Psych final

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Raoul is an 80-year-old man who demonstrates a typical pattern of performance on intelligence measures for someone at his developmental stage. Which measure of intelligence is Raoul likely to perform better on now than when he was 30 years old?

Tests of vocabulary

Which of the following is the best example of the diathesis-stress model?

The daughter of an eating disorder survivor develops anorexia after being bullied

Which of the following describes sexual orientation?

The direction of a person's sexual attraction and interests

Ageism refers to:

The experience of predjudice and discrimination based of one's age.

All of the following are theories/factors that play into the experience of hunger EXCEPT:

The inductoeating hypothesis

What is an advantage of group therapy over one-on-one therapy?

Therapists can better observe and work with issues that occur more naturally in group settings.

What is unique about case studies?

They collect information on one subject.

Brody's psychiatrist diagnosed him with acute stress disorder rather than post-traumatic stress disorder. What does this tell us about the nature of his symptoms?

They did not last as long.

All of the following are benefits of diagnostic labels for mental disorders EXCEPT:

They reduce stigma associated with mental disorders

Obsessions are while compulsions are

Thoughts; behaviors

Why is replication a beneficial scientific practice?

A theory is stronger when multiple different studies find similar results.

Hallucinations are unreal while delusions are unreal

Sensations; beliefs

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between study design methods in develop-mental psychology?

Sequential design combines cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches.

Which hypothesis predicts the presence of a cohort effect?

Seventy-year-olds are less competent at finding encyclopedic information on the internet than 30-year-olds due to differences in experience with technology.

Which of the following statements are true?

Sexual orientation and gender are indepent of one another

A social psychologist would most likely agree with which statement?

Situations can powerfully influence behavior.

Which example best illustrates a gene-environment interaction?

Someone with a genetically linked allergy is unlikely to show any symptoms if they control their diet.

Which statement is NOT true regarding the drawbacks of psychotropic medications?

e The unwanted side effects always disappear when a person stops taking the medication.

Which of the following is the process by which random behaviors are gradually changed into a target behavior?


Khalid is able to keep a phone number in mind as long as he is rehearsing it. This is an example of which type of memory?

short-term memory

The olfactory bulb plays a key role in which of our senses?


Which of the following comprises four main processes of attention, retention, motor reproduction, and reinforcement?

social learning

What is this an example of? When her team participates in a game of tug-of-war. Heather pulls less hard on the rope than she would if she were playing alone against a single opponent.

social loafing

A psychoanalyst would view a phobia as a symptom of

some unconscious conflict

Which of the following best exemplifies the principle of transference?

interacting with a new introverted acquaintance as you would interact with your introverted sibling

Place Piaget's stages of cognitive development in the proper order from earliest to latest.

sensorimotor > preoperational > concrete operational > formal operational

Maya opens the door to her lecture hall and takes in all the details of the scene but quickly forgets the details she is not paying attention to. Which type of memory is Maya experiencing?

sensory memory

Alexi bangs her knee on a chair. Which neuron type is most likely responsible for her pain?

sensory neurons

The three phases of memory are:

Encoding, storage, and retrieval

Carrie has social anxiety disorder, which means she is intensely and irrationally afraid of being by other people.


In Albert Bandura's Bobo doll study, how did the children respond after witnessing an adult behave aggressively?

Every child in the study imitated the adult's aggressive behavior, regardless of their own propensity for aggression.

All sensory information goes to the thalamus before it is processed,


Every person experiences the sexual behavior drive.


are specialized cells in the visual cortex that respond to certain aspects of objects like lines, edges, and angles.

Feature detectors

Early in its history, psychology was divided into two branches, each with a distinct focus. What were those two branches?

Scientific and clinical

Which of the following is NOT a component of a neuron?


For a classroom debate, Professor Gomez has assigned half her class to argue that hot dogs are a kind of sandwich, while the other half will argue that they are not. Over the course of preparing for the debate with their team members, students develop stronger hot dog-related opinions than they had before beginning the assignment. What does this best describe?

group polarization

Which of the following is not a category in Maslow's original hierarchy of needs?


Neuroscience is concerned with understanding:

how the brain and body communicate.

