psychology chapter 15

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In Freud's earliest attempts at helping people overcome hysterical ailments such as blindness and paralysis, he utilized ____.


Mrs. Burger decides to take her son Neal to a psychologist because he constantly picks his nose in public. Which of the following would be emphasized in a behavioral assessment of Neal's problem?

The frequency of nose-picking behavior

Valeri is diagnosed with major depression. Her doctor is most likely to prescribe ____ to reduce her depressive symptoms.

a tricyclic antidepressant

Kavi's client is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Which class of psychoactive drugs will she most likely prescribe?

Neuroleptic drugs

Shawntrice has a mental disorder and wants to see a therapist. She wants to make sure to choose the best type of therapy for the most effective treatment. What type of therapy should she choose?

No single type of therapy has been proven to work better than all others.

When medication and talking psychotherapy proves to be ineffective in treating Cameron's depression, doctors choose to use another approach. Cameron most likely ____.

has an electrical current passed through his brain, inducing convulsions

Jim and Pam have been married for four years and have been experiencing troubles for at least a few years. They decide to go to couples therapy to work through their issues. During therapy, they are asked to work together in establishing rules for talking. These rules may include all of the following except ____.

identifying discrepancies between your partner's words and nonverbal actions

​Modern psychoanalysis differs from classical (Freudian) psychoanalysis in that there is now ____.

more attention given to interpersonal relationships and core conflicts

You have discovered that a psychiatric disease is caused by an excess of serotonin neurotransmitter molecules in synapses. What treatment would you recommend for patients with this disease?

serotonin antagonist

​Electroconvulsive shock therapy (EST) has been used for many decades for many different disorders. Today, EST is used sparingly and only under certain conditions, primarily in the treatment of ____.

severe depression

​Shawn is trying to decide what therapist and treatment approach will work best for him. He asks his friend, Gus, who suggests he should consider all of the following except ____.

whether the therapist has undergone assertiveness training

Werner is a traditional psychoanalyst and is treating Betty for problems with anxiety. Werner's techniques for treatment would probably involve ____.

asking Betty to free-associate to parts of a dream

Zelda is a junior high school teacher. When a student acts up, she prefers to modify the student's behavior with the use of extinction. Therefore, Zelda is most likely going to ____.

eliminate reinforcement of the misbehavior

​Raphael is a humanistic psychologist who emphasizes client-centered therapeutic approaches in the tradition of Carl Rogers. His client, Corion, is coming to the first session of therapy. Raphael will try to ____.

establish an internal frame of reference characterized by empathy toward Corion

​Dr. Schwinn, a clinical psychologist, wants to know if behavior desensitization therapy is an effective treatment for a variety of specific phobias. Moreover, she wants to know scientifically that the benefits of the therapy are the result of the treatment itself, rather than the client's own motivations or merely the passage of time. Based on this knowledge, Dr. Schwinn must be an advocate of ____.

evidence based practices

​Which type of treatment is a strong research-supported psychological treatment for specific phobia?

exposure therapy

Carlos is an adolescent who has antisocial tendencies. His father threatens to "beat some sense" into Carlos the way his father beat sense into him. Carlos retorts, "If you think your father is so great, why haven't you spoken to him in five years?" Which therapy format would probably work best in this situation?

family therapy

Studies have shown that the combination of psychotherapy and drugs is ____ effective than either method alone for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Theo believes that he is the mythological Norse god, Thor. He enters the client-centered therapist's office, waves a hammer in a threatening manner, and proclaims, "I am the god of thunder! He who does not bow before me will perish!" The client-centered therapist would most likely respond with which statement?

"You believe that you are quite powerful."

Your best friend has been considering therapy. He is interested in learning to deal with the unconscious conflicts and emotions that might affect his behavior. Which therapist would be most likely to help your friend accomplish this?

April, a psychoanalyst

Which of the following statements concerning drug treatment is true?

Both ethnicity and gender must be taken into account when medicating a person for a disorder.

​Psychoanalysis is still used today but often in more flexible, adaptive ways. Which alternative is not a variation on psychoanalysis?

