PSYC- 104 Exam 1

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"little brain" consists of two wrinkled ovals behind the brain stem. It functions to coordinate voluntary movement. Jim's friends noticed that he was stumbling around, consistently losing his balance while walking. It's possible that his ___________ has been negatively affected or injured on some way. -concentrating on implicit and emotional memories -Using a can opener

Acetylcholine (ACh)

A common neurotransmitter used in the spinal cord and motor neurons to stimulate muscle contractions. It's also used in the brain to regulate memory, sleeping, and dreaming. Alzheimer's disease is associated with an undersupply of acetylcholine


A measure administered through either a face-to-face or telephone interview, or a written or computer-generated questionnaire. Used to get a picture of the beliefs or behaviors of a sample of people of interest.


A procedure designed to fully explain the purposes and procedures of the research and remove any harmful aftereffects of participation.

research hypothesis

A statement of the presumed relationship among specific parts of a theory. A specific, falsifiable prediction about the relationship between two or more variables, any attribute that can assume different values among different people or across different times or places.

My Aunt Mabel has Alzheimer's disease. What neurotransmitter is likely in low supply in her brain?


Positive reinforcement

Add or increase a pleasant stimulus Behavior is strengthened. Providing a child with a sticker each time he picks up his toys


An integrated set of principles that explains and predicts many, but not all, observed relationships within a given domain of inquiry.

Module 13

Classical Conditioning

Professor Hill wants to determine whether the amount of study time is related to final exam test scores. Before taking the final exam, her student's self-report the number of hours spent in preparing for the final. Which research design will she use to conduct her study?


Which of the following sequences accurately reflects the route followed by nerve impulses when one neuron communicates with another?

Dendrite, cell body, axon

Informed consent

Designed to explain the research procedures and inform the participant of his or her rights during the investigation.

Continuous Reinforcement Schedule

If your professor handed out a piece of candy to every student who asked a question during lecture as a way to increase student participation


Involved in many functions, including mood, appetite, sleep, and aggression.


Involved in movement, motivation, and emotion, dopamine produces feelings of pleasure when released by the brain's reward system, and it's also involved in learning.

limbic system

Largely responsible for memory and emotions, including our responses to reward and punishment.Has the amygdala, hypothalamus, hippocampus

Unit 6


Module 15

Learning By Insight and Observation

Operant conditioning,

Learning that occurs on the bases of the consequences of behavior and can involve the learning of new behaviors. the process starts with doing something and then noticing the consequences of that behavior.

When a person has a stroke, a blood clot prevents oxygen from getting to a part of the brain and causes neurons to die. Which is the best method for scientists to learn more about this kind of damage to the brain?

Lesion studies

central nervous system (CNS)

Made up of the brain and spinal cord, is the major controller of the body's functions, charged with interpreting sensory information and responding to it with its own directives.

Unit 3


Module 7

Methods for Studying the Brain

What is the term for the insulating material that covers some axons?


Module 5

Neurons:The Building Block of the Nervous System

What are the two most important hormones that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system into action when we are feeling stressed?

Norepinephrine and epinephrine

Ronald thinks that children who eat at fast-food restaurants, particularly McDonald's, tend to be overweight, so he conducts a naturalistic observation of children at the local McDonald's Restaurant. What could be problematic about his observations?

Observer bias

What was it that distinguished the two groups that Bushman and Anderson studied?

One group played a violent video game and the other group played a nonviolent video game.

Module 14

Operant Conditioning


Part of Limbic System. Egg-shaped structure sitting above the brain stem. Applies still more filtering to the sensory information coming from the spinal cord and through the reticular formation, it relays some of these remaining signals to the higher brain levels. Not considered part of the brain stem.


Part of the Limbic system. Consists of two "horns" that curve back from the amygdala. Stores information in long-term memory. Explicit memory. -Talking about the time you and your friend attended Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'. Experiences when you first learned to ski.


Part of the Limbic system. Helps regulate body temperature, hunger, thirst, and sex drive and responds to the satisfaction of these needs by creating feelings of pleasure. Serves as a reward center.


Part of the limbic system. Consists of two almond-shaped clusters. Responsible for regulating our perceptions of and reactions to aggression and fear (PTSD). concentrating on implicit and emotional memories. - Feeling emotional when dancing the tango. -fav sports team losing

Negative reinforcement

Reduce or remove an unpleasant stimulus. Behavior is strengthened

Internal validity

Refers to the extent to which we can trust the conclusions that have been drawn about the causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables.


