psycho sport

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Walking has been shown to slow cognitive decline in older adults.


When taking steroids, males experience more feminine characteristics whereas females experience more masculine characteristics.


The narrowing and internal focus associated with choking can result in:

all of these answers are accurate

Which of the following is not true about beta-blockers?

have dependence-producing characteristics

What is one of the most critical aspects of successfully implementing a mental training program?


What is the ideal length of time for an athlete's first exposure to a formal mental skills training program?

3 to 6 months

Acosta and Carpenter report that before Title IX was passed in 1972, over 90% of women's athletic teams at the college level were coached by a woman and had a woman athletic director. What is the approximate percentage of women coaching women in collegiate athletics today?


The job-person fit model of burnout and engagement focuses on how many areas of worklife?


___________ occurs when athletes maintain sport involvement because of passion and intrinsic motivation.

Adaptive commitment

Butryn's article on white privilege in sport demonstrated that:

All of these

Major athlete transitions currently being studied are:

All of these areas are gaining traction

Which of the following is the definition of sexual prejudice?

Both Discrimination and prejudice on the basis of sexual orientation and Attitude directed at a social group, involving hostility or dislike

Which of the following is an accurate statement about diversity in sport and athletics?

Both Women are under-represented (less than population %) in coaching and athletic administration and Racial/ethnic minorities are under-represented (less than population %) in coaching and athletic administration

When considering research on stereotypes, which of the following is true?

Both as professionals act on stereotypes, opportunities for everyone are restricted and how people think males and female differ is more important than actual differences

Coaching behaviors are measured by Smoll and Smith's:

Coaching Behavior Assessment System

______ refers to separating oneself from one's thoughts.

Cognitive defusion

______________ is the ability to understand, remember, and perceive of objects, thoughts and ideas.

Cognitive functioning

A sense of success and being effective in one's environment is known as:


"Shared values, beliefs and practices of an identifiable group of people" is the definition of which of the following terms?


"Maintaining attention without the need to reduce, limit, or otherwise control thoughts, emotions and physical sensations" is the primary goal of which program?


Which of the following is a comprehensive, formal strategy for training mindfulness in sport?

MAC approach

Which of the following is an accurate statement about diversity in exercise and physical activity participation?

Men compared to women are more likely to be active

______ is a technique in which the athlete(s) determines the psychological skills needed for success and then assesses his or her strengths or weaknesses specific to those skills.

Performance profiling

______ is a future-oriented component of the self, representing what we want to do or who we want to become.

Possible self

Parham (2005) offers guidelines for developing multiculturally competent sport professionals, including which of the following?

Professionals should listen as much (or more than) talking

What is the name of the model that attempts to combine performance enhancement goals with ones of personal balance and fulfillment in order to try and become truly holistic?

Resonance Performance Model

The idea that physiological outcomes are influenced by the nature of one's motivation is known as:

Self-Determination theory

Negative and detached attitude towards sport is known as:

Sport devaluation

Which of the following statistics regarding athletes' experiences of retirement are not true?

The strength of a performer's identity as an athlete has no bearing on their retirement experiences

To improve access to mental training, Weinberg, Neff, and Jurica (2012) suggested:

access would be improved by following each of these guidelines or suggestions

Which of the following is not true about the relationship between physical activity and depression?

adherence factors are not important in understanding the physical activity-depression relationship

Which of the following marks one of the major shifts in how career research in sport psychology has developed?

all of these answers are examples of major shifts in the understanding of career transitions in sport

Which of the following strategies or approaches has been found to help athletes through their rehabilitation?

all of these approaches can improve the rehabilitation process for athletes

At the beginning of each special mental training session, the coach or sport psychologist should outline for the athletes:

all of these elements should be explained

What are examples of social processes that might help someone develop a physical activity identity?

all of these examples are accurate in relation to the question

What is one weakness of using interviews, questionnaires, and behavioral observation to determine an athlete's psychological strengths and weaknesses?

athlete plays a passive role

Psychological skills training is appropriate for:

athletes of all ages and skill levels

A multidimensional, cognitive-affective syndrome characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion, reduced sense of accomplishment, and sport devaluation is known as:


Which of the following is true about narcotic analgesics?

can be addictive in large doses

Motivational interviewing describes:

client centered directive methods to increase client's intrinsic motivation for health behavior change

What two approaches do sport psychologists often use when working with athletes?