Client-centered therapy

A client's body language is most likely to be analyzed by a ____ therapist


Iris's therapist points out that she is nervously laughing while telling the story of her friend's recent death. He has her engage in a dialogue with her laughter. Iris's therapist is most likely a ____ therapist.


Which form of technology is currently being utilized for the purpose of conducting group therapy meetings?

The Internet

All treatments for psychological disorders share certain basic features. Which of the following is not one of these features?

The attention to unconscious processes

Which statement best summarizes the research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy?

There are no significant differences in the overall effectiveness of behavior therapy, humanistic therapy, and psychoanalytic therapy.

​Kumar has been seeing a therapist who prescribes lithium for him. Kumar is most likely suffering from ____

bipolar disorder

To help Jenny with her depression, her therapist instructs her to replace her thought, "I must be perfect," with the thought, "I'm a good person and I'm doing the best I can." This technique is most consistent with the assumptions of ____ therapy.

cognitive behavior

"Don't worry about the hidden meanings behind your psychological problems. Just change the way you think and act about them, and you'll get better." This statement best summarizes which therapeutic approach?

cognitive behavioral

Usually when Parker goes into an exam, he thinks, "What a dummy I am, always studying the wrong things." This time, however, Parker tries thinking, "I studied some of the right things, and I will do the best I can." Parker is engaging in ____.

cognitive restructuring

Fay suffers from bipolar disorder. When discussing treatment with her doctor, Fay learns that in most cases of bipolar disorder, ____.

combined treatment is recommended

​Dr. Locheed works for the Head Start program, helping preschoolers whose impoverished backgrounds place them at risk for school failure and delinquency. He hopes that by working with the children when they are young, he will be able to help prevent such negative outcomes. Dr. Locheed's view is consistent with those of ____ psychology.


While it is unrealistic to expect all therapists to be equally effective with clients of all sociocultural backgrounds, diversity training can be an effective way to increase a therapist's ____.

cultural competence

​St. John's wort is an herbal remedy. It appears that its active substance, hypericin, enhances serotonin activity and acts as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). If studies show that St. John's wort is effective in treating disorders, it will most likely be used to combat symptoms of ____.


Dr. Lopata favors the object relations methods of psychotherapy. Dr. Lopata's primary goal is to ____.

develop a stable, supportive, nurturing relationship with clients

​Peter was reading through the classifieds in the newspaper when he came across an advertisement for a position as a community psychologist. According to your text, a community psychologist could be expected to ____

develop suicide prevention programs

As a therapist, Dr. Schwindt often uses operant conditioning techniques in treating her clients. She also shows her clients unconditional positive regard, empathy, and genuineness, and analyzes the transference relationship between herself and each client. Dr. Schwindt's therapeutic approach is best described as ____.


During therapy, Serena's client was talking of how depressed she was when her mother died. Serena made eye contact with her client, nodded her head in an affirming way, and said, "It sounds like this was a real trying time for you. I can tell that you must have been very sad and upset by this event." What technique is Serena using?


​Group therapy is often helpful to a client because it ____.

encourages group members to serve as sources of social support for one another

Ethnic differences in how people tend to respond to psychoactive drugs are largely attributed to

genetic differences in drug metabolism

Electroconvulsive shock therapy (EST) is not usually used when the patient ____.

has schizophrenia

Anna is a neo-Freudian. She believes that personality, as well as the conflicts among the id, ego, and superego, derive from the need for supportive human relationships. She believes that the therapy situation should focus on things that have emotional significance for the client. Anna believes in ____.

object relations therapy

Marsha slumped down into her seat as her therapy session began. Her eyes are red, and it is obvious that she has been crying. When her Gestalt therapist asks her how she is doing, she replies, "Oh, I'm just fine." Marsha's therapist will most likely handle the discrepancy between Marsha's behavior and her response by ____.

pointing out the discrepancy to Marsha and not letting her change the topic until she honestly describes how she feels

The basic assumption underlying biological therapies is that ____.​

psychological problems can have physical causes

A young child is suffering from a life-threatening disorder in which he involuntarily regurgitates all food. When no other therapies work, the child is given electric shock to eliminate his vomiting behavior. The electric shock is a form of ____.


