Psych 101 chapter 4 (Top Hat)

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The period of the zygote ends at which point(s) in prenatal development? Select all that apply.

-Approximately two weeks after fertilization -When the blastocyst implants into the uterine wall

A research lab is trying to explore how heroin use during pregnancy negatively affects infants. However, it is difficult to definitively say what symptoms are specifically associated with this teratogen for a variety of reasons. Select all of the following arguments that indicate why it is difficult to establish causal relations amongst teratogens and outcomes.

-Heroin use often co-occurs with other risk factors such as poor nutrition and lack of prenatal care. -It's difficult for mothers to estimate how much heroin they used and when they used it during their pregnancy.

Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.

-Vygotsky emphasized the role of language in cognitive development. -Piaget believed that there were universal stages of cognitive development that infants and children passed through in an orderly and invariant sequence.

In which of the following examples are children constructing, or actively working toward, developing their own understanding of the world?

A child bangs on different items with a wooden spoon to produce different sounds.

Which of the following is a sleeper effect?

A child experiences difficulty, seemingly for the first time, concentrating in class, potentially as a result of prenatal exposure to alcohol.

Which of the following children would you expect to be the best at telling a joke other people find funny?

A child with theory of mind

Cecilia, a graduate student, is working to develop her first research study. She is curious about whether living in a bilingual household improves memory in 2-year-old children. Which of the following research methods would allow her to draw the most accurate conclusions from her data?

A combination of the approaches mentioned above

Which of the following examples describe situations in which scaffolding is occurring?

A grandmother runs behind her grandson's bike, holding onto the seat until he gains his balance. She then lets go and watches as he rides down the street.

Generativity versus stagnation

A man has children but does not take care of them.

Autonomy versus doubt and shame

A mother does not let her toddler dig in the dirt for worms.

Trust versus mistrust

A newborn is in foster care and receives inconsistent care.

cognitive reserve

A protective factor against brain deterioration built up by increased neuronal connections through life experiences and in the ability to compensate for neurological decline by recruiting other parts of the brain.

Identity versus role confusion

A teenager adheres to a religion that promotes conformity.

socioemotional selectivity theory (SST)

A theory on aging which specifies that one's perception of time impacts selection and pursuit of goals, with younger adults favoring information-related goals and older adults favoring emotion-related goals tied to well-being and relationships.

Because the child realizes that whales are not the same as fish¸ a new separate cognitive structure is created for them.


According to Piaget, the creation of new cognitive structures to house new information.



According to Piaget, states in which cognitive structures agree with external realities.


According to Piaget, states in which cognitive structures do not agree with external realities.


According to Piaget, the incorporation of new information into existing cognitive structures.

A young woman has thoughtfully considered various career options and has decided to work towards becoming a physicist who works for NASA


Which of the following hypotheses could be tested with a high amplitude sucking paradigm?

All of the above

Which of the following ethical considerations must be taken into account when conducting developmental research? Select all that apply.

All research must be approved by Institutional Review Boards. Infants and young children (among other groups) are considered "vulnerable populations" because of their limited cognitive capabilities. Researchers have to ensure that they will not intentionally harm participants in the course of their research and will allow them to experience the benefits of treatments or interventions whenever possible.

Based on your reading and review of this chapter, which of the following conclusions about the impact of the field of developmental psychology is correct? Select all that apply.

Although the field of developmental psychology has already yielded important information relevant to educational practices¸ parenting behaviors¸ and governmental policies¸ important work remains to be done. The field of developmental psychology has yielded important¸ generalizable information that has informed educational practices¸ parenting behaviors¸ and governmental policies.

A disease marked by the gradual onset of impairment in cognitive functions of memory, reasoning, and judgment.

Alzheimer's disease

Which of the following statements best characterizes the relation between dementia and Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's disease is a specific type of dementia

theory of mind

An ability that emerges around age 4, which allows people to understand that others have feelings, thoughts, and desires that differ from one's own.

Object permanence is required for infants to be successful in which of the following scenarios?

