psy 385 test 3

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Priming occurs when presentation of one stimulus

facilitates the response to another stimulus that usually follows closely in time

According to the hub and spoke model, which area of the brain serves as the hub?

Anterior temporal lobe

Which of the following is the best example of a garden path sentence?

Before the police stopped, the Toyota disappeared into the night.

Which set of stimuli would be the best selection for having people perform a lexical decision task?

Words "pizza, history" and nonwords "pibble, girk"

Learning in the connectionist network is represented by adjustments to network

connection weights

One of the key properties of the ___________ approach is that a specific concept is represented by activity that is distributed over many units in the network.


The process of back propagation is most closely associated with

connectionist networks

Intermediate states can be created by

creating subgoals

In the lexical decision task, participants are asked to

decide whether a string of letters is a word or a nonword.

If you say that "a Labrador retriever is my idea of a typical dog," you would be using the ___________ approach to categorization.


Research suggests that the ___________ approach to categorization works best for small categories (e.g., U.S. presidents).


Spreading activation

primes associated concepts

When the front part of a sentence can be interpreted more than one way, but the end of the sentence clarifies which meaning is correct, we say that the sentence is an example of

speech segmentation

Collins and Quillian explained the results of priming experiments by introducing the concept of ___________ into their network model.

spreading activation

Items high on prototypicality have ___________ family resemblances.


Based on the information your textbook provided about different category types, jumping from ___________ categories results in the largest gain in information.

superordinate level to basic level

In evaluating retrieval rates for category information for a concept, Collins and Quillian's semantic network approach would predict the slowest reaction times for which of the following statements using a sentence verification technique?

A field sparrow is an animal.

___________is a "typical" member of a category.

A prototype

According to Collins and Quillian's semantic network model, it should take longest to verify which statement below?

A turtle is an animal

In written English, which punctuation mark has the most parsing power?


Which property below is NOT one of the characteristics that makes human language unique?


Which term best reflects the process of reading and understanding sentences in a story?


Which approach to categorization can more easily take into account atypical cases such as flightless birds?


___________ are actual members of a category that a person has encountered in the past.


Which of the following is not part of a complete definition of a problem?

Has one correct answer

If human speech is represented as a string of taffy on a candy-making assembly line, then what function does speech segmentation serve at the candy factory?

It cuts the taffy into pieces

Yoda, a central character of the Star Wars movies created by George Lucas, has a distinctive way of speaking. His statement, "Afraid you will be," violates which property of the English language?

Language has a structure that is governed by rules

Gick and Holyoak consider which of the following to be the most difficult step to achieve in the process of analogical problem solving?

Noticing that there is an analogous relationship between problems because most participants need prompting before they notice a connection

Which of the following is a connectionist model proposing that concepts are represented by activity that is spread across a network?

Parallel distributed processing theory

Which approach to categorization involves forming a standard representation based on an average of category members that a person has encountered in the past?


Which of the following statements is NOT accurate?

Semantics and lexicons are equal in scope

Which of the following terms best describes the concept of entrainment?


According to the connectionist model, which of the following is impacted by connection weight?

Synapse activity

Which of the following theories on conceptual representation combines both sensory and motor experiences?

The embodied approach

Brain imaging studies reveal that semantics and syntax are associated with which two lobes of the cerebral cortex?

The frontal and temporal lobes

Which of the following is a nonverbal component of communication?

Theory of mind

In a lexical decision task, participants have to decide whether

a presented stimulus is a word

From the perspective of the listener, as a person speaks, each sentence often is characterized by ________ until the sentence is completed.


Consider the following sentences: "Captain Ahab wanted to kill the whale. He cursed at it." These two sentences taken together provide an example of a(n)

anaphoric inference

Learning takes place in a connectionist network through a process of ___________ in which an error signal is transmitted starting from the property units.

back propagation

According to Rosch, the ___________ level of categories reflects people's everyday experience.


Which of the choices best represents cognitive economy in the following sentence? The property _______is stored at the _______node

can fly; bird

Imagine you are interpreting a pair of sentences such as "The sidewalk was covered with ice" and "Ramona fell down." The kind of inference we use to link these sentences together would most likely be a(n) ____________________ inference.