Released in response to behaviors such as vigorous exercise, orgasm, and eating spicy foods.

Module 4

Research Designs

Which of the following is an important strength of the survey method?

Researchers are able to gather information about a very large group of people based on a representative sample of that group.

law of effect

Responses that create a typically pleasant outcome in a particular situation are more likely to occur again in a similar situation, whereas responses that produce a typically unpleasant outcome are less likely to occur again in the situation.


Rewarding successive approximations of the desired behavior

"Eyeblink conditioning" can be used to demonstrate classical conditioning safely with a human volunteer. A puff of air aimed at your eye will naturally produce a blinking response. Using this reflex, what could we do to create a complete classical conditioning demonstration?

Ring a bell just before the puff of air, until the person blinks to bell alone.

Module 3

Scientific Method

Laboratory scientists want to study the effects of a specific neuron in the brains of mice. What brain technique are they most likely to use?

Single-unit microelectrode

Module 8

The Nervous System and the Endocrine System


The cerebral cortex is divided into two hemispheres, and each hemisphere is divided into four lobes, each separated by folds known as fissures


The extent to which relationships among conceptual variables can be demonstrated in a wide variety of people and a wide variety of manipulated or measured variables.

spontaneous recovery

The increase in responding to the CS following a pause after extinction

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

The major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.

random assignment to conditions

a procedure in which the condition that each participant is assigned to is determined through a random process, such as drawing numbers out of an envelope or using a random number table.


a process in which neurotransmitters that are in the synapse are reabsorbed into the transmitting terminal buttons, ready to again be released after the neuron fires.

post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a fearful event, such as the threat of death

experimenter bias

a situation in which the experimenter subtly treats the research participants in the various experimental conditions differently, resulting in an invalid confirmation of the research hypothesis

resting potential,

a state in which the interior of the neuron contains a greater number of negatively charged ions than does the area outside the cell


a strong and irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation

Skinner box (operant chamber)

a structure that is big enough to fit a rodent or bird and that contains a bar or key that the organism can press or peck to release food or water.

single-unit recording method

a thin microelectrode is surgically inserted in or near an individual neuron, is used primarily with animals.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

a type of brain scan that uses a magnetic field to create images of brain activity in each brain area; noninvasive technique that uses magnetic fields to map brain activity by measuring changes in the brain's blood flow and oxygen levels is called; Eisenberger Cyberball activity

common-causal variable

a variable that is not part of the research hypothesis but that causes both the predictor and the outcome variable and thus produces the observed correlation between them

Conceptual variables

abstract ideas that form the basis of research hypotheses.

By stimulating the __________ part of the limbic system in lab animals, researchers found that the animal will display anger/rage instantly.


Dylan, 8-years old, has appeared to have had an epileptic seizure. He is rushed to the ER for treatment, and the admitting physician first orders some tests to be conducted on Dylan's brain to determine a diagnosis. Dylan will most likely receive a (an) __________.

an electroencephalograph (EEG)

second-order conditioning

an existing conditioned stimulus can serve as an unconditioned stimulus for a pairing with a new conditioned stimulus

electroencephalograph (EEG)

an instrument that records the electrical activity produced by the brain's neurons through the use of electrodes placed on the surface of the research participant's head. Epileptic seizure; provides good information on electrical brain activity; does not provide clear pictures of brain structure

positron emission tomography (PET) scan

an invasive imaging technique that provides color-coded images of brain activity by tracking the brain's use of a radioactively tagged compound, such as glucose, oxygen, or a drug that has been injected into a person's bloodstream. provides good images of brain activity; is an invasive imaging technique


an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus.

Research conducted specifically for the purpose of solving practical problems and improving quality of life is called _____________.

applied research

visual cortex

area located in the occipital lobe (at the very back of the brain) that processes visual information

occipital lobe

at the very back of the skull, which processes visual information.

Terminal buttons are found at the ends of __________.


