Psych - Ch. 5 Development - Prep: Learning Curve

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Juanita is aware that her memory is not as good as it used to be. She has seen numerous commercials for a brain training computer based game that claims to help improve cognitive functioning. She is planning on enrolling in the program in hopes to help improve her memory. What would you say to her?

"These programs do not do what they claim to do. While your memory will improve, it will only improve on the practiced skills in the game and will not help you in everyday life."

Those who emphasize continuity over stages would choose which of the following as an example? - Babies learn to sit before they learn to walk. - The first two years of life provide a poor basis for predicting a person's eventual traits. - Most people's temperament remains the same across the lifespan. - Students learn new facts about history from taking a school course.

Students learn new facts about history from taking a school course.

Imagine that 10-year-old children were shown photographs of 3-year-old preschoolers and asked to spot former classmates. What were the probable results?

They forgot all of their classmates.

Bill is 65 years old and is worried about the upcoming winter months. He is very worried that he will catch a cold that would escalate to something worse due to his age. What would you tell Bill?

Try not to worry too much. Children and younger adults are more susceptible to short-term ailments due to older adults having more antibodies in their system.

The brain cortex peaks at producing neurons at _____ weeks.


Samantha and Gebriel have decided to take their son to Sea World. When they asked him two years later if he remembered going he answered no. Their son was probably less than____ years old at the time of the trip.


Worldwide, women outlive men by _____ years.


A serious life event may trigger difficulty during one's _____.


By 100 years of age, women outnumber men _____ to 1.


Once diagnosed with Alzheimer's, Ruth Ann asked the doctor what to expect. He told her that there would be a progressive decline of memory and thinking, and Alzheimer's has a course of about:

5 to 20 years.

Today, 1 in 10 people worldwide are age _____ or older.


Maura just celebrated her 25th anniversary at the company and was given a gold watch. She felt that her gold watch was just a meaningless trinket and was glad that she balanced her work with family life. According to the psychologist _____, Maura is in the stage of development called generativity vs. stagnation.


Research on _____'s theory indicates that development does not seem to progress exactly through the series of fixed steps as he indicated. In other words, there is doubt that we develop in neatly defined stages.


Jake is a 3-month-old baby who is staring intently at the new person who just came in to visit his parents. What has happened here?

He has an inborn preference for the new stimulus.

Kerry's grandmother is in her early eighties and is beginning to seem frail. What is she likely to notice about her abilities?

Her hearing, distance perception, and sense of smell are diminishing.

Of the following people below, who is expected to show the most severe grief? - Cary, whose wife died of cancer after a 20-year battle - Melanie, whose wife died in a car accident - Lucy, whose husband died of cancer after a 20-year battle - Quinn, who lost her long-time but never-married companion from a debilitating life condition

Melanie, whose wife died in a car accident

A woman who is seven months pregnant has been reciting poems and singing to her fetus. Is she wasting her time?

No, she is not wasting her time. Her baby can hear her and will likely recognize her voice immediately after birth.

According to the cognitive psychologist _____, during adolescence most individuals achieve the formal operations intellectual stage of development.


The local hospital has publicized for years that new parents should have their babies sleep on their backs and not their stomachs in order to reduce incidences of _____.


Fatima's cousin miscarried during her eighth week of pregnancy. During what stage of prenatal development did she have the miscarriage?


A researcher secretly puts a dab of rouge on a child's nose before placing him in front of a mirror. The child points to the rouge on the mirror's reflected image. From this example we can conclude that the child lacks self-_____.


Rebecca and John have decided to take their daughter to Disney World. When they asked their daughter two years later if she remembered going she answered no. How old was their daughter most likely at the time of the trip to Disney World?

~2 years of age

Clay has always had a strong sexual desire for his wife. Recently, though, his desire has reduced. This may be because Clay is now older than _____ years of age.


Anatoli and Andrei are 11-month-old identical twins. Anatoli took his first steps yesterday. How soon will Andrei take his first steps?

Andrei will walk within a day; identical twins generally begin walking on or nearly the same day.

Why is it that older people account for fewer than 10% of all automobile crashes when they have a slower reaction time and attend less to other vehicles on the road when compared to younger adults?

