Psych 150 Final Exam

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Shara is participating in a psychology study in which she has to press a button as fast as possible whenever she sees a circle on the computer screen. This study is measuring ________ reaction time.


While sleeping Jane wakes up numerous times gasping for air

sleep apnea

After staying out late with friends, you arrive back at your dorm in the middle of the night. You stub your toe on your desk and knock over a vase, but luckily your roommate doesn't wake up. Which type of sleep is she probably experiencing?

slow-wave sleep

If while watching an approaching hurricane you stop and preform some introspection, you would be aligning with what ____ once did.


The psychology philosopher that believed that psychology should be the scientific study of conscious experience is MOST closely linked with

Wilhelm Wundt.

Your roommate tells you that he is planning to conduct an observational study for his senior thesis. Which of the following questions would you ask to demonstrate that you understand how observational studies are designed?

Will your research take place in the lab or in the natural environment?

Led the belief that psychology should investigate function

William James

Dr. McCabe believes that it is not possible to fully understand emotions unless we understand the purpose that the conscious experiences associated with emotions play in survival and adaptation. Dr. McCabe's views are MOST consistent with those of

William James.

The early psychologist who developed the concept of "stream of consciousness" is

William James.

Because nicotine increases how the neurotransmitter acetylcholine functions, it is an


While a chemical that mimics a neurotransmitter, can bind to receptor sites, and causes postsynaptic potentials is a(n) ____, a chemical that can bind to receptor sites and block the action of neurotransmitters is a(n) ____.

agonist; antagonist

Walter used to go to football games with his brother every week, but for the last few months he has been unable to attend. He's developed a petrifying fear of being in a crowded situation like the football stadium where it would be difficult to escape if he felt he needed to. As a result he just avoids situations like this. If these symptoms interfere with Walter's daily life, it may be appropriate to diagnose him with


The most widely used and abused depressant


James is in an escape room and is trying to get out before he runs out of time. To find the right code, he uses a procedure that will obtain the right result if he uses it correctly. Specifically, he must answer each puzzle in a specific order, to get the code to escape the room. James is using a(n) ________ to find the correct code.


Dr. Kincaid was interested in the topic of autistic savants (individuals with limited abilities in many areas, but with an exceptional talent in one specific area). In the initial part of the investigation, Dr. Kincaid carefully observed and compiled detailed files on three individuals who were autistic savants. Dr. Kincaid is conducting

case study research.

According to the elaboration likelihood model of attitude change, when people ponder the content and logic of persuasive messages, it is referred to as the

central route.

Wanda fell down some stairs and hit her head. Prior to her accident, she was an excellent flute player, but she now has difficulty coordinating the finger movements required in complex musical pieces. It is likely that in the fall, Wanda damaged her


Reffered to as "Gray Matter"

cerebral cortex

The ____ fluid nourishes the brain and provides a protective cushion for it.


Damian is a new driver and likes to speed, but he usually abides by the posted speed limit because he doesn't want to get a ticket or lose his driving privileges. What level of moral reasoning is Damian working from?


The correct sequence of eye structures that light passes through en route to the retina is

cornea, pupil, lens.

The structure that connects the two cerebral hemispheres is the

corpus callosum.

Monica is very good at art and design and writing. However, she is not very good at math or chemistry. According to the triarchic theory of intelligence, Monica most likely has high ________ intelligence and low ________ intelligence.

creative; linguistic

Expertise and trustworthiness are two factors that affect the ____ of a source of a persuasive communication.


According to research, the sexual orientation of gay men may be associated with the size of the


Andrew is very impulsive and makes quick decisions without thinking about things. According to Freud Andrew's behavior is driven by his ____.


Ken wants the newest video game that is being released on Friday. Ken knows that if he waits until his birthday next month, someone will buy him the new video game. However, on Friday Ken buys the video game for himself. According to Freud, Ken's behavior was driven by his ____.


Cari often has temper tantrums, and she pouts when she can't have her way. She often behaves impulsively and becomes extremely impatient if she can't have the things that she wants immediately. According to Freud's view of the personality, Cari's personality appears to be dominated by her


According to Erikson, what is the primary task of adolescence?


Our working memory is responsible for taking information in as well as pulling information from long-term memory. Working memory is key to encoding because it is responsible for

shifting attention between different sensory memories.

Josh does not like to eat vegetables, however, Josh's mom Jean knows that they are good for him. Jean tells Josh that if he eats all of his vegetables he will be allowed to have a piece of candy. Jean is using ________ to increase her son's eating of vegetables.

the Premack principle

Bliss is hooked on a horror television series about serial killers. Based on the number of programs that she has watched, she decides that she is likely to be victimized by a serial killer and purchases an expensive home security system. Bliss is demonstrating

the availability heuristic.

Carlos is in a particularly bad mood because his sister failed to repay a loan he gave her and she refuses to talk to him about it. Carlos then decides to watch some football on TV because his favorite football team is playing. Given Carlos' emotions, which of the following is he likely to think about as he watches the game?

"I'm sure my team is going to lose today."

According to sexual strategies theory, why would a woman be choosier than a man in selecting a partner?

A woman can only produce a limited number of offspring, so she should select a male partner who is a better provider.

Emily wants ice cream and decides to go to Wegman's grocery because they have the largest selection of ice cream flavors. Abby goes to Sprout's grocery store which is a smaller store with only a few choices of ice cream. Who is more likely to buy ice cream, and why?

Abby, because her store has fewer choices

The Humanistic Psychologist who believed in the Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow

Patient B.F. has anterograde amnesia. Which of the following will he be able to do?

All of the answer options are correct.

This is the reason many people have a difficult time learning a new language after years of learning English

Proactive Interference

People with this disorder shift between mania and depression

Bipolar disorder

People with this disorder have an unstable self concept.

Borderline Personality Disorder

After a large balloon burst loudly and suddenly at her birthday party, Cindy showed a fear of balloons. In terms of the acquisition phase of classical conditioning, the balloon is the __________ and her fear is the __________.


Wesley is walking to the kitchen in his house when he suddenly sees a mouse run across the floor. Wesley's brain first processes the information about the mouse. Then at the same time he feels the emotional response of fear and the physical response of increased heart rate. In this case, Wesley's experience is consistent with the __________ of emotion.

Cannon-Bard theory

Handyman Bob just hit his thumb with a hammer; the sensation will be transmitted to the central nervous system by ____ nerve fibers.


Meryl is quite uncomfortable in social relationships. She looks, dresses, and acts strangely in a way that makes others feel uncomfortable. Which cluster of personality disorders is the best match for her behavior?

Cluster A: odd or eccentric behavior

Which of the following is true about the functions of dendrites and axons?

Dendrites detect information from neighboring neurons, whereas axons transmit information.

Dr. Asgaard believes that in order to fully understand complex processes, such as auditory processing, it is first necessary to understand all the separate component parts. Dr. Asgaard's views are MOST consistent with those of

Edward Titchener.

The person whose work formed the basis for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, was ______.

Emil Kraepelin

Cheryll's baby is born blind and deaf and has both heart defects and brain damage. Which type of teratogen did Cheryll most likely experience during the pregnancy?

German measles (Rubella)

According to this school of thought, the whole of personal experience is different than the sum of its parts.

Gestalt theory

_____ is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter whereas _____ is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain

Glutamate, GABA

Amos, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, has negative symptoms. What might this look like?

He demonstrates a lack of emotion and slowed speech.

Peter is a 4-year-old who can already read and has the vocabulary of a 10-year-old. His parents also love to read, so his house is filled with books. What is the most reasonable conclusion about the source of Peter's high intelligence?

His intelligence resulted from an interaction of both genes and environment.

Dr. Tucker is a developmental psychologist. Which of the following research questions is she LEAST likely to pursue?

How do brain chemicals influence sexual behavior in young adults?

Dr. Grodner is conducting an experiment on age-related changes in memory. He is comparing how well retirees and high school students perform on a memory task. In order to conveniently schedule research participants, he has the older adults come to the lab during the day, since they are retired. The students come to the lab in the evening, after they are finished with school and other activities. What is the problematic confound in this study?

If memory turns out to be something that varies by time of day, it is problematic that the older adults all do the study in the morning and the younger adults do the study at night.

The physiologist who "taught" dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell

Ivan Pavlov

Which person is most likely to have a sense of self that is based on his feeling of being unique from others?

