psych chap. 1

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a formulation of relationships underlying observed events.


abbreviation for american psychological association.

B. F. Skinner

came up with the concept of reinforcement


good, no harm done.


his study was done at yale, did research to study peoples ability to retain information. guy who did so.

socio-cultural perspective

modern day perspective ethnicity, gender, culture, socio-economics, all influence behavior. (personality)


modern day perspective how closely related two variables are.

learning perspective

modern day perspective that believes that behavior is learned

cognitive perspective

modern day perspective that includes the mental process's, thinking, thoughts, and the mind.

psychodynamic perspective

modern day perspective that is freudian in nature; the focus is on the subconscious and the unconscious. THAT IS IT!!!

naturalistic observation

modern day perspective that is observing people in there natural environment

biological perspective

modern day perspective that is the role of biology on human behavior from parents.

stratified sample

pg. 23 sub-groups in the population are to be represented proportionally in the sample

selection factor

pg.21 don't let people select that they want. they may have a bias.


repeat, reproduce, copy.


the state of being female or being male.


the subjective sensation of behavior


the view that people are free and responsible for their own behavior.

correlation coefficient

pg. 25 a number between +1.00 and -1.00 that expresses strength and direction of relationships between two variables.


referring to Freud's theory, which proposes that the motion of underlying forces of personality determines our thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

applied research

research conducted in an effort to find solutions to particular problems.

pure research

research conducted without concern for immediate applications

independent variable

something you control that changes another

case study

a carefully drawn biography that may be obtained trough interviews, questionnaires, and psychological tests.


a certain group of people


a complete group of organisms or events

independent variable

a condition in a scientific study that is manipulated so that its effects may be observed.

ethnic group

a group characterized by common features such as cultural heritage, history, rave, and language.

ethics review committee

a group found in an institutional setting that helps researchers consider the potential harm of their methods and reviews proposed studies according to ethical guidelines.

gestalt psychology

the school of psychology that emphasizes the tendency to organize perceptions into wholes and to integrate separate stimuli into meaningful patterns.


the school of psychology that emphasizes the uses or functions of the mind rather than the elements of experience.


the science the studies behavior and mental processes.

informed consent

the term used by psychologists to indicate that a person has agreed to participate in research after receiving information about the purposes of the study and the nature of the treatments.

dependent variable

the variable that depends on the independent variable

dependent variable

a measure of an assumed effect of an independent variable

sociocultural perspective

the view that focuses on the roles of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status in behavior and mental processes.


a method of observation that is a way to get info. from people based on questions and answers about behaviors and attitudes. ( bias, lies, bad questions)

Case study

a method of observation that is an in depth investigation over a long period of time.


a method of scientific investigation in which a large sample of people answer questions about their attitudes or behavior.

correlation coefficient

a number between +1.00 to -1.00 that expresses the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables.

negative correlation

a relationship between two variables in which one variable increases as the other decreases.

positive correlation

a relationship between variables in which one variable increases as the other also increases.

random sample

a sample drawn so that each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected to participate.

stratified sample

a sample drawn so that identified sub-groups in the population are represented proportionately in the sample.

social-cognitive theory

a school of psychology in the behaviorist tradition that includes cognitive factors in the explanation and prediction of behavior.l formerly termed social-learning theory.


a scientific method hat seeks to confirm cause-and-effect relationships by introducing independent variables and observing their effects on dependent variables.

naturalistic observation

a scientific method in which organisms are observed in their natural environments.

volunteer bias

a source of bias or error in research reflecting e prospect that people who offer to participate in research studies differ systematically form people who do not.

selection factor

a source of bias that may occur in research findings when participants are allowed to choose for themselves a certain treatment in a scientific study.


a stimulus that follows a response and increases the frequency of the response.

double-blind study

a study in which neither the participants nor the observers know who has received the treatment.

critical thinking

an approach to thinking characterized by skepticism and thoughtful analysis of statements and arguments-for example, probing arguments' premises and the definitions of terms.