In their study on self-esteem and social media, Chris predicts that people with lower levels of self-esteem will post less frequently on social media. This prediction represents Chris'o


Katherine is in the developmental stage of adolescence. According to the developmental theory proposed by Erik Erikson, which psychological conflict does Katherine need to resolve by the end of this stage?

identity versus role confusion

In the past, it was mistakenly believed that mental illness was caused by evil spirits. When new evidence showed that this was not the case, these beliefs were abandoned. What does this example demonstrate about psychological knowledge?

illness this about It is continuously revised.

Raja is applying for college and imagines what it would be like to tour Dartmouth. However, he does not get accepted and thus never visits the campus. Later, in his 30s, Raja repeatedly visualizes touring Dartmouth back when he was in high school, even though it never happened. What is Raja's experience an example of?

imagination inflation

Priming is one kind of memory.


In his early research on the development of attachment, Konrad Lorenz found that ducklings

imprint on the first moving stimulus they see, about 12 hours after hatching.

Which of the following is the best example of naturalistic observation?

inconspicuously monitoring people's behaviors during party

Tara has been working on a complex math problem for close to an hour when, suddenly, the best strategy for solving it just comes to her, as if out of thin air. In psychology, what are these kinds of "aha!" moments referred to as?

insight learning

An individual who suffers from compulsions would experience which of the following?

Repetitive behaviors or rituals

Arrange the following parenting styles from most to least beneficial for a child.

authoritative, permissive, disengaged

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies a stereotype?

A teacher assumes that male students will be better at certain subjects.

Which of the following is an example of mood-dependent memory?

A person who studies for an exam while sad performing better on a test if they take it while sad

Pitch theory, frequency theory, and the volley principle are all:

Accepted to be true

Penelope is terrified of putting herself in a situation in which help might not be available or escape might be difficult or embarrassing. This fear is so debilitating that she'll often confine herself to her apartment for days at a time. Based off this information, you suspect Penelope might meet the criteria for


Which of the following people is making a self-serving attribution?

Ahmed, who believes that his high test scores are due to his high intelligence

Bipolar disorder is best described as a disorder characterized by

Alternating periods of mania and depression

The movie The Waterboy features a scene where a professor says alligators are aggressive because of an enlarged medulla oblongata. Many people think this means anger in humans is also derived from the medulla oblongata. We know that is false because:

Anger is primarily derived from the hypothalamus and amygdala in humans

Damage or degeneration in the brain areas related to language comprehension (Broca's area and can lead to loss or impairment in the ability to understand or express language. This impairment is known as Wernicke's area), or the nerve connections between them,


Why is it important to study psychology from a cultural perspective that emphasizes cultural differences in people across the world?

Cultural context affects people's thoughts and preferences.

Consider the following word list: BIRD, BALL, BOOK, PHONE, PEN, CUP, COFFEE. Which word from the list would be most likely to be remembered, based on the primacy effect?


Psychology studies tend to report their findings as å suggestingå that humans act a certain way. According to the textbook, what does this tentative language reflect?

Behavior often has multiple causes, so it is difficult to make absolute claims.

As a result of deinstitutionalization, the number of people with psychological disorders has increased.

Both B and Care correct.

A client having difficulty producing language likely has damage to area, which is located in the hemisphere.

Broca's: left

What are covariance, temporal precedence, and an absence of alternative explanations all criteria for?


All of the following demonstrate why WEIRD samples are problematic in research EXCEPT:

Cross-cultural studies, who never use WEIRD samples, have better results

Which statement accurately describes deep brain stimulation (DBS)?

Electrodes are implanted into brain regions with abnormal activation levels to stimulate and stabilize them,

Which of the following is the process by which random behaviors are gradually changed into a target behavior?

Depth; both

Which of the following is a true statement about homeostasis?

Deviations from homeostasis create an internal state of tension called a drive.

All of the following are used to determine abnormality EXCEPT:


Early therapies for psychological disorders including trephination, inducing vomiting with potions, and spinning people at high speeds reveal which important lesson about the treatment of psychological disorders?

Early treatment providers were treating clients based on faulty conceptions of psychological disorders.

psychologists focus on how our visual system organizes sensory input into meaningful, structured wholes.


