Psy ch.5 Learning study guide

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Which of the following theorists is associated with research on reinforcement theory?


Positive reinforcement ________________ the likelihood of a behavior happening again; negative reinforcement ________________ the likelihood of a behavior happening again.

increases; increases

Modeling Effect

learning a new behavior from a model through the acquisition of new responses ( learn from watching somebody do it)

The weakening and eventual disappearance of a conditioned response that is caused by repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus without the presence of the unconditioned stimulus is called


The unconditioned response of Pavlov's dogs was .____________


Inhibitory Effect

suppressing a behavior because a model is punished for displaying the behavior (

Positive reinforcement

(add something positive) A pleasant or desirable consequence that increases the probability that a response will be repeated; Do chores, get allowance

Negative reinforcement

(subtract something negative) Termination of an unpleasant condition after a response, which increases the probability that the response will be repeated; Get out of jail if you pay taxes

John Watson

1919: American behaviorist, believed he could condition all aspects of behavior

Cognitive Maps

A mental representation of an area that helps an organism navigate its way from one point to another


A stimulus that decreases the probability that a previous behavior will occur again. The removal of a pleasant stimulus or the application of an unpleasant stimulus, thereby lowering the probability of a response. (Opposite the reinforcement)

Schedule of Continuous Reinforcement

A system of dispensing a reinforcement EVERY time a response is produced. Ratio= number more high response.

Schedule of Partial Reinforcement

A system of dispensing a reinforcement for only a PORTION of responses


Decreases the probability that it will occur

Law of Effect (Edward Thorndike and B.F Skinner)

Consequence of a response determines the tendency to respond in the same way in the future; strengthened or weakened organisms tend to repeat behaviors that bring about pleasant consequences.

B.F. Skinner

American Behaviorist - developed many of the concepts of operant conditioning, such as reinforcement

Conditioned Response (đáp ứng điều kiện)

An acquired or learned response to a conditioned stimuli (đáp ứng thu được hay được biết đến một sự kích thích có điều kiện)


Anything that follows a response and strengthens it or increases the probability that it will be repeated. Reward when they do something good.

This theorist researched observational learning and the effects of modeling on behavior.


______________was a pioneer in the study of the ways in which observing aggressive behavior on television and in films influences children's behavior.


Behavior modification

Changing behavior based on the learning principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, or observational learning. Used to change self-injuries pg.154

"Bobo Doll" Studies (Bandura, 1961) (on the test)

Children imitate aggressive behavior of an adult model Humans on film portraying aggression were the most influential in eliciting aggression; Children do not process information about consequences in the same ways as adults do

Cindy cries for candy when in the store with her mother. Her mother, wanting Cindy to be quiet, gives in and gets her some candy, at which point Cindy becomes silent. The next time they go to the store, the process repeats itself. Which of the following best describes what has happened?

Cindy's behavior is positively reinforced, and her mother's behavior is negatively reinforced.

Paying employees every five days is an example of which schedule of reinforcement?

Fixed interval

Recent Research (Television and Other Entertainment Media)

Individuals who watch the most violence as children are more likely to engage in acts of violence as adults. Violent video games increase feelings of hostility and decreases sensitivity to violent images. (watch too much violent children intimate engage to the samething)

Observational Learning

Learning by observing the behavior of others and the consequences of that behavior; learning by imitation; Model is the individual who demonstrates a behavior or whose behavior is imitated (watching somebody mistake not to follow they mistake)

Cognitive Learning

Learning that occurs without the opportunity of first performing the learned response OR being reinforced for it

Classical conditioning

Learning through association of stimuli (học tập thông qua các kết hợp của sự kích thích)

Operant conditioning

Learning through consequences (học tập thông qua những hậu quả)

Implicit Learning

Learning without conscious awareness of what is learned

Watson and Rayner (1920)

Presented Little Albert with a white rat for laboratory; little Albert's fear of a white rat was a conditioned response; Fear generalized Conditioned fears "persist and modify personality throughout life" (pg.141)

Primary Reinforcement

Reinforcement does not need to be received continually in order for behavior to be learned and maintained.

Reinforce Fixed-ratio (FR)

Reinforcer given after a fixed number of correct, nonreinforced responses ; Example: getting paid after sewing 10 shirts. People are apt to work as quickly as possible. RATIO = NUMBER ex.10 coffee get 1 free

Variable-ratio (VR)

Reinforcer is given after a varying number of nonreinforced responses; Example: Telephone salesperson, slot machines Takes longer to learn; but once learned, response rates are high. Most resistant to extinction. RATIO = NUMBER ex. slot machines how many you play before the reward.