More recent forms of psychoanalysis are categorized as ____. These forms of therapy tend to be less intense than classic psychoanalysis and more appropriate for a broader range of clients.

short-term psychodynamic therapy

Marlon was involved in a terrible car accident and now suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. Marlon's psychiatrist will most likely prescribe ____ to reduce his anxiety.

tranquilizing drugs

​During sessions with her analyst, Sheila began to treat him with tenderness and dependence, much like her relationship with her father. Freud called this phenomenon ____.


In the course of therapy, Dr. Smith takes great care to let her clients feel that they are good people no matter what they say or do. Dr. Smith is demonstrating ____.

unconditional positive regard

Serdar is interested in psychopathology and wants to go to graduate school and get a doctoral degree in psychology. His choice would most likely lead him toward a career as a ____.

​clinical psychologist

Nam has been learning to reduce his test anxiety by using cognitive restructuring. Which thought would be an example of a successful application of his therapy?

​"All I want is to do the best job that I can on this test."

If a client is extremely quiet during a session of client-centered therapy, the therapist would most likely make which statement?

​"You can talk about whatever you'd like, whenever you are ready to do so."

​Which statement regarding the benefits of group therapy is false?

​Participants in group therapy deal with their problems without the aid of therapists

An individual who has the faulty belief that getting into medical school is the only possible way to have a happy, fulfilling life and who without going to medical school has no reason to live would have this faulty belief directly attacked by the therapist in ____ therapy.

​rational-emotive behavior

​Before Dr. Frank Castle may use punishment as a therapeutic means of eliminating a disruptive behavior, he is required by ethical and legal guidelines to ask himself if ____.

​the client's life is in danger without the treatment

Chuck has a fear of teddy bears. Every time he gets near a teddy bear, he has panic attacks. His therapist has a few tiny teddy bears in her office and has shown Chuck how to hold a teddy bear and not become afraid of it. Chuck practices holding a tiny teddy bear at home. What behavioral technique is Chuck's therapist using?


William, Ellen, Marie, and Paul are all depressed and see different therapists with different orientations. William sees a behavioral therapist; Ellen, a psychoanalytic therapist; Marie, a cognitive behavior therapist; and Paul, a humanistic therapist. Based on the current evidence on outcomes of psychotherapeutic approaches, who is most likely to improve in therapy?

Uncertain, because there are no major and consistent differences in superiority of any approach for treating major depressive disorder.

Imagine this conversation between a therapist and her client.

active listening

Mario tells his therapist, "I am so confused about what area I want to major in." His therapist says, "So, you seem to be having trouble deciding what to study." Mario's therapist has used which technique?

active listening

Haldol is a neuroleptic drug that works by blocking the receptors for dopamine. Therefore, Haldol acts as a dopamine ____.


Claudette suffers from generalized anxiety disorder and sees a therapist twice weekly. While her therapy sessions do help relieve some of her anxiety, she still has much difficulty. Which type of psychoactive drug treatment would probably best help Claudette control her anxiety?


Molly is very timid and often taken advantage of by others. She seeks psychotherapy to help her overcome this problem. You recommend that she see a behavioral therapist who will help her learn to be more direct and expressive in social situations. This special form of therapy is sometimes called ____.​

assertiveness training

​Lola works with clients who are overcoming social phobias. She often models appropriate social behaviors and assists clients in learning to express their feelings. Her hope with this kind of ____ is that her clients will feel more comfortable and effective in their daily interactions with others.

assertiveness training

Bob's therapist designs a program to help him quit drinking. Specifically, he induces nausea each time Bob drinks an alcoholic beverage. Bob's therapist is using a behavioral technique known as ____.

aversion conditioning

Vaughn is a client-centered therapist who is seeing his first client. If he wants to convey congruence, Vaughn will need to ____.

