Psych 3 Exam Study Qs

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23. Which assessment finding best supports dissociative fugue? The patient states a. "I cannot recall why I'm living in this town." b. "I feel as if I'm living in a fuzzy dream state." c. "I feel like different parts of my body are at war." d. "I feel very anxious and worried about my problems."

ANS: A The patient in a fugue state frequently relocates and assumes a new identity while not recalling previous identity or places previously inhabited. The distracters are more consistent with depersonalization disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or dissociative identity disorder.

7. A patient insistently states, "I can decipher codes of DNA just by looking at someone." Which problem is evident? a. Visual hallucinations b. Magical thinking c. Idea of reference d. Thought insertion

ANS: B Magical thinking is evident in the patient's appraisal of his own abilities. There is no evidence of the distracters.

35. A client says, "Facebook has a new tracking capacity. If I use the Internet, Homeland Security will detain me as a terrorist." Select the nurse's best initial action. a. Tell the client, "Facebook is a safe website. You don't need to worry about Homeland Security." b. Tell the client, "You are in a safe place where you will be helped." c. Administer a prn dose of an antipsychotic medication. d. Tell the client, "You don't need to worry about that."

ANS: B The patient is experiencing paranoia and delusional thinking, which leads to fear. Explaining that the patient is in a safe place will help relieve the fear. It is not therapeutic to disagree or give advice. Medication will not relieve the immediate concern.

21. A soldier who served in a combat zone returned to the United States. The soldier's spouse complains to the nurse, "We had planned to start a family, but now he won't talk about it. He won't even look at children." The spouse is describing which symptom associated with PTSD? a. Reexperiencing b. Hyperarousal c. Avoidance d. Psychosis

ANS: C Physiological reactions to reminders of the event that include persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma results in the individual's avoiding talking about the event or avoiding activities, people, or places that arouse memories of the trauma. Avoidance is exemplified by a sense of foreshortened future and estrangement. There is no evidence this soldier is having hyperarousal or reexperiencing war-related traumas. Psychosis is not evident.

2. A soldier returned home last year after deployment to a war zone. The soldier's spouse complains, "We were going to start a family, but now he won't talk about it. He will not look at children. I wonder if we're going to make it as a couple." Select the nurse's best response. a. "Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often changes a person's sexual functioning." b. "I encourage you to continue to participate in social activities where children are present." c. "Have you talked with your spouse about these reactions? Sometimes we just need to confront behavior." d. "Posttraumatic stress disorder often strains relationships. Here are some community resources for help and support."

ANS: D PTSD precipitates changes that can lead to divorce. It is important to provide support to both the veteran and spouse. Confrontation will not be effective. While it is important to provide information, on-going support will be more effective

1. A nurse at the mental health clinic plans a series of psychoeducational groups for persons newly diagnosed with schizophrenia. Which two topics take priority? (Select all that apply.) a. "The importance of taking your medication correctly" b. "How to complete an application for employment" c. "How to dress when attending community events" d. "How to give and receive compliments" e. "Ways to quit smoking"

a. "The importance of taking your medication correctly" e. "Ways to quit smoking" Stabilization is maximized by adherence to the antipsychotic medication regimen. Because so many persons with schizophrenia smoke cigarettes, this topic relates directly to the patients' physiological well-being. The other topics are also important but are not priority topics.

33. A nurse asks a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia, "What is meant by the old saying 'You can't judge a book by looking at the cover.'?" Which response by the patient indicates concrete thinking? a. "The table of contents tells what a book is about." b. "You can't judge a book by looking at the cover." c. "Things are not always as they first appear." d. "Why are you asking me about books?"

a. "The table of contents tells what a book is about." Concrete thinking refers to an impaired ability to think abstractly. Concreteness is often assessed through the patient's interpretation of proverbs. Concreteness reduces one's ability to understand and address abstract concepts such as love or the passage of time. The incorrect options illustrate echolalia, an unrelated question, and abstract thinking.

18. An acutely violent patient diagnosed with schizophrenia received several doses of haloperidol. Two hours later the nurse notices the patient's head rotated to one side in a stiffly fixed position, the lower jaw thrust forward, and drooling. Which intervention by the nurse is indicated? a. Administer diphenhydramine 50 mg IM from the prn medication administration record. b. Reassure the patient that the symptoms will subside. Practice relaxation exercises with the patient. c. Give trihexyphenidyl 5 mg orally at the next regularly scheduled medication administration time. d. Administer atropine sulfate 2 mg subcut from the prn medication administration record.

a. Administer diphenhydramine 50 mg IM from the prn medication administration record. Diphenhydramine, trihexyphenidyl, benztropine, and other anticholinergic medications may be used to treat dystonias. Swallowing will be difficult or impossible; therefore, oral medication is not an option. Medication should be administered immediately, so the intramuscular route is best. In this case, the best option given is diphenhydramine.

22. A student says, "Before taking a test, I feel very alert and a little restless." Which nursing intervention is most appropriate to assist the student? a. Explain that the symptoms result from mild anxiety and discuss the helpful aspects. b. Advise the student to discuss this experience with a health care provider. c. Encourage the student to begin antioxidant vitamin supplements d. Listen attentively, using silence in a therapeutic way.

a. Explain that the symptoms result from mild anxiety and discuss the helpful aspects Teaching about symptoms of anxiety, their relation to precipitating stressors, and, in this case, the positive effects of anxiety will serve to reassure the patient. Advising the patient to discuss the experience with a health care provider implies that the patient has a serious problem. Listening without comment will do no harm but deprives the patient of health teaching. Antioxidant vitamin supplements are not useful in this scenario.

4. A patient fearfully runs from chair to chair crying, "They're coming! They're coming!" The patient does not follow the staff's directions or respond to verbal interventions. The initial nursing intervention of highest priority is to a. provide for the patient's safety. b. encourage clarification of feelings. c. respect the patient's personal space. d. offer an outlet for the patient's energy.

a. provide for the patient's safety. Safety is of highest priority because the patient experiencing panic is at high risk for self-injury related to increased non-goal-directed motor activity, distorted perceptions, and disordered thoughts. Offering an outlet for the patient's energy can occur when the current panic level subsides. Respecting the patient's personal space is a lower priority than safety. Clarification of feelings cannot take place until the level of anxiety is lowered.

19. A person speaking about a rival for a significant other's affection says in an emotional, syrupy voice, "What a lovely person. That's someone I simply adore." The individual is demonstrating a. reaction formation. b. repression. c. projection. d. denial.

a. reaction formation. Reaction formation is an unconscious mechanism that keeps unacceptable feelings out of awareness by using the opposite behavior. Instead of expressing hatred for the other person, the individual gives praise. Denial operates unconsciously to allow an anxiety-producing idea, feeling, or situation to be ignored. Projection involves unconsciously disowning an unacceptable idea, feeling, or behavior by attributing it to another. Repression involves unconsciously placing an idea, feeling, or event out of awareness

9. The nurse who is counseling a patient with dissociative identity disorder should understand that the assessment of highest priority is a. risk for self-harm. b. cognitive function. c. memory impairment. d. condition of self-esteem.

a. risk for self-harm. Assessments that relate to patient safety take priority. Patients with dissociative disorders may be at risk for suicide or self-mutilation, so the nurse must be alert for indicators of risk for self-injury. The other options are important assessments but rank below safety. Treatment motivation, while an important consideration, is not necessarily a part of the nursing assessment.

3. Which assessment questions would be most appropriate for the nurse to ask a patient with possible obsessive-compulsive disorder? (Select all that apply.) a. "Are there certain social situations that cause you to feel especially uncomfortable?" b. "Are there others in your family who must do things in a certain way to feel comfortable?" c. "Have you been a victim of a crime or seen someone badly injured or killed?" d. "Is it difficult to keep certain thoughts out of your awareness?" e. "Do you do certain things over and over again?"

b. "Are there others in your family who must do things in a certain way to feel comfortable?" d. "Is it difficult to keep certain thoughts out of your awareness?" e. "Do you do certain things over and over again?" The correct questions refer to obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviors. There is likely a genetic correlation to the disorder. The incorrect responses are more pertinent to a patient with suspected posttraumatic stress disorder or with suspected social phobia.

28. The nurse assesses a patient who complains of loneliness and episodes of anxiety. Which statement by the patient is mostly likely if this patient also has agoraphobia? a. "I'm sure I will get over not wanting to leave home soon. It takes time." b. "Being afraid to go out seems ridiculous, but I can't go out the door." c. "My family says they like it now that I stay home most of the time." d. "When I have a good incentive to go out, I can do it.

b. "Being afraid to go out seems ridiculous, but I can't go out the door." Individuals who are agoraphobic generally acknowledge that the behavior is not constructive and that they do not really like it. The symptom is ego dystonic. However, patients will state they are unable to change the behavior. Agoraphobics are not optimistic about change. Most families are dissatisfied when family members refuse to leave the house.

. Which hallucination necessitates the nurse to implement safety measures? The patient says, a. "I hear angels playing harps." b. "The voices say everyone is trying to kill me." c. "My dead father tells me I am a good person." d. "The voices talk only at night when I'm trying to sleep."

b. "The voices say everyone is trying to kill me." The correct response indicates the patient is experiencing paranoia. Paranoia often leads to fearfulness, and the patient may attempt to strike out at others to protect self. The distracters are comforting hallucinations or do not indicate paranoia.

13. A person has minor physical injuries after an auto accident. The person is unable to focus and says, "I feel like something awful is going to happen." This person has nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, and hyperventilation. What is the person's level of anxiety? a. Mild b. Moderate c. Severe d. Panic

c Severe The person whose anxiety is severe is unable to solve problems and may have a poor grasp of what is happening in the environment. Somatic symptoms such as those described are usually present. The individual with mild anxiety is only mildly uncomfortable and may even find his or her performance enhanced. The individual with moderate anxiety grasps less information about a situation and has some difficulty with problem solving. The individual in panic will demonstrate markedly disturbed behavior and may lose touch with reality.

36. Which finding constitutes a negative symptom associated with schizophrenia? a. Hostility b. Bizarre behavior c. Poverty of thought d. Auditory hallucinations

c. Poverty of thought Negative symptoms include apathy, anhedonia, poor social functioning, and poverty of thought. Poor personal hygiene is an example of poor social functioning. The distracters are positive symptoms of schizophrenia. See relationship to audience response question.

30. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia anxiously says, "I can see the left side of my body merging with the wall, then my face appears and disappears in the mirror." While listening, the nurse should a. sit close to the patient. b. place an arm protectively around the patient's shoulders. c. place a hand on the patient's arm and exert light pressure. d. maintain a normal social interaction distance from the patient.

d. maintain a normal social interaction distance from the patient. The patient is describing phenomena that indicate personal boundary difficulties and depersonalization. The nurse should maintain appropriate social distance and not touch the patient because the patient is anxious about the inability to maintain ego boundaries and merging or being swallowed by the environment. Physical closeness or touch could precipitate panic.

21. A student says, "Before taking a test, I feel very alert and a little restless." The nurse can correctly assess the student's experience as a. culturally influenced. b. displacement. c. trait anxiety. d. mild anxiety.

d. mild anxiety. Mild anxiety is rarely obstructive to the task at hand. It may be helpful to the patient because it promotes study and increases awareness of the nuances of questions. The incorrect responses have different symptoms.

28. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia has been stable for a year; however, the family now reports the patient is tense, sleeps 3 to 4 hours per night, and has difficulty concentrating. The patient says, "My computer is sending out infected radiation beams." The nurse can correctly assess this information as an indication of a. the need for psychoeducation. b. medication nonadherence. c. chronic deterioration. d. relapse.

d. relapse. Signs of potential relapse include feeling tense, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, increased withdrawal, and increased bizarre or magical thinking. Medication nonadherence may not be implicated. Relapse can occur even when the patient is taking medication regularly. Psychoeducation is more effective when the patient's symptoms are stable. Chronic deterioration is not the best explanation.

