Psych-test 2

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Brian has three different children with very different personality traits. Even with such different personality traits, Brain sees strong maturation effects. Which of the following. has Brian most likely observed? A. All three children learned to walk at about 12 months of age B. One of his children did not have the grasping reflex C. All three children preferred to sleep with the lights on D. Two of the three children did not crawl

A. All three children learned to walk at about 12 months of age

Kate's brain has suffered damage to its right hemisphere. Which of the following tasks is LEAST likely to be affected? A. balancing her checkbook B. rearranging furniture C. stacking blocks D. drawing a picture

A. balancing her checkbook

Which of the following is NOT an example of consciousness? A. being in a persistent vegetative state B. moment-by-moment subjective experiences C. reflecting on one's thoughts D. paying attention to one's surroundings

A. being in a persistent vegetative state

After Mark has gone through one full sleep cycle, his heart beats faster, his breathing becomes fast and irregular, and his closed eyes begin to move back and forth. A researcher who is monitoring Mark's EEG activity will most likely see ______ waves. A. beta B. delta C. theta D. alpha

A. beta

The ______ domain relates to how we think, reason, and communicate A. cognitive B. physical C. cultural D. socio-emotional

A. cognitive

If Pavlov repeatedly presented the conditioned stimulus, the metronome, without the unconditioned stimulus, the food, the dogs would stop salivating to the sound of the metronome. In classical conditioning, this process is called A. extinction B. stimulus generalization C. spontaneous recovery D. acquisition

A. extinction

Jane is four months pregnant. When describing how her baby is developing, Jane is most likely talking about changes that occur during the ______ period A. prenatal B. teratogen C. blastocyst D. germinal

A. prenatal

A cat is classically conditioned to purr when it hears the refrigerator door open, because it contains the cat food. But the cat does not purr when it hears the pantry door open. The act that the cat only purrs when the refrigerator door opens is most likely a result of A. stimulus discrimination B. spontaneous recovery C. extinction D. stimulus generalization

A. stimulus discrimination

A perfume advertisement uses classical conditioning to increase product appeal. To do this, it pairs the attractive face of the actor Brad Pitt with its perfume Chanel 5. If Brad Pitt elicits an innate response from you, he is being used as a(n) A. unconditioned stimulus B. conditioned stimulus C. conditioned response D. unconditioned response

A. unconditioned stimulus

If Dr. Raybel wants to observe how people learn to play a new game, he may want to consult the founder of behaviorism A. John Locke B. John Watson C. Ivan Pavlov D. Alfred Bandura

B. John Watson

The first cell of new life, which is created from the union of the sperm and the egg, is known as A. the blastocyst B. a zygote C. the fetus D. the embryo

B. a zygote

Katrina is training her dog to sit whenever she points at him. She repeatedly points right before giving a verbal command. Her dog gradually learns to associate the pointing with the verbal command and will eventually sit when she points without the verbal command. This process of gradual learning is known as A. spontaneous recovery B. acquisition C. extinction D. habituation

B. acquisition

Paul is babysitting Pamela for the first time. When Pamela's mom leaves, Pamela cries. When her mom returns, Pamela reaches for her but then pushes away from her. Paul assumes Pamela has a (n) _________ attachment A. anxious B. ambivalent C. avoidant D. secure

B. ambivalent

Drugs like cocaine and amphetamines are reinforcing to the user, making it more likely that he or she will use again. This is because the drugs A. create cognitive maps B. enhance dopamine activation C. create insight learning experiences D. enhance the user's forgetfulness

B. enhance dopamine activation

Which of the following domains of development relates to changes in levels of hormones and growth of the body, including the brain? A. socio-emotional domain B. physical domain C. cognitive domain D. cultural domain

B. physical domain

which of the following is associated with the development of sexually mature reproductive organs and genitals? A. object permanence B. primary sex characteristics C. secondary sex characteristics D. puberty

B. primary sex characteristics

Dr. Osmond is a developmental psychologist who studies adulthood. Which of the following is he most likely to research? A. peer relationships within cliques B. the mental effects of stagnation C. the physical effects of teratogens D. the development of object permanence

B. the mental effects of stagnation

Your best friend had a baby two weeks ago. She is excited because the baby smiled at birth, and she believes that the smiling indicated attachment. You know the truth is that A. newborns smile whenever they have pleasurable feelings B. babies can smile even before birth C. babies typically do not show social smiles until four to six weeks of age D. newborns can smile from birth and this indicates attachment