be genuine in his interactions with the client

​During their therapy session, it is clear to Dr. Brennan that Seeley has some illogical beliefs. Whenever he sees someone laughing, he's convinced they are laughing at him. He also harbors the notion that everyone dislikes him when they initially meet him. As a follower of Beck's therapy approach, Dr. Brennan plans to help Seeley confront his ___

cognitive distortions

​Trisha is working with teachers to help them identify early signs of child abuse. She feels that if children's problems are detected early, there may be something that can be done to improve the situation or at least keep it from becoming worse. Trisha's approach is that of ____.

community psychology

Which type of treatment is a strong research-supported psychological treatment for borderline personality disorder?

dialectical behavior therapy

Becci is extremely afraid of snakes. Her therapist puts her in a room full of snakes and doesn't allow her to leave for several hours. When Becci leaves the room, she is no longer afraid of snakes. Becci's therapist helped her overcome her snake phobia through the use of ____, which is a technique used by ____ therapists.

flooding; behavioral

When Super Instructor first started teaching, he was terrified of speaking in front of groups. As he began his first lecture, he was so nervous that his voice shook and he felt close to tears. By the end of the lecture, he was calm. His experience is an example of the ____ technique, which is based on ____.

flooding; extinction

The most significant difference between client-centered and Gestalt therapies is that Gestalt therapy ____.

incorporates more direct and dramatic methods

​At the Nova Clinic, a group of therapists specialize in modern forms of psychoanalysis that focus on helping clients overcome problematic effects that occur after childhood, such as conflicts with a spouse or job loss. Therefore, these therapists are practitioners of ____ therapy.


Dr. Middleton is reevaluating his use of drugs and psychotherapy when working with clients suffering from anxiety or depression. If Dr. Middleton wants to take a conservative strategy, he should begin with ____ and then add or switch to ____ if necessary only.

interpersonal psychotherapy; drug treatment

Gretchen has just been diagnosed with depression, and her therapist prescribed Elavil as an antidepressant. Gretchen's therapist is most likely a ____.


A patient says, "I am really angry at my boss." Ara, his therapist, responds, "Focusing on your boss will miss the point. The real cause of your anger can be found in your childhood." Ara is most likely following the ____ approach.


What is a community support service designed to help individuals develop the social and occupational skills necessary for semi-independent living?

psychosocial rehabilitation

Which therapy is developed to treat mental disorders by using procedures that destroy brain tissue?


​You are looking through a selection of magazines at the bookstore, and in search of one that discusses the treatment of psychological disorders through psychological methods, such as talking about problems and exploring new ways of thinking and acting. Knowing this, you would be best to select a magazine with which word in the title?


Men and women tend to respond differently to psychoactive drugs. For example, women are generally more responsive to neuroleptic drugs than men. These gender differences seem to be attributed to ____.

ratio of body fat to muscle

Shemp feels sad because people don't think he is as good a comedian as Moe. In talking to his therapist, Shemp discovers that his belief that everyone should adore him is self-defeating. Therapy that identifies and replaces such thoughts is most likely ____ therapy.

rational-emotive behavior

Lola works with clients who are overcoming social phobias. She often models appropriate social behaviors for shopping or meeting new people at a party. Her hope with this kind of ____ is that her clients will feel more comfortable and effective in their daily interactions with others.

social skills training

​Research on psychotherapy's effectiveness suggests that ____.

some therapies might be better for some individuals than others, but the best way to match therapies to patients isn't known

Pedro is afraid of crossing bridges. A psychologist helps Pedro by first letting him look at bridges and then having him imagine himself standing near a bridge while being in a safe, relaxing environment. Next, the psychologist has Pedro watch a video of a man crossing a bridge in a car and then has him imagine himself crossing that bridge. Eventually, Pedro is able to stay relaxed while he drives over a bridge. This process is called ____.

systematic desensitization therapy

Alice has severe behavioral problems at school, including throwing her books on the floor and spitting on the floor. To reduce these problems, Alice's teacher gives her one plastic chip for each socially appropriate behavior that Alice displays. At the end of the week, Alice can trade in the chips she has earned for a prize. Alice's teacher is using which treatment method?

