Psych Ch 10 Review

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develops when a child recognizes that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer visible.

Object permanence

exploring different options


When is a child's first word typically at

12 months

Which of the following fallacies creates an either-or choice between the position one wants to advocate and an extreme outcome that any sensible person would want to avoid, while ignoring other possible outcomes that might lie between these extremes?

A false dichotomy

Which of the following terms refers to the close emotional bonds of affection that develop between infants and their caregivers?


refers to the close emotional bonds of affection that develop between infants and their caregivers.


Toddlers start to assert their sense of independence. If caregivers encourage this self-sufficient, the toddler will learn to independent verse feeling of shame and doubt

Autonomy versus shame and doubt (ages 1-3)

is the tendency to focus on just one feature of a problem, neglecting other important aspects


Which of the following occurs during stage 4 of Erikson's stage theory?

Children develop a sense of competence if they learn to function effectively in the social realm of the neighborhood and school.

Which of the following occurs during the first stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Children develop the ability to coordinate their sensory input with their motor actions.

refers to transitions in youngsters' patterns of thinking, including reasoning, remembering, and problem solving

Cognitive development

Mental operations applied to concrete events; mastery of conservation, hierarchical classification

Concrete operational period

the awareness that physical quantities remain constant in spite of changes in their shape or appearance


allows the child to focus on more than one feature of a problem simultaneously


thinking is characterized by a limited ability to share another person's viewpoint.


divided the life span into eight stages. Each stage brings a psychosocial crisis involving transitions in important social relationships

Erikson's Stage Theory

Mental operations applied to abstract ideas; logical systematic thinking

Formal operational period

Periods of Development (Baby)

Germinal, embryonic, and fetal

In the context of James Marcia's identity statuses, which of the following four identity statuses is characterized by a state of rudderless apathy with no commitment to an ideology?

Identity diffusion

In the context of James Marcia's identity statuses, which of the following four identity statuses involves delaying commitment for a while to experiment with alternative ideologies and careers?

Identity moratorium

Elementary school-aged children who succeed in learning new, productive life skills, develop a sense of pride and competence. Those who fila to develop these skills feel inadequate and unproductive.

Industry versus inferiority (ages 6-12)

Preschoolers learn to initiate activities and develop self-confidence and a sense of social responsibility. If not, they feel irresponsible, anxious, and guilty.

Initiative versus guilt (ages 3-6)

Young adults form lasting, meaning relationships, which help them develop a sense of connectedness and intimacy with others. If not, they become psychologically isolated

Intimacy versus isolation (early adulthood)

is the inability to envision reversing an action


focuses on moral reasoning rather than overt behavior

Kohlberg's theory

people evolve through a series of five stages as they confront their own death

Kubler-Ross stages of grief

occur when grammatical rules are incorrectly generalized to irregular cases where they do not apply


humans progress through four distinct stages of cognitive development

Piaget's cognitive theory

Development of symbolic thought marked by irreversibility, centration, and egocentrism.

Preoperational period

permits a child to mentally undo an action


Coordination of sensory input and motor responses; development of object permanence.

Sensory Motor period

Which of the following takes place during the embryonic stage of prenatal development?

Structures such as the heart, spine, and brain emerge gradually.

Which of the following takes place during the fetal stage of prenatal development?

The fetus becomes capable of physical movements as skeletal structures harden.

Which of the following structures allows oxygen and nutrients to pass into the fetus from the mother's bloodstream and bodily wastes to pass out to the mother?

The placenta

When Georgy, a 65-year-old man, discovered that his wife of 35 years has Stage IV leukemia and has only few days to live, he went into depression. However, two to three weeks after his wife passed away, he overcame his depression and started doing his regular tasks again. In the context of grief reactions and patterns of grief, this scenario illustrates _____.

absent grief

Person develops a sense of peace, and acceptance of one's fate, and in many cases, a desire to be left alone.


you find your identity after exploring


23-25 weeks post conception, point at which baby has a chance toe survive if born prematurely

age of viability

person recognizes that denial can no longer be maintained and they are angry at their fate


the belief that all things are living


They appear anxious even when their mothers are near and protest excessively when she leaves, but they are not particularly comforted when she returns

anxious-ambivalent attachment (also called resistant attachment)

In the context of Erikson's view of adulthood, the key challenge during the integrity versus despair stage is to:

avoid the tendency to dwell on the mistakes of the past and on one's imminent death.