an injury that results in impaired behavior or loss of a function.

social psychologists

field of psychology that studies the individual or group activities in social settings.

personality psychologists

field of psychology that studies things like human traits

sports psychologists

field of psychology that works at the collegent level, and pro level

counseling psychologists

field of psychology that works with people who have adjustment problems. (NOT AS SERIOUS)

school psychologists

field of psychology that works with people who have problems that interfere with leaning. ADD ADHD

experimental group and control group

these make up the control experiment


get into trouble with APA unless you do this to tell people what is going on.


having to do with mental processes such as sensations and perception, memory, intelligence, language, thought, and problem solving.


our objective sensation without opinion, bias, etc.


part of a population


parts into wholes *freudian slip= saying the wrong word

volunteer bias

people who volunteer to participate in research studies often differ from people who do not.


to extend from particular to general


to extend from the particular to the general; to apply observations based on a sample to a population.

industrial psychologists

field of psychology that studies people in the work place.

random sample

individuals selected by choice from a certain population.


UNCONSCIOUS thoughts going through our head & internal conflicts


conduct an experiment that only the observer knows the group that gets the item

double blind

conduction of an experiment that a neutral third party is the only one that knows who gets the item.


deliberate looking into one's own mind to examine one's own thoughts and feelings.


a bogus treatment that has the appearance of being genuine

positive correlation

as one variable goes up, the other goes up. both increase together. not cause and effect

negative correlation

as one variable goes up, the other goes up. up and down not cause and effect

organizational psychologists

field of psychology that studies people in organizations, or just an organization.


can cause more harm than good


devil (pleasure principal)


everything must be confidential


fake thing prescribed to fix something

educational psychologists

field of psychology that deals with due coarse planning and institutional methods.

clinical psychologists

field of psychology that deals with people with psychological problems.

experimental psychologists

field of psychology that experiments to observe and analyze behavior.

consumer psychologists

field of psychology that is based on consumer actions.

health psychologists

field of psychology that mainly in 2011 deals with stress. say we need 8hrs work, 8 sleep, and 8 r&r

developmental psychologists

field of psychology that studies from conception till death and dying.

concept of reinforcement

if you want behavior to happen again, reward it. stop it===consequence


in experimental terminology, unaware of whether or not one has received a treatment


in experiments, a condition received by participants so that its effects may be observed.

control groups

in experiments, groups whose members do not obtain the treatment, while other conditions are held constant.

experimental groups

in experiments, groups whose members obtain the treatment.


in gestalt psychology, the sudden reorganization of perceptions, allowing the sudden solution of a problem


in psychology, a specific statement about behavior or mental processes that is tested through research.


modern day perspective that has independent and dependent variables general to the experiment.

humanistic existential

modern day perspective that says we have free choice do what we do by choice.


moral referring to one's system of deriving standards for determining what is moral.

informed consent

mostly for legal reasons, makes sure subject knows what is going to happen.

5 goals of psychology

observe describe explain predict control behavior AND mental process's

B.F. Skinner

one of the historical psychologists (theorist) came up with the concept of reinforcement.


subjective sensation that includes mental process's that help us adapt to the environment. (usually to a new one)

internal conflicts

superego angel (moral principal)


the basic building blocks of heredity.

forensic psychologists

the field of psychology that deals with more crime, physical evidence, and psychological evidence.

human factor psychologists

the field of psychology that deals with why people are human friendly or not.


the philosophy and school of psychology that asserts that people are conscious, self-aware, and capable of free choice, self-fulfillment, and ethical behavior.


the school of psychology that argues hat the mind consists of three basic elements-sensations, feelings, and images-that combine to form experience.


the school of psychology that defines psychology as the study of observable behavior and studies relationships between stimuli and responses.


the school of psychology that emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and conflicts as determinants of human behavior.


usually the person thinks they are part of a study for a reason, while they are actually doing something else.

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