​A token economy program

A therapist and client are working together to identify the client's false beliefs and cognitive distortions. The therapist and client then plan tasks that will allow them to test the client's thoughts and beliefs. The therapist and client are most likely using ____ therapy.

​Beck's cognitive

​Your therapist is helping you to overcome irrational thoughts you have developed. Specifically, he asks you to complete "homework" to help you challenge your false beliefs. Your therapist likely adheres to the principles of ____ therapy

​Beck's cognitive

Which statement about the cultural influences on the choice of psychotherapy is true?

​Cultural-sensitivity training helps a therapist to set goals that are in harmony with the client's cultural views

Horace's therapist says, "Okay, Horace. In your dream, you saw a wall between you and your children. Talk to that wall, tell that wall how you feel about it." Horace is most likely seeing a ____ therapist.


​You are afraid of tunnels. Your therapist first helps you to deeply relax and then asks you to imagine a distant tunnel. When you can stay relaxed while visualizing this image, the therapist then asks you to imagine nearing the entrance, and finally entering the tunnel. Eventually, when you can remain relaxed while imagining all of this, the therapist takes you through a short tunnel. This list of increasingly fear-provoking situations is known as ____.

​a desensitization hierarchy

Your friend is schizophrenic, and you are glad that she lives in modern times because her psychiatrist treats her schizophrenia with ____, whereas fifty years ago she might have been treated with ____.

​a neuroleptic drug; EST

To help overcome her need for cigarettes, Januari smokes twenty cigarettes quickly. Although she must do this two days in a row, Januari finally associates smoking with nausea and dizziness. Januari has used ____.

​aversion conditioning

Behavior therapy relies mainly on ____ conditioning, while behavior modification relies mainly on ____ conditioning.

​classical; operant

​Dr. Schwartz is a humanistic psychologist. As such, but he is least likely to believe that his ____

​client's behavior is motivated by sexual or aggressive drives

"To combat alcoholism we should educate people and help them find jobs and safe homes. Waiting until people turn to alcohol and then giving them therapy to help them quit is a backward approach, to say the least." The person quoted here is probably a ____ psychologist.


Which factor allows the client to reveal information during therapy without fear that the information will be repeated to anyone else?


Kayla is seeing a new client who has an extremely different set of beliefs than her own. When working with this client, Kayla feels she should be nonjudgmental and trusting, but she is having difficulty acting this way toward this particular client. In this situation, Kayla is therapeutically lacking ____.


In couples therapy, Tom and Geraldine hope to salvage their difficult marriage. Tom and Geraldine should expect all of the following from couples therapy except ____.

​discussing best practices with other couples in the group sessions

Colin usually uses behavior modification and modeling with his patients, but he will occasionally use methods such as dream analysis, nondirective therapy, rational-emotive therapy, and drug therapy. Colin's approach is ____.


​Techniques such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) have been developed as a safer means than ____ at inducing seizures or treating severe depression

​electroconvulsive shock therapy (EST)

Cara's therapist instructs her to relax and state aloud any thoughts, memories, or images that come to mind. Cara's therapist is using a psychoanalytic technique known as ____.

​free association

Phani's therapist asks her to report everything that comes to mind no matter how trivial or bizarre it may seem. Phani's therapist is using ____.

​free association

Dr. Bregel is a behavior therapist. When working with a client, Dr. Bregel seeks to change the client's behavior by ____.

​helping the client develop more adaptive behaviors

Dr. D. Mento tells Marilyn that the source of her problems lies in a blocking of her growth potential. He says he can help her become aware of those blockages if she will take responsibility for her own actions. Mento most likely adheres to which approach to treatment?


Dr. Geiser treats her clients as equals. She feels that this is the first step toward helping the client improve. She claims that by making the client feel accepted and encouraged, the foundation has been laid for the client to improve. Dr. Geiser is most likely a ____ psychologist.


​Therapist: "I trust your judgment regarding continuation of your treatment. I want to help you become aware of your feelings and actions, but I know you can help yourself. I accept and support your decision." Which psychotherapist is most likely to say this?