Jack, who was raised in Australia

The psychologist who proposed that the study of consciousness should be replaced by the study of behavior was

John B. Watson.

He is the father of Behavioral Psychology

John Watson

Judy and Mike have just rated themselves on five-factor theory personality traits. According to research on sex differences in personality, which of the following statements correctly reflects the probable results?

Judy will rate herself as more agreeable and more neurotic than Mike.

Johnnie was born with genitals and gonads that looked like those of a biological male, so his physician did not realize that Johnnie had XXY sex chromosomes. When Johnnie reaches puberty, he will likely develop secondary sex characteristics that look more like those of a female than a male. At this point, Johnnie is most likely to be diagnosed with

Kleinfelter syndrome.

Which of the following people will show a highly stable personality if measured today and again one year later?

LaShonda, a 55-year-old

Katie experiences frequent depression, in which she thinks she has no control over the outcomes of the events she experiences. Katie's perspective is most consistent with which model of depression?learned

Learned helplessness

Your friend Alexa is worried that advertisers are using subliminal perception to manipulate the public. You want to help her demystify this issue. Which of these statements about subliminal perception is LEAST accurate?

Material presented subliminally has a noticeable effect on complex thinking and actions.

This drug prevents people from sleeping or eating stimulating the neurons and giving people a rush of energy for hours

Meth or amphetamines

The most widely used legal stimulant


Where the neurotransmitters are stored

axon ending in vesicles

Which story most strongly suggests that emotions have a biological basis? Even at her father's funeral, Karen can't help laughing at a funny story about her dad wearing a gorilla suit to work. b. Little Lily cries every time she skins her knee or bumps her head, but her twin brother Ty is stoic, even when his mom pours peroxide on his cuts and scrapes. c. Nolan grins widely and pumps his fist in the air after winning a chess tournament, even though he is blind and has never seen what a winner's body language looks like. d. As soon as the wine glass slipped from his hand, Mike felt guilty about the stain he was about to make on Becca's couch.

Nolan grins widely and pumps his fist in the air after winning a chess tournament, even though he is blind and has never seen what a winner's body language looks like.

Justina is a four-year girl and loves her father. Justina frequently tells her dad that she wants to marry her dad and is often jealous when her dad is with her mom. Justina refuses to allow her mom to help her putting on her shoes or put her to bed, instead demands that her dad helps her. According to Freud, Justina is experiencing the ________ complex.


Believes that all behavior can be shaped through rewards and punishment

Operant Conditioning

The type of conditioning that believes all things can be shaped through rewards and punishments

Operant Conditioning

The Social Psychologist who created the prison experiment

Phillip Zimbardo

What are Psychology's intellectual parents

Physiology and Philosophy

Inability to recall events that occur before a brain trauma

Retrograde Amnesia

Nicola has been playing roller derby for several months now, but she hasn't seen many improvements in her skills lately. She is at the rink three nights a week, but she's starting to feel that there's no point to practicing so hard as it isn't paying off. Given what you know, which of these statements applies to Nicola?

She has low self-efficacy.

You are interviewing a new member of the psychology department for the university newspaper. The faculty member states, "Many times, people are unaware of the unconscious motivations that drive their overt actions." This faculty member's views are MOST similar to the views held by

Sigmund Freud

As Stacie is driving her car down the road, a traffic light turns from red to green. In a process called transduction,

Stacie's sensory receptors translate the light into signals for the brain.

The social psychologist who created a "shocking" obedience experiment

Stanley Milgram

Maurice is taking a personality test in which he is shown an ambiguous picture and asked to tell a story about what is happening in the image. He is taking which of the following tests?


The person responsible for establishing psychology as an independent discipline with its own subject matter is

Wilhelm Wundt.

Which pioneer in psychology helped develop the school of thought called structuralism?


A sudden puff of air in his left eye caused Bill to blink. In terms of classical conditioning, the air puff was a ______________ and the blink was a ______________.


In which of the following ways has our sense of gustation developed to serve an evolutionary purpose?

When we taste a poison, we are likely to spit it out before it is ingested.

Established the first formal laboratory in Psychology

Wilhelm Wundt

Are researchers allowed to deceive participants in their studies?

Yes, but when the study is over the researcher has to reveal the study's real goals and explain why the deception was necessary.

You are doing an experiment to test whether exercise improves self-control in children. Half of the children will jump rope for five minutes before being left alone in a room with a bowl of candy. The other half of the children will color for five minutes before being left alone in the room with the candy. You plan to measure how long it takes for each child to begin eating the candy as well as how much candy the children consume. Which statement about your research is true?

Your dependent variable has two operational definitions.

Nikki is in middle school and she loves to read and write short stories, which means that she usually gets very good grades in her English class. Nikki's parents start to pay her $5 for every book that she reads and $10 for every A that she gets on the stories that she writes for English class. According to self-determination theory, the impact of this reward system is likely to be

a decrease in Nikki's intrinsic motivation to read books and write stories.

Rory knows that individuals with borderline personality disorder often experience all of the following EXCEPT.

a genetic predisposition.

Phoenix has conversations with what appear to be other people, however, Phoenix's mom does not see anyone else around. Phoenix has told her mom that these voices told her to stand in the middle of a busy street as cars passed by her. Phoenix is experiencing _______.

a hallucination.

Oliver is studying motivation in chimpanzees. His roommate doesn't think that Oliver's research will produce much useful information about human motivation because he believes that information from animal studies will not provide meaningful information about human experiences. Oliver's roommate apparently has

a humanistic perspective.

Ming's computer crashed suddenly the other day. Ming kept trying the same solution that worked the last few times his computer crashed, even though it did not fix his computer. Ming's failure to solve this problem is most likely due to

a mental set

Anthony is only five years old, but he is frequently getting in trouble at school and his teacher reports that he does not follow directions and acts impulsively. Anthony's parents are worried he has

a neurodevelopmental disorder.

According to the elaboration likelihood model, TV advertisements for Tylenol that use an attractive famous actor who portrays a doctor in a television series to promote the product are using

a peripheral route.

Danny believes that his neighbor hates him and is out to get him. Danny believes that his neighbor has bugged his house and is listening to his thoughts and conversations. Danny does not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, but he may be experiencing long-lasting, maladaptive patterns of interacting with the world around him. In this case, Danny may be diagnosed with

a personality disorder.

Dr. Stirling has observed that people tend to act more aggressively during the heat waves in the summer. Dr. Stirling tracks aggressive acts during the heat waves of summer and during the cold spells of winter. If Dr. Stirling finds that there is a relationship between temperature and level of aggression this would show ____________.

a positive correlation.

Jill assumes her new biology professor is probably studious and somewhat introverted just like her other professors. Jill's assumption is based on

a stereotype.

Dr. Phil has observed that when people are upset or get bad news they share their bad news and bad experience with others. Based on this observation, Dr. Phil predicts that people who have received bad news will find others to share their bad news with. Dr. Phil's belief is an example of ____, and his prediction is an example of ____. a hypothesis; a variable b. a variable; an application c. a theory; a hypothesis d. a hypothesis; a theory

a theory; a hypothesis

Which of these scenarios best describes someone with agoraphobia? a. Martin hasn't left the house since he had a panic attack in an elevator. The thought of being trapped somewhere is overwhelming, and he feels safest in his home. b. A few times this month, Marwan has been struck with sudden attacks of extreme fear. He initially thought he was having a heart attack. Now he is afraid he will have another attack when he is in an important meeting, driving a car, or in a social situation. c. Lydia dreads parties. She worries intensely about what other people will think about her clothing, and even after the party is over, she obsessively replays conversations in her mind and becomes convinced that others think badly of her. d. Terri is terrified of spiders. One time, when she thought she saw a tiny spider in the car, she let go of the steering wheel and her friend in the passenger seat had to help guide the car to the side of the road before Terri jumped out.

a. Martin hasn't left the house since he had a panic attack in an elevator. The thought of being trapped somewhere is overwhelming, and he feels safest in his home.