Wanda was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after surviving a hostage situation. As a result of this diagnosis, it's most likely she would experience all of the following symptoms EXCEPT:


Someone in a manic episode is likely to experience all of the following EXCEPT:

Hearing voices that aren't really there

Samir and his wife, Judy, just had a baby a few days ago. He talks incessantly about how capable and intelligent his newborn is, claiming she will be the president of United States someday. What is likely to be the only accurate claim Samir makes about his newborn's abilities?

His newborn responds physically to specific types of sensory stimulation.

Which statement regarding instincts is true?

Instinct theories relate human motives and behavior to genetically endowed tendencies

Raquel feels a deep connection to her newborn when he grasps Raquel' s finger with his tiny hand. What is the reason for the newborn's grasping behavior?

It is a reflexive response, likely inherited from our apelike ancestors.

Sharice scores high on a measure of behavioral activation. Based on her score, what can we likely conclude about her score on a measure of behavioral inhibition?

It's impossible to know.

Which of the following examples shows a student who is using the most effective study aid to remember information for an exam, based on levels of processing?

Jace Tran makes applies different theories using her own life as examples.

Jin is running a correlational study to test the relationship between conscientiousness and grade point average. What kind of data display should he use to illustrate his results?


Which of the following is a true statement about the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Manic and depressive episodes cannot co-occur with each other.

Which of the following accurately describes motives?

Motives are forces that lead an individual to behave in a certain way.

Which of the following is MOST similar to how our eyes perceive color?

Moving the red, green, and blue sliders in Photoshop to create an infinite number of colors.

Which of the following is true of the evolutionary and cultural perspectives of psychological science?

Neither perspective alone can answer questions about behavior.

Which of the following best illustrates the overconfidence effect?

Nicola raised a baby and now believes that he knows the best way to raise children, despite never having read any research on the topic.

Which of the following is true about observational learning in the behavioral approach to therapy?

O Modeling can be supported by vicarious reinforcement.

From an evolutionary perspective, what is sacrificing oneself so one's child can survive an example of?

O kin selection

help researchers make abstract variables more concrete, often by turning them into numbers that can be easily measured.

Operational definitions

Paul took benzodiazepines for the last six months as treatment for anxiety and has recently stopped taking the drug. What does it mean if Paul experiences a rebound effect?

Paul is experiencing more anxiety now than before he started taking the medication.

What is the process by which electrical signals are processed to form representations of the outside world?


is defined as a relatively consistent pattern of thinking and behaving that can explain why different people might react differently to the same situations.


What is the difference between persuasion strategies and compliance strategies?

Persuasion strategies attempt to change people's attitudes whereas compliance strategies do not.

Which of the following best illustrates confirmation bias?

Petra believes that airplane crashes are more common than car crashes. Whenever she sees a story about a plane crash on the news, she remembers it and tells her friends about how she was right all along.

People with schizophrenia often display many symptoms. Hallucinations are one type of symptom that can be categorized as a symptom.


To test Rohan's awareness of his body in space while at rest, or his sense, a neurologist might have him try to touch his finger to his nose with his eyes closed.


Which of the following will make a punishment more effective?

Punishment should immediately follow the behavior

Which of the following describes a situation in which critical thinking is being used properly?

Rama wonders if the talk show he is watching has unbiased experts giving their opinion.

What is a key difference between random sampling and random assignment?

Random assignment is only used in experimental studies.

When Raul returns home in the late afternoon after three days of hiking and two nights of sleeping in a sleeping bag, he feels exhausted and immediately gets into his bed and sleeps until the next morning. How would the drive-reduction account of motivation explain Raul's behavior?

Raul's unmet physiological requirement for rest prompted him to seek homeostasis with a prolonged sleep.

According to trichromatic theory, which three colors (when combined in different proportions) allow us to perceive any kind of color?

Red, green, and blue

Which of the following is NOT an ossicle?

Timpani drum

In order to conclude that Variable X causes Variable Y, three criteria need to be met. Which of the following is NOT one of those criteria?

Variable X must have caused Variable Y in a prior study.

Adding a teaspoon of sugar to a small coffee will make it taste much sweeter than you added it to a large coffee, even though it's the same amount of sugar. This phenomenon best exemplifies which of the following laws?