Fixed-interval (FI)

Reinforcer is given after first correct response after a specific period of time has elapsed; Example: one exam at end of semester (don't study until very end), washing machine cycle Overall rates of response relatively low. INTERVAL = TIME ex. But in more time to received a reward.

Variable-interval (VI)

Reinforcer is given after first correct response following a varying period of time; Example: surprise quizzes - students will study more, going fishing (how much time will you have to wait for a bite?) More likely to produce relatively steady rates of responding. INTERVAL = TIME. Ex Don't know when the quiz coming so study ahead to get the reward

Secondary Reinforcement

Schedules of reinforcement are the frequency and timing of reinforcement following desired behavior

Operant conditioning

The process of learning in which the manipulation of the consequences of a response influences the likelihood of the response occurring

Insight Learning

The process of mentally working through a problem until the sudden realization of a solution occurs

Slot machines use which schedule of reinforcement?

Variable ratio

A good example of a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement is _____________.

a child's weekly allowance.

Disinhibitory Effect

displaying a previously suppressed behavior because a model does so without receiving punishment (ex . Somebody doing something they get away with it and you do it cause u think u will get away too.)

Facilitation Effect

exhibiting a behavior similar to that shown by a model in an unfamiliar situation ( something u observed. Ex. Copy something on tv and learn from it)

rewarding a child each time he does his chores is an example of which schedule of reinforcement?

fixed ratio


follows a response strengthens it or increases the probability that it will occur

Suppressing a previously learned unacceptable behavior after seeing a model be punished for it


Mary Cover Jones (1924)

later used classical conditioning to remove fears in another boy (pg.141)


learned ability to distinguish between similar stimuli CR occurs only in response to the original CS, not to similar stimuli.

Latent Learning

learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement and is not demonstrated until the organism is motivated to do so. (ex. Observe and learn from that person. Learn something without training)

If a teacher gives a pop quiz each week, but students do not know which day it will fall on, she is using which schedule of reinforcement?

variable interval


weakening and eventual disappearance of a response as a result of withholding reinforcement

Positive punishment

weakens a response through the application of an unpleasant stimulus. (if kid scream he know the parent don't want him in the church. But to avoid his scream use jacky spray in his mouth to stop his screaming)

Negative punishment

weakens a response through the removal of something pleasant. The punished often become fearful and feel angry toward the punisher. Frequently leads to aggression ( take away something good) ex. Pg. 149

Learning (học tập)

A relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge, capability, or attitude; acquired through experience cannot be attributed to illness, injury, or maturation (sự thay đổi tương đối thường trực trong hành vi, kiến ​​thức, năng lực, thái độ, thu được thông qua kinh nghiệm; không thể được do bệnh tật, thương tích hoặc trưởng thành)

Observational learning

Albert Bandura

Tamake watched a movie about tornadoes and is now afraid of bad storms._______________

Classical conditioning of emotions.

If Watson had wanted to extinguish Little Albert's conditioned fear of white furry things, he would have presented the__________ stimulus without presenting the____________stimulus.

Conditioned , unconditioned

(Partial, Continuous) reinforcement is most effective in conditioning a new response.


If you were going to train a rat to press a bar for food, you would probably use ____________ reinforcement for the initial training period and a __________-reinforcement schedule to strengthen the learned bar-pressing behavior.

Continuous, partial

Latent learning

Edward Tolman

The law of___________, developed by _______________, states that a response that is followed by a satisfying consequence will tend to be repeated, while a response followed by discomfort will tend to be weakened.

Effect, Thorndike

Jorge is paid for his factory job once every two weeks.________________________

Fixed interval reinforcement schedule

Classical Conditioning (Cổ điển)

Is all about ASSOCIATION; A type of learning through which an organism learns to associate one stimulus with another (là tất cả về Hội; Một loại hình học tập thông qua đó một sinh vật học kết hợp một kích thích với một)

___________is a relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge, capability, or attitude that is acquired through experience and cannot be attributed to illness, injury, or maturation.


Cognitive learning (Nhận thức học tập)

Learning through mental processes (học tập thông qua các quá trình tâm thần)

Reinforcement is any event that follows a response and increases the probability of the response. ____________reinforcement involves the removal of a stimulus and __________ reinforcement involves the presentation of a stimulus.

Negative, positive

Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)

Nobel Prize winning Russian Physiologist - discovered / published work on classical conditioning; Conducted experiments on the secretion of stomach acids and salivation in dogs.(giải Nobel chiến thắng sinh lý học Nga phát hiện ra / xuất bản tác phẩm trên điều hòa cổ điển; Tiến hành thí nghiệm về sự tiết axit dạ dày và tiết nước bọt ở chó.)