A child drowned while swimming in a local lake 2 years ago. Which behavior indicates the child's parents have adapted to their loss? The parents a. visit their child's grave daily. b. maintain their child's room as the child left it 2 years ago. c. keep a place set for the dead child at the family dinner table. d. throw flowers on the lake at each anniversary date of the accident

d. throw flowers on the lake at each anniversary date of the accident Resilience refers to positive adaptation or the ability to maintain or regain mental health despite adversity. Loss of a child is among the highest risk situations for an adjustment disorder and maladaptive grieving. The parents who throw flowers on the lake on each anniversary date of the accident are openly expressing their feelings. The other behaviors are maladaptive because of isolating themselves and/or denying their feelings. After 2 years, the frequency of visiting the grave should have decreased

10. A child diagnosed with ADHD will begin medication therapy. The nurse should prepare a plan to teach the family about which classification of medications? a. CNS stimulants c. Antipsychotics b. Tricyclic antidepressants d. Anxiolytics

ANS: A CNS stimulants, such as methylphenidate and pemoline (Cylert), increase blood flow to the brain and have proved helpful in reducing hyperactivity in children and adolescents with ADHD. The other medication categories listed would not be appropriate

1. Which nursing diagnosis is universally applicable for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders? a. Impaired social interaction related to difficulty maintaining relationships b. Chronic low self-esteem related to excessive negative feedback c. Deficient fluid volume related to abnormal eating habits d. Anxiety related to nightmares and repetitive activities

ANS: A Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders display profoundly disturbed social relatedness. They seem aloof and indifferent to others, often preferring inanimate objects to human interaction. Language is often delayed and deviant, further complicating relationship issues. The other nursing diagnoses might not be appropriate in all cases.

4. An adolescent was arrested for prostitution and assault on a parent. The adolescent says, "I hate my parents. They focus all attention on my brother, who's perfect in their eyes." Which type of therapy might promote the greatest change in the adolescent's behavior? a. Family therapy b. Bibliotherapy c. Play therapy d. Art therapy

ANS: A Family therapy focuses on problematic family relationships and interactions. The patient has identified problems within the family. Play therapy is more appropriate for younger patients. Art therapy and bibliotherapy would not focus specifically on the identified problem.

13. Parents of an adolescent diagnosed with a CD say, "We don't know how to respond when our child breaks the rules in our house. Is there any treatment that might help us?" Which therapy is likely to be helpful for these parents? a. Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) b. Behavior modification therapy c. Multi-systemic therapy (MST) d. Pharmacotherapy

ANS: A In PCIT, the therapist sits behind one-way mirrors and coaches parents through an ear audio device while they interact with their children. The therapist can suggest strategies that reinforce positive behavior in the adolescent. The goal is to improve parenting strategies and thereby reduce problematic behavior. Behavior modification therapy may help the adolescent, but the parents are seeking help for themselves. MST is much broader and does not target the parents' need.

24. A parent diagnosed with schizophrenia and 13-year-old child live in a homeless shelter. The child formed a trusting relationship with a shelter volunteer. The child says, "My three friends and I got an A on our school science project." The nurse can assess that the child a. displays resiliency. b. has a passive temperament. c. is at risk for PTSD. d. uses intellectualization to deal with problems.

ANS: A Resiliency enables a child to handle the stresses of a difficult childhood. Resilient children can adapt to changes in the environment, take advantage of nurturing relationships with adults other than parents, distance themselves from emotional chaos occurring within the family, learn, and use problem-solving skills.

3. The nurse interviewing a patient with suspected PTSD should be alert to findings indicating the patient (Select all that apply) a. avoids people and places that arouse painful memories. b. experiences flashbacks or re-experiences the trauma. c. experiences symptoms suggestive of a heart attack d. feels compelled to repeat selected ritualistic behavior e. demonstrates hypervigilance or distrusts others f. feels detached, estranged, or empty inside

ANS: A, B, C, E, F All except D These assessment findings are consistent with the symptoms of PTSD. Ritualistic behaviors are expected in obsessive-compulsive disorder.

1. A nurse prepares to lead a discussion at a community health center regarding children's health problems. The nurse wants to use current terminology when discussing these issues. Which terms are appropriate for the nurse to use? (Select all that apply.) a. Autism b. Bullying c. Mental retardation d. Autism spectrum disorder e. Intellectual development disorder

ANS: B, D, E Some dated terminology contributes to the stigma of mental illness and misconceptions about mental illness. It is important for the nurse to use current terminology.

20. When group therapy is prescribed as a treatment modality, the nurse would suggest placement of a 9-year-old in a group that uses a. guided imagery. b. talk focused on a specific issue. c. play and talk about a play activity. d. group discussion about selected topics.

ANS: C Group therapy for young children takes the form of play. For elementary school children, therapy combines play and talk about the activity. For adolescents, group therapy involves more talking.

6. A desired outcome for a 12-year-old diagnosed with ADHD is to improve relationships with other children. Which treatment modality should the nurse suggest for the plan of care? a. Reality therapy b. Simple restitution c. Social skills group d. Insight-oriented group therapy

ANS: C Social skills training teaches the child to recognize the impact of his or her behavior on others. It uses instruction, role playing, and positive reinforcement to enhance social outcomes. The other therapies would have lesser or no impact on peer relationships.

16. An adolescent was recently diagnosed with ODD. The parents say to the nurse, "Isn't there some medication that will help with this problem?" Select the nurse's best response. a. "There are no medications to treat this problem. This diagnosis is behavioral in nature" b. It's a common misconception that there is a medication available to treat every health problem. c. Medication is usually not prescribed for this problem. Let's discuss some behavioral strategies you can use." d. There are many medications that will help your child manage aggression and destructiveness. The health care provider will discuss them with you.

ANS: C The parents are seeking a quick solution. Medications are generally not indicated for ODD. Comorbid conditions that increase defiant symptoms, such as ADHD, should be managed with medication, but no comorbid problem is identified in the question. The nurse should give information on helpful strategies to manage the adolescent's behavior.

23. When a 5-year-old is disruptive, the nurse says, "You must take a time-out." The expectation is that the child will a. go to a quiet room until called for the next activity. b. slowly count to 20 before returning to the group activity. c. sit on the edge of the activity until able to regain self-control. d. sit quietly on the lap of a staff member until able to apologize for the behavior.

ANS: C Time-out is designed so that staff can be consistent in their interventions. Time-out may require going to a designated room or sitting on the periphery of an activity until the child gains self-control and reviews the episode with a staff member. Time-out may not require going to a designated room and does not involve special attention such as holding. Counting to 10 or 20 is not sufficient

4. Which experiences are most likely to precipitate PTSD? (Select all that apply). a. A young adult bungee jumped from a bridge with a best friend. b. An 8-year-old child watched an R-rated movie with both parents. c. An adolescent was kidnapped and held for 2 years in the home of a sexual predator. d. A passenger was in a bus that overturned on a sharp curve and tumbled down an embankment. e. An adult was trapped for 3 hours at an angle in an elevator after a portion of the supporting cable breaks

ANS: C, D, E PTSD usually occurs after a traumatic event that is outside the range of usual experience. Examples are childhood physical abuse, torture/kidnap, military combat, sexual assault, and natural disasters, such as floods, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis; human disasters, such as a bus or elevator accident; or crime-related events, such being taken hostage. The common element in these experiences is the individual's extraordinary helplessness or powerlessness in the face of such stressors. Bungee jumps by adolescents are part of the developmental task and might be frightening, but in an exhilarating way rather than a harmful way. A child may be disturbed by an R-rated movie, but the presence of the parents would modify the experience in a positive way

13. A nurse assesses a 3-year-old diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Which finding is most associated with the child's disorder? The child a. has occasional toileting accidents. b. interrupts or intrudes on others. c. cries when separated from a parent. d. continuously rocks in place for 30 minutes.

ANS: D Autism spectrum disorder involves distortions in development of social skills and language that include perception, motor movement, attention, and reality testing. Body rocking for extended periods suggests autism spectrum disorder. Occasional toileting accidents and crying when separated from a parents are expected findings for a 3-year-old. Interrupting or intruding on others are assessment findings associated with ADHD.

. The family of a child diagnosed with an impulse control disorder needs help to function more adaptively. Which aspect of the child's plan of care will be provided by an advanced practice nurse rather than a staff nurse? a. Leading an activity group b. Providing positive feedback c. Formulating nursing diagnoses d. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

ANS: D The advanced practice nurse role includes individual, group, and family psychotherapist; educator of nurses, other professions, and the community; clinical supervisor; consultant to professional and nonprofessional groups; and researcher. DBT is an aspect of psychotherapy. The distracters describe actions of a nurse generalist

14. A 4-year-old cries for 5 minutes when the parents leave the child at preschool. The parents ask the nurse, "What should we do?" Select the nurse's best response. a. "Ask the teacher to let the child call you at play time." b. "Withdraw the child from preschool until maturity increases." c. "Remain with your child for the first hour of preschool time." d. "Give your child a kiss before you leave the preschool program."

ANS: D The child demonstrates age-appropriate behavior for a 4-year-old. The nurse should reassure the parents. The distracters are over-reactions

9. When a 5-year-old diagnosed with ADHD bounces out of a chair and runs over and slaps another child, what is the nurse's best action? a. Instruct the parents to take the aggressive child home. b. Direct the aggressive child to stop immediately. c. Call for emergency assistance from other staff. d. Take the aggressive child to another room

ANS: D The nurse should manage the milieu with structure and limit setting. Removing the aggressive child to another room is an appropriate consequence for the aggressiveness. Directing the child to stop will not be effective. This is not an emergency. Intervention is needed rather than sending the child home.

26. A nurse assesses an individual who commonly experiences anxiety. Which comment by this person indicates the possibility of obsessive-compulsive disorder? a. "I check where my car keys are eight times." b. "My legs often feel weak and spastic." c. "I'm embarrassed to go out in public." d. "I keep reliving a car accident."

a. "I check where my car keys are eight times." Recurring doubt (obsessive thinking) and the need to check (compulsive behavior) suggest obsessive-compulsive disorder. The repetitive behavior is designed to decrease anxiety but fails and must be repeated. Stating "My legs feel weak most of the time" is more in keeping with a somatic disorder. Being embarrassed to go out in public is associated with an avoidant personality disorder. Reliving a traumatic event is associated with posttraumatic stress disorder.

16. The child prescribed an antipsychotic medication to manage violent behavior is one most likely diagnosed with a. ADHD. b. posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). c. communication disorder. d. an anxiety disorder.

a. ADHD. Antipsychotic medication is useful for managing aggressive or violent behavior in some children diagnosed with ADHD. If medication were prescribed for a child with an anxiety disorder, it would be a benzodiazepine. Medications are generally not needed for children with communication disorder. Treatment of PTSD is more often associated with SSRI medications.

. A young adult says, "I was sexually abused by my older brother. During those assaults, I went somewhere else in my mind. I don't remember the details. Now, I often feel numb or unreal in romantic relationships, so I just avoid them." Which disorders should the nurse suspect based on this history? (Select all that apply.) a. Acute stress disorder b. Depersonalization disorder c. Generalized anxiety disorder d. PTSD e. Reactive attachment disorder f. Disinhibited social engagement disorder

a. Acute stress disorder b. Depersonalization disorder d. PTSD Acute stress disorder, depersonalization disorder, and PTSD can involve dissociative elements, such as numbing, feeling unreal, and being amnesic for traumatic events. All three disorders are also responses to acute stress or trauma, which has occurred here. The distracters are disorders not evident in this patient's presentation. Generalized anxiety disorder involves extensive worrying that is disproportionate to the stressors or foci of the worrying. Reactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder are problems of childhood.

