PSY 4332 Exam 3

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A person who conforms because he is not sure what to do in a situation is engaging in _____.

informational conformity

Which traits commonly relate to leader emergence?

intelligence, dominance, masculinity

When organizations undergo change, the final stage employees go through is called:


Research indicates that two traits differentiate excellent leaders from poor leaders. Intelligence is one of the traits and _______ is the other.

interpersonal adjustment

Hogan (1989) has identified characteristics associated with poor leadership. According to your text, which of the following characteristics is NOT associated with poor leadership?

lack of training, cognitive deficiencies, personality

According to research, self-esteem is related to:


Herzberg's needs theory has the following factors

motivators and hygiene

_______ are leaders who overcome their insecurity by overconfidence.


A person who conforms because she is concerned about what others will think is engaging in ______.

normative conformity

In the _____ stage of team development, members begin to acknowledge the reality of the team.

norming stage

Leaders who are high in person orientation and low in task orientation will have

person oriented leaders

Feedback best increases performance when it is _________ in nature.

positive and informational

When people feel their freedom to make choices is threatened, they react by disobeying the order that threatens their freedom. This is called ______.

psychological reactance

A manager in an office is well liked and respected. The manager is likely to have _____ power.


According to French and Raven, power for leaders may lie in the positive feelings that others hold for them. Which of the following is the term used for this type of power?

referent power

Operant conditioning focuses on:

reinforcing good behaviors

When organizations undergo change, the first stage employees go through is called

sacred cow hunt

Consistency theory states that there is a relationship between work motivation and:

self esteem

According to research by Foster (1989), good leaders need to possess only one stable trait. This trait is:

self monitoring

_____ self-esteem focuses on an individual's feelings at a particular moment whereas _____ self-esteem focuses on how a person feels about himself based on the expectations of others.

situational; chronic self-esteem

During the _____ stage of team development, team members often become frustrated with their roles.

storming stage

The compliance technique that works by taking advantage of the fact that we don't know much about ourselves is called the _____ technique.

suggest an attribution technique

Leaders who are high in task orientation and low in person orientation will have

task oriented leaders

In general, empowering employees ______ job satisfaction and _______ stress.

the effects depend on the employee

An interesting extension of the trait theory of leader performance suggests that certain traits are necessary requirements for leadership excellence but do not guarantee it. Instead, leadership excellence is a function of:

the right person being in the right place at the right time

Visionary charismatic managers are often known as ____ leaders


Research indicates that about ___ of job satisfaction is genetically determined


About what percent of the people in Milgram's original experiment gave the highest levels of shock?


If an empowered employee makes a wrong decision, a manager should:


_____ suggests that some people will be more motivated on a job than will other people, regardless of the job.


Social behavior that is the result of a request is called ________.


Social behavior that is the result of a norm is called ________.


A leader who uses an achievement-oriented style:

Sets challenging goals and rewards increases performance

Which of the following is NOT a common reason for why teams fail?

Team is not a team, lack of empowerment, lack of skill, excessive meeting requirements, distrust of team process, unclear objectives

Employees who score high in the need for ____ desire challenging jobs; those scoring high in the need for ____ prefer working with/helping others; those scoring high in the need for ___ desire to influence others.

achievement; affiliation; power

According to Judge and Watanabe (1994), job satisfaction and life satisfaction are:


Giving job applicants a realistic job preview is consistent with ___ job satisfaction theories.


To create a good atmosphere for change, it is important for an organization to create

dissatisfaction with the current system

Which level of Maslow's hierarchy involves the employee's needs for recognition and success?

ego needs

Social learning theory focuses on:

employees model their levels of satisfaction and motivation from other employees

If a goal is not achievable, ______ would predict low motivation.

expectancy theory

Managers whose power comes from their knowledge has ____ power whereas leaders who obtain power because of their position has ______ power.

expert; legitimate

Which of the following characteristics is associated with being easily persuaded by others?

expertise, trustworthiness, similarity, attractiveness

____ leaders are insecure and seldom rock the boat or cause trouble.

high likability floater

According to your text, _____ emerge as leaders most often

high self monitors

If I give an order to someone, they would be most likely to obey if ______.

you are near them

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