Ellen watches her lab partner mix the chemicals and set up the experiment. She then repeats the same procedure and completes her assignment. ______________________

Observational learning, modeling effect

Classical conditioning was originally researched most extensively by ___________.


Maria is scolded for running into the road and never does it again. ____________________

Positive punishment

Helen washed the dinner dishes, and her mother allowed her to watch television for 30 extra minutes that evening. From then on, Helen dutifully washed the dishes after every family meal.___________

Positive reinforcement

Joey is crying and asking for a candy bar. His mother gives in because doing so will make him stop crying for now--but Joey will most likely behave this way again._____________________

Positive reinforcement for Joey; negative reinforcement for his mother.

Conditioned Stimulus (điều kiện kích thích)

Previously a neutral stimulus - now elicits a conditioned response after numerous pairings with an unconditioned stimulus (Trước đó một kích thích trung tính - gợi ra một phản ứng có điều kiện rất nhiều sau khi cặp với một kích thích vô điều kiện)

Food is considered a ____________reinforcer; money is considered a ______________ reinforcer.

Primary, secondary

________________ are the major concepts of operant conditioning, a type of learning devised by ________________.

Reinforcement and punishment; Skinner

Through associations with such things as food and shelter, pieces of green paper with pictures of past U.S. presidents on them become very powerful reinforcers.__________________

Secondary reinforcer

This theorist believed that the causes of behavior are in the environment and that inner mental events are themselves shaped by environmental forces.


Operant conditioning was researched most extensively by_____________.


Classical conditioning is based on the association between___________, and operant conditioning is based on the association between a __________ and its_____________ .

Stimuli, behavior, consequences

Who researched trial-and-error learning using cats in puzzle boxes and formulated the law of effect?


Which of the following theorists developed the concepts of latent learning and cognitive mapping?


According to Skinner, punishment can suppress behavior but not extinguish it.


Biofeedback can be used to train individuals to control internal responses such as heart rate and anxiety-tension states.


John B. Watson was one of the researchers who demonstrated that fear could be conditioned in humans.


The "operant" in operant conditioning refers to a voluntary behavior.


Unconditioned Response (UR) (Đáp ứng vô điều kiện)

Unlearned response to stimulus; response elicited by an unconditioned stimulus without learning; e.g., salivation, startle, contraction of pupil, eyeblink (pg.139)

Ben continues to play a slot machine even though he never knows when it will pay off.___________

Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement

Which statement best sums up research on learning from video games?

Video games can have both positive and negative effects.

learning by insight

Wolfgang Kohler

John B. Watson's work with Little Albert was significant because it demonstrated

a conditioned fear response.

Little Albert, the conditioned stimulus was ________.

a loud noise

Neutral stimulus (NS):(Trung tính kích thích)

a stimulus that, before conditioning, does not naturally bring about a response; (pg.139)(kích thích, trước khi điều hòa không tự nhiên mang lại một phản ứng; (pg.139))

Bandura's research demonstrated that children may learn__________behaviors from watching models perform them on television.


Positive reinforcement increases behavior; negative reinforcement____________behavior.

also increases

Pavlov is associated with___________conditioning.


Taste aversion is a real-world example of

classical conditioning

A dog's salivation in response to a musical tone is a(n) __________ response.


In Watson's experiment with Little Albert, the white rat was the (conditioned, unconditioned) stimulus, and Albert's crying when the hammer struck the steel bar was the (conditioned, unconditioned) response.

conditioned, unconditioned

Five-year-oid Jesse was bitten by his neighbor's collie. He won't go near that dog but seems to have no fear of other dogs, even other collies. Which learning process accounts for his behavior?


The ranchers in question 7 also hope that the coyotes will be able to distinguish between sheep and other more appropriate sources of food. This is an example of _________________in classical conditioning.


You're driving on an interstate highway and suddenly notice that you've been going 80 miles per hour without realizing it. Immediately after you slow down, you see the flashing light of a state police car, and you know you're about to be pulled over. In this case the flashing light is a ____________stimulus.


Ms. Doe, a new teacher, is having a difficult time with her misbehaving second graders. When the principal enters the room, the children behave like perfect angels. In this case, the principal may be thought of as a(n)________________.

discriminative stimulus.

Exhibiting a previously learned unacceptable behavior after seeing a model do so


Unconditioned Stimulus (US) (Vô điều kiện kích thích)

elicits unconditioned response (UR) unlearned and untrained; e.g., food, loud noise, light in eye, puff of air in eye (read pg.139 for Exam.) gợi ra phản ứng không điều kiện (UR)( không thể học được, chưa qua đào tạo; (. Pg.139 thi) ví dụ như thức ăn, tiếng ồn lớn, ánh sáng trong mắt, làn không khí trong mắt)

In______________ learning, a person or animal learns a response that _________ a negative reinforcer.

escape; terminates

For higher-order conditioning to occur, a neutral stimulus is typically paired repeatedly with an _____.

existing conditioned stimulus

Natasha's parents are advised to stop paying attention to her crying when it is time for bed and instead ignore it.___________


The weakening of a conditioned response that occurs when a conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus is called ______.