Which of the following is an example of the fundamental attribution error? a. Patty, was kidnapped and held against her will. Patty then robs a bank with her captures and the jury finds Patty guilty, claiming she knew what she was doing. b. Patty, was kidnapped and held against her will. Patty then robs a bank with her captures and the jury finds Patty not guilty, claiming the situation caused her to rob the bank. c. Patty, was kidnapped and held against her will. Patty then robs a bank with her captures and the jury finds Patty not guilty, claiming she suffered brain damage. d. Patty, was kidnapped and held against her will. Patty then robs a bank with her captures and the jury finds Patty guilty, claiming she believed in the cause.

a. Patty, was kidnapped and held against her will. Patty then robs a bank with her captures and the jury finds Patty guilty, claiming she knew what she was doing.

In his Stanford Prison study, Zimbardo found that a. situational factors have a powerful impact on social behavior. b. Subjects who are exposed to severe stress develop emotional scars. c. collectivistic cultures tend to encourage more conformity than individualistic cultures. d. group size is an important factor in conformity.

a. situational factors have a powerful impact on social behavior.

Jack is camping in the woods. While stargazing, he notices a very faint light in the distance. The light is so faint that he can barely see it, and his friend has not noticed it at all. The light is right at the __________ threshold.


This is the minimum length of time that a neuron cannot fire

absolute refractory period

Jeremy is sitting quietly when the muscles in his left leg begin to "twitch." This activation of movement in his voluntary muscles is most likely due to the release of the neurotransmitter


Janelle is in jail for assault but she consistently tells the police that she does not remember arguing with her boyfriend or hitting him with her car. In fact, she cannot remember anything that happened over the last two days. If Janelle is telling the truth, then she may be experiencing dissociative


Bonnie is protective of her friend Jamie, especially after Jamie's surgery to remove part of her brain to prevent seizures. Bonnie has noticed that Jamie seems too willing to trust strangers, and she also seems undisturbed by sudden noises that signal danger. Which part of Jamie's brain was probably removed?


Which of the following is an example of a weak situation?

an afternoon playing at the park

Alyssa has observed many musicians who have facial hair. Alyssa has met three musicians who have had full beards and two musicians who were clean-shaven. Still, she believes that MOST musicians have beards. Alyssa's belief reflects

an illusory correlation.

Shayna observed Cristina, a CEO for a large manufactoring firm, behave in an aggressive and pushy manner with her subordinates. Shayna now believes that most women executives are aggressive and pushy with their subordinates. Shayna's overestimation of the link between women executives and the social traits of "pushy" and "aggressive" is referred to as

an illusory correlation.

Professor Johnson observes Adrian sleeping in class. Professor Johnson suggests that Adrian's low marks in school are due to the Adrian's laziness. Professor Johnson has made

an internal attribution.

Dr. Licciardi believes that if people are observed while they perform a complex task, they will be anxious. He belief is based on an observation. Dr. Licciardi's has set up his experiment and defined "anxious" as outword expressions such as sweating, shaking, finger tapping and leg tapping or shaking, this is an example of _______________________ .

an operational definition.

Ted Bundy, the serial killer, displayed a clear lack of empathy and remorse for his behaviors. Ted Bundy would most likely be diagnosed with _________.

antisocial personality disorder

Dr. Athorp has just discovered a new drug that mimics the effects of GABA. It is likely that this new drug will produce side effects such as

anxiety reduction and general relaxation.

Connie, a heroin addict, is experiencing withdrawal. What might she be feeling specifically?

anxiety, nausea, and tremors

Justin went to lunch with friends and had Chinese food. About an hour after lunch Justin started feeling sick, although his sickness was not related to his lunch Justin now feels sick when people mention Chinese food, this likely occurs because the two events ______

are paired closely in timing.

Heidi has decided to return to college however is concerned because she is 35 years old. On the first day of class, she looks over the individuals in the room and sits next to another female student who appears to be in her early thirties. In this case, Heidi has likely classified the other student

as a member of his ingroup.

Dr. Clarkson works with patients who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He believes that schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance and collects blood work and family history information from each patient. By looking at bloodwork and family history, Dr. Clarkson is

attempting to determine etiology.

When a person makes an inference about someone else's behavior based on an observation the causes of events and theirs and others' behaviors are known as


The heart, glands, and smooth muscles are controlled by the

autonomic nervous system.

We often overestimate the probability of something happening because of how quickly we can think of an example

availability heuristic

Which of the following is NOT one of the Gestalt principles describing how individual elements are grouped into higher-order forms? a. proximity b. complexity c. continuity d. closure

b. complexity

A myelin sheath is a fatty layer that protects the axon, so it is most like the a. remote control for a TV. b. insulation around a pipe. c. layers of a cake. d. thermostat of a heater.

b. insulation around a pipe.

Petra looked directly into a very bright light and damaged her retina. The ophthalmologist has told her that she has sustained massive damage to her cones, but for the most part her rods have not been affected. One change that you could predict for Petra's vision is that she will now have

b. no color vision.

When he thinks about his new boyfriend, Trevor experiences a rush of happiness and pleasure. In his brain, such thoughts activate the nucleus accumbens, which is part of the forebrain structure called the

basal ganglia.

According to Costa and McCrae, __________ are traits determined primarily by biological processes, and __________ are adjustments to situational demands.

basic tendencies; characteristic adaptations

Megan completed a personality assessment and was classified as being low in agreeableness. Megan will likely show which of the following behaviors?

be suspicious and ruthless

Peggy smells a very strong odor; Harry smells an odor that is barely detectable. Based on what is known about neural transmission, you could predict that the action potentials will

be the same in both individuals due to the all-or-none principle

Fiona puts her hands into a sinkful of lukewarm water; Luke puts his hands into a sinkful of ice-cold water. Based on what is known about neural transmission, you could predict that the action potentials will

be the same in both individuals due to the all-or-none principle.

Matthew ate too many sugar cookies at a holiday party he attended. As a result, Matthew was up all night vomiting and swore to never eat another sugar cookie again. Two weeks later Matthew is at another party where he is offered sugar cookies, it is likely that Matthew will respond by

being turned off by the smell and the memory of the taste of sugar cookies.

Cassandra a school teacher is most often characterized as a mild, organized lady who is efficient and always completes her work. However, recently Cassandra has been disorganized, speaking quickly and running about unable to finish any of her work. Cassandra has even engaged in risky behavior like gambling. Cassandra's friend is worried that Cassandra might be experiencing _________.

bipolar disorder

One of the most effective forms of treatment for ______is the use of Lithium. Often times clients will stop taking Lithium because the drug _______.

bipolar; reduces their positive feelings

Alicia is a woman in a sexual relationship with another woman. Alicia is also attracted to men, and anticipates that she will have sex with a man again at some point. Based on this, Alicia's sexual orientation is best described as


The area where the optic nerve leaves the retina is referred to as the

blind spot.

People with this personality disorder tend to have disturbances in identity, emotional states, and impulse control. Because of their need for validation from others, they may manipulate social relationships and shift moods suddenly.


Becky has a difficult time maintaining friendships and relationships. Becky is constantly worried that people are going to leave her and she has an unstable self-image that leads her to believe that people do not like her. Becky is most likely suffering from ______.

borderline personality disorder

Philip Zimbardo was interested in studying how the situation can lead to bad behavior of individuals. In his famous experiment, The Stanford Prison experiment, he found that __________________. a. "prisoners" resisted the demands of the researchers to play a role of a malicious and abusive person. b. "guards" used physical abuse as punishment on their "prisoners." c. "prison guards" acted demeaning towards "prisoners" in an effort to fulfill a social role. d. "guards" became withdrawn and had to be forced to fulfill their roles.

c. "prison guards" acted demeaning towards "prisoners" in an effort to fulfill a social role.

An action potential is a. the small gap that exists between adjacent neurons. b. an electrical signal that travels along the dendrites of a neuron. c. an electrical signal that travels along the axon of a neuron. d. the tiny electrical charge that exists when a neuron is neither receiving nor sending information.

c. an electrical signal that travels along the axon of a neuron.

A postsynaptic potential occurs when a. neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft. b. neurotransmitters bind or attach to receptor sites on the presynaptic neuron. c. neurotransmitters bind or attach to receptor sites on the postsynaptic neuron. d. neurotransmitters are reabsorbed into the terminal buttons.

c. neurotransmitters bind or attach to receptor sites on the postsynaptic neuron.