clinical and educational

All of the following are doping categories banned by the IOC except:


In CET, the persuasion process involves:


Cross et al.'s (1999) continuum of cultural competence ranges from:

cultural destructiveness to cultural proficiency

The list of important issues to be sensitive to when making a referral to a licensed psychologist does not include:

dating behavior of the athlete

Which of the following is not one of the three key self-beliefs that Whaley and Schroyer (2010) recommend?

development of exercise commitment

___________ refers to the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs as methods to improve performance.


Impairment of cognitive functioning does not usually include:

enhanced understanding

When prescribing exercise as a strategy to help decrease feelings of anxiety, people should be encouraged to do all of the following except:

exercise on days when they are experiencing anxiety

All athletes who experience burnout will eventually dropout.


An effective psychological intervention does not need to be systematic nor do a variety of mental skills need to be integrated and it can be implemented without considering the sport context and the individual performer or team.


Approximately 40% of adults in the United States are meeting Healthy People 2020 physical activity guidelines.


As competition nears, the sport psychology consultant should emphasize the one correction that will lead to the greatest improvement in performance.


Athletes typically only experience a few transitions during their athletic career regardless of its length.


Athletic trainers see themselves as the ideal providers of sport psychology interventions for injured athletes.


Considerations for deciding if a referral is needed include all of the following: use of existing coping strategies, length of time the issue has existed, the severity of the issue, the desire of the coach to have the athlete back with the team.


Developing an exercise identity could be incredibly harmful for many people, especially if they develop an injury.


When teaching mental skills to a group of athletes, the best approach is to be:

flexible and individualized

Which athlete would benefit most from a beta-adrenergic blocker?


There are "do's" and "don'ts" when dealing with eating disorders. The Don'ts include:

hold team weigh-ins

Most exercise interventions have utilized all of the following models, except:

identity or schema-related theories

Guidelines for writing/achieving affirmation statements include all of the following EXCEPT for:

include useful generalizations such as always, every time

Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between physical activity and cognitive functioning?

incorporating physical activity could prevent, slow or even, in some cases, reverse cognitive decline in middle- and older-aged people

Which statement about eating disorders is FALSE?

manifest quite similarly in males and females

A motivational climate which defines success in terms of self-improvement, task mastery, and exhibiting maximum effort and dedication is:

mastery climate

Elevated fatigue and performance decrements in athletes that they can recover from is known as:


According to cognitive appraisal models, an athlete's behavioral response to injury is a result of:

personal and situational factors influencing cognitive appraisal

Athletic trainers play a crucial role in the rehabilitation process for injured athletes, because in addition to helping athletes rehab their injury, athletic trainers:

provide listening support

This is integral to training periodization and represents the mechanism by which a higher level of function is achieved following intense training?


An effect of stimulants on performance enhancement is:

reduced fatigue

Which psychological skill is a foundation skill?


Which of the following strategies does not reduce the novelty effect on performance?

self-talk strategies

Which of the following is not a major issue related to athlete referral?

social skills

The negative impact of burnout does not include:

social support

Behaviors initiated by coaches but not in response to a discernible preceding event are called:

spontaneous behaviors

Stambulova (2016) offered a structure of athlete careers, which does not include the following element?

transition in the athletic career is viewed as distinct and separate from life career transitions

A person's gender refers to the social roles and meanings attached to being female or male.


A survey of athletic trainers indicated that they believed almost half of injured athletes suffered negative psychological effects such as anger, stress/anxiety, depression, and treatment compliance problems.


Both social and cognitive processes can help people create a physical activity identity.


Career assistance is about helping athletes become more resourceful for sport and life, developing transferable skills and connecting their past with their present and future experiences.


Given the nature of international competitions, it is important for practitioners working with elite athletes to help them prepare for relocation and cope with acculturation challenges upon arrival.


Giving injured athletes a choice about attending practice when injured is preferable than forcing them to attend.


Imagery can be used for pain management.


The ideal time for initially implementing psychological skills training for an individual athlete is:

when first beginning to participate in sport

Imagery involves which of the following senses?

all of these

Which of these is a strategy to stay centered?

all of these techniques help performers stay centered

According to Steinmetz et al. (1980), self-talk is unproductive and/or based on irrational beliefs when it:

does any of these

______ is based on the concept that ease in skillful competitive performance is unconsciously conditioned by the external and internal stimuli that surround athletes during practice.

dress rehearsal

"Mastery" videos are purposely designed to have the athlete practice making a mistake and then practice the strategies for regaining control and confidence.


