PSYC 301 - Freud

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Freud's theory was _______________, _________________, ______________________, __________________

deterministic, dynamic, organizational, developmental

Instincts/ drives

inborn motivational forces that produce tension


mental representation of need satisfying object that symbolically fulfills wishes


100% at birth, entirely unconscious, it is the dark, animal part of you and the home the instincts. It is illogical, immoral, immature, unrealistic, irrational,and lives according to the pleasure principle. It is self-centred, and does what feels good. Uses primary process thinking including immediate gratification

how many kids did Freud have and where?

6, in Vienna

Freud received an important award from the ________________________

Darwinian society

His youngest daughter was _________, and Freud __________________ her

Anna, psychoanalyzed

Ego (self)

Develops at about 6 months to meet needs, the executor of personality, organized, rational, reality-oriented. It lives by the reality principle: defers/delays gratification until the real object is found to meet needs (self control). It involves secondary process thinking; a problem solver, learns by experience

what animal did Freud love?


What did he do at 17?

Go to university and studied medicine because that was one of the things that was open to him as a Jew

What happened to his health?

He had cancer, a lot of his jaw was removed because of his addiction to cigars

Moved to _______________ because Anna was ________________

London, threatened

What career did he pursue?

Pursued a medical career, he wanted to make a discovery but struggled with this

Who was Martha?

The Jewish woman Freud fell in love with, the courtship lasted 4 years because her parents didn't want them to marry - he wasn't rich enough. They eventually got married

As he got older, what threatened his life?

The Nazis moved in

what did Freud love to do?

Travel, and bring back figurines, sit down family and talk about them

what was Freud's relationship with his mother?

Very close, was her favourite, she was quite young

Where did they move to?

Vienna, very anti-Semitic

What did he really want out of University?

an academic post

What did Freud collect?

antiques, figurines of gods and goddesses from around the world, his study was littered with them and his family teased him about it

How was Freud's theory dynamic?

believed in exchange and transformation of energy within the personality, if something is repressed in one area, it will com out somewhere else

How was Freud's theory deterministic?

believed there is something that causes everything, all behaviour is caused by some inner force and because of this, all behaviour is meaningful. He didn't believe in accidents or chance actions

what can reduce the tension built by the ID?



develops around age 4 when the oedipal complex is resolved because originally we are amoral. It represents the values and rules of society, we learn that there are values and expectations if we follow we will be in good standings, usually learned through parents. The parents regulate behaviour through reward/punishment. The child feels helpless in the threatening world and as a form of self-protection, they creat internal representation off the parent's morals and restrictions based on a self-reward/punish system

what are the functions of the Superego?

dictates right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, the ego ideal, it sets standards of excellence that are hard to satisfy, acts like a 'conscience' but cannot feel guilt

Freud had his _________ where he could talk about his version of psychology


What was Freud's relationship with his father?

not very close, maybe because much older than mother, did have some relationship, probably taught him to read

autonomous ego

part of the self - memories, feelings, unique to you


psychic energy that is sexual or pleasurable. It is intrapsychic or within the mind. We have a fixed amount and we use it up in psychic struggles. When you run out you are dead

Live instinct/ Eros

self-preservation, want to continue your existence. Part of this is to reduce tension and this is pleasurable, whatever is pleasurable is sexual, a strong drive about passion and life

How is Freud's theory developmental?

stages (linear)

defensive ego

the part that protects you from the dangerous id and comes up with mechanisms to protect you

what is the function of the ID?

to transform biological needs into psychic tensions

how was Freud's theory organizational?

topographical: id, ego, superego, systems of unconscious, preconscious, conscious, he was a rational thinker and his theory is consistent within itself

death instinct/destruction

ultimate tension reduction is non-existence, if you really want to reduce tension, just be dead, destructive toward self: risk, we put ourselves in risky positions because it thrills us, destructive toward others, seen through humour, we find other's pain funny

Freud would say what we feel ___________________ about, we make into ________________

vulnerable, humour

What was Anna famous for?

working with children

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