C. babies typically do not show social smiles until four to six weeks of age

Eleven-month-old Luis watches as his mother comes in and out of his bedroom while she is putting away laundry. Luis does not get upset when his mother leaves the room since he seems to know that his mother is still in the house, even if he cannot see her. Luis is demonstrating which of the following? A. goal-directed behavior B. assimilation C. object permanence D. reflexes

C. object permanence

Dr. Brimfield believes that humans learn best when they are given the opportunity to act on their environments and make associations between their behavior and the resulting consequences. Dr. Brimfield believes in A. modeling B. observational learning C. operant conditioning D. classical conditioning

C. operant conditioning

REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because the A. person is not really asleep B. person has no awareness of being asleep C. person's body is asleep, but the person's brain is active D. person's brain is asleep, but the person's body is active

C. person's body is asleep, but the person's brain is active

Whenever baby Colin cries, his mother picks him up. This stops Colin from crying. In turn, this makes Colin's mother pick him up more often. In this example, his mother picking him up serves as a ______ reinforcer for Colin. Colin stopping crying is a ______ reinforcer for the mother. A. positive; positive B. negative; positive C. positive; negative D. negative; negative

C. positive; negative

Kaya is crying because her teddy bear fell off the kitchen table and bumped its nose. She pretends to be "mommy" and goes to the cupboard for a Band-Aid to put on the bear's hurt nose. Because Kaya's thinking is intuitive and not logical, she is most likely in the ______ stage of cognitive development A. formal operational B. concrete operational C. preoperational D. sensorimotor

C. preoperational

A father takes his young daughter to the park. The girl grabs a red flower and is stung by a bee. The next day, the girl's grandmother brings her a bouquet of red flowers. When the girl sees the flowers, she becomes afraid and runs away. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is the A. fear of the flowers B. pain of the sting C. red flowers D. bee

C. red flowers

A conditioned stimulus is A. a reflexive, natural reaction B. something that causes a response without learning C. something that causes a response after learning takes place D. an unlearned reaction

C. something that causes a response after learning takes place

Altered consciousness can be achieved through all of the following EXCEPT A. meditation B. hypnosis C. subliminal perception D. psychoactive drug use

C. subliminal perception

Katie is afraid of clowns. She has been trying to overcome this fear by getting into a relaxed state and then looking at pictures of clowns. After months of this exposure, she is no longer afraid when she sees a clown. Katie has been using ______ to overcome her fear. A. modeling B. counterconditioning C. systematic desensitization D. extinction

C. systematic desensitization

Circadian rhythms can best be described as A. heartbeats that trigger a change in blood circulation B. the changes that occur in wakefulness after jet lag and shift work C. the regulation of biological cycles into regular, daily patters D. the time between sunrise and sunset. which determines sleep patterns

C. the regulation of biological cycles into regular, daily patters

In Pavlov's research, dogs learned that the sound of a metronome predicted the arrival of food, so the dogs salivated at the sound of the metronome. In this research, classical conditioning occurred in part because the ______ elicited a(n) _____ response (salivation) A. unconditioned stimulus (metronome); conditioned B. conditioned stimulus (food); conditioned C. unconditioned stimulus (food);unconditioned D. conditioned stimulus (metronome); unconditioned

C. unconditioned stimulus (food);unconditioned

Carla just took an amphetamine, which means that her heart rate and blood pressure will A. fluctuate continuously B. decrease C. remain unchanged D. increase

D. increase

As you sleep through the night, REM sleep A. is more likely to involve dreaming B. decreased relative to the other stages C. is less likely to involve dreaming D. increases relative to the other stages

D. increases relative to the other stages

Beck, a 35-year-old mother, sleeps whenever her six-month-old baby does. Even though Becky and her infant get the same amount of sleep according to consolidation theory, Becky will spend ______ time in ______ sleep compared with her baby. A. less; slow-wave B. more; REM C. more; slow-wave D. less; REM

D. less; REM

Jonathan is traveling to Italy, and his motto for his trip is "when in Rome, do as the Romans do!" This phrase suggests that Jonathan is most likely to learn how to behave in Rome based on A. habituation B. classical conditioning C. operant conditioning D. observational learning

D. observational learning

Lila is not an alcoholic and never drinks to excess. However, she does have wine with dinner every evening. When Lila is two weeks pregnant, she asks you whether this can injure her baby. What correct response can you give her? A. because she drinks every day, her body is used to it and wine will not hurt the baby B. she should only drink once a week since a small amount of wine cannot do any harm C. because she does not drink to excess, wine will probably not injure the baby D. she should top drinking win completely until after the baby is born