Centering is the process of focusing your attention on one specific activity.


Mindfulness suggests that thoughts match reality and learning to control them is a differentiating factor between highly successful and less successful athletes.


Only positive feedback can build confidence.


All are true of someone with an optimistic explanatory style EXCEPT for:

view teammates as largely responsible for one's success

One of the common misconceptions about confidence is that success always builds confidence.


One of the purposes of basic training in imagery is to evaluate imagery ability.


Particularly in high anxiety conditions, using self-talk to say what "not to do" (e.g., "don't fumble") may result in that very action being completed (e.g., more dropped footballs).


Self-efficacy is the conviction that one can successfully execute the specific behavior required to produce the desired outcome.


Successful athletes use imagery more extensively and systematically than less successful athletes.


The humanist perspective suggests that athletes will prefer different approaches; therefore, sport psychology consultants should be educated and trained to approach situations from multiple perspectives and approaches in the field.


There is a direct correlation between self-confidence and success.


A principle(s) that underlies the application of Attention Control Training to performance enhancement:

under optimal conditions, the average person can meet the required concentration demands

Based on research that examined the influence of self-talk on performance, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:

Negative self-talk undermines performance

According to Moran (2009), which of the following is a foundation of Attention Control Training (ACT)?

Performers must decide to concentrate - it will not happy by-chance

An optimal time to use imagery is:

any of these times are "optimal" for imagery use

What did Gardner and Moore (2004) find about the effect of traditional mental skills training attempts to control or replace thoughts and emotions?

some athletes experienced other task-irrelevant thoughts and diminished performance

Bioinformational theory states that mental image is an organized set of characteristics stored in the brain's long term memory. The characteristics which activate the content of the image are:

stimulus characteristics

Which of the following is NOT one of the three key themes associated with the multicultural framework used in the chapter reading and in multicultural psychology?

Color blindness (treat everyone the same)

According to research investigating the stress and injury model, who is least likely to incur an athletic injury?

Dick who is a sensation seeker

Kamphoff, Gill and colleagues (2010) surveyed the Association for Applied Sport Psychology conference programs for almost thirty years. The few abstracts that did address diversity issues focused on simple comparisons of:

Gender differences

_____ is known as maintaining the behavior over time and across certain situations.


___________ is one of the largest known correlates of physical activity behaviour commensurate with intention.


______ and ______ are key personal development skills that Vealey feels are an important part of psychological skills training.

Identity achievement, interpersonal competence

Ellis identified four irrational beliefs that are likely to negatively affect an athlete's performance. Identify the belief statement below that fails to represent one of the four.

If I do my very best, I should get the end result I want.

To enhance the functional equivalence of an image, performers should avoid which of the following?

Practice in a quiet location away from the sport setting and wearing comfortable, non-athletic gear

Culture (as discussed in the chapter) includes:

Race and ethnicity, Gender, and Physical characteristics and abilities

Ram, Starek and Johnson (2004) report the lack of research on which of the following within the field of sport and exercise psychology?

Race/ethnicity and sexual orientation

Career researchers and practitioners have re-conceptualized an athlete as _________________.

a whole person

Self-efficacy is defined as an individual's judgment about his/her:

ability to successfully perform a particular task

Which of the below, if any, are NOT target behaviors that a CET workshop would like to increase?

all are desired target behaviors

Performers can use self-talk to:

all of these

Schlossberg's (1981) model proposed that which of the following has/have an impact on adaptation to transition?

all of these

Warning signs of eating disorder include:

all of these

When referrals don't go smoothly, athletes often:

all of these

Which of the following factors influence the stress response, which in turn influences the probability of injury?

all of these

Which of the following is a personal problem for which an athlete may need a referral?

all of these

Which of the following needs to be taken into consideration for deciding whether or not to issue a referral?

all of these

Why individuals take steroids?

all of these

Why would a professional athlete turn to banned drugs?

all of these

What are the components of health-related quality of life (HRQoL)?

all of these answers are HRQoL components

The basic psychological skills training methods include:

all of these answers are accurate

When considering traditional mental skills approaches to the process of achieving a desired mental state, the following is true:

all of these answers are accurate

Which of the following benefits of mindfulness have been empirically proven?

