Psych Chap 5

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Formal Operational Stage

ages 12 and up, reasoning about abstract concepts and problems becomes possible.

Early Socioemotional Development

Imprinting and attachment

Separation Anxiety

emotional distress seen in many infants when they are separated from people with whom they have formed an attachment

By what age are children able to hold objects?

four months

In Erikson's model of personality development, each stage is defined by an ________________ crisis or conflict.


The rapid and innate learning of the caregivers' characteristics is considered _________________ in some animals, especially birds.


disorganized/disoriented attachment (part of insecure)

inconsistent behaviors, and demonstrates possible fear of the parent


occurs in lower animals, but not human beings

Which step of death and dying is when one feels the injustice of it all?


In which of Piaget's stages can the individual begin to think abstractly?

formal operational

A primary reason why infants must internalize the bonding relationship is so __________________________________________.

they have a model for future friendships and love relationships.

Smell and Taste

May be influenced by chemicals in amniotic fluid

________________ is the period when sexual maturation begins.


Prenatal Personality Development

Temperament, Personality

Puberty marks the beginning of



biologically based tendency to feel or act in certain ways from very early in life.

The germinal stage begins at __________________ and lasts the first two weeks.


Germinal Stage

conception to 2 weeks, zygote, 30-50% of pregnancies end during this stage, without any recognition that the pregnancy occured

Which step of death and dying is when one experiences a sense of utter disbelief?



emotional connection between an infant and his/her caregiver(s)

Brain and Sensory Development Before Birth

Hearing, smell & taste, vision

Initiative vs Guilt

Identity vs role confusions

What is the process by which non-human newborn animals come to recognize the first moving object they see as their primary caregiver?


sensorimotor stage (birth-2 years)

Infants learn about the world by using their senses and by moving their bodies. Object permanence Rene Baillargeon's research found Piaget's age ranges to be inaccurate (earlier than Piaget- 4 mos. instead of 9 mos.)

In the context of human development, what is true of attachment?

It is a strong emotional connection that develops early in life.

Who is the person responsible for the most well-known account of moral development?


Development of Moral Reasoning

Lawrence Kohlberg and the "Heinz Dilemma"

____________ adulthood refers to the ages of 40, and 60 or 65.


_______________ adulthood refers to the ages of 40 and 60 or 65.


_______ can be more important than parents by mid- to late childhood


___________ is the consistently unique way in which an individual behaves over time and in many different situations.


_______________ _________________ is the process by which events in the womb alter the development of physical and psychological health?

Prenatal Programming

Early Brain Development

Pruning: degradation of synapses and dying off of neurons that are not strengthened by the experience. Rate of brain growth slows down after age six, then more after adolescence. Brain growth does, however, continue throughout the life-span. Neglect can be detrimental to brain development. Musicians have better communication between the two sides of the brain than do people who have not had musical training-larger cerebellums.

Which Piaget stage involves infants learning their world, from their eyes, ears, and mouth?


___________ _______________ is the distress reaction shown by babies when they are separated from their primary caregiver (typically shown at around 9 months of age)

Separation anxiety

What is true regarding sexual orientation and gender identity?

Sexual orientation and gender identity are not related

____________ is a basic, innate disposition that emerges very early in life and affects behavior throughout childhood.


By _____ months, children can sit by themselves, without any help.


Erikson's model of personality development consists of how many stages?


Fetal Stage

8 weeks through birth, formation of bone cells, heartbeat is detectable between 8 and 12 weeks

Separation anxiety typically occurs around _______________ months of age.


The developmental stage between childhood and adulthood is called?


_______________ is the strong emotional connection that develops early in life between infants and their caregivver.


Between conception and birth, what major organ(s) form(s) first?

the brain

Adolescence is __________________________.

the developmental stage between childhood and adulthood

Prenatal Programming

the process by which events in the womb alter the development of physical and psychological health

The strange situation procedure was designed to assess

the quality of attachment between infant and caregiver.


the unique and relatively enduring set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that characterize an individual


children are not born blind, but their vision does most of its development after birth.