4. The nurse assesses an adult who is socially withdrawn and hoards. Which nursing diagnoses most likely apply to this individual? (Select all that apply.) a. Ineffective home maintenance b. Situational low self-esteem c. Chronic low self-esteem d. Disturbed body image e. Risk for injury

a. Ineffective home maintenance c. Chronic low self-esteem e. Risk for injury Shame regarding the appearance of one's home is associated with hoarding. The behavior is usually associated with chronic low self-esteem. Hoarding results in problems of home maintenance, which may precipitate injury. The self-concept may be affected, but not body image

8. Which scenario demonstrates a dissociative fugue? a. After being caught in an extramarital affair, a man disappeared but then reappeared months later with no memory of what occurred while he was missing. b. A man is extremely anxious about his problems and sometimes experiences dazed periods of several minutes passing without conscious awareness of them. c. A woman finds unfamiliar clothes in her closet, is recognized when she goes to new restaurants, and complains of "blackouts" despite not drinking. d. A woman reports that when she feels tired or stressed, it seems like her body is not real and is somehow growing smaller.

a. After being caught in an extramarital affair, a man disappeared but then reappeared months later with no memory of what occurred while he was missing. The patient in a dissociative fugue state relocates and lacks recall of his life before the fugue began. Often fugue states follow traumatic experiences and sometimes involve assuming a new identity. Such persons at some point find themselves in their new surroundings, unable to recall who they are or how they got there. A feeling of detachment from one's body or from the external reality is an indication of depersonalization disorder. Losing track of several minutes when highly anxious is not an indication of a dissociative disorder and is common in states of elevated anxiety. Finding evidence of having bought clothes or gone to restaurants without any explanation for these is suggestive of dissociative identity disorder, particularly when periods are "lost" to the patient (blackouts).

17. Two staff nurses applied for promotion to nurse manager. The nurse not promoted initially had feelings of loss but then became supportive of the new manager by helping make the transition smooth and encouraging others. Which term best describes the nurse's response? a. Altruism b. Suppression c. Intellectualization d. Reaction formation

a. Altruism Altruism is the mechanism by which an individual deals with emotional conflict by meeting the needs of others and receiving gratification vicariously or from the responses of others. The nurse's reaction is conscious rather than unconscious. There is no evidence of suppression. Intellectualization is a process in which events are analyzed based on remote, cold facts and without passion, rather than incorporating feeling and emotion into the processing. Reaction formation is when unacceptable feelings or behaviors are controlled and kept out of awareness by developing the opposite behavior or emoti

17. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia is very disturbed and violent. After several doses of haloperidol, the patient is calm. Two hours later the nurse sees the patient's head rotated to one side in a stiff position, the lower jaw thrust forward, and drooling. Which problem is most likely? a. An acute dystonic reaction b. Tardive dyskinesia c. Waxy flexibility d. Akathisia

a. An acute dystonic reaction Acute dystonic reactions involve painful contractions of the tongue, face, neck, and back. Opisthotonos and oculogyric crisis may be observed. Dystonic reactions are considered emergencies requiring immediate intervention. Tardive dyskinesia involves involuntary spasmodic muscular contractions that involve the tongue, fingers, toes, neck, trunk, or pelvis. It appears after prolonged treatment. Waxy flexibility is a symptom seen in catatonic schizophrenia. Internal and external restlessness, pacing, and fidgeting are characteristics of akathisia.

12. A patient in the emergency department shows disorganized behavior and incoherence after a friend suggested a homosexual encounter. In which room should the nurse place the patient? a. An interview room furnished with a desk and two chairs b. A small, empty storage room with no windows or furniture c. A room with an examining table, instrument cabinets, desk, and chair d. The nurse's office, furnished with chairs, files, magazines, and bookcases

a. An interview room furnished with a desk and two chairs Individuals experiencing severe to panic-level anxiety require a safe environment that is quiet, nonstimulating, structured, and simple. A room with a desk and two chairs provides simplicity, few objects with which the patient could cause self-harm, and a small floor space in which the patient can move about. A small, empty storage room without windows or furniture would feel like a jail cell. The nurse's office or a room with an examining table and instrument cabinets may be over-stimulating and unsafe.

2. A nurse plans health teaching for a patient diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder who begins a new prescription for lorazepam. What information should be included? (Select all that apply.) a. Caution in use of machinery b. Foods allowed on a tyramine-free diet c. The importance of caffeine restriction d. Avoidance of alcohol and other sedatives e. Take the medication on an empty stomach

a. Caution in use of machinery c. The importance of caffeine restriction d. Avoidance of alcohol and other sedatives Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that acts as an antagonist to the benzodiazepine lorazepam. Daily caffeine intake should be reduced to the amount contained in one cup of coffee. Benzodiazepines are sedatives, thus the importance of exercising caution when driving or using machinery and the importance of not using other central nervous system depressants such as alcohol or sedatives to avoid potentiation. Benzodiazepines do not require a special diet. Food will reduce gastric irritation from the medication.

1. A nurse on an adolescent psychiatric unit assesses a newly admitted 14-year-old. An impulse control disorder is suspected. Which aspects of the patient's history support the suspected diagnosis? (Select all that apply.) a. Family history of mental illness b. Allergies to multiple antibiotics c. Long history of severe facial acne d. Father with history of alcohol abuse e. History of an abusive relationship with one parent

a. Family history of mental illness d. Father with history of alcohol abuse e. History of an abusive relationship with one parent Parents who are abusive, rejecting, or overly controlling cause a child to suffer detrimental effects. Other stressors associated with impulse control disorders can include major disruptions such as placement in foster care, severe marital discord, or a separation of parents. Substance abuse by a parent is common. Acne and allergies are not aspects of the history that relate to the behavior

4. Which assessment findings present familial risks for a child to develop a psychiatric disorder? (Select all that apply.) a. Having a mother diagnosed with schizophrenia b. Being the oldest child in a family c. Living with an alcoholic parent d. Being an only child e. Living in an urban community

a. Having a mother diagnosed with schizophrenia c. Living with an alcoholic parent Familial risk factors that correlate with child psychiatric disorders include severe marital discord, low socioeconomic status, large families and overcrowding, parental criminality, maternal psychiatric disorders, and foster-care placement. Having a parent with a substance abuse problem increases the risk of marital discord. A family history of schizophrenia presents a genetic risk. Being in a middle-income family, living in an urban community, and being an only or oldest child do not represent adversity.

18. Which assessment findings support a diagnosis of ODD? a. Negative, hostile, and spiteful toward parents. Blames others for misbehavior. b. Exhibits involuntary facial twitching and blinking; makes barking sounds. c. Violates others' rights; cruelty toward people or animals; steals; truancy. d. Displays poor academic performance and reports frequent nightmares.

a. Negative, hostile, and spiteful toward parents. Blames others for misbehavior. ODD is a repeated and persistent pattern of having an angry and irritable mood in conjunction with demonstrating defiant and vindictive behavior. The distracters identify findings associated with CD, anxiety disorder, and Tourette's syndrome

27. The family of a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia is unfamiliar with the illness and family's role in recovery. Which type of therapy should the nurse recommend? a. Psychoeducational b. Psychoanalytic c. Transactional d. Family

a. Psychoeducational A psychoeducational group explores the causes of schizophrenia, the role of medication, the importance of medication compliance, support for the ill member, and hints for living with a person with schizophrenia. Such a group can be of immeasurable practical assistance to the family. The other types of therapy do not focus on psychoeducation.

20. An individual experiences sexual dysfunction and blames it on a partner by calling the person unattractive and unromantic. Which defense mechanism is evident? a. Rationalization b. Compensation c. Introjection d. Regression

a. Rationalization Rationalization involves unconsciously making excuses for one's behavior, inadequacies, or feelings. Regression involves the unconscious use of a behavior from an earlier stage of emotional development. Compensation involves making up for deficits in one area by excelling in another area. Introjection is an unconscious, intense identification with another person.

20. A soldier in a combat zone tells the nurse, "I saw a child get blown up over a year ago, and I still keep seeing bits of flesh everywhere. I see something red, and the visions race back to my mind." Which phenomenon associated with PTSD is the soldier describing? a. Reexperiencing b. Hyperarousal c. Avoidance d. Psychosis

a. Reexperiencing Spontaneous or cued recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories of the traumatic events are often associated with PTSD. The soldier has described intrusive thoughts and visions associated with reexperiencing the traumatic event. This description does not indicate psychosis, hypervigilance, or avoidance.

2. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia was hospitalized after arguing with co-workers and threatening to harm them. The patient is aloof, suspicious, and says, "Two staff members I saw talking were plotting to kill me." Based on data gathered at this point, which nursing diagnoses relate? (Select all that apply.) a. Risk for other-directed violence b. Disturbed thought processes c. Risk for loneliness d. Spiritual distress e. Social isolation

a. Risk for other-directed violence b. Disturbed thought processes Delusions of persecution and ideas of reference support the nursing diagnosis of disturbed thought processes. Risk for other-directed violence is substantiated by the patient's feeling endangered by persecutors. Fearful individuals may strike out at perceived persecutors or attempt self-harm to get away from persecutors. Data are not present to support the other diagnoses.

5. A wife received news that her husband died of heart failure and called her family to come to the hospital. She angrily tells the nurse who cared for him, "He would still be alive if you had given him your undivided attention." Select the nurse's best intervention. a. Say to the wife, "I understand you are feeling upset. I will stay with you until your family comes." b. Say to the wife, "Your husband's heart was so severely damaged that it could no longer pump." c. Say to the wife, "I will call the health care provider to discuss this matter with you." d. Hold the wife's hand in silence until the family arrives.

a. Say to the wife, "I understand you are feeling upset. I will stay with you until your family comes." The nurse builds trust and shows compassion in the face of adjustment disorders. Therapeutic responses provide comfort. The nurse should show patience and tact while offering sympathy and warmth. The distracters are defensive, evasive, or placating

15. An adolescent diagnosed with CD has aggression, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and mood symptoms. The treatment team believes this adolescent may benefit from medication. The nurse anticipates the health care provider will prescribe which type of medication? a. Second-generation antipsychotic b. Antianxiety medication c. Calcium channel blocker d. -blocker

a. Second-generation antipsychotic Medications for CD are directed at problematic behaviors such as aggression, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and mood symptoms. Second-generation antipsychotics are likely to be prescribed. -blocking medications may help to calm individuals with intermittent explosive disorder by slowing the heart rate and reducing blood pressure. Calcium channel blockers reduce blood pressure but are not used for persons with impulse control problems. An antianxiety medication will not assist with impulse control.

. When a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia was discharged 6 months ago, haloperidol was prescribed. The patient now says, "I stopped taking those pills. They made me feel like a robot." What are common side effects the nurse should validate with the patient? a. Sedation and muscle stiffness b. Sweating, nausea, and diarrhea c. Mild fever, sore throat, and skin rash d. Headache, watery eyes, and runny nose

a. Sedation and muscle stiffness Typical antipsychotic drugs often produce sedation and extrapyramidal side effects such as stiffness and gait disturbance, effects the patient might describe as making him or her feel like a "robot." The side effects mentioned in the other options are usually not associated with typical antipsychotic therapy or would not have the effect described by the patient.

1. Soon after parents announced they were divorcing, a child stopped participating in sports, sat alone at lunch, and avoided former friends. The child told the school nurse, "If my parents loved me, they would work out their problems." Which nursing diagnosis has the highest priority? a. Social isolation b. Decisional conflict c. Chronic low self-esteem d. Disturbed personal identity

a. Social isolation This child shows difficulty coping with problems associated with the family. Social isolation refers to aloneness that the patient perceives negatively, even when self-imposed. The other options are not supported by data in the scenario.