If Professor Trong were to argue that we discriminate different pitches because sound waves of different frequency displace different regions on the basilar membrane, which theory of auditory perception would Dr. Trong be arguing? a.frequency b. volley c. place d. opponent process

c. place

Which of the following best describes problem solving? a. reasoning from general information to specific information b. selecting the best option among a set of alternatives c. finding a way around an obstacle to reach a goal d. using information to determine if a conclusion is valid or reasonable

c. finding a way around an obstacle to reach a goal

If inhibitory postsynaptic potentials did not exist,

c. it would be "easier" for a neuron to fire its action potential.

Right before her geometry exam, Julie heard a story about how women have trouble in geometry because it requires spatial manipulation. Even though she was prepared for the test, she did not do as well as she would have done had she not heard that story. Based on this, you know that Julie's performance was most likely impaired by

c. stereotype threat.

Oberlin is participating in a psychology study in which he has to press a red button whenever he sees a circle on the computer screen and a green button whenever he sees a square. This study is measuring ________ reaction time.


Otto knows that humans depend greatly on vision, and he learned that we are adapted to sleeping at night because our early ancestors were vulnerable in the dark, when they were unable to see hazards and predators. Which theory of the benefits of sleep does this represent?

circadian rhythm theory

Dave observed that after returning from the vet, whenever he took his dog, Smooches, near his car, she began to shake and whine. Which of the following types of learned response was Smooches exhibiting?

classical conditioning

When Justin looked up at the night sky, he perceived the three stars that make up the belt in the constellation Orion as a single complete figure, rather than as individual stars. Justin's perception of the night sky illustrates the Gestalt principle of


This drug creates a fast euphoria and rush of energy by flooding the brain with dopamine


Substance abuse is common among people with other psychological disorders. What is the term for situations in which mental disorders occur together?


Alanna knows that when the toilet flushes in her apartment that the water in the shower becomes very hot causing her to jump. Now whenever Alanna is in the shower and hears the toilet flush she immediately jumps exhibiting a(n) ______.

conditioned response.

Seven-year-old Tarun is going to the doctor for his vaccines. Tarun has had several vaccines before and because of this as soon as Tarun enters the small examining room he becomes anxious. The small examing room has is a(n) ____

conditioned stimulus

As a child, you attend football games with your parents every Friday night in which your parents buy you a hotdog. While in college you attend football games and you have a strong desire to eat hotdogs. in terms of classical conditioning, it would be called a(n)

conditioned stimulus.

Eleanor wants to use classical conditioning to teach her students to run to the closet when the "intruder alert" sounds at their school. Eleanor uses a loud sound to signal to the children that it is time. When the loud sound starts Eleanor yells "intruder alert", Eleanor yelling "intruder alert" is ____________ in terms of classical conditioning.

conditioned stimulus.

Professor Minor frequently gives students pop-quizzes in the classroom. Immediately before each quiz, she always turns on all the lights. Students soon notice that they start to feel anxious when Professor Minor turns on the lights. In terms of classical conditioning, Professor Minor turning on the lights is

conditioned stimulus.

Shephard wants his son to play baseball just like he did. Shephard frequently forces his son to play baseball with him in the yard and gets upset when his son is not interested or drops the ball. According to humanistic approaches to personality, Shephard is creating ________ for his son.

conditions of worth

James has been invited to a party. Immediately after receiving the invitation, he meets with a group of friends to discuss what they plan to wear to the party. James then makes the decision to wear what his friends are wearing. James's party dressing behavior demonstrates


A baby was recently born who had very ambiguous genitals. The doctor did a genetic test to find out the sex chromosomes of the baby. It turned out that the child had XX sex chromosomes but must have been exposed to unusually high levels of androgens while in the womb. The doctor explained to the new parents that their baby has an intersexed condition called

congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

When researchers assessed several identical twins to assess their similarity on each dimension in the five-factor theory of personality, the lowest similarity was found on which trait?


Imagine you are at a rock concert listening to your favorite songs and cheering with the crowd. The moment-to-moment subjective experience you have, along with your mental activity, is called


Inability to get proper sleep and stress will interfere with the ________ of memories.


Christina was skiing down a hill when the track broke into two separate trails. One trail turned off at a 90-degree angle; the second trail appeared to continue in the same general direction she had been headed. If Christina takes the second trail, her actions would be consistent with the Gestalt principle of


In Milgram's (1963) study of obedience, subjects a. became the recipients of painful electric shocks delivered by an experimental accomplice. b. indicated which of three lines matched a "standard line" in length. c. were ordered to give consistently wrong answers to simple questions. d. were ordered to deliver painful electric shocks to a stranger.

d. were ordered to deliver painful electric shocks to a stranger.

In Parkinsonism, the tremors, muscular rigidity, and reduced control over voluntary movements appears to be a function of

degeneration of neurons that use dopamine as a neurotransmitter.

The correct order that information passes through in a neuron is

dendrite, soma, axon.

The part of the brain that receives the electrical impulse


Information is received by a neuron through the ____ and is transmitted toward other neurons through the ____.

dendrites; axon

Carl is clingy and can't stand to be alone. Carl goes from one relationship to another and often begs for friends to be with him. Carl would most likely be diagnosed with ____

dependent personality disorder

Beth was abused as a child and as a result, suffered from depression throughout her adolescents. Although Beth reports that she has not experienced depression in a number of years, she has recently experienced a break up of a long relationship. Beth's therapist is worried that the stress of this break-up will cause Beth to experience deep depression, this perspective is most consistent with the

diathesis-stress model.

Kesha has just begun taking a new drug that produces side effects like muscular rigidity and tremors. Based on this information, Kesha's drug may be acting on her ___________ system.


Luke needs about seven hours of sleep a night. During his spring break, however, he sleeps 10 hours just because he enjoys it so much. Luke's behavior is difficult to explain with which of the following motivation theories?

drive reduction

According to the text, what is the most important prenatal phase of development for organ formation?

embryonic period

When 3-year-old Matthew does not get his way, he tends to launch right into a tantrum. He does not just get a little upset but experiences intense anger very quickly. Which aspect of temperament does this refer to?


This type of memory is an explicit memory that stores personal information, what is it?


When he went to his first counseling session with a psychotherapist, Buck was asked a lot of questions about his symptoms and his history. The therapist was conducting an assessment in order to understand what factors may have contributed to Buck's current struggles. In this situation the therapist was trying to determine the __________ of Buck's psychological problems.


Claudette and her lover have just begun kissing. Claudette is now thinking about the fact that they will be having sex, and she is touching her lover in a sensual manner. Claudette is currently in the __________ phase of the sexual response cycle.


Rhiannon wants to get a pet. She is considering several options, including a dog, cat, rabbit, ferret, and guinea pig, all of which she thinks would be good pets. Rhiannon's thinking shows that she is categorizing the concept of "pet" in a way that is consistent with the __________ model.


Mac failed his final exam for anatomy class. When asked why he failed, Mac says the questions were not fair and the professor did not teach him properly. According to expectancy theory, Mac probably has an

external locus of control.

Emilio practices with the wrestling team every day after school because he knows his father wants him to be a star athlete. He has no real interest in wrestling; in fact, he hates it. But he does it to try to win his father's approval. Emilio's motivation to continue wrestling appears to be best explained by

extrinsic motivation

Howie experiences Obsessive-compulsive disorder but his wife Bernie has a generalized anxiety disorder. Howie and Bernie's disorders are both characterized by

fear in the absence of real danger.

At a nightclub, a strange man slipped a drug into Sasha's drink. The drug was a type of stimulant. What experience might Sasha have had after consuming the stimulant?

feeling a wave of confidence and then feeling alert, energetic, and social

Ricky has Generalized anxiety disorder. Ricky knows that the key characteristic of anxiety disorders is

feelings of increasing nervousness in the absence of threat.

Sydney has been drinking during her pregnancy. By doing so, she is putting her baby at risk of a severe disorder called

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

Abby feeds her dog every day at the same time. Abby's dog quickly learns that she is rewarded on a ________ schedule of reinforcement.

fixed interval

Exams that are given every three weeks in a class are this type

fixed interval schedule

Jennifer works at a retail store. Jennifer is paid every week on Friday a salary, however she is also paid a bonus when four customers sign up for the store's credit card. Jennifer is paid her salary on a ________ schedule but is paid her bonus on a _________ schedule

fixed interval; fixed ratio

Dr. Pope wants to study infant sleep paterns in single-parent families. The first step in her scientific investigation would be to

formulate a testable hypothesis.