D. she should top drinking win completely until after the baby is born

Ernst is jealous that several of his friends are going through puberty but he has not started yet. He eagerly keeps checking for signs that his body is changing. Ernst knows he should eventually experience all of the following EXCEPT A. increased muscle mass B. a rapid, hormonally driven in height and weight C. the development of primary sex characteristics D. the development of a more rounded jaw

D. the development of a more rounded jaw

Over dinner one night, your little sister tells you how she is being picked on at school by two other students. Rowan has been calling her names during class for the past few weeks. Marty has been sending her offensive text messages and intimidating e-mails. Together, Rowan is engaging in _____ bullying and Marty is engaging in _____ bullying. A. social; cyber B. social; verbal C. verbal; social D. verbal; cyber

D. verbal; cyber

Meghan is under the influence of a drug. She feels energized and is also experiencing altered visual perception. Meghan most likely took the drug A. heroin B. methamphetamine C. MDMA D. cocaine


Which of the following life periods makes up most of our life span? A. prenatal B. childhood C. adulthood D. adolescence

C. adulthood

Baby George's mother leaves him sitting in the grocery cart as she goes around the corner searching for cake mix. George screams as she leaves, reaches for her when she returns, but then pushes her away. George's behavior is most consistent with a (n) _______ attachment style A. strange B. avoidant C. ambivalent D. secure

C. ambivalent

In operant conditioning, removing a stimulus to increase a behavior in the future is called A. positive reinforcement B. positive punishment C. negative reinforcement D. negative punishment

C. negative reinforcement

Aaron is asleep. His breathing has become more regular and he is less sensitive to external stimulation. A researcher can confirm that Aaron is in stage 2 sleep by looking for _______ an Aaron's EEGs A. alpha waves B. beta waves C. delta waves D. K-complexes

D. K-complexes

Elizabeth is going to decorate her newborn's room and wants the baby to be able to see the decorations. Which of the following should she use to decorate? A. a large picture with pastel flowers in a field B. wallpaper covered in small blue butterflies C. curtains with red, blue, and yellow cars for the window D. a wall hanging with a large black-and-white checked fabric

D. a wall hanging with a large black-and-white checked fabric

Heroin increases pleasure by _______ receptors A. activating serotonin B. blocking opiate C. inhibiting dopamine D. binding with opiate

D. binding with opiate

Kara explains to her roommate why Harry Harlow's experiments were so important to explaining an infant's socio-emotional development. Kara correctly says that Harlow's results demonstrate that A. food can be used as a method for tension reduction in the young B. providing food is more important than providing comforting contact C. infants become distressed when a mother provides comfort but not food D. comforting touch is more important than food, particularly when an infant is stressed

D. comforting touch is more important than food, particularly when an infant is stressed

Dr. Shaw has a patient who has a phobia of spiders and also loves doing puzzles. Dr. Shaw exposes the patient to spiders briefly while having the patient complete a fun puzzle. Dr. Shaw is using _______ to treat his patient's phobia. A. systematic desensitization B. second-order conditioning C. modeling D. counterconditioning

D. counterconditioning

As Isaac reads his textbook, he gets more and more drowsy and is just about to fall asleep. His brain activity will most likely be characterized by _______ waves. A. alpha B. theta C. beta D. delta

A. alpha

After taking a drug at a party, Fawn became energetic, talkative, and lively. Which drug did fawn most likely use? A. cocaine B. heroin C. marijuana D. alcohol

A. cocaine

In an experiment, researchers found that when given the word pair "ocean-moon", followed by the word "detergent", participants typically say the word "tide". Which of the following explanations was a participant LEAST likely to give? A. "i see Tide commercials on television all the time" B. " The ocean-moon word pair reminded me of the tide" C. "I love the way Tide cleans my bright colors" D. "my mom used Tide when I was growing up"

B. " The ocean-moon word pair reminded me of the tide"

In Pavlov's research, classical conditioning occurred when the dogs learned the metronome predicted the arrival of food. This process was based on the animals' instinctive response to the ______ stimulus A. neutral B. unconditioned C. classical D. conditioned

B. unconditioned

Byron drinks five cups of coffee each day during the work week. Whenever he sleeps late on Saturdays, he wakes up with a headache that only goes away when he has a cup of coffee. Based on this you know that Byron is most likely experiencing A. tolerance B. withdrawal C. psychological dependence D. contextual cravings

B. withdrawal

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