Psych Chapter 6, 7, 8 Study Guide

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A 50-year-old person would typically have higher ___ but lower ___ than a 25-year-old person. a. crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence b. mathematical intelligence; verbal intelligence c. generalized intelligence; specific intelligence d. analytical intelligence; practical intelligence


During a trivia game, Blair is asked a question. The answer is on the tip of his tongue, but he can't come up with it. Which memory process failed him? a. retrieval b. encoding c. storage d. rehearsal


Elsa can remember the phone number she just looked up only by repeating it over and over. When she stops saying it out loud, she forgets it. Elsa is using ____ rehearsal to keep the information in ____ memory. a. maintenance; short-term b. maintenance; sensory c. elaborative; short-term d. elaborative; sensory


It has been rumored that campus parking enforcement officer receive a $10 bonus for every twenty tickets they write. An unnamed campus parking administrator has remarked off the record, "This _____ schedule of reinforement keeps our officers diligent and busy. a. fixed-ratio b. fixed-interval c. variable-interval d. variable-ratio


Marcie finds that remembering her ATM card number and pin are much easier when she groups the twelve numbers into sets of threes instead of trying to remember twelve separate numbers. What technique is Marcie using to extend her short-term memory capacity? a. chunking b. mnemonic strategies c. stringing d. method of loci


Marta is lecturing on the first day of her Introduction to Linguistics course. She starts by explaining that if you have words and at set of rules for using those words, you have everything you need for a. a language b. semantics c. syntax d. a learning acquisition device


Mike loves Q-Mart and shops there often. One day, another customer asked Mike if he knows where turkey basters are in the store. Mike immediately give directions tot he exact aisle, even though he has never looked for turkey basters himself. Mike has displayed a. latent learning b. insight c. vicarious experience d. the rectangular bias


Norms for a new test of mental ability were obtained from a large sample of the general population. The mean of the test was set to 100 and the standard deviation was 15. Approximately what percentage of the population would fall within the range bounded by scores of 85 and 115? a. 68 percent b. 2 percent c. 98 percent d. 20 percent


Researchers conduct the same experiment fifteen times, and each time, they obtain the same results. We can conclude that their data are probably a. reliable b. valid c. archival d. biased


The process of putting incoming information into a form with which the memory system can work is called a. encoding b. storage c. processing d. retrieval


The three basic processes of memory are a. encoding, storage, and retrieval b. recognition, storage, and retrieval c. encoding, storage, and forgetting d. encoding, storage, and maintenance


Todd decides to create a matching game to study his psychology concepts. He pulls a card that asks "What is best defined as the manipulation of mental representations?" Todd thinks for a minute before he remembers that the answer is a. thinking b. perception c. logic d. language


Tolkien is creating a new language called Elvish for a race of characters in his upcoming book. After a long writing session, he smiles and says, "There. I finally have the rules for combining symbols in Elvish." In other words, Tolkien has created the ___ of the language. a. grammar b. phonemes c. surface structure d. semantics


Al is on the witness stand. He is asked if he can remember the name of the person who told him to place the bet. Al replies that he thinks the last name of the person starts with C. Al's response is an example of _____. a. tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon b. spontaneous generalization c. feeling-of-knowing experience d. penultimate response


Although punishment has several drawbacks, it is most effective when a. the punisher is very angry while punishing b. the punisher identifies more appropriate behavior c. it occurs a couple days after the behavior d. the behavior is intermittently punished


Ana reads in the track-and-field rulebook that an official track on which she can set a world record must have specific qualities. It must be 400 meters long, in an oval shape, and have a surface that is between 0.5 in. and 1.0 in. thick. The track described in the rulebook is an example of a ___ concept. a. prototype b. formal c. fuzzy d. natural


Jacques and Pierre are studying for their Spanish exam. Jacques is repeating vocabulary words over and over. Pierre is creating associations between vocabulary words and English words that sound similar. All else being equal, Pierre is more likely to do better on the Spanish exam because he is using _____ rehearsal and Jacques is using _____ rehearsal. a. transfer-appropriate; maintenance b. elaborative; maintenance c. maintenance; transfer-appropriate d. maintenance; elaborative