An infant drops a Cheerio off her high chair and looks to find it

Tertiary circular reactions

An infant engages as a little scientist¸ banging on different pots and pans with the same wooden spoon to hear how the sounds differ.


An infant learns about objects by grasping them (another finger¸ a toy¸ etc.) in different ways.

Combining secondary circular reactions

An infant removes a blanket and picks up a toy that was previously hidden by her parent.

Primary circular reactions -

An infant repeatedly puts her fingers into her mouth and sucks on them.

Secondary circular reactions

An infant throws different toys and books onto the floor from his car seat.

Mental representation

An infant uses language and pretend play as an indication of symbolic representation.

Thinking that a child's teddy bear misses her when she goes to preschool


Your child asks you to turn off the television because he thinks it's tired.


According to the video of Harlow's research, how much time did infant monkeys generally spend on their cloth mothers?

Approximately 17-18 hours per day

Andrea's teacher is handing out cookies to her class and gives Andrea's friend two whole cookies and Andrea two halves of one cookie. Andrea becomes upset because she did not receive the same amount of cookie as her friend. In an attempt to distract her from this fact, Andrea's teacher asks Andrea to describe what the world might be like if cookies didn't exist - an activity she knows Andrea will struggle with. Based on this information, Andrea is approximately how old?

Around 7-12 years old

A child has a cognitive structure for fish and encounters a whale for the first time. The child recognizes the commonalities between the fish and the whales: they all live underwater¸ they have fins¸ and they eat things smaller than themselves. For this reason¸ whales are placed in the same cognitive structure as fish.


A young child is fascinated with animals and, as a result, enjoys going to the zoo. While at the zoo, she encounters the duck-billed platypus, an interesting mammal that bears some physical similarity to a duck and also lays eggs. The child includes this new animal in her existing schema for ducks. Which of the following cognitive processes did this child use to classify the platypus?


Which of the following are strengths of parent-report techniques?

Because parents are around their infants every day, they are the best people to comment on their behavior.

Which of the following hypotheses cannot be tested using elicited imitation?

Can you teach theory of mind to children under the age of 4?

cephalocaudal development

Development that occurs from the top of the head down to the extremities.

The child starts to realize that fish and whales differ in significant ways. Fish lay eggs¸ but whales give birth to live young. Fish breathe underwater¸ but whales have to surface to take breaths of air. Whereas fish do not take much responsibility for feeding their offspring after they emerge from their eggs¸ mother whales produce milk to feed their young.


After your friend describes her blind dates in full detail, she chastises you for convincing her to try online dating in the first place. She declares that she will never date again because it's not worth the heartbreak and dating makes her feel uncomfortable. What attachment style best characterizes your friend?

Dismissive or avoidant

Cross-sectional research designs allow researchers to examine age-related changes in different groups of participants. Which of the following research questions would be best addressed using a cross-sectional design?

Do children have different relationships with same- or opposite-sex peers in 4th, 6th, and 8th grades?

Why were pregnant women in the United States spared exposure to thalidomide, given its widespread use in other parts of the world?

Dr. Frances Kelsey, a doctor at the FDA, delayed the use of thalidomide in the United States because there was not enough research on the effects of thalidomide use and too few safeguards were in place.

proximodistal principles of development

During gestation, development proceeds from the internal organs outward towards the extremities.

Giving another child a present that the gift giver would have liked to receive


Her date accused her of not paying enough attention to him.


Which of the following factors does not seem to protect against cognitive decline in old age?

Eliminating caffeine from one's diet

The child realizes that fish and whales are distinct¸ so her existing cognitive structures map onto what she perceives in the world.


Your teenage daughter has recently expressed that she is focused on discovering her "inner self." This exploration and search for identity most closely aligns with which theory of development? Select all that apply

Erikson's theory of personality development

Which of the following statements is not true about Piagetian theory?

Everyone does not reach the highest level of cognitive functioning

Developmental psychologists may choose to study any of the behaviors described below. Match the provided descriptions of developmental research to the domain of development under investigation when considering cognitive development, social development, or the intersection of cognitive and social development (an area of research called social cognition).