A study is conducted to determine the extent of damage, if any, to the brains of three groups of people who have had high blood pressure for either 5 years, 10 years, or 15 years. This study is an example of ________ research


frontal lobe

behind the forehead, which is responsible primarily for thinking, planning, memory, and judgment.

double-blind experiment

both the researcher and the research participants are blind to condition

Cadaver studies

brains can be fully studied, but an obvious disadvantage is that the brains are no longer active.

Trial-and-error learning

by noticing the consequences of our actions to guide future behavior

In survey research, the term sample refers to a(n) ___________________________

carefully selected segment of the larger group that is to be studied

In the 1970's, a 13-year-old girl named Genie was found locked in a bedroom and strapped to a potty chair. She had been isolated from the world and severely neglected to the point that she did not have social skills or the ability to speak. For the next several years, researchers studied Genie's ability to acquire speech and social skills. This type of research is called a ________________.

case study

A difference between the fMRI and the TMS is that ____________________.

causal conclusions about the influence of brain structures on functioning can be drawn by the TMS but not by the fMRI

independent variable

causing variable that is created (manipulated) by the experimenter


cell in the nervous system whose function it is to receive and transmit information

glial cells

cells that surround and link to the neurons, protecting them, providing them with nutrients, and absorbing unused neurotransmitters

The two main divisions of the nervous system are ____________.

central and peripheral nervous systems

The human brain's more advanced structure, compared to most animal brains, is the __________________.

cerebral cortex


collects information from other cells and sends the information to the soma. The branchlike fibers extending in clusters from the neuron's cell body

In a correlation research design, the variable that has been omitted from the hypothesis but still produces an observed relationship with the other variables is called a(n) ___________.

common-causal variable

quasi-experimental design

compares two groups that already exist in the population

A researcher hypothesizes that children who play violent video games will become more aggressive. The variables "play violent video games" and "become more aggressive" are ____________ variables.


When a researcher has reason to believe that something other than the manipulation of the independent variable has caused a change in the dependent variable, the researcher must look for a(n) _____________ as an explanation.

confounding variable


contains the nucleus of the cell and keeps the cell alive

The two separate hemispheres are connected by the ___________.

corpus callosum

A(n) __________ is a measure of how strongly two variables are related to one another.


case studies

descriptive records of one or more individuals' experiences and behavior

The primary advantage of naturalistic observation is to _____________________.

detect natural behavior patterns

Lateralization of brain function refers to the ___________ of the brain.

difference between hemispheres

When both the researcher and the participants do not know whether the participants are in the experimental or control group, it is known as a ______________ experiment.


The adult models in Bandura's Bobo doll experiment ____________________.

either acted in a violent way or a friendly way to the Bobo doll, depending on the condition of the experiment

In Pavlov's well known experiment with the dog, salivation is ________________.

either the conditioned response or the unconditioned response, depending on the phase of the experiment


folding of the cerebral cortex allows increased capacities for learning, remembering, and thinking

A noninvasive technique that uses magnetic fields to map brain activity by measuring changes in the brain's blood flow and oxygen levels is called _________________.

functional MRI (fMRI)



Köhler studied learning by insight by _________________

hanging food out of the reach of chimpanzees

observer bias

happens when the individual observing behavior is influenced by their own experiences, expectations, or knowledge about the purpose of the observation or study.

"Children who play violent video games will become more aggressive." Based on the scientific research method, this statement is most likely a __________.


auditory cortex

in temporal lobe, which is responsible for hearing and language.

A case study is a(n) ___________________________

in-depth investigation of a single individual or a small group of individuals, often involving information from a wide variety of sources

law of effect

individuals notice the consequences of their actions. They repeat actions that lead to desirable outcomes and avoid those that lead to undesirable results. Trial-and-error learning is the basis of operant conditioning.

An advantage of the experimental research design is that _____________________.

initial equivalence is created among the participants for each of the experimental conditions

observer effect

interference with or modification of the subject's behaviors by the process of observation

The most common type of neuron in the human body is the ___________.


sympathetic division of the ANS

involved in preparing the body for rapid action in response to stress from threats or emergencies by activating the organs and glands in the endocrine system.

unconditioned response (UR)

is the naturally occurring response (such as salivation) that follows the unconditioned stimulus

The reason the area of the brain that includes the brain stem is called the "old brain" is that ____________________.

it's the oldest brain region

Myelin sheath

layer of fatty tissue surrounding the axon of a neuron that both acts as an insulator and allows faster transmission of the electrical signal. Axons branch out toward their ends, and at the tip of each branch is a terminal button.