Which of the following processes occurs in operant conditioning when reinforcers are withheld?


Exhibiting a behavior similar to that of a model


Danielle's parents have noticed that she has been making her bed every day, and they would like this to continue. Because they understand the partial-reinforcement effect, they will want to reward her every time she makes the bed. (true/false)


Punishment is roughly the same as negative reinforcement, (true/false)


The nice thing about continuous reinforcement is that it creates a behavior that is very resistant to extinction, (true/false)


A professor gives his class a quiz each Monday. Consequently, students do not study much during the week, but "cram" throughout the weekend to earn a good grade. Their behavior best corresponds to which schedule of reinforcement?

fixed interval

Jennifer and Ashley are both employed raking leaves. Jennifer is paid $1 for each bag of leaves she rakes; Ashley is paid $4 per hour. Jennifer is paid according to the___________schedule; Ashley is paid according to the__________schedule.

fixed-ratio; fixed-interval

7/ To get coyotes to stop eating sheep, ranchers poison sheep carcasses in the hope that coyotes that eat the carcasses will get sick enough to avoid eating sheep from that point on. The ranchers hope that the coyotes will avoid all types and sizes of sheep—which is an example of___________in classical conditioning.


Albert's fear of the white rat transferred to a rabbit, a dog, a fur coat, and a mask. What learning process did this demonstrate?


Hans got sick eating lasagna and now never eats food containing tomato sauce.____________


Jerry bought a dog specifically to serve as a watch dog. He teaches his dog to bark whenever the doorbell rings. However, the dog also barks at the telephone or a doorbell rung on television. Which process explains these additional responses?


Although he studied the problem, Jack did not seem to be able to figure out the correct way to reconnect the pipes under the sink. He took a break before he became too frustrated. Later he returned and immediately saw how to do it. _____________


The sudden realization of the relationship between the elements in a problem situation that results in the solution to the problem is called (latent learning, insight).


Carrie is trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle. She struggles with it for some time until she suddenly sees how the pieces fit together. Which type of learning is Carrie exhibiting?

insight learning

Stimulus (Kích thích kinh tế)

is any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds (là bất kỳ sự kiện hay vật thể trong môi trường mà một sinh vật phản ứng)

According to Tolman,________is defined as learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement but is not demonstrated until the organism is sufficiently reinforced to do so.

latent learning

Learning that is not demonstrated until one is motivated to perform the behavior is called

latent learning

The concept that is associated with cognitive learning is

latent learning.

Thorndike's experiments using the cat that had to learn to escape the puzzle box for food illustrated which behavioral law?

law of effect

Learning a new behavior from a model


Many people take aspirin to relieve painful headaches. Taking aspirin is a behavior that is likely to continue because of the effect of (positive, negative) reinforcement.


In Pavlov's classic experiment, the bell was originally a(n)_________________stimulus.


Carl learned how to change a flat tire by watching his mother do so. She would change a tire and then have him show her each step as well. Which type of learning does this demonstrate?

observational learning

Hayley has been afraid of snakes for as long as she can remember, and her mother has the same paralyzing fear. Hayley most likely acquired her fear through

observational learning.

Spontaneous Recovery

reappearance of extinguished CR when organism is exposed to CS following rest period

Research shows that children learn to identify advertising on____________several years before they can do the same for ads on____________.

television, the internet


tendency to make a CR to a stimulus that is similar to the original CS

Ed feeds the horses on his ranch every day at the same time. He notices that the horses now run to their feed troughs and whinny as if they know dinner is on its way as soon as they hear his truck coming up the drive. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is___________________ . the unconditioned stimulus is ____________.

the sound of the truck, The food

Twenty-two year old Sofia drank too much vodka and cranberry juice one evening and became very ill. Now, anytime Sofia tastes cranberry juice, she feels very ill. Based on classical conditioning, ________________ is the unconditioned stimulus whereas ________________ is the conditioned stimulus.

too much vodka; cranberry juice

The seductive nature of a slot machine in a gambling casino is based on its __________ schedule of reinforcement.


Which schedule of reinforcement yields the highest response rate and the greatest resistance to extinction?

variable-ratio schedule

Extinction (Tuyệt chủng)

weakening and disappearance of CR as a result of repeated presentation of CS without US

What causes extinction in operant conditioning?

withholding reinforcement

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