Brad has experienced a relatively severe left hemisphere stroke. As a result, he is unable to move his right arm and has a great deal of difficulty with planning and attention. The stroke most likely caused damage to the ________ lobes.


Dominique was asked to complete a personality assessment that required her to think about herself and answer questions about herself. Because Dominique is thinking about herself there would be more activity in the ________ of her brain.

frontal lobes

Taste signals are routed through the thalamus and onto the insular cortex in the

frontal lobes.

If you tend to overemphasize internal characteristics in explaining the behavior of others, you are evidencing the

fundamental attribution error.

"How do you think of yourself? Do you feel like you are more male or female?" This question is asking about a person's

gender identity.

Charles Spearman viewed intelligence as having one underlying factor, which he called which kind of intelligence?


Emma is 53 years old, and now that her children are grown and out of the home she is focusing on other things. For example, she likes volunteering at the community center teaching art classes to teenagers to help them develop artistic interests and skills. According to Erikson, Emma is most likely in which psychosocial stage?

generativity versus stagnation

The support cells that support the neurons


Cells found in the nervous system that insulate, nourish, and direct the growth of neurons as well as remove dead neurons and waste products are known as


Monica hears that George goes to a lot of parties. When a friend asks Monica what George is like, she tells him that George drinks a lot of alcohol. Even though Monica only knows that George goes to parties, she believes that George drinks a lot because she

has a schema about going to parties that includes drinking alcohol.

When Tori was asked whether she considered herself smart, she immediately answered "Yes, of course." Tori's ability to answer this question about herself effortlessly and automatically suggests that

her self-schema includes information about her intelligence.

Brad and Gloria met on an online dating site. Gloria describes herself as secure, attentive, organized and self-disciplined . According to the Big Five trait theory, Gloria is most likely

high in conscientiousness.

Akiva tends to worry a lot, even about things that are out of his control. He is very insecure about the decisions that he makes in his life, and when things don't go his way he tends to pity himself instead of looking for ways to improve the situations. According to the five-factor theory of personality, Akiva would be

high in neuroticism.

Jessie suffered damage to her brain and had difficulty forming new memories. Jessie's injury was most likely to the __________, which is a structure located in the brain region called the __________.

hippocampus; forebrain

Charlie is a 16-year-old boy who has always been a straight A student. Recently Charlie has started to struggle in his math and science classes so his teachers assign him to a special study hall for students who need academic help. Even though Charlie has thought of himself as academically gifted he wonders whether he is actually academically challenged. Given this information, Charlie is most likely experiencing a crisis of

identity versus role confusion.

Dwayne must always sit in the same seat in the conference room at work and must enter the room with his left foot leading. Although this goes against standard social practice and makes his coworkers uncomfortable, it is more likely to be psychopathology if it is

impairing good daily functioning.

Bruce used to experience a great deal of euphoria from a small amount of heroin. Now, however, he must consume a great deal more to get "high" because he is experiencing

increased tolerance.

The action of neurotransmitters is ________ by agonists and is ________ by antagonists.

increased; decreased

A researcher wants to see if a protein-enriched diet will enhance the maze-running performance of rats. One group of rats is fed the high-protein diet for the duration of the study; the other group continues to receive ordinary rat chow. In this experiment, the rats' diet is the

independent variable.

If we view an experiment as an attempt to establish a cause-effect relationship, the ____ variable would be the cause, and the ____ variable would be the effect.

independent; dependent

Jason is stuck on a math problem that he can't seem to solve even after going over his computations multiple times. He decides to take a break and come back to it after dinner. While eating, the key to the solution suddenly comes to him. This is called a(n)


At the beginning of the semester, you meet with your professors and ask what the professor believes is the most important aspect of the class. You explain that you want to understand the professor's philosophy in order to understand how you can work with the professor to be successful in the class. You understand that your success in the class is based on your performance in the class. You appear to have a(n) ________ locus of control.


Frank believes that he is more valuable and special than anyone else. As a result, he feels he is entitled to special treatment, focuses mainly on his own needs, and gets angry when anyone challenges him. Frank most likely

is narcissistic.

Gertrude is close to finishing her degree in biology and has been offered several good jobs in her field. However, Gertrude decides that she really wants to become a carpenter. She quits school and becomes a very happy and successful carpenter. According to Maslow, Gertrude

is self-actualized.

Consistent with the fundamental attribution error, when an acquaintance fails an exam, you would tend to attribute their failure to the _____ and if you fail an exam, you would tend to attribute your failure to the _____.

lack of intelligence; difficulty of the exam

Simone just started college classes. Simone's psychology class is on the third floor and the elevator is not working the first week of classes, causing Simone to be late to class every day. The second week of classes Simone bypasses the elevator and walks up the stairs. Simone's experience is an example of


Whereas the hormone __________ is involved in fat regulation, __________ originates in the stomach and triggers hunger.

leptin; ghrelin

Phineas experienced an accident that caused extensive damage to his frontal lobe and lost the use of most of his frontal lobe, Phineas would

lose his self-awareness.

Sheldon and Amy met on an online dating site. Sheldon describes himself as quiet and enjoying alone time with not many friends. According to the Big Five trait theory, Sheldon is most likely

low in extraversion.

Joel is fantastic at following directions and building things he has seen before however is terrible at solving logic problems or riddles. Joel would most likely be considered ________ in fluid intelligence and ________ in crystallized intelligence.

low; high

Julie just heard that her neighbor, Rodney, did not buy water or food for the upcoming hurricane. If Julie concludes that Rodney's children distracted him with all their sports and afterschool activities preventing Rodney from preparing for the hurricane, she has

made an external attribution.

Tina recently lost over half the money she had put away for her retirement. If Webster concludes that Tina lost the money because the stock market took a significant downturn, he has

made an external attribution.

Dallas watches as Rhoda missteps in the cafeteria and spills coffee on herself and two other students. If Dallas concludes that Rhoda is an uncoordinated "klutz" who wasn't paying attention to what she was doing, he has

made an internal attribution.

Daria is writing a lecture and wants to explain the difference between being motivated by states of biological deficiency versus being motivated by incentives. Which of the following should she include as an example of an incentive that can motivate behavior even though it is NOT related to a "need"?


Abraham is at a club with some friends when he sees an attractive woman at another table. He strikes up a friendly conversation with her, and after a while she gives him her email address. Abraham repeats the email address to himself over and over again while he signals to a friend that he needs a pen so he can write it down. Abraham is using __________ to keep the information active in his working memory.

maintenance rehearsal

After using this drug, Joey felt the effects of all three classes of drug: stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogenics—he felt uplifted and social, he was relaxed, and he experienced vivid taste sensations. Which drug do you think he used? a. MDMA b. methamphetamine c. cocaine d. marijuana


Jacob has clear symptoms of schizophrenia Jacob's doctor orders an MRI, and expects to see less activity in _______.

medial temporal and frontal lobes.

In persuasion, the information transmitted is referred to as the


During the winter Olympics, a skier had a terrible fall. The observers all cringed. It was as if they had fallen themselves and were able to feel the pain of the fallen athlete. According to the biological basis of observational learning, the action of __________ might underpin the observers' behavior.

mirror neurons

Krista's best friend has a huge crush on a guy in their physics class. When Krista hears he is now single, she immediately tells her friend. A few days later, though, her friend tells her the same news, as if she hadn't heard it from Krista in the first place! What type of distortion error has Krista's friend made?


Nora met Greg at the scene of her recent bike accident. She remembers the way her heart fluttered and her palms became sweaty as he helped her pick up her bent bicycle and load it into the back of his truck. It could have been love at first sight, or maybe it was simply

misattribution of arousal.

Elizabeth Loftus found that eyewitness memory is subject to change, even in small details. When a person is given incorrect details of a crime after the crime occurs they will likely "remember" the incorrect details, this is known as _____

misinformation effect

In a study on the biological bases of learning, lab rat A is given a drug that blocks dopamine activity in its brain. Thereafter, the rat is placed in an operant chamber where a lever-pressing task is shaped through positive reinforcement. We should expect that the rat will have

more difficulty learning the task than a normal rat.

Dr. Gibson shows her clients a series of ambiguous pictures and asks her clients to tell the story of the picture. Dr. Gibson gives her client a TAT to evaluate her client's

motivational traits.

