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fluid intelligence.

A person's ability to reason speedily and abstractly (e.g., solving novel logic problems) decreases slowly up to about age 75, then more rapidly, especially after age 85. This type of ability is also known as:

babbling stage.

Four-month-old Shayna is starting to say things like "ah-goo" and "da-da-da-da." Shayna is in the:

left frontal lobe.

After a physically and emotionally traumatic car accident, Grace developed aphasia, which has left her struggling to speak words even though she can still sing familiar songs and comprehend speech. This particular set of symptoms is likely due to damage to her:

intrapersonal intelligence

Howard Gardner proposes that humans have multiple intelligences that are relatively independent of each other. Which of the following is one of those intelligences?

outnumber girls in special education classes.

In terms of gender differences in intellectual abilities, boys:


Jack is mildly intellectually disabled so needs help with day-to-day living, but he enjoys working and being able to socialize with his friends at the community center. Jacob's intelligence score is probably:

confirmation bias

Samantha believes that people who are impoverished are more likely to commit crimes. She has a tendency to search for information that supports her belief but to ignore evidence that says otherwise. She is demonstrating which of the following?

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)

The _____________ is one of the most widely used intelligence tests for children.

expertise and a venturesome personality.

The factors associated with creativity include:


A mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people is known as a(n):

linguistic determinism.

Akira was born to a Japanese-speaking mother and English-speaking father and is fluent in both languages. She recently participated in a study of bilingual university students. When she took a personality test in Japanese the results were very different from those when she took the same test in English. According to Whorf, this difference is due to:

higher than

Mental practice has been used to try to improve academic performance. In Taylor's study, for example, students who were asked to visualize themselves studying effectively (e.g., reading chapters, going over notes, and so on) scored ______________ students who were asked to visualize themselves seeing an A on the grade list.

Selma, a 9-year-old who solves complicated mathematical problems in record time

Of the following, who best illustrates Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence?

skill at predicting when another's feelings are about to change.

One component of emotional intelligence involves:

achievement testing.

This question and the others you are answering on this test are examples of:


We more quickly recognize a blue jay than a penguin as a bird because the blue jay more closely resembles our ___________ of a bird.

Wernicke's area.

When a skydiving accident caused a brain injury, Laurie became unable to make sense of other people's speech. It is likely that she suffered damage to:


When retested on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), a second score generally matches the first score quite closely. This indicates that the test has a high degree of:

availability heuristic.

When we estimate the likelihood of events occurring based on their availability in our memory, we presume that such events are common. This is called a(n):


_______________ refers to the extent to which differences among people are attributed to genes.

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