PSYC 2010- launch pad quiz

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_____ conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment of social roles.

Philip Zimbardo

Social roles are to obedience as _____ is to _____.

Philip Zimbardo; Stanley Milgram

Jayne and Richie have been married for 10 years. However, there is little real intimacy in their relationship; instead, it is based mainly on their sexual chemistry. Jayne and Richie are experiencing _____ love.


An Internet retailer finds that customers are more likely to make big-ticket purchases if they can first be induced to make a smaller purchase. This example demonstrates the _____ technique.


Recent research revealed that a teacher's expectations have:

a greater effect on low-SES than on high-SES students.

Connie is overwhelmed with fear whenever she must leave the house. She is especially afraid when she uses the subway or goes grocery shopping. She rarely goes out of her own home unless someone she trusts accompanies her. Connie's case illustrates:


People develop _____ when they generate an explanation for human behaviors and characteristics, as well as situations.


One brain area potentially involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder is the:

basal ganglia.

The causes of psychological abnormality are complex. The view that MOST explicitly recognizes this fact is the _____ perspective.


The diathesis-stress model adopts a _____ view of the etiology of schizophrenia.


In Sternberg's terms, the difference between loving one's spouse and being "in love" with one's spouse is the difference between _____ love and _____ love.

companionate; consummate

Stan is focused on cleaning his home, which he does for several hours each day. In particular, the fringe on his rugs must be straight on both sides in all five rooms. This takes considerable time, and Stan often repeats his rug-straightening behavior 10 to 12 times each day. This behavior is an example of a(n):


In one social psychological experiment, each participant is introduced to an attractive stranger. However, these "strangers" are secretly working for the experimenter. The strangers are called:


Excessive worry, muscle tension and restlessness often accompany:

generalized anxiety disorder.

Social loafing is MOST pronounced in _____ cultures such as _____.

individualistic; the United States

People are often surprised when bad things happen to good people. This reaction BEST supports the:

just-world hypothesis.

Sam has gained weight lately. He feels hopeless and takes little pleasure in the activities he once enjoyed. Sam may be suffering from:

major depression.

Recall the 3 Ds of psychological abnormality. Distress refers to the degree to which one's behaviors or emotions:

make an individual uncomfortable or upset.

Bipolar I disorder is to bipolar II disorder as _____ is to _____.

mania; hypomania

Merrill feels elated and invincible; he seems to have boundless energy. Merrill may be in a _____ state.


Josh and Donna are discussing the latest release by their favorite band. "I didn't like it at first, but now that I've played it a few times, I love it!" Donna states. Donna's remark exemplifies the _____ effect.


Brady has schizophrenia. He seems to have no interests and lacks the desire to do anything. He takes little pleasure in any activity. Brady's absence of normal behavior exemplifies the _____ typical of schizophrenia.

negative symptoms

. Diffusion of responsibility may help explain:

negatively; positively

In moderately dangerous situations, the likelihood that a victim will receive help is _____ related to the number of bystanders present. In extremely dangerous situations, the likelihood that a victim will receive help is _____ related to the number of bystanders present.

negatively; positively

Pablo is a bona fide "control freak." Everything in his life must be "just right" and "by the book." Pablo may be diagnosed with _____ personality disorder.


Ataque de nervios is a culturally specific variant of _____ disorder.


Attitude is to behavior as _____ is to _____.

prejudice; discrimination

Sternberg's triangular model dimensions of love do NOT include:


Generalized anxiety disorder is a collection of distressing and disabling cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. It causes significant distress to its sufferers, and tends to impair functioning in various areas of their lives. Therefore, it is a _____ disorder.


Groups often make decisions that are less conservative and more extreme than individuals working alone. This statement makes reference to the phenomena of:

risky shift and group polarization.

Detachment from one's relationships and a limited range of emotional expression are characteristic of _____ personality disorder.


The study of human cognition, emotion, and behavior in relation to others is called

social psychology.

The study of human cognition, emotion, and behavior in relation to others is called:

social psychology.

Individual focus is to group focus as _____ is to _____

social psychology; sociology

Individual focus is to group focus as _____ is to _____.

social psychology; sociology

British novelist C. P. Snow said, "When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find that far more . . . crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion." Snow's statement is MOST directly _____ by the research of _____.

supported; Stanley Milgram

The tendency for people to avoid helping in an emergency is called:

the bystander effect.

Of the people who commit suicide, _____ have a psychological disorder, usually a depressive disorder and/or substance abuse disorder.

the vast majority

Conformity is reduced when:

there is at least one person who goes against the group.

The DSM-5 identifies _____ personality disorders.


The DSM-5 lists about _____ disorders.


Approximately _____% of the population will be diagnosed with bipolar disorder at some point.


Chase's father has been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kelvin has no family members with the disorder. Chase's risk of developing obsessive-compulsive disorder is _____ times that of Kelvin's.


Consummate love = Romantic love + _____.


Today, _____ is the SECOND most common way to connect with a potential romantic partner.

Internet dating

Which statement is a summary of the false consensus effect?

That guy is an idiot. Everyone thinks so!

The "3 Ds" of psychological abnormality do NOT include:


Showing favoritism or hostility toward others because of their group affiliation is called:


People often rely too heavily on _____ attributions in explaining others' behavior.


A telephone sales associate offers a caller two bottles of a workout supplement for $89.00. The caller refuses. The caller agrees when the associate then offers a single bottle for $45.99. The sales associate used the _____ compliance technique.


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