Vincent, an 8-year-old, has been diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome, which often causes vocal tics where he can't control what he says. It horrifies Vincent that he repeatedly blurts out words that have nothing to do with what he is thinking or what people around him are discussing at the moment. Vincent also experiences embarrassing uncontrollable muscle spasms of his head and neck. What category of disorder is Tourette's syndrome best categorized as?

motor disorder

While studying the different types of long-term memory, Mary finds it helps if she starts by thinking about how each kind of memory is defined. Which of the following would be the best way for her to think about the definition of procedural memory?

motor skills and habits

A disorder of the brain that causes the myelin sheath to degenerate

multiple sclerosis

The insulation that covers some axons and increases the speed of transmission of the neural impulse is the

myelin sheath.

Jolyn believed that there are gender differences in driving habits. To test this assumption, she stood near a quiet intersection. Jolyn then recorded the gender of each driver who approached a stop sign and whether the individual came to a complete stop before proceeding into the intersection. Jolyn is conducting

naturalistic observation.

As an adult ages, his/her physical strength declines. The relationship between age and physical strength is a(n)

negative correlation.

After she gets a speeding ticket, Susan's parents take her driver's license away for a month. This is an example of

negative punishment.

Samuel was caught driving under the influence of alcohol. Samuel was immediately taken to jail and had his license taken away. Samuel vows to never drive under the influence again, in this situation being taken to jail and having his license taken away are

negative punishment.

Earl fights with his sister Jane frequently. Earl's mother sends Earl to his room whenever he starts fighting with his sister. Earl enjoys being in his room where all his toys are. Earl's mother does not understand why Earl continues to misbehave. Earl's mother believes that she is providing __________ for Earl when his fights with his sister, but Earl mother is actually __________ Earl's behavior.

negative punishment; positive reinforcement

After getting a bad sunburn, before heading out for a day at the beach, Stanley slathers on sunscreen to avoid getting sunburned. In this case, Stanley's habit of using sunscreen has likely been acquired by way of

negative reinforcement.

After Samuel's DUI ticket, he hires an attorney who tells him that he will take care of the ticket. The attorney is a _________ as he is taking care of Samuel's ticket. However, the attorney cautions Samuel about the serious nature of the charges and the lasting impact this will have on his license. In this instance, the attorney is a _________ discouraging Samuel's behavior.

negative reinforcer; positive punishment

Which type of symptoms of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders includes an absence (or deficit) in normally expected functions or behaviors?

negative symptoms

Jeff has schizophrenia. Jeff's family reports that Jeff has no emotions and speaks slowly and uses a few of words as possible. Jeff is displaying ______ of schizophrenia.

negative symptoms.

The cells of the nervous system that do the work of receiving, integrating, and transmitting information are the


Joseph wants to use classical conditioning to teach his sister to be afraid of cats. Joseph decides to blow a loud horn every time his sister comes near a cat. In this situation, the cats are a ____.

neutral stimulus

Sergio is practicing the violin. His roommate, Stefan, is getting annoyed because the sound waves coming out of the violin are of extremely high frequency. In other words, the

noise is too high-pitched for Stefan.

Joseph is studying the different types of learning presented in the textbook chapter. Which of the following is a type of learning about one simple stimulus?

non-associative learning

Which of the following pairs of variables would be an example of a negative correlation?

number of times a person brushes his teeth and likelihood of getting cavities

In the search for the etiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder,researchers have found that obsessive-compulsive disorder may be linked to all of the following EXCEPT

observational learning.

Your younger daughter watches your older daughter mow the lawn. Later, your younger daughter attempts to mow the lawn. According to the principles of __________, your older daughter has acted as a __________.

observational learning; model

Among some people, anxiety becomes paired to a specific event, perhaps through classical conditioning. Reduction of anxiety following a certain behavior becomes reinforced through operant conditioning, which leads to a cycle of anxiety and the conditioned behavior to reduce it. Which psychological disorder can develop in this way?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Sammy is doing research that involves placing objects in the visual fields of visually impaired elderly men. He wants to discover what specific neurons fire in response to the features of the objects. The study requires electrodes to be implanted in the men's brains. In which part of the brain would you suggest Sammy place the electrodes?

occipital lobe

Miko was raised by parents who were missionaries and traveled all over the globe while Miko was young. Miko as an adult is adventurous and likes change. Miko would likely rate high on _________ in the OCEAN Trait theory.

open to new experiences

Mr. Craven lacks imagination and is a complete conformist. With respect to the Big Five personality traits, Mr. Craven probably would score low on which of the following?

openness to experience

The term used to describe the actions and procedures used to measure or control a variable

operational definition

Drugs such as morphine and heroin that have the capacity to alleviate pain


After having your picture taken with a yellow flash, you momentarily see blue spots floating before your eyes. This phenomenon is best explained by

opponent process theory

Your little cousin Athena wants to know why she has crayons called blue-green and orange-yellow, but none called blue-yellow or orange-green. You explain that cells in your eye help create the perception that some colors are opposites. It's a good thing you learned about the __________ theory!


Megan turns to food frequently when she is emotional. She is constantly using food to ease her anxiety. According to the psychodynamic theory of personality, Megan may be fixated at the ________ stage of psychosocial development.


Freud believed that you smoke or bite your nails you developed this?

oral fixation

If you are trying to use classical conditioning to train your pet mouse to be afraid of a flashing light, you will most likely be successful if you

pair the light with an electric shock.

Dr. Jacoby has just discovered a new drug that blocks the action of acetylcholine. It is likely that this new drug will produce side effects such as

paralysis and memory loss.

Yasmeen and her girlfriend recently got into a major fight, and there was a lot of yelling and screaming before Yasmeen stormed out of the house and drove away. Now, thirty minutes later, she is calming down due to increased activity in her __________ nervous system.


Sam is highly relaxed. His blood pressure and heart rate are lower than usual. This relaxation response was most likely the result of activity in his

parasympathetic nervous system.

Laura has not been dating Matt for very long. Lately when she thinks of Matt she experiences significant changes in her emotional state, swinging from very negative to highly positive. Additionally, Laura feels that she has become completely absorbed with Matt. What type of love is Laura experiencing?

passionate love

The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system comprise the

peripheral nervous system.

REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because the

person's body is asleep, but the person's brain is active.

Marwan has been shy his whole life, and he is not sure what underlies this trait. Which subfield of psychology might hold some answers for Marwan?

personality psychology

According to the text, the interaction of what three developmental domains shapes human development?

physical, cognitive, socio-emotional

Terry's home was destroyed in a hurricane. It is hard to find food, so he is constantly hungry. However, he feels lucky because his family survived and he is together with his loved ones. According to Maslow's theory, Terry's ________ needs are not met, but his ________ needs are being met. safety; belonging b. safety; esteem c. physiological; esteem d. physiological; belonging

physiological; belonging

Kendra hears a terrible high-pitched sound in her psychology class. She knows that she perceived the sound because the high frequency sound waves stimulated hair cells at a certain location on her basilar membrane. In other words, Kendra heard the sound due to __________ coding in her cochlea.


After his stroke, Brian slowly recovered function in his right arm. The property of the brain that supports learning and recovery of functions lost after brain trauma and that reflects the interactive nature of biological and environmental influences is called


Becca is trying to teach her 3-year-old son Cole how to ride a bicycle. Every time that Cole is able to ride a short distance on his own, she praises and cheers Cole on. Becca is providing Cole with ____________________.

positive reinforcement

Giving a child candy when they behave in a manner that you like is this

positive reinforcement

Each time a student gets a test question correct they are awarded a point, earning more points makes the students study and prepare for the exams. In this situation the points are

positive reinforcement.

The probability of an action potential being propagated from neuron to neuron is increased when the __________ neuron's signal is __________.

postsynaptic; excitatory

Antoinetta has just developed a skill called object permanence. According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, Antoinetta is most likely about to progress to the __________ stage of cognitive development.


When she goes to the grocery store, Mykaeya leaves her shopping list at home. She is able to remember the first few things on her list and the last few things on her list, but she can't remember the items in the middle of her list. Her memory for the start of her list demonstrates the __________ effect, while remembering things at the end of the list is an example of the __________ effect.

primacy; recency

Roberto has just moved to a new address. When he is filling out an information page on a website he automatically starts to type in his old address and then has trouble remembering his new address. What memory process explains why Roberto forgot his new address?

proactive interference

Imani is about 4 miles away from her office when her car gets a flat tire and she has to pull to the side of the road. She now starts thinking of how she can get her car fixed and get to work on time. Imani is engaged in the process of

problem solving

Lauren is baking a cake but realizes that she is missing ingredients. She has to make a cake, so she finds a new recipe that will work with the ingredients she has. Lauren is engaging in

problem solving.