Weber's law

Wendy is a contemporary psychodynamic therapist. What is most likely to be true about her treatment approach?

Wendy's sessions emphasize current interpersonal and cultural factors more than childhood traumas.

Which cultural traits found in WEIRD samples?

Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic

If a baby bird is not exposed to birdsong during the early days of its life, it will never be able to sing properly. What is this an example of?

a sensitive period

All of the following are accurate differences between rods and cones EXCEPT

cones are more plentiful in the retina, while rods are less plentiful.

What are the three main types of neurons responsible for?

connections, sensation, and movement

To test someone's hearing, an audiologist plays a variety of tones to identify the faintest tone that someone can hear with 50% accuracy. This kind of test assesses a person's threshold.


Empathy is best described as the ability to

accurately track what others are feeling.

As a result of Freud's theories, contemporary psychologists acknowledge all of the following EXCEPT

adulthood is the most crucial developmental period in the lifespan.

Chuy has felt sad for days. He has noticed his thinking becoming more systematic, analytical, and careful. After consideration of his situation, Chuy concludes that he must be missing his sister who has recently left for boarding school and gives her phone call. Which perspective best explains Chuy's experience?


DeMarco always helps those around them without being asked, and without expecting anything in return, Based on this behavior, which of the Big Five traits would DeMarco likely score very high on?


Ary is a 34-year-old woman living in rural Cambodia. She is experiencing symptoms of depression that would meet the criteria for clinical diagnosis. Although she would benefit from therapy, which condition must be met for her to acquire it?

all of the above

Prejudice is a kind of and discrimination is a(n)

attitude; behavior

Which refers to the process of explaining our own and/or others' behavior?


An attitude is an orientation toward a particular stimulus that consists of three components. Which of the following is NOT one of those components?

an evaluative feeling

Monica has an intense fear of gaining weight and is obsessive about restricting her food intake, exercising excessively, monitoring her weight on the scale, and critiquing her body in the mirror. As a result, her body weight is far below a healthy level. Which of the following disorders best labels Monica's condition?

anorexia nervosa

What do the ABCS of operant conditioning stand for?

antecedents, behavior, and consequences

Flashbulb memories

are susceptible to change over time.

Personality psychologists concerned with identifying which of the following?

aspects of behavior that are relatively stable over time

Which trait is NOT one of the Big Five?


Uma is an 11-year-old girl and has started to notice changes to her body. Which of the following is a change in primary sex characteristics that Uma can expect to experience?

beginning of menstruation

Gordon Allport distinguished between three different kinds of personality traits. What are they?

cardinal, central, secondary

Clinical psychologists are primarily concerned with identifying which of the following?

causes of and treatments for mental illness

According to the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), persuasion can occur through a route and a route.

central; peripheral

The two parts of the nervous system are the and

central; peripheral

If you see someone having problems with balance and coordination after walking out of Shenani-gans from a night of drinking, this suggests there has been an impairing effect on the


For results from a study sample to be generalizable to a broader population, the sample should be all of the following EXCEPT

comprising a large portion of the broader population.

At the beginning of every school year, Amy buys color-coded folders and notebooks for åll of her classes and sets goals that she would like to achieve by the end of each month. Based on this behavior, which of the Big Five traits would Amy likely score very high on?


What is the process of creating more stable memories in the brain?


If a person has had split-brain surgery, their has been cut.

corpus callosum

Bulimia Nervosa is often characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

dangerously low body weight

The social policy of redirecting the care of people with severe mental disorders from state mental hospitals toward community-based treatment settings is known as


The threshold is the minimum difference required between two stimuli for someone to be able to distinguish between them with 50 percent accuracy.


Which of the following statements accurately describes the difference between reinforcement and punishment?

difference between Reinforcement increases the likelihood Reinforcement of a behavior, while punishment decreases the likelihood of a behavior.

Piaget proposed that children in the preoperational period experience egocentrism, which presents itself as

difficulty perceiving situations from another person's point of view.

After having another argument with his boss, Isaiah comes home and yells at his soft-spoken roommate who had nothing to do with his current work conflict. With respect to Freud's defense mechanisms, what is Isaiah's behavior an example of?


