY 200

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Despite being blind, Brian has never had a problem understanding how to use his limbs. He has been able to accurately judge the position and motion of his body parts, and thus, he is able perform activities such as walking and eating quite normally. Which of the following senses is illustrated in the scenario? Select one: a. Kinesthesis b. Clairvoyance c. Psychokinesis d. Telepathy


In the context of the pitch and loudness of sound, which of the following is true? Select one: a. The greater the number of cycles per second (Hz), the higher the pitch of the sound. b. The frequency and amplitude of a sound are dependent on each other. c. The pitch of a sound is expressed in decibels (dB). d. The pitch of a sound roughly corresponds to the height, or amplitude, of sound waves.


Phoebe recently suffered a major fall in which she sustained brain injuries. Since then, she has had immense difficulty in communicating with others. She appears to understand what is said to her, but her responses are slow and laborious. Her sentences are always incomplete with important grammatical words missing. Which of the following conditions best reflects Phoebe's case? Select one: a. Broca's aphasia b. Wernicke's aphasia c. Epilepsy d. Retrograde amnesia


Which of the following diseases stems from food poisoning and prevents the release of acetylcholine? Select one: a. Botulism b. Multiple sclerosis c. Anemia d. Colitis


Which of the following is a bulb-shaped structure at the end of axons? Select one: a. Terminal buttons b. Dendrites c. Pons d. Glial cells


Which of the following is a function of norepinephrine? Select one: a. It is involved in general arousal and learning and memory. b. It slows down heartbeat. c. It lowers arousal and induces inactivity. d. It acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter.


Which of the following is a function of the middle ear? Select one: a. To increase the pressure of air entering the ear b. To stimulate the basilar membrane c. To funnel the sound waves to the eardrum d. To decrease the pressure of the air entering the ear


Which of the following is a new basic taste that was recently added to the primary taste qualities? Select one: a. Savory b. Sweet c. Sour d. Bitter


Which of the following is the function of the iris? Select one: a. Regulating the amount of light that enters the eye b. Transmitting the perception of black and white c. Conducting sensory input to the brain d. Transmitting perception of color


Which of the following is true about elaborative rehearsal? Select one: a. It involves extending the semantic meaning of the letters that need to be remembered. b. It involves mentally repeating a list of letters or numbers that needs to be remembered. c. It involves visually representing a list of letters that needs to be remembered. d. It involves adding additional letters to a list of letters that has already been remembered.


Which of the following neurotransmitters is involved in emotional arousal and sleep? Select one: a. Serotonin b. Norepinephrine c. Acetylcholine d. Gamma-aminobutyric acid


Which of the following refers to a process by which people suspend thinking and allow the world to fade away? Select one: a. Meditation b. Hypnosis c. Hallucination d. Biofeedback training


Which of the following terms also refers to the waking state? Select one: a. Conscious b. Hypnotic trance c. Meditation d. Unconscious


Which of the following terms best describes people who are easily hypnotized? Select one: a. Hypnotic suggestibility b. Hypnotic amnesia c. Hypnotic trance d. Hypnotic induction


Which of these is a function of the medulla of the brain? Select one: a. It plays roles in sleeping, sneezing, and coughing. b. It serves as a relay station for sensory stimulation. c. It receives messages from skin senses all over the body. d. It handles the regulation of body temperature and concentration of fluids.


Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the events that led to their very first date. Rose distinctly remembers giving Abe her telephone number at a party, but Abe is certain that he got her number from her best friend, Linda. Abe and Rose have different _____ of the event. Select one: a. procedural memories b. episodic memories c. prospective memories d. semantic memories


Dana can only remember a few of the first and last items on her grocery list. Which of the following is this an example of? Select one: a. The srimacy effect b. The serial-position effect c. The recency effect d. The latency effect


In a painting that Shannon is observing, one object is perceived as a two-dimensional circle, and another appears to be a three-dimensional sphere. Which of the following monocular cues can account for this effect? Select one: a. Clearness b. Shadowing c. Shape constancy d. Convergence


Observing people in their natural habitat is referred to as _______________. Select one: a. case study method b. naturalistic observation c. survey method


What is the purpose of a split brain operation? Select one: a. To modify the language functions of the brain b. To confine seizures to one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex c. To enhance aesthetic and emotional responses d. To integrate the functions of both the hemispheres of the cerebral cortex


Which of the following is a difference between repression and suppression? Select one: a. Repression is a conscious process, whereas suppression is a nonconscious process. b. Repression is an unconscious process, whereas suppression is a conscious process. c. Repression is a nonconscious process, whereas suppression is an unconscious process. d. Repression is focusing consciousness on a particular stimulus, whereas suppression is the automatic ejection of ideas and impulses.


