Psych: Psychological Disorders and treatment practice quizzes

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Jason has periods when he feels extremely despondent for no apparent reason. During these periods, he finds it very difficult to be productive in college classes or at his job. Jason's symptoms are characteristics of the DSM-5 category of:

depressive disorders

In obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessions and compulsions frequently:

are linked in some way

Which of the following involves the development of a phobia through operant conditioning?

avoiding the feared object or situation is negatively reinforcing, so the person is more likely to avoid the feared object or situation again in the future

Paige is 20 years old and started smoking when she began dating Garrett, who smokes. Since breaking up with Garrett about four months ago, she continued to smoke. Currently, Paige smokes almost two packs of cigarettes per day. Which of the following statements is accurate?

because she is a heavy smoker, statistically Paige may be more likely to experience major depressive disorder than someone who doesn't smoke

The development of phobias can be partly explained by:

classical conditioning, operant conditions, and observational learning

When a person is driven to perform repetitive behaviors in a particular sequence or pattern, he or she is said to be experiencing a(n):


When people first meet 12 year old Micah, they find him to be an attractive, charming young man. But Micah's adoptive parents, teachers and schoolmates know otherwise. He is a chronic liar, manipulator, and bully. In the past four years, he has been caught several times vandalizing other people's property in his neighborhood and at school. He has been caught twice shoplifting, and was also caught trying to cash a forged check. Micah would be diagnosed as having:

conduct disorder

People who have anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have ____ brain activity of the neurotransmitter ____.

decreased; serotonin

Because the anxiety can be attached to virtually any object or to non at all, generalized anxiety is sometimes referred to as:

free-floating anxiety

Darlene is constantly nervous, tense, and apprehensive. She worries about her health, her job, her children, and her relatives. Her husband has tried to reassure her that everything is going well, but she can't seem to shake her pervasive anxiety. Darlene is probably experiencing:

generalized anxiety disorder

Anita is suffering from major depressive disorder. Compared with people who are not depressed, Anita is more likely to:

have a diminished ability to think, concentrate, and remember

Neil and Bonnie are married. Neil is not depressed, but Bonnie is suffering from major depressive disorder. Bonnie is more likely to:

have very low interest or pleasure in most activities

Uncontrollable thought and worries are to ___ uncontrollable behaviors are to ___.

obsessions; compulsions

People with personality disorders:

often display the characteristics of their personality disorder by the adolescent or early adult years

What is a major issue with using social media to diagnose disorders?

social media does not offer accurate information about people's thoughts and experiences

Even though Paula's friends have told her that her concerns are exaggerated, Paula continue to worry about physical symptoms she is experiencing. Her worry is excessive and out of proportion to the seriousness of the symptoms. Which of the following psychological disorders is Paula MOST likely to have?

somatic symptom disorder

One aspect of major depressive disorder is that thinking becomes globally pessimistic and negative about the self. This pervasive negativity and pessimism is often manifested in:

suicidal thoughts or preoccupations with death

Which of the following statements about DSM-5 is FALSE?

DSM-5 is of little practical value to clinical psychologists and other mental health workers, because it merely describes the symptoms of mental illnesses and does not explain what causes them

The acronym "DSM-5" stands for:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition

According to the results of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R_, approximately 1 out of ____ American adults has experienced the symptoms of a psychological disorder during the previous year.

In terms of lifetime prevalence, ___ of Americans will be affected by the symptoms of major depressive disorder at some point in their life.

An unpleasant emotional state that involves feelings of worry, dread, apprehension, and tension, along with heightened physical arousal, is called:


The physical symptoms of ____ often accompany major depressive disorder.


Which of the following statements about anxiety is TRUE?

anxiety can be adaptive, helpful, and beneficial when it alerts people to a realistic threat

Regarding the difference between normal and abnormal behavior, which of the following statements is TRUE?

The difference between normal and abnormal is often a matter of degree

The most common symptoms of ____ are a pounding heart, rapid breathing, breathlessness, and a choking sensation. Accompanying the intense, escalating surge of physical arousal are feelings of terror and the believe that one is about to die, go crazy, or completely lose control.

a panic attack

Patrick has been diagnosed as suffering from social anxiety disorder. Patrick is likely to experience:

a paralyzing fear of performing even routine behaviors in public situations or in front of other people

Statistically, women are ____ to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder.

about twice as likely as men

On three separate occasions when she was out in public over the past three months, Vanessa has had to rush home after being overwhelmed by dizzy spells during which her heart pounded and she felt as if she couldn't breathe. ON the last occasion she went to the emergency department, but a thorough examination ruled out any medical problem. Nevertheless, Vanessa has become increasingly fearful about having more episodes, and she has restricted her activities to only the most essential outings. Vanessa seems to be displaying symptoms of which of the following psychological disorders?


Severely restricted eating and an intense fear of weight gain is to ____ as binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting is to ____.

anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa

Howard is a 27 year old man who lives in San Francisco. He has been fired from numerous jobs, usually because he got caught lying or repeatedly failed to show up for work. Howard has also been arrested twice for running various "con" games in which he swindles money out of unsuspecting tourists. he has been in and out of drug rehab for alcohol misuse several times. Howard's pattern of behaviors seems to fit which of the following disorders?

antisocial personality disorder

In contrast to normal anxiety, pathological anxiety

in irrational, uncontrollable, and disruptive

Although he has only been caught one time, Devin has repeatedly shoplifted small items that he could easily pay for or doesn't need. Which of the following psychological disorders is Devin most likely to have?


For the third time in two months, Erica's husband rushed her to the hospital emergency department because Erica thought she was having a heart attack. Her symptoms included a racing, pounding heart, weakness, feeling faint, and feeling as if she were unable to breathe. Although her doctor says she is physically healthy, Erica lives in fear of another attack. Erica is most likely suffering from which psychological disorder?

panic disorder

Mark has a pervasive mistrust and auspiciousness of others. These characteristics are the defining features of the _____ personality disorder.


Research has investigated whether people with mental disorders are significantly more violent and dangerous than other groups of people. What was the basic finding of that research?

people who have a severe mental disorder in which they are delusional or hallucinating have a slightly higher level of violent behavior than people who do not have a mental disorder

By definition ____ are inflexible, maladaptive patterns of thoughts, emotions, behavior, and interpersonal functioning that are stable over time and across situations and deviate from the expectations of the individual's culture.

personality disorders

Hundreds of mental health professionals, mostly ____, participated in the development of DSM-5.

psychiatrists and clinical psychologists

____ is the scientific study of the origins, symptoms, and development of psychological disorders.


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