Psychology (4,5,6,7)

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research shows that we are virtually paralyzed in REM sleep

"Manny got out of bed and began doing calisthenics during REM sleep, probably b/c he was dreaming about boot camp." What is WRONG with this statement?

sometimes people will do things under hypnosis that they would normally consider unacceptable

A hypnotist is putting on a demonstration, and your friend Benjamin is thinking about volunteering. However, he is a little nervous b/c he is afraid he might do things while he is hypnotized that he would normally not do. Based on research into the effects of hypnosis, you should tell Benjamin

a semantic code

A memory code that emphasizes the meaning of verbal input is called

developed a physical dependence for amphetamine

Aaron has been talking a mild amphetamine for the past for months to help him cope with being a full-time student while holding down a full-time job. Now that his classes have ended, he wants to stop taking the amphetamine, but each time he tries to skip the medication, he starts sweating and twitching. It appears that Aaron has

are followed by favorable consequences

According to Skinner, the fundamental principle of operant conditioning is that organisms tend to repeat those response that

visual imagery

Erin is studying for her anatomy exam. While she is studying, she tried to create as many pictures as she can to illustrate key ideas. In this case, Erin is using

an organism engages in a response that brings aversive stimulation to an end

Escape learning is a type of learning in which


Focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events defines

semantic memory

General knowledge that is NOT tied to the time when the info was learned is contained in

has apparently made a source-monitoring error

Gregory is telling Molly a joke when she suddenly stops him and tells him that she told him that same joke last week. In this example, Gregory

wish fulfillment

If a college student who is struggling to keep from flunking out of school dreams of winning the "student of the year award," this dram would be MOST consistent with which theory of dreaming?

stimulus discrimination

If a dog salivates to a blue light and not to a yellow light, the dog is showing evidence of

the firming up of the learning that took place during that day

One possible explanation for why humans need REM and slow-wave sleep focuses on the possibility that they contribute to


Pat takes a prescription medication in order to reduce pain; Kelly takes the same medication in order to experience a "drug high." Pat's behavior is reinforced by ________ reinforcement and Kelly's behavior by _________ reinforcement

has developed a drug tolerance for caffeine

Seymour used to get quite a "buzz" from his first cup of coffee on the morning. Now he finds that he doesn't start to feel alert until third cup. This suggests that Seymour

a variable-ratio schedule

Shaquille is a professional basketball player. He never knows for sure which of his shots will result in a basket, but the more shots he takes, the more backers he makes. In this example, Shaquille's shooting is being reinforced on


Shayla is able to retain the vocabulary she learned in her first semester Spanish class after the class has ended. The main memory process that accounts for the fact that Shayla can hold information in her memory for extended periods of time is


The 24-hour biological cycles found in humans and many other species are known as _______ rhythms

executive control system

The ______ component of working memory controls the allocation of attention

a selective awareness of external stimuli

The example of new parent who sleeps through a loud thunderstorm, but wakes up the minute his newborn infant begins to cry is used to illustrate that during sleep, there is

operant conditioning

The type of learning in which voluntary responses come to be controlled by their consequences is

exposure to light

What appears to be responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm?

a brief increase in the frequency with which the behavior is performed, followed by the weakening and eventual disappearance of the behavior

When reinforcement for a behavior is removed, the consequence will be


When you listen to a lecture, the info is held in ______ memory until you write it in your notes

the suprachiasmstic nucleus signals the pineal gland, which in turn secretes the hormone melatonin

Which of the following appears to be the sequence of events associated with resetting one's biological clock?

total loss of personal control

Which of the following is NOT a common effect of hypnosis

dual-coding theory

Which theory suggests that memory is enhanced by forming both semantic and visual codes?

sensation; perception

While _______ involves the stimulation of sense organs, _______ involves the selection, organization, and interpretation of sensory input