Because they drive less than younger adults

_____ is the orderly sequence of biological growth.


Kendra is a 20-month-old baby who is still crawling. She has not started to walk yet. What would her pediatrician likely say to her mother?

This is actually rare as most babies are walking by the time they are 15 months of age.

A school psychologist works with a teenage student who has lower intelligence, is hyperactive, and has behaviour problems. The psychologist suspects the student also has a problem with _____.


Margie is 90 years old. She still plays golf and walks two miles a day. It is likely that Margie is also mentally ______.


Terminally ill and bereaved people do not go through predictable stages of grief such as denial before _____.


Concerning the stability and change developmental issue, our temperament is more predictable than our social _____.


"I don't care whether you want to wash the dishes; you will do so because I said so!" This statement is most representative of a(n) _____ parenting style.


Luca's parents set firm rules but are responsive to his needs. They give him a chance to explain himself and also explain their position on why they cannot allow him to stay out past midnight. Luca's parents have a(n) _____ parenting style.


Marcus is the son of a teenage mother. She could not handle taking care of him and put him up for adoption when he was 4 weeks old. Marcus was adopted by a family that loves and cares for him. It is most likely that Marcus will:

become a normal adult with average intelligence.

By a week after birth, infants are able to distinguish between their mothers' and strangers':

body odours

Monique is nine years old and is going through her adolescent growth spurt. Next she will notice _____.

breast buds

Questions about the extent to which maladaptive habits learned in childhood can be overcome in adulthood are most directly relevant to the issues of stability or _____.


Five-year-old Otto complained to his mom that the pizza was not big enough. Otto's mom cut the pizza into smaller slices, thus making Otto happy, as he believed the pizza had become larger. Otto lacks the concept of _____.


Sara just found out that her sister conceived about seven days ago. She rushes to find a book on pregnancy so that she can learn more about it. The book says that around the seventh day of pregnancy the cells of the zygote begin to _____.


The number of those aged 60 and older is expected to _____ by 2050.


Due to complications from diabetes, Molly's pregnancy had to be terminated during the third month in order to save her life. She had the termination during the _____ stage of prenatal development.


Jake is a 3-month-old baby who is no longer as interested in a puppet head as he once was. This is probably because he has become _____.


Julia was born in France. For the first 3 years of her life, she spoke both French and English. Then she moved to the United States. From age 3 on, she only spoke English. Now, as a high school student, Julia will study French. It is most likely that she will:

have less difficulty with the French accent.

Shannon is 15 years old. She has stopped going to church with her family. She does not agree with everything the church preaches. She doesn't understand how her parents still go every weekend, when they don't always practice their religion during the week. Shannon has become able to see the _____ in her parents' lives.


Lanae is three years old and her favourite book is "Are You My Mother," a short story about a baby bird who hatches while his mother is away. The baby bird then leaves the nest in search of his mother. The baby bird follows the first thing he sees. When he is told that it is not his mother he then begins to follow the second thing he sees and so on. Which of the following attachment concepts is an aspect of this story?


Some baby animals form a rigid attachment known as _____.


Critics have argued that Kohlberg's postconventional stage is culturally defined because it seems to appear in _____ nations more so than collectivistic nations.


Kayla is the mother of a 4 month old boy. She often ignores the cries of her son and seems to only attend to him when it is convenient for her. She has even pushed the baby away from her when her husband tried to get her to care for the baby. What type of attachment is Kayla most likely to have with her son?

insecure attachment

According to Erik Erikson, older adults can most effectively cope with the prospect of their own death if they have achieved a sense of _____.


Jenny has a job, a cat named Jake, and 31 candles on her birthday cake. She is worried about finding the "right man." She frequently spends nights alone and knows she is not getting any younger. According to Erik Erikson, Jenny is in the stage of development called _____ vs. isolation.


The _____ adulthood group has the least problems with social relationships.