1. A 16-year-old diagnosed with a conduct disorder (CD) has been in a residential program for 3 months. Which outcome should occur before discharge? a. The adolescent and parents create and agree to a behavioral contract with rules, rewards, and consequences. b. The adolescent identifies friends in the home community who are a positive influence. c. Temporary placement is arranged with a foster family until the parents complete a parenting skills class. d. The adolescent experiences no anger and frustration for 1 week.

a. The adolescent and parents create and agree to a behavioral contract with rules, rewards, and consequences. The adolescent and the parents must agree on a behavioral contract that clearly outlines rules, expected behaviors, and consequences for misbehavior. It must also include rewards for following the rules. The adolescent will continue to experience anger and frustration. The adolescent and parents must continue with family therapy to work on boundary and communication issues. It is not necessary to separate the adolescent from the family to work on these issues. Separation is detrimental to the healing process. While it is helpful for the adolescent to identify peers who are a positive influence, it is more important for behavior to be managed for an adolescent diagnosed with a CD.

15. Which assessment finding would cause the nurse to consider a child to be most at risk for the development of mental illness? a. The child has been raised by a parent with recurring major depressive disorder. b. The child's best friend was absent from the child's birthday party. c. The child was not promoted to the next grade one year. d. The child moved to three new homes over a 2-year period.

a. The child has been raised by a parent with recurring major depressive disorder. Children raised by a depressed parent have an increased risk of developing an emotional disorder. Familial risk factors correlate with child psychiatric disorders, including severe marital discord, low socioeconomic status, large families and overcrowding, parental criminality, maternal psychiatric disorders, and foster-care placement. The chronicity of the parent's depression means it has been a consistent stressor. The other factors are not as risk-enhancing

1. A child was placed in a foster home after being removed from abusive parents. The child is apprehensive and overreacts to environmental stimuli. The foster parents ask the nurse how to help the child. Which interventions should the nurse suggest? (Select all that apply.) a. Use a calm manner and low voice. b. Maintain simplicity in the environment. c. Avoid repetition in what is said to the child. d. Minimize opportunities for exercise and play. e. Explain and reinforce reality to avoid distortions.

a. Use a calm manner and low voice. b. Maintain simplicity in the environment. e. Explain and reinforce reality to avoid distortions. The child has moderate anxiety. A calm manner will calm the child. A simple, structured, predictable environment is desirable to decrease anxiety provoking and reduce stimuli. Calm, simple explanations that reinforce reality validate the environment. Repetition is often needed when the individual is unable to concentrate because of elevated levels of anxiety. Opportunities for play and exercise should be provided as avenues to reduce anxiety. Physical movement helps channel and lower anxiety. Play helps by allowing the child to act out concerns

24. After major reconstructive surgery, a patient's wounds dehisced. Extensive wound care was required for 6 months, causing the patient to miss work and social activities. Which physiological response would be expected for this patient? a. Vital signs return to normal. b. Release of endogenous opioids would cease. c. Pulse and blood pressure readings are elevated d. Psychomotor abilities of the right brain become limited

a. Vital signs return to normal. The scenario presents chronic and potentially debilitating stress. The helpless and out of control feelings produce pathophysiological changes. Unmyelinated ventral vagus responses initially result in rapid heart rate and respiration. After many hours, days, or months the body cannot sustain this state, so the dorsal vagal response dampens the sympathetic nervous system. This parasympathetic response results in the heart rate and respiration slowing down and a decrease in blood pressure. Individuals with dissociative disorders have altered communication between higher and lower brain structures due to the massive release of endogenous opioids at the time of severe threat

22. What assessment findings mark the prodromal stage of schizophrenia? a. Withdrawal, misinterpreting, poor concentration, and preoccupation with religion b. Auditory hallucinations, ideas of reference, thought insertion, and broadcasting c. Stereotyped behavior, echopraxia, echolalia, and waxy flexibility d. Loose associations, concrete thinking, and echolalia neologisms

a. Withdrawal, misinterpreting, poor concentration, and preoccupation with religion Withdrawal, misinterpreting, poor concentration, and preoccupation with religion are prodromal symptoms, the symptoms that are present before the development of florid symptoms. The incorrect options each list the positive symptoms of schizophrenia that might be apparent during the acute stage of the illness.

38. A newly hospitalized patient experiencing psychosis says, "Red chair out town board." Which term should the nurse use to document this finding? a. Word salad b. Neologism c. Anhedonia d. Echolalia

a. Word salad Word salad is a jumble of words that is meaningless to the listener and perhaps to the speaker as well, because of an extreme level of disorganization.

2. A 10-year-old child was placed in a foster home after being removed from parental contact because of abuse. The child has apprehension, tremulousness, and impaired concentration. The foster parent also reports the child has an upset stomach, urinates frequently, and does not understand what has happened. What helpful measures should the nurse suggest to the foster parents? The nurse should recommend (Select all that apply) a. conveying empathy and acknowledging the child's distress. b. explaining and reinforcing reality to avoid distortions. c. using a calm manner and low, comforting voice. d. avoiding repetition in what is said to the child. e. staying with the child until the anxiety decreases. f. minimizing opportunities for exercise and play.

a. conveying empathy and acknowledging the child's distress. b. explaining and reinforcing reality to avoid distortions. c. using a calm manner and low, comforting voice. e. staying with the child until the anxiety decreases. The child's symptoms and behavior suggest that he is exhibiting PTSD. Interventions appropriate for this level of anxiety include using a calm, reassuring tone, acknowledging the child's distress, repeating content as needed when there is impaired cognitive processing and memory, providing opportunities for comforting and normalizing play and physical activities, correcting any distortion of reality, and staying with the child to increase his sense of security

25. Relaxation techniques help patients who have experienced major traumas because they a. engage the parasympathetic nervous system. b. increase sympathetic stimulation. c. increase the metabolic rate. d. release hormones

a. engage the parasympathetic nervous system. In response to trauma, the sympathetic arousal symptoms of rapid heart rate and rapid respiration prepare the person for flight or fight responses. Afterward, the dorsal vagal response damps down the sympathetic nervous system. This is a parasympathetic response with the heart rate and respiration slowing down and decreasing the blood pressure. Relaxation techniques promote activity of the parasympathetic nervous system.

29. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia begins to talks about "macnabs" hiding in the warehouse at work. The term "macnabs" should be documented as a. neologism. b. concrete thinking. c. thought insertion. d. an idea of reference.

a. neologism. A neologism is a newly coined word having special meaning to the patient. "Macnabs" is not a known common word. Concrete thinking refers to the inability to think abstractly. Thought insertion refers to thoughts of others are implanted in one's mind. Ideas of reference are a type of delusion in which trivial events are given personal significance

1. A patient has had difficulty keeping a job because of arguing with co-workers and accusing them of conspiracy. Today this patient shouts, "They're all plotting to destroy me. Isn't that true?" Select the nurse's most therapeutic response. a. "Everyone here is trying to help you. No one wants to harm you." b. "Feeling that people want to destroy you must be very frightening." c. "That is not true. People here are trying to help you if you will let them." d. "Staff members are health care professionals who are qualified to help you."

b. "Feeling that people want to destroy you must be very frightening." Resist focusing on content; instead, focus on the feelings the patient is expressing. This strategy prevents arguing about the reality of delusional beliefs. Such arguments increase patient anxiety and the tenacity with which the patient holds to the delusion. The other options focus on content and provide opportunity for argument.

16. Two weeks ago, a soldier returned to the United States from active duty in a combat zone. The soldier was diagnosed with PTSD. Which comment by the soldier requires the nurse's immediate attention? a. "It's good to be home. I missed my home, family, and friends." b. "I saw my best friend get killed by a roadside bomb. I don't understand why it wasn't me." c. "Sometimes I think I hear bombs exploding, but it's just the noise of traffic in my hometown." d. "I want to continue my education, but I'm not sure how I will fit in with other college students."

b. "I saw my best friend get killed by a roadside bomb. I don't understand why it wasn't me." The correct response indicates the soldier is thinking about death and feeling survivor's guilt. These emotions may accompany suicidal ideation, which warrants the nurse's follow-up assessment. Suicide is a high risk among military personnel diagnosed with PTSD. One distracter indicates flashbacks, common with persons with PTSD, but not solely indicative that further problems exist. The other distracters are normal emotions associated with returning home and change.

11. The unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) says to the nurse, "That patient with amnesia looks fine, but when I talk to her, she seems vague. What should I be doing for her?" Select the nurse's best reply. a. "Spend as much time with her as you can and ask questions about her life." b. "Use short, simple sentences and keep the environment calm and protective." c. "Provide more information about her past to reduce the mysteries that are causing anxiety." d. "Structure her time with activities to keep her busy, stimulated, and regaining concentration."

b. "Use short, simple sentences and keep the environment calm and protective." Disruptions in ability to perform activities of daily living, confusion, and anxiety are often apparent in patients with amnesia. Offering simple directions to promote activities of daily living and reduce confusion helps increase feelings of safety and security. A calm, secure, predictable, protective environment is also helpful when a person is dealing with a great deal of uncertainty. Recollection of memories should proceed at its own pace, and the patient should only gradually be given information about her past. Asking questions that require recall that the patient does not possess will only add frustration. Quiet, undemanding activities should be provided as the patient tolerates them and should be balanced with rest periods; the patient's time should not be loaded with demanding or stimulating activities

9. Which comment by the parents of young children best demonstrates support of development of resilience and effective stress management? a. "Our children will be stronger if they make their own decisions." b. "We spend daily family time talking about experiences and feelings." c. "We use three different babysitters. All of them have college degrees." d. "Our parenting strategies are different from those our own parents used."

b. "We spend daily family time talking about experiences and feelings." The correct response demonstrates consistent nurturing, which is a vital component of building resilience in children. The incorrect responses are not necessarily unhealthy parenting behaviors, but they do not clearly demonstrate parental nurturing.

2. A woman is 5'7", 160 lbs. and wears a size 8 shoe. She says, "My feet are huge. I've asked three orthopedists to surgically reduce my feet." This person tries to buy shoes to make her feet look smaller and, in social settings, conceals both feet under a table or chair. Which health problem is likely? a. Social anxiety disorder b. Body dysmorphic disorder c. Separation anxiety disorder d. Obsessive-compulsive disorder due to a medical condition

b. Body dysmorphic disorder Body dysmorphic disorder refers to a preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance in a normal-appearing person. The patient's feet are proportional to the rest of the body. In obsessive-compulsive or related disorder due to a medical condition, the individual's symptoms of obsessions and compulsions are a direct physiological result of a medical condition. Social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, is characterized by severe anxiety or fear provoked by exposure to a social or a performance situation that will be evaluated negatively by others. People with separation anxiety disorder exhibit developmentally inappropriate levels of concern over being away from a significant other.

10. A patient is experiencing moderate anxiety. The nurse encourages the patient to talk about feelings and concerns. What is the rationale for this intervention? a. Offering hope allays and defuses the patient's anxiety. b. Concerns stated aloud become less overwhelming and help problem solving begin. c. Anxiety is reduced by focusing on and validating what is occurring in the environment. d. Encouraging patients to explore alternatives increases the sense of control and lessens anxiety.

b. Concerns stated aloud become less overwhelming and help problem solving begin. All principles listed are valid, but the only rationale directly related to the intervention of assisting the patient to talk about feelings and concerns is the one that states that concerns spoken aloud become less overwhelming and help problem solving begin.

3. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia says, "My co-workers are out to get me. I also saw two doctors plotting to kill me." How does this patient perceive the environment? a. Disorganized b. Dangerous c. Supportive d. Bizarre

b. Dangerous The patient sees the world as hostile and dangerous. This assessment is important because the nurse can be more effective by using empathy to respond to the patient. Data are not present to support any of the other options.

6. A patient's care plan includes monitoring for auditory hallucinations. Which assessment findings suggest the patient may be hallucinating? a. Detachment and overconfidence b. Darting eyes, tilted head, mumbling to self c. Euphoric mood, hyperactivity, distractibility d. Foot tapping and repeatedly writing the same phrase

b. Darting eyes, tilted head, mumbling to self Clues to hallucinations include eyes looking around the room as though to find the speaker, tilting the head to one side as though listening intently, and grimacing, mumbling, or talking aloud as though responding conversationally to someone.

