Psyc 101 Test 1

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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual used by clinicians to diagnose and classify mental disorders is also called the _____


Which psychologist made key contributions to the study of memory, physiology, and color vision?


_____ and positve psychologists emphasize the drive toward meaning, growth, and examine the idea that positive emotions foster psychological health and prosocial behavior


Popular in the 1940s and 1950s, this psychological theory emphasized personal growth and meaning

Humanistic psychology

____ psychology combines psychology and the legal and criminal justice systems


Who established the first laboratory in Leipzig, Germany devoted to psychological research?

Wilhelm Wundt

_____ created the first psychology laboratory

Wilhelm Wundt

The leader of the functionalism movement is _____

William James

Who is associated with the functionalist movement?

William James

Study of the relationship between bodily systems and chemicals and how they influence behavior and thought is called

biological psychology

These psychologists thought that the best way to understand the human mind is to ask why the mind works the way it does, rather than describe its parts


A psychologist who studies logical reasoning is likely a(n) _____ psychologist


The _____ approach examines how we think about ourselves, other people, and the world, as well as how we solve problems and form memories


the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems is called

cognitive psychology

What piece of equipment has a lot in common with the human mind and being associated with cognitivism?


A(n) _____ psychologist would most likely be interested in talking to a college student that is having issues adjusting to life changes such as going to college


By using science an _____, these are 2 good strategies for answering questions about psychology and how information is connected

critical thinking

_____ is a process by which one analyzes, evaluates, and forms ideas

critical thinking

The information learned in a psychology class is useful

in many other fields of study

_____ is our life experiences or how we are taken care of


what sets _____ psychology apart form popular psychology are the methods used in each


_____ operates when members of the opposite sex find certain traits attractive/ appealing, and therefor, over long periods of time, these traits become more common in the population

sexual selection

_____ psychology is the study of how living among others influences thought, feelings, and behavior


Which approach is mainly concerned with the impact of the immediate and large environments on a person's personality?

sociocultural/ cross-cultural

I am a psychologist who focuses on improving and increasing athletic performance through techniques such as relaxation and visualization. Who am I?

sports psychologist

Wundt's approach, _____, focuses on uncovering the fundamental mental components of consciousness and thinking


_____ is a 19th century school of psychology that argued that breaking down experience into its elemental parts offers the best way to understand thought and behavior


Unlike counseling psychologists, clinical psychologists help people who are

suffering form serious psychological disorders

The humanistic perspective _____

suggests that all individuals naturally strive to grow, develop, and be in control of their lives and behavior

The behavioral perspective _____

suggests that observable, measurable behavior should be the focus of study

A neuroscientist would be most interested in learning about the effects of ____ on behavior

the brain

What would a social psychologist most likely be interested in when studying romantic relationships?

the content of conversations between partners

What is a topic of interest for a biological psychologist?

the effect of stress and hormones on behavior

A cognitive psychologist is most likely to be interested in

the process of thinking

Developmental psychology is defined as

the study of how thought and behavior change and remain stable across the life span

Gestalt psychologists believe that, when it comes to perception, the whole is different from ____

the sum of its parts

A ______ psychologist might study how best to treat schizophrenia


Who is associated with the humanistic perspective?

* Abraham Maslow * Carl Rogers

The first ancient cultures that focused on natural and physiological explanations form psychological disorders were

* greeks * egyptians

Clinical psychologists

* promote psychological health * research ways to treat mental disorders

Clinical psychologists _____

* research ways to treat mental disorders * promote psychological health

sports psychology is the study of psychological factors in?

* sport * exercise

Behaviorists are NOT interested in studying

*ideas *thoughts *emotions

Personality psychologists study:

*ways the people's behavior stays the same over time * what makes people unique * ways that people's behavior stay the same in different situations

Which of the following researchers stated that memory is not an objective and accurate representation of events but rather a highly personal reconstruction based on one's beliefs, ideas, and point of view?


Research in _____ indicates that genes get turned off and on by experience

Behavioral genetics

Which of the following perspectives would indicate that behaviors are learned through association and/or the consequences of a behavior?


Which side of the nature-nurture debate is best supported by research?

Both sides are equally supported

Structures or features that perform a function that did not arise through natural selection are often called


A _____ psychologist would be most interested in conducting research regarding online dating services


A researcher is interested in whether sexually promiscuous behavior differs between males and females. How this reproductive behavior is linked to genes would be of greatest interest to an

Evolutionary psychologist

True or False: Wilhelm Wundt was the founder of psychology in the United States


Who was the father of psychophysics?


