psyc test 4

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grateful people characteristics

-agreeable -emotionally stable -extroverted -self-confident (not narcissistic) -humilty -non-materialistic -more positive emotions -less negative emotions -optimism -hope -patience -empathy -sharing -foregiveness -trusting of others -perceived social support -giving one's time for the benefit of others

gratitude interventions (4)

-grateful recounting -grateful reflection -grateful expression -grateful reappraisal

character strengths describe how one:

-relates to their inner psychological world -relates to others in their world -relates to the future -views their responsibility to community

correlates of graittude

-subjective well-being -physical well-being -psychological well-being -spiritual well-being -life satisfaction -perception of more meaning in life -predictor of less depression in life

criteria for classification of character strengths just names (12)

-ubiquity -fulfilling -morally valued -does not diminish others -nonfelicitous opposites -traitlike -measurable -distincitiveness -paragons -prodigies -selective absence -instutions

6 virtues

-wisdom -humanity -justice -temperance -transcendence -courage

3 broad historic conceptualizations of curioisty

1. deficit motivation 2. intrinsic motivation 3. individual differences

dimensions of positive psychology

positive subjective states positive individual traits positive institutions

temperance - self-regulation defintion

regulating what one feels and does

signature strengths quote

signature strengths often represent the lens through which ppl view the world. this lens influences the things ppl value or find important in a situation, the kinds of questions they tend to ask, the information they focus on, and the emotions they experience, all of which can shape their behavior. understanding others' core strengths can provide some insight into how they view a situation and why they might respond to it as they do

courage - integrity/honesty defintion

speaking the truth and presenting oneself in a genuine way

gratitude can be thought of as a

state or trait

temperance defintion

strengths protecting against excess

transcendence defintion

strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning

wisdom - curiosity defintion

taking an interest in all of the ongoing experience


the recognition and pursuit of and intense desire to explore novel, challenging, and uncertain events

wisdom - creativity defintion

thinking of novel and productive ways to do things

wisdom - judgment/open-mindedness defintion

thinking things through and examining them from all sides

conceptualize gratitude

thoughts, emotions, behaviors

justice - fairness defintion

treating all ppl the same according to notions of fairness and justice

VIA classification

tried to be mutually exclusive and exhaustive organized 24 character strengths under 6 virtues

humanity - love defintion

valuing close relationships w others

individual differences

variation in curiosity translates into big differences in behavior and life outcomes

curiosity and exploration inventory (CEI-II) -- stretching

wanting new knowledge and experiences

measuring curiosity -- as a feeling of deprivation

wanting to know because not knowing is frustrating

measuring curiosity -- as a feeling of interest

wanting to know for its own sake

justice - teamwork defintion

working well as member of a group or team

3 gratitude research areas:

1. measurement and conceptualization 2. characteristics of grateful people 3. applications of gratitude

creativity and psychopathology

Rates of apparent psychological disorder in samples of highly creative individuals often seem somewhat on the high side esp when pursuing artistic forms of creative expression Also the amount of psychopathological symptoms or traits correlates w the level of creative achievement attained Creativity and psychopathology are positively associated w cognitive disinhibition - reduced capacity to filter out extraneous info Creativity and psychopathology are by no means equivalent tho - they are borderline b/w normal and abnormal more low key symptoms

curiosity and developmental adversity

Under the right conditions, exposure to traumatic or difficult experiences early in life can make a positive contribution to the development of creative potential - creativity as an adaptive response to such circumstances Weird cause these same circumstances (paradox) can also be associated w depression, juvenile delinquency, etc

virtues defintion

a disposition to act, desire, and feel that involves the exercise of judgment and leads to a recognizable human excellence or instance of human flourishing

how does gratitude enhance well-being

amplification! gratitude might amplify ... -the good in cognition -the good in relationships -the good in oneself

curiosity and interest

an approach-oriented motivation to learn and explore

character strengths under transcendance

appreciation of beauty and excellence gratitude hope humor spirituality/religiousness