all of these benefits are accurate

What are examples of cognitive processes that help someone develop or maintain a physical activity identity?

all of these examples are accurate in relation to the question

What would be an effective example of using imagery as an injured athlete?

all of these examples would be useful for ways of implementing imagery as an injured athlete

What factors outside the psychological realm that influence performance should sport psychology consultants first understand?

all of these factors should be understood by sport psychology consultants

One of the first peer-reviewed applications of mindfulness in sport psychology (Kabat-Zinn, Beall, & Rippe, 1985) found:

all of these results were found in this study

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

all of these statements are accurate

An athlete frequently chokes. How could this be prevented?

all of these training examples could help prevent choking

Dress rehearsal is helpful for an athlete because it:

allows athletes to be comfortable in their competition uniform

Athletes take recreational drugs (e.g., hallucinogens) in order to:

alter their state of mind

When we say that imagery is a "polysensory experience", we mean that:

an effective image incorporates as many of the different sense modalities as possible

Sue realizes that she performs poorly on tests because she gets so anxious that she loses confidence. She wants to improve her test taking and for weeks before her next test she imagines sitting down to take the test while remaining calm, in control, and totally confident. The preceding is an example of:

an ideal self image exercise

Which of the following specific athlete-related issues would the sport psychology consultant generally be MOST likely to handle without referral to outside professional counseling?


We are most likely to use our preferred or dominant attentional style:

as pressure increases

When should psychological skills be practiced with physical skills?

as soon as possible

The following are ways to assess the efficacy of a coach-training program with the exception of:

ascertain how opposing coaches react to coaches who received training

The first step in preventing athlete burnout is:

assess the situation

What is meant by the concept "referring in"?

athlete, sport psychologist, and licensed psychologist initially meet together

When can athletes stop psychological skills training?

athletes should not stop training mental skills

Which of the following strategies is best for regaining concentration once it has been lost?

attentional cues and triggers

Which of the following is not a psychological rehabilitation strategy that Williams and Scherzer recommend teaching injured athletes?

attentional focusing

Which of the following is NOT a cognitive technique for improving performance?

autogenic statements

Which of the following does not describe the coach effectiveness training philosophy toward winning?

avoid discussing winning

A quarterback needs to shift his attentional focus from surveying the field for receivers to delivery of a pass to one receiver. This shift would be from:

broad external to narrow external

An athlete meets with a sport psychologist and describes a particular performance problem. The sport psychologist plans an intervention strategy. The sport psychologist needs what type of attentional focus?

broad internal

Before a match I plan my strategy for how I intend to beat my opponent. To do this effectively I would need which type of attentional focus?

broad internal

When taking an essay exam, I first think through how I will answer a question. This requires what type of attentional focus?

broad internal

Which of the following is the lesser problem to be considered by the coach/sport psychologist when an athlete has a serious enough problem that he/she needs referral to a licensed psychologist?

coach may not wish to risk losing the athlete for an upcoming game

The mediational model of coach-athlete interaction is sequenced as follows:

coaches' behaviors, athletes' perceptions and recall, athletes' evaluative reactions

What are the two main strategies for controlling drug abuse?

cognitive and behavioral

Feelings of personal choice are known as:


If an athlete refuses to see another mental health professional, the performance enhancement practitioner should:

continue helping the athlete with performance concerns

An athlete tries to image shooting free throws under pressure, but the ball keeps hitting the rim and bouncing off. This is an example of lack of:


Basic imagery training involves training in:

controllability and vividness

Gardner and Moore (2004) argued that high performance in sport does not require:

controlling or eliminating thoughts

In the attention control reading, Nideffer does not describe the components of "choking" as:

decrease in muscular tension

Which of the following might be considered the "common cold" of mental health disorders?


Most sports psychology consultants believe the best time to implement a psychological skills training program for a team is:

during the off season or preseason

A positive psychological experience in contrast to burnout is known as:


"No pain, no gain" is a useful belief for athletes to employ in the rehabilitation process.


According to research with the CBAS, coach likeability was very dependent on won/loss record.


According to the grief stage model, athletes' first reaction to injury is typically depression.


According to the stress-injury model, personality variables can influence injury risk but only by moderating the effects of stressors.


Although it has been shown in research that imagery can aid in skill acquisition, there has been no evidence to support that imagery can help athletes become mentally ready for competition (attention, arousal and confidence).