The type of memory that used to remember how to ride a bike is an example of ________ memory.


Roger is highly competitive and always asking people if they want to "bet' on things. Justin invites Roger out for a game night, but Roger refuses to go and claims that Justin is too competitive. According to Freud Roger is displaying _______ defense mechanism.


As he is leaving the house in the morning, Jason's wife calls out to him, "Don't forget that we have a parent-teacher conference at 2:00 today!" Jason replies that he won't forget. This kind of memory, which involves remembering a future event is called __________ memory.


Stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogenics are all types of __________ drugs.


Sigmund Freud developed an innovative procedure for treating people with psychological problems, which he called


Which psychological school of thought arose from Freud's attempts to understand connections between psychology and physical problems?

psychoanalytic theory

Anita takes a personality test online. The test consists of Anita looking at a series of pictures and describing what she sees. The online personality test most likely used the ________ approach to personality.


Jennifer's friend Dustin is acting very unusual and is conversing with someone that Jennifer cannot see. Jennifer is worried that Dustin's behavior is a ______.


The amount of light entering the eye is regulated by changes in the size of the


Ken bought the newest video game for himself the week before his birthday, instead of asking his parents for the game as a birthday present. When Ken's mom asked him why he bought the game, he replied that it was a gift to himself and that he deserved the game because he has not bought any games in a long time. Ken's behavior is best explained by the ________ defense mechanism.


Opiate drugs bind onto the same receptor sites as the body's own endorphins. Therefore, opiate drugs tend to

relieve pain.

Van has had difficulty sleeping since he took a hard hit to his head in a football game this fall. Van has MOST likely sustained damage to his

reticular formation.

You go to the hospital to visit Patient N.L., who has had memory problems following a sports injury three weeks ago. Patient N.L. recognizes his team of doctors, is able to speak, and is able to remember who has visited him that day, but he did not recognize his girlfriend or parents, and he did not remember where he lived or went to school. You're not surprised to learn that he has been diagnosed with

retrograde amnesia.

Night and peripheral vision depend mainly on _____, while daylight and acute vision depend mainly on _____.

rod cells; cone cells

When his husband turns out the light at night, Rodney cannot see anything at all in his bedroom. After a while his eyes adjust and he can see some shapes in the darkness of the room, but he cannot see any colors. Which sensory receptors are responsible for processing his ability to see objects in the darkness?


Kim has an IQ of only 85 but can perform amazing feats of memory, such as memorizing the contents of over nine thousand books. A person like Kim, who has a low IQ but shows extraordinary ability in some intelligent process, is known as a


People with this disorder have a break with reality


This psychopathology is associated with an excess of receptors for dopamine


After Theo turned 13, he noticed that his voice deepened, and the hair on his arms and legs grew thicker and darker. Both of these physical changes are considered to be typical changes in boys' _________that occur during puberty.

secondary sex characteristics

Channing would like to get his roommate to put his dishes in the dishwasher after eating. Channing knows that his roommate loves chocolate chip cookies. Every time that Channing's roommates put his dishes in the dishwasher Channing offers him chocolate chip cookies. Channing is using a ________ reinforcer that will likely ________ the probability that his roommate will put his dishes in the dishwasher in the future.

secondary; increase

After years of false starts in disappointing career paths, Bruce feels happy. More than that, he feels that he is living up to his potential and doing what he is meant to do with his life. What state has Bruce reached?


When Damon filed his 2013 tax return 3 months before it was due, he told his wife, "I just try to be very responsible and get things like this done ahead of time." When he filed his 2014 tax return 3 weeks late, he told her, "There was so much to do that I wasn't able to get to it in time." Damon is demonstrating the __________ bias.


Susan loves to watch "Wheel of Fortune" and frequently gets the answers correct and is better than the guests on the show. Susan claims that if she were on the show she would get all the answers correct. Susan's behavior is an example of

self-serving bias.

Lisa is driving to school when she sees a yellow traffic light ahead of her. According to the three-part memory storage system, Lisa will first maintain information about the yellow light in her

sensory storage.

Suppose you begin feeling extremely depressed and want a prescription drug to alleviate your depression. The drug you should take should affect the neurotransmitter


Freud believed that this part of our personality operated on the pleasure principle

the ID

In Zimbardo's famous prison experiment he found behavior was changed because of widely shared expectations

social roles

The movement of voluntary skeletal muscles involved in doing calisthenics is under the control of the

somatic nervous system.

James is a painter who continuously must adjust the tension of his brush-holding hand to execute strokes. The ability to control his grip is supported by the __________ nervous system, a subdivision of his __________ nervous system.

somatic; peripheral

Last year, Martina worked at a restaurant at the beach where she started smoking. Martina returned to school after the summer was over and stopped smoking, however, on Spring Break Martina returns to the restaurant at the beach and promptly begins smoking again. Martina returning to the restaurant at the beach has caused _____ to occur.

spontaneous recovery.

According to one model of memory, seeing a hammer might also partially activate memories for related items, such as nails, screwdrivers, and wrenches. The model of memory that best accounts for this phenomenon is

spreading activation models.

Tasha is a sleep-deprived college student. In class today, Tasha found her eyes rolling and her arm twitched. Tasha was most likely experiencing

stage 1 sleep.

Mr. Wong, a high school teacher, tells his class that he thinks boys tend to be less anxious and thus make better speeches than girls do. Afterward, the girls in his class become apprehensive when preparing and giving speeches in his class. The girls are experiencing a

stereotype threat

Butch was recently rear-ended by a woman in a parking lot. Later his best friend tells him that he, too, was recently in an accident in which a woman driver was at fault. Based on these experiences, Butch develops a __________ about female drivers that includes the belief that __________.

stereotype; all women are bad drivers

Lizzy believes that all Walmart workers are relaxed, cool individuals who never get excited or show any strong emotional responses. In this case, Lizzy's beliefs about the traits and behaviors of Walmart workers are one example of


The effects of particular drugs depend on how they activate different neurotransmitter systems. While __________ increase behavior and mental activity, __________ decrease them.

stimulants; depressants

When Amy stepped on a sharp nail, she felt pain. For her to feel pain, there must have been sufficient __________ of a neuron to create __________, which is the first step in neural communication.

stimulation; an action potential

Jenna has "white coat syndrome" which means she becomes anxious whenever a doctor enters the room. However, Jenna does not become anxious when lab tech or nursing assistant enters the room even though they both wear a white coat as well. Jenna reaction is likely due to _______.

stimulus discrimination.

Pederson's teacher blows a whistle when it is time for his class to come in from recess. Pederson is afraid of being left on the playground alone, so he starts to go inside any time he hears a sound like the teacher's whistle, such as the school bell ringing. Pederson's behavior is an example of

stimulus generalization

This is why baby Albert was afraid of anything white and fluffy

stimulus generalization

Mitch has struggled with alcohol abuse most of his adult life, instead of going to rehab, Mitch becomes a substance abuse counselor, working with alcoholics. According to Freud, Mitch is displaying _______defense mechanism.


After a bad fall while rock climbing, Charisa experienced profound alterations in her ability to initiate voluntary movements, such as moving her eyes or reaching for a cup of water. Which brain structure did Charisa's injuries most likely affect?

substantia nigra

When you write out a list of directions to find your way to a restaurant, you are writing words that do not physically resemble the locations of the streets. Because of this you are using a(n) ________ representation.


The elimination of old, less active synapses is known as

synaptic pruning.

When Gretchen eats her favorite brand of pickle, the molecules stimulate taste receptors located in __________ that are grouped within __________.

taste buds; papillae

Theodore suffered a stroke recently, and now he finds he constantly hears a buzzing sound in his ears. In this case, it is likely that the stroke occurred in Theodore's

temporal lobe.

Neurotransmitters are secreted from the

terminal buttons.

