Psych unit 4 test

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Which of the following statements about children who are bilingual is NOT true?

Children who are bilingual are less conscious of the structure of spoken language than children who speak only one language.

_____ children with a learning disability have a reading problem.


Bellah sits in the back of the room, and very few of the children in class even know his name. He does not have any best friends, but he is not disliked by his classmates. Which of the following is Bellah's probable sociometric status?


According to John Coie, which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why aggressive peer-rejected boys have problems in social relationships?

Rejected children are more focused on maintaining positive relationships with peers.

Which of the following terms refers to self-evaluations in the different domains of an individual's life?


_____ is the belief that "I can"; helplessness is the belief that "I cannot".


At which stage of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development does a person understand that values, rights, and principles undergird or transcend the law?

Social contract or utility and individual rights

Which of the following would NOT be considered an arbitrary rule?

Stealing money from a person

What is the result of the public and government demand for increased accountability from schools?

The spread of state-mandated tests to measure just what students had or had not learned

Many of today's children grow up receiving praise for mediocre or even poor performance. What could be a possible consequence of this?

They may have difficulty handling competition and criticism.

According to the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, which of the following can be described as a feminine item?


In which of the following areas has it been found that girls exhibit better skills than boys?

Verbal skills

Sergio's mental age is 8, but his chronological age is 9, we would say that Sergio's IQ is:

above average

Mental age (MA) is:

an individual's level of mental development relative to others.

Jared, 3, was taken to the doctor by his parents who were concerned by his seeming lack of attachment to those around him. Jared hardly spoke at all and spent all day preoccupied with bouncing his ball off a wall. After a thorough investigation, his pediatrician diagnosed him with _____.

autistic disorder

Colin does not earn high grades on standardized tests but has a black belt in martial arts. According to Gardner, Colin has _____ skills.


In terms of self-understanding, children in late childhood are MORE likely than children in early childhood to:

compare themselves with others.

All of the following are peer statuses EXCEPT _____.


The belief that children should be encouraged to explore their world and discover knowledge with the guidance and support of teachers is central to the _____ approach to learning.


Angie's mother allows her to schedule her own study and relaxation times, with the expectation that Angie must continue doing well in school and must discuss her activities with her mother ahead of time. Angie's mother checks on Angie's school progress frequently and also talks to her about her social life and problems. This approach is called:


Voletta thinks reflectively and reviews, connects, and reflects as a means of evaluating evidence. This means that she is engaging in:

critical thinking.

If the word "win" is on a list of words a child is asked to remember, the child might think of the last time he won a pony race with a friend. This is an example of _____.


At some point during the early elementary school years, children begin to use _____ more and, according to the fuzzy trace theory, this contributes to the improved memory and reasoning of older children.


Carol Dweck (2006) concluded that individuals have one of two mindsets, namely fixed mindset and:

growth mindset.

Jacob is a third-grader and has a disability that has caused him to be separated from his peers during the school day. Recently Jacob has been moved to the regular third-grade classroom. Jacob has just experienced _____.


When children are encouraged in their efforts to make, build, and work—whether building a model airplane, constructing a tree house, fixing a bicycle, solving an addition problem, or cooking—their sense of _____ increases.


Julio, 12, cannot get his science project to work. In fact, it seems to him that nothing he makes ever works properly. According to Erik Erikson, Julio is at risk for developing a sense of:


Nasrin believes that in regards to morality, the focus should be on abstract principals rather than relationships and others. Therefore, she has a _____ orientation.


The consensus among psychologists that both heredity and environment influence intelligence reflects the _____.

nature-nurture issue

Gavin is rarely nominated as a best friend but his peers don't dislike him. He would be classified as a _____ child.


Moral rules are widely accepted, somewhat impersonal, and:


According to Sandra Bem, which of the following is correct?

Androgynous individuals are more mentally healthy than their masculine or feminine counterparts.

Interventions with children who have a learning disability often focus on improving:

reading ability.

Many intelligence tests are biased in that they:

reflect the cultures of some test takers more than others.

Research indicates that it is unlikely learning disabilities:

reside in a single, specific brain location.

Albert Bandura states that _____ is a critical factor in whether or not students achieve.


Children's friendships are typically characterized by:


According to Kenneth Dodge, aggressive boys are more likely to perceive another child's actions as hostile when:

the child's intention is ambiguous.

African American students are _____ times as likely as Latinos, Native Americans, or Whites to be suspended from school.


According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the highest stage of moral development is called:

universal ethical principles.

A child with an IQ of _____ or higher is considered to be gifted.


In 2009-2010, _____ percent of U.S. 6- to 11-year-olds were classified as obese.


What causes the autism spectrum disorders?

A brain dysfunction with abnormalities in brain structure and neurotransmitters

What percentage of the mentally retarded fall into the classification of the profoundly mentally retarded?

About 1 percent

What percentage of mentally retarded are considered moderately retarded?

About 6 percent

_____ are characterized by an uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells.

All child cancers

Which of the following improves considerably during the elementary school years?

Metalinguistic awareness

Which of the following statements represents the current thinking among increasing numbers of experts in the field of reading?

Direct instruction in phonics is a key aspect of learning to read.

Sabeen has a severe impairment in reading and spelling ability. Identify the condition that Sabeen has.


Which of the following is a strategy for improving children's memory skills?

Embed memory-relevant language when instructing children.

Karen believes that her qualities and learning abilities cannot change no matter how much effort she gives. Therefore, she has decided not to try at all and let her grades plummet. According to Carol Dweck, which of the following best describes Karen's mindset?


According to a recent study, which of the following is NOT true regarding observations on bullying?

Girls and younger high school students were most likely to be affected by bullying.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the differences in helping behavior of males versus females?

Males are more helpful when the context is masculine in nature.

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