Alex and Tricia have been married for two years. Recently they felt like they have grown apart. Alex and Tricia plan to attend couples therapy because they know the main goal is to ____.

​improve their communication

Chad is receiving psychotherapy treatment and medication after trying to jump off a bridge. He is likely being treated as a(n) ____.

​inpatient in a hospital

​Which drug is commonly used to treat the symptoms of bipolar disorder?


​William alternates between periods when he is extremely up and periods when he is extremely down. He has been diagnosed as having bipolar I disorder. What drug is commonly used to treat the symptoms of this disorder?


During a study session, your friend looks up from his notes to give you a confused look. "I wrote the word 'reuptake' in my notes but don't remember what it means." You nod calmly, explaining to your friend that reuptake refers to a process in which ____.

​neurotransmitters are transported back into their presynaptic areas

The American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct provides that a therapist and client may ____.

​not become sexually involved during treatment or for at least two years after treatment

​In a controlled experiment, a new treatment for test anxiety has shown to be effective in reducing treated clients' scores on an anxiety test. However, these clients report that they do not notice a difference in their anxiety after treatment. The change is probably ____

​not clinically significant

Magdalena works with teens at the juvenile detention center. She helps the teens practice skills that will help them integrate back into school more effectively. The teens are rewarded when they follow specific rules for appropriate behaviors. This system operates primarily on the use of

​positive reinforcement

Super Nanny is visiting the Niemann household to assist in eliminating little Alex's temper tantrums. She decides to set up rules that specify what behaviors will be strengthened or rewarded. Super Nanny has implemented a behavioral technique known as ____.

​positive reinforcement

Quincy's therapist prescribed Prozac for Quincy's disorder. The therapist is most likely a


Sally goes to Lucy for psychotherapy. In Lucy's office, Sally relaxes and says whatever comes to her mind. She also describes her dreams, and Lucy offers interpretations. Lucy claims that these methods help Sally become more aware of her unconscious mind. Lucy is most likely a ____ psychotherapist


​Jin's therapist is currently helping her to recognize that she is unknowingly controlled by a need to dominate people. According to Jin's therapist, Jin plays practical jokes, arrives late to appointments, and behaves in an aggressive manner because she is defending against her unconscious feelings of inadequacy. Jin's therapist most likely believes in the ____ approach


​Winston has been taking a neuroleptic drug for several years, and he now suffers from an irreversible disorder of the nervous system that involves uncontrollable, repetitive movements of the body and face. Winston probably began taking a neuroleptic drug to treat his ____, but the drug led to the disorder known as

​schizophrenia; tardive dyskinesia

​Ali has a spider phobia. To overcome this phobia, his therapist has him develop a list of least-to-most feared situations involving spiders. Ali engaged in the least-feared situation, looking at spider pictures in a book. Then he moved to looking at a spider from across a room, touching a spider, and finally getting a tarantula as a pet. This method is known as ____, which incorporates ____.

​systematic desensitization therapy; in vivo exposure

Bettina was diagnosed with schizophrenia in the late 1960s and placed on Haldol (haloperidol). Bettina lived a relatively normal life until recently, when she began uncontrollably thrusting out her tongue, grotesquely squinching her face, and flailing her arms and legs. It appears that Bettina has developed ____.

​tardive dyskinesia

A group home for teenage juvenile offenders requires each girl to participate in twice-weekly group sessions with a counselor, to perform a daily chore, and to set monthly goals for herself. The girls earn a specified number of points each day for accomplishing these activities. At the end of each week, the girls are allowed to trade their points for candy, television time, or a day trip into town. This type of setting is called a ____.

​token economy program

All of the following are cognitive distortions identified by Aaron Beck except ____.


​Part of client-centered therapy consists of the therapist treating the client as a valued person, regardless of what the client says or does. Approval is not necessary, but acceptance without judgment is. Which of the following therapist attitudes does this describe?

​unconditional positive regard

​Freud was initially interested in hypnosis as a method of treating hysteria but later rejected it as the preferred method of treatment because it ____.

​was ineffective

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