How is obedience best described?

doing what you are told in response to a direct order

Louisa is lactose-intolerant, but really wants to eat ice cream at her friend's birthday party. Instead of abstaining from eating any ice cream entirely, she goes to the supermarket before the party to buy medication that will allow her to eat ice cream with fewer, if any, symptoms. According to Freud, what part of the mind is likely responsible for this compromise?


In psychoanalytic theory, the mediates between the demands of the pleasure-focused and the moralistic

ego; id; superego

All of the following factors can explain why mental illnesses serve as a general risk factor for suicide EXCEPT

elevated levels of serotonin.

If someone cannot remember their first drum lesson, but they can play the drums, they have a problem with memory, but their memory is intact.

episodic; procedural

If a server receives tips for providing great service to customers, they are likely to continue providing that same level of service in the hope of receiving more tips. What is this an example of?

example positive reinforcement

Phoebe is responding sexually to her partner, Raquel. She is experiencing increased heart rate and blood pressure, quickened breathing, swelling in her clitoris, and lubrication in her vagina. Which phase of the human sexual response cycle is Phoebe most likely experiencing?


Louis has an irrational fear of spiders, which has been present since he was a child. If he seeks treatment from a behavioral therapist, what can he expect to experience as treatment?

exposure techniques

A local coffee shop has rewards program in which you receive one free pastry for every ten coffees you purchase. This is an example of a schedule of reinforcement.


During a visit to his therapist, Ishmael was asked to begin talking about whatever was on his mind even if it seemed trivial or irrelevant. This example describes

free association

The motor development of infants progresses in two general directions. What are they?

from head to feet; from the center of the body outward

After getting bitten by dog as a child, Allie is now terrified of dogs both in real life and on TV and the internet. What is this is an example of?


Place the prenatal developmental stages in the proper order from earliest to latest.

germinal >embryonic >fetal

Arnaud has undergone a split-brain procedure. He is shown a picture of a mushroom in his left visual field and a picture of a key in his right visual field. he is asked what object he sees, what will he say?


What is an example of an implicit memory?

knowing how to dunk a basketball

If a new student asks for directions to a building on campus where you've never had a class, but you walk by nearly every day, you would probably be able to give the student pretty good direc-tions. You would have acquired these directions through

latent learning

What is the process by which we change our behavior in response to prior experience?


You are writing a paper about cognitive psychology. You should have a section focused on

learning and information processes.

According to the hypothesis, the traits that are most useful for distinguishing between people become part of the language that we use.


Which division of the brain is the hippocampus part of?

limbic system

A research group wants to study changes in peoples' attitude toward medical care as they age from 70 to 80 years. Which of the developmental psychology study design methods requires only one group of participants for this research?


Limiting attention to certain stimuli and filtering out other stimuli is called

selective attention.

By definition. variables are only used in experiments.


Random assignment is important for experimental designs because it allows researchers to assume that

members of the control and experimental groups are comparable to one another.

When Ryan and Lindsay met on the first day of class, neither had strong attending all their classes together, they have developed positive feelings for each opinions of the other. But after realizing that they share the same schedule and other by the end of the semester. This change of heart is best explained by

mere exposure.

Zhang starts to run a half-marathon, Which neuron type is most likely responsible for his running?

motor neurons

Losing your license after getting too many speeding tickets would be considered as long as it decreases the likelihood of future reckless driving.

negative punishment

When preparing for graduate school entrance exams, people often deactivate their social media accounts to ensure that they spend more time focused on studying. What is this an example of?

negative reinforcement

The brain stem, cerebellum, spinal cord, midbrain, and forebrain all develop from which embryon-ic structure?

neural tube

Which of the following refers to the cellular building blocks of neuroscience?


Chin-Sun tends to have overblown emotional reactions to relatively inconsequential events, which often leads her to feel depressed for days thereafter. Based on this behavior, which of the Big Five traits would Chin-Sun likely score very high on?


Collecting and analyzing existing data from Twitter, Reddit, or other social media sites is an example of research.


If a child gets good grades in school in order to continue receiving praise from their parents, what are they experiencing?

operant conditioning

According to the false consensus effect, we tend to

overestimate how many people share our own beliefs.