Examining how language develops over the first two years of life Cognitive development Studying how the characteristics of children's friendships change as they age Social development Examining how children form close relationships with their caregivers Social development Studying the development of memory from infancy to childhood Cognitive development Studying how children process and interpret the behaviors of their peers at school Social cognition Examining how children come to understand that their thoughts and feelings may differ from those of their peers Social cognition

Practical consideration

Families may not be interested in driving to the lab to participate in studies even when small incentives are provided.

A young woman decides to pursue a career as a plumber because her father was a plumber and that is what he always wanted her to be


Period of the fetus

From 9 weeks after conception to birth, classified as a period of growth and minor refinements.

Which of the following factors is not associated with better adjustment to retirement?

Having spent no more than 30 years in the workforce

A young man cannot make any firm decisions about his future unsure of whether he would like to pursue a career in advertising¸ become a medical doctor or own a flower shop

Identity diffusion

Imaginary audience OR Personal fable: An adolescent thinking that everyone notices how her hair looks bad on a certain day

Imaginary audience

Zone of proximal development

In Vygotsky's theory of learning, the distance between what a child can accomplish on his/her own and what he/she can accomplish with some assistance.

securely attached

In attachment theory, an attachment style of infants and adults characterized by emotional closeness and a healthy level of independence and exploration.


In attachment theory, an attachment style of infants characterized by avoidance of a primary caregiver upon reunion after separation; may be born of out parental disengagement with the infant.


In attachment theory, an attachment style of infants characterized by being clingy after the parent returns; may be born out of inconsistent parental responsiveness.

disorganized attachment

In attachment theory, an attachment style of infants characterized by fear and dissociation in wanting to both approach and avoid an attachment figure; may be born out of parent abuse.

Harry Harlow conducted research with monkeys to examine attachment behaviors. What conclusions could be derived from his results?

Infant monkeys spend the majority of their time on the cloth mother, and will run to that mother when stressed

The video linked at the end of the previous paragraph shows some of the current research being conducted on infant and child morality. When asked about B. F. Skinner and behavioral conditioning halfway through the video, what does Professor Bloom say about the origins of morality?

Infants are born with a universal moral code.

Ethical consideration

Infants are considered as a vulnerable population because they are unable to provide consent or indicate if they would like to stop participating in a study.

What are some of the limitations associated with putting children into categories associated with their attachment behaviors instead of using continuous ratings of their behaviors?

Information is lost when infants are placed into categories based on their behaviors. Infants might not fit neatly into only one of the possible categories. More information may be available¸ both statistically and conceptually¸ if infants are rated on multiple dimensions instead of placed in only one category. There is value in both continuous and categorical approaches¸ so both should be retained and possibly used in tandem.

This mother is emotionally and physically distant¸ so her infant learns that she must rely on herself in stressful situations.


The mother of this infant is intermittently responsive¸ so that infants want to maintain contact with her when she is emotionally and physically available.


You're at a family picnic with your infant son. You want to grab some more food, so you ask your uncle - someone with whom your infant has almost no experience - to hold your son while you get some food. Your son seems reluctant to be handed over, clinging to your shorts and starting to cry. Which of the following attachment styles best describes your son's behavior?


Which of the following is true concerning the ethics of conducting experiments to determine whether teratogens cause negative outcomes in developing humans?

It is unethical to randomly assign pregnant women to an experimental condition (e.g., exposure to teratogens) that might negatively impact their developing infant.

Relative to younger adults, older adults place greater emphasis on which aspect of their lives?

Maintaining personally satisfying relationships with others

Which of the following societal modifications could reduce risky behaviors by adolescents?

Making it easier for adolescents to obtain condoms and other forms of birth control

Which of the following statements about marital satisfaction is true?

Marital satisfaction generally decreases after the birth of a child

Who was the originator of the Strange Situation paradigm? Select all that apply.

Mary Ainsworth

Which of the following is not a teratogen?