An athlete who is facing a rough competitive situation and who experiences mild to moderate anxiety, fear, and negative self-talk is likely to need a referral to a licensed psychologist.


Burnout occurs when an athlete is highly motivated to continue playing sport.


Choking can usually be prevented without providing some external intervention.


Confidence is static. Most high-performing athletes do not enter a perpetual cycle of feeling confident then needing to rebuild or regain their confidence.


Even though confidentiality is important, the therapist should still report what happened in each session to the coach of the athlete.


Every athlete should be required to use a pre-competition or competition readying procedure.


Exercise can improve mental health and functioning but has very little impact on the aging process and resulting cognitive decline.


It is not important for athletes to foreclose their athletic identity in order to transition successfully out of or away from sport.


Ivarsson and colleagues (2017) meta- and path-analyses found that stress with negative events and stress responsivity were of little significance in understanding injury occurrence.


Mindfulness is a synonym for mindlessness or a state in which someone automatically responds to their environment without conscious thought.


Mindfulness-based strategies are often considered the second-wave of behavioral and cognitive therapies as they actually pre-date more commonly applied techniques associated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).


Once the athlete has successfully used his/her new mental skill, he/she can usually end mental skills training until the next season.


Overtraining is synonymous with burnout.


Performance enhancement may be of limited value if the athlete's life is a jumble of serious confusion or conflict.


Sport and exercise professionals are less likely than the general public to be biased and hold negative stereotypes about overweight and obese people.


Sport media coverage of girls and women highlights their physical skills and accomplishments.


Support exists for stage or grief models as an explanation of athletes' responses to injury.


Telling someone not to choke usually prevents the occurrence of choking.


The CET philosophy of winning focuses on maximizing young athlete's performance in competition.


The goal of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is to identify and dispute irrational beliefs and then replace them with facilitative, flexible, and adaptive beliefs.


The idea of a normative transition in sport and non-sport contexts does not exist.


Unlike personality traits, mood states do not influence injury risk.


Using an internal imagery perspective is more useful than an external perspective for novice performers.


Won-loss records accounted for more variance in player attitudes toward the coach than did differences in coaching behaviors.


When injured athletes feel worthless it is sometimes because coaches believe the best way to foster a rapid recovery from injury is to make injured athletes:

feel unimportant

A skill that teaches performers to hold their attention on a predetermined task, and if their attention wanders, to gently bring their attention back is known as:

focus training

John identifies himself as a football player and a football player exclusively. It is likely John has identity issues and has ______ his identity.


As arousal moves out of the moderate range, performers are more likely to:

go to their dominant attentional focus/style

Which of the following would not be considered part of mindfulness?

going through the motions or automatically responding to environmental factors

You are ______ within a performance situation when your body weight is distributed about your center of mass in a way that feels comfortable.


Which of the following does not represent a research finding for coaches who received CET compared to a control group?

had a better won-loss record

When athletes are injured, they tend to focus on:

healing and their return to sport

All of the below are techniques for identifying self-talk EXCEPT for:

identifying your pre-performance routine

All are recommendations for effective and engaging presentations EXCEPT:

if it works, don't fix it

Which of the following statements is(are) TRUE?

imagery can improve performance if done systematically

According to the Andersen and Williams stress and injury model, injuries can be reduced by:

implementing all of these strategies

The main reason for taking anabolic steroids is:

increase strength and power

Mindful athletes have shown which of the following?

increased sense of control and coping skills

What steps should not be taken when engaging in mindful breathing?

initially engage in this type of breathing for 5-10 minutes

According to the theory of planned behavior, doping would be viewed as an outcome of a performer's _____________.


Elite compared to less elite athletes benefit more from switching these two imagery techniques:

internal and external

A person who images playing a musical instrument from the perspective of being inside his own body has a/an:

internal imagery perspective

Emotion charades is a useful strategy for developing:

interpersonal mindfulness

Which of the following is believed to be a mechanism that produces negative self-talk?

irrational beliefs

The work of Albert Ellis, suggests that:

irrational thoughts should be changed to rational/productive thoughts

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that athletes take creatine?

it enhances performance in endurance sports

Which statement is untrue regarding simulated performance conditions?

it includes visualization techniques

What is not true regarding the cultural praxis of athletes' careers?

it is based on the holistic lifespan perspective

Which of the following is not an example of a behavioral strategy?