30. A patient performs ritualistic hand washing. Which action should the nurse implement to help the patient develop more effective coping? a. Allow the patient to set a hand-washing schedule. b. Encourage the patient to participate in social activities. c. Encourage the patient to discuss hand-washing routines. d. Focus on the patient's symptoms rather than on the patient.

b. Encourage the patient to participate in social activities. Because obsessive-compulsive patients become overly involved in the rituals, promotion of involvement with other people and activities is necessary to improve coping. Daily activities prevent constant focus on anxiety and symptoms. The other interventions focus on the compulsive symptom.

12. A patient diagnosed with depersonalization disorder tells the nurse, "It's starting again. I feel as though I'm going to float away." Which intervention would be most appropriate at this point? a. Notify the health care provider of this change in the patient's behavior. b. Engage the patient in a physical activity such as exercise. c. Isolate the patient until the sensation has diminished. d. Administer a prn dose of antianxiety medication.

b. Engage the patient in a physical activity such as exercise Helping the patient apply a grounding technique, such as exercise, assists the patient to interrupt the dissociative process. Medication can help reduce anxiety but does not directly interrupt the dissociative process. Isolation would allow the sensation to overpower the patient. It is not necessary to notify the health care provider.

3. A 15-year-old was placed in a residential program after truancy, running away, and an arrest for theft. At the program, the adolescent refused to join in planned activities and pushed a staff member, causing a fall. Which approach by nursing staff will be most therapeutic? a. Planned ignoring b. Establish firm limits c. Neutrally permit refusals d. Coaxing to gain compliance

b. Establish firm limits Firm limits are necessary to ensure physical safety and emotional security. Limit setting will also protect other patients from the teen's thoughtless or aggressive behavior. Permitting refusals to participate in the treatment plan, ignoring, coaxing, and bargaining are strategies that do not help the patient learn to abide by rules or structure

1. A nurse works with a patient diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who has frequent flashbacks as well as persistent symptoms of arousal. Which intervention should be included in the plan of care? a. Trigger flashbacks intentionally in order to help the patient learn to cope with them. b. Explain that the physical symptoms are related to the psychological state. c. Encourage repression of memories associated with the traumatic event. d. Support "numbing" as a temporary way to manage intolerable feelings

b. Explain that the physical symptoms are related to the psychological state. Persons with PTSD often experience somatic symptoms or sympathetic nervous system arousal that can be confusing and distressing. Explaining that these are the body's responses to psychological trauma helps the patient understand how such symptoms are part of the illness and something that will respond to treatment. This decreases powerlessness over the symptoms and helps instill a sense of hope. It also helps the patient to understand how relaxation, breathing exercises, and imagery can be helpful in symptom reduction. The goal of treatment for PTSD is to come to terms with the event so treatment efforts would not include repression of memories or numbing. Triggering flashbacks would increase patient distress

17. A soldier returned home from active duty in a combat zone and was diagnosed with PTSD. The soldier says, "If there's a loud noise at night, I get under my bed because I think we're getting bombed." What type of experience has the soldier described? a. Illusion b. Flashback c. Nightmare d. Auditory hallucination

b. Flashback Flashbacks are dissociative reactions in which an individual feels or acts as if the traumatic event were recurring. Illusions are misinterpretations of stimuli, and although the experience is similar, it is better termed a flashback because of the diagnosis of PTSD. Auditory hallucinations have no external stimuli. Nightmares commonly accompany PTSD, but this experience was stimulated by an actual environmental sound.

14. The gas pedal on a person's car became stuck on a busy interstate highway, causing the car to accelerate rapidly. For 20 minutes, the car was very difficult to control. In the months after this experience, afterward, which assessment finding would the nurse expect? a. Weight gain b. Flashbacks c. Headache d. Diuresis

b. Flashbacks The scenario depicts a frightening, traumatic, and stressful situation. Severe dissociation or "mind flight" may occur for those who have suffered significant trauma. The episodic failure of dissociation causes intrusive symptoms such as flashbacks. The problems identified in the distracters may or may not occur.

12. A nurse leads a psychoeducational group about first-generation antipsychotic medications with six adult men diagnosed with schizophrenia. The nurse will monitor for concerns regarding body image with respect to which potential side effect of these medications? a. Constipation b. Gynecomastia c. Visual changes d. Photosensitivity

b. Gynecomastia FGAs (first-generation antipsychotic) stimulate release of prolactin, which can result in gynecomastia (enlargement of the breasts) as well as other changes in sexual function. Men may experience disturbances in body image as a result of gynecomastia. Other side effects of FGAs may be disturbing to other aspects of the patient's physical health but are not likely to bother body image.

1. A nurse wants to teach alternative coping strategies to a patient experiencing severe anxiety. Which action should the nurse perform first? a. Verify the patient's learning style. b. Lower the patient's current anxiety. c. Create outcomes and a teaching plan. d. Assess how the patient uses defense mechanisms.

b. Lower the patient's current anxiety. A patient experiencing severe anxiety has a markedly narrowed perceptual field and difficulty attending to events in the environment. A patient experiencing severe anxiety will not learn readily. Determining preferred modes of learning, devising outcomes, and constructing teaching plans are relevant to the task but are not the priority measure. The nurse has already assessed the patient's anxiety level. Use of defense mechanisms does not apply.

8. A patient with an abdominal mass is scheduled for a biopsy. The patient has difficulty understanding the nurse's comments and asks, "What do you mean? What are they going to do?" Assessment findings include tremulous voice, respirations 28, and pulse 110. What is the patient's level of anxiety? a. Mild b. Moderate c. Severe d. Panic

b. Moderate Moderate anxiety causes the individual to grasp less information and reduces problem-solving ability to a less-than-optimal level. Mild anxiety heightens attention and enhances problem solving. Severe anxiety causes great reduction in the perceptual field. Panic-level anxiety results in disorganized behavior.

2. What are the primary distinguishing factors between the behavior of persons diagnosed with ODD and those with CD? The person diagnosed with (Select all that apply) a. ODD relives traumatic events by acting them out. b. ODD tests limits and disobeys authority figures. c. ODD has difficulty separating from loved ones. d. CD uses stereotypical or repetitive language. e. CD often violates the rights of others.

b. ODD tests limits and disobeys authority figures. e. CD often violates the rights of others. Persons diagnosed with ODD are negativistic, disobedient, and defiant toward authority figures without seriously violating the basic rights of others, whereas persons with CD frequently behave in ways that do violate the rights of others and age-appropriate societal norms. Reliving traumatic events occurs with PTSD. Stereotypical language behaviors are seen in persons with autism spectrum disorders.

11. A child known as the neighborhood bully says, "Nobody can tell me what to do." After receiving a poor grade on a science project, this child secretly loaded a virus on the teacher's computer. These behaviors support a diagnosis of a. CD. b. ODD. c. intermittent explosive disorder. d. ADHD.

b. ODD. ODD is a repeated and persistent pattern of having an angry and irritable mood in conjunction with demonstrating defiant and vindictive behavior. Loading a virus is a vindictive behavior in retribution for a poor grade. Persons with CD are aggressive against people and animals; destroy property; are deceitful; violate rules; and have impaired social, academic, or occupational functioning. There is no evidence of explosiveness or distractibility.

26. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia has taken a conventional antipsychotic medication for a year. Hallucinations are less intrusive, but the patient continues to have apathy, poverty of thought, and social isolation. The nurse would expect a change to which medication? a. Haloperidol b. Olanzapine c. Chlorpromazine d. Diphenhydramine

b. Olanzapine Olanzapine is a second-generation atypical antipsychotic that targets both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Haloperidol and chlorpromazine are conventional antipsychotics that target only positive symptoms. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine. See relationship to audience response question.

9. A patient preparing for surgery has moderate anxiety and is unable to understand preoperative information. Which nursing intervention is most appropriate? a. Reassure the patient that all nurses are skilled in providing postoperative care. b. Present the information again in a calm manner using simple language. c. Tell the patient that staff is prepared to promote recovery. d. Encourage the patient to express feelings to family.

b. Present the information again in a calm manner using simple language. Giving information in a calm, simple manner will help the patient grasp the important facts. Introducing extraneous topics as described in the distracters will further scatter the patient's attention.

5. A patient fearfully runs from chair to chair crying, "They're coming! They're coming!" The patient does not follow the staff's directions or respond to verbal interventions. Which nursing diagnosis has the highest priority? a. Fear b. Risk for injury c. Self-care deficit d. Disturbed thought processes

b. Risk for injury A patient experiencing panic-level anxiety is at high risk for injury related to increased non-goal-directed motor activity, distorted perceptions, and disordered thoughts. Data are not present to support a nursing diagnosis of self-care deficit or disturbed thought processes. The patient may have fear, but the risk for injury has a higher priority.

12. An 11-year-old diagnosed with ODD becomes angry over the rules at a residential treatment program and begins shouting at the nurse. What is the nurse's initial action to defuse the situation? a. Say to the child, "Tell me how you're feeling right now." b. Take the child swimming at the facility's pool. c. Establish a behavioral contract with the child. d. Administer an anxiolytic medication.

b. Take the child swimming at the facility's pool. Redirecting the expression of feelings into nondestructive, age-appropriate behaviors such as a physical activity helps the child learn how to modulate the expression of feelings and exert self-control. This is the least restrictive alternative and should be tried before resorting to measures that are more restrictive. A shouting child will not likely engage in a discussion about feelings. A behavioral contract could be considered later, but first the situation must be defused.

19. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia has received fluphenazine decanoate twice a month for 3 years. The clinic nurse notes that the patient grimaces and constantly smacks both lips. The patient's neck and shoulders twist in a slow, snakelike motion. Which problem would the nurse suspect? a. Agranulocytosis b. Tardive dyskinesia c. Tourette's syndrome d. Anticholinergic effects

b. Tardive dyskinesia Fluphenazine decanoate is a first-generation antipsychotic medication. Tardive dyskinesia is a condition involving the face, trunk, and limbs that occurs more frequently with first-generation antipsychotics than second or third generation. Involuntary movements, such as tongue thrusting; licking; blowing; irregular movements of the arms, neck, and shoulders; rocking; hip jerks; and pelvic thrusts, are seen. These symptoms are frequently not reversible even when the drug is discontinued. The scenario does not present evidence consistent with the other disorders mentioned. Agranulocytosis is a blood disorder. Tourette's syndrome is a condition in which tics are present. Anticholinergic effects include dry mouth, blurred vision, flushing, constipation, and dry eyes.

11. A nurse observes a catatonic patient standing immobile, facing the wall with one arm extended in a salute. The patient remains immobile in this position for 15 minutes, moving only when the nurse gently lowers the arm. What is the name of this phenomenon? a. Echolalia b. Waxy flexibility c. Depersonalization d. Thought withdrawal

b. Waxy flexibility Waxy flexibility is the ability to hold distorted postures for extended periods of time, as though the patient were molded in wax. Echolalia is a speech pattern. Depersonalization refers to a feeling state. Thought withdrawal refers to an alteration in thinking.

3. A nurse works with an adolescent who was placed in a residential program after multiple episodes of violence at school. Establishing rapport with this adolescent is a priority because (Select all that apply) a. it is a vital component of implementing a behavior modification program. b. a therapeutic alliance is the first step in a nurse's therapeutic use of self. c. the adolescent has demonstrated resistance to other authority figures. d. acceptance and trust convey feelings of security for the adolescent. e. adolescents usually relate better to authority figures than peers.

b. a therapeutic alliance is the first step in a nurse's therapeutic use of self. d. acceptance and trust convey feelings of security for the adolescent. Trust is frequently an issue because the adolescent may never have had a trusting relationship with an adult. Trust promotes feelings of security and is the basis of the nurse's therapeutic use of self. Adolescents value peer relationships over those related to authority. Rewards for appropriate behavior are the main component of behavior modification programs.