Latent learning

learning that is not reinforced and not demonstrated until there is motivation to do so. learning that does not reveal itself until it is needed

Classical conditioning

learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus (e.g., a tone) becomes associated with a stimulus (e.g., food) that naturally produces a specific behavior. identified by Pavlov ex. Latisha is 18 months old and she loves to play with her daddy when he comes home from work. When she hears his car pull into the driveway as usual, she gets very excited.

peripheral nervous system (PNS)

links the CNS to the body's sense receptors, muscles, and glands

pineal gland

located in the middle of the brain, which secretes melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the wake-sleep cycle.

adrenal glands

located on top of the kidneys endocrine system gland produce hormones that regulate salt and water balance in the body, and they are involved in metabolism, the immune system, and sexual development and function. prepare the body for stress

spinal cord

long, thin, tubular bundle of nerves and supporting cells that extends down from the brain. It is the central pathway of information for the body

As Mona was searching for her phone in her purse, she accidentally dropped her keys on the floor. She quickly reached down, retrieved them, and put them back in her purse. This voluntary reaction involved _____________ signals that were communicated to her muscles via the ____________ nervous system.

motor; somatic

The ___________ cortex sends signals to move our muscles, whereas the ____________ cortex receives information about bodily sensations.

motor; somatosensory

The ethical requirement of informed consent means that participants ___________________.

must be informed as much as possible about the purpose and conditions of the research, and that they are free to withdraw from the research at any time

Jane Goodall's research with chimpanzees can best be described as _________________.

naturalistic observation

The difference between a nerve and a neuron is that a ____________.

nerve is made up of a bundle of interconnected neurons

conditioned stimulus (CS)

neutral stimulus that, after being repeatedly presented prior to the unconditioned stimulus, evokes a response similar to the response to the unconditioned stimulus.

Sally was hospitalized after a car accident, and due to injury to her hippocampus, she has trouble with __________________________.

newer memories, but still retains older memories

brain stem

oldest and innermost region of the brain. controls the most basic functions of life, including breathing, attention, and motor responses

A precise statement of how a variable in a study will be observed and measured is called a(n) __________.

operational definition

The terms autonomic and somatic refer to the two main subdivisions of the ____________.

peripheral nervous system

While asleep, Jesse's heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion are functioning without any conscious effort on his part. This is because a subdivision of the ___________ nervous system called the ____________ regulates these involuntary functions.

peripheral; autonomic nervous system

An advantage of the PET scan is that it ___________, and a disadvantage is that it ___________.

provides good images of brain activity; is an invasive imaging technique

An advantage of the EEG is that it ____________, and a disadvantage of the EEG is that it ___________.

provides good information on electrical brain activity; does not provide clear pictures of brain structure

The difference between a true experiment and a quasi-experiment is that ______________________.

quasi-experiments do not randomly assign participants to groups

somatosensory cortex

receives information from different parts of the body, part of the parietal lobe

Dendrite is to axon as _________ is to _________.

receiving; sending

The electroencephalograph is a method of studying the brain that _____________.

records electrical activity produced by the brain's neurons by using electrodes

external validity

refers to the extent to which the results of a research design can be generalized beyond the specific way the original experiment was conducted

spurious relationship

relationship between two variables in which a common-causal variable produces and "explains away" the relationship

naturalistic observation

research based on the observation of everyday events occurring in the natural environment of people or animals

Correlational research

research designed to discover relationships among variables and to allow the prediction of future events from present knowledge.

Descriptive research

research designed to provide a snapshot of the current state of affairs

Experimental research

research in which there is random assignment of research participants into two groups. This is followed by a manipulation of a given experience for one group while the other is not manipulated. The two groups are then compared to determine the influence of the manipulation.

Basic research

research that answers fundamental questions about behavior

Applied research

research that investigates issues that have implications for everyday life and provides solutions to everyday problems

temporal lobe

responsible primarily for hearing and language.

empirical study

results of verifiable evidence from a systematic collection and analysis of data that has been objectively observed, measured, and undergone experimentation.

partial (or intermittent) reinforcement schedule

schedule in which the responses are sometimes reinforced, and sometimes not.

scientific method

set of assumptions, rules, and procedures scientists use to conduct research. 5 steps 1. Research Question 2. Research Literature 3.Empirical Study 4.Data Analysis 5. Conclusions


skinner. to any event that strengthens or increases the likelihood of a behavior


skinner. to any event that weakens or decreases the likelihood of a behavior.