While out trick-or-treating for Halloween, at first, Billy's neighbors had to remind him to say "trick or treat" before they dropped their treats into his bag. As he continued to visit houses in the neighborhood, soon Billy would say "Trick or treat" as soon as the neighbors answered the door. The treats he received were the ______ for his saying "Trick or treat."

experience REM rebound and spend more time in REM sleep on subsequent nights

While serving as a subject at a sleep clinic, Erica is deprived of dreaming for several nights. As a result, she is likely to

NREM sleep, and her movements are random

You are observing your friend Melissa while she is sleeping. She is tossing and turing. It is MOST likely that Melissa is currently in

a variable-interval schedule

You are watching a rat pressing a lever in a Skinner box to obtain food pellets. The rat is pressing the lever at a slow, steady rate, but it does not stop, even when food pellets is delivered. In this example, the reinforcement schedule that is in place is MOST likely


A relatively durable change in behavior or knowledge that is due to experience is defined as

fixed ratio

A salesperson earns a bonus for every three items of clothing she sells. The bonus is given on which type of reinforcement schedule?

when hypnotized, subjects are able to convince themselves that they cannot be held responsible for their actions

A stage hypnotist is sometimes successful in getting people to disrobe in public. What is the BEST explanation for this phenomenon?

classical conditioning

A type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus is known as

an amphetamine

Adam has just consumed a substance that provides him with increased alertness and energy, along with reduced fatigue. However, it also makes him more talkative, increases his blood pressure, reduces his appetite, and makes him restless. Adam has likely ingested

proactive interference

Allen was recently traded to a new basketball team, and he is having a hard time remembering all the new plays b/c he keeps using the plays from his former team. Allen's problems illustrate the effects of


Angela came home after curfew lastnight; as a result, her parents have taken away her driving privileges for a week. What discipline techniques are Angela's parents using?


Anne has noticed that for the past three weeks, she is unable to sleep for more than five hours at a time, even though she used to regularly get eight hours of sleep per night. She wakes early in the morning and just can't fall back to sleep once this happens. It appears that Anne has developed


Cassie asked her father for a candy bar at the grocery store, and her father bought her the candy bar. If Cassie asks for more candy bars on the future, the candy bar has acted as a

a sedative

Charles is taking a prescription drug to reduce the anxiety he has been feeling since he lost his job. He finds that when he takes the drug, he experiences short-term lethargy and impaired coordination. It is likely that Charles' physician has prescribed

psychoactive drugs

Chemical substance that modify mental, emotional, or behavioral functioning are referred to

the serial-position effect

Children often have difficulty remembering the letters in the middle of the alphabet b/c of

secondary reinforcer

Chimps are trained to perform a variety of tasks to get coins. The coins could then be traded in for banana chips that could be eaten. The coins served as a

distributed practice

Corbin is convinced that he remembers the material from his text much better when he studies for 3 hours straight through on the night before the exam, rather than when he studies for 30 minutes each night on 6 consecutive nights. Corbin's experience is NOT consistent with memory research that has documented the effectiveness of

an unconditioned response

Darrel was dancing with his new girlfriend at an Elvis tribute. When the band started playing, "Can't Help Falling in Love with You," his girlfriend gave him a long, passionate kiss, which Darrel found very enjoyable. Now Darrel finds that every time he hears "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" on the radio, he becomes mildly excited. In this example, the long, passionate kiss is

wish-fulfillment theory of dreams

Denise is unemployed. Over the past three years, she has been fired from 10 different positions. If you interpreted Denise's dream of being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company as an attempt for Denise to fulfill U gratified needs from her waking life, you would be subscribing to the

operant conditioning

Dillon is four years old, and his parents want to teach him to say "Please" and "Thank you." They will be most successful in altering Dillon's behavior if they use

an endless flow of ideas that constantly shifts and changes

If you could tape-record your thoughts, you would find

problem-solving theory of dreams

If you interpreted Peter's dream of arguing with a larger-than-life faceless authority figure as an attempt on his part to decide which approach to take in convincing his father of the merits of his future plans, you would be subscribing to the

unconditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, the stimulus that naturally evokes an unlearned response is the

psychological dependence

Judy feels that she needs her can of Diet Coke every morning to wake her up and satisfy her cravings. She doubts that she could ever give up drinking Diet Coke. Judy is demonstrating

an intermittent reinforcement schedule

Katrina is trying to put a dollar bill into a vending machine in her office. Sometimes the machine will take a dollar bill on the first try, other times it can take up to five or six tries before the dollar bill is finally accepted. In this example, inserting a dollar bill into the vending machine is reinforced on

showed spontaneous recovery

Last year, Becky went to a psychologist and was cured of her dog phobia. Today, however, while jogging in the park, she was overcome with anxiety when she saw a young man jogging toward her with his golden retriever on a leash. Apparently, Becky's dog phobia

classical conditioning

Lyn is afraid of all spiders b/c her brother once dropped a spider down her shirt when she was younger. Today, even the sight of rubber spider is enough to send shivers down her spine. The learning process that could best account for Lyn's fear of spiders is

ineffective encoding

Martin can't remember who invented flush toilets b/c he was flirting with a classmate when his history professor described this momentous event. His forgetting appears to be due to

fixed-interval schedules

Mary takes a course in which she is tested every two weeks. Her studying falls right after a test, followed by a gradual increase to a rapid rate of studying as the next test approaches. Her studying confirms to the typical pattern of responding maintained on

an efficient study strategy, b/c examples should help her to recall key ideas

Naomi is studying for her law exam. While she is studying, she is trying to think of as many examples as she can to illustrate key ideas. In this case, Naomi is using


Norm is studying for his law exam. While he is studying, he is trying to think of as many examples as he can to illustrate key ideas. In this case, Norm is using

neurotransmitter activity in the brain

Psychoactive drugs work primarily by altering

sadie's table clearing will be more resistant to extinction than raul's

Raul's parents make certain they thank Raul every time he clears the dishes from the table without being asked. Sadie's parents try to remember to thank Sadie every time she clears the table w/o being asked, but about half the time, they forget. Based on principles of operant conditioning, you should predict that

prospective memory

Remembering to perform actions in the future involves

more apt; less

Research has shown that people who work on a rotating shift schedule are ________ to have accidents and be _______ productive than people who do not work on a rotating shift schedule

a person loses memories of events that occurred prior to a head injury

Retrograde amnesia is a type of organic amnesia in which


The memory improvement strategies of elaboration, using visual imagery, and engaging in deeper processing all involve which memory process?

maintaining information in memory over time

The memory process of storage involves

a fixed-interval schedule

The newest winning numbers in the state lottery are announced on the local television station every Saturday night, at the end of the news hour. People who are watching for the lottery numbers will have their "watching" reinforced on

it is a deep sleep, the brain-wave pattern resembles the pattern of an alert and awake individual

The paradox of concerning REM sleep is while

source monitoring

The process of making attributions about the origins of memories is referred to as

to select previously learned information from an array of options

The recognition measure of retention requires an individual


The shallowest level of processing of verbal information is ________ encoding

a variable-ratio schedule

You are watching a rat pressing a lever in a Skinner box to obtain food pellets. The rat is pressing the lever at a very high rate and does not stop, even when food pellets is delivered. In this example, the reinforcement schedule that is in place is MOST likely

the sound of his voice is an inappropriate retrieval cue

You meet a man at a party and carefully store his name along with an image of his face. The next day, he calls you on the phone, but you can't remember his name. According to the encoding specificity principle, this b/c

retroactive interference

You move to a new house and memorize your new phone number. Now, you can't remember your old phone number. This an example of

nondeclarative memory

Your memory of how to do something, such as how to shoot a free throw in basketball, is contained in your

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