2. A newly admitted patient diagnosed with schizophrenia is hypervigilant and constantly scans the environment. The patient states, "I saw two doctors talking in the hall. They were plotting to kill me." The nurse may correctly assess this behavior as a. echolalia. b. an idea of reference. c. a delusion of infidelity. d. an auditory hallucination.

b. an idea of reference. Ideas of reference are misinterpretations of the verbalizations or actions of others that give special personal meanings to these behaviors; for example, when seeing two people talking, the individual assumes they are talking about him or her. The other terms do not correspond with the scenario.

16. A patient experiences a sudden episode of severe anxiety. Of these medications in the patient's medical record, which is most appropriate to give as a prn anxiolytic? a. buspirone b. lorazepam c. amitriptyline d. desipramine

b. lorazepam Lorazepam is a benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety. It may be given as a prn medication. Buspirone is long acting and is not useful as a prn drug. Amitriptyline and desipramine are tricyclic antidepressants and considered second- or third-line agents.

10. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia demonstrates little spontaneous movement and has waxy flexibility. The patient's activities of daily living are severely compromised. An appropriate outcome would be that the patient will a. demonstrate increased interest in the environment by the end of week 1. b. perform self-care activities with coaching by the end of day 3. c. gradually take the initiative for self-care by the end of week 2. d. accept tube feeding without objection by day 2.

b. perform self-care activities with coaching by the end of day 3. Outcomes related to self-care deficit nursing diagnoses should deal with increasing ability to perform self-care tasks independently, such as feeding, bathing, dressing, and toileting. Performing the tasks with coaching by nursing staff denotes improvement over the complete inability to perform the tasks. The incorrect options are not directly related to self-care activities, difficult to measure, and unrelated to maintenance of nutrition.

3. After the sudden death of his wife, a man says, "I can't live without her ... she was my whole life." Select the nurse's most therapeutic reply. a. "Each day will get a little better." b. "Her death is a terrible loss for you" c. "It is important to recognize that she is no longer suffering" d. "Your friends will help you cope with this change in your life"

b. "Her death is a terrible loss for you" Adjustment disorders may be associated with grief. A statement that validates a bereaved person's loss is more helpful than false reassurances and clichés. It signifies understanding.

8. An adolescent acts out in disruptive ways. When this adolescent threatens to throw a heavy pool ball at another adolescent, which comment by the nurse would set appropriate limits? a. "Attention everyone: we are all going to the craft room." b. "You will be taken to seclusion if you throw that ball." c. "Do not throw the ball. Put it back on the pool table." d. "Please do not lose control of your emotions."

c. "Do not throw the ball. Put it back on the pool table." Setting limits uses clear, sharp statements about prohibited behavior and guidance for performing a behavior that is expected. The incorrect options represent a threat, use of restructuring (which would be inappropriate in this instance), and a direct appeal to the child's developing self-control that may be ineffective.

15. A newly admitted patient diagnosed with schizophrenia says, "The voices are bothering me. They yell and tell me I am bad. I have got to get away from them." Select the nurse's most helpful reply. a. "Do you hear the voices often?" b. "Do you have a plan for getting away from the voices?" c. "I'll stay with you. Focus on what we are talking about, not the voices. " d. "Forget the voices and ask some other patients to play cards with you."

c. "I'll stay with you. Focus on what we are talking about, not the voices. " Staying with a distraught patient who is hearing voices serves several purposes: ongoing observation, the opportunity to provide reality orientation, a means of helping dismiss the voices, the opportunity of forestalling an action that would result in self-injury, and general support to reduce anxiety. Asking if the patient hears voices is not particularly relevant at this point. Asking if the patient plans to "get away from the voices" is relevant for assessment purposes but is less helpful than offering to stay with the patient while encouraging a focus on their discussion. Suggesting playing cards with other patients shifts responsibility for intervention from the nurse to the patient and other patients.

3. A patient experiencing moderate anxiety says, "I feel undone." An appropriate response for the nurse would be: a. "What would you like me to do to help you?" b. "Why do you suppose you are feeling anxious?" c. "I'm not sure I understand. Give me an example." d. "You must get your feelings under control before we can continue."

c. "I'm not sure I understand. Give me an example." Increased anxiety results in scattered thoughts and an inability to articulate clearly. Clarifying helps the patient identify thoughts and feelings. Asking the patient why he or she feels anxious is nontherapeutic; the patient likely does not have an answer. The patient may be unable to determine what he or she would like the nurse to do in order to help. Telling the patient to get his or her feelings under control is a directive the patient is probably unable to accomplish

4. A nurse educates a patient about the antipsychotic medication regime. Afterward, which comment by the patient indicates the teaching was effective? a. "I will need higher and higher doses of my medication as time goes on." b. "I need to store my medication in a cool dark place, such as the refrigerator." c. "Taking this medication regularly will reduce the severity of my symptoms." d. "If I run out or stop taking my medication, I will experience withdrawal symptoms."

c. "Taking this medication regularly will reduce the severity of my symptoms." Antipsychotic drugs provide symptom control and allow most patients diagnosed with schizophrenia to live and be treated in the community. Dosing is individually determined. Antipsychotics are not addictive; however, they should be discontinued gradually to minimize a discontinuation syndrome

23. A cruel and abusive person often uses rationalization to explain the behavior. Which comment demonstrates use of this defense mechanism? a. "I don't know why I do mean things." b. "I have always had poor impulse control." c. "That person should not have provoked me." d. "I'm really a coward who is afraid of being hurt."

c. "That person should not have provoked me." Rationalization consists of justifying one's unacceptable behavior by developing explanations that satisfy the teller and attempt to satisfy the listener. The abuser is suggesting that the abuse is not his or her fault; it would not have occurred except for the provocation by the other person. The distracters indicate some measure of acceptance of responsibility for the behavior.

12. A nurse works with a child who is sad and irritable because the child's parents are divorcing. Why is establishing a therapeutic alliance with this child a priority? a. Therapeutic relationships provide an outlet for tension. b. Focusing on the strengths increases a person's self-esteem. c. Acceptance and trust convey feelings of security to the child. d. The child should express feelings rather than internalize them.

c. Acceptance and trust convey feelings of security to the child. Trust is frequently an issue because the child may question their trusting relationship with the parents. In this situation, the trust the child once had in parents has been disrupted, reducing feelings of security. The correct answer is the most global response.

4. A woman just received notification that her husband died. She approaches the nurse who cared for him during his last hours and says angrily, "If you had given him your undivided attention, he would still be alive." How should the nurse analyze this behavior? a. The comment suggests potential allegations of malpractice. b. In some cultures, grief is expressed solely through anger. c. Anger is an expected emotion in an adjustment disorder. d. The patient had ambivalent feelings about her husband.

c. Anger is an expected emotion in an adjustment disorder. Symptoms of adjustment disorder run the gamut of all forms of distress including guilt, depression, and anger. Anger may protect the bereaved from facing the devastating reality of loss.

0. Shortly after the parents announced that they were divorcing, a 15-year-old became truant from school and assaulted a friend. The adolescent told the school nurse, "I'd rather stay in my room and listen to music. It's easier than thinking about what is happening in my family." Which nursing diagnosis is most applicable? a. Chronic low self-esteem related to role within the family b. Decisional conflict related to compliance with school requirements c. Defensive coping related to adjustment to changes in family relationships d. Disturbed personal identity related to self-perceptions of changing family dynamics

c. Defensive coping related to adjustment to changes in family relationships Depression is often associated with impulse control disorder. The correct nursing diagnosis refers to the patient's dysfunctional management of feelings associated with upcoming changes to the family. The teen displays self-imposed isolation. The distracters are not supported by data in the scenario.

. An adolescent was arrested for prostitution and assault on a parent. The adolescent says, "I hate my parents. They focus all attention on my brother, who's perfect in their eyes." Which nursing diagnosis is most applicable? a. Disturbed personal identity related to acting out as evidenced by prostitution b. Hopelessness related to achievement of role identity as evidenced by feeling unloved by parents c. Defensive coping related to inappropriate methods of seeking parental attention as evidenced by acting out d. Impaired parenting related to inequitable feelings toward children as evidenced by showing preference for one child over another

c. Defensive coping related to inappropriate methods of seeking parental attention as evidenced by acting out The patient demonstrates a failure to follow age-appropriate social norms and an inability to problem solve by using adaptive behaviors to meet life's demands and roles. The defining characteristics are not present for the other nursing diagnoses. The patient never mentioned hopelessness or disturbed personal identity. The problem relates to the patient's perceptions of parental behavior rather than the actual behavior

10. A patient states, "I feel detached and weird all the time. It is as though I am looking at life through a cloudy window. Everything seems unreal. It really messes up things at work and school." This scenario is most suggestive of which health problem? a. Acute stress disorder b. Dissociative amnesia c. Depersonalization disorder d. Disinhibited social engagement disorder

c. Depersonalization disorder Depersonalization disorder involves a persistent or recurrent experience of feeling detached from and outside oneself. Although reality testing is intact, the experience causes significant impairment in social or occupational functioning and distress to the individual. Dissociative amnesia involves memory loss. Children with disinhibited social engagement disorder demonstrate no normal fear of strangers and are unusually willing to go off with strangers. Individuals with ASD (Acute Stress Disorder) experience three or more dissociative symptoms associated with a traumatic event, such as a subjective sense of numbing, detachment, or absence of emotional responsiveness; a reduction in awareness of surroundings; derealization; depersonalization or dissociative amnesia. In the scenario, the patient experiences only one symptom.

19. A child diagnosed with ADHD shows hyperactivity, aggression, and impaired play. The health care provider prescribed amphetamine salts (Adderall). The nurse should monitor for which desired behavior? a. Increased expressiveness in communication with others b. Abilities to identify anxiety and implement self-control strategies c. Improved abilities to participate in cooperative play with other children d. Tolerates social interactions for short periods without disruption or frustration

c. Improved abilities to participate in cooperative play with other children The goal is improvement in the child's hyperactivity, aggression, and play. The remaining options are more relevant for a child with intellectual development disorder or an anxiety disorder.

18. Assessment data for a 7-year-old reveals an inability to take turns, blurting out answers to questions before a question is complete, and frequently interrupting others' conversations. How should the nurse document these behaviors? a. Disobedience b. Hyperactivity c. Impulsivity d. Anxiety

c. Impulsivity These behaviors are most directly related to impulsivity. Hyperactive behaviors are more physical in nature, such as running, pushing, and the inability to sit. Inattention is demonstrated by failure to listen. Defiance is demonstrated by willfully doing what an authority figure has said not to do.

4. A nurse will prepare teaching materials for the parents of a child newly diagnosed with ADHD. Information will focus on which medication likely to be prescribed? a. Paroxetine b. Imipramine c. Methylphenidate d. Carbamazepine

c. Methylphenidate Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants are the drugs of choice for treating children diagnosed with ADHD. Methylphenidate and mixed amphetamine salts are most commonly used. None of the other drugs are psychostimulants used to treat ADHD.

9. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia exhibits little spontaneous movement and demonstrates waxy flexibility. Which patient needs are of priority importance? a. Self-esteem b. Psychosocial c. Physiological d. Self-actualization

c. Physiological Physiological needs must be met to preserve life. A patient with waxy flexibility must be fed by hand or tube, toileted, given range-of-motion exercises, and so forth to preserve physiological integrity. Waxy flexibility may also precipitate a risk for falls; therefore, safety is a concern. Higher level needs are of lesser concern

21. The nurse assesses a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia. Which assessment finding would the nurse regard as a negative symptom of schizophrenia? a. Auditory hallucinations b. Delusions of grandeur c. Poor personal hygiene d. Psychomotor agitation

c. Poor personal hygiene Negative symptoms include apathy, anhedonia, poor social functioning, and poverty of thought. Poor personal hygiene is an example of poor social functioning. The distracters are positive symptoms of schizophrenia. See relationship to audience response question

16. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia has taken fluphenazine 5 mg po bid for 3 weeks. The nurse now observes a shuffling propulsive gait, a mask-like face, and drooling. Which term applies to these symptoms? a. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome b. Hepatocellular effects c. Pseudoparkinsonism d. Akathisia

c. Pseudoparkinsonism Pseudoparkinsonism induced by antipsychotic medication mimics the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. It frequently appears within the first month of treatment and is more common with first-generation antipsychotic drugs. Hepatocellular effects would produce abnormal liver test results. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is characterized by autonomic instability. Akathisia produces motor restlessness.

17. An adolescent diagnosed with a CD stole and wrecked a neighbor's motorcycle. Afterward, the adolescent was confronted about the behavior but expressed no remorse. Which variation in the central nervous system best explains the adolescent's reaction? a. Serotonin dysregulation and increased testosterone activity impair one's capacity for remorse. b. Increased neuron destruction in the hippocampus results in decreased abilities to conform to social rules. c. Reduced gray matter in the cortex and dysfunction of the amygdala results in decreased feelings of empathy. d. Disturbances in the occipital lobe reduce sensations that help an individual clearly visualize the consequences of behavior

c. Reduced gray matter in the cortex and dysfunction of the amygdala results in decreased feelings of empathy. Adolescents with CD have been found to have significantly reduced gray matter bilaterally in the anterior insulate cortex and the amygdala. This reduction may be related to aggressive behavior and deficits of empathy. The less gray matter in these regions of the brain, the less likely adolescents are to feel remorse for their actions or victims. People with intermittent explosive disorder may have differences in serotonin regulation in the brain and higher levels of testosterone. Neuron destruction in the hippocampus is associated with memory deficits. The occipital lobe is involved with visual stimuli but not the processing of emotions

. What is the nurse's priority focused assessment for side effects in a child taking methylphenidate for ADHD? a. Dystonia, akinesia, and extrapyramidal symptoms b. Bradycardia and hypotensive episodes c. Sleep disturbances and weight loss d. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

c. Sleep disturbances and weight loss The most common side effects are gastrointestinal disturbances, reduced appetite, weight loss, urinary retention, dizziness, fatigue, and insomnia. Weight loss has the potential to interfere with the child's growth and development. The distracters relate to side effects of conventional antipsychotic medications.

7. An 11-year-old diagnosed with ODD becomes angry over the rules at a residential treatment program and begins cursing at the nurse. Select the best method for the nurse to defuse the situation. a. Ignore the child's behavior. b. Send the child to time-out for 2 hours. c. Take the child to the gym and engage in an activity. d. Role-play a more appropriate behavior with the child.

c. Take the child to the gym and engage in an activity. The child's behavior warrants an active response. Redirecting the expression of feelings into nondestructive age-appropriate behaviors, such as a physical activity, helps defuse the situation here and now. This response helps the child learn how to modulate the expression of feelings and exert self-control. This is the least restrictive alternative and should be tried before resorting to a more restrictive measure. Role playing is appropriate after the child's anger is defused.

24. A patient experiencing panic suddenly began running and shouting, "I'm going to explode!" Select the nurse's best action. a. Ask, "I'm not sure what you mean. Give me an example." b. Capture the patient in a basket-hold to increase feelings of control. c. Tell the patient, "Stop running and take a deep breath. I will help you." d. Assemble several staff members and say, "We will take you to seclusion to help you regain control."

c. Tell the patient, "Stop running and take a deep breath. I will help you." Safety needs of the patient and other patients are a priority. Comments to the patient should be simple, neutral, and give direction to help the patient regain control. Running after the patient will increase the patient's anxiety. More than one staff member may be needed to provide physical limits, but using seclusion or physically restraining the patient prematurely is unjustified. Asking the patient to give an example would be futile; a patient in panic processes information poorly

24. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia begins a new prescription for ziprasidone. The patient is 5'6'' and currently weighs 204 lbs. The patient has dry flaky skin, headaches about twice a month, and a family history of colon cancer. Which intervention has the highest priority for the nurse to include in the patient's plan of care? a. Skin care techniques b. Scheduling a colonoscopy c. Weight management strategies d. Teaching to limit caffeine intake

c. Weight management strategies Ziprasidone is a second-generation antipsychotic medication. The incidence of weight gain, diabetes, and high cholesterol is high with second-generation antipsychotic medications. The patient is overweight now, so weight management will be especially important. The other interventions may occur in time, but do not have the priority of weight management

27. When alprazolam is prescribed for a patient who experiences acute anxiety, health teaching should include instructions to a. report drowsiness. b. eat a tyramine-free diet. c. avoid alcoholic beverages. d. adjust dose and frequency based on anxiety level.

c. avoid alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcohol or taking other anxiolytics along with the prescribed benzodiazepine should be avoided because depressant effects of both drugs will be potentiated. Tyramine-free diets are necessary only with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Drowsiness is an expected effect and needs to be reported only if it is excessive. Patients should be taught not to deviate from the prescribed dose and schedule for administration.

15. A soldier returns to the United States from active duty in a combat zone. The soldier is diagnosed with PTSD. The nurse's highest priority is to screen this soldier for a. bipolar disorder. b. schizophrenia. c. depression. d. dementia.

c. depression. Comorbidities for adults with PTSD include depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, and dissociative disorders. Incidence of the disorders identified in the distracters is similar to the general population.

2. Which behavior indicates that the treatment plan for a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder was effective? The child a. plays with one toy for 30 minutes. b. repeats words spoken by a parent. c. holds the parent's hand while walking. d. spins around and claps hands while walking.

c. holds the parent's hand while walking. Holding the hand of another person suggests relatedness. Usually, a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder would resist holding someone's hand and stand or walk alone, perhaps flapping arms or moving in a stereotyped pattern. The incorrect options reflect behaviors that are consistent with autism spectrum disorders

29. A patient diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder has this nursing diagnosis: Anxiety related to __________ as evidenced by inability to control compulsive cleaning. Which phrase correctly completes the etiological portion of the diagnosis? a. feelings of responsibility for the health of family members b. approval-seeking behavior from friends and family c. persistent thoughts about bacteria, germs, and dirt d. needs to avoid interactions with others

c. persistent thoughts about bacteria, germs, and dirt Many compulsive rituals accompany obsessive thoughts. The patient uses these rituals for anxiety relief. Unfortunately, the anxiety relief is short lived, and the patient must frequently repeat the ritual. The other options are unrelated to the dynamics of compulsive behavior.

15. A patient tells a nurse, "My best friend is a perfect person. She is kind, considerate, good-looking, and successful with every task. I could have been like her if I had the opportunities, luck, and money she's had." This patient is demonstrating a. denial. b. projection. c. rationalization. d. compensation.

c. rationalization. Rationalization consists of justifying illogical or unreasonable ideas, actions, or feelings by developing acceptable explanations that satisfy the teller as well as the listener. Denial is an unconscious process that would call for the nurse to ignore the existence of the situation. Projection operates unconsciously and would result in blaming behavior. Compensation would result in the nurse unconsciously attempting to make up for a perceived weakness by emphasizing a strong point.

3. A kindergartener is disruptive in class. This child is unable to sit for expected lengths of time, inattentive to the teacher, screams while the teacher is talking, and is aggressive toward other children. The nurse plans interventions designed to a. promote integration of self-concept. b. provide inpatient treatment for the child. c. reduce loneliness and increase self-esteem. d. improve language and communication skills

c. reduce loneliness and increase self-esteem. Because of their disruptive behaviors, children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often receive negative feedback from parents, teachers, and peers, leading to self-esteem disturbance. These behaviors also cause peers to avoid the child with ADHD, leaving the child with ADHD vulnerable to loneliness. The child does not need inpatient treatment at this time. The incorrect options might or might not be relevant.

14. Two staff nurses applied for a charge nurse position. After the promotion was announced, the nurse who was not promoted said, "The nurse manager had a headache the day I was interviewed." Which defense mechanism is evident? a. Introjection b. Conversion c. Projection d. Splitting

c. Projection Projection is the hallmark of blaming, scapegoating, prejudicial thinking, and stigmatizing others. Conversion involves the unconscious transformation of anxiety into a physical symptom. Introjection involves intense, unconscious identification with another person. Splitting is the inability to integrate the positive and negative qualities of oneself or others into a cohesive image

13. A person runs from a crowded nightclub after a pyrotechnics show causes the building to catch fire. Which division of the autonomic nervous system will be stimulated in response to this experience? a. Limbic system b. Peripheral nervous system c. Sympathetic nervous system d. Parasympathetic nervous system

c. Sympathetic nervous system The autonomic nervous system is comprised of the sympathetic (fight or flight response) and parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation response). In times of stress, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated. A person would experience stress associated with the experience of being in danger. The peripheral nervous system responds to messages from the sympathetic nervous system. The limbic system processes emotional responses but is not specifically part of the autonomic nervous system.

11. A nurse assesses a patient with a tentative diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder. Which question would be most appropriate for the nurse to ask? a. "Have you been a victim of a crime or seen someone badly injured or killed?" b. "Do you feel especially uncomfortable in social situations involving people?" c. "Do you repeatedly do certain things over and over again?" d. "Do you find it difficult to control your worrying?"

d. "Do you find it difficult to control your worrying?" Patients with generalized anxiety disorder frequently engage in excessive worrying. They are less likely to engage in ritualistic behavior, fear social situations, or have been involved in a highly traumatic event

8. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia tells the nurse, "I eat skiller. Tend to end. Easter. It blows away. Get it?" Select the nurse's most therapeutic response. a. "Nothing you are saying is clear." b. "Your thoughts are very disconnected." c. "Try to organize your thoughts and then tell me again." d. "I am having difficulty understanding what you are saying.

d. "I am having difficulty understanding what you are saying. When a patient's speech is loosely associated, confused, and disorganized, pretending to understand is useless. The nurse should tell the patient that he or she is having difficulty understanding what the patient is saying. If a theme is discernible, ask the patient to talk about the theme. The incorrect options tend to place blame for the poor communication with the patient. The correct response places the difficulty with the nurse rather than being accusatory.

7. A store clerk was killed during a robbery 2 weeks ago. His widow, who has a long history of schizoaffective disorder, cries spontaneously when talking about his death. Select the nurse's most therapeutic response. a. "Are you taking your medications the way they are prescribed?" b. "This loss is harder to accept because of your mental illness. Do you think you should be hospitalized?" c. "I'm worried about how much you are crying. Your grief over your husband's death has gone on too long." d. "The unexpected death of your husband is very painful. I'm glad you are able to talk about your feelings."

d. "The unexpected death of your husband is very painful. I'm glad you are able to talk about your feelings." The patient is expressing feelings related to the loss, and this is an expected and healthy behavior. This patient is at risk for a maladaptive response because of the history of a serious mental illness, but the nurse's priority intervention is to form a therapeutic alliance and support the patient's expression of feelings. Crying at 2 weeks after his death is expected and normal.

31. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia anxiously tells the nurse, "The voice is telling me to do things." Select the nurse's priority assessment question. a. "How long has the voice been directing your behavior?" b. "Does what the voice tell you to do frighten you?" c. "Do you recognize the voice speaking to you?' d. "What is the voice telling you to do?

d. "What is the voice telling you to do? Learning what a command hallucination is telling the patient to do is important because the command often places the patient or others at risk for harm. Command hallucinations can be terrifying and may pose a psychiatric emergency. The incorrect questions are of lesser importance than identifying the command

20. A nurse sits with a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia. The patient starts to laugh uncontrollably, although the nurse has not said anything funny. Select the nurse's most therapeutic response. a. "Why are you laughing?" b. "Please share the joke with me." c. "I don't think I said anything funny." d. "You're laughing. Tell me what's happening."

d. "You're laughing. Tell me what's happening." The patient is likely laughing in response to inner stimuli, such as hallucinations or fantasy. Focus on the hallucinatory clue (the patient's laughter) and then elicit the patient's observation. The incorrect options are less useful in eliciting a response: no joke may be involved, "why" questions are difficult to answer, and the patient is probably not focusing on what the nurse said in the first place

21. Which child demonstrates behaviors indicative of a neurodevelopmental disorder? a. A 4-year-old who stuttered for 3 weeks after the birth of a sibling b. A 9-month-old who does not eat vegetables and likes to be rocked c. A 3-month-old who cries after feeding until burped and sucks a thumb d. A 3-year-old who is mute, passive toward adults, and twirls while walking

d. A 3-year-old who is mute, passive toward adults, and twirls while walking Symptoms consistent with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are evident in the correct answer. ASD is one type of neurodevelopmental disorder. The behaviors of the other children are within normal ranges.

7. The parent of a 6-year-old says, "My child is in constant motion and talks all the time. My child isn't interested in toys but is out of bed every morning before me." The child's behavior is most consistent with diagnostic criteria for a. communication disorder. b. stereotypic movement disorder. c. intellectual development disorder. d. ADHD

d. ADHD Excessive motion, distractibility, and excessive talkativeness are seen in ADHD. The behaviors presented in the scenario do not suggest intellectual development, stereotypic, or communication disorder.

7. A health care provider considers which antipsychotic medication to prescribe for a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia who has auditory hallucinations and poor social function. The patient is also overweight and hypertensive. Which drug should the nurse advocate? a. Clozapine b. Ziprasidone c. Olanzapine d. Aripiprazole

d. Aripiprazole Aripiprazole is a third-generation atypical antipsychotic effective against both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. It causes little or no weight gain and no increase in glucose, high- or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or triglycerides, making it a reasonable choice for a patient with obesity or heart disease. Clozapine may produce agranulocytosis, making it a poor choice as a first-line agent. Ziprasidone may prolong the QT interval, making it a poor choice for a patient with cardiac disease. Olanzapine fosters weight gain.

5. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia says, "It's beat. Time to eat. No room for the cat." What type of verbalization is evident? a. Neologism b. Idea of reference c. Thought broadcasting d. Associative looseness

d. Associative looseness Looseness of association refers to jumbled thoughts incoherently expressed to the listener. Neologisms are newly coined words. Ideas of reference are a type of delusion. Thought broadcasting is the belief that others can hear one's thoughts.

2. A 15-year-old ran away from home six times and was arrested for shoplifting. The parents told the Court, "We can't manage our teenager." The adolescent is physically abusive to the mother and defiant with the father. Which diagnosis is supported by this adolescent's behavior? a. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) b. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) c. Intermittent explosive disorder d. CD

d. CD CDs are manifested by a persistent pattern of behavior in which the rights of others and age-appropriate societal norms are violated. Intermittent explosive disorder is a pattern of behavioral outbursts characterized by an inability to control aggressive impulses in adults 18 years and older. Criteria for ADHD and PTSD are not met in the scenario

6. A 12-year-old has engaged in bullying for several years. The parents say, "We can't believe anything our child says." Recently this child shot a dog with a pellet gun and set fire to a neighbor's trash bin. The child's behaviors support the diagnosis of a. ADHD. b. intermittent explosive disorder. c. oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). d. CD.

d. CD. The behaviors mentioned are most consistent with criteria for CD, including aggression against people and animals; destruction of property; deceitfulness; rule violations; and impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning. Intermittent explosive disorder is a pattern of behavioral outbursts characterized by an inability to control aggressive impulses in adults 18 years and older. The behaviors are not consistent with attention deficit or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

7. A patient undergoing diagnostic tests says, "Nothing is wrong with me except a stubborn chest cold." The spouse reports the patient smokes, coughs daily, lost 15 pounds, and is easily fatigued. Which defense mechanism is the patient using? a. Displacement b. Regression c. Projection d. Denial

d. Denial Denial is an unconscious blocking of threatening or painful information or feelings. Regression involves using behaviors appropriate at an earlier stage of psychosexual development. Displacement shifts feelings to a more neutral person or object. Projection attributes one's own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to another

18. A soldier returned 3 months ago from a combat zone and was diagnosed with PTSD. Which social event would be most disturbing for this soldier? a. Halloween festival with neighborhood children b. Singing carols around a Christmas tree c. A family outing to the seashore d. Fireworks display on July 4th

d. Fireworks display on July 4th The exploding noises associated with fireworks are likely to provoke exaggerated responses for this soldier. The distracters are not associated with offensive sounds.

14. An adolescent diagnosed with an impulse control disorder says, "I want to die. I spend my time getting even with people who hurt me." When asked about a suicide plan, the adolescent replies, "I'll jump from a bridge near my home. My father threw kittens off that bridge and they died." Rate the suicide risk. a. Absent b. Low c. Moderate d. High

d. High The suicide risk is high. The child is experiencing feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. The method described is lethal, and the means to carry out the plan are available.

3. A nurse leads a psychoeducational group about problem solving with six adults diagnosedwith schizophrenia. Which teaching strategy is likely to be most effective? a. Suggest analogies that might apply to a common daily problem. b. Assign each participant a problem to solve independently and present to the group. c. Ask each patient to read aloud a short segment from a book about problem solving. d. Invite participants to come up with solution to getting incorrect change for a purchase.

d. Invite participants to come up with solution to getting incorrect change for a purchase. Concrete thinking, an impaired ability to think abstractly resulting in interpreting or perceiving things in a literal manner, is evident in many patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. People who think concretely benefit from concrete situations during education. Finding a solution in order to get incorrect change for a purchase is an example of a concrete situation. Analogies require abstract thinking and insight. Independently solving a problem and presenting it to the group may be intimidating. All participants may or may not be literate

32. A patient receiving risperidone (Risperdal) reports severe muscle stiffness at 1030. By 1200, the patient has difficulty swallowing and is drooling. By 1600, vital signs are 102.8° F; pulse 110; respirations 26; BP 150/90. The patient is diaphoretic. Select the nurse's best analysis and action. a. Agranulocytosis; institute reverse isolation. b. Tardive dyskinesia; withhold the next dose of medication. c. Cholestatic jaundice; begin a high-protein, high-cholesterol diet. d. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome; notify health care provider stat.

d. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome; notify health care provider stat. Taking an antipsychotic medication coupled with the presence of extrapyramidal symptoms, such as severe muscle stiffness and difficulty swallowing, hyperpyrexia, and autonomic symptoms (pulse elevation), suggest neuroleptic malignant syndrome, a medical emergency. The symptoms given in the scenario are not consistent with the medical problems listed in the incorrect options.

3. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia says, "Contagious bacteria are everywhere. When they get in your body, you will be locked up with other infected people." Which problem is evident? a. Poverty of content b. Concrete thinking c. Neologisms d. Paranoia

d. Paranoia The patient's unrealistic fear of harm indicates paranoia. Neologisms are invented words. Concrete thinking involves literal interpretation. Poverty of content refers to an inadequate fund of information

31. For a patient experiencing panic, which nursing intervention should be implemented first? a. Teach relaxation techniques. b. Administer an anxiolytic medication. c. Prepare to implement physical controls. d. Provide calm, brief, directive communication.

d. Provide calm, brief, directive communication. Calm, brief, directive verbal interaction can help the patient gain control of overwhelming feelings and impulses related to anxiety. Patients experiencing panic-level anxiety are unable to focus on reality; thus, learning relaxation techniques is virtually impossible. Administering anxiolytic medication should be considered if providing calm, brief, directive communication is ineffective. Although the patient is disorganized, violence may not be imminent, ruling out the intervention of preparing for physical control until other less-restrictive measures are proven ineffective.

25. A person who has been unable to leave home for more than a week because of severe anxiety says, "I know it does not make sense, but I just can't bring myself to leave my apartment alone." Which nursing intervention is appropriate? a. Help the person use online video calls to provide interaction with others. b. Advise the person to accept the situation and use a companion. c. Ask the person to explain why the fear is so disabling. d. Teach the person to use positive self-talk techniques

d. Teach the person to use positive self-talk techniques Positive self-talk, a form of cognitive restructuring, replaces negative thoughts such as "I can't leave my apartment" with positive thoughts such as "I can control my anxiety." This technique helps the patient gain mastery over the symptoms. The other options reinforce the sick role.

26. Select the correct etiology to complete this nursing diagnosis for a patient diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. Disturbed personal identity related to a. obsessive fears of harming self or others. b. poor impulse control and lack of self-confidence. c. depressed mood secondary to nightmares and intrusive thoughts. d. cognitive distortions associated with unresolved childhood abuse issues

d. cognitive distortions associated with unresolved childhood abuse issues Nearly all patients with dissociative identity disorder have a history of childhood abuse or trauma. None of the other etiology statements is relevant.

6. A patient checks and rechecks electrical cords related to an obsessive thought that the house may burn down. The nurse and patient explore the likelihood of an actual fire. The patient states this event is not likely. This counseling demonstrates principles of a. flooding. b. desensitization. c. relaxation technique. d. cognitive restructuring.

d. cognitive restructuring. Cognitive restructuring involves the patient in testing automatic thoughts and drawing new conclusions. Desensitization involves graduated exposure to a feared object. Relaxation training teaches the patient to produce the opposite of the stress response. Flooding exposes the patient to a large amount of an undesirable stimulus in an effort to extinguish the anxiety response.

18. A person who feels unattractive repeatedly says, "Although I'm not beautiful, I am smart." This is an example of a. repression. b. devaluation. c. identification. d. compensation.

d. compensation. Compensation is an unconscious process that allows us to make up for deficits in one area by excelling in another area to raise self-esteem. Repression unconsciously puts an idea, event, or feeling out of awareness. Identification is an unconscious mechanism calling for imitation of mannerisms or behaviors of another. Devaluation occurs when the individual attributes negative qualities to self or others.

2. Four teenagers died in an automobile accident. One week later, which behavior by the parents of these teenagers most clearly demonstrates resilience? The parents who a. visit their teenager's grave daily. b. return immediately to employment. c. discuss the accident within the family only. d. create a scholarship fund at their child's high school.

d. create a scholarship fund at their child's high school. Resilience refers to positive adaptation or the ability to maintain or regain mental health despite adversity. Loss of a child is among the highest risk situations for maladaptive grieving. The parents who create a scholarship fund are openly expressing their feelings and memorializing their child. The other parents in this question are isolating themselves and/or denying their feelings. Visiting the grave daily shows active continued mourning but is not as strongly indicative of resilience as the correct response.

34. The nurse is developing a plan for psychoeducational sessions for a small group of adults diagnosed with schizophrenia. Which goal is best for this group? Members will a. gain insight into unconscious factors that contribute to their illness. b. explore situations that trigger hostility and anger. c. learn to manage delusional thinking. d. demonstrate improved social skills.

d. demonstrate improved social skills. Improved social skills help patients maintain relationships with others. These relationships are important to management of the disorder. Most patients with schizophrenia think concretely, so insight development is unlikely. Not all patients with schizophrenia experience delusions

8. A child diagnosed with ADHD had this nursing diagnosis: impaired social interaction related to excessive neuronal activity as evidenced by aggression and demanding behavior with others. Which finding indicates the plan of care was effective? The child a. has an improved ability to identify anxiety and use self-control strategies. b. has increased expressiveness in communication with others. c. shows increased responsiveness to authority figures. d. engages in cooperative play with other children.

d. engages in cooperative play with other children. The goal should be directly related to the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis, in this case, improvement in the child's aggressiveness and play. The distracters are more relevant for a child with autism spectrum or anxiety disorder.

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