Maternal mental illness

Throwing a tantrum similar to one the child saw a cousin engage in a month prior

Mental representation


None has been added or removed so the amount of liquid or the number of coin for example remains unchanged.

Your two-year-old, Holly, loves eating gumdrops and you often use them to convince her to behave when you're running errands. However, today she is definitely not behaving at the grocery store! You hide the gumdrops in your purse, but Holly continues to beg you for them and reaches into your purse to try and grab them. Holly is displaying which of the following aspects of cognitive development? Select all that apply.

Object permanence

The "bad"

Occasional periods of time during which parents might be somewhat less responsive or display less positive affect than usual,ultimately resuming their normative patterns of interaction with the infant

Your best friend, Sarah, is visiting you for the weekend because she has some big news to tell you - she and her partner are actively trying to conceive! When you go out for dinner that night, Sarah considers ordering wine with dinner. What is your best recommendation for her, given the news she's just given you? Select all that apply.

Order and drink a non-alcoholic beverage instead - it is unclear exactly how much alcohol is associated with birth defects, so it's best to avoid alcohol when pregnant or attempting to become pregnant.

Which of the following are most important when considering predictors of good adolescent mental health and well-being?

Parent-adolescent relationships

Which of the methods listed below capitalize on children's involuntary, reflexive, and voluntary behaviours? (Match each method with the appropriate type of behaviour) Participating in the elicited imitation procedure High amplitude sucking Eye tracking paradigms False belief paradigms

Participating in the elicited imitation procedure Voluntary behavior High amplitude sucking Reflexive behavior Eye tracking paradigms Involuntary behavior False belief paradigms Voluntary behavior

Imaginary audience OR Personal fable: An adolescent thinking she will not get injured while simultaneously driving her car and texting her friend

Personal fable

Which of the following are limitations associated with Piaget's theory? Select all that apply.

Piaget's findings do not generalize across cultures Piaget's work sometimes underestimated the competency of young children¸ as has been revealed with newer¸ more sophisticated methods.

Which of the following statements concerning Zika prevention are true?

Pregnant women should avoid travel to areas of the world where Zika transmission has occurred.

A young woman is in college and plans to take a gap year before pursuing graduate school in a field of interest that she has not yet identified

Psychosocial moratorium

What is the defining feature of the period of the zygote?

Rapid cell division

What is the defining feature of the period of the fetus?

Refinements and finishing touches

Match each sub-stage of the sensorimotor period to the primary way infants learn about the world at that age.

Reflexes 0-1 month Combining secondary circular reactions 8-12 months Tertiary circular reactions 12-18 months Secondary circular reactions 4-8 months Primary circular reactions 1-4 months Mental representation 18-24 months

Practical consideration

Researchers may only have access to relatively homogeneous samples of infants and young children given the demographics of the area in which their work is conducted.

Period of the embryo

Sarah is in her fifth week of pregnancy.

Period of the zygote

Sarah's fertilized egg divides in two¸ resulting in twins.

Period of the fetus

Sarah's unborn child can survive outside of the uterus.

This mother is sensitive to the needs of her infant¸ providing comfort when needed but also serving as a secure base from which the infant can explore the world.


Piaget four stages of cognitive development

Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, formal operations

Referring to the video above on Ainsworth's Strange Situation Paradigm, how did the infant respond during Episode 6, when she was left in the room by herself?

She cried and flailed her body around as a sign of her distress

Which of the following is not an outcome associated with prenatal exposure to Zika?

Stunted limb growth Altered brain development

Using language to stand for complex thoughts and ideas

Symbolic thinking

Your child pretends the television is a spaceship.

Symbolic thought

Which of the following statements about teratogens is incorrect?

Teratogens cannot cause any negative developmental effects before a woman knows she is pregnant.

Periods of time during which parents may be consistently unresponsive,such as in the case of persistent maternal depression

The "ugly"


The changes can be reversed such that a skinny roll of clay can be transformed back into the round ball of clay the child saw initially.

Pre-conventional morality

The child indicates that he didn't steal the candy because he didn't want to get punished.