Kelly watched her mother get ready for work; Kelly's mother put on makeup and fixed her hair. Then, Kelly's mother left the room and told Kelly to get ready for school. Kelly began to imitate her mother by smearing makeup on her face and fluffing her hair. This is an example of a. operant conditioning b. observational learning c. mock learning d. vicarious conditioning


Many people believe that there are more deaths in the United States each year due to tornadoes than death due to asthma, even though asthma kills more people. This mistaken belief is due in part to the reports of tornadoes being more vivid. This is an example of how our judgments are affected by a. Loss aversion b. The availability heuristic c. The representativeness heuristic d. The confirmation bias


Sniffy, the rat, has been taught to press a bar in a cage to receive food. The behavior disappears, though, when Sniffy stops receiving food following bar-pressing. Several days later, Sniffy is placed in the cage again, and he immediately began to press the bar. The reappearance of this response is called a. reconditioning b. spontaneous recovery c. instantaneous learning d. acquisition


When an eyewitness to a robbery tries to identify the criminal from a lineup of suspects, he or she is engaging in which memory retrieval process? a. rehearsal b. recognition c. recall d. relearning


Willow takes sociology in the fall semester, and in the spring semester, she takes psychology. She is finding that she is having difficulty remembering the psychology material because the sociology material keeps coming to mind. Willow is experiencing _____ inhibition. a. retroactive b. proactive c. flashbulb d. anterograde


After being hit on the head, Jean-Luc has a memory problem. He cannot learn the names of new people that he meets. Fortunately, he can still remember details of his life prior to the head injury. Jean-Luc is most likely demonstrating a. retrograde amnesia b. proactive inhibition c. anterograde amnesia d. the recency effect


Alfred Binet developed his intelligence test to a. show that intelligence was influenced by genetic and environmental factors b. identify soldiers for certain military duties c. identify children who needed special-education programs d. show that intelligence was inherited


Andre is participating in a psychology study. He is sitting alone in a room and every few seconds, a bright light flashes in front of him. When the light flashes, he blinks. After a while, a phone rings right before the flash of light. Soon, Andre blinks when the phone rings. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is the a. blinking after the flash b. blinking after the ringing c. phone ringing d. flash of light


Caden can remember quite vividly the first time his dad took him out to learn how to ride a bike because he didn't use training wheels and took a nasty spill, scraping his knee badly. This would best be described as a(n) _____ memory. a. implicit b. procedural c. episodic d. semantic


Five-year-old Sandy jumps and cringes every time she hears thunder. Soon she cringes when she see lightning because she knows that thunder will follow. One day when she is at her first fireworks show, she cringes when she sees the flash of light from the first fireworks in the sky. Sandy is displaying a. reconditioning b. spontaneous recovery c. stimulus generalization d. stimulus discrimination


Lois and Peter want to teach Brian, their dog, to fetch the newspaper. Lois aims to encourage Brian's behavior when he brings in the newspaper. Peter's goal is, instead, to discourage Brian's behavior when he brings in a stick. Lois will most likely use ____, and Peter will most likely use ____. a. positive reinforcers; negative reinforcers b. operant conditioning; classical conditioning c. reinforcers; punishment d. punishment; penalties


Matilda asks Becky, "How was your spring break?" As Becky describes her vacation, she begins to feel guilty because she subconsciously recalls how her parents criticized her for taking a trip instead of getting caught up in her studies. Becky's recollection of her vacation is an example of a(n) ____ memory, and her feeling of guilt is an example of a(n) ____ memory. a. implicit; explicit b. episodic; semantic c. explicit; implicit d. semantic; episodic


Psychologist Raymond Cattell would say that playing a game involving inductive and deductive reasoning ability, such as chess, primarily requires ___. He also would say that taking a test of geographical knowledge would primarily involve ___. a. parallel distributed processing; divergent thinking b. divergent thinking; parallel distributed processing c. fluid intelligence; crystallized intelligence d. crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence


Remembering what the word summer means requires _____ memory, while remembering what you did on July 4, 2001, requires _____ memory. a. procedural; episodic b. episodic; semantic c. semantic; episodic d. episodic; procedural


Vanessa walked into a party and said "I just purchased a vehicle." Most people in the room formed a mental image of a midsize car. Apparently, a midsize car can be considered a ___ for the ___ concept called vehicle. a. mental model; formal b. prototype; formal c. prototype; natural d. mental model; natural


A dog in a classical conditioning experiment salivates to a continuous buzzer but not a single bell ring. This is an example of a. partial reinforcement extinction effect b. secondary reinforcement c. stimulus generalization d. stimulus discrimination


Homer is trying to remember the different functions of the control panel at the nuclear power plant where he works. He remembers the functions of the different buttons by thinking about the types of donuts that the buttons most resemble. For example, he is supposed to press a red button to shut off the reactors when they are about to have a meltdown. He remembers this because the bed button reminds him of cherry donuts, which he eats only during hot weather. The type of processing that Homer is using is ____ rehearsal. a. maintenance b. transfer-appropriate c. levels-of-processing d. elaborative


If a tone is sounded each time a puff of air is delivered to the eye, the tone alone will eventually produce eye blinks. In this example, the ____ is the conditioned stimulus and the ____ is the conditioned response. a. tone; eye blink response to the puff of air b. puff of air; eye blink response to the tone c. puff of air; eye blink response to the puff of air d. tone; eye blink response to the tone


Ignoring the attention-getting behavior of hyperactive children can be a helpful tool to classroom teachers because often, the frequency of the misbehavior will decrease and even stop. What operant conditioning process does this technique most utilize? a. shaping b. negative reinforcement c. stimulus discrimination d. extinction


In psychology, learning is best defined as a. the adaptation of instinctual responses to new environments b. the systematic organization of information that facilitates later recall and use c. a temporary change in behavior that results from past experience d. the modification through experience of preexisting behavior and understanding


Karen decides to try cotton candy for the first time. She enjoyed it, but unfortunately, later that day, Karen comes down with the stomach flue. Now the smell or thought of cotton candy makes her shudder and feel slightly nauseous. This is an example of a. extinction b. learned immune response c. cotton candy phobia d. taste aversion


Lavonne despises "new age" music. So, when Lavonne refuses to clean her room, her mother makes her stay in her room and plays new age music through the intercom. Her mother tells Lavonne that as soon as she finishes cleaning her room, the music will stop. This is an example of a. punishment b. shaping c. positive reinforcement d. negative reinforcement


Roxanne performs poorly on most tests of verbal ability and does poorly in school, but she can perform many amazing mathematical computations in seconds and can play any song on the pan flute after hearing it only once. Roxanne provides evidence that supports which theory? a. The information-processing model of intelligence b. Cattell's fluid and crystallized intelligence c. The psychometric theory of general intelligence d. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences


Two-year-old Hannah says the word hell in he middle of dinner, and her parents immediately stop talking to each other and scold her. They spent the rest of the meal paying close attention to what Hannah said. Later, Hannah says hell repeatedly, and each time, her parents spend time talking to her and paying attention to her. In this situations, the parents' attention is a _____ and Hannah's inappropriate language is a(n) a. positive reinforcer; conditioner b. punishment; operant c. negative reinforcer; operant d. positive reinforcer; operant


Viewing a pencil as only a writing instrument is an example of a. a mental set b. an algorithm c. a phoneme d. functional fixedness


When your eight-month-old sister is babbling, she is most likely using sounds called a. telegraphic speech b. morphemes c. coos d. phonemes


Which of the following would be the best example of creativity? a. viewing a painting b. solving a problem the way others have solved it c. doing library research for a paper d. devising a new use for a paper clip


You give your friend instruction about what to buy for a party by quickly rattling off fifteen unrelated grocery store items. Then to check whether your friend got all the information, you ask him to repeat the grocery list back to you. You should expect that your friend will recall about ___ items. a. fifteen b. four c. two d. seven


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