keep interactions sport specific and provide personal space

Which of the following is not a problem a sport psychology consultant faces?

knowing the sport too well

What is one of the disadvantages of sport psychology consultants conducting mental training programs with teams?

lack of day to day availability

A good strategy for setting the stage for implementing a successful sport psychology workshop on coach training would be:

let participants know that their sharing of input is very valuable

Diuretics Narcotic analgesics Blood doping Creatine Beta blockers

lose weight lessen pain from inflammation enhance endurance performance improve performance in repetitive, high-intensity, short-term tasks increase steadiness and thus accuracy

Which of the following, if any, is NOT a side effect of anabolic steroids?

loss of appetite

In 2016, which of the following drugs was added to the list of banned substances by WADA due to its cardio-protective effects and its ability to carry increased oxygen to muscle tissue?


A performer's imagery abilities can be strengthened through a basic training imagery program that uses exercises to develop each of the following except for:

mental blueprints

What does the MAC program acronym consist of?


Which of the following is not a mindfulness-based program specifically designed for use in sport?

mindfulness-based stress reduction

Coaches evaluated _________ how frequently they used the CBAS behaviors when interacting with their athletes.

mostly inaccurately

What is the appropriate attentional focus as I begin imaging my executing a handstand a few moments before I actually do the handstand?

narrow internal

Athletes who are continuously in rehab or who have problems making it to rehab are often the athletes who have:

negative attitudes or poor mood states

Which of the following professionals would be useful to have in a consultant's professional network?

networks should include all of these professionals

According to the text, "choking" should be defined as:

none of these answers are definitions of choking

When discussing performance enhancing drugs with athletes, coaches should avoid:

none of these responses is accurate

Performance decrements and exhaustion that fail to improve even when rest or reduced training is practiced is known as:

overtraining syndrome

The self-enhancement model of self-esteem proposed that:

people who are low in self-esteem are particularly responsive to variations in supportiveness from others

Which of the below, if any, are NOT an example of an irrational belief?


The probable reason that 37 runners broke the four-minute mile barrier within one year after Roger Bannister originally did was their:

positive expectation, i.e., belief that it could be done

As Rebecca prepares for her swim meet, she focuses on what she wants to do while swimming. Rebecca is most focused on what?

process cues

The most widely used strategy for preventing drug abuse is:

providing education

After reviewing 35 empirical studies, Fletcher and Brown (2017) found:

psychosocial interventions produced the largest, positive effects on performance

When an athlete perceives an imbalance between sport demands and their ability to meet those demands this athlete would be experiencing:

psychosocial stress

Which of the following is NOT one of the five stages of grief reaction?


Coach responses to immediately preceding athlete or team behaviors are called:

reactive behaviors

Which of the following is not a use of imagery?

reduce the amount of physical practice time

All are examples of irrational/distorted thinking EXCEPT for:


Which of the following is NOT a way to assess self-talk?


What are two internal dimensions of attention coined by Nideffer?

rehearse and analyze

A social connection to others reflected by feelings of acceptance and belonging is known as:


Blood doping is:

removing and freezing a litre of blood and injecting it in before a competition

Which of the following is NOT one of the groups of stimulants?

respiratory inhibitors

Eric Lindros is an example of an injured athlete who:

returned from injury prematurely

John uses steroids and is unable to control his aggression towards his friends. He is most likely suffering from:

roid rage

The cognitive variable with the most support as a determinant for an active lifestyle is _____.


Which of the following is least applicable to the whole person philosophy applied to injured athletes?

separate from the team to allow them to focus on their rehabilitation program

Which of the following, if any, is not a factor for an athlete's predisposition to injury?

significant decrease in performance

Who should be conducting psychological skills training programs?

sport psychologist or certified mental performance consultant

Hallucinogens are included in which banned drug group?