Christy and John are in love and have been married for 18 years. Which of the following is NOT a reason why their relationship has been able to endure for so long? - commitment to the relationship through marriage - intimate self-disclosure - similar interests and values - marrying before age 20

marrying before age 20

Adrianne is elated. She hasn't gotten her period in over a year. She doesn't have to worry about an unintended pregnancy either. She feels liberated. Adrianne is probably experiencing _____.


A 65-year-old retina receives only about _____ as much light as its 20-year-old counterpart.


Jeannette is in her mid-seventies and she is in remarkably good health. If she were to worry about getting sick, she should probably worry most about _____.


Marcus is 17 years old. He has decided to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity this summer. He has come to realize that he is very lucky. He wants to give back to people who are not as fortunate. Marcus has probably reached the _____ stage of moral development.


Every time 2-year old Rosa goes near the stove, her mother stops her and says, "No, hot!" Rosa's mother is:

providing her with a scaffold.

Adolescence begins with _________.


When a baby's cheek is touched, he will turn toward the touch and open his mouth in search of a nipple. This is known as the _____ reflex.


Dianne feels overwhelmed. She helps her adult daughter regularly with finances and caring for her grandchildren. But she also is the primary caregiver of both her aging mother and her father-in-law. She feels like she never has a minute to herself. Dianne can be referred to as being in the _____.

sandwich generation

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." These sentiments would best reflect a child at the _____ stage of development.


Ethel loves to talk about when she and her husband first got married. She has so many stories about their struggles and accomplishments. This is common as older adults tend to remember things that happened during their _____ and _____ well.

teens; twenties

Juan's son was just arrested for setting the school's outdoor shed on fire. Juan and his wife admitted to the police that their son has always had an aggressive streak. This example represents:

the stability side of the "stability and change" developmental issue.

All of the following represent biological maturation EXCEPT: - object permanence. - trust versus mistrust. - puberty. - vocabulary development.

vocabulary development.

Judy has Leukemia and has been prescribed a series of medications to help treat the condition. However, she regularly forgets to take her medication. What could she do to help remember to take her medication on time?

write a note to himself

The process of developing a sense of identity during adolescence was highlighted by the psychologist _____'s psychosocial development theory.


An infant is most likely to be at risk for lower intelligence if her mother is:

a heavy drinker or an alcoholic.

Marcus is the son of a teenage mother. She could not handle taking care of him and put him up for adoption when he was 4 weeks old. Marcus was moved from one foster family to another. He was never adopted. It is most likely that Marcus will become a(n) _____ adult.


Marcus is the son of a teenage mother. She could not handle taking care of him and put him up for adoption when he was 4 weeks old. Marcus was placed in a foster home where he was abused. He was never adopted. It is most likely that Marcus will:

become an abusive parent with aggressive tendencies.

Teen impulsivity is to frontal lobe development, as old age _____ is to frontal lobe atrophy.


Shelly's brother hid her favourite stuffed bear in a cabinet after Shelly had originally put the bear in her own toy chest. Shelly has developed a theory of mind. Therefore, when she returns, she _____ find the bear in the cabinet.


Christy had other plans, but her friend convinced her they should go to the movies, so Christy went along. That was the night she met her husband, John. They have now been married for 18 years. Their meeting was a _____.

chance event

Becky babysits two sisters, Jasmin and Erum. Last week when the two girls were eating cookies, Jasmin complained about how 'unfair' it was that Erum had more cookies than her. To solve the problem Becky took one of Jasmin's cookies and divided it in half. Jasmin then thought that the cookies were equal between her and her sister and was happy. Several months later Becky is babysitting them again. She fixed the girls brownies and Jasmin again complained that her sister had more brownies than her. Becky divided one of Jasmin's brownies in half and asked her if it was now fair. Jasmin replied, "No, all you did was cut it in half." Jasmin is now in the _______ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operational

Chronic anger and _____ increase the risk of premature death.


Shelly just drew a picture for her mother. When her mother asked to see it, Shelly held it up to her own eyes. Shelly is demonstrating:


_____ is a stage of development that may be seen as socially constructed.


George often feels tired and sluggish. What is his physician likely to recommend?