Alex, a 2-year-old boy, seeks little contact with his mother when she is around and is seldom distressed when she leaves the room. Alex displays a pattern of attachment called _____.

avoidant attachment

Children seek little contact with their mothers and often are not distressed when she leaves

avoidant attachment

Person develops the hope that death can be postponed or delayed through promises to change life choices.


see rules as necessary for maintaining social order. They therefore accept these rules as their own. They "internalize" these rules not to avoid punishment, but to be virtuous and win approval from others. Moral thinking at this stage is relatively inflexible. Rules are viewed as absolute guidelines that should be enforced rigidly.

conventional level

An abnormal condition marked by multiple cognitive deficits that include memory impairment is known as _____.


Based on interviews with terminally ill patients, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross concluded that people evolve through a series of five stages as they confront their own death. According to this theory, the first stage in confronting one's death is _____.


Person denies or refuses to believe that death is really going to take place


Dying person comes to realize the certainty of death and a sense of loss over leaving loved ones


Don't know, don't care


unpredictable or confused response to parents


During this stage, older adults reflect on their past. If this reflection reveals a life well-spent, the person experiences self-acceptance and satisfaction. If not, he or she experiences regret and deep dissatisfaction.

ego integrity versus despair (late adulthood)

In what stage do most miscarriages occur

embryonic stage

you adopt a role because it is expected of you


The challenge for middle-ages adults is to be nurturant of the younger generation. Failing to meet this challenge leads to self-indulgence and a sense of stagnation.

generativity verses stagnation (self-absorption) (middle adulthood)

The first phase of prenatal development is known as the _____.

germinal stage

Four statuses depending on whether an individual has experienced a crisis or developed a commitment

identity statuses

Adolescents develop a coherent and stable self-definition by exploring many roles and deciding who or what they want to be in terms of career, attitudes, and so on. Failures to resolve this identity crisis may lead to apathy, withdrawal, and/or roll confusion.

identity versus role confusion (ages 12-20)

In the context of gender differences, on average, females tend to do better than males _____.

in verbal skills

The first occurrence of menstruation is known as _____.


Harlow's monkey study

monkeys sought comfort rather than food when scared

When Mary shows her 2-year-old daughter a doll and then hides the doll behind a cushion, her daughter attempts to search for the doll. This shows that her daughter has acquired the concept of _____.

object permanence

occurs when a child incorrectly uses a word to describe a wider set of objects or actions than it is meant to


Lily, a 2-year-old, recently learned the word orange. She now uses the word orange for anything that is round in shape, such as a ball, the moon, and the sun. This scenario illustrates _____.


working out a personal code of ethics. Acceptance of rules is less rigid, and moral thinking shows some flexibility. Subjects at the postconventional level allow for the possibility that someone might not comply with some of society's rules if they conflict with personal ethics

postconventional level

think in terms of external authority. Acts are wrong because they are punished, or right because they lead to positive consequences

preconventional level

Sara, a 3-year-old, knows that she will be punished if she steals anything. She also knows that if she finishes her lunch, her mother will reward her with a candy. As a result, she refrains from stealing things and ensures that she finishes her lunch. In context of Kohlberg's stage theory, Sara is most likely at the _____.

preconventional level of moral reasoning

They play and explore comfortably with their mother present, become visibly upset when she leaves, and are quickly calmed by her return

secure attachment.

One possible strategy to think critically about the effects of father absence would be to look for:

some of the fallacies in reasoning such as circular reasoning, slippery slope, and false dichotomy.

The first occurrence of ejaculation is known as _____.


Motor development is defined as:

the progression of muscular coordination required for physical activities.

Infants learn to trust or mistrust their caregivers and the worlds based on whether or not their needs are met

trust verses mistrust (birth-age 1)

occur when a child incorrectly uses a word to describe a narrower set of objects or actions than it is meant to


single called organism that results from fertilization of egg by sperm


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