Psyc 462 Exam 3 Baiamonte Selu

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How fast can AMPA receptors move from base to tip

15 minutes

How long does it take for LTP to grow new dendritic spines to increase surface area

15-19 hours after classical conditioning forming synaptic. connections

How long does LTP1 last

7-9 months

what are the major outputs of the hippocampal formation

CA1 field and subbiculum

What will move AMPA receptors from the base to tip of dendrites


How does calcium move receptors

Calcium calmodium kinase

Every time the tone is presented before the puff of air the synapse will strengthen this is an example of

Hebb rule

Hebb rule

If a synapse repeatedly becomes active at about the same time that the postsynaptic neuron fires, changes will take place in the structure or chemistry of the synapse that will strengthen it

What type of LTP is the translation of RNA into proteins more frequently than usual so proteins can make more AMPA receptors


What type of LTP is the production of more RNA so more proteins are produced to make AMPA receptors


what is the most popular spatial learning animal model

Morris water maze

what is the major component of LTP

NMDA receptor

place coding

The perception of higher-pitched sounds

Korsakoff's syndrome

a disease that afflicts long-term alcoholics, leaving some abilities intact but including hallucinations and a tendency to repeat the same story and confabulation

NMDA receptor

a specialized ionotropic glutamate receptor that controls a calcium channel that is normally blocked by Mg2+ ions; involved in long-term potentiation

what is the phase pairing of a NS and US during which a CR is established


dendritic spike

all positive charge washes back to the dendrites and the entire cell depolarizes causing NMDA receptors to open and allows Ca to come into the neuron and create synaptic changes

where is the sense receptor of the vestibular system fitted


where does the enorinal cortex receive inputs from

amygdala, the limbic cortex, association reigns of the cortex

what is responsible for converting sound waves into electrical signals to be perceived as soung


what is the target zone of the auditory pathway

auditory cortex of temporal lobe

the base or foot of the organ of corti

basilar membrane

what are the parts of the organ of corti

basilar membrane, tectorial membrane, hair cells, cilia

when does transaction occur in auction

by opening an insertional plaque

describe the relationship between anterograde amnesia and learning

capable of perceptual, stimulus-response, and motor learning

the ____ is inside of the ____ in the semicircular canal

capula, ampulla

gel mask that holds hair cells and cilia where sense receptor is for semicircular canal


synaptic plasticity

changes in the structure or biochemistry of synapses that alter their effects on postsynaptic neurons

nitric oxide

communicate messages from one cell to another, only lasts a short amount of time and travels short distance before it is destroyed

_____and_____ produces the sound waves that are percieved

condensation, rareification

The conscious recollection of information, such as specific facts or events and, at least in humans, information that can be verbally communicated

declarative memories

What memories was H.M. unable to form

declarative memories

what are ways to increase synaptic plasticity

decrease size of synaptic cleft, increase the amount of receptors, increase the amount of neurotransmitters released

what is the retrograde change in action potential

dendritic spike

The hippocamal formation includes

dentate gyrus, CA3 and CA1 field, subbiculum

ventral stream

determines "what" of a stimulus

anterograde amnesia

difficulty learning new information

What are neurotransmitters for reinforcement

dopaminergic neurons

what are the two parts of the association cortex

dorsal stream, ventral stream

what is the most important input of the hippocampal formation

entorhinal cortex

neurons in cell bodies in _____ send projections to ____

entorhinal cortex, dentate gyrus

stimulus response learning

establishing of connections between circuits involves in perception and motor movement

relational learning

establishment and retrieval of memories of events, episodes, and places

what occurs when previous conditioned response decreases in frequency


a weak synapse only releases a small amount of


the NDMA receptor needed to open a calcium channel requires

glutamate as ligand and -50mv voltage

moving away from the tallest cilium creates a ____ moving toward creates an ____

graded potential, action potential

what are the receptors for hearing

hair cells inside the organ of corti

after spontaneous recovery when the behavior comes back its about ____________ the strength of as it was originally and

half, goes through extinction faster

What are does relational learning happen in


what is the main mechanism responsible for anterograde amnesia


where are the entorhinal cortex and dentate gyrus housed


what are is responsible for spatial memory

hippocampus in the right hemisphere


how frequent the vibration occurs in a given time Fram

primary function of perceptual learning is to

identify and categorize objects and situations


immediate changes in synaptic strength by insertion of AMPA receptors

as the oval window pushes ___ the round window will push ___

in, out

long-term potentiation

increases the excitability of a neuron to a particular synaptic input caused by repeated high frequency activity at that input

middle ossicle that vibrates with the first ossicles


damage to the _________which houses the _______ disrupts the ability to discriminate between stimuli and ability to perceive particular kinds of visual information

inferior temporal cortex, ventral stream

connecting point at which tip link is connected to each cilium

insertional plaque

what do the insertional plaques act as

ion channel

what is true of the hippocampus

it is involved in consolidating short term memories to long term memories

what will happen if a behavior is reinforcing

it will strengthen the perceptual system and motor system connection

operant conditioning

learning procedure whereby effects of a particular behavior reinforce or punish the probability of the behavior