Become more physically active

_____ includes all of the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communication.


Dr. Gracia believes that everyone passes through the same stages of development in the same order. Since this is Dr. Garcia's view, which of the following is he most likely to disagree with? - In terms of physical development, all children will crawl before walking. - Development is a direct result of experience and learning. - All children will first learn to grasp objects with their hands and manipulate them before they are able to feed themselves with a spoon. - The manner in which development takes place appears to be genetically predisposed.

Development is a direct result of experience and learning.

Hussein is concerned because he cannot remember events before he was about 4 years old. What is the most likely cause for this infantile amnesia?

His hippocampus was not developed enough.

_____ studies are studies in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long period of time.


Yun Hee is concerned about her daughter, who will be a 1-year-old next week. Her baby is not walking yet, and Yun Hee's family is starting to comment on this. Should she be worried?

No, she should not worry. Only 50 percent of all babies in the U.S. are walking within a week after their first birthday.

Jason is 16 years old. One day he has blonde hair; the next day it is green. One day he looks "goth" and the next he looks like a jock. He recently asked his parents if he could get a tattoo. Should Jason's parents be worried?

No, this is just Jason trying to find his identity.

Which of the following provides evidence AGAINST the idea that our development is mostly continuous? - Lawrence Kohlberg's theory reflected a worldview characteristic of educated males. - Teratogens are harmful to developing embryos. - Our temperament is more predictable than our social attitudes. - Our brain goes through growth spurts that correspond roughly with Jean Piaget's stages.

Our brain goes through growth spurts that correspond roughly with Jean Piaget's stages.

Research on _____'s theory indicates that development does not seem to progress exactly through the series of fixed steps as he indicated. In other words, there is doubt that we develop in neatly defined stages.


Peter just celebrated his 25th anniversary at the company and was given a gold watch. He feels that this gold watch is just a meaningless trinket and is glad that he is able to balance his work with family life. According to Erik Erikson, Peter is probably feeling:

a sense of purpose.

Twenty-five-year-old Jonah is wondering whether his rate of sperm cell production is within normal range. For a man his age, his doctor will likely tell him that the average rate of production is:

about 1,000 per second.

Less than _____of all _____ survive beyond the first two weeks after fertilization.

half; zygotes

Dr. Greco is conducting a study with military veterans from the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. He plans to evaluate them every year for 10 years to see if those with PTSD have a more pronounced decline in mental abilities and overall memory. This is a(n) _____ study.


Stages of development are to _____ as continuity of development is to _____.

steps; escalator

A developmental psychologist studies the responses of a newborn. She puts her finger in the baby's fist. The baby grasps it. Then she strokes the baby's palm and the baby puts his fist in his mouth and sucks. The psychologist is testing the baby's _____ instincts.


Malcolm was contemplating dropping out of high school when he was asked to enroll in a volunteer program. Every week he worked in a local daycare centre, helping the children with their projects. The children appreciated his help. After a few months, it is likely that Malcolm will:

feel better about himself and not drop out.

Men do not experience anything equivalent to _____; that is, they do not experience a cessation in fertility or a sharp drop in hormones.


Olivia and Abigail are sisters. Olivia began walking when she was 10 months old. Their mother can expect Abigail to begin walking at what age?

10 months

For the first time in her life, Margaret has little sexual desire. She is not alarmed as this is common in others who are also _____ or older.


Michelle stayed in trouble in her adolescent and early adulthood years. She used drugs and had several sexual partners. When Michelle was 21 years old she found out that she was pregnant. Michelle decided to keep the child, even though she was not sure who the father was because of her behaviour. After having the baby, Michelle went to college and earned a degree in nursing. Now Michelle is employed full time as a nurse and spends the majority of her time with her daughter. Michelle quit using drugs when she found out she was pregnant and has not used since. What happened with Michelle demonstrates that developmental patterns _____.

are flexible

When Samantha was a toddler she was extremely shy. Her mother enrolled her in dance class for toddlers and Samantha never participated. She stood in the middle of the room sucking on her thumb the entire time. During the recital, Samantha did the same thing. Now that Samantha is 11 years old she absolutely loves dance and is the star of the annual recital. Samantha's behaviour is consistent with the view that developmental patterns can _____.


