Psychology 200 Kim Tucker

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Myelin sheath

A fatty white substance that surrounds the axon of some nerve cells forming an insulating layer.


A neuron relays its message to another neuron across a junction is called a synapse.

Define psychology

A scientific study of behavioral and mental process

Describe attitude

A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something typically one that is reflected in a persons behavior

Define hypothesis?

A statement about behavior or mental processes that is testable through research.

What are the causes of Down syndrome?

An extra chromosome.

What's the focus of biological psychologists?


What does a cat scan show?

Brain activity in soft tissues or blood vessels

Define structuralism

Breaking conscious experience down into objective sensations such as sight or taste and subjective feelings, such as emotional responses and mental images such as memories or dreams.

Which psychologist are neoanalysts?

Contemporary psychologist

Define cretinism

Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormone

What are issues related to people that are left handed?

Desks, pencils, scissors, etc.

Evolutionary psychologists

Doing what comes naturally is what they study. Studies the ways in which adaption and natural selection are connected with mental process.

Define attitude

Enduring behavioral and cognitive tendencies that are expressed by evaluating particular people places or things.

What do health psychologist do?

Focuses on a patients mental health and emotional reaction to an illness or recovery from illness.

What is William James known for?


Define Instinct

Happens naturally, does not have to be learned

What was Stanley Milgrams experiment?

He sent an electrical charge through a flask of a chemical solution of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water. This created organic compounds including amino acids.

Difference between industrial & organizational pychology?

Industrial psychology is concerned with people at work. organizational psychologists work for businesses, consulting firms, government departments, and colleges and universities.

What is the humanistic existential perspective?

It emphasizes the role of personal experience.

What's the humanism perspective?

It's cognitive in flavor, yet it emphasizes the role of subjective experience.

What's the concept that B. F. Skinner proposed?

Operant conditioning

What psychologist follow Freud'a theories?



Psychologists conduct these to learn about behavior and metal processes that cannot be observed in the natural setting or studied experimentally

Pure research

Research just for the interest or fun of it.

Applied research

Research used for certain purposes or specific things.

What is the biological perspective?

Seeking the relationships between the brain, hormones, heredity, and evolution.

Define altruism

Selfless concern for the welfare of others.

Social cultural perspective

Sociocultural perspective refers to a point of view that is built upon the idea that society and culture are major factors influencing personal development.

What is an instinct

Something that happened naturally.

What are glial cells?

Surround the neurons and provide support and insulation between them.

Actor observant effect

The combination of the tendency to attribute other people's behavior to dispositional factors and our own behavior to situational influences.

How does epilepsy affect the corpus callosum?

The corpus callosum is a band of nerve fibers located deep in the brain that connects the two halves (hemispheres) of the brain. It helps the hemispheres share information, but it also contributes to the spread of seizure impulses from one side of the brain to the other.

What is the A-B problem?

The issue of how well we can predict behavior on the basis of attitude.

What's phenotype?

The manner in which your genetic code manifests itself because of your experiences and environmental circumstances.


The school of psychology that focuses on learning observable behavior

Industrial psychology

The scientific study of humans in the workplace

What do structuralist believe?

They believe that the mind functions by combining objective and subjective elements of experience.

Define polygenic

Traits such as sociability and aggressiveness. Influenced by combination of genes

What is dopamine used for?

Treating shock or low blood pressure due to trauma or etc.

Define Critical thinking

When you are skeptical, you insist on evidence, and examine terms and examine situation.

What does a personality psychologist study?

Why peoples personalities are the way they are.

Who founded structuralism?

Willhelm Wundt

Define naturalistic observation?

You observe people in their natural habitats everyday.

What is a persons genotype?

Your genetic code provides this. It is determined by the sequencing of the chemicals in your DNA.

Define amygdala

a section of the brain that is responsible for detecting fear and preparing for emergency events

What's the social cognitive learning theory?

people learn behaviors through their interactions and observations of others, as well as their direct experience.

Define pons

the part of the brainstem that links the medulla oblongata and the thalamus.

All or none principle for neurons?

the principle that the strength by which a nerve or muscle fiber responds to a stimulus is independent of the strength of the stimulus.

Define population

the total group of individuals from which the sample might be drawn.

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