A researcher is interested in studying the effect of room color on learning. The researcher recruits students from a local college to participate in his study. The research randomly assigns students to either the control or experimental group. Both groups are given the same test in a room that is all white. The experimental group is then moved to a room with a bright orange color on the walls and given a 50 minute lesson. The control group is moved to a room with all white color on the walls and given the same 50 minute lesson. At the end of each lesson the groups are tested again. What is the dependent variable?

test scores

Alana recently became pregnant. The sex chromosomes have determined that the zygote in her womb is biologically male. These sex chromosomes also determine what sex glands the baby will eventually develop, which in this case will be


Nick is looking at the beautiful cake his girlfriend made for his birthday. After the visual information enters his eyes the optic nerves send it to his brain. The brain structure that first processes the information before it is sent to the visual cortex is the


Research has shown that schizophrenia is influenced by biological factors. Specifically, brain imaging studies have shown that in people with schizophrenia

the brain's ventricles are enlarged.

Dr. Minor was interested in studying the relationship between color and how much food people eat. Dr. Minor wanted to determine if people will eat more food in a room with red paint than in a room that is decorated blue. Half the participants in this study ate in a red room and half ate in a blue room. The researchers then measured how much food was consumed in each of the two rooms. In this study, the independent variable was

the color of the room.

An experimenter tests the hypothesis that physical exercise improves mood. Subjects in the experimental group participate on Monday and Tuesday and those in the control group on Wednesday and Thursday. What is the extraneous (confounding) variable?

the day of the week

Destini believes that when a complex process needs to be understood, such as neurogenesis, it is necessary to understand the purpose that neurogensis plays in human adaptation, not the elementary parts that produce neurogensis. Destini's views are MOST consistent with

the functionalist approach to psychology.

Randy is frustrated as he watches customers with at least 40 items lines up at his express checkout line. He decides the customer must be a real "idiot" to miss the sign that indicates Randy's checkout line is an express line with a limit of 10 items. Randy's attribution for the cause of the customer's behavior is consistent with

the fundamental attribution error.

Researchers who were studying plant growth raised plants in two separate rooms. One room had taped conversations playing 24 hours a day; the other room was silent. The researchers found that the plants grew better in the room that had the conversations playing. In this study, the type of room (conversation or silence) would be

the independent variable.

Derek is conducting research with chimpanzees and realizes that when the chimps' behaviors lead to some sort of satisfaction, they repeat those behaviors. Derek's observations are most consistent with

the law of effect.

Researchers studying the effects of sleep deprivation tested the physical coordination skills of 25-year-old males who had been sleep deprived for 24, 36, or 48 hours. In this study, the independent variable would be

the length of time the participants had been sleep deprived.

An experimenter tests the hypothesis that physical exercise improves mood. Subjects in the experimental group participate on Monday and Tuesday and those in the control group on Wednesday and Thursday. What is the dependent variable?

the mood (degree of happiness)

A group of researchers wants to determine if people are more likely to follow directions if the person giving the directions is wearing a uniform. Half the participants are directed to a parking spot by a uniformed security guard, the other half are directed to a parking spot by an individual wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. In this study, the dependent variable would be

the number of participants who park in the spot they are directed to.

At Thanksgiving dinner Addie is asking her grandmother a series of questions. However, Addies notices that her grandmother only answers the last question that Addie asks. The grandmother's inability to recall only the last question Addie asks is due to the _____

the recency effect.

Sarah and Imani strike up a conversation while sitting next to each other on an airplane. Imani thinks Sarah is very intelligent and knowledgeable. When Sarah tells Imani that she works at an elementary school, Imani assumes that Sarah is a teacher, but Sarah is actually the secretary. Imani used which of the following to form her incorrect conclusion?

the representativeness heuristic

Pearl loves to seek out adventure and try new things. Pearl loves riding roller coasters and jumps at the opportunity to try new ones. Pearl's boyfriend, Derek, hates roller coasters and refuses to ride them at all. According to Eysenck, the difference in personality between Pearl and Derek can be attributed to a difference in their ______.

the reticular activation system.

Elizabeth just caught sight of a red hummingbird. The neural impulses from her eye will eventually travel to her occipital lobe, but first they must pass through

the thalamus.

A system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations


Janet just took an intelligence test. The test required Janet to look a series of facial expressions. The test Janet took was probably based on the

theory of emotional intelligences.

The first time Sharon smoked a marijuana joint, she got "high" after just a few puffs. Three years later she has smoked marijuana every weekend, and now she barely feels anything until she has had at least two joints. Sharon's need to smoke more marijuana to experience the same "high" as before is an example of


Hunter and Marissa went out on their patio late at night to look at the stars. Hunter had been reading about constellations, and sure enough, he saw that several clusters of stars seemed to be organized into identifiable shapes. Hunter's interest in constellations may have led to

top-down processing.

Silas thinks that a personality is made up of characteristics that can be described on a dimension from low to high. Silas most likely agrees with the ________ approach to personality.


In general, messages that present _____ arguments are effective in persuasion because that style of argument tends to increase the credibility of the source.


In the movie "The Vow" the main character experiences retrograde amnesia because she is _____ to remember anything from before the incident and ________ to form new memories.

unable; able

Even though she earned a failing grade on her 2nd grade spelling test, DeeDee's father gave her a hug and said, "I love you sweetheart. We're going to work hard on that spelling list tonight, okay?" Carl Rogers would call this a demonstration of

unconditional positive regard.

In Pavlov's experiment this was the meat powder

unconditioned Stimulus

In Pavlov's research, dogs learned that the sound of a metronome predicted the arrival of food, so the dogs salivated at the sound of the metronome. In this research, classical conditioning occurred in part because the ________ elicited a(n) ________.

unconditioned stimulus (food); unconditioned response (salivation)

McDonald's uses classical conditioning to increase product recognition through the use of the song. In McDonald's commercials, the song is paired with the sight of their famous french fries which make your mouth water. The french fries are an ______.

unconditioned stimulus.

According to Eysenck, introverts and extroverts differ in level of arousal. The reticular activating system is what controls the optimal level of arousal in individuals. Extroverts are generally _______in relationship to their optimal level of arousal.


Josh is having trouble deciding which of two pairs of shoes to buy. Donna tells him that when she could not decide which of two sweaters to buy, she decided to buy both sweaters. Josh realizes that buying both pairs of shoes will solve his problem as well. Josh ________ to solve his problem.

used an analogy

Kelly is inconsistent with her disciplining her children. Some days, Kelly lets her kids get away with climbing onto the back of the couch and jumping off, but other days she punishes them. Kelly is reinforcing the behavior of her children on a ________ schedule.

variable ratio

Othello likes going to the casino and playing the slot machine. He realizes that he will not win very often and that he never knows how many times he has to put money in and pull the level before he will win. Othello is being reinforced on a __________ schedule of reinforcement.

variable ratio

Professor Proton wants to encourage his students to read the chapter before coming to class. To encourage students to complete the reading assignments, the schedule of reinforcement he should use for the pop quizzes is a ________ schedule.

variable ratio

Shannon has a full load of classes and is having a difficult time keeping up with her assignments. Shannon plagiarized her paper for her psychology class and tells Braxton about her experience. Shannon is caught plagiarizing and receives an F on the assignment in addition to being put on academic probation. Braxton learns the consequences of plagiarizing by watching Shannon be punished for this action. Braxton has learned through

vicarious conditioning.

Eric has joined a new fraternity. Based on the research conducted by Krebs and Denton, if the other fraternity members now consider Eric as part of their ingroup, they are MORE likely to

view him in a generally positive light.

In his studies on conformity, Asch found that if a group of people espouse an opinion contradictory to one's own opinion, one is most likely to

voice the group's opinion.

Brenda is compelled to watch people get undressed and engage in sexual activities even though they have not consented to this. She has been arrested several times for "peeking" at people through their windows. Brenda knows her behavior is wrong and is very distressed by her action. In accordance with the American Psychiatric Association, Brenda's therapist will most likely diagnose her with

voyeurism paraphilic disorder.

Bettina describes herself as a lesbian and is in a long-term relationship with another woman, whom she recently married. The best biological explanation for Bettina's sexual orientation is that there

was a greater exposure to androgens while she was in the womb.

Which of the following statements BEST reflects the principle of reciprocity?

we tend to like others who seem to like us

If you want to see differences in people's personalities, you should observe their behaviors in ________ situations.


Damian noticed that a suspicious car had been circling his neighborhood, so the next time it drove past, he looked at the license plate number. Which type of memory allowed him to repeat the number to himself long enough to find a pen and paper and write it down?

working memory

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