Which of the following is contained in the middle ear? Select one: a. The organ of Corti b. The eardrum c. The basilar membrane d. The auditory nerve


Which of the following is true about the serial position effect? Select one: a. It is the tendency to recall more accurately the last five items on a list. b. It is the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items on a list. c. It is the tendency to recall more accurately only the item at the exact center of a list. d. It is the tendency to recall more accurately the first five items on a list.


Which of the following is true of Weber's constant? Select one: a. Weber's constant for pitch is 1/444. b. Weber's constant for light is inaccurate when extremely bright or dull lights are compared. c. Weber's constant is not valid for noticing differences in lifted weight. d. Weber discovered that the threshold for perceiving differences in the intensity of light is about 8%.


Which of the following monocular cues is based on the perception that closer objects appear to have rougher surfaces? Select one: a. Proximity b. Texture gradient c. Clearness d. Motion parallax


Which of the following theorists suggest that people can modify and create their environments? Select one: a. Humanists b. Social-cognitive theorists c. Neoanalysts d. Gestalt psychologists


Which of the following terms is related to one's genotype? Select one: a. Culture b. Atmosphere c. Nature d. Environment


Which of the following terms was proposed by B. F. Skinner? Select one: a. Insight b. Conditioning c. Reinforcement d. Introspection


Emily suffers from insomnia. When she went to see a doctor, she was told that her sleeplessness was caused by the deficiency of a particular hormone. The doctor then gave her sleeping pills containing the same. Which is the hormone in question? Select one: a. Oxytocin b. Vasopressin c. Thyroxin d. Melatonin


Julie's research work requires her to interview a sample of 200 people within two months. She needs a quick method of observation by which she can consolidate the data from her questionnaires without taking too much time. Which of the following methods should be recommended for Julie? Select one: a. Field experiments b. The case study method c. Naturalistic observation method d. The survey method


Which of the following causes Down syndrome? Select one: a. The presence of an extra chromosome on the 23rd pair b. The presence of only 22 pairs of chromosomes c. The presence of more than 23 pairs of chromosomes d. The presence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair


Which of the following hallucinogens is derived from the resin of the Cannabis sativa plant? Select one: a. Phencyclidine b. Lysergic acid diethylamide c. Mescaline d. Hashish


A random sample is selected so that identified subgroups in the population are represented proportionately in the sample. Select one: True False


Alicia was just about to fall asleep when she heard something crash in the kitchen. The noise jolted her awake. This was due to the secretion of the oxytocin hormone. Select one: True False


In a study conducted to test the effect of light on concentration, one group of students sat in a brightly lit classroom while the other group sat in a regular classroom. The latter would be considered as an experimental group. Select one: True False


In retrograde amnesia, there are memory lapses for the period following a trauma such as a blow to the head, an electric shock, or an operation. Select one: True False


Instinctive behavior is absent when an individual is reared in isolation from others of its kind. Select one: True False


Mental repetition of information to keep it in memory is called elaborative rehearsal. Select one: True False


The human ability to store information is limited. Select one: True False


The organ of Corti is a membrane that lies coiled within the cochlea. Select one: True False


The somatic nervous system controls activities such as heartbeat, respiration, digestion, and dilation of the pupils. Select one: True False


The state of unconsciousness called the hypnotic trance has traditionally been induced by asking people to narrow their attention to a small light. Select one: True False


As opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined. Select one: True False


Case studies are subject to inaccuracies. Select one: True False


Debriefing is the process of explaining the purposes and methods of a completed procedure to a participant. Select one: True False


Explicit memory is memory for specific information. Select one: True False


In long-term memory, we tend to organize information according to a hierarchical structure. Select one: True False


Many case studies are clinical; that is, they are descriptions of a person's psychological problems and how a psychologist treated them. Select one: True False


Method of savings is a measure of retention in which the difference between the number of repetitions originally required to learn a list and the number of repetitions required to re-learn the list after a certain amount of time has elapsed is calculated. Select one: True False


Pain is sharpest in areas of the body where nerve endings are densely packed. Select one: True False


Researchers historically agreed on four primary taste qualities: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Select one: True False


Sacs called synaptic vesicles in the axon terminals contain neurotransmitters. Select one: True False


Some people smoke cigarettes to control weight because it depresses the appetite and raises the metabolic rate. Select one: True False


The cognitive tradition has roots in Socrates' advice to "Know thyself" and in his suggested method of introspection. Select one: True False


The hippocampus does not become mature until we are about two years old. Select one: True False


Visual stimuli can be flashed too briefly to enable us to consciously process them. Select one: True False


When you are given a new phone number and write it down or immediately dial the number, you are retaining the number in your short-term memory. Select one: True False


With well-known information such as our names and occupations, retrieval is effortless and rapid. Select one: True False


In which of the following situations do people usually require more sleep than normal? Select one: a. When people are under stress b. When people are on vacation c. When people need to make up for lost rest d. When people are physically inactive


Which of the following characterizes hypnotic suggestibility? Select one: a. Proneness to fantasy b. Compulsive behavior c. Stage 4 sleep d. Lack of knowledge about the "trance state"


Which of the following is true about anterograde amnesia? Select one: a. It is the inability to recall events that occurred prior to the age of three or so. b. It is the failure to remember the events that occurred after a physical trauma. c. It is the failure to remember events that caused or occurred prior to an accident. d. It is the inability to recall events that took place in childhood even in the absence of a trauma.


Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal? Select one: a. It involves trying to remember a long list of letters or numbers that has been read once. b. It involves mentally repeating a list or saying the information to oneself. c. It involves encoding a list of letters by relating it to something already known. d. It involves storing a list of letters or numbers on an electronic storage device for later use.


Which of the following refers to a time when a neuron is insensitive to messages from other neurons and does not fire? Select one: a. The all-or-none principle b. A refractory period c. The resting potential d. A receptor site


Which of the following statements is true about a schema? Select one: a. It is a way of displacing information in the short-term memory by adding new information. b. It is a way of mentally representing the world that can influence perceptions. c. It is a way of retrieving accurate information from the long-term memory. d. It is a way of ejecting anxiety-evoking ideas from conscious awareness.


Which of the following statements is true about explicit memory? Select one: a. It is also known as procedural or skill memory. b. It is the memory of things that are clearly stated or explained. c. It is the memory of how to perform a task. d. It is the memory associated with things planned for the future.


Which of the following statements is true in the context of color blindness? Select one: a. Dichromats are sensitive to red-green, blue-yellow, and light-dark colors. b. Dichromats are sensitive to black-white and either red-green or blue-yellow colors. c. Monochromats are individuals with normal color vision. d. Partially colorblind people are known as trichromats.


Which of the following terms refers to an altered state of consciousness? Select one: a. Direct inner awareness b. Meditation c. Nonconsciousness d. Preconsciousness


Which of these is a function of prolactin? Select one: a. It regulates the growth of muscles, bones, and glands. b. It regulates maternal behavior in lower mammals such as rats. c. It regulates the rate at which the body uses oxygen and produces energy. d. It regulates the sleep-wake cycle and may affect the onset of puberty.


In the context of dreams, which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. Nightmares, like most pleasant dreams, are products of non-rapid eye movement sleep. b. Dreams are most likely to be vague and fleeting during rapid eye movement sleep. c. We are less likely to dream about the thoughts that we are preoccupied with. d. There is no evidence to suggest that dreams express impulses we censor during the day.


In the context of sleep, which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. Older people and newborn babies require the same amount of sleep. b. Newborn babies sleep for eight hours a day, and teenagers generally sleep 12 hours or more. c. People need less sleep when they are under stress. d. Under deprivation of rapid eye movement sleep, animals and people learn more slowly.


In which of the following conditions do receptors for warmth fire? Select one: a. When skin temperature decreases b. When nociceptors in the skin are depressed c. When phantom limb pain is aroused d. When skin temperature increases


Which of the following statements is true about the different types of psychologists? A) Counseling psychologists have clients with serious psychological disorders. B)Health psychologists apply psychology to the criminal justice system. C)School psychologists focus on planning instructional methods for a school system rather than on individual children. D)Clinical psychologists help clients resolve problems and change self-defeating behavior.


Which of the following statements was proposed by the functionalists? Select one: a. The mind functions by combining objective and subjective elements of experience. b. Remarkable combinations of behaviors can be taught by means of reinforcement. c. Our lives are governed by unconscious ideas and impulses that originate in childhood conflicts. d. Adaptive behavior patterns are learned and maintained.


Which of the following terms best describes the tendency to perceive an object as being just as luminous even though lighting conditions change its intensity? Select one: a. Shape constancy b. Size constancy c. Color constancy d. Brightness constancy


Gestalt psychologists believe that maladaptive behavior patterns tend to drop out and only the fittest behavior patterns survive. Select one: True False


Glenn is an accomplished guitarist. He can play a guitar with his eyes closed. When he does this, he is quite aware of which frets his fingers are on. He does this with the aid of his vestibular sense. Select one: True False


Meditation has been shown to decrease nighttime concentrations of the hormone melatonin, which helps people get to sleep. Select one: True False


Mindfulness meditation provides clients with techniques they can use to attain spiritual enlightenment. Select one: True False


Norepinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is manufactured exclusively by the adrenal glands. Select one: True False


Prospective memory involves recalling information that has been previously learned. Select one: True False


Structuralists tended to ask, "How do behavior and mental processes help people adapt to the requirements of their lives?" Select one: True False


Derek's grandfather sleeps for three to five hours every night. However, he dozes off for short periods several times during the day. Derek took his grandfather to the doctor to check if he has a sleeping disorder. The doctor denied the possibility because Derek's grandfather did not display any of the known symptoms. According to the functions of sleep, what could be the likely reason for Derek's grandfather's short sleep at night? Select one: a. He might be scared of sleeping in the dark. b. He might have no learning or memory to consolidate during REM sleep. c. He might feel the need to use the bathroom several times at night. d. He might have been sleeping for three to five hours since he was young.