The given-new contract is a method for creating

comprehension between a speaker and a listener in a conversation

Not all of the members of everyday categories have the same features. Most fish have gills, fins, and scales. Sharks lack the feature of scales, yet they are still categorized as fish. This poses a problem for the ___________ approach to categorization.


The four proposals addressing the representation of concepts in the brain all agree that the information is ________.


The idea that the rules governing the grouping of words in a sentence is the primary determinant of the way a sentence is parsed is part of the ____________________ approach to parsing

garden path

In New Guinea, tribes that had been isolated for centuries were found that they

had a large number of sophisticated language systems

Considering the fortress and the radiation problems together, the fortress problem represents the _________________ problem.


Noam Chomsky proposed that

humans are genetically programmed to acquire and use language.

Most of the coherence in text is created by


Chaz is listening to his grandma reminisce about the first time she danced with his grandpa 60 years ago. When his grandma says, "It seemed like the song would play forever," Chaz understands that it is more likely his grandma was listening to a radio playing and not a CD. This understanding requires Chaz use a(n)

instrument inference

In the two-string problem, tying the pliers to one of the strings best represents a(n) _________________ state.


According to the typicality effect

items that are high in prototypicality are judged more rapidly as being in a group.

Ron is an avid reader. He has a large vocabulary because every time he comes across a word he doesn't know, he looks it up in the dictionary. Ron encounters "wanderlust" in a novel, reaches for the dictionary, and finds out this word means "desire to travel." The process of looking up unfamiliar words increases Ron's


Jorge and Bob are neighbors. Jorge loves birds and his father works for the zoo. He has been to a dozen bird sanctuaries, and he and his dad go on bird watching hikes once a month. In contrast, Bob doesn't think much about birds. His only contact with them is in his backyard. It would be correct to say that Jorge's standard probably involves

more exemplars than Bob's

Actions that take the problem from one state to another are known as


According to the situation model of text processing,

people create a mental representation of what the text is about in terms of people, objects, locations, and events

Rosch found that participants respond more rapidly in a same-different task when presented with "good" examples of colors such as "red" and "green" than when they are presented with "poor" examples such as "pink" and "light green." The result of this experiment was interpreted as supporting the ___________ approach to categorization.


Ty has finished work on his doctoral dissertation. He studied how most adults understand words, specifically the priming effects of categorically related words, and submitted a proposal to be included in a psychological conference to present his work to his peers. Presentations at the conference are grouped based on the particular topic in psychology under consideration. It is most likely that Ty's work will be presented in a conference session on


In the context of language, another term for "heuristics" is ________.


Syntax is the

rules for combining words into sentences

According to the ___________ approach, there are certain types of concepts that have specific neural circuits in the brain.

semantic category

The ___________ model includes associations between concepts and the property of spreading activation.

semantic network

The constraint-based approach to parsing states that

semantics is activated as a sentence is being read

According to the concept of ________, when we read a sentence like, "Jorge grabbed his coat from his bedroom and his backpack from the living room, walked downstairs, and called his friend Gerry," we create a simulation of Jorge's apartment and keep track of his location as he moves throughout the apartment.

situation models

When two people engage in a conversation, if one person produces a specific grammatical construction in his or her speech and then the other person does the same, this phenomenon is referred to as

syntactic priming

The concept of language can best be thought of as a ________.


Experts _________________ than novices.

take a more effective approach to organizing the solution to a problem

Lexical ambiguity studies show that people access ambiguous words based on

the meaning dominance of each definition of the word.

Rosch and coworkers conducted an experiment in which participants were shown a category label, like a car or vehicle, and then, after a brief delay, saw a picture. The participants' task was to indicate as rapidly as possible whether the picture was a member of the category. Their results showed

the priming effect was most robust for basic level categories

Collins and Quillian's semantic network model predicts that the reaction time to verify "a canary is a bird" is ___________ the reaction time to verify "an ostrich is a bird."

the same as

Janet is alone in a room that contains a chair and a shelf with a book resting on top. She attempts to retrieve the book, but the shelf is a foot above her reach. How will Janet retrieve the book? Psychologists would NOT classify this scenario as a problem because

the solution is immediately obvious.

Insight refers to

the sudden realization of a solution to a problem

The crucial question in comparing garden path and constrain-based approaches to parsing is ____________________ is involved.

when semantics

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