A behaviorist might study _____

Learning through conditioning

"Nature through _____" is the position that the environment- be it was womb or the home or the entire work- constantly interacts with biology to shape who we are and what we do


_____psychology is similar to humanistic psychology in that both share a belief that the focus should be on studying, understanding, and promoting healthy and positive psychological functioning


Medicine men or women who treat the possessed by coaxing and driving out the demons with elaborate rituals, such as exorcisms, incantations, and prayers are called_____


Which psychologist was largely responsible for making behaviorism the major approach in experimental psychology?


The Latin term for blank slate is _____

Tabula rasa

If you take a class in personality psychology, which of the following topics is most likely to come up?

The influence of conscientiousness of grades

Which of the following is NOT a type of question a developmental psychologist would investigate? A how do reasoning skills change as we age? B how does parent-infant bonding affect adult relationships? C Does age bring wisdom? D what are the characteristics of prosocial behavior?

What are the characteristics of prosocial behavior?

_____ are inherited solutions to ancestral problems that have been selected for because they contribute in some way to reproductive success


_____ are inherited solutions to problems our ancestors faced that have been shaped through natural selection


Counseling psychologist is most likely to help people _____

adjust to new situations

_____ were facilities for treating the mentally ill that excited in Europe during the middle ages


A social psychologist might study how people

behave differently when they are alone than when they are with others

Psychology is the scientific study of thought and human _____


If you meet a professor who says she studies how the size of the amygdala affects a child's tendency to become a bully, in what field of psychology is she likely working?

behavioral neuroscience

A _____ psychologist would be most interested in finding out why the popularity of electronic devices decreases with age


A psychologist interested in how people change from adolescence to middle adulthood is likely a(n) _____ psychologist


_____ psychologists study more effective ways for teachers to teach and students to learn


I am a psychologist who attempts to understand special populations of students such as the academically gifted and those with special needs. Who am I?

educational psychologist

The study of how students learn, the effectiveness of particular teaching techniques, the social psychology of schools, and the psychology of teaching is called

educational psychology

The term _____ is a philosophical point of view that describes all knowledge and thoughts as coming from experience


Change over time in the frequency with which specific genes occur within a breeding species is called_____


The branch of psychology that aims to understand the functions of the human mind by looking at and understanding what adaptive problems it may have solved earlier in its ancestral past is _____ psychology


Feathers are an example of a(n) _____ because feathers probably evolved for insulation in flightless dinosaurs, but feathers turned out to be useful for flight in birds, descendants of dionsaurs


_____ psychology examines the role of psychological processes in physical illness and well-being


A psychologist who helps people deal with the long therm effects of diabetes is likely to be a(n)

health psychologist

what is the branch of psychology that applies psychological concepts and questions to work settings and problems?


The main method of investigation for _____ involves looking into one's own mind for information about the nature of conscious experience


_____ is a procedure used to study the structure of the mind, the main method of investigation of structuralists: looking into one's own mind ofr information


When you are asked to describe in as much detail as you can what you are experiencing, you are being asked to _____


I/O psychology _____

is the application of psychological concepts and questions to work settings

People who are able to not only question the thoughts of others, but their own thinking as well, are illustrating

metacognitive thinking

______ was an approach to treatment for mental illness that began in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries with a focus on care in a relaxing environment

moral treatment

_____ is a feedback process whereby nature favors one design over another, depending on whether it has an impact on reproduction

natural selection

_____ is our innate abilities, or attributes that we are born with according to the commonly debated theory


Darwin believed that natural selection determined our physical traits. Evolutionary psychologists believe that natural selection determines out _____

personality traits

_____ do not collect data to test their ideas unlike _____ who make use of the scientific method

philosphers; psychologists

Psychology found in homes, on radio talk shows, internet news sties, and tv news reports is known as folk or _____ psychology


_____ psychology is a theory of psychology that uses a scientific approach to study psychological well-being


______ assumes that our experiences during childhood are a powerful force in the development of the adult personality


A clinically based approach to understanding and treating psychological disorders is called _____. It assumes that the unconscious mind is the most powerful force behind thought and behavior


The psychodynamic perspective draws on Freud's method of "talk therapy" that he named


_____ is the theoretical position that assumes that people use psychological defenses to protect themselves against threatening impulses, thoughts, and feelings


_____ is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes


_____ is the scientific study of thought and behavior


_____ was the first scientific form of psychology. It included laboratory studies of the subjective experience of physical sensations


Empiricism is _____

the views that all knowledge and thoughts come form experience

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