courage - zest defintion

approaching life w excitement and energy

wisdom - perspective defintion

being able to provide wise counsel to others

transcendence - gratitude defintion

being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen

humanity- social intelligence defintion

being aware of the motives and feelings of self and others

temperance - prudence defintion

being careful about one's choices; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted

curiosity and exploration inventory (CEI-II) -- embracing

being willing to accept the unpredictable and complex nature of daily life

what is a character strength

character strengths are the subset of personality traits in which we place moral value

justice defintion

civic strengths underlying healthy community life

wisdom defintion

cognitive strengths entailing the acquisition and use of knowledge


contributes to individual fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness to broadly construed

diff dimensions of creativity to measure or look at

creative process, creative person, creative product

character strengths under wisdom

creativity curiosity judgment/open-mindedness love of learning perspective

intrinsic motivation

curiosity motivates people to explore and learn for their own sakes

deficit motivation

curiosity motivates ppl to fill gaps in knowledge, reduce unpleasant uncertainty, and minimize aversive states of drive

trait gratitude

disposition for gratitude (GQ-6)

humanity - kindness defintion

doing favors and good deeds for tohers

does not. diminish others

elevates others who witness it producing admiration not jealousy

courage defintion

emotional strengths involving the exercise of will to accomplish goals in the face of opposition, external or internal

curiosity and interest -- classification of knowledge emotions

emotions associated w learning and thinking (interest, surprise, confusion, awe) contributes to building knowledge, skills, relationships

little c

everyday creativity enhances everyday life and work w superior problem-solving creative person

transcendence - hope defintion

expecting the best and working to achieve it

character strengths under justice

fairness leadership teamwork

courage - perseverance defintion

finishing what one starts

character strengths under temperance

foregiveness modesty/humility prudence self-regulation

temperance - forgivenes defintion

forgiving those who who have done wrong

big c

genius-level creativity makes more lasting contributions to culture and history

non felicitous opposites

has obvious antonyms that are neative

transcendence - spirtiuality/religiousness defintion

having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of life

domain-specific vs domain general processes

herefore, whereas domain-general theories would propose that acquisition of language and mathematical skill are developed by the same broad set of cognitive skills, domain-specific theories would propose that they are genetically, neurologically and computationally independent.

what character strengths are strongest predictors of well-being

hope, zest, curiosity, sense of humor

obstacles to promoting gratitude

incompatible attitudes: -perceptions of victimhood -inability to admit own shortcomings -envy -resentment -overemphasis on materialistic values -narcissism

gratitude is not


character strengths under courage

integrity / honesty bravery perservance zest

consequences of interest vs enjoyment

interest strongly predicts exploratory action while enjoyment only modestly predicts exploratory action

interest vs enjoyment

interesting things are rated as new, complex, dynamic, and challenging enjoyable things are rated as familiar, calming, stable, and resolved

humanity defintin

interpersonal strengths that involve tending and befriending others


is an individual difference w demonstrable generality and stability

morally valued

is valued in its own right and not as a means to an end


is widely recognized and celebrated across cultures

character strengths under humanity

kindness love social intelligence

what are most frequently reported virtues among 54 nations

kindness, fairness, authenticity, gratitude, and open-mindedness

temperance - modesty/humility defintion

letting one's accomplishments speak for themselves

transcendence - humor defintion

liking to laugh and joke; bringing smiles to other people

character strengths associated w life satisfaction

love, gratitude, hope, curiosity, zest

wisdom - love of learning defintion

mastering new skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge

state gratitude

momentary experience of grateful emotion (GAS)

theoretical issues

nature vs nurture, little c vs big c , domain specific vs domain general

excess on any one character strengths does

not diminish life satisfaction

courage - bravery defintnion

not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty or pain

transcendence - appreciation of beauty and excellence defintion

noticing and appreciating beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life

justice- leadership defintion

organizing group activities and seeing that they happen

character strengths-- methods

our classification of character strengths under core virtues is a conceptual scheme and not an empirical claim

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