Perceptual learning

learning to recognize a particular stimulus

If you continue to stimulate the LTP pathway, overtime it will require

less stimulation to produce significant changes in the post synaptic neuron


local protein synthesis, dendrites contain molecules of RNA that are translated into proteins

rate coding

low frequencies

how does the mesocortical system play a role in reinforcement

makes a loop back to the VTA releasing more dopamine and feeling even more pleasure

outermost ossicle that vibrates in the same pattern and connects to tympanic membrane


the tightening of a tip link will open and ion channel


where is the hippocampus housed

medial temporal lobes

what are the changes that take place from learning


what is the major system for operant conditioning

mesolimbic system


most durable, production of molecule RNA in the nucleus that are transported to the dendrites where protein synthesis takes place

presynaptic changes cause a release of ____ from ___neuron that goes back to the ___

nitric oxide, postsynaptic, presynaptic

what area produces a euphoric pleasure feeling that is projected to the _____ which is responsible for firing motor movement

nucleus accumbens, ventral part of basal ganglia


occurs if two stimuli are sufficiently distinct from each other that one evokes a CR but the other does not q

phase and intensity differences

only deal with sounds coming from the right or left

when you rotate your head in a certain direction fluid moves in the ____ and pushes on ____ inside of gel mask

opposite direction, cilia

located inside the Scala media and holds all receptive cells

organ of corti

middle ear

ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes)

____ lag behind any movement which bends cilia to signal direction of movement


What keeps the stapes from coming in contact with the cochlea fluid

oval window

How do you determine sounds from above, behind, or in front of you

over time and experiences learn how to detect where sounds come from depending on the pattern

what will change by changing neurons and structure of the brain

overt behavior

once a stimulus is detected the ________ lets the organism know operant conditioning is possible and then sends signal to ______ to produce behavior that will be punished or reinforced once it is produced

perceptual system, motor system

parts of the outer ear

pinna, ear canal, tympanic membrane

how does the cochlea detect pitch

place coding, rate coding

CA1 field is to ____ as CA3 feels is to ____

postsynaptic neuron, presynaptic neuron

entorhinal cortex is the _____ neuron whereas the dentate gyrus is the_____ neuron

presynaptic, postsynaptic

if a spatial memory study is not set up correctly what type of memory may you target instead

procedural memory

what is the main goal of the vestibular system

provide balance and keep head upright to account for adjustments in eye movement to compensate for head movement so you will not get dizzy

sensory information enters short term memory, ____ keeps it there, and then it makes its way into long term memory where it is permanently stored


how to we learn the best


A more complex form of learning that we engage in the most is

relational learning

what seems to be the type of memory most affected by brain damage, Alzheimers, neruodegenerative disorders

relational learning

detects vertical acceleration


sits on the wall of vestibular sacs


what are the divisions of the cochlea

scala vestibuli, scala media, scala tympani

according to intensity differences of sound

see highest rate of excitation at the ear closest to the sound

what allows you to rotate your head without becoming dizzy

semicircular canals

dorsal stream

sends information from primary auditory cortex to posterior parietal cortex

How are cilia arranged?


according to stimulus generalization when trained to produce a response to a specific stimuli, another stimuli will produce the same response if

similar enough


snail shaped structure in the ear that is filled with fluid and the oval and round windows

the doming of the round window allows

space in the cochlea for fluid to move

what are we born with, referring to sound

spatial location of sounds from left and right

bilateral temporal lobe lesions produce most profound impairment in

spatial memory

reemergence of and extinguished CR after delay

spontaneous recovery

innermost ossicle that vibrates


top of the organ of corti

tectorial membrane


the amplitude of the wave

what causes an action potential that produces the perception of sound

the basilar membrane will bend cilia by pushing up toward the tectorial membrane


the process which experiences change out nervous system and hence our behavior changes


the reduction and elimination of the CR after the CS is repeatedly presented without the US

How are the vibrations of the middle ear continued into the inner ear

the stapes will imbed itself inside of cochlea

By changing the shape and size of dendritic spines to make more fat and mushroom shape

the surface are of dendrite will increase to move more AMPA receptors

what is one major implication of operant conditioning

there is no universal punisher or reinforcer because varied between and within individuals

cilia are connected by

tip links

spatial learning

type of relational memory, ability to recognize and remember where you are in space

detects horizontal acceleration


sits of the bottom of the vestibular sacs


what are the vestibular sacs

utricle, saccule

what is responsible for detecting changes in the tilt of head

vestibular sac

what is the major component of perceptual learning



when a stimulus similar to CS elicits CR

the inner ear

where the sense receptors are located inside of the cochlea

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