psych / human development > Chapter 10

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About _____ U.S. teenagers enroll in college after high school.

identity achievement

According to Erikson and Marcia, after moratorium, an emerging adult will reach:

at least one caring comment each day

According to research in the text, an appropriate level of Facebook interaction between romantic partners is making:

reach out to the mainstream culture

According to the text, a person from an ethnic minority may need to _____ before they can reach out fully in love.

9, 25

According to the text, the 2010 unemployment rate for college graduates under age 25 was ____ percent. The corresponding rate for males aged 16 to 25 without a college degree was ____ percent.


Alice takes her one-year-old son, Derek, to visit an infant-toddler program in which she hopes to enroll him. Derek eagerly explores the room as long as Alice is present. When Alice leaves the room to fill out some forms, Derek becomes somewhat upset. When she returns, though, Derek quickly calms down. Which term best describes Derek's attachment style?

twice as much

As of 2012, a person with a master's degree earned about _____ compared to a person whose highest level of education was high school.


Ashley just dropped out of college. According to the text, what is the MOST likely reason she did so? A) She could not find a major that interested her. B) She found the academic work too difficult. C) She had to work full time to pay for school, and the strain became too much. D) She did not believe that a college degree would help her in the workforce.

engaging in intrinsically motivating, challenging tasks

Astrid is experiencing "flow." She is MOST likely:

asking professors for concrete information on tests and papers

Claire, a college freshman, asks her college advisor for some tips at succeeding at school. Claire's advisor might suggest:

in an unmarried romantic relationship

Cohabitation means sharing accommodations:


Grace is a 19-year-old college sophomore. She is living away from home for the first time and is trying to decide on a major. Grace is in a phase of life many developmental psychologists call _____ adulthood.


Homogamy in dating is:

live with their parents into their late 20s

In Italy and Spain, emerging adults:


Jennifer is watching her boyfriend's Facebook activity. One down side to doing so is that it is likely to make Jennifer:

late 20s

Jon is just beginning to think about his life in a mature, adult way. Jon is MOST likely in his:


Many developmentalists cite frontal lobe maturity to explain improvements in executive function during emerging adulthood. The text offers an alternative explanation: over the course of emerging adulthood, people work at increasingly demanding jobs, and this reinforces progressively more responsible behavior. This stance reflects the _____ perspective in psychology.

attachment style

Mary Ainsworth devised the "Strange Situation" to assess:


Michael, Andrea, Shantelle, and Miriam are all emerging adults. If a researcher were to follow them from ages 17 to 27, what is the researcher MOST likely to find in terms of their romantic commitments and financial independence? A) There will be significant variability for both of these variables. B) They will all show increased romantic commitment with time, but financial independence will be variable. C) They will all show increased financial independence with time, but romantic commitment will be variable. D) They will all show increased romantic commitment and increased financial independence over time.

identity diffusion

One study found that 1 in 4 undergraduates is locked in:


Peter, who has experienced his first bout of depression, is within the normal age range for when these kinds of mental disorders reach their life peak. Peter is MOST likely _____ years old. A) 10 B) 15 C) 22 D) 40


Research discussed in the text suggests that a positive consequence of having a biracial or multiracial background is increased:

correlated with positive traits

Research indicates that identifying with one's ethnicity is:

the United States

Teena is an emerging adult. Teena MOST likely lives in:


Tracey has had many labels during her lifetime: she has been a daughter, student, spouse, mother, and grandmother. Developmentalists refer to these labels as:


Twenty-three-year-old Chelsea has no idea about what to do with her life and has no interest in any career. In terms of identity statuses, Chelsea would be classified as being in identity:


Which is a current U.S. dating trend? A) more interethnic romantic relationships B) searching for a mate with the guidance of one's parents C) less acceptance of gay relationships D) fewer interethnic romantic relationships


Which statement regarding teens' tendency to entertain high career aspirations is true? A) Adolescent boys are more likely to entertain high career aspirations than are teenage girls. B) Adolescents with higher socioeconomic status entertain higher career aspirations than do adolescents with lower socioeconomic status. C) Today's teens are less apt to entertain high career aspirations than their counterparts did in decades past. D) The adolescent tendency to entertain unrealistic career aspirations varies little with socioeconomic status.

role confusion

While working as a therapist, Erikson discovered that teens and emerging adults often suffer from:


Who is MOST likely to be worried about a social clock issue? A) Carrie, who is pregnant and married at age 19 B) Matt, who is applying to medical school at age 40 C) Jason, age 23, who is moving back home after college D) Yuki, who is moving to the United States from Japan at age 25

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