Psych of Adolescence- Chapter 12

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Which of the following is an example of school performance?

-> A. Kelly received a C on her report card B. Naomi received 1200 on the SAT C. Mel has been in school for 7 years D. Vinny has an IQ of 105

Which of the following statements regarding social roles and achievement is not true?

A. Adolescence is the period when important educational and occupational decisions are made B. In most industrialized societies, it is not until adolescence that individuals attain the status necessary to decide whether they will continue or end their formal education C. In most industrialized societies, it is not until adolescence that most individuals are allowed to enter the labor force in an official capability ->D. During adolescence, all adolescence solidify career choices

High school dropouts are more likely than high school graduates to do all of the following, except ______________________.

A. Experience poverty and unemployment B. Become pregnant -> C. Begin work earlier D. Be involved in criminal activity

Which work values are most likely to remain strong over the course of young adulthood, as other work values decline?

A. Extrinsic B. Altruistic -> C. Intrinsic rewards and job security D. Social rewards of the job

Valarie, who is 18, is interested in becoming a lawyer. She does not mind working long hours as long as she can learn a lot and make a great deal of money. A psychologist would refer to these desires as Valarie's ___________________.

A. Intrinsic forces B. Performance orientation -> C. Work values D. Mastery orientation

Adolescent who come from family environments in which parents have set unrealistically high standards for their children's achievement and react very negatively to failure are more likely to develop __________________.

A. Mastery motivation -> B. A fear of failure C. Type-A personality characteristics D. A high achievement motivation

Professor Stein wants to test the stereotype threat effect. What is the most likely scenario if this effect does, in fact, occur?

A. Professor Stein tells participants in the experimental group that members of their ethic group perform poorly on the type of task that he is asking them to perform, and these participants actually perform better than participants in the control group -> B. Professor Stein tells participants in the experimental group that members of their ethnic group perform poorly on the type of task that he is asking them to perform, and these participants perform more poorly than participants in the control group C. Professor Stein tells participants in the experimental group that members of their ethnic group perform extremely well on the type of task that he is asking them to perform, and these participants perform more poorly than participants in the control group D. Professor Stein tells participants in the experimental group that the participants in the control group do not like them because of their ethnic background, so the experimental group members act aggressively towards members of the control group

Which of the following is not a way that an individual's grades are related to their peers' grades?

A. Students with best friends who achieve high grades in school are more likely to show improvements in their own grades than are students who begin at similar levels of achievement but whose friends are not high achievers B. When adolescents' grades improve, they tend to befriend more high-achieving classmates C. When adolescents' grades drop, they tend to befriend lower-achieving classmates -> D. All of these ways that students' grades change in relation to the grades of their friends

All of the following have been cited as possible explanations for low achievement scores among American students, except ___________________.

A. Teacher do not spend enough time on basic instruction, and very little time is spent on writing B. Students do not take advanced courses when they are offered C. Parents do not encourage academic pursuits at home -> D. Students spend too much time involved in extracurricular activities

An explanation of why students' motivation and school achievement drop as they transition into secondary school is that ______________________.

A. The subject matter becomes more difficult -> B. Teacher focus on grades (performance goals) rather than mastery of the material C. They are intimidated by the older students D. Their is a decline in the use of self-handicapping strategies

The extent to which an individual strives for success is referred to as ___________.

Achievement motivation

During the school year, Titus's parents took him to the theater and the opera. In addition, they bought him an encyclopedia for his birthday. The treatment Titus is receiving is an example of _______________.

Cultural capital

The ability to wait longer to get a larger, better, or more valuable reward instead of a less attractive one available immediately is referred to as _____________.

Delay of gratification

Levels of _____________ in America have risen over the past six decades, although the same cannot be said for academic achievement.

Educational achievement

Believing that intelligence is malleable and can be "grown" over time is referred to as _________________.

Growth mindset

Leroy plays video games not because he will win anything by doing well, or because anyone approves of his increasing skill, but because he enjoys getting better at the games. His behavior is an example of ___________________.

Mastery motivation

Influences on achievement that do not have to do with intellectual ability, such as determination, perseverance, and grit are known as __________________.

Non-cognitive factors

Achievement concerns the development of motives, capabilities, interests, and behavior that relate to ______________ in evaluative situations.


Even though Chloe works very hard in school, she gives her classmates the impression that she is uninterested in school in order to have an excuse for her poor performance. What type of behavior is this?


Jason is an intelligent youngster who avoids challenging situations because of his intense fear of failure. Despite his innate ability, he gets low grades and has trouble persisting even with easy tasks. Jason is a(n)_____________________.


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