The key components of the peripheral nervous system are _________________.

somatic and autonomic nervous systems

unconditioned stimulus (US)

something (such as food) that triggers a natural occurring response,


spaces between the cells


spherical shape above the medulla. a structure in the brain stem that helps control the movements of the body, playing a particularly important role in balance and walking

Cecilia accidentally touched her hot curling iron and immediately withdrew her hand before becoming consciously aware of the sensation or movement. She was able to do this because of a(n) _____________.

spinal reflex

Brains of cadavers have provided helpful information about the _____________.

structures of the brain

parasympathetic division of the ANS

tends to calm the body by slowing the heart and breathing and by allowing the body to recover from the activities that the sympathetic system causes.

A researcher investigates the effects of room temperature on test performance as measured by participants test scores. In this experiment, the dependent variable is _____________.

test performance


the area of the brain stem that controls heart rate and breathing. If a person is shot, and the bullet destroys the part of the brain, there is virtually no chance for surviving that injury.

node of Ranvier

the axon is segmented by a series of breaks between the sausage-like segments of the myelin sheath. Each of these gaps

contralateral control

the brain is wired such that in most cases the left hemisphere receives sensations from and controls the right side of the body, and vice versa. one hemisphere's ability to receive sensations and control movement of the opposite side of the body


the brain's ability to change its structure and function in response to experience or damage.

continuous reinforcement schedule

the desired response is reinforced every time it occurs

somatic nervous system (SNS)

the division of the PNS that controls the external aspects of the body, including the skeletal muscles, skin, and sense organs. paralyzed, chris reeve

autonomic nervous system (ANS)

the division of the PNS that governs the internal activities of the human body, including heart rate, breathing, digestion, salivation, perspiration, urination, and sexual arousal.two branches sympathetic and parasympathetic


the forming of brand new neurons

brain lateralization

the idea that the left and the right hemispheres of the brain are specialized to perform different functions


the main link between the nervous system and the endocrine system and directs the release of hormones by its interactions with the pituitary gland, which is next to and highly interconnected with it

A light is turned on in front of a hungry dog a few seconds before it is given a small piece of meat. The first time this happens in an experiment like the one that Pavlov conducted, the light is considered to be _________________.

the neutral stimulus

The behavior that Tolman measured (as the dependent variable) in his study of latent learning was __________________.

the number of wrong turns the rat made before it found the food box

cerebral cortex

the outer bark like layer of our brain that allows us to so successfully use language, acquire complex skills, create tools, and live in social groups. 4 lobes 2 hemispheres

motor cortex

the part of the cortex that controls and executes movements of the body by sending signals to the cerebellum and the spinal cord


the reduction in responding that occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus.

descriptive research design

the specific method a researcher uses to collect, analyze, and interpret data. 3 types; case studies, surveys and naturalistic observation

A correlation coefficient can indicate ________________________.

the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables

insight learning

the sudden understanding of a solution to a problem.


the tendency to respond differently to stimuli that are similar but not identical.


the tendency to respond to stimuli that resemble the original conditioned stimulus.

A __________ is a general, tentative explanation that tries to account for diverse findings on the relationships between variables and therefore provides ideas for future research, whereas a __________ is a specific prediction about the relationship between two or more variables that is to be tested.

theory; hypothesis

Melanie is suffering from severe depression, and medication has not seemed to help. Her physician suggests that she try a new, noninvasive brain technique to relieve her symptoms. This technique is called __________________.