A general term that describes a loss of mental function, in which many cognitive processes are impaired, such as the ability to remember, reason, solve problems, make decisions, and use language is __________________.


resistant attachment (part of insecure)

difficulty being comforted and may actively resist contact with parent

THere will be a question about the documentary watched at home

don't forget!


ears are connected to the brain about 18 weeks, response to sound occurs at 26 weeks

There are typically three categories of temperaments in children, slow to warm up, difficult, and ___________ child.


Lev Vygotsky

felt cognitive development is more of a social event than Piaget did, zone of proximal development

Preconventional level

first level of reasoning in Kohlberg's theory, where moral reasoning is based on external forces. - avoid punishment or maximizing rewards

_____________ identity reflects who a person identifies as, internally.


Stages of Prenatal Development

germinal, embryonic, and fetal stage

Secure attachment

happy connection and evident warmth

Postconventional Level

highest stage of moral development; at this level, decisions about morality depend on abstract principles and the value of all life. -universal moral rules that may trump unjust or immoral local rules

The process of how genotype becomes phenotype, and therefore, how we change and remain the same over the course of a lifetime is called?

human development

Superstitions/Theory of Mind

knowledge and ideas about how other people's minds work

Dementia includes ________________ problems, and difficulty in reasoning.


During _______ adulthood, the two challenges involve sensory and physical development.


Kohlberg is most associated with

moral reasoning

What is the process during months 3-5 of pregnancy by which neurons move from one part of the fetal brain to their more permanent home?

neuronal migration

What are the group of people who share equal standing or status and usually at the same level in terms of age, and gender?


Environmental Influences on Fetal Development

prenatal programming, maternal nutrition - schizophrenia & antisocial personality disorder, Teratogens - substances that interfere with development and can cause birth defects: viruses and the flu, prescription drugs, antidepressants-Zoloft and Prozac, Alcohol (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) affects about 1% of live births in the US), Nicotene

Social Referencing

reading emotional cues in others to help determine how to act in a particular situation. -mimicry of others, twins -development of emotions

Physical Development in Infancy and Childhood

reflexes, motor and perceptual skills, and the brain

Conventional Level

second level of reasoning in Kohlberg's theory, where moral reasoning is based on society's norms. -valuing caring, trust and relationships as well as the social order and lawfulness

Types of Attachement

secure and insecure

What is NOT a general category of temperament in children?

secure; the three categories are Easy, Difficult, and Slow-to-warm up

Early Cognitive Development

sensation, perception, motor control, cognition

The ______________ stage of cognitive development occurs when infants use their senses and move their bodies to understand the world.


The _______________ _______________ procedure was designed to assess the quality of attachment between infants and their primary caregivers.

strange situation

True or False: We pass more biological milestones before birth than we will during the rest of our lives.


What is the single cell that results when sperm fertilizes an egg?


Strange Situation Technique

a procedure in which infants are observed with parents, separated from them briefly, and then reunited with them in order to access attachment patterns.

avoidant attachment (part of insecure)

absence of obvious distress during separation

The hallmark of formal operational thinking is the ability to begin to ask _______________ philosophical, religious, and political questions.


Emerging _______________ begins when one turns 18 years of age.


Preoperational Stage

ages 2-5, begins with the emergence of symbolic thought, animistic thinking, egocentrism (three mountains task), Conservation is not possible

Concrete Operational Stage

ages 6-11, limitations of the preoperational stage are overcome, child can perform mental operations - such as reversing - on real objects or events, trouble with abstract ideas and reasoning.

Insecure attachment

attachments marked by anxiety or ambivalence

True or false: Temperament develops before birth.


Early Sensory development

- Five major senses develop at different rates. - Experience is critical. - Depth perception visual cliff experiment

Emerging adulthood spans the age range of

18-25 years old.

Embryonic Stage

2 weeks to 8 weeks, formation of major organs

Heinz Dilemma

-example -A woman is dying and needs an expensive medication. Husband cannot afford the medication, should he steal it or should she die?

Emotional Competence

-the ability to control emotions and know when it is appropriate to express certain emotions. -emotional regulation

What does it mean that the caregiver must create a secure base for the child?

The infant needs to know that the caregiver is accessible and dependable to explore the world with confidence.

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