Two sealed, pyramid-shaped beakers contain what are clearly identical amounts of a liquid. However, a child suddenly judges them as holding different amounts of liquid after one beaker is inverted. The child apparently lacks a concept of _____.


Mark thinks that language development over the lifespan requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is most directly relevant to the issue of _____ or stages.


Heidi is 13 years old and is always telling her mother that she should not drive too fast and make a complete stop at the light in order to avoid getting a ticket. Lawrence Kohlberg would suggest that this illustrates _____ morality.


Max is 17 years old. He has decided to help out at Buddy Ball this summer. He will help disabled children play baseball. Max knows that this will look good on his college applications. Max is probably in the _____ stage of moral development.


Peter just retired from his job. He feels that his gold watch is just a meaningless trinket. He is sad that he spent so much time at work and missed important family events. According to Erik Erikson most likely Peter is struggling with issues of _____.


Compared to a century ago, menarche now occurs _____ in life and adult independence begins _____ in life.

earlier; later

Kevin is a tall and popular 16-year-old. He is also starting to use alcohol. It is likely that Kevin matured at a(n) _____ age.


Michelle is hiding under her blanket so that she is invisible. She believes that if she cannot see her parents they cannot see her. Michelle is demonstrating:


Mike is watching a Disney movie with his son, Jason. Jason likes the movie so much that he becomes excited and stands in front of the TV. Mike asks Jason to move so that he can see the TV. Jason doesn't move. Jason is demonstrating:


Makayla is a 10-week old infant who is extremely fussy at the moment. Makayla is being cared for by one of her mother's friends while her mother does some grocery shopping. Her mother's friend has fed the baby, changed the baby's diaper, and has rocked the baby but nothing seems to calm Makayla. When Makayla's mother returns she sees how fussy the baby is, picks her up, and talks to the baby. Makayla immediately stops crying. Makayla has recognized her mother's _____, _____, and _____.

face; voice; smell

Denise has just given birth to a 6-pound baby girl. Her infant's head is small and slightly disproportioned. Denise did drink alcohol while she was pregnant, although it is not clear how much or how often she drank. It is possible that the infant has _____.

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

Abigail is disgusted at the album cover for a rapper's new album. The cover displays the rapper in a pose showing off her backside, wearing nothing but a G-string. Abigail believes that this is a sexualized portrayal of the rapper and believes that young girls who are fans will see this form of self-objectification as acceptable. Abigail has vouched to boycott anything that is from the rapper. Abigail has entered the _____ stage of development.

formal operational

An unarmed 18-year-old African-American man on his way to college when he engaged in an altercation with a police officer. The ending result was the police officer shot and killed him. Sean is a 19-year-old African-American man who is disgusted about what just took place in his neighbourhood. He decides to show off his frustration by joining in riots taking place in his neighbourhood. Sean is in Piaget's _____ stage of development.

formal operational

Leslie is in the 10th grade and is currently taking Calculus. She is doing very well and has even earned an A in the class. Leslie is in Piaget's _______ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Marcia has the intense desire to create a mentoring program at her company. According to Erik Erikson, she is likely experiencing the _____ versus stagnation stage.


Mark is seventeen years old and drinks heavily. His father keeps alcohol in the house and is gone most of the time leaving Mark with the opportunity to drink, which he does. Mark is likely to experience _____ and addiction as an adult.


Wilbur is 68 years old and is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he made in his life as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. According to Erik Erikson, Wilbur is in the stage of development called _____ vs. despair.


According to Erik Erikson, one positive outcome of the struggle for identity is a comfortable sense of who one is and a developing capacity for _____ with others.


It would be harder for a person in late adulthood to win a game of Jeopardy because:

it takes longer to produce the answers.

John is 58 years old and is worried about Alzheimer's disease. He asks what he can do to prevent it. You give him the following advice:

keep your mind active; people with an active, challenged mind—often that of an educated reader—are less at risk for Alzheimer's.

Birdie frequently experiences the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon where she knows either a word or a memory she is looking for but is unable to recall it at the moment. It is literally at the tip of her tongue. Birdie is most likely in which of the following stages of development?

late adulthood

Mary's inability to toilet train her 10-month-old infant is most likely due to:


Donna's parents divorced when she was a little girl. Her mother works two jobs and they eat a lot of fast food. It is likely that Donna will:

mature at an earlier age.

