Psychology chapter 14 review

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They recognize their desire to achieve their full potential

According to Abraham Maslow, what separates humans from the lower animals?


According to B.F. Skinner, socialization is the process of discovering personal freedom and choice

A store of shared human concepts

According to Carl Jung, what is the collective unconscious?


According to humanistic psychology, what is the very core of what we as people are?

The children were less likely to copy the aggressive behavior

According to studies by Albert Bandura, what happened to the children who saw an adult being punished for aggressive behavior?


Carl Jung identified a number of _________________, which he believed were ideas and images of the accumulated human experience

Introversion-extroversion and emotional stability-instability

Hans Eysenck focused on the relationships between what two personality dimensions?

Erik Erikson

Developed eight stages of psychosocial development based on the theory that personality development is a lifelong process


Inward focus-tendency to be imaginative

Albert Bandura

Known for the "Bobo doll" experiments; developed a social cognitive model

Carl Jung

Known for theory involving collective unconscious and archetypes


Process by which people learn and adopt behaviors desirable in their particular culture


Process of adapting to a new or different culture


Psychological structure that represents basic drives such as hunger and demands pleasure through instant gratification


Psychological structure that stands for reason and good sense


Psychologists continue to disagrees about which personality factors are the most basic


Pushes anxiety-causing ideas into unconscious mind

Abraham Maslow

Humanist who focused on self-actualization and created a hierarchy of needs

Carl Rogers

Humanistic psychologist who devised self-theory


Seeing ones's own faults in other people rather than in oneself


Stress-induced return to behavior characteristic of an earlier developmental stage


The efforts of Gordon Allport and other trait theorists to link personality traits to biological factors is one of the greatest successes of the trait approach


The needs for social recognition and accomplishment fall into which level of need?

Sigmund Freud

Used psychoanalysis, dream analysis, and hypnosis to help patients explore their unconscious


Uses self-deception to justify unacceptable behavior


View of oneself as an individual


Watching television and reading books are both forms of observational learning

Yellow bile, black bile, blood, and phlegm

What are the four basic fluids, or humors, that Hippocrates believed were the basis of personality traits?

Id,Ego,and Superego

What are the three basic psychological structures in the mind did Freud identify?

How traits and personality types develop

What do humanistic theories fail to account for?

People see the value of matching individuals to jobs on the basis of personality traits

What is a practical benefit of the work of trait theorists?

Pattern of feelings, motives,and behavior that set people part from one another

What is personality?

Personalities tend to mature

What do the psychologists who helped develop the Five-Factor Model believe about people's personalities?


The _____________ approach teaches that people shape their personalities through free choice and action

False Correct answer: true

A strength of behaviorism is its ability to describe and explain people's thoughts and feelings


Albert Bandura's method of predicting human behavior based on the interaction of personal, behavioral, and environmental factors is called the ______________________ theory


Albert Maslow developed a hierarchy of five basic needs that must be met before a person can begin to address esteem and self-actualization


Behaviorists emphasize the effects of what on behavior?

Karen Horney

Believe that genuine and consistent love could temper the effects of even the most painful childhood

Gordon Allport

Believed that a person's behavior is a product of particular combination of traits


On the whole, the Western outlook on society favors and fosters a sense if Individualism


Outward focus-tendency to be active and self-expressive

Ethnicity and gender

Sociocultural psychology focuses on the roles of what factors in forming personality?


The social cognitive theory holds that personality is shaped and learning is acquired by the interaction of personal factors, behaviors, and environmental factors


The social-learning theory of personality development emphasizes conscious through over unconscious thought


Theorists who focus on the roles of ethnicity, gender, and culture in the formation of personality advocate the ______________ approach

People are free to choose but are responsible for their choices

What does humanistic theory say about freedom of choice?

All people undergo inner struggles between drives and rules

What does the psychoanalytic approach to personality teach?

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