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

measured variables

variables consisting of numbers that represent the conceptual variables

confounding variables

variables other than the independent variable on which the participants in one experimental condition differ systematically from those in other conditions

In their experiment, Bushman and Anderson found that ____________________.

violent video games affected thoughts, feelings, and actions

Operant conditioning works on _________ behaviors, where learning occurs based on _________.

voluntary; reinforcement

Positive punishment

weakens a response by presenting something unpleasant after the response

negative punishment

weakens a response by reducing or removing something pleasant

Before Bandura proposed his Bobo doll experiment, most learning specialists believed that learning only occurred __________________.

when an individual did something and discovered the consequences directly


whenever research participants are not completely and fully informed about the nature of the research project before participating in it


which are groups of cells that secrete hormones into the bloodstream.


which secretes hormones designed to keep the body supplied with fuel such as sugar and insulin to produce and maintain stores of energy

Fixed-ratio Partial Reinforcement

Behavior is reinforced after a specific number of responses. Rewarding an animal for a behavior every third time the behavior occurs

Variable-ratio Partial Reinforcement

Behavior is reinforced after an average, but unpredictable, number of responses. the casino and plays the slot machines for hours. She never knows how many times she needs to pull down the lever before she gets a pay off.

Fixed-interval Partial Reinforcement

Behavior is reinforced for the first response after a specific amount of time has passed

Variable-interval Partial Reinforcement

Behavior is reinforced for the first response after an average, but unpredictable, amount of time has passed

Module 6

Brain Regions


Brains of living human beings that may be damaged, for instance, as a result of strokes, falls, automobile accidents, gunshots, or tumors. Study of living brains.

Unit 4

Brains, Bodies, Behavior

Diamond's study of Albert Einstein's brain attempted to provide evidence that intelligence is determined by the number of glial cells in an individual's brain. What brain method did she use for her study?


What neurotransmitter is important if there is an injury and pain relief is necessary?


___________ occur(s) when the experimenter knows the study's hypothesis and treats the participants in the experimental condition differently from the participants in the control condition of the experiment.

Experimenter bias

reticular formation

Filters out stimuli coming into the brain from the spinal cord and relays the remaining signals to other areas of the brain. Running through the medulla and the pons is a long, narrow network of neurons. Part of the brain stem. Shown to be related to arousal in lab animals; when this part is stimulated, the animal is awake; when it's severed (cut), the animal goes into a coma.

parietal lobe,

Following the frontal lobe, extends from the middle to the back of the skull and is responsible primarily for processing information about touch.

Eisenberger and her colleagues conducted research to determine if a person's emotional pain originated in the same brain location as did physical pain. They tested their hypothesis by collecting brain activity data when participants played cyberball with others and then again when participants were excluded from playing cyberbal with othersl. What brain technique did the researchers use to collect the participants brain activity?

Functional MRI (fMRI)


The most common neurotransmitter, it's released in more than 90% of the brain's synapses. Glutamate is found in the food additive MSG (monosodium glutamate).

Pearson correlation coefficient

The most common statistical measure of the strength of linear relationships among variables, symbolized by the letter r.

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

The most useful of all. Is a procedure in which magnetic pulses are applied to the brain of living persons with the goal of temporarily and safely deactivating a small brain region. treatment for certain physical and psychological disorders; depression, and medication has not seemed to help


The parasympathetic nervous system acts more slowly than the sympathetic nervous system as it calms the activated organs and glands of the endocrine system, eventually returning your body to a normal state


The process of repeating previous research, which forms the basis of all scientific inquiry

After watching the adults interact with the Bobo doll, what did the children do?

Their behavior was strongly influenced by the behavior of the adult they had watched.

endocrine system

a primary function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is to interact with it. which secretes chemical messengers called hormones that influence our emotions and behaviors. made up of glands

interrater reliability

This score can estimate how much agreement there is between the two observers about what the subjects were doing. This type of test can also identify observer bias.

Which neuroimaging technique can be used as a treatment for certain physical and psychological disorders?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

pituitary gland

a pea-sized gland, is responsible for controlling the body's growth, but it also has many other influences that make it of primary importance to regulating behavior. bodies master gland, regulate hormones in other endocrine glands that influence the feelings of pain and signal the sexual reproduction hormones

operational definition

a precise statement of how a conceptual variable is turned into a measured variable

What is the correct sequence of activities for a psychologist utilizing the scientific research method?

Write hypothesis, conduct study, analyze data, write conclusion, publish article


a chemical that relays signals across the synapses between neurons.

Institutional Review Board

a committee of at least five members whose goal it is to determine the cost-benefit ratio of research conducted within an institution


a long tubelike structure extending from neuron's cell body. which transmits information away from the cell body toward other neurons or to the muscles and glands.

dependent variable

a measured variable that is expected to be influenced by the experimental manipulation

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