After getting off a roller coaster, Randy's heart rate slows and he begins to breathe more steadily. Which part of his nervous system is most likely active during this situation?

parasympathetic nervous system

All of the following are core motivations that affect social behavior EXCEPT the need to

perceive others negatively.

Conflict between the trait and social-cognitive approaches led to increased attention to in the study of personality.

person- situation interactions

Monique is conducting a study on eating disorders in college-aged women and ultimately recruits 100 people to participate. In this example, "college-aged women with eating disorders" represents Monique's

population of interest

When Yaniv was fined for returning his library books late, he made a promise to himself that in the future he wouldn't return any items late. What is this an example of?

positive punishment

When a colleague attempts to correct Karen for making an insensitive remark in the workplace, she turns around and accuses the colleague of being "the real racist." This is an example of which defense mechanism?


Andre is hesitant about seeking treatment for his psychological problems because he fears he will not find a therapist he respects, trusts, and feels comfortable with. Which key to successful treatment is Andre concerned he will not experience?



refers to a series of biological growth processes that enable orderly growth on which experience builds.

If neuron has just fired and cannot fire again for a short time, it is in the period.


All of the following are universally recognized emotional expressions EXCEPT


Selin is conducting a study on cognitive decline among the elderly and ultimately recruits 50 people to participate. In this example, the 50 participants represent Selin's


According to the diathesis-stress model, the the diathesis, the stress is necessary to produce the disorder.

stronger; less

Which study is LEAST likely to gain ethical approval given its potential costs to participants and benefits to society?

study that requires participants to receive painful electrical shocks to determine how their skin responds

Ellie's friends are trying to convince her to hang out with them on Saturday night, but she insists that she should stay home and study every weekend until she takes her LSAT. According to Freud, what part of the mind is likely responsible for this decision?


After getting hit on the side of the head with football, Nicola is having trouble hearing. He did not previously have any problems with his hearing. Based on this information, he most likely sustained damage to which part of his brain?

temporal lobe

According to psychoanalytic theory, which component(s) of the mind operate(s) above the level of conscious awareness?

the ego and the superego

While driving down the freeway, Lucille assumes that the driver who cut her off while switching lanes is an inconsiderate person, without considering that the driver may have been rushing to the hospital after learning of a family member's emergency. What has Lucille engaged in?

the fundamental attribution error

Which of the following motives best describes the desire to have friends, fit in, be accepted and maintain social connections with others?

the motive to belong

Israt gets into an accident while riding her skateboard and suffers a concussion. She then develops retrograde amnesia. What would Israt have the most difficulty remembering?

the name of her best friend from childhood

Top-down processing involves

the person's experience and knowledge.

Forming beliefs following systematic, objective observation is the basis of:

the scientific method.

Maude is experiencing vision and hearing loss that can be classified as psychogenic, whith means that

the symptoms are the result of an unknown psychological cause, rather than organic damage to the nervous system.

versa, it appears that hot weather independently leads to increases in both ice cream sales and murder rates. What is this an example of? Researchers have found that ice cream sales are positively correlated with murder rates. But instead of ice cream consumption causing murder sprees or vice

the third-variable problem

During a check-up, Emil's pediatrician hits his kneecap with a rubber mallet to test his reflexes. Immediately afterwards, the bottom half of his leg naturally swings outward without his conscious control. In this example, what is Randy's leg movement best described as?

the unconditioned response

According to trace decay theory, why does forgetting occur?

the weakening of information that occurs over time

There are three major components that therapists help their clients to connect Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). These components include

thoughts, emotions, behaviors

modification with its resident patients which rewards them with tokens for healthy and helpful Dutchess Psychiatric Hospital uses a system of behavior behaviors. As a patient's behavior improves, the reinforcement contingencies are adjusted to continue progress. Which of the following names the approach and process used at Dutchess Psychiatric Hospital?

token economy: shaping

What facet of a partial reinforcement schedule contributes most strongly to a behavior's resistance to extinction?


The system helps provide balance and, when in conflict with your visual system, helps explain why you might get nauseous while trying to read in a moving vehicle.


When is pseudoscience likely to be perpetuated?

when the findings of a study are misinterpreted bu the media

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