Which activity is best paired with the most effective attentional focus?

student deciding the best answer to an essay question: broad-internal

When there is not adequate time or commitment for a comprehensive training program, consultants should avoid:

superficially work on all skills needed

Those who suffer from ____ are more likely to believe they are invincible to the harmful effects of an ergogenic aid.

superman complex

Good coaches and sport psychology consultants:

teach and lead by example

Sport opportunities are influenced by all of the following, except:

teen pregnancy

According to the Physical Activity Self-Definition model, which of the following statements is not true?

the model was only tested in a few modes of exercise, specifically running and cycling so, therefore, may not be generalizable to people who are active through other forms of movement

The most important determinate of the effects of youth sport participation lie in:

the relationship between coach and athlete

A goal of developing and conducting educational programs designed to positively affect coaching behaviors is to ensure that:

there is an increased likelihood that youngsters will have a more positive sport experience

With regards to exercise, mindful movers were more likely to do which of the following?

these answers are accurate

Using a trigger word or image to stop negative self-statements is called:

thought stoppage

Which of the following practices emphasizes active attempts to control inner experiences (e.g., thoughts, feelings, body sensations)?

traditional mental skills training

An example of an attentional trigger is to say "read" after discovering that you have been daydreaming while studying your textbook.


Being able to image emotions is helpful for treating performance anxiety.


By changing our internal self-statements we can change our emotional responses.


Cognitive appraisal models have proven useful in understanding athletes' reactions to injuries.


Cognitive restructuring is one of the best techniques for modifying irrational and/or distorted thinking.


Cognitive self-talk becomes shorter, less frequent, and shifts from a focus on mechanics to strategies and optimal feelings as skills become more automatic and mastered.


Cultivating an honest self-awareness is one of the prerequisites for gaining confidence.


Even 10-minute bouts of exercise can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety.


Exercise is associated with reduced state anxiety.


Imaging incorrect performance can lead to poorer actual performance than had someone not imaged at all.


In the CET intervention replication study, one of the four major results was that athletes of the trained coaches had lower levels of performance anxiety than the control group.


Increasing social support from friends and family can decrease the risk of injury for athletes who have high life event stress.


Individuals trained in sport psychology, depending upon the program offering their degree, have received different emphases on performance enhancement and skills related to counseling/psychotherapy.


It is neither useful nor possible to treat everyone exactly the same because cultural identities matter.


Kamphoff's (2010) work suggests that women collegiate coaches experience marginalization, devaluation, and pressure to act in a heterosexual manner.


Mental health benefits are most profound when people engage in 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and two days of strength training per week.


Mental toughness is an unshakable belief in your ability to achieve your goals.


Mentally practicing a performance skill influences performance somewhat better than no practice at all.


Mindfulness-based approaches offer an alternative to traditional mental skills training.


One appropriate time to practice imagery is as a post-performance review.


Overtraining syndrome can take months to years to recover from.


People who develop a physical activity identity are more likely to be physically active and commit to exercising.


Process cues are related to what one does when performing as opposed to the outcome.


Researchers have shown that it is possible to reduce sports injuries through psychological skills training.


Risk-taking significantly predicts both time lost and severity of overuse injuries in boys but not in girls.


Self-determination theory has been widely used to understand motivation and athlete burnout.


Self-regulation theory suggests that one way in which people form a representation of their injury on the basis of general information available about the injury may explain the reaction of the injured athlete.


Some athletes may not follow their sport psychology consultant's advice to see assistance from other professional on a 'main campus' because they don't feel it is helpful to athletes.


Striving for victory is one of the motivational underpinnings of CET training.


Student athletes often start drinking earlier as well as engage in alcohol-related risk behaviors earlier that their non-student athlete peers.


Success of a career transition intervention is heavily dependent on developing and maintaining a trusting consultant-client relationship.


Supervision is a good place in which to discuss and practice referral processes.


The CBAS assesses 12 categories of coaching behaviors.


The degree of perceived control that athletes have with respect to the end of their career can impact how they respond to career transition.


The demands of the sport need to be carefully analyzed and considered when devising a mental skills training program.


The quality of career transition will be determined by a variety of psychological, social, and environmental factors.


The rate of male athletes with eating disorders is increasing faster than the current rate of increase for female athletes.


Tracy (2003) found that at the onset of injury, the type and severity of injury did not matter as much as the injury itself.


Various types of activity can improve elements associated with quality of life.


Which of the following is accurate regarding the ways in which imagery could negatively affect performance?

using imagery to suppress or avoid thinking about performances or tasks makes it more likely these debilitative images will negatively impact performance

Athletes who incorporate all the senses into their image are going to score high on what aspect of imagery?


Which of the following is LEAST likely to enhance performance by improving an individual's self talk?

watching film clips of past performance

An operational definition for "choking":

when an athlete's performance seems to be progressively deteriorating

Which of the following statements is not true?

when trying to decrease depression, we know the optimal dose-response for exercise prescription

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