In the context of pain, which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. Pain does not reverberate throughout the nervous system. b. Headaches originate through nerve endings present in the brain. c. Pain is usually sharpest where nerve endings are densely packed. d. Modern research shows that acupuncture works by balancing the body's flow of energy.


Sharon visited a small group of aborigines while she was in Australia. She interacted with them and understood their cultural heritage, race, and history. Which of the following terms would Sharon use to describe the group of aborigines? Select one: a. A research group b. A selection factor c. An ethnic group d. A caste group Feedback


Which of the following brain imaging techniques relies on subtle shifts in blood flow? Select one: a. Electrocardiography b. Positron emission tomography c. Magnetic resonance imaging d. Electroencephalograph


Which of the following fractions is known as Weber's constant for light? Select one: a. 1/53rd b. 1/333rd c. 1/60th d. 1/10th


Which of the following is a defining feature of psychoanalysis? Select one: a. The role of perception in problem solving b. The focus on only observable behavior c. The emphasis on unconscious ideas and impulses d. The emphasis on the human capacity for self-worth


Which of the following is a goal of psychology? Select one: a. To affirm social norms and mores b. To establish behavioral and moral standards c. To explain behavior and mental processes d. To seek ways to make people do their bidding


Which of the following is true about the storage of information in long-term memory? Select one: a. Information is stored as choppy impressions in the long-term memory. b. We tend to organize information in order of their occurrence. c. We tend to organize information in order of their hierarchy. d. The information in the long-term memory is stored for a maximum of 12 minutes.


Which of the following statements is true about long-term memory? Select one: a. Long-term memories are lost by displacement. b. Its capacity to store information is limited. c. It is analogous to a biochemical "hard drive." d. Long-term memories are always accurate.


Which of the following substances is a depressant? Select one: a. Mescaline b. Nicotine c. Nembutal d. Marijuana


Which of the following is a difference between the thalamus and the hypothalamus? Select one: a. The thalamus controls the regulation of body temperature, concentration of fluids, storage of nutrients, and motivation and emotion, whereas the hypothalamus receives messages from skin senses all over the body. b. The thalamus receives messages from skin senses all over the body, whereas the hypothalamus regulates basic functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. c. The thalamus controls the regulation of body temperature, concentration of fluids, storage of nutrients, and motivation and emotion, whereas the hypothalamus serves as a relay station for sensory stimulation. d. The thalamus serves as a relay station for sensory stimulation, whereas the hypothalamus controls the regulation of body temperature, concentration of fluids, storage of nutrients, and motivation and emotion.


Which of the following is a key feature of mindfulness meditation? Select one: a. Achievement of spiritual goals b. Proneness to fantasy c. Addressing problems d. Focusing on the present


Which of the following is symptomatic of sleep apnea? Select one: a. Occurrence of bedwetting b. Hallucinations such as of a person or object sitting on the chest c. Autonomic activity and muscle tension d. Obstruction of air passages


Which of the following is true of insomnia? Select one: a. It is a sleep attack where a person falls asleep suddenly. b. It is a sleep disorder in which a person's air passages are obstructed. c. It is a sleep disorder in which an individual walks in his or her sleep. d. It is a sleep disorder that is characterized by the inability to fall or stay asleep.


Which of the following represents an interaction of one's nature and nurture? Select one: a. The action potential b. The genotype c. The corpus callosum d. The phenotype


Which of the following substances is a stimulant? Select one: a. Morphine b. Seconal c. Nembutal d. Cocaine


Which of the following statements is true of applied research? Select one: a. It has no immediate application to personal or social problems. b. It is has been characterized as research for its own sake. c. It is designed to find solutions to particular problems. d. It is broad and nonspecific in its approach.


Which of the following terms refers to contemporary psychologists who follow theories derived from Freud? Select one: a. Anthropologists b. Microanalysts c. Neoanalysts d. Ethologists


Amy was playing in the living room, when she accidentally hit her elbow against the edge of the wall. Her sharp cry attracted the attention of Amy's mother who rushed to her and rubbed the affected elbow. The immediate rubbing of the elbow seemed to lessen Amy's pain. Which theory would best explain why this occurred? Select one: a. Signal-detection theory b. Place theory c. Opponent-process theory d. Gate theory


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