Angela is a 7-month-old baby who rolled over for the first time at 4 months of age and can now sit without support. These milestones reflect a _____ nervous system.


People differ the most in their learning and _____ abilities during late adulthood.


Chantel is eleven years old. She already has breast buds and visible pubic hair. What is physical change is likely to happen next?


Up to age 95, the incidence of _____ disintegration doubles every 5 years.


Juanita is 56 years old and is in _____ adulthood.


Marla and Dave, a married couple in their thirties, have a 2-year-old child. They are most likely to feel _____ contentment out of life.


Angela is a 7-month-old baby who rolled over for the first time at 4 months of age and can now sit without support. These milestones reflect a maturing _____.

nervous system

Five-year-old Ling is beginning to show signs of being able to plan ahead in a somewhat rational manner. At her age, this development is likely due to:

neural networks sprouting in her frontal lobes.

A series of small strokes that progressively damage an older adult's brain is most likely to produce:

neurocognitive disorder.

A game of peek-a-boo with his Dad excites William during the first six months of his life because William actually thinks his Dad has disappeared. This is because William lacks _____.

object permanence

Ty's parents divorced when he was 5. His father moved out of state, and his mother is kept busy with trying to keep a roof over their heads. Ty is now 13 and has been getting into some minor troubles with school and with the law. Despite this, his mother still allows Ty to come and go as he wishes. She rarely, if ever, punishes him, and gives in to whatever he wants. She feels guilty about the divorce and his absent father. Ty's mother has a(n) _____ parenting style.


As a 5-year-old, Ivis suffered a brain injury and lost his ability to speak. With help he was able to relearn how to speak. As an adult, Ivis experienced a stroke and he lost his ability to speak again. This time, however, he could not relearn speech. His inability to relearn how to speak after the stroke was most likely due to the pruning _____.


Rose is 60 years old. She is starting to forget appointments. She has to put reminders in her phone. Rose is trying to jog her _____ memory.


Remembering to do a specific task is called:

prospective memory.

Janice is eleven years old and now has breast buds. Next she will notice _____.

pubic hair

Seventy-year-old Barbara has been asked to memorize a series of thirty words. She is likely to perform similar to that of young adults if she is asked to _____ the words rather than _____ them.

recognize; recall

Every time 2-year old Rosa goes near the stove, her mother stops her and says, "No, hot!" Rosa's mother is providing her with a _____ to help her internalize.


John is a star basketball player on the high school team. He is very tall. He is also very popular with both boys and girls. John is more likely to be:

sexually active.

Newborns enter the world with a series of reflexes that facilitate _____ responsiveness and aid their own survival.


Stephanie is 33 years old. She has a full-time career and is not married. She does not have any children. Stephanie's grandmother keeps asking her when she will get married and have children, insisting that Stephanie should be married and a mother by now. She also insists that Stephanie should not focus on her career because once she is married she should not be working. Stephanie's grandmother is referring to the _____ of her generation.

social clock

A recent research study found that hyperactive 5-year-old children were more likely to display inattentiveness and hyperactivity in middle school that those who were not hyperactive at 5 years of age. This finding demonstrates the _____ of development.


Questions about the extent to which maladaptive habits learned in childhood can be overcome in adulthood are most directly relevant to the issues of:

stability or change.

Researchers who study biological maturation most likely believe in the _____ theory of development.


Continuity and _____ is one major issue of debate among developmental psychologists.


Those who emphasize biological maturation tend to view development as occurring in _____.


Concerning the stability and change developmental issue, our _____ is more predictable than our social attitudes.


A pregnant woman was recently arrested for using heroin. She is addicted to heroin and there is a risk that her fetus will be born a heroin addict as well. Heroin is clearly a _____ for the fetus.


Gabriel recently signed up for a website that reunites one with former classmates from grade school. He is curious to see if many of his former friends still look and act the same. Research on stability and change would predict:

that some things about his friends will be the same while other aspects will be quite different.

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