Conventional morality

The child indicates that he didn't steal the candy because he wants his parents to respect him.

Post-conventional morality

The child indicates that he didn't steal the candy because of principles associated with justice - it is unjust to steal things that do not belong to you.

How is an ectopic pregnancy problematic?

The fallopian tube cannot expand to support a growing zygote or contract during childbirth.


The imposed changes cancel each other out such as when liquid is poured from a tall skinny glass to a short fat one.

Infants have been shown to engage in social referencing during the visual cliff task. As such, what results would be expected if an infant saw his mother demonstrate a fearful expression in the visual cliff task? A happy expression? Select all that apply.

The infant would hesitate or fail to cross the visual cliff when his mother displayed a fearful expression but would be more likely to cross when his mother displays a happy expression.

An infant is tested in a habituation procedure in which he is initially presented with the face of an unfamiliar woman. Once the infant is habituated to this face, he is presented with a test trial - the face of a new female stranger. If the infant notices the difference between the two faces, what should happen? Select all that apply.

The infant's looking will recover (i.e., he will start looking again) when presented with the face of the female stranger.

Which of the following brain areas undergoes significant development in adolescence and beyond?

The prefrontal cortex

What does research on language and cognition suggest?

The relation between language and cognition is bidirectional.

The "good"

The usual interactions that parents commonly have with their infants,characterized by positive affect, joint attention, and parent responsiveness to infant bids for attention

Researchers at the Cayo Santiago Institute study rhesus macaques, a type of monkey. One of their studies (Marticorena, Ruiz, Mukerji, Goddu, & Santos, 2011) involves the monkeys watching a person place an apple in a box. When the person looks away, the apple silently moves to a different box. The researcher then reaches into one of the two boxes and another researcher records which box the monkeys look at. This experiment is studying which aspect of development?

Theory of mind

Which of the following statements is not true of habituation paradigms?

They tell researchers why infants show novelty preferences.

It is possible for a woman to be pregnant with dizygotic or fraternal twins that were conceived by sperm from two different men. T/F?


Ethical consideration

When relevant researchers must debrief parents (and children as appropriate) about the goals of the study in which they participated.

Which of the following topics would not be studied by a developmental psychologist?

Whether changes in cognitive functioning are observed from adulthood into old age

An otherwise healthy, pregnant woman is identified as having Zika virus early in her pregnancy. Is it likely that this woman's child will be born with developmental abnormalities?

Yes, because Zika virus has been associated with negative impacts on prenatal development at various points in pregnancy.

Which of the following statements about moral decision making are correct? In a game in which children allocate tokens to themselves and others.

Young children initially allocate more tokens to themselves, but come to allocate more tokens to others with age (i.e., they become more altruistic in their behaviors).

Adolescents' perception that others are focused on them, their feelings, and their actions.

adolescent egocentrism

In Kohlberg's theory of moral development, the final stage of morality in which someone bases moral decisions based on abstract principles instead of based on society or the judgment of others.

conventional morality

Deterioration of brain function affecting cognitive processes such as memory, language and judgment, and includes a range of diseases including Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body disease, and Parkinson's disease.


preoperational stage

in Piaget's theory, the stage (from about 2 to about 6 or 7 years of age) . can mentally represent the past, but experiences issues with animism and egocentrism; routinely fails at conservation tasks.

sensorimotor stage

in Piaget's theory, the stage (from birth to about 2 years of age) Learns about the world largely through motor ability

concrete operational stage

in Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (from about 6 or 7 to 11 years of age). Reasons well about concrete events and routinely passes conservation tasks; still experiences difficulty thinking and reasoning abstractly

formal operational stage

in Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (normally beginning about age 12) Able to think and reason about hypothetical situations and/or abstract problems.

In Kohlberg's theory of moral development, the second stage of morality in which a child places value on social conventions, social order, and being viewed as "good" or "bad" by others.

post-conventional morality

In Kohlberg's theory of moral development, the first stage of morality in which children think of morality in terms of punishments and rewards.

pre-conventional morality

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