PSYC 4250 Test 1

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When the body speeds up the metabolism on the breakdown of a drug it is known as dispositional tolerance


The gin epidemic

Was brought under control through high taxes on the strict regulation of the sale of Gin is a myth

Which of the following statements is true regarding addiction including compulsive behaviors such as gambling

Addiction is a disease analogous to diabetes

Tolerance to the mental effects of drugs always the valves at the same rate as tolerance to the drugs physical effects


Which statement is true regarding intravenous drug use

Intravenous drug use is the most dangerous method because it bypasses the body's natural defenses

Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs by a woman who is pregnant

The placenta is not an effective barrier so if the mother uses the baby uses

Addictive substances affect how neurons can down regulate their brain receptors


When the human body is continually challenged by the use of drugs that alter the body's natural balance a new normal is created known as


The emotional center of the brain that is activated when a person with an addiction sees a person, place, or thing that reminds him of their addiction (example needle,slot,machine, white powder) is called the


According to the authors of uppers downers all-around dollars a psychoactive drug is defined as

Any substance that directly alters the normal functioning of the central nervous system

Active transport occurs when fat soluble drugs pass from an area where there is a higher concentration of a drug to an area of lower concentration


Contact absorption from drug saturated patches applied to the skin allow erratic amounts of drugs to be passively absorbed into the body over an indefinite period of time


In the US the legal drinking age varies from state to state


Psychoactive drugs promote homeostatic conditions in the central nervous system


Research has shown that supply reduction (drug siezures, interruption of people involved with the drug trade) is a more effective strategy than demand reduction (drug abuse treatment & prevention)


The more rapidly a psychoactive drug reaches its central nervous system target the less the reward in the lower the reinforcing affect


There is no such thing as psychological dependence


Using drugs to replace supplement or counterbalance the effects of a person's drug of choice is known as

Polydrug use

A compulsive gamblers addiction pathway in the brain becomes hijacked similar to the ways the brain becomes rewired from alcohol and other drug addictions


A person's level of emotional and physical stress can increase the ability of psychoactive drugs to cross the blood brain barrier


Acute tolerance (tachyphlaxis) and adaptation to tobacco begins almost instantly with the first puff of a cigarette.


Because the blood brain barrier is not formed until the child is 1 to 2 years of age and he psychoactive substance used by a pregnant woman can be particularly harmful to a developing fetus


Compulsive behaviors (I.e. Binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, compulsive gambling, sexual compulsion, and internet addiction) affect many of the same areas of the brain that are influenced by psychoactive drugs


From our nations early beginnings, the US strictly regulated alcohol, opium, morphine, cannabis and other psychoactive medications


Human brain chemistry can be affected by psychoactive drugs behavioral addictions and mental illness to induce an alter state of consciousness


Limiting the places were tobacco smoking is permitted has not reduced the use of tobacco in the US or other countries where such policies have been implemented


Mexican cartels have replaced Colombian cartels in smuggling cocaine into the US


Synapses are able to change strength and function on the pathway is stressed , overused or underused, such as by the intake of psychoactive substances


The physical, mental, and emotional effects a person experiences from taking psychoactive drugs are caused by the modification or mimicking of the neurotransmitters function


The potency of drugs today is due